Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Hellenic Republic on cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Education and Science
The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Hellenic Republic (hereinafter the Contracting Parties),
Desiring to develop co-operation between the two countries in the fields of culture, education, science, mass media, sports and youth,
Convinced that such co-operation will contribute to better mutual understanding and enhancement of relationship at different levels,
Resolved to respect the principles of the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Paris Charter for a New Europe of 21 November, 1990,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall encourage the development of interest in the cultural heritage and a wider knowledge of the cultural achievements of each other's country.
To this end, the Contracting Parties shall encourage and facilitate, on the basis of mutual benefit, exchanges and co-operation between the two countries in the fields of arts, culture, education, literature and science and provide appropriate opportunities for contacts and joint activities between the organisations, institutions and persons active in these fields.
The contracting Parties shall encourage the competent bodies and institutions of their respective countries to consider activities that may include among others:
1. Exchange of exhibitions and other displays of cultural, educational and documentary nature.
2. Translation and publication of artistic, literary and scientific work produced in the other country.
3. Presentation of plays and musical compositions by authors of the other country.
4. Distribution and screening of feature, documentary and educational films of the other country, as well as the promotion of other mutually beneficial activities in the fields of cinematography, radio and television.
5. Performances of artistic groups and individual artists.
6. Participation in international congresses, conferences, festivals, competitions and other cultural events organised in both countries.
7. Exchange of experts in the fields of archaeology, museums, architecture, literature, folklore, music, painting, sculpture, theatre and other areas of arts.
8. Direct co-operation in the fields of common interest between the institutions of comprehensive, professional and adult education, universities and other institutions of higher education, scientific and research institutes, as well as between cultural organisations.
9. Exchange of books (incl. text-books), periodicals and other documentary material.
10. Co-operation in the organisation of joint research, conferences and symposia.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties shall encourage the exchange of pupils, students of professional education establishments, students of university and other higher educational establishments, post-graduates, scholars, teachers, lecturers, researchers, professors, scientists, as well as other specialists in education.
Article 3
The Contracting Parties shall, within the availability of their means, exchange scholarships for university and post-graduate studies as well as research in institutions of higher education, on the basis of a mutual consent.
Article 4
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate the teaching of the language and culture of the other country.
Article 5
The Contracting Parties shall exchange information and documentation in order to facilitate their competent authorities for the recognition of certificates, attestations, diplomas, degrees and academic titles, according to the legislation valid in either country.
Article 6
The Contracting Parties shall develop co-operation between their public archives and libraries according to the legislation valid in either country.
Article 7
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate co-operation and exchange of information in the field of archaeology between their competent authorities.
Article 8
The Contracting Parties shall encourage and facilitate, on the basis of mutual benefit, exchanges and co-operation, in the fields of theoretical and applied sciences and provide appropriate opportunities for contacts between scientific institutions and organisations, research institutes, universities as well as other institutions of higher education, scholars, researchers and specialists in the two countries; they shall also encourage joint activities in specialised areas and topics of common interest.
In order to develop and expand scientific co-operation, the Contracting Parties, in conformity with the legislation of both countries, shall facilitate, i.e.:
1. Visits, study-trips and consultations of researchers, scientists and other specialists.
2. Joint elaboration and implementation of research programmes and projects and exchange of the results thereof.
3. Organisation of joint courses, conferences and symposia.
4. Exchange of audio visual material of a scientific nature.
5. Organisation of scientific exhibitions and displays.
6. Exchange of scientific literature, documentation and information.
Implementing agency for this purpose on the Latvian side is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology on the Greek side.
A special protocol for the regulation and implementation of the scientific exchanges and the joint research projects will be signed every two years alternatively in the capital of either Contracting Party. Projects incorporated for approval in this Protocol will be jointly submitted and evaluated by both sides before undertaken for implementation.
Financing of the above co-operation will be done jointly on an equitable basis by the two Contracting Parties.
Article 9
The Contracting Parties shall promote their active co-operation within UNESCO and other international organisations in the fields of culture, education and science.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall encourage co-operation between the news agencies and press organisations, of the two countries, as well as exchanges of journalists and press correspondents.
The Contracting Parties shall encourage the participation of representatives in the radio-television area in international competitions, festivals, congresses etc. that could be organised respectively in Latvia and Greece.
The Contracting Parties shall contribute to the expansion of contacts and co-operation between their public radio and television organisations according to the legislation valid in either country.
Article 11
The Contracting Parties shall encourage co-operation in the fields of sport and physical education. They will pursue to establish direct contacts and close co-operation between their respective sports authorities. The contents and details of this co-operation will be decided upon directly between the above mentioned authorities.
The Contracting Parties shall encourage contacts and exchange between the young people, as well as co-operation between youth organisations and specialists dealing with youth problems of the two countries.
Article 12
Contracting Parties shall encourage co-operation in the field of rights of the child between the competent institutions of both countries in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Article 13
Within the terms of the laws and regulations in force in its territory, each Contracting Party shall grant to the other every reasonable facility for the entry, stay and departure of persons, and for the importation of the material and equipment necessary for carrying out the programmes or exchanges which may be established in accordance with this Agreement.
Article 14
For the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall establish a joint Latvian-Greek Committee, which will be composed by representatives of both Contracting Parties and will meet every two years alternatively in Riga and in Athens.
The Committee shall consider matters related to the application of this Agreement. It shall elaborate the details of Programmes of co-operation as well as their financial terms.
Article 15
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date when the Contracting Parties have notified each other that all necessary legal formalities for its entry into force have been completed.
Article 16
This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years. It shall thereafter be automatically renewed for a successive period of five years unless denounced in writing through diplomatic channels by either Contracting Party six months prior to the expiry of its validity. Any of the Contracting Parties may terminate the extended validity period, announcing this intention to the other Party in writing not later than six months prior to the expiry of the validity of the extended period.
Regardless of a termination, the joint programmes or projects elaborated and functioning on the basis of the present Agreement shall be in effect until the originally specified deadline.
Done at Athens, on 17 of March in two original copies in the Latvian, Greek and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation of the present Agreement, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government |
For the Government |
of the Republic of Latvia |
of the Hellenic Republic |
Valdis Birkavs |
Yannos Kranidiotis |
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs |