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Decision No. 1/2001 Of The Joint Committee Of The Free Trade Agreement Between The Republic Of Latvia And The Slovak Republic On Amendments To The Protocol 2 To The Free Trade Agreement Between The Republic Of Latvia And The Slovak Republic


Having regard to the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Latvia, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, signed in Riga on 19 April 1996, and Protocol 2 to this agreement concerning the abolishment of the customs duties and the exchange of agricultural concessions between the Republic of Latvia and the Slovak Republic,


Having in mind provisions of Article 38 of the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Latvia and the Slovak Republic,


Whereas taking into account of changes within Protocol 2, the content of certain items contained in the Annexes to this Protocol;


Whereas the Republic of Latvia and the Slovak Republic wish to further deepen mutually beneficial trade and economic relations;




Article 1

Protocol 2, concerning the abolishment of the customs duties and the exchange of agricultural concessions between the Republic of Latvia and the Slovak Republic is hereby changed and amended by the following Additional Protocol No.1 to Protocol 2 of the Free Trade Agreement on the reciprocal exchange of concessions.

Tariff ra-

CN Code



te within



Cheese and curd

150 t


0713 10 90

Peas (Pisum

sativum) - other

200 t



Other prepared or

preserved meat, meat

offal or blood

100 t

10 %

1806 10

Cocoa powder,

containing added

sugar or other

sweetening matter

1806 31

Other, in blocks,

slabs or bars - filled

200 t


1806 32

Other, in blocks, slabs

or bars - not filled

18 06 90



Pasta, whether or not


cooked or stuffed (with

1902 40

meat or other substances)

or otherwise prepared,

such as spaghetti,

macaroni, noodles,

lasagne, gnocchi,

ravioli, cannelloni,

couscous, whether or

not prepared

200 t


1905 30

Sweet biscuits,

waffles and wafers

100 t



Article 2

This Decision shall be approved in accordance with the internal legal requirements of both Parties, and it shall enter into force on the date of exchange of diplomatic notes.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Decision.

DONE at Riga, this 23 day of July 2001 in two authentic copies in the English language.


For the Republic of Latvia State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy Kaspars Gerhards

For the Slovak Republic State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy Peter Brno

