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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria on Mutual Abolition of Visa Requirements

The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties",

guided by the will to facilitate the free travels of their nationals and desirous to promote the development of the friendly relations between their states, have agreed as follows:

Article 1

1. Citizens of either Contracting Party who hold valid travel documents specified in the Annex to this Agreement shall be free to enter into and stay on the territory of the other Contracting Party without a visa for up to 90 /ninety/ days within a period of six months.

2. Citizens of either Contracting Party shall enter into and depart from the territory of the other Contracting Party through the border check-points open for international passenger traffic.

Article 2

Citizens of either Contracting Party who enter into the territory of the other Contracting Party for a period longer than 90 days within a period of six months or to engage in professional activities or for educational purposes should obtain a visa in advance from the competent authorities of the respective Contracting Party.

Article 3

1. Citizens of either Contracting Party, who are members of the staff of a diplomatic or consular mission, an international organization or a trade mission located on the territory of the other Contracting Party, may enter into, depart from or stay on the territory of the receiving Contracting Party without a visa for the full duration of their accreditation provided they have a document to prove their official status.

2. Citizens of either Contracting Party who are members of family of the persons referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Article and who live with them in the household and who have accreditation of the other Contracting Party, may enter into its territory, stay there during the period of their assignments without a visa and leave it without a separate permission.

Article 4

1. Citizens of either Contracting Party, during their sojourn on the territory of the other Contracting Party, shall observe the laws of the Contracting Party.

2. Citizens of the Contracting Parties who have violated the provisions of this Agreement or the regulations of stay on the territory of any Contracting Party shall be liable under the laws of the respective Contracting Party.

Article 5

Either Contracting Party reserves the right to refuse the entry or to terminate the term of stay on its territory of citizens of the other Contracting Party for reasons of security, public health or public order or in case they do not possess sufficient means to support themselves during their stay.

Article 6

1. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Contracting Parties, upon the signing of this Agreement but not later than 30 /thirty/ days prior to its entry into force, shall exchange, through diplomatic channels, specimens of the valid documents for the purposes of this Agreement as listed in the Annex hereto.

2. In case of any modification of the valid travel documents or introduction of new ones, the Contracting Parties shall exchange, through diplomatic channels, specimens thereof along with all the necessary information bearing upon the use of these documents not later than 30 /thirty/ days prior to the date of their introduction.

Article 7

1.Citizens of either Contracting Party whose travel documents have been lost, stolen or damaged on the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be required to promptly inform the local competent authorities which shall issue a document confirming their application.

2. In cases of Paragraph 1 of this Article the respective diplomatic or consular mission shall issue a new travel document to its citizens by virtue of which they may leave the borders of the receiving Contracting Party pursuant to its legislation.

Article 8

If disputes or disagreements arise in the course of application of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall settle them by negotiations and consultations through diplomatic channels.

Article 9

Any amendment of this Agreement agreed upon by the Contracting Parties shall be effected by exchange of notes.

Article 10

1.Either Contracting Party may temporarily suspend, in whole or in part, this Agreement on the grounds of the protection of State security, public order or public health, by notifying the other Contracting Party in writing. The suspension shall become effective immediately and shall remain in force until further notice.

2. The Contracting Party, which has introduced the measures under Paragraph 1 of this Article, shall duly notify, through diplomatic channels, the other Contracting Party of their revocation.

Article 11

1.This Agreement is made for an indefinite period of time and shall enter into force 30 /thirty/ days after the receipt of the latter of the notes by which the Contracting Parties have informed each other of the completion of all internal legal procedures required for its entry into force.

2.Either Contracting Party may terminate the validity of this Agreement by notifying in writing the other Contracting Party to that effect through diplomatic channels. In this case the Agreement shall become ineffective 30 /thirty/ days after the date of receipt of such a notification

Done at Riga on 5 July, 2002 in two identical copies each of them in the Latvian, Bulgarian and English languages all texts being of equal value. In case of disputes regarding interpretation arises the English text shall prevail.

For the Government

For the Government

of the Republic of Latvia

of the Republic of Bulgaria

Indulis Bērziņš

Solomon Passy

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs



to the Agreement between

the Government of the Republic of Latvia

and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria

on Mutual Abolition of Visa Requirements

Valid travel documents for the purposes of this Agreement shall be as follows:

1. For the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria

a/ ordinary passport

b/ diplomatic passport

c/ service passport

d/ seaman's passport

e/ temporary document for return to the Republic of Bulgaria /passes-laissez/

2. For the citizens of the Republic of Latvia

a/ ordinary passport

b/ diplomatic passport

c/ service passport

d/ temporary document for return to the Republic of Latvia
