Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 16
Rīgā 2024. gada 9. janvārī (prot. Nr. 1 26. §)
Izdoti saskaņā
ar Ministru kabineta iekārtas likuma
31. panta pirmās daļas 2. punktu
1. Pasaules Pasta savienības Pasta darbības padomes 2021. gada 24. novembrī pieņemtais Pasaules Pasta konvencijas reglaments un tā Noslēguma protokols (turpmāk - Pasta konvencijas reglaments) ar šiem noteikumiem tiek pieņemts un apstiprināts.
2. Pasta konvencijas reglamentā paredzēto saistību izpildi koordinē Satiksmes ministrija.
3. Līdz ar noteikumiem publicējams Pasta konvencijas reglaments angļu valodā un tā tulkojums latviešu valodā.
4. Atzīt par spēku zaudējušiem Ministru kabineta 2021. gada 4. marta noteikumus Nr. 148 "Par Pasta konvencijas reglamentu" (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2021, 48. nr.).
Ministru prezidente E. Siliņa
Satiksmes ministrs K. Briškens
Regulations to the Convention
Table of contents
Volume I
Rules in common
Section I
Common rules applicable to the international postal service
1 Definitions
01-001 Definitions
2 Designation of the entity or entities responsible for fulfilling the obligations arising from adherence to the Convention
02-001 Mandatory notification of operational information
3 Universal postal service
4 Freedom of transit
04-001 Application of freedom of transit
04-02 Failure to give freedom of transit
5 Ownership of postal items. Withdrawal from the post. Alteration or correction of address and/ or name of the addressee (name of the legal person, or family name, given name or patronymic (if any)). Redirection. Return to sender of undeliverable items
6 Postage stamps
06-001 Prepayment. Methods of denoting prepayment
06-002 Postage stamps. Notification of issues and exchange between designated operators
06-003 Characteristics of postage stamps and postal prepayment or franking impressions
06-004 Suspected fraudulent use of postage stamps or postal prepayment or franking impressions
06-005 Application of the date-stamp
06-006 Unpaid or underpaid items
06-007 Prepayment and stamping of items posted on board ship
7 Sustainable development
07-001 Environmental aspects
8 Postal security
08-001 Postal security
08-002 Implementing provisions for providing electronic advance data
08-003 Consignment security declaration
13 Use of UPU forms
13-001 International mail processing centres (IMPCs)
13-002 Forms
13-003 Forms for the use of the public
Section II
Quality of service standards and targets
14 Quality of service standards and targets
14-001 Quality of service targets
Section III
Charges, surcharges and exemption from postal charges
15 Charges
16 Exemption from postal charges
16-001 Exemption from postal charges on postal service items
16-002 Marking of items sent free of postal charges
16-003 Application of exemption from postal charges to bodies concerned with prisoners of war and civilian internees
Section IV
Basic and supplementary services
17 Basic services
17-001 Monetary unit
17-002 Equivalents
17-003 Information to be supplied by designated operators
17-004 International Bureau publications
17-005 Period of retention of documents
17-006 Application of standards
17-007 Direct transhipment of postal consignments
17-008 Steps to be taken in the event of interrupted transport route, or of diversion or missending of postal receptacles
18 Supplementary services
18-001 Insured items
18-002 Cash-on-delivery items
18-003 Advice of delivery for letter-post items and parcels
18-004 Items for delivery free of charges and fees
18-005 Consignment service
Section V
Prohibitions and customs matters
19 Items not admitted. Prohibitions
19-001 Dangerous goods admitted exceptionally
19-002 Controlling the introduction of dangerous goods
19-003 Admissible radioactive materials, infectious substances, and lithium cells and lithium batteries
19-004 Conditions of acceptance and marking of items containing exempt patient specimens (human or animal)
19-005 Conditions of acceptance and marking of items containing infectious substances
19-006 Conditions of acceptance and marking of items containing radioactive materials
19-007 Conditions of acceptance of letter-post items and parcels containing lithium cells and batteries installed in equipment
19-008 Dangerous goods prohibited from insertion in letter-post items and parcels
19-009 Exceptions to prohibitions in parcels
20 Customs control. Customs duty and other fees
20-001 Items subject to customs control
20-002 Presentation-to-Customs charge
20-003 Cancellation of customs duty and other fees
Section VI
21 Inquiries
21-001 Inquiries. General principles
21-002 Inquiries when using a CN 08 form
21-003 Inquiries when using IBIS
22 Liability of designated operators. Indemnities
22-001 Application of the liability of designated operators
23 Non-liability of member countries and designated operators
23-001 Delivery of a rifled or damaged registered or insured item or parcel
24 Sender's liability
24-001 Establishment of sender's liability
25 Payment of indemnity
25-001 Payment of indemnity
25-002 Period for payment of indemnity
25-003 Automatic payment of indemnity
25-004 Determination of liability between designated operators
25-005 Procedures for determining the liability of designated operators
26 Possible recovery of the indemnity from the sender or the addressee
26-001 Recovery from air carriers of indemnities paid
26-002 Reimbursement of the indemnity to the paying designated operator
26-003 Settlement of indemnities between designated operators
26-004 Accounting for amounts due in respect of indemnity
Section VII
35 Provisions specific to the settlement of accounts and payments for international postal exchanges
35-001 Transfer and acceptance of statements and accounts
35-002 Settlement of accounts: general rules
35-003 Payment of accounts through the UPU clearing system
35-004 Payment of accounts not settled through the UPU clearing system
35-005 Payment of debts expressed in SDRs. General provisions
35-006 Letter mail: preparation, transmission and acceptance of sampling statements
35-007 Letter mail: preparation, transmission and acceptance of CN 55, CN 56 and CN 69 statements
35-008 Letter mail: accounting for non-sampled flows received
35-009 Letter mail: accounting for bulk mail
35-010 Letter mail: accounting for direct access mail
35-011 Letter mail: preparation, transmission and acceptance of transit charges and terminal dues detailed accounts
35-012 Letter mail: provisional payments of terminal dues
35-013 Letter mail: preparation of final accounts
35-014 Parcel mail: preparation of accounts
Section VIII
Optional services
37 EMS and integrated logistics
37-001 EMS
37-002 Operation of EMS
37-003 Integrated logistics service
38 Electronic postal services
38-001 Hybrid mail
38-002 Facsimile-based services
38-003 Text-based services
38-004 Electronic postal certification mark
38-005 Postal registered electronic mail
38-006 Postal electronic mailbox
38-007 Telematic links. General provisions
38-008 Special provisions concerning telematic links
38-009 Rules for payment for telematic links
Section IX
Final provisions
39 Conditions of approval of proposals concerning the Convention and the Regulations
40 Reservations at Congress
41 Entry into force and duration of the Convention
41-001 Entry into force and duration of the Regulations
Volume II
Letter Post Regulations
Section I
Common rules applicable to the international postal service
11 Exchange of closed mails with military units
11-101 Mails exchanged with military units
15 Charges
15-101 Special charges
15-102 Conditions of application of postage charges
17 Basic services
17-101 Basic services
17-102 Classification of letter-post items based on their formats and content
17-103 Particulars relating to limits of weight
17-104 Limits of size
17-105 Limits of size and weight for small letters (P) and large letters (G)
17-106 Conditions of acceptance of items. Make-up. Packing
17-107 Special provisions applicable to each category of items
17-108 Marking of priority or mode of transportation
17-109 Special packing
17-110 Items in panel envelopes
17-111 Standardized items
17-112 Exchange of items
17-113 Priority treatment of priority items and airmail items
17-114 Mails
17-115 Exchange in closed mails
17-116 Exchange of format-separated mails
17-117 Transit à découvert
17-118 Routes and methods of transmission of insured items
17-119 Make-up of mails
17-120 Letter bills
17-121 Transmission of registered items
17-122 Transmission of insured items
17-123 Transmission of money orders and unregistered COD items
17-124 Transmission of tracked items
17-125 Transmission of IBRS items
17-126 Transmission of M bags
17-127 Transmission of bulk items
17-128 Transmission of items intended for direct access to the domestic service
17-129 Labelling of mails
17-130 Use of barcodes
17-131 Electronic exchanges to support mail processes
17-132 Routeing of mails
17-133 Preparation of trial notes
17-134 Transfer of mails
17-135 Preparation and checking of CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bills
17-136 Missing CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bill
17-137 Checking of mails
17-138 Verification notes
17-139 Misrouted mails and missent items
17-140 Steps to be taken in the event of an accident
17-141 Steps to be taken in the event of temporary suspension and resumption of services 110
17-142 Return of empty receptacles
18 Supplementary services
18-101 Registered items
18-102 Tracked items
18-103 Delivery to the addressee in person
18-104 International business reply service (IBRS)
18-105 International business reply service (IBRS) - local response
18-106 International reply coupons
Section V
Prohibitions and customs matters
19 Items not admitted. Prohibitions
19-101 Treatment of items wrongly admitted
19-102 Redirection
19-103 Undeliverable items. Return to country of origin or to sender and period of retention
19-104 Treatment of requests for withdrawal of items from the post or for alteration or correction of address
19-105 Withdrawal from the post. Alteration or correction of address and/or name of the addressee. Items posted in a country other than that which receives the request
Section VII
A. Transit charges
27 Transit charges
27-101 Transit charges. General provisions
27-102 Application of transit charges
27-103 Transit charges
27-104 Kilometric distances
27-105 Extraordinary services. Multimodal transport
27-106 Calculation and accounting for charges for items in transit à découvert and missent items
27-107 Transit charges for diverted or misrouted mails
27-108 Airmails and surface airlifted (S.A.L.) mails in transit by surface
27-109 Payment of transit charges for the transport of empty bags returned by surface or air
27-110 Amendments to transit charges
B. Terminal dues
31 Terminal dues. Provisions applicable to flows to, from and between designated operators of countries in the transitional system
31-101 Terminal dues. General provisions
31-102 Voluntary membership of the target system by member countries
31-103 Direct access to domestic services
31-104 Supplementary remuneration for registered, insured and tracked items
31-105 Measurement of performance. Reporting and validation
31-106 Preparation and transmission of charges for supplementary remuneration accounts and additional payments based on central reports
31-107 Calculation of the rates of terminal dues for countries applying articles 30.5 to 13 and 31.5 to 9 of the Convention
31-108 Conditions applying to the notification of the reference charges for the calculation of terminal dues rates
31-109 Quality of service-linked terminal dues remuneration
31-110 Principles for setting or revising quality of service standards and targets for the quality of service-linked terminal dues remuneration
31-111 Quality of service-linked terminal dues remuneration. Reporting and validation
31-112 Mechanism for revising the rates of terminal dues
31-113 Request for payment specific to bulk mail
31-114 Closed mails exchanged with military units
31-115 General principles for statistical sampling and estimation of the number of items per kilogramme
31-116 Statistical counts for exchanges of mail between designated operators of countries in the target system
31-117 Statistical counts for exchanges in the transition system
31-118 Alternative approach for statistical counts for exchanges of mail between designated operators of countries applying target system procedures
31-119 Special statistical count for the application of the revision mechanism
31-120 Self-declaration of bulky (E) and small packet (E) letter-post items
31-121 Calculation of cost-to-tariff ratio for designated operators applying article 29.8 of the UPU Convention
31-122 Remuneration for returned undeliverable letter-post items
32 Quality of Service Fund
32-101 Invoicing and payment of amounts due into the Quality of Service Fund
D. Air conveyance dues
34 Basic rates and provisions concerning air conveyance dues
34-101 Formula for calculating the basic rate and calculation of air conveyance dues for closed mails
34-102 Accounting for air conveyance dues
34-103 Preparation of CN 66 and CN 67 statements of weights
34-104 Preparation of CN 51 detailed accounts and CN 52 general accounts
34-105 Submission and acceptance of CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements, CN 51 detailed accounts and CN 52 general accounts
34-106 Payment of air conveyance dues
34-107 Air conveyance dues for diverted or missent mails or receptacles
34-108 Air conveyance dues for mail lost or destroyed
Volume III
Parcel Post Regulations
Section III
Charges, surcharges and exemption from postal charges
15 Charges
15-201 Calculating air surcharges
15-202 Special charges
Section IV
Basic and supplementary services
17 Basic services
17-201 Operation of the service by transport companies
17-202 Weight system. Pound avoirdupois
17-203 Special conditions relating to limits of weights
17-204 Limits of size
17-205 Delivery procedure
17-206 ECOMPRO parcels
17-207 Conditions of acceptance of parcels. Make-up and packing. Addressing
17-208 Special packing
17-209 Indication of method of forwarding
17-210 Formalities to be complied with by the sender
17-211 Formalities to be complied with for the merchandise return service
17-212 Sender's instructions at the time of posting
17-213 Formalities to be complied with by the office of origin
17-214 General principles of the exchange of parcels
17-215 Barcode application and specifications
17-216 Electronic exchanges to support mail processes
17-217 Tracking and tracing - Indicative targets for transmission times
17-218 Tracking and tracing - Indicative performance targets for transmitting data
17-219 Steps to be taken in the event of temporary suspension and resumption of services
17-220 Different methods of transmission
17-221 Transmission in closed mails
17-222 Parcel bills
17-223 Drawing up of CP 87 parcel bills
17-224 Dispatch of documents accompanying parcels
17-225 Routeing of mails
17-226 Preparation and checking of CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bills
17-227 Missing CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bill
17-228 Steps to be taken in the event of an accident
17-229 Preparation of trial notes
17-230 Transfer of mails
17-231 Check of mails
17-232 Discovery of irregularities and processing of verification notes
17-233 Discrepancies of weight or size of parcels
17-234 Receipt by the office of exchange of a damaged or insufficiently packed parcel
17-235 Notification of irregularities for which designated operators may be liable
17-236 Check of mails of parcels forwarded in bulk
17-237 Reforwarding of a parcel arriving out of course
17-238 Return of empty receptacles
18 Supplementary services
18-201 Merchandise return service for the original seller
18-202 Cumbersome parcels
Section V
Prohibitions and customs matters
19 Items not admitted. Prohibitions
19-201 Treatment of parcels wrongly admitted
19-202 Conditions of redirecting a parcel
19-203 Periods of retention
19-204 Parcels automatically retained
19-205 Return to sender of undelivered parcels
19-206 Return to sender of wrongly accepted parcels
19-207 Return to sender due to suspension of services
19-208 Non-compliance by a designated operator with given instructions
19-209 Parcels containing items whose early deterioration or decay is to be feared
19-210 Treatment of requests for withdrawal of parcels from the post or for alteration or correction of address and/or name of the addressee
Section VII
A. Transit charges
27 Transit charges
27-201 Transit land rates
27-202 Application of transit land rates
27-203 Sea rate
27-204 Application of sea rate
27-205 Application of new rates following unforeseeable changes in routeing
27-206 Weight of mails used for remuneration of designated operators
27-207 Allocation of rates
27-208 Rates and dues credited to other designated operators by the designated operator of origin of the mail
27-209 Allocation and recovery of rates, charges and fees in the case of return to sender or redirection
C. Rates for parcel post
33 Parcel post land and sea rates
33-201 Inward land rates
33-202 Modifications of the inward land rates
33-203 ECOMPRO parcels
D. Air conveyance dues
34 Basic rates and provisions concerning air conveyance dues
34-201 Calculation of air conveyance dues
34-202 Calculation of air conveyance dues for the merchandise return service
34-203 Air conveyance dues for lost or destroyed air parcels
34-204 Air conveyance dues for diverted or missent mails or bags
34-205 Payment of air conveyance dues for the transport of empty bags
Final Protocol to the Regulations to the Convention
Volume I
Rules in common
Art | ||
R I | Marking of items sent free of postal charges | |
R II | Forms | |
R III | Maximum limits for insured items | |
R IV | Insured items | |
R V | Delivery procedure | |
R VI | Dangerous goods admitted exceptionally | |
R VII | Admissible radioactive materials, infectious substances, and lithium cells and lithium batteries | |
R VIII | Items subject to customs control | |
R IX | Treatment of inquiries | |
R X | Application of the liability designated operators | |
R XI | Delivery of a rifled or damaged registered or insured item | |
R XII | Procedures for determining the liability of designated operators |
Volume II
Letter Post Regulations
Art | ||
R XIII | Special charges | |
R XIV | Conditions of application of postage charges | |
R XV | Printed papers. Maximum weight | |
R XVI | Special provisions applicable to each category of items | |
R XVII | Standardized items | |
R XVIII | Bags | |
R XIX | Labelling of mails | |
R XX | Routeing of mails | |
R XXI | Registered M bags | |
R XXII | IBRS accounting charges | |
R XXIII | Adjustment of debts arising from the settlement of accounts through the International Bureau clearing system in effect before 1 January 2001 | |
R XXIV | Treatment of items wrongly admitted | |
R XXV | Redirection | |
R XXVI | Special transit charges | |
R XXVII | Submission and acceptance of CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements, CN 51 detailed accounts and CN 52 general accounts | |
R XXVIII | Accounting for bulk mail |
Volume III
Parcel Post Regulations
Art | ||
R XXIX | Provision of the postal parcels service | |
R XXX | Special conditions relating to limits of weights for parcels | |
R XXXI | Formalities to be complied with for the merchandise return service | |
R XXXII | Merchandise return service for the original seller | |
R XXXIII | Treatment of parcels wrongly accepted | |
R XXXIV | Parcels automatically retained | |
R XXXV | Transmission in closed mails | |
R XXXVI | Routeing of mails | |
R XXXVII | Discrepancies of weight or size of parcels | |
R XXXVIII | Determination of average rates | |
R XXXIX | Exceptional transit land rates | |
R XL | Supplementary rates | |
R XLI | Sea rates | |
R XLII | Calculation of air conveyance dues for the merchandise return service | |
R XLIII | Preparation of accounts |
List of forms
Letter-post forms
No. | Title or nature of the form | |
CN 01 | International reply coupon | |
CN 03 | Detailed statement. Reply coupons exchanged | |
CN 04 | "R" label for registered items | |
CN 05bis | Label for tracked items | |
CN 06 | "V" label for insured items | |
CN 07 | Advice of receipt/of delivery/of payment/of entry | |
CN 08 | Inquiry | |
CN 08 | Receipt | |
CN 09 | Statement of IBRS items sent | |
CN 10 | Recapitulative statement of IBRS items | |
CN 11 | Franking note | |
CN 12 | Detailed monthly account. Customs, etc., charges | |
CN 13 | Report. Information about a seized postal item | |
CN 14 | Collective envelope. Redirection of letter-post items | |
CN 15 | "Return" label | |
CN 16 | Special list. Insured items | |
CN 17 | Request | |
CN 18 | Declaration concerning non-receipt (or receipt) of a postal item | |
CN 19 | Detailed account. IBRS charges | |
CN 20 | Statement. IBRS charges | |
CN 21 | Advice. Redirection of a CN 08 form | |
CN 22 | Customs declaration label | |
CN 23 | Customs declaration | |
CN 24 | Report (irregularities in respect of insured letter-post items and postal parcels) | |
CN 25 | Bundle labels | |
CN 26 | Bundle labels | |
CN 27 | Table. Routes and methods of transmission of insured items | |
CN 29 | "COD" label | |
CN 29bis | Label for COD items | |
CN 31 | Letter bill | |
CN 32 | Letter bill. Bulk mail | |
CN 33 | Special list. Registered items | |
CN 34 | Receptacle label for surface letter mail | |
CN 35 | Receptacle label for air letter mail | |
CN 36 | Receptacle label for S.A.L. letter mail | |
CN 37 | Delivery bill. Surface mails | |
CN 38 | Delivery bill. Airmails | |
CN 41 | Delivery bill. Surface airlifted (S.A.L.) mails | |
CN 42 | Direct transhipment label | |
CN 43 | Verification note. Exchange of mails | |
CN 44 | Trial note | |
CN 45 | Transmission envelope for CN 38, CN 41 and CN 47 bills | |
CN 46 | Substitute delivery bill | |
CN 47 | Delivery bill. Mails of empty receptacles | |
CN 48 | Statement. Amounts due in respect of indemnity | |
CN 51 | Detailed account. Transit charges | |
CN 52 | General account | |
CN 53 | Statement of sampling | |
CN 54 | Recapitulative statement of sampling | |
CN 54bis | Annual recapitulative statement of sampling | |
CN 55 | Statement of mails | |
CN 56 | Recapitulative statement of mails | |
CN 57 | Account. Bulk mail received | |
CN 57bis | Final account. Bulk mail | |
CN 60 | Detailed account. Remuneration based on central reports. Quarterly statement | |
CN 61 | Detailed account. Terminal dues | |
CN 62 | Detailed account. Transit charges - Surface mail | |
CN 62bis | Detailed account. Additional sea transit charges | |
CN 64 | Statement. Terminal dues | |
CN 64bis | Detailed statement. Quality of Service Fund | |
CN 64ter | Detailed statement. Quality of Service Fund | |
CN 65 | Bill. Weight of missent and à découvert items | |
CN 66 | Statement of weights. Airmails and S.A.L. mails | |
CN 67 | Statement of weights. À découvert priority/airmail items. À découvert | |
non-priority/surface items | ||
CN 69 | Statement of closed transit mail | |
CN 70 | Consignment security declaration | |
CN 71 | Recapitulative statement of mails | |
CN 71bis | Final account. Non-sampled mail flows received |
Parcel-post forms
No. | Title or nature of the form | |
CP 72 | Manifold set. Customs declaration/Dispatch note | |
CP 73 | Parcel label with the number of the parcel | |
CP 74 | "V" label for insured parcel | |
CP 75 | Summarized account. | |
CP 77 | Statement of charges | |
CP 78 | Verification note | |
CP 81 | Table. Surface parcels | |
CP 82 | Table. Air parcels | |
CP 83 | Receptacle label for surface parcel mail | |
CP 84 | Receptacle label for air parcel mail | |
CP 85 | Receptacle label for S.A.L. parcel mail | |
CP 87 | Parcel bill | |
CP 88 | Special parcel bill. Payment of rates due for the transit of parcels | |
CP 91 | Envelope for transmission of dispatch note, customs, etc., documents | |
CP 92 | Envelope for transmission of dispatch note, customs, etc., documents | |
CP 94 | Statement of amounts due | |
CP 94bis | Statement of amounts due with weight brackets | |
CP 95 | COD label |
Regulations to the Convention
Volume I
Rules in common
Section I
Common rules applicable to the international postal service
Article 01-001
1 For the purposes of these Regulations, the following terms shall have the meanings defined below.
1.1 Air parcel - any parcel as defined in the UPU Convention which is conveyed by air with priority.
1.2 IBIS - any UPU-certified common Internet-based inquiry system compliant with the UPU operational and technical procedures defined or referred to herein and used for the preparation, submission, transmission, receipt and processing of inquiries relating to parcels between designated operators.
1.3 Name - in the context of sender or addressee, comprises the name of the legal person, or the family name, given name and patronymic (if any, as provided)1
Article 02-001
Mandatory notification of operational information
Pursuant to Convention article 2, a newly designated operator shall provide all the necessary operational information for the services provided under the Acts of the Union. The operational information shall be provided through the Letter Post Compendium Online and Parcel Post Compendium Online (see article 17-003.5) as quickly as possible, but not later than two months prior to the commencement of mail operations. The newly designated operator shall also provide the International Bureau with the information required for the "List of names and addresses of heads and senior officials in member countries" (see article 17-004.2.1). Financial information shall be provided pursuant to article 35-004.
Article 04-001
Application of freedom of transit
Member countries not providing the insured items service or not accepting liability for insured items carried by their sea or air services shall nonetheless be bound to forward, by the quickest route and the most secure means, closed mails passed to them by other member countries.
Article 04-002
Failure to give freedom of transit
Discontinuation of the postal service with a member country that fails to observe freedom of transit shall be notified in advance to the member countries and designated operators concerned by e-mail or any other means of telecommunication. The International Bureau shall be informed of the fact.
Article 06-001
Prepayment. Methods of denoting prepayment
1 Letter-post items
1.1 As a general rule, letter-post items shall be fully prepaid by the sender.
1.2 Methods of denoting prepayment
1.2.1 Prepayment shall be denoted by means of any one of the following methods: postage stamps printed on or affixed to the items and valid in the member country of origin; postal prepayment impressions valid in the member country of origin and dispensed by automatic vending machines installed by designated operators of origin; impressions of officially approved franking machines valid in the country of origin, operating under the direct supervision of the designated operator of origin; impressions made by a printing press or other printing or stamping process when such a system is authorized by the regulations of the designated operator of origin.
2 Letter-post items may also be provided with an indication that full postage has been prepaid, for example, "Taxe perçue" ("Postage paid"). This indication shall appear in the top right-hand part of the address side and be authenticated by a date-stamp impression of the office of origin. In the case of unpaid or underpaid items, the impression of the office which prepaid the item or made up the postage on it shall be applied opposite this indication.
3 Parcels shall be prepaid by means of postage stamps or by any other method authorized by the regulations adopted by the country of origin or by its designated operators.
Article 06-002
Postage stamps. Notification of issues and exchange between designated operators
1 Each new issue of postage stamps shall be notified by the designated operator concerned to all other designated operators, with the necessary information, through the intermediary of the International Bureau.
2 Designated operators shall exchange, through the intermediary of the International Bureau, one set of each of their new issues of postage stamps and shall send 15 sets to the International Bureau. This represents a total of 235 stamps to be dispatched for each new issue.
Article 06-003
Characteristics of postage stamps and postal prepayment or franking impressions
1 Postage stamps and postal prepayment impressions
1.1 Postage stamps and postal prepayment impressions may be of any shape provided that, in principle, their vertical or horizontal dimensions are not less than 15 mm nor more than 50 mm.
1.2 They may be distinctively marked with punched perforations or embossed impressions produced by means of an embossing stamp, subject to the conditions laid down by the designated operator or the member country which has issued them, provided that those processes do not interfere with the clarity of the particulars prescribed in article 6 of the Convention.
1.3 Commemorative or charity postage stamps may bear an indication of the year of issue in Arabic numerals. Similarly, they may bear an inscription in any language to indicate the occasion for which they are issued. When a supplementary charge is payable in addition to their postage value, they shall be so designed as to leave no doubt about that value.
1.4 In accordance with article 6 of the Convention, postage stamps may, in place of the name of the issuing member country or territory, and subject to a formal request duly sent by the issuing member country or territory to the International Bureau, include the abbreviation or initials officially listed in the ISO 3166 standard for the member country or territory concerned.
2 Franking machine impressions
2.1 Designated operators may use themselves or authorize the use of postal franking machines reproducing on items the name of the member country of origin and the postage value, as well as the name of the place of origin and the date of posting. However, the last two items of information shall not be compulsory. For franking machines used by designated operators themselves, the postage value may be replaced by an indication that postage has been prepaid, for example in the form: "Taxe perçue" (Charge collected).
2.2 Impressions produced by postal franking machines shall, in principle, be bright red. However, designated operators may permit that the impressions produced by franking machines may be made in a colour other than bright red. The impressions of any publicity slogans used with the franking machines may also be produced in a colour other than red.
2.3 The names of the member country and place of origin shall be given in roman letters, which may be supplemented by the same information in other letters. The postage value shall be shown in arabic figures.
3 Franking impressions
3.1 Franking impressions obtained from a printing press or by another printing or stamping process shall bear the name of the member country of origin and, if appropriate, of the office of posting in roman letters, which may be supplemented by the same information in other letters. They shall also bear an indication that postage has been prepaid, for example in the form "Taxe perçue" (Charge collected). In every case, the phrase adopted shall be shown in bold letters in a space the area of which shall not be less than 300 mm2. The date-stamp, if used, shall not appear in this space.
3.2 Franking impressions obtained from an electronic printing process may be applied above the address field, separated from it by a vertical distance of between 2.5 and 5 mm, regardless of the location of the address. Such franking impressions may be applied directly on the envelope or inside the envelope window. In the latter case, the printing and positioning of the item inside the envelope shall be constrained such that no part of the franking impression is closer than 5 mm to the edge of the window. The provisions of paragraph 3.1 shall apply to this type of impression. Where the franking impression incorporates or is supported by data encoded in a two-dimensional symbol, this shall comply with UPU Technical Standard S28.
Article 06-004
Suspected fraudulent use of postage stamps or postal prepayment or franking impressions
1 Subject to national criminal or criminal action provisions, the following procedure shall be observed in case of suspicion of an intentional violation concerning means of postal prepayment.
1.1 When, in outgoing mail, an intentional violation concerning means of postal prepayment is suspected and the sender is not known, the stamp or impression shall not be tampered with in any way. The item, accompanied by an advice, shall be sent to the delivery office in an officially registered envelope. A copy of the advice shall be forwarded, for information, to the designated operators of the member countries of origin and of destination. Any designated operator may ask, through notification of the International Bureau, for these advices concerning its service to be sent to its central administration or to a specially appointed office.
1.2 The addressee shall be invited to see the evidence. The item shall be delivered to him only if he pays the charge due, discloses the name and address of the sender and places at the disposal of the postal service, after acquainting himself with the contents, the subject of the suspected violation. This may be the entire item, if it is inseparable from the corpus delicti, or the part of the item (envelope, wrapper, portion of letter, etc.) which contains the address and the impression or stamp reported as suspect. The result of the interview shall be set down in an official report signed by the postal official and by the addressee. If the addressee refuses, this shall be recorded on the document.
2 The official report shall be sent with the supporting papers, officially registered, to the designated operator of the member country of origin, which shall take action according to its legislation.
3 Designated operators whose legislation does not permit the procedure provided for in 1.1 and 1.2 shall inform the International Bureau to that effect so that the other designated operators may be notified.
Article 06-005
Application of the date-stamp
1 The imprint of a date-stamp showing, in roman letters, the name of the office responsible for cancel- ling and the date of that operation shall be applied to the address side of items. Equivalent particulars in the characters of the country of origin may be added.
2 The application of the date-stamp shall not be compulsory:
2.1 for items franked by means of impressions of postal franking machines if the name of the place of origin and the date of posting appear on these impressions;
2.2 for items franked by means of impressions obtained by a printing press or by any other printing or stamping process;
2.3 for unregistered reduced-rate items, provided that the place of origin is shown on these items;
2.4 for letter-post items relating to the postal service as listed in article 16.1 of the Convention and article 16-001.
3 All postage stamps valid for prepayment shall be cancelled.
4 Unless designated operators have prescribed cancellation by means of a special stamp impression, postage stamps left uncancelled through error or omission in the service of origin shall be cancelled by the office which detects the irregularity, using one of the following means:
4.1 with a thick line in ink or indelible pencil;
4.2 using the edge of the date-stamp in such a way that the name of the post office is not identifiable.
5 Missent items, except for unregistered reduced rate items, shall be impressed with the date-stamp of the office which they have reached in error. This shall apply to both stationary offices, and, as far as possible, travelling post offices. The impression shall be made on the back of priority items in envelopes and letters and on the front of postcards.
Article 06-006
Unpaid or underpaid items
1 The designated operator of origin may return unpaid or underpaid items to the sender for the latter to make up the postage himself. The senders of unpaid or underpaid items shall be identified by any methods provided for in the member country of origin's national regulations, including those applicable to undeliverable items.
2 The designated operator of origin may also itself undertake to prepay unpaid letter-post items or make up the postage on underpaid items and collect the missing amount from the sender. In this case, it shall be authorized to also collect a guideline handling charge of 0.33 SDR.
3 If the designated operator of origin does not apply any of the options provided for in 1 and 2 or if the postage cannot be made up by the sender, unpaid or underpaid priority items, letters and postcards shall still be forwarded to the country of destination. Other unpaid or underpaid items may also be forwarded.
4 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3, the designated operator of origin shall not be obliged to forward to the countries of destination the following categories of items when they have been posted in posting boxes or other installations of the designated operator:
4.1 unpaid or underpaid items on which the sender is not indicated or whose sender cannot be identified;
4.2 unpaid postcards bearing labels or marks purporting to certify that postage has been paid.
5 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 9, the designated operator of origin shall not be obliged to forward to the countries of destination unpaid postcards bearing labels or marks purporting to certify that postage has been paid when such postcards have been posted in posting boxes or other installations of the designated operator.
6 The designated operator of origin shall lay down the criteria for forwarding unpaid or underpaid items to the country of destination. Nevertheless, designated operators shall, as a general rule, dispatch by the quickest method (air or surface) items marked by the sender to be sent as priority items or airmail items.
7 A designated operator of origin which wants missing postage to be collected from the addressee shall follow the procedure described in 8 and 10. Unpaid or underpaid items submitted to this procedure shall be liable to a special charge, payable by the addressee or, in the case of returned items, by the sender, calculation of which is defined in 11.
8 Before being forwarded to the country of destination, unpaid or underpaid items shall be marked with the T stamp (postage due) in the middle of the upper part of the front. Beside the impression of this stamp the designated operator of origin shall write very legibly in the currency of its country the amount of the underpayment and, under a fraction line, that of its minimum unreduced charge valid for the first weight step for priority items or letters dispatched abroad.
9 The designated operator of origin shall be responsible for checking that international mail items posted in its country are correctly prepaid. On arrival in the country of destination, every item not bearing the T stamp impression in accordance with the provisions under 8 shall be considered to be duly prepaid and treated accordingly.
10 When a designated operator of first destination wants missing postage to be collected from the addressee (reforwarded items) or from the sender (returned items), the task of applying the T stamp and giving the amounts in the form of a fraction shall be the responsibility of this designated operator. The same shall apply in the case of items originating in countries which apply reduced charges in the service with the refor- warding designated operator. In such a case, the fraction shall be established according to the charges laid down in these Regulations and valid in the country of origin of the item.
11 The delivering designated operator which wants to collect missing postage shall mark the item with the charge to be collected. It shall determine this charge by multiplying the fraction resulting from the data mentioned under 8 by the amount, in its national currency, of the charge applied in the international service to the first weight step for priority items or letters dispatched abroad. To this charge, it shall add the handling charge prescribed under 2. The delivering designated operator may, if it so wishes, collect only the handling charge.
12 If the fraction laid down under 8 has not been shown beside the T stamp by the designated operator of origin or the reforwarding designated operator in the case of non-delivery, the designated operator of destination may deliver the underpaid item without collecting a charge.
13 Postage stamps and postal franking impressions not valid for prepayment of postage shall not be taken into account. In that case, the figure nought (0) shall be placed beside such postage stamps or impressions, which shall be marked around in pencil.
14 Registered items and insured items shall be regarded on arrival as duly prepaid.
Article 06-007
Prepayment and stamping of items posted on board ship
1 Items posted on board ship at the two terminal points of the voyage or at any intermediate port of call shall be prepaid by means of postage stamps and according to the rates of the country in whose waters the ship is lying.
2 If the items are posted on board on the high seas, they may be prepaid, in the absence of special agreement between the designated operators concerned, by means of the postage stamps and according to the rates of the country to which the ship appertains or is under contract. Items prepaid in this way must be handed over to the post office at the port of call as soon as possible after the arrival of the ship.
3 The stamping of items posted on ships shall be the responsibility of the postal official or the officer on board charged with the duty, or, failing those, of the post office at the port of call at which these items are handed over. In that case, the office shall impress the correspondence with its date-stamp and add the word "Navire", "Paquebot" or any other similar note.
Article 07-001
Environmental aspects
1 Designated operators should make their products and services as environment friendly as possible within the limits imposed by technologies and resources.
2 The consumption of materials and energy should be optimized and be the minimum consistent with the efficient conduct of operations.
3 Materials used should comply with non-pollution or non-toxic standards established by the relevant national and international agencies.
4 Designated operators should promote the recycling of paper and other materials. They should also promote the use of recycled materials.
Article 08-001
Postal security
1 Member countries and their designated operators shall adhere to UPU Technical Standards S58, "Postal security - General security measures" and S59, "Postal security - Office of exchange and international airmail security", and aim to:
1.1 raise quality of service as a whole;
1.2 increase employee awareness of the importance of security;
1.3 create or reinforce security units;
1.4 share operational, security and investigative information on a timely basis;
1.5 propose to legislatures, wherever necessary, specific laws, regulations and measures to improve the quality and security of worldwide postal services;
1.6 provide guidelines, training methods and assistance to postal officials to enable them to deal with emergency situations that could endanger life or property or could hamper the mail transport chain, in order to maintain the continuity of operations.
Article 08-002
Implementing provisions for providing electronic advance data
1 Items containing goods may be subject to specific import customs- and security-based requirements for providing electronic advance data as referred to in article 8.1 of the Convention and further specified in the respective provisions of the Regulations. All member countries and their designated operators shall have the option of informing other member countries and their designated operators of their specific security requirements (in accordance with the aforementioned provisions) via the relevant compendium. Letters, postcards, printed papers (other than books) or letter-post items containing correspondence or items for the blind, which are not subject to customs duties, shall be exempted from these requirements.
2 Each item for which electronic advance data is provided shall be accompanied by the appropriate UPU customs declaration form.
3 The electronic advance data required to meet such requirements shall, in all cases, replicate data documented on the appropriate UPU customs declaration form.
4 Each item for which electronic advance data is provided shall bear a unique item identifier, in both human-readable and barcode format, conforming to UPU Technical Standard S10. All exchanges of electronic advance data provided for customs and security reasons shall be compliant with UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1) and shall correspond to the content of the UPU customs declaration form.
5 When dispatching items for which electronic advance data is to be provided for customs and security reasons, the designated operator of origin shall ensure that each dispatched item's unique S10 barcoded identifier has been electronically linked (nested) to the S9 barcoded label of the receptacle containing that item, and that this information is included in the PREDES (UPU Technical Standard M41) electronic dispatch messaging sent to the designated operator of destination.
6 Electronic advance data shall be used in a manner consistent with the relevant provisions of the Acts of the Union regarding the processing of personal data. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the exchange of such data may be additionally governed by bilateral or multilateral agreements or protocols regarding the protection of personal data and other technical aspects relating to data exchanges.
7 Certain items may be subject to extra security measures as per the relevant procedures adopted by the UPU in consultation with other relevant stakeholders. Such measures may include, inter alia, the tracing and/or prevention of further conveyance of individual items.
8 In order to safeguard the smooth flow of the items referred to herein, member countries and designated operators implementing the provisions of this article shall do so in a manner that is consistent with the capacity of the global postal network and the available infrastructure for implementation thereof, and also take into account whether the requirements for providing electronic advanced data can be met by all concerned parties in the international postal transport chain.
Article 08-003
Consignment security declaration
1 The transport of mail by air may be subject to specific security-based requirements and may require the provision of a standardized consignment security declaration to the carrier by the sending designated operator in accordance with applicable aviation security regulations.
2 When the provision of a consignment security declaration is required:
2.1 The consignment security declaration shall be provided to the carrier electronically as part of the CARDIT standardized message if other applicable regulations so allow.
2.2 When electronic provision is not possible, a paper document with the information shall be sent together with the delivery bill. It is strongly recommended to use the CN 702 consignment security declaration for this purpose.
2.3 The method of providing the consignment security declaration shall be agreed with the carrier in advance.
Article 13-001
International mail processing centres (IMPCs)
1 The exchange of international mail shall be carried out by international mail processing centres. When an IMPC is used for the creation, closure and/or receipt of dispatches, it is called an office of exchange.
2 Designated operators shall submit to the International Bureau any requests for the registration, updating or closure of their IMPCs. Such requests shall contain all relevant IMPC characteristics and functions as further defined in UPU Technical Standard S34 (Registration of international mail processing centres), in accordance with the instructions set forth therein.
3 The location of an IMPC as requested by a designated operator shall be selected with a view to optimizing quality of service for international mail dispatches, taking into account the availability of international and/or domestic transport networks and estimated mail traffic volumes in the area covered by the requested IMPC.
4 The International Bureau shall be responsible for managing and processing any IMPC registration requests submitted in accordance with the parameters defined herein. The advice of the Postal Operations Council (and, as necessary, the Council of Administration for matters within its purview) may be sought prior to registration of the relevant IMPC by the International Bureau for special requests having a potential large impact on international mail exchanges.
5 All duly registered IMPCs shall be published by the International Bureau in a UPU IMPC code list containing their codes and characteristics and made available to all Union member countries and their designated operators.
6 For all UPU documentation and in all EDI messages, designated operators shall use only their own IMPC codes and the IMPC codes authorized by their partner designated operators as per the UPU IMPC code list in force at the time of use, and comply strictly with the conditions stated in that list.
7 Designated operators may also request the establishment of IMPCs with restricted use, subject to the conditions below:
7.1. Military units: designated operators may request the registration of IMPCs for military units belonging to their member country but situated outside their national territory;
7.2 Extraterritorial offices of exchange: designated operators may request the registration of IMPCs outside their national territory, subject to the relevant provisions of article 13 of the Convention;
7.3 Other offices of exchange for bilateral/multilateral use: designated operators may request the registration of IMPCs on their own territory for exchanges with selected partner designated operators on the basis of bilateral or multilateral agreements, strictly for international mail exchanges regulated by the Acts of the Union.
8 Wherever an IMPC is displayed on a UPU form, its related IMPC code shall be displayed. If the form so requires, the following associated information shall also be displayed:
8.1 IMPC name;
8.2 code and name of the designated operator responsible for the IMPC.
Article 13-002
1 The forms shall conform to the annexed specimens.
2 The texts, colours and dimensions of forms as well as other characteristics such as the position reserved for entering the barcode shall be those prescribed in these Regulations.
3 Forms for the use of the public shall bear an interlinear translation in French when they are not printed in that language.
4 Forms for the use of designated operators in their relations with one another shall be drawn up in French with or without interlinear translation, unless the designated operators concerned arrange otherwise by direct agreement.
5 Forms as well as any copies thereof shall be completed in such a way that the entries are fully legible. The original form shall be sent to the appropriate designated operator or to the party most concerned.
Article 13-003
Forms for the use of the public
1 For the purpose of applying article 13-002.3, the following shall be considered as forms for the use of the public: |
Form Title |
CN 01 International reply coupon
CN 07 Advice of receipt/of delivery/of payment/of entry
CN 08 Inquiry - letter-post items only
CN 11 Franking note
CN 14 Collective envelope
CN 17 Request for withdrawal from the post, alteration or correction of address, cancellation or alteration of the COD amount
CN 18 Declaration concerning the non-receipt (or receipt) of a postal item
CN 22 Customs declaration label
CN 23 Customs declaration CN 29 COD label
CP 72 Manifold set. Customs declaration/Dispatch note
CP 95 COD label
Section II
Quality of service standards and targets
Article 14-001
Quality of service targets
1 Letter-post items
1.1 Member countries or designated operators shall undertake to verify periodically that the established times are achieved either within the framework of the surveys organized by the International Bureau or by the Restricted Unions, or on the basis of bilateral agreements.
1.2 It is also desirable that member countries or designated operators should verify periodically that the established times are achieved, using other quality control systems, in particular external quality control.
1.3 Wherever possible, member countries or designated operators shall implement quality measurement systems for international mails (both outgoing and incoming); this should, as far as possible, include measurement from posting to delivery (end-to-end).
1.4 All designated operators shall provide the International Bureau with up-to-date information about the latest transport arrival times (LTAT) against which they operate for international postal purposes. Any changes shall be advised as soon as they are planned in order to allow the International Bureau to communicate these changes to designated operators before they are applied.
1.5 Where possible, separate information shall be provided for priority and non-priority streams of traffic.
2 Parcels
2.1 Member countries or designated operators shall monitor actual performance against the service tar- gets fixed by them.
Section III
Charges, surcharges and exemption from postal charges
Article 16-001
Exemption from postal charges on postal service items
1 Letter-post items
1.1 Letter-post items relating to the postal service sent by designated operators or their offices, whether by air, surface or surface airlifted (S.A.L.) mail, shall be exempt from all postal charges.
1.2 Letter-post items relating to the postal service shall be exempt from all postal charges, with the exception of air surcharges, if they are:
1.2.1 exchanged between bodies of the Universal Postal Union and bodies of the Restricted Unions;
1.2.2 exchanged between bodies of those Unions;
1.2.3 sent by such bodies to member countries and/or designated operators or their offices.
2 Parcels
2.1 Parcels relating to the postal service shall be exempt from all postal charges if exchanged between the following:
2.1.1 designated operators;
2.1.2 member countries and designated operators and the International Bureau;
2.1.3 post offices of the designated operators of member countries;
2.1.4 post offices and designated operators.
2.2 Air parcels, with the exception of those originating from the International Bureau, shall be exempt from air surcharges.
Article 16-002
Marking of items sent free of postal charges
1 Items exempt from postal charges shall bear, on the address side in the top right-hand corner, the following indications, which may be followed by a translation:
1.1 "Service des postes" (Postal service) or a similar indication for the items mentioned in article 16.1 of the Convention and article 16-001;
1.2 "Service des prisonniers de guerre" (Prisoners-of-war service) or "Service des internés civils" (Civilian internees service) for the items mentioned in article 16.2 of the Convention and article 16-003 and the forms relating to them;
1.3 "Envois pour les aveugles" (Items for the blind) for the items mentioned in article 16.3 of the Convention.
2 For parcels, the dispatch note shall bear the same indication as in 1.
Article 16-003
Application of exemption from postal charges to bodies concerned with prisoners of war and civilian internees
1 The following shall enjoy exemption from postal charges within the meaning of article 16.2 of the Convention:
1.1 the Information Bureaux provided for in article 122 of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 relative to the treatment of prisoners of war;
1.2 the Central Prisoner-of-War Information Agency provided for in article 123 of the same Convention;
1.3 the Information Bureaux provided for in article 136 of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war;
1.4 the Central Information Agency provided for in article 140 of the latter Convention.
Section IV
Basic and supplementary services
Article 17-001
Monetary unit
1 The monetary unit laid down in article 7 of the Constitution and used in the Convention and the other Acts of the Union shall be the Special Drawing Right (SDR).
2 The designated operators of Union member countries may choose, by mutual agreement, a monetary unit other than the SDR or one of their national currencies for preparing and settling accounts.
Article 17-002
1 Designated operators shall fix the equivalents of the postal charges prescribed in the Convention and the other Acts of the Union and the selling price of international reply coupons. They shall notify them to the International Bureau for them to be announced to designated operators. To this end each designated operator shall be required to notify the International Bureau of the average value of the SDR in the currency of its country.
2 The average value of the SDR which will be operative from 1 January each year, for the purposes only of the fixing of charges, will be determined, to four places of decimals, on the basis of the data published by the IMF over a period of at least 12 months ended on the preceding 30 September.
3 For a currency for which daily exchange rates with the SDR are not published by the IMF, the calculation shall be made through the medium of a quoted currency.
4 Union member countries whose currency exchange rates in relation to the SDR are not calculated by the IMF or which are not members of that specialized agency shall be requested to declare unilaterally an equivalence between their currencies and the SDR.
5 Designated operators shall communicate equivalents or changes of equivalents of postal charges to the International Bureau as soon as possible, giving the date of their entry into force.
6 The International Bureau shall publish a compendium showing, for each member country, the equivalents of the charges, the average value of the SDR and the selling price of the international reply coupons mentioned under 1.
7 Each designated operator shall notify the International Bureau direct of the equivalent it has adopted for the indemnities prescribed in the event of loss of a registered item or registered M bag.
Article 17-003
Information to be supplied by designated operators
1 Designated operators shall communicate to the International Bureau, on the forms sent by the latter, the necessary information concerning the operation of the postal service. This information shall cover the decisions taken on the optional application of certain general provisions of the Convention and of its Regulations.
1.1 For letter-post items, this information shall cover, in particular, the following questions:
1.1.1 the reduced charges adopted under article 8 of the Constitution and details of the services to which the charges apply;
1.1.2 the national postal charges applied;
1.1.3 in accordance with article 14 of the Convention: the quality of service targets fixed for the delivery in their country of priority and airmail items and of non-priority and surface items; the latest acceptance times (LATs) for incoming international mail, at the airport or other appropriate places; the latest acceptance times at the inward offices of exchange; the level of service that can be achieved (e.g. next-day delivery in the capital or day after for the rest of the country);
1.1.4 the different rates of air conveyance dues collected in accordance with article 34-101.6 with the dates of application;
1.1.5 the air surcharges or combined charges for the various categories of airmail items and for the various countries, with an indication of the names of the countries for which unsurcharged mail is admitted.
2 Concerning parcels, each designated operator shall notify the other designated operators, through the intermediary of the International Bureau, of:
2.1 the inward rates and, where appropriate, the transit land rates and sea rates which it collects;
2.2 relevant information concerning the optional services, conditions of acceptance, limits of weights, limits of sizes and other special features.
3 Any amendment to the information mentioned under 1 shall be communicated to the International Bureau without delay, by the quickest means. Amendments concerning the information mentioned in 1.1.4 must reach the International Bureau within the time limits prescribed in article 27-110.
4 Designated operators may agree to exchange direct any information about air services in which they are interested, particularly timetables and the latest times of arrival for items coming from abroad by air to catch various deliveries.
5 Designated operators shall, through the Letter Post and Parcel Post Compendia Online, provide all operational information regarding the basic, supplementary and other services as defined by the UPU Acts. Where there are any changes, designated operators shall update the information provided in the Compendium Online within the first 15 days of each quarter.
6 The designated operators of countries which participate in the insured items service and which pro- vide direct exchanges shall communicate to one another, by means of CN 27 tables, information concerning the exchange of these items.
7 Designated operators shall supply the International Bureau with two copies of the documentation which they publish, whether relating to the national or international service. They shall also furnish, as far as possible, other works published in their country concerning the postal service.
Article 17-004
International Bureau publications
1 The International Bureau shall publish, on the basis of information supplied in accordance with article 17-003, an official compendium of information of general interest relating to the implementation of the Convention and its Regulations in each member country. It shall also publish similar compendia relating to the implementation of the Postal Payment Services Agreement and its Regulations, on the basis of the information supplied by the member countries and/or designated operators concerned in accordance with the relative provisions in the Regulations of that Agreement.
2 It shall also publish, from information supplied by member countries and/or designated operators and, if appropriate, by the Restricted Unions as regards 2.1, or the United Nations as regards 2.5:
2.1 a list of addresses, heads and senior officials in charge of postal affairs of member countries, designated operators and Restricted Unions including their e-mail addresses. The list shall, at least as concerns member countries and designated operators, also contain information about any specific addresses, including e-mail addresses, in the following areas:
2.1.1 international relations;
2.1.2 security;
2.1.3 relations with international customers;
2.1.4 inquiries;
2.1.5 environment;
2.1.6 accounting; and
2.1.7 emergency information of an operational nature (EmIS);
2.2 an international list of post offices;
2.3 a compendium of transit information comprising:
2.3.1 a list of kilometric distances relating to land sectors of mails in transit;
2.3.2 a list of transit services provided for surface mail (including S.A.L. mail);
2.4 a list of equivalents;
2.5 a list of prohibited articles which shall also include narcotics prohibited under the multilateral treaties on narcotics and the definitions of dangerous goods prohibited from conveyance by post drawn up by the International Civil Aviation Organization;
2.6 a compendium of designated operators' domestic charges;
2.7 statistical data relating to the postal services, as well as other national postal activities;
2.8 studies, opinions, reports and other statements relating to the postal service;
2.9 the following three catalogues:
2.9.1 International Bureau library catalogue (listing the works acquired by the library);
2.9.2 International Bureau periodicals catalogue (listing the periodicals received at the International Bureau);
2.9.3 International Bureau film library catalogue (listing the films available for loan by the International Bureau to member countries and designated operators);
2.10 a catalogue of postal equipment;
2.11 information on the internal air conveyance dues within the country of destination, where applicable, and a list of relevant dispatch series made to each destination operator, based on PREDES messages, to facilitate planning of transit;
2.12 a liste des distances aéropostales (List of Airmail Distances) drawn up in collaboration with the air carriers.
3 It shall also publish:
3.1 the Manuals of the Convention and of the Postal Payment Services Agreement;
3.2 the other Acts of the UPU annotated by the International Bureau;
3.3 the Multilingual Vocabulary of the International Postal Service;
3.4 the Letter Post and Parcel Post Compendia Online, on the UPU website.
4 Amendments to the various publications listed under 1 to 3 shall be notified by circular, bulletin, supplement or other appropriate means. However, any amendments to the publications listed under 2.11 and 2.12 and the date on which the amendments take effect shall be notified to member countries and designated operators by the quickest means (air or surface), with the minimum of delay and in the most appropriate form.
5 The publications published by the International Bureau shall be distributed to member countries and designated operators in accordance with the following rules:
5.1 All publications, excepting the one specified under 5.2, shall be distributed in three copies, one of which shall be in the official language. The other two shall be supplied either in the official language or in the language requested in accordance with article 155 of the General Regulations.
5.2 The periodical "Union Postale" shall be distributed in proportion to the number of contribution units assigned to each member country and designated operator under article 150 of the General Regulations.
5.3 Over and above the number of copies distributed free of charge by virtue of the rules set out under 5.1, member countries and designated operators may purchase International Bureau publications at cost price.
6 Publications published by the International Bureau shall also be sent to the Restricted Unions.
Article 17-005
Period of retention of documents
1 Documents of the international service shall be kept for a minimum period of 18 months from the day following the date to which they refer. However, if the documents are reproduced on microfilm, microfiche or similar medium, they may be destroyed as soon as it is established that the reproduction is satisfactory.
2 Documents concerning a dispute or inquiry shall be kept until the matter has been settled. If the initiating designated operator, being duly informed of the result of the inquiry, allows six months to pass from the date of the communication without raising any objections, the matter shall be regarded as closed.
Article 17-006
Application of standards
1 The execution of some Regulations may involve the application of certain standards. Member countries and/or designated operators should refer to the relevant UPU standard publications which contain the standards approved by the UPU.
2 Except where the application of a UPU standard is explicitly required by a reference to it in the Regulations, the application of UPU standards shall be voluntary. Nevertheless, member countries and/or designated operators are advised to adhere to the standards that are relevant to their domestic and international operations in order to enhance processing efficiency and the interoperability of their systems and pro- cesses.
3 A UPU standard should be adopted in its entirety. Member countries and/or designated operators shall ensure that their use of a UPU standard is fully compliant with the requirements specified therein. They may deviate from recommendations only to the extent permitted by the standard concerned.
Article 17-007
Direct transhipment of postal consignments
1 The provisions of this article shall apply regardless of the mode of transport used, including, without limitation, carriers such as airlines, land-based transportation companies, railway undertakings and sea services.
2 Direct transhipment of consignments at the transit point shall preferably be performed between transport routes operated by the same carrier (intraline transhipment) but, where this is not possible, it may be performed between transport routes operated by different carriers (interline transhipment). The designated operator of origin shall make prior arrangements with the carrier(s) involved. The designated operator of origin may request one carrier to make arrangements with the other carrier; in this regard, the designated operator of origin shall have confirmation that such arrangements, including ground handling and accounting, are in place. The use of the additional CN 42 label should also be determined.
3 In case of direct transhipment, the designated operator of origin shall enter information about the transhipment point on the delivery bill (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41, CN 47) or electronic equivalent, and on the receptacle label (CN 34, CN 35, CN 36 for letter post; CP 83, CP 84, CP 85 for parcels).
4 If a consignment documented for direct transhipment fails to connect with the scheduled transportation at the transhipment point, the designated operator of origin shall ensure that the carrier follows the arrangements in its agreement with the other carrier for direct transhipment referred to under 2, or contacts the designated operator of origin for instructions. Such arrangements for direct transhipment shall include provision for later transportation operated by the same carrier.
5 Consignments transhipped directly at the transit point, either between transport routes operated by the same carrier (intraline transhipment) or between transport routes operated by different carriers (interline transhipment), shall not be subject to transit charges between the designated operator at the transhipment point and the designated operator of origin.
6 In the cases referred to under 2 and where the designated operators of origin and of destination and the carrier concerned agree in advance, the carrier making the transhipment may prepare, if necessary, a special delivery bill to replace the original CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bill. The parties concerned shall mutually agree on the relevant procedures and form in conformity with articles 17-135 and 17-136 (for letter post) or 17-226 and 17-227 (for parcels).
7 Where arrangements for direct transhipment are not possible, the designated operator of origin may plan closed transit, in accordance with articles 17-132 (for letter post) or 17-225 (for parcels).
8 When surface mails from a designated operator are forwarded as closed transit by air by another designated operator, the conditions of such closed transit shall be covered by a special agreement between the designated operators concerned.
Article 17-008
Steps to be taken in the event of interrupted transport route, or of diversion or missending of postal receptacles
1 The provisions of this article shall apply regardless of the mode of transport used, including, without limitation, carriers such as airlines, land-based transportation companies, railway undertakings and sea services.
2 When a carrier interrupts its journey for a length of time likely to delay postal receptacles or when, for any reason whatsoever, postal receptacles are unloaded at a point other than that given on the CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bills or electronic equivalent, the designated operator of origin shall ensure that the carrier follows the arrangements in its agreement with the other carrier for direct transhipment, or contacts the designated operator of origin for instructions.
3 The designated operator which receives missent postal receptacles owing to a labelling error shall attach a new label to each receptacle, with an indication of the office of origin, and reforward them to their correct destinations.
4 In every case, the office which did the reforwarding shall inform the office of origin of each receptacle by a CN 43 (for letter post) or CP 78 (for parcels) verification note or electronic equivalent, indicating in particular on the verification note the carrier from which the mail was taken, the services used (air or surface) for onward transmission to its destination, and the cause of missending (such as transportation or labelling error).
Article 18-001
Insured items
1 Priority items and letters containing securities, valuable documents or articles, and parcels may be exchanged with insurance of the contents for the value declared by the sender. This exchange shall be restricted to relations between designated operators which have declared their willingness to admit such items, whether reciprocally or in one direction only.
2 Insured value
2.1 In principle, the amount of the insured value shall be unlimited. Every member country or designated operator may limit the insured value, so far as it is concerned, to an amount which may not be less than 4,000 SDR or to an amount at least equal to that adopted in its domestic service if that amount is less than 4,000 SDR. However, the insured value limit adopted in the domestic service shall be applicable only if it is equal to or higher than the amount of the indemnity set for the loss of a registered item, in the case of a letter-post item, or for a parcel weighing 1 kg in the case of a parcel. The maximum amount shall be notified in SDR to the member countries of the Union.
2.2 In the service between member countries or designated operators which have adopted different maxima for the insured value, the lower limit shall be observed by both.
2.3 The insured value may not exceed the actual value of the contents of the item, but it shall be permissible to insure only part of that value. Concerning letter-post items, the amount of the insurance for papers whose value resides in the cost of their preparation may not exceed the cost of replacing the documents in case of loss.
2.4 Fraudulent insurance for a value greater than the actual value of the contents of an item shall be liable to the legal proceedings prescribed by the legislation of the country of origin.
2.5 The insured value shall be expressed in the currency of the country of origin. It shall be written by the sender or his representative above the address in the case of letter-post items, and on the parcel and the dispatch note in the case of parcels, in words with roman lettering and in Arabic figures, without erasure or alteration, even if certified. The amount of the insured value shall not be indicated in pencil or indelible pencil.
2.6 The amount of the insured value shall be converted into SDRs by the sender or by the office of origin. The result of the conversion, rounded up where appropriate to the nearest unit, shall be shown in figures at the side of or below those representing the value in the currency of the country of origin. Conversion shall not be carried out in direct services between countries which have a common currency.
2.7 When circumstances of any kind or statements made by the interested parties bring to light a fraudulent insurance for a value greater than the actual value of the contents of an item, the designated operator of origin shall be advised promptly. Any documents in support of the investigation shall be attached to the advice. If the item has not yet been delivered to the addressee, the designated operator of origin may ask for its return.
3 Charges - maximum amount
3.1 Letter-post items
3.1.1 The charge on insured items shall be paid in advance. It shall be made up of the ordinary postage charge, the fixed registration charge laid down in article 18-101 and an insurance charge.
3.1.2 Instead of the fixed registration charge, designated operators may collect the corresponding charge of their domestic service or, exceptionally, a charge the guideline amount of which shall be 3.27 SDR.
3.1.3 The guideline amount of the insurance charge shall be 0.33 SDR for each 65.34 SDR of insured value or fraction thereof, or 0.5% of the scale of the insured value. This charge shall apply whatever the country of destination, even in countries which undertake to cover risks of force majeure.
3.2 Parcels
3.2.1 The charge on insured parcels shall be paid in advance.
3.2.2 It shall be made up of the principal charge, an optional dispatch charge and an ordinary insurance charge; any air surcharges and charges for special services shall be added to the principal charge; the guideline maximum dispatch charge shall be the same as the registration charge for letter-post items, viz 1.31 SDR or the corresponding charge of the domestic service if this is higher or exceptionally, a guideline maximum charge of 3.27 SDR.
3.2.3 The guideline maximum ordinary insurance charge shall be 0.33 SDR for each 65.34 SDR of insured value or fraction thereof, or 0.5% of the scale of the insured value.
3.2.4 For parcels, any charge for cover against risks of force majeure shall be set so that the sum of this charge and the ordinary insurance charge do not exceed the maximum amount of the insurance charge.
3.3 In cases where exceptional security measures are required, designated operators may collect from the sender or from the addressee, in addition to the charges mentioned under 3.1 and 3.2, the special charges provided for by their domestic legislation.
4 Designated operators shall have the right to provide their customers with an insured items service in accordance with specifications other than those defined in this article.
5 Admission
5.1 For letter-post items, designated operators shall take the necessary measures to provide, as far as possible, the insured items service at every office in their countries.
5.2 Insured letter-post items and parcels shall fulfil the following conditions to be admitted to the post.
5.2.1 Insured letter-post items and parcels shall be made up in such a way that the contents cannot be tampered with without obvious damage to the envelope, the packing or the seals and shall be sealed by effective means such as fine adhesive tape with a special uniform design or mark of the sender. Designated operators may, however, agree not to require such design or mark. In this case, for letter- post items, designated operators of origin shall put some postmarks on the adhesive tape or the closing edge of the item to prevent alterations. If its regulations so permit, the designated operator of origin shall recommend that its customers use envelopes specially made for sending insured items. The use of non-tamper-proof self-adhesive envelopes shall be prohibited for insured items.
5.2.2 Notwithstanding paragraph 5.2.1, designated operators may require insured letter-post items and parcels to be sealed with identical wax seals, lead seals or other effective means, with a special uniform design or mark of the sender.
5.2.3 The seals, the postage stamps representing the prepaid postage, and the postal service and other official service labels shall be spaced out so that they cannot serve to hide damage to the envelope or to the packing. The postage stamps and the labels shall not be folded over the two sides of the envelope or the packing so as to cover an edge. For letter-post items, it shall be forbidden to affix to items labels other than those relating either to the postal service or to official services whose intervention may be required under the national legislation of the country of origin.
5.2.4 A receipt shall be handed over free of charge to the sender of an insured item at the time of posting.
5.3 The following provisions apply to letter-post items:
5.3.1 Transparent envelopes or wrappers, and/or envelopes with one or more than one transparent panel, shall not be admitted.
5.3.2 Designated operators that do not adhere to the provisions contained in paragraphs 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 and send insured items without seals shall not be entitled to compensation for the insured value in the event of loss, theft or damage. Such items shall be treated as registered items and compensated as such.
5.3.3 If the items are tied round crosswise with string and sealed as described under 5.2.1, the string itself need not be sealed.
5.3.4 Items which have the exterior appearance of a box must fulfil the following additional conditions: They shall be of wood, metal, plastic or some other sturdy material and sufficiently strong. The walls of wooden boxes shall have a minimum thickness of 8 mm. The top and bottom shall be covered with white paper to take the address of the addressee, the declaration of the insured value and the impression of the official stamps. These boxes shall be sealed on the four sides in the manner described under 5.2.1. If required for ensuring inviolability, the boxes shall be tied round crosswise with strong string without knots. The two ends of the string shall be joined under a wax seal bearing a special uniform design or mark of the sender.
5.3.5 The prepaid postage may be denoted by an indication showing that the postage has been paid in full, for example: "Taxe perçue" (Charge collected). This indication shall appear in the top right-hand part of the address side and be authenticated by an impression of the date-stamp of the office of origin.
5.3.6 Items addressed to initials or the address of which is shown in pencil and those which have erasures or corrections in their address shall not be admitted. Such items which have been wrongly admitted shall be returned to the office of origin.
5.4 The following provisions apply to parcels:
5.4.1 An address-label may be gummed to the packing itself.
5.4.2 Every designated operator shall have the option of setting a maximum amount for the insured value up to which it will forgo application of the provisions of 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. The lower of the amounts concerned shall be applied in relations between member countries or designated operators that have set different maximum values.
6 Marking and treatment of items
6.1 Letter post
6.1.1 All designated operators shall apply a barcode on all outward insured items. The specifications shall be as follows: Each insured item must be identified by a single CN 06 label containing the capital letter "V" and including a unique item identifier conforming to the specification of 13-character identifiers in UPU Technical Standard S10. The item identifier shall be encoded in both human-readable and barcoded form, as prescribed in the standard. As an alternative, designated operators may agree bilaterally to the use of unique item identifiers and barcodes that are already in use on international insured items.
6.1.2 The exact weight in grammes shall be marked on the item.
6.1.3 The CN 06 label and the indication of the weight shall be placed on the address side and, in so far as possible, in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given.
6.1.4 A stamp impression showing the office and date of posting shall be applied to the address side.
6.1.5 No serial number shall be placed on the front of items by the intermediate designated operators.
6.1.6 The office of destination shall apply to the back of each item an impression of its stamp showing the date of receipt.
6.1.7 The delivering designated operator shall obtain a signature of acceptance or some other form of evidence of receipt from the recipient when delivering or handing over an insured letter-post item. In addition to the signature, the name in capital letters or any clear and legible indication permitting unambiguous identification of the person signing shall also be obtained.
6.1.8 Additionally, designated operators may establish systems that generate electronic delivery confirmation data, and agree to exchange such data with the designated operators of origin of the items.
6.1.9 Designated operators that have established systems that generate electronic delivery confirmation shall have the right to use signatures captured electronically from these systems, to provide proof of delivery by individual item to the sending designated operator, subject to CN 08 inquiry by the sending designated operator. The electronic delivery confirmation data may be provided electronically (e-mail) or in hard-copy form at the discretion of the delivering designated operator.
6.2 Parcels
6.2.1 Any insured parcel and its dispatch note shall be provided with a CP 74 pink label. This label shall bear in roman letters the letter V and the serial number of the parcel. It shall be gummed on the parcel, on the same side as, and near to, the address.
6.2.2 Designated operators may, however, use at the same time the CP 73 label prescribed in article 17-213 and a small pink label, bearing in bold letters the words "Valeur déclarée" (Insured).
6.2.3 The weight in kilogrammes and tens of grammes shall be given both on the parcel beside the address and on the dispatch note in the space provided. Any fraction of 10 grammes shall be rounded up to the next ten.
6.2.4 No serial number shall be placed on the front of insured parcels by the intermediate designated operator.
6.2.5 Delivery procedure for parcels When delivering or handing over an insured parcel, the delivering designated operator shall obtain from the recipient a signature of acceptance, or register captured data from an identity card, or obtain some other form of evidence of receipt that is legally binding under the legislation of the country of destination to confirm acceptance.
Article 18-002
Cash-on-delivery items
1 General principles
1.1 On the basis of bilateral agreements, letter-post items and ordinary and insured parcels which fulfil the conditions laid down in these Regulations may be sent cash-on-delivery.
1.2 Designated operators shall be entitled to restrict the cash-on-delivery service to certain categories of items.
2 Charge
2.1 The designated operator of origin of the item shall freely decide the charge to be paid by the sender, in addition to the postal charges payable on the category to which the letter-post item or parcel belongs.
3 Role of office of posting
3.1 Letter post
3.1.1 Indications to be given on the COD items. Labels COD items shall bear very prominently, on their address side, the heading "Remboursement" (COD), followed by the COD amount. They shall also bear on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given, an orange label in the form of the specimen CN 29. Alternatively, designated operators may provide these indications by means of a CN 29bis label.
3.1.2 The CN 04 label provided for in article 18-101.5 (or impression of the special stamp instead) shall be applied wherever possible in the top corner of the CN 29 label.
3.2 Parcels
3.2.1 Indications to be given on parcels and dispatch notes. Labels Parcels on which a COD charge is payable and the corresponding dispatch notes shall bear very prominently, on the address side in the case of the parcels, the heading "Remboursement" (COD) followed by the COD amount. The sender shall write his name and address in roman letters on the address side of the parcel and on the front of the dispatch note. The dispatch notes of COD parcels shall bear an orange label in the form of the specimen CN 29. If the dispatch note is included in a self-adhesive document pack with a proper indication of the COD amount, the CN 29 label shall not be mandatory. In addition, COD parcels shall bear, on the address side, two further labels in the form of specimen CN 29bis and specimen CP 95.
3.3 Form to be attached to the item
3.3.1 Every COD item shall be accompanied by an MP 1bis form, or any other form agreed among designated operators, which shall be used for sending the postal payment order in exchange of the COD item to its sender.
4 Role of office of destination
4.1 The designated operator which has delivered the letter-post item or parcel to its addressee shall issue the MP 1bis form for sending the postal payment order in exchange of the COD item, or use any other means agreed among designated operators, in favour of the sender of the letter-post item or parcel.
5 Redirection
5.1 Any letter-post item or parcel on which a COD charge is payable may be redirected if the designated operator of the country of new destination provides this service in its relations with the country of origin.
6 Indemnities for parcels
6.1 If a COD parcel is delivered without collection of the COD amount, the destination designated operator shall pay the dispatching designated operator an indemnity corresponding to the COD amount.
6.2 If the item is partially rifled, the indemnity shall be set at the actual value of the theft, on the basis of the COD amount.
6.3 In the event of loss, the indemnity shall be limited to the total COD amount.
Article 18-003
Advice of delivery for letter-post items and parcels
1 In the case of designated operators which offer the advice of delivery service to customers, the sender of a registered letter-post item, ordinary parcel or insured item may apply for an advice of delivery at the time of posting by paying a charge the guideline amount of which shall be 0.98 SDR.
2 This advice of delivery shall be returned to the sender by the quickest route (air or surface). Designated operators may agree on the electronic exchange of advices of delivery for registered letter-post items, ordinary parcels or insured items when they offer the electronic advice of delivery service to their customers.
2.1 In the case of parcels, designated operators may restrict this service to insured parcels if such restriction is provided for in their domestic service.
3 Marking of items with advices of delivery
3.1 Items for which the sender requests an advice of delivery shall bear in bold type on the address side the letters A.R.
3.1.1 For letter-post items, the sender shall give his name and address in roman letters on the outside of the item. The latter indication, when it appears on the address side, shall be placed in the top left- hand corner. This position shall as far as possible also be assigned to the letters A.R., which may be located beneath the sender's name and address where these are given.
3.1.2 For parcels, the same indication shall also be made on the dispatch note.
3.2 The items mentioned under 2.1 shall be accompanied by a light red CN 07 form of the consistency of a postcard. The CN 07 form shall bear in bold type the letters A.R. The sender shall complete, in roman letters and using means other than ordinary pencil, the various sections as indicated by the form's layout. The front of the form shall be completed by the office of origin or by any other office appointed by the dispatching designated operator and, for letter-post items, be securely attached to the item. For parcels, this form shall be securely attached to the dispatch note. If the form does not reach the office of destination that office shall automatically make out a new advice of delivery.
3.3 In calculating the postage for an advice of delivery item, including, where applicable, calculation of the air surcharge, the weight of the CN 07 form may be taken into account. The advice of delivery charge shall be represented on the item with the other charges.
4 Treatment of advices of delivery
4.1 As a matter of priority the advice of delivery shall be signed by the addressee or, if that is not possible, by another person authorized to do so under the regulations of the country of destination. If those regulations so provide, the advice may be signed by the official of the office of destination, except for letter-post items in the case of delivery to the addressee in person. In addition to the signature, the name in capital letters or any clear and legible indication permitting unambiguous identification of the person signing shall also be obtained. The identification information referred to herein may also be obtained by electronic means.
4.2 The office of destination shall return the duly completed and signed CN 07 form direct to the sender by the first mail. This form shall be sent without an envelope by the quickest route (air or surface) and, for parcels, post-free. If the advice of delivery is returned without having been duly completed, for letter-post items, the irregularity shall be notified by means of the CN 08 form provided for in article 21-001, to which the relevant advice of delivery shall be attached. For parcels, the notification shall take place via the relevant request in IBIS, in accordance with article 21-001, to which the advice of delivery shall be attached.
4.3 When the sender inquires about an advice of delivery which he has not received within a normal period, this advice shall be requested free of charge on form CN 08. A duplicate of the advice of delivery, bearing on the front in bold letters the word "Duplicata" (Duplicate), shall be attached to the CN 08 inquiry form for letter-post items; for parcels, it shall be attached to the relevant request in IBIS in accordance with article 21-001.
4.4 Designated operators that have established systems to generate electronic delivery confirmation and have agreed to exchange such data with the designated operator of origin of the items shall have the right to use signatures captured electronically from these systems to provide proof of delivery of individual items to the sending designated operator, subject to CN 08 inquiry for letter-post items or, for parcels, IBIS inquiry by the sending designated operator. The electronic delivery confirmation data may be provided electronically (e-mail) or in hard-copy form at the discretion of the delivering designated operator.
4.5 As provided for in article 10 of the Convention, the processing of any personal data associated with electronic advice of delivery and electronic delivery confirmation referred to in this article shall be in accordance with the national legislation of the member country concerned.
5 Accounting charges
5.1 Each designated operator returning an advice of delivery (CN 07 form) to another designated operator shall be entitled to collect from that designated operator a sum corresponding to the costs incurred for returning the advice of delivery. This sum shall be fixed in accordance with the IBRS accounting charges set out in article 18-103.4. The advices of delivery shall be transmitted and accounted for together with the IBRS items, following the process and using the forms provided for in articles 18-103.5 and 17-125 for IBRS items.
5.2 The provisions under 4.1 shall apply by analogy to the electronic advice of delivery in cases where designated operators offer this service to their customers.
Article 18-004
Items for delivery free of charges and fees
1 In the service between designated operators which have notified their agreement to that effect senders may, by means of a previous declaration at the office of origin, undertake to pay the whole of the charges and fees to which the items are subject on delivery.
2 Charges
2.1 Senders shall undertake to pay the amounts which may be claimed by the office of destination. If necessary, they shall make a provisional payment.
2.2 The designated operator of origin shall collect from the sender a charge, the guideline amount of which shall be 0.98 SDR, which it shall retain as payment for services rendered in the country of origin.
2.3 The designated operator of destination shall be authorized to collect a commission charge the guideline amount of which shall be 0.98 SDR. This charge shall be independent of the presentation- to-Customs charge. It shall be collected from the sender on behalf of the designated operator of destination.
2.4 Rules unique to letter-post items
2.4.1 In the case of a request made after posting of a letter-post item, the designated operator of origin shall also collect an additional charge the guideline amount of which shall be 1.31 SDR per request.
2.4.2 Every designated operator may restrict to registered and insured letter-post items the service of delivery free of charges and fees.
3 Marking and treatment of items
3.1 Items for delivery to addressees free of charges and fees shall bear in bold letters the heading "Franc de taxes et de droits" (Free of charges and fees) or a similar indication in the language of the country of origin. These items shall be provided with a yellow label also bearing in bold letters the indication "Franc de taxes et de droits".
3.1.1 For letter-post items, the heading and the label shall be placed on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given.
3.1.2 For parcels, this indication shall also be shown on the dispatch note.
3.2 Every item sent free of charges and fees shall be accompanied by a CN 11 franking note. The sender of the item shall complete the text of the right-hand side of the front of parts A and B of the franking note. The dispatching office shall insert the postal service indications. The sender's entries may be made with the use of carbon paper. The text shall include the undertaking prescribed in 2.1. For letter-post items, the franking note, duly completed, shall be securely attached to the item. For parcels, the dispatch note, the customs declarations and the franking note shall be securely fastened together.
3.3 Request after posting for letter-post items
3.3.1 The sender may ask, after posting, for the item to be delivered free of charges and fees.
3.3.2 If the request is to be forwarded by post, the office of origin shall inform the office of destination in an explanatory note. This latter shall bear the prepayment of the charge due. It shall be forwarded as a registered item by the quickest route (air or surface) to the office of destination accompanied by a franking note duly completed. The office of destination shall affix the label prescribed under 4.1 to the item.
3.3.3 If the request is to be forwarded by telecommunication, the office of origin shall inform the office of destination by telecommunication and at the same time advise the relative particulars of the posting of the item. The office of destination shall automatically make out a franking note.
4 Return of part A of franking notes. Recovery of charges and fees
4.1 After delivery to the addressee of an item for delivery free of charges and fees, the office which has advanced the customs or other charges on behalf of the sender shall complete, so far as it is concerned, with the use of carbon paper, the details appearing on the back of parts A and B of the franking note. It shall send part A, accompanied by the supporting vouchers, to the office of origin of the item; these shall be sent in a closed envelope, without indication of the contents. Part B shall be retained by the designated operator of destination of the item for settlement with the debtor designated operator.
4.2 However, any designated operator may arrange for part A of franking notes on which charges have been levied to be returned by specially appointed offices and request that this part be forwarded to a specified office.
4.3 The name of the office to which part A of the franking notes are to be returned shall be entered in every case on the front of this part by the office dispatching the item.
4.4 When an item bearing the words "Franc de taxes et de droits" (Free of charges and fees) reaches the service of destination without a franking note, the office responsible for customs clearance shall prepare a duplicate note; on parts A and B of this note it shall show the name of the country of origin and, as far as possible, the date of posting of the item.
4.5 When the franking note is lost after delivery of an item, a duplicate shall be prepared under the same conditions.
4.6 Parts A and B of the franking notes relating to items which for any reason are returned to origin shall be cancelled by the designated operator of destination.
4.7 On receipt of part A of a franking note showing the charges paid out by the service of destination, the designated operator of origin shall convert the amount of those charges into its own currency. The rate used shall not be higher than the rate fixed for the issue of postal money orders intended for the country concerned. The result of the conversion shall be shown in the body of the form and on the coupon at the side. After recovering the amount of the charges, the office appointed for that purpose shall hand to the sender the coupon from the note and any supporting vouchers.
4.8 Provision unique to parcels concerning the amount of charges
4.8.1 When the sender disputes the amount of the charges shown in part A of the franking note, the designated operator of destination shall verify the amount of the sums paid out. If necessary, it shall approach its national customs services. After making any necessary corrections, it shall send part A of the note in question to the designated operator of origin. Likewise, if the designated operator of destination finds an error or omission regarding the charges relating to a parcel free of charges and fees for which part A of the franking note has been returned to the designated operator of origin, it shall issue a corrective duplicate. It shall send part A to the designated operator of origin to put the matter in order.
5 Accounting with the designated operator of origin of items
5.1 Accounting in respect of charges, customs duty and other fees paid out by each designated operator on behalf of another shall be carried out by means of CN 12 detailed monthly accounts, drawn up by the creditor designated operator on a quarterly basis in the currency of its own country. The data in parts B of the franking notes which have been retained shall be entered in the alphabetical order of the offices which have advanced the charges and in the numerical order given to them. "Nil" accounts shall not be prepared.
5.2 If the two designated operators concerned also operate the letter-post and parcel-post service in their relations with each other, they may, in the absence of notice to the contrary, include in the accounts for the customs charges and fees and other charges of that service those of the letter post.
5.3 The CN 12 detailed account, accompanied by parts B of the franking notes, shall be forwarded to the debtor designated operator:
5.3.1 For letter-post items: at the latest by the end of the month following that to which it relates. "Nil" accounts shall not be prepared.
5.3.2 For parcels: at the latest by the end of the second month after the quarter to which it relates.
5.4 For letter-post items, the accounts shall be settled separately. Each designated operator may, how- ever, request that these accounts be settled with those for money orders or with CP 75 accounts for postal parcels, without being incorporated in them.
5.5 For parcels, accounting shall be effected by means of the CP 75 account mentioned in article 35-014.
5.5.1 Unless the designated operators concerned have agreed otherwise, the amount on the last line of the CN 12 account shall be included by the creditor designated operator in the next CP 75 sent by that designated operator, with justification given in the "Observations" column.
5.5.2 In cases where the designated operator does not use the CP 75 in its relations with the debtor designated operator, the CN 51 account can, exceptionally, be used in similar fashion.
Article 18-005
Consignment service
1 Common rules
1.1 Designated operators may agree among themselves to take part in an optional "Consignment" ser- vice for collective items from one consignor sent abroad.
1.2 Wherever possible, this service shall be identified by the logo defined in 1.4.
1.3 The details of this service shall be laid down bilaterally between the designated operator of origin and the designated operator of destination on the basis of provisions defined by the Postal Operations Council.
1.4 Identification of the "Consignment" service
1.4.1 The logo designed to identify the "Consignment" service shall consist of the following components: the word "CONSIGNMENT" in blue; three horizontal bands (one red, one blue and one green).
2 Rules unique to parcels
2.1 The Consignment service:
2.1.1 shall at least comprise joint posting and transport of parcels from a single customer to the inward office of exchange or entry point in the country of destination and joint customs clearance by the designated operator of origin;
2.1.2 shall include all parcel items, as well as any other types of postal items agreed between the designated operator of origin and the designated operator of destination;
2.1.3 may, subject to the agreement of the relevant customs authorities, use bulk customs clearance for cost efficiency;
2.1.4 may use specific bags, specific pallets or specific postal containers to transport items;
2.1.5 shall include distribution of the parcels by the designated operator of destination to one or more addressees.
Section V
Prohibitions and customs matters
Article 19-001
Dangerous goods admitted exceptionally
1 Exceptionally, the following dangerous goods shall be admitted:
1.1 the radioactive materials sent in letter-post items and postal parcels mentioned in article 19-003.1;
1.2 the infectious substances sent in letter-post items and postal parcels mentioned in article 19-003.2;
1.3 the lithium cells and lithium batteries sent in letter-post items and postal parcels mentioned in article 19-003.3.
2 Other classes of dangerous goods may be admitted in letter-post items and parcels in relations between member countries that have declared their willingness to admit them either reciprocally or in one direction, provided that they are in compliance with national and international transport rules and regulations, and are not carried by air.
Article 19-002
Controlling the introduction of dangerous goods
1 Each designated operator shall establish procedures and training programmes with a view to con- trolling the introduction of admissible dangerous goods into its postal services, in compliance with national and international rules and regulations.
2 Each designated operator wishing to accept equipment containing admissible lithium cells or lithium batteries into international airmail may do so, provided it has received specific prior approval in accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions. The International Bureau shall be notified when this approval has been granted to a designated operator.
3 Any designated operator can receive and deliver international airmail items whose contents include equipment containing admissible lithium cells and lithium batteries without approval from its national civil aviation authority. However, the designated operator which accepts and sends these items must have met the requirements set out under 2 and must take into consideration any prohibitions or operational requirements of the country of destination and/or countries through which the items may transit.
Article 19-003
Admissible radioactive materials, infectious substances, and lithium cells and lithium batteries
1 Radioactive materials shall be admitted in letter-post items and parcels in relations between member countries which have declared their willingness to admit them either reciprocally or in one direction only under the following conditions:
1.1 Radioactive materials shall be made up and packed in accordance with the respective provisions of the Regulations.
1.2 When they are sent in letter-post items, they shall be subject to the tariff for priority items or the tariff for letters and registration.
1.3 Radioactive materials contained in letter-post items or postal parcels shall be forwarded by the quickest route, normally by air, subject to payment of the corresponding surcharges.
1.4 Radioactive materials may be posted only by duly authorized senders.
2 Infectious substances, with the exception of category A infectious substances affecting humans (UN 2814) and affecting animals (UN 2900), shall be admitted in letter-post items and postal parcels, under the following conditions:
2.1 Category B infectious substances (UN 3373) may be exchanged by mail only between officially recognized senders, as determined by their competent authority. These dangerous goods may be acceptable in mail, subject to the national and international legislation in force and the current edition of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, as promulgated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
2.2 Category B infectious substances (UN 3373) must be handled, packed and labelled in accordance with the provisions listed in the Regulations. These items shall be subject to the tariff for priority items or the tariff for registered letters. An additional charge for the handling of these items shall be allowed.
2.3 Exempt patient specimens (human or animal) may be exchanged by mail only between officially recognized senders determined by their competent authority. These materials may be acceptable in mail, subject to the national and international legislation in force and the current edition of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, as promulgated by the ICAO.
2.4 Exempt patient specimens (human or animal) must be handled, packed and labelled in accordance with the provisions listed in the Letter Post Regulations. These items shall be subject to the tariff for priority items or to the tariff for registered letters. An additional charge for the handling of these items is allowed.
2.5 Admission of infectious substances and exempt patient specimens (human or animal) shall be restricted to member countries that have declared their willingness to admit such items, whether reciprocally or in one direction only.
2.6 Permissible infectious substances and exempt patient specimens (human or animal) shall be for- warded by the quickest route, normally by air, subject to the payment of the corresponding air sur- charges, and shall be given priority in delivery.
3 A maximum of four lithium cells or two lithium batteries, installed in equipment, shall be admitted in letter-post items and parcels under the following conditions:
3.1 For a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell, the lithium content shall not be more than 1 g, and for a lithium ion cell, the Watt-hour rating shall not be more than 20 Wh.
3.2 For a lithium metal or lithium alloy battery, the aggregate lithium content shall not be more than 2 g, and for a lithium ion battery, the Watt-hour rating shall not be more than 100 Wh; Lithium ion batteries subject to this provision shall be marked with the Watt-hour rating on the outside case.
3.3 Cells and batteries when installed in equipment shall be protected from damage and short circuit, and the equipment shall be equipped with an effective means of preventing accidental activation; when lithium batteries are installed in equipment, they shall be packed in strong outer packagings constructed of suitable material of adequate strength and design in relation to the packaging's capacity and its intended use unless the batteries are afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in which they are contained.
3.4 Each cell or battery shall be of the type proved to meet the requirements of each test in United Nations Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.
Article 19-004
Conditions of acceptance and marking of items containing exempt patient specimens (human or animal)
1 Exempt patient specimens (human or animal) as defined in the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (Model Regulations ST/SG/AC10/1) shall be accepted under the following conditions.
2 Exempt patient specimens are those for which there is minimal likelihood that pathogens are present and must be packed in a packaging which will prevent any leakage and which is marked with the words in English or French "Exempt human specimen"/"Echantillon humain exempté" or "Exempt animal specimen"/ "Echantillon animal exempté", as appropriate.
2.1 The packaging must meet the following conditions:
2.1.1 The packaging must consist of three components:
2.1.2 a leak-proof primary receptacle(s);
2.1.3 a leak-proof secondary packaging; and
2.1.4 an outer packaging of adequate strength for its capacity, mass and intended use, and with at least one surface having minimum dimensions of 100 mm × 100 mm;
2.2 For liquids, absorbent material in sufficient quantity to absorb the entire contents must be placed between the primary receptacle(s) and the secondary packaging so that, during transport, any release or leak of a liquid substance will not reach the outer packaging and will not compromise the integrity of the cushioning material;
2.3 When multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, they must be either individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them.
Article 19-005
Conditions of acceptance and marking of items containing infectious substances
1 Substances which are infectious or reasonably suspected to be infectious for humans or animals and which meet the criteria of infectious substances in category B (UN 3373) shall be declared "Biological sub- stance, category B". Infectious substances assigned to UN 2814, UN 2900 or UN 3291 shall be prohibited in international mail.
2 Senders of infectious substances assigned to UN 3373 shall ensure that shipments are prepared in such a manner that they arrive at their destination in good condition and that the substances are packed according to Packing Instruction 650 as shown in the current edition of the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (TI) published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) or the current edition of the Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) published by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Senders should consult the most recent edition of the ICAO TI and/or the IATA DGR to verify the current text of Packing Instruction 650 prior to use.
3 The packaging shall be of good quality, strong enough to withstand the shocks and loadings normally encountered during transport, including transhipment between transport units and between transport units and warehouses as well as any removal from a pallet or overpack for subsequent manual or mechanical handling. Packaging shall be constructed and closed to prevent any loss of contents that might be caused under normal conditions of transport by vibration or by changes in temperature, humidity or pressure.
4 The packaging shall consist of three components:
4.1 a primary receptacle;
4.2 a secondary packaging; and
4.3 a rigid outer packaging.
5 Primary receptacles shall be packed in secondary packaging in such a way that, under normal conditions of transport, they cannot break, be punctured or leak their contents into the secondary packaging. Secondary packaging shall be secured in outer packaging with suitable cushioning material. Any leakage of the contents shall not compromise the integrity of the cushioning material or of the outer packaging.
6 For transport, the mark illustrated below shall be displayed on the external surface of the outer pack- aging on a background of a contrasting colour and shall be clearly visible and legible. The mark shall be in the form of a square set at an angle of 45% (diamond-shaped) with each side having a length of at least 50 mm, the width of the line shall be at least 2 mm, and the letters and numbers shall be at least 6 mm high. The proper shipping name "Biological substance, category B", in letters at least 6 mm high shall be marked on the outer package adjacent to the diamond-shaped mark.
7 At least one surface of the outer packaging shall have a minimum dimension of 100 mm x 100 mm.
8 The completed package shall be capable of successfully passing the drop test as specified in the TI and DGR, except that the height of the drop shall not be less than 1.2 m. Following the appropriate drop sequence, there must be no leakage from the primary receptacle(s), which must remain protected by absorbent material, when required, in the secondary packaging.
9 For liquid substances:
9.1 The primary receptacle(s) shall be leak-proof and must not contain more than one litre of the liquid substance.
9.2 The secondary packaging shall be leak-proof.
9.3 If multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, they shall be either individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them.
9.4 Absorbent material shall be placed between the primary receptacle(s) and the secondary packaging. The absorbent material shall be in quantity sufficient to absorb the entire contents of the primary receptacle(s) so that any release of the liquid substances will not compromise the integrity of the cushioning material or of the outer packaging.
9.5 The primary receptacle or the secondary packaging shall be capable of withstanding, without leak- age, an internal pressure of 95 kPa (0.95 bar).
9.6 The outer packaging must not contain more than four litres of the liquid substance. This quantity excludes ice or dry ice when used to keep specimens cold.
10 For solid substances:
10.1 The primary receptacle(s) shall be sift-proof and not exceed the outer packaging mass limit.
10.2 The secondary packaging shall be sift-proof.
10.3 If multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, they shall be either individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them.
10.4 Except for packages containing body parts, organs or whole bodies, the outer packaging must not contain more than four kilogrammes of the solid substances. This quantity excludes ice or dry ice when used to keep specimens cold.
10.5 If there is any doubt as to whether or not residual liquid may be present in the primary receptacle during transport, then a packaging suitable for liquids, including absorbent materials, must be used.
11 For refrigerated or frozen specimens (ice and dry ice):
11.1 When dry ice is used to keep specimens cold, all applicable requirements of the TI and DGR shall be met. When used, ice or dry ice shall be placed outside the secondary packaging or in the outside packaging or an overpack. Interior supports shall be provided to secure the secondary packaging in the original position after the ice or dry ice has dissipated. If ice is used, the outside packaging or overpack shall be leak-proof. If solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) is used, the packaging shall be designed and constructed to permit the release of carbon dioxide gas to prevent a build-up of pressure that could rupture the packaging.
11.2 The primary receptacle and the secondary packaging shall maintain their integrity at the temperature of the refrigerant used as well as the temperatures and pressures that could result if refrigeration were lost.
12 Where packages are placed in an overpack, the package markings required by ICAO packing instruction 650 shall either be clearly visible or be reproduced on the outside of the overpack and the overpack shall be marked with the word "Overpack".
13 Infectious substances assigned to UN 3373 which are packed and marked in accordance with ICAO packing instruction 650 are not subject to any other requirements under this article except for the following:
13.1 the name, address and telephone number of the shipper and of the consignee must be provided on each package;
13.2 the name and telephone number of a person responsible shall be provided in a written document (such as the CN 38 delivery bill) or on the package;
13.3 classification must be in accordance with the provisions of the TI and DGR;
13.4 the incident reporting requirements of the TI and DGR must be met; and
13.5 the inspection for damage or leakage requirements of the TI and DGR shall apply.
14 No shipper's declaration for dangerous goods shall be required.
15 Clear instructions on filling and closing such packages shall be provided by packaging manufacturers and subsequent distributors to the consignor or to the person who prepares the package (e.g. patient) to enable each single package to be correctly prepared for transport.
16 Other dangerous goods must not be packed in the same packaging as Division 6.2 infectious sub- stances unless they are necessary for maintaining the viability, stabilizing or preventing degradation or neutralizing the hazards of the infectious substances. A quantity of 30 ml or less of dangerous goods included in Classes 3, 8 or 9 may be packed in each primary receptacle containing infectious substances provided that these substances meet the requirements of the TI and DGR. When these small quantities of dangerous goods are packed with infectious substances in accordance with the TI no other requirements in this article need be met.
17 Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) used as refrigerant
17.1 If dry ice is used as refrigerant, the packaging requirements of Packing Instruction 954 as set out in the current edition of the TI and DGR must be met. For information, the relevant text of Packing Instruction 954 is provided below. Senders should consult the most recent edition of the TI and DGR to verify the current text of Packing Instruction 954 prior to use.
17.2 The following information shall be provided in a written document (such as the CN 38 delivery bill) or on the package. The information shall be shown in the following order:
17.2.1 UN 1845;
17.2.2 proper shipping name (dry ice or carbon dioxide, solid);
17.2.3 the number of packages; and
17.2.4 the net weight of dry ice in each package.
17.3 The net weight of the dry ice must be marked on the outside of each package. When packages are placed in an overpack, the overpack must be marked on the outside with the total net quantity of dry ice in the overpack.
17.4 Receptacles containing infectious substances only and identified by special "UN 3373" labels shall be handed over by postal authorities to airlines in unsealed mail receptacles.
Article 19-006
Conditions of acceptance and marking of items containing radioactive materials
1 Items containing radioactive materials, whose contents and make-up comply with the regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency shall be admitted for conveyance by post subject to prior consent from the competent authorities of the country of origin provided the activity does not exceed one tenth of that per- mitted in Table 3 - Activity Limits for Excepted Packages as listed in the current edition of the IAEA TS-R-1 and does not contain uranium hexafluoride.
2 The outside packaging of items containing radioactive materials shall be marked by the sender with the label shown below indicating the applicable UN-number. It shall also bear, in addition to the name and address of the sender, a request in bold letters for the return of the items in the event of non-delivery.
3 The sender shall give his name and address and the contents of the item on the inner wrapping.
4 The label shown above shall be clearly crossed out, should the empty package be returned to the place of origin.
Article 19-007
Conditions of acceptance of letter-post items and parcels containing lithium cells and batteries installed in equipment
1 Letter-post items and parcels containing lithium metal or lithium ion cells and batteries installed in equipment shall be packed according to Packing Instruction 967, Section II (lithium ion cells and batteries), or Packing Instruction 970, Section II (lithium metal cells and batteries), as applicable, of the current edition of the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Technical Instructions) published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Senders must consult the most recent edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions.
2 Cells and batteries installed in equipment that have been identified by the manufacturer as being defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, or that have the potential of producing a dangerous evolution of heat, fire or short circuit are forbidden for transport.
Article 19-008
Dangerous goods prohibited from insertion in letter-post items and parcels
1 The articles covered by the "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods" drawn up by the United Nations, with the exception of certain dangerous goods provided for in the existing Regulations, and by the Technical Instructions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations shall be considered as dangerous goods in accordance with the provisions of article 19.3.1 of the Convention and prohibited from insertion in letter-post items and parcels, when transported by international air conveyance.
2 Each designated operator shall establish procedures and training programmes with a view to con- trolling the introduction of undeclared or inadmissible dangerous goods into its postal services, in compliance with national and international rules and regulations.
Article 19-009
Exceptions to prohibitions in parcels
1 The prohibition relating to narcotics and psychotropic substances shall not apply to consignments sent for a medical or scientific purpose to countries which admit them on this condition.
2 If the national regulations of the member countries concerned so permit, parcels may also contain any document exchanged between the sender and the addressee of the parcel or persons residing with them.
3 Article of the Convention shall not apply when the exchange of parcels between two member countries admitting insured parcels can only be made in transit through the intermediary of a member country which does not admit them.
Article 20-001
Items subject to customs control
1 Designated operators shall accept no liability for the customs declarations. Completion of customs declarations shall be the responsibility of the sender alone. However, designated operators shall take all rea- sonable steps to inform their customers on how to comply with customs formalities, and specifically to ensure that CN 22 and CN 23 customs declarations are completed in full, in order to facilitate rapid clearance of items.
2 Provisions applicable to letter-post items
2.1 Items to be submitted to customs control shall bear on the outside a CN 22 customs declaration, or be provided with a tie-on label in the same form.
2.2 In accordance with article 08-002, customs data provided in accordance with the instructions on the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declarations, including the names and addresses of the sender and addressee, shall be transmitted electronically, in compliance with UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1), to the designated operator of the country of destination. The designated operator of origin may share all or part of these data with the customs administration in the country of origin for export purposes, and the designated operator of destination may share all or part of these data with the customs administration in the country of destination for customs import purposes.
2.3 The use of the data from the paper CN 22 or CN 23 customs declarations provided for in 2.2 shall be restricted to processes relating to the exchange of mail and customs formalities in respect of the export or import of postal items and may not be used for any other purpose.
2.4 With the authorization of the designated operator of origin, users may use envelopes or wrapping bearing, in the place provided for affixing the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration, a pre-printed facsimile of that declaration. Moreover, users may make the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration with the authorization of the designated operator of origin. The dimensions, format and data elements shall be the same as those of the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration.
2.5 If the value of the contents declared by the sender exceeds 300 SDR, or if the sender prefers, the items shall also be accompanied by the prescribed number of separate CN 23 customs declarations. One of these declarations shall be affixed to the item. If the declaration is not directly visible on the outside of the item, the detachable part of the CN 22 customs declaration shall be affixed to the outside of the item. It shall also be possible to replace the detachable part of the CN 22 customs declaration with a gummed or self-adhesive white or green label inscribed as follows:
Inscription in black
2.6 CN 23 customs declarations shall be securely attached to the outside of the item, preferably in a transparent adhesive envelope. Exceptionally, if the sender prefers, these declarations may be inserted in a closed envelope inside registered items, if they contain the valuable articles mentioned in article 19.6.1 of the Convention, or inside insured items.
2.7 The sender may also attach, along with the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration, any document (invoice, export or import licence, certificate of origin, sanitary certificate, etc.) necessary for customs treatment in the dispatching country and in the country of destination.
2.8 Small packets shall always be provided with a customs declaration, which shall be either the CN 22 customs declaration or the CN 23 customs declaration as prescribed in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.6.
2.9 For M bags, the CN 22 customs declaration shall be stuck on the address label if the country of destination so requests. If the value of the contents declared by the sender exceeds 300 SDR, or if the sender prefers, the detachable part of the CN 22 customs declaration or the aforementioned gummed or self-adhesive label shall be affixed to the address label and the CN 23 customs declarations shall be affixed to that same label. If the designated operator of the country of destination so requests, they shall be attached to one of the items contained in the bag.
2.10 The absence of a CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration shall not, in any circumstances, involve the return to the office of origin of consignments of printed papers, serums, vaccines, infectious sub- stances, radioactive materials and urgently required medicines which are difficult to obtain.
2.11 The contents of the item shall be shown in detail on the CN 22 and CN 23 customs declarations. Descriptions of a general character shall not be admitted.
2.12 All provisions of other paragraphs of this article shall also apply to the data from the paper CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration provided for in paragraph 2.2 above. In case of a discrepancy between the data on the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration and the electronic version provided pursuant to paragraph 2.2 above, the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration shall constitute the customs declaration.
3 Provisions applicable to parcels
3.1 Designated operators shall take all steps to speed up customs clearance of air parcels as much as possible.
Article 20-002
Presentation-to-Customs charge
1 Letter-post items
1.1 The guideline maximum amount of the special charge prescribed in article 20.2 of the Convention for letter-post items submitted to customs control in the country of origin or of destination shall be 2.61 SDR. For each M bag, the guideline maximum amount is 3.27 SDR.
1.2 In the absence of special agreement, the charge shall be collected from the addressee by the designated operator of destination. However, in the case of items for delivery free of charges and fees, the presentation-to-Customs charge shall be collected by the designated operator of origin on behalf of the designated operator of destination.
2 Parcels
2.1 The guideline maximum amount of the presentation-to-Customs charge referred to in article 20.2 of the Convention which may be levied on parcels submitted to customs control in the country of origin shall be 0.65 SDR per parcel.
2.2 Parcels submitted to customs control in the country of destination may be subjected to a guideline maximum charge of 3.27 SDR per parcel in accordance with article 20.2 of the Convention.
2.3 In the absence of special agreement, the charge shall be collected from the addressee by the designated operator of destination. However, in the case of items for delivery free of charges and fees, the presentation-to-Customs charge shall be collected by the designated operator of origin on behalf of the designated operator of destination.
Article 20-003
Cancellation of customs duty and other fees
1 Designated operators shall undertake to seek from the appropriate services in their country cancellation of customs duty and other fees on items:
1.1 returned to origin;
1.2 destroyed because of total damage to the contents;
1.3 redirected to a third country;
1.4 in the specific case of parcels:
1.4.1 abandoned by the sender;
1.4.2 lost, rifled or damaged in their service.
2 In cases of rifled or damaged parcels, cancellation of fees shall be requested only to the value of the missing contents or the depreciation suffered by the contents.
Section VI
Article 21-001
Inquiries. General principles
1 Within the period of time prescribed in article 21 of the Convention, inquiries shall be accepted as soon as the problem is reported by the sender or the addressee. However, where a sender's inquiry concerns an undelivered item and the anticipated transmission time has not expired:
1.1 for inquiries when using a CN 08 form, the sender should be informed of this transmission time;
1.2 for inquiries when using IBIS, the inquiry shall be submitted only after the above-mentioned trans- mission time has expired, unless an inbound RESDES or EMSEVT message has been transmitted.
2 No reservations concerning the periods for the handling and settlement of inquiries may be made to articles 21-001, 21-002 and 21-003, other than within the framework of a bilateral agreement.
Article 21-002
Inquiries when using a CN 08 form
1 Preparation of CN 08
1.1 By agreement between the designated operators involved, the inquiry for a letter-post item may be in the form of a computer file or message (electronic CN 08) transmitted electronically, for example using the Internet. In the absence of such an agreement, or if a designated operator does not use IBIS for parcels inquiries, the inquiry shall be in the form of the CN 08 document.
1.2 The CN 08 form shall be accompanied, whenever possible, by a facsimile of the address of the item. The inquiry form shall be completed with all the details called for, including the mandatory information on charges paid if the inquiry concerns a registered or insured item, and very legibly, preferably in roman capital letters and Arabic figures, or even better, in printed characters.
1.3 If the inquiry concerns a cash-on-delivery item, it shall also be accompanied by a duplicate of the form provided for in article 18-
1.4 One form may be used for several items posted at the same time at the same office by the same sender and sent by the same route to the same addressee.
1.5 All designated operators must send the International Bureau notification of the postal and, whenever possible, electronic addresses to which CN 08 inquiries must be sent.
1.6 The first designated operator to receive the CN 08 form and accompanying documents from a customer shall invariably complete its investigations within ten days and forward the CN 08 form and accompanying documents to the corresponding designated operator. The form and documents shall be returned to the designated operator which originated the inquiry as soon as possible and at the latest within two months from the date of the original inquiry or within 30 days from the date of the original inquiry if the case was reported by fax or any other electronic means. Inquiries about insured and registered items, ordinary and insured parcels shall be accompanied by the addressee's declaration made out on a CN 18 form and certifying the non-receipt of the item under inquiry, only if the sender so requires. After the corresponding period has elapsed, a reply shall be sent by fax, e-mail or any other means of telecommunication to the designated operator of origin, at the expense of the designated operator of destination. Where there is an agreement about the use of an electronic system for letter-post items, the reply times shall be as set out in the agreement between the relevant designated operators, but shall be no longer than those specified in this paragraph.
1.7 Replies to inquiries sent by fax or e-mail or by other electronic means must, wherever possible, be sent by the same means.
1.8 For letter-post items, on request, a receipt or any reference number should be issued free of charge to a customer lodging an inquiry in each case where there is a requirement for the customer or the designated operator to be able to track the progress of the inquiry over time or where the designated operator pursues the inquiry using the CN 08 process. Each designated operator may design its own receipt. An example is provided in the Regulations for guidance purposes.
1.9 If the sender asserts that, despite the designated operator of destination's attestation of delivery, the addressee claims not to have received the item under inquiry, the following procedure shall be followed. At the express request of the designated operator of origin, the designated operator of destination shall be obliged to provide the sender as soon as possible and, at the latest, within a period of 30 days from the date of sending of such a request, through the designated operator of origin, confirmation of the delivery by letter, CN 07 advice of delivery or some other means, signed in conformity with article 18-004.3.1 or 18-102.3.2, as appropriate or a copy of a signature of acceptance or some other form of evidence of receipt from the recipient in conformity with article 18-101.5.6, 18-, 17-205.3 or 18-
2 Inquiries about registered items, ordinary parcels and insured items
2.1 Where an inquiry concerns registered items or ordinary parcels exchanged under the system of bulk advice, the number and date of dispatch of the mail must be entered on the CN 08 inquiry. By agreement between the designated operators involved, the inquiry and response for a letter-post item may be in the form of a computer file or message which is transmitted electronically, for example, using the Internet. In the absence of such an agreement, or if a designated operator does not use IBIS for inquiries, the inquiry shall, where possible, be sent by fax or e-mail, without additional cost to the customer; otherwise the inquiry shall be sent by post. In the latter case, the form shall be sent automatically, without a covering letter and always by the quickest route (air or surface).
2.2 If the designated operator of origin or the designated operator of destination so requests, the inquiry shall be forwarded direct from the office of origin to the office of destination.
2.3 If, upon receipt of the inquiry, the central administration of the country of destination or the specially appointed office concerned is able to say what finally happened to the item, it shall complete the "Particulars to be supplied by the service of destination" part of the CN 08 form. In cases of delayed delivery, retention or return to origin the reason shall be shown briefly on the CN 08 form.
2.4 A designated operator which is unable to establish either delivery to the addressee or correct trans- mission to another designated operator shall immediately order the necessary inquiry. It shall record in the "Final reply" part of the CN 08 form its decision on liability.
2.4.1 For letter-post items, where an electronic version of the CN 08 is used by agreement between designated operators, the designated operator accepting liability shall record in the authorization code box on the electronic CN 08 the reference number authorizing acceptance of liability. The extent of the acceptance of liability shall be entered in the Remarks box (e.g. the full amount, half the amount paid (bulk advice) or according to the agreement between us, you have to compensate the inquirer).
2.5 The CN 08 form, duly completed as prescribed under 2.3 and 2.4, shall be returned to the address of the office which prepared it using, where possible, the same means as was used for the transmission of the inquiry, electronically, by fax or e-mail, or by the quickest route (air or surface).
2.6 The designated operator of origin shall send inquiries about items sent in transit à découvert at the same time to both the intermediate designated operator and the designated operator of destination. Inquiries about items contained in closed mails which have transited through one or more intermediate designated operators shall in principle be handled directly between the country of origin and the country of final destination. Nevertheless, the designated operator of origin may, in order to speed up the process of investigation, ask any intermediate designated operator to provide appropriate dispatch information.
2.6.1 Inquiries sent to intermediate designated operators that so indicate in the Letter Post or Parcel Post Compendium Online shall be accompanied by a CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41, as appropriate. The copies may be either electronic or physical, according to the principles stated in 2.5.
2.6.2 Any intermediate designated operator consulted shall forward the CN 08 form to the next designated operator, and the corresponding CN 21 form to the designated operator of origin, as soon as possible, but within a period not exceeding 10 days.
3 Inquiries about the non-return to sender of an advice of delivery
3.1 In the case provided for in article 18-003.4.3 and if an item has been delivered, the designated operator of the destination country shall obtain on the CN 07 advice of delivery form bearing the word "Duplicata" the signature of the person who has received the item. Subject to the legislative provisions of the country of the designated operator dispatching an advice of delivery, instead of obtaining a signature on the duplicate of the advice of delivery, it shall also be authorized to attach to the CN 07 form a copy of a document used in the domestic service with the signature of the person who has received the item or a copy of the electronic signature affixed upon delivery of the item. The CN 07 form shall remain attached to the CN 08 inquiry form for subsequent delivery to the claimant.
4 Inquiries concerning items posted in another country
4.1 If the inquiry concerns an item posted in another country, the CN 08 form shall be forwarded to the designated operator or the specially appointed office of the designated operator of origin of the item. It shall reach it within the period prescribed for the retention of documents. The certificate of posting must be produced but shall not be attached to the CN 08 form. The latter shall be endorsed "Vu récépissé de dépôt No … le … par le bureau de …". (Seen, certificate of posting No. … issued on… by the office of …).
Article 21-003
Inquiries when using IBIS
1 Preparation of requests for designated operators using IBIS: mandatory operational and technical procedures applicable to IBIS
1.1 Designated operators that agree to use IBIS for letter-post inquiries shall use it according to the procedures described herein. For parcels, use of IBIS for inquiries is mandatory.
2 The treatment of the inquiry by IBIS shall be performed in accordance with the type of inquiry and the two-level inquiry workflow as described hereafter and detailed in the IBIS Operational Guide.
3 Two-level inquiry workflow:
3.1 Level 1 query (L1Q): If, on the basis of the information available in the electronic tracking system, a response cannot be given to the customer, the designated operator shall indicate the type of request in accordance with paragraph 2 and send it to the designated operator of destination. A level 1 response (L1R) is expected within the time frame set for the corresponding type of request. An authorization code shall be sent to the designated operator of origin if the liability of the destination or intermediate designated operator is accepted.
3.2 Level 2 query (L2Q): If a response to a level 1 query (L1Q) does not conclude the investigation, the designated operator of origin may submit a level 2 query (L2Q) to the intermediate or destination designated operator, asking for a more in-depth investigation. A level 2 response (L2R) is expected within the time frame set for the corresponding type of request. The answer to a level 2 query must be conclusive. After this period, the designated operator of origin may indemnify the claimant on behalf of the intermediate or destination designated operator. An appropriate authorization code shall be provided electronically by the liable designated operator. If the intermediate or destination designated operator fails to return the authorization code within the prescribed time, or if the information received cannot be considered as a final reply within the meaning of article 25-001.1, the designated operator of origin shall indemnify the rightful claimant automatically on behalf of the intermediate or destination designated operator.
4 Messages for updating queries: IBIS also provides for the ability to update or supplement requests that are processed using the following messages:
4.1 Quality update message (QUM): allows the operator receiving a non-compliant or inaccurate request to ask for additional information.
4.2 Status update message (SUM): updates queries before a definitive answer is available.
5 If the sender asserts that, despite the designated operator of destination's attestation of delivery, the addressee claims not to have received the item under inquiry, the designated operator of destination shall be obliged to provide the sender with confirmation of the delivery by letter, CN 07 advice of delivery or some other means, signed in conformity with article 18-003, or a copy of a signature of acceptance or some other form of evidence of receipt from the recipient, in conformity with article 17-205.3 or 18-
6 In IBIS, a designated operator may send a notification, which is a type of message used to proactively provide information at item level to solve a case, without opening an official inquiry. Notifications shall not initially be measured for speed or quality of response.
7 Time frame for processing requests and performance indicators:
7.1 Requests shall be dealt with according to the time frames mentioned in the table under 7.2 for each corresponding type and level of inquiry.
7.2 Designated operators shall meet the reply times in the following table, which are expressed in working days (eight hours per day, not including holidays):
Type of request | Workflow level | Reply time L1 | Reply time L2 |
Update/confirmation item status | 1 and 2 | 3 days | 15 days |
Written proof of delivery (WPOD) | 1 | 10 days | - |
Disputed delivery | 2 | - | 15 days |
Request for change/correct address, redelivery or return/stop delivery | 1 | 5 days | |
Damage/missing contents | 1 and 2 | 7 days | 15 days |
Misdirected/redirected/transit | 1 and 2 | 7 days | 15 days |
Customs investigation | 1 and 2 | 7 days | 15 days |
Explanation delayed delivery/ processing at destination | 1 | 5 days | - |
Unexplained return of item | 1 | 5 days | - |
COD amount not received | 1 and 2 | 7 days | 15 days |
Advice of delivery (AR) | 1 and 2 | 7 days | 15 days |
7.3 At the end of the inquiry process, the liable designated operator must provide the sending designated operator with an appropriate authorization code allowing it to indemnify the claimant.
7.4 If the liable designated operator fails to return the authorization code within the prescribed time, or if the information received cannot be considered as a final reply within the meaning of article 25-001.1 and 2, the sending designated operator shall automatically indemnify the rightful claimant on behalf of the designated operator of destination.
7.5 For letter post, a minimum performance target of 80% of on-time responses, as defined in para- graph 8.1, is required for any designated operator that participates in the supplementary remuneration programme described in article 31-104. For parcel post, a minimum performance target of 90% of on-time responses, as well as an average maximum time of eight working hours to open the requests and replies received, as defined in paragraphs 8.1 to 8.3, are required for any designated operator to be eligible to receive the IBIS inward land rate bonus referred to in article 33-201. Nevertheless, designated operators are encouraged to observe the 95% target for the two-level inquiry workflow defined in paragraph 3.
8 The efficiency of treatment and the quality of transactions shall be analyzed on the basis of the following performance indicators:
8.1 On-time response: responses given within the agreed level 1 or level 2 reply time.
8.2 For letter post: time to open the request; for parcel post, time limit for opening the request received.
8.3 For parcel post: time limit for opening the reply received.
8.4 Time to escalate from level 1 to level 2.
8.5 Outstanding messages: inquiries not answered within a stipulated response time and still not answered when the report is run.
8.6 Resolution rate after the first response.
8.7 Total duration up to the final response.
Article 22-001
Application of the liability of designated operators
1 Principles
1.1 With the exception of ECOMPRO parcels, designated operators' liability shall be binding for items conveyed à découvert and forwarded in closed mails and for parcels returned with no reason for non- delivery given.
1.2 Designated operators which undertake to cover risks arising from a case of force majeure shall be liable towards senders of letter-post items and parcels posted in their country for any loss, theft or damage due to a case of force majeure occurring at any time during transmission of the items. This undertaking shall also cover any redirection or return to sender.
1.3 The designated operator in whose service the loss, theft, damage or unexplained return occurred shall decide, according to the laws of its country, whether the loss, theft, damage or unexplained return was due to circumstances amounting to force majeure. These circumstances shall be communicated to the designated operator of the country of origin if the latter designated operator so requests.
1.4 Designated operators participating in the exchange of COD items shall be liable, up to the COD amount, for the delivery of COD items without collection of funds or against collection of a sum lower than the COD amount. Designated operators shall assume no liability for delays which may occur in the collection and dispatch of funds.
2 Indemnity
2.1 Letter post
2.1.1 The amount of the indemnity referred to in article 22.2.1 of the Convention for the loss of, total theft from or total damage to a registered item shall be 30 SDR. The indemnity for the loss of, total theft from or total damage to a registered M bag shall be 150 SDR. Charges and fees paid by the sender for posting the item, with the exception of the registration charge, shall be added to these values to determine the total compensation payable.
2.1.2 The amount of the indemnity referred to in article 22.2.2 of the Convention for registered items that are partially rifled or partially damaged shall not exceed the corresponding amounts mentioned in paragraph 2.1.1 for registered items that are lost, totally rifled, or totally damaged.
2.2 Parcels
2.2.1 The indemnity referred to in article 22.3.1 of the Convention shall not exceed the amounts calculated by combining the rate of 40 SDR per ordinary parcel and the rate of 4.50 SDR per kilogramme. Charges and fees paid for posting the item shall be added.
2.2.2 Designated operators may agree to apply, in their reciprocal relations, the amount of 130 SDR per parcel regardless of the weight.
2.2.3 The amount of the indemnity referred to in article 22.3.2 of the Convention for an ordinary parcel that is partially rifled or partially damaged shall not exceed the corresponding amounts mentioned in paragraph 2.2.1 or in paragraph 2.2.2.
2.2.4 The indemnity relating to an insured parcel that is lost, totally or partially rifled or damaged shall be limited to the amounts referred to in article 22.4 of the Convention.
2.2.5 The indemnity for the unexplained return of a parcel shall, in accordance with article 22.6 of the Convention, be commensurate with the charges paid by the sender for posting the parcel in the country of origin and the charges incurred for returning the parcel from the country of destination.
3 Conditions for payment of indemnity for parcels
3.1 Payment of indemnities resulting from the liability of the intermediate or destination designated operator shall be subject to the following conditions:
3.1.1 Subject to article 17-215.1.5, the parcel must be identified by a barcoded unique item identifier con- forming to UPU Technical Standard S10.
3.1.2 The inquiry must be entered in IBIS by the designated operator of origin if both designated operators are using the system.
3.1.3 If the liable designated operator is not an IBIS user, the claim shall be made in accordance with article 21-002.
Article 23-001
Delivery of a rifled or damaged registered or insured item or parcel
1 The designated operator making delivery of a rifled or damaged registered or insured item, or rifled or damaged parcel, shall prepare a CN 24 report on the joint inspection and have it countersigned, whenever possible, by the addressee. The inspection may be completed via electronic means, such as video conferencing or the transmission of photographic evidence by e-mail or secure document transmission. The CN 24 report may be transmitted via e-mail with electronic signature. One copy of the report shall be furnished to the addressee or, if the item is refused or redirected, attached to it. One copy shall be retained by the designated operator which prepared the report. One copy of the report shall be sent under registered cover or by e-mail or by other electronic means to the appropriate office listed in the Letter Post or Parcel Post Compendium Online of the country to which the dispatching office of exchange belongs.
2 The designated operator of the country of origin that has received a copy of the CN 24 report in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, article 17-137.11 or article 17-234.2, shall notify the sender that the item has been rifled or damaged.
3 If the item is delivered, the copy of the CN 24 report prepared by the office of exchange in accordance with article 17-137.11 shall be attached to the item and dealt with in accordance with the regulations of the country of destination. If the item is refused, the said copy shall remain attached to the item.
4 When national regulations so require, an item subjected to the treatment specified in 1 shall be returned to the sender if the addressee refuses to countersign the CN 24 report.
5 If the liability for a parcel assumed according to article 23.1 of the Convention has to be shared with another designated operator the request to this effect shall be recorded using the Internet-Based Inquiry System accompanied by an electronic copy or translation of the CN 24 report. Where appropriate, an electronic copy of the CP 78 verification note mentioned in article 17-234.2 shall be provided using the Internet-Based Inquiry System.
Article 24-001
Establishment of sender's liability
1 A designated operator which finds damage that is due to the fault of the sender shall inform the designated operator of origin, whose responsibility it is to take action against the sender where appropriate.
2 For letter-post items and with reference to the provisions of paragraph 1, the designated operators of origin and of destination may agree to draw up the accounting procedure concerning the amount of damage to be covered by the sender.
Article 25-001
Payment of indemnity
1 The designated operator of origin or destination, as the case may be, shall be authorized to indemnify the rightful claimant on behalf of the designated operator which, having participated in the conveyance and having been duly informed, has either: (i) allowed 30 days to pass, from the date of receipt of such a request through IBIS (as per the procedures defined in article 21-003) or (for letter-post items only) of a CN 08 form sent by fax or any other electronic means by which the receipt of inquiry can be confirmed; or (ii) (for letter- post items only) allowed two months to pass from the date of receipt of such a request through a CN 08 form sent by post, without finally settling the matter, or without having reported:
1.1 that the damage appeared to be due to a case of force majeure;
1.2 that the item had been detained, confiscated or destroyed by the competent authority because of its contents or seized under the legislation of the country of destination.
2 In this case, none of the designated operators that participated in the conveyance may refuse the reimbursement of the indemnity, postal charges and other fees paid to the rightful claimant by the designated operator of origin or destination, as the case may be.
3 For designated operators using a CN 08 form for letter-post items, the period of two months stipulated under 1 shall begin to run from the date on which the duly completed CN 08 form (including the necessary information concerning the transmission of dispatches) is received by the designated operator of destination.
4 The designated operator of origin shall be authorized to indemnify the rightful claimant on behalf of the designated operator of destination which, having been duly informed about the request of the designated operator of origin to provide confirmation of delivery of the item under inquiry, mentioned in article 21-002.1.9, has allowed 30 days to pass, from the date of the sending of such a request by the designated operator of origin, without replying to a second inquiry concerning inappropriate execution of service.
5 The designated operator of origin or destination, as the case may be, shall be authorized to postpone payment of the indemnity to the rightful claimant in cases where the inquiry is not properly completed or incorrect and requires additional information or amendment, thereby causing the time limit set in 1 to be exceeded. The indemnity may be paid by the end of an additional period of (i) 30 days in the case of a request received through IBIS (as per the procedures defined in article 21-003), or (for letter-post items only) of a CN 08 form sent by fax or any other electronic means; or (ii) (for letter-post items only) two months in case of requests through a CN 08 form sent by post, from the date on which the CN 08 form is completed or amended. If no additional information is added or no amendment is made to the inquiry, the designated operator concerned shall be authorized not to indemnify the rightful claimant.
6 In case of an inquiry concerning a COD parcel, the designated operator of origin shall be authorized to indemnify the rightful claimant up to the COD amount on behalf of the designated operator of destination which, having been duly informed, has allowed the same period as mentioned in paragraph 1 to pass without finally settling the matter.
7 No reservations concerning the periods for the treatment and settlement of inquiries and the period and conditions for the payment of indemnity and the reimbursement of paying designated operators may be made to this article, except within the framework of a bilateral agreement.
Article 25-002
Period for payment of indemnity
1 The payment of the indemnity shall be made as soon as possible and, at the latest, within a period of three months from the day following the day of inquiry.
2 No reservations concerning the period for the payment of indemnity may be made to this article, other than within the framework of a bilateral agreement.
Article 25-003
Automatic payment of indemnity
The return of a CN 08 form in which the "Particulars to be supplied by the intermediate services or by the service of destination", "Particulars to be supplied by the service of destination" and "Final reply" sections have not been completed shall not be considered as a final reply within the meaning of article 25-001.
Article 25-004
Determination of liability between designated operators
1 Until the contrary is proved, liability shall rest with the designated operator which, having received the item without reporting a discrepancy by means of a CN 43 verification note, in the case of letter-post items, and by means of a CN 43 verification note and/or a CP 78 verification note, or a CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bill, in the case of parcels, at the time of receipt of the mail in which the item was dispatched, and being furnished with all the prescribed means of inquiry, cannot prove either delivery to the addressee or, where appropriate, correct transfer to another designated operator.
2 If the loss theft or damage occurs in the course of conveyance without it being possible to establish in which country's territory or service it happened, the designated operators concerned shall bear the loss equally.
2.1 In the case of the loss of registered items, this principle shall apply only to items identified by a CN 04 label with a unique item identifier, in accordance with article 18-101, Registered items. Otherwise, the dispatching designated operator alone shall bear the loss.
2.2 In the case of an uninsured parcel, when the amount of indemnity does not exceed the amount calculated in article 22-001.2.2 for a parcel of one kilogramme, this sum shall be borne equally by the designated operator of origin and the designated operator of destination, intermediate designated operators being excluded.
3 As regards insured items, the liability of a designated operator towards other designated operators shall in no case exceed the maximum insured value that it has adopted.
4 Designated operators not providing the insured items service shall assume, in respect of such items conveyed in closed mails, the liability laid down for registered items and/or for uninsured parcels. This provision shall also apply when designated operators do not accept liability for insured items carried on board the ships or aircraft used by them.
5 If the loss, theft or damage of an insured item occurs in the territory or service of an intermediate designated operator which does not provide the insured items service, the designated operator of origin shall bear the loss not covered by the intermediate designated operator. The same rule shall apply if the amount of the damage is higher than the maximum insured value adopted by the intermediate designated operator.
6 Customs duty and other duties of which it has not been possible to secure cancellation shall be borne by the designated operator liable for the loss, theft or damage.
7 A designated operator which has paid the indemnity shall take over the rights, up to the amount of the indemnity, of the person who has received it in any action which may be taken against the addressee, the sender or third parties.
Article 25-005
Procedures for determining the liability of designated operators
1 Until the contrary is proved and subject to article 25-004, an intermediate designated operator or designated operator of destination shall be relieved of all liability:
1.1 when it has observed the provisions for inspection of mails and parcels and establishment of irregularities;
1.2 when it can prove that it was informed of the inquiry after the destruction of the official records relating to the item in question, the period of retention having expired. This reservation shall not prejudice the rights of the claimant;
1.3 when, in the case of individual entry of registered letter-post items, correct delivery of the lost item cannot be proved because the designated operator of origin did not enter the registered items in detail on the CN 33 special lists.
2 Until the contrary is proved, a designated operator dispatching a registered or insured letter-post item shall be relieved of all liability if the office of exchange to which the item has been consigned has not sent to the dispatching designated operator, by the first available mail after inspection, a CN 24 report stating either that the whole packet of registered or insured articles or the particular item is missing or has been tampered with.
3 If the theft or damage of a registered or insured item has been established in the country of destination or, in the case of return to sender, in the country of origin, it shall be for the designated operator of that country to prove:
3.1 For letter-post items:
3.1.1 that neither the packet, envelope or receptacle and its fastening, nor the wrapping and fastening of the item bore any apparent trace of theft or damage;
3.1.2 in the case of an insured item, that the weight established at the time of posting has not varied;
3.1.3 when a registered item or an insured item has been lost, rifled or damaged as the result of force majeure, the designated operator in whose territorial jurisdiction or services the loss, theft or damage occurred shall be liable to the designated operator of origin only if the two designated operators undertake to cover risks of force majeure.
3.2 For parcels:
3.2.1 that neither the wrapping nor the fastening of the parcel bore any apparent trace of theft or damage;
3.2.2 that in the case of an insured parcel, the weight established at the time of posting has not varied;
3.2.3 that, in the case of parcels forwarded in closed receptacles, both the receptacles and their fastening were intact.
4 Additional provisions applicable only to parcels
4.1 In the case of parcels sent in bulk, none of the designated operators concerned may repudiate its share of liability by showing that the number of parcels found in the mail differs from that advised on the parcel bill.
4.2 In the case of bulk transmission of parcels, the designated operators concerned may agree that liability be shared in the event of loss of, theft from or damage to certain categories of parcels, determined by mutual agreement.
4.3 When a parcel has been lost, rifled or damaged as the result of force majeure, the designated operator in whose territorial jurisdiction or services the damage occurred shall not be liable towards the designated operator of origin unless the two designated operators undertake to cover risks of force majeure.
5 When the proof mentioned in 3 has been furnished, none of the other designated operators concerned may repudiate its share of liability on grounds that it handed over the item without the next designated operator having made any objection.
Article 26-001
Recovery from air carriers of indemnities paid
1 When the loss, theft or damage occurs in the service of an air carrier, reimbursement of the indemnity paid to the sender shall be recovered from the carrier:
1.1 by the designated operator of origin if it settles conveyance dues direct with the air carrier;
1.2 by the designated operator that collected the conveyance dues, when the designated operator of origin does not settle them direct with the air carrier. The indemnity paid to the sender shall be reimbursed to the designated operator of origin by the designated operator that collected the conveyance dues.
Article 26-002
Reimbursement of the indemnity to the paying designated operator
1 The designated operator which is liable or on behalf of which payment is made shall reimburse the paying designated operator the amount of indemnity, charges and fees paid to the rightful claimant according to the mandatory information provided on the CN 08 form, or in IBIS, respectively. The accounting procedures to be followed are described in articles 26-003 and 26-004.
2 If the indemnity, charges and fees paid which were reimbursed to the rightful claimant are due to be borne by several designated operators, the whole of the indemnity, charges and fees paid which were reimbursed to the rightful claimant shall be paid to the paying designated operator by the first designated operator which, having duly received the item claimed for, is unable to prove its correct transfer to the next service. It shall rest with this designated operator to recover from the other designated operators which are liable each one's share of the indemnity paid to the rightful claimant.
3 The designated operator whose liability is duly established and which has at first declined to pay the indemnity shall assume all additional costs resulting from the unwarranted delay in payment.
Article 26-003
Settlement of indemnities between designated operators
1 If, one year after the date of dispatch of authorization to pay the indemnity, the paying designated operator has not debited the account of the designated operator which is liable, the authorization shall be considered null and void. The designated operator which received it shall then no longer be entitled to claim reimbursement of any indemnity paid, except for letter-post items, in cases where an accepted CN 48 account has been included in the CN 52 general account, pursuant to article 26-004.1.5.
2 When liability has been admitted, as well as in the case provided for in article 25-001.1, the amount of the indemnity may also be automatically recovered from the designated operator which is liable through a liquidation account, either direct or through the intermediary of a designated operator which regularly draws up liquidation accounts with the designated operator which is liable.
3 If the sender or the addressee takes delivery of an item found afterwards against repayment of the amount of the indemnity, that sum shall be refunded to the designated operator or, where appropriate, designated operators which bore the loss, within one year of the date of such repayment.
4 Regarding letter-post items, designated operators may agree to settle periodically for the indemnities which they have paid to the rightful claimants and which they have accepted as justified.
5 The designated operators of origin and destination may agree that the whole of the loss shall be borne by the designated operator which has to make the payment to the rightful claimant.
6 The creditor designated operator shall be reimbursed in accordance with the rules for payment laid down in article 35-005.
Article 26-004
Accounting for amounts due in respect of indemnity
1 Letter-post items
1.1 When payments have to be charged to the designated operators which are liable, the creditor designated operator shall prepare CN 48 monthly or quarterly accounts.
1.2 The rules for the transfer and acceptance of accounting forms provided for in article 35-001 shall be applied to CN 48 accounts.
1.3 The CN 48 account shall be sent to the debtor designated operator, no later than two months after the end of the period to which it relates.
1.4 The acceptance period for the CN 48 account shall be two months.
1.5 In principle, these accounts shall be settled separately. However, designated operators may come to an agreement that they are to be settled with the CN 51 detailed account or with the CN 52 general account, or possibly with the CP 75 account.
2 Parcels
2.1 When it is necessary to recover payments from the designated operators which are liable and several amounts are involved, these shall be summarized on a CN 48 form. The total amount shall be carried forward to the CP 75 account mentioned in article 34-014.
2.2 In case of disputed compensation claims unrelated to article 25-001 received via the CN 48 form, the sending designated operator shall provide on request evidence to support its claim.
Section VII
Article 35-001
Transfer and acceptance of statements and accounts
1 All statement and account forms shall be transmitted electronically or, if this means is not available, sent in duplicate as registered items.
2 Each designated operator shall notify other designated operators, through the International Bureau, of the electronic and postal addresses to which all the accounting forms must be sent.
3 Debtor designated operators may refuse to check and to accept statements and accounts that have not been submitted by the creditor designated operators within the applicable transmission period.
4 The deadline for accepting a statement or account shall apply to both transmission methods (electronically or as a registered item). By default, the acceptance period shall commence on the date on which the form was generated. In the event of transmission via a registered item, if a period of two weeks or more separates the date on the statement or account (corresponding to the date when the form was generated) from the date of receipt, the receiving designated operator shall have the right to inform the partner designated operator that the acceptance period commences only on the date of receipt.
5 The acceptance of a statement or account shall consist of sending a signed copy of the form, with no changes or amendments, to the designated operator that prepared it. This shall be transmitted electronically, or, if this means is not available, as a registered item.
6 In the total amount of each account made out in SDRs, decimals shall be ignored in the total or the balance.
7 Discrepancies in the accounts shall not be taken into consideration unless they exceed a total of 9.80 SDR per account.
8 If the designated operator that prepared a statement or account has not received any notice of amendment or any acceptance from the partner designated operator that received the form within the acceptance period applying to the form, it shall regard it as fully accepted, meaning accepted as rendered, with no changes or amendments.
9 If a notice of amendment is sent by the designated operator that received the form or if a discussion about the content of the form is started, the acceptance deadlines shall no longer apply, but both parties shall make constant efforts to settle the case rapidly. If the designated operator that sent the original statement or account sends an amended one, the rules in paragraph 5 shall apply to this amended version.
Article 35-002
Settlement of accounts: general rules
1 Settlements between designated operators of international accounts arising from postal traffic may be regarded as current transactions and effected in accordance with the current international obligations of the member countries concerned, when there are agreements to this effect. In the absence of such agreements, accounts shall be settled in accordance with the following provisions.
2 The accepted account shall serve as a basis for the preparation, as necessary, of the final liquidation account between the two designated operators.
3 Designated operators may settle their accounts either bilaterally, or through the multilateral clearing system of the International Bureau, or by any other system of settling accounts. Participation in the multilateral clearing system of the International Bureau shall be open only to designated operators that have signed the membership agreement pertaining to the system.
4 For 2020, where two sets of terminal dues rates apply, the designated operator invoking article 29.7 shall create one modified CN 61 form for the settlement of accounts, regardless of the creditor designated operator, reflecting the separate rates for the periods from January to June 2020, and from July to December 2020. Only for the purpose of the deadlines for the settlement of accounts on the basis of the modified CN 61 forms in the year 2020 shall the designated operator invoking article 29.7 be considered as the creditor designated operator.
5 The creditor designated operator shall choose the method of settling the accounts after consulting the debtor designated operator. If there is disagreement, the choice of the creditor designated operator shall prevail in all cases. In the case of settlement through the multilateral clearing system of the International Bureau both the creditor and debtor should be signatories to the relevant membership agreement and mutually agree to include the relevant account in the system.
Article 35-003
Payment of accounts through the UPU clearing system
The settlement of accounts through the clearing system of the International Bureau shall be effected through the provisions laid down by the UPU*Clearing User Group.
Article 35-004
Payment of accounts not settled through the UPU clearing system
1 Debts shall be paid in the currency selected by the creditor designated operator after consultation with the debtor designated operator. If there is disagreement, the choice of the creditor designated operator shall prevail in all cases. If the creditor designated operator does not specify a currency, the choice shall rest with the debtor designated operator.
2 The amount of the payment, as determined in the selected currency, shall be equivalent in value to the balance of the account expressed in SDR.
3 Subject to the provisions set out under 4, the amount to be paid in the selected currency shall be determined by converting the SDR into currencies of payment in accordance with the following provisions:
3.1 In the case of currencies for which the SDR exchange rate is published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the exchange rate in force on the day prior to payment or the most recent rate published shall be used.
3.2 In the case of other currencies of payment, as a first stage, the amount in SDRs shall be converted into an intermediate currency for which the value is published daily by the IMF in terms of the SDR, using the most recent exchange rate published. As a second stage, the result thus obtained shall be converted into the currency of payment, applying the latest rate of exchange quoted on the exchange market of the debtor member country.
3.3 In the case of provisional payments provided for in article 35-012, the procedures described in 3.1 and 3.2 above differ. Thus, in the case of currencies for which the SDR exchange rate is published by the IMF, the rate in force on 30 June of that year or on the next working day, if 30 June is a holiday, shall be used; in the case provided for in 3.2, the conversion into an intermediate currency shall be made at the last rate published in June of that year.
4 If, by mutual agreement, the creditor designated operator and the debtor designated operator have chosen the currency of a country which is not a member of the IMF and whose laws do not permit the application of the provisions set out under 3, the designated operators concerned shall agree on the relationship between the SDR and the value of the selected currency.
5 For the purpose of determining the official or generally accepted foreign exchange market equivalent of a currency, the rate used shall be the closing rate for currency which can be used in the majority of merchandise trade transactions, or the most recent rate quoted.
6 The debtor designated operator shall transmit, on the date of payment, the amount of the selected currency by postal giro or any other means, acceptable to both designated operators. If the creditor designated operator expresses no preference, the choice shall fall to the debtor designated operator.
7 Creditor designated operators shall publish, by means of a circular issued by the International Bureau, any changes to addresses to which cheques or wire transfers are to be sent.
8 The payment charges (fees, clearing charges, deposits, commission, etc.) collected in the debtor country shall be borne by the debtor designated operator. The charges collected in the creditor country, including payment charges collected by banks in intermediate countries, shall be borne by the creditor designated operator. When the postal giro transfer system, with exemption from charges, is used, exemption shall also be granted by the office of exchange in the third country or countries acting as intermediary between the debtor designated operator and the creditor designated operator when there are no direct exchanges between these.
9 If, between the dispatch of the transfer order or the remittance by other means and its receipt by the creditor designated operator, a variation occurs in the equivalent value of the selected currency calculated as described under 3, 4 or 5, and if the difference resulting from such variation exceeds 5% of the amount due (as calculated following such variation), the total difference shall be shared equally between the two designated operators.
10 Payment shall be made as quickly as possible and at the latest within six weeks from the date of acceptance or of notification of official acceptance for liquidation accounts and accounts indicating the amounts or balances to be settled. After that period the amounts due shall be chargeable with interest at the rate of 6% per annum reckoned from the day following the day of expiry of the said period. By payment is meant the dispatch of funds or of the instrument of payment (cheque, draft, etc.) or the signing of the order for transfer or deposit by the organization responsible for the transfer in the debtor member country. If a situation arises where bank transfers are not possible, preventing the debtor country from making payment for accepted accounts, the debtor and creditor designated operators may request the assistance of the International Bureau to facilitate the transfer of payment. The debtor designated operator requesting the International Bureau's assistance in transferring the payment must confirm the request in writing, provide proof that payment cannot be made directly between the two designated operators, and provide proof that the accounts have been accepted.
11 Creditor designated operators may request, in their bilateral relations, that the payment due be made through a debtor designated operator, in such a way as to recover the debt of the initial debtor designated operator through another debtor designated operator that has exchanges with the creditor designated operator. In order for this mechanism to be activated, all three parties must be in agreement with the procedure established for this purpose.
12 When payment is made, the document of transfer (cheque, draft, etc.) shall be accompanied by particulars of the title, period, amount in SDRs, conversion rate used and applicable date of such rate for each amount included in the total sum remitted. If it is not possible for details to accompany the transfer or remittance, an explanatory letter shall be provided by electronic means or else by mail and by the fastest route (air or surface) on the day that the payment is made. The detailed explanation shall be in French or in a language understood by the designated operator to which payment is made.
Article 35-005
Payment of debts expressed in SDRs. General provisions
1 The rules for payment set out below shall apply to all debts arising out of a postal transaction and expressed in SDR. These debts may result from general accounts or statements drawn up by the International Bureau or from liquidation accounts or statements not drawn up by the Bureau. The said rules shall also relate to the settlement of discrepancies, of interest or, where applicable, of payments on account.
2 Any designated operator may discharge its liabilities by payments on account, from which its debts shall be deducted when these have been established.
3 Provided the periods for payment are observed, any designated operator may settle postal debts expressed in SDRs by offsetting credits and debits in its relations with another designated operator. The offsetting may be extended by mutual agreement to debts arising from telecommunications services when both designated operators operate postal and telecommunications services. Offsetting may not be effected with debts in respect of transactions contracted out to an organization or company under the control of a designated operator if that designated operator objects.
4 The inclusion of an airmail account in a general account containing different debts shall not result in delaying the payment of the air conveyance dues owed to the airline concerned.
Article 35-006
Letter mail: preparation, transmission and acceptance of sampling statements
1 Sampling may be performed in two cases: for statistical counts for exchanges of mail between designated operators of countries in the target system in accordance with articles 31-116 and 31-118, and for the revision mechanism.
2 Preparation, transmission and acceptance of CN 53 and CN 54 bills:
2.1 The CN 53 bill provides sampling details for a receiving office. For each sampled receptacle, it provides the receptacle identifier, the receptacle type, the number of items and the gross and net weight. Separate CN 53 bills are prepared for each transportation mode (air, S.A.L., surface), possibly per receptacle type and, where appropriate, by format.
2.2 For sampling in the target system, the CN 53 bill is prepared by the receiving designated operator.
2.3 For the revision mechanism, the CN 53 bill is prepared by the operator requesting the application of the revision mechanism, reporting information gathered during the observation days.
2.4 The designated operator that prepared the CN 53 bills shall prepare a CN 54 recapitulative statement that summarizes the CN 53 bills by transportation mode (air, S.A.L., surface) and format (where appropriate) for a calendar quarter.
2.5 The CN 54 recapitulative statement, accompanied by the CN 53 forms, shall be sent to the other designated operator concerned each quarter not later than three months after receipt of the last mail included in the statistics.
2.6 Operators may agree to substitute the CN 53 and CN 54 forms with the e53 message (electronic statement of sampling) defined in UPU standard M50.
2.7 The e53 electronic statement of sampling shall be used when sampling mail that has not been format- separated.
2.8 The acceptance period for a CN 54 recapitulative statement or equivalent e53 message shall be three months.
3 Preparation, transmission and acceptance of CN 54bis recapitulative statements
3.1 From the accepted CN 54 (or equivalent e53 message) and CN 56 recapitulative statements, the designated operator that had prepared the CN 54 shall prepare a CN 54bis annual statement consolidating the data concerning the mails sampled by transportation mode, format (where appropriate) and quarter and on which is calculated the annual number of items per kilogramme for the year and, where appropriate, the format in question.
3.2 For the revision mechanism, from the CN 54bis annual statement, the designated operator that requested the statistical count shall calculate the average number of items per kilogramme and, in case of application of the revision mechanism, the new rate of terminal dues by application of the formula set forth in article 31-112.6.
3.3 The CN 54bis annual statements shall be sent to the other designated operator concerned not later than one month after the acceptance of the CN 54 and CN 56 recapitulative statements concerning the fourth quarter.
3.4 The acceptance period for a CN 54bis annual statement shall be one month.
4 In cases where the other designated operator concerned has carried out control statistics:
4.1 For sampling in the target system: the annual number of items per kilogramme reported in the CN 54bis shall be regarded as valid if this number differs by 10% or less from that of the other designated operator and does not result in an annual payment difference of more than 5%. These limits shall be valid only if, in the sampling of the designated operator carrying out the statistical counts for terminal dues, the sampling respects the general principles for statistical counts and estimation of the number of items per kilogramme as described in article 31-115.1.1.
4.2 For the revision mechanism: the data established by the designated operator that requested application of the revision mechanism shall be regarded as valid if it does not differ by more than 10% from that established by the other designated operator.
5 If there is a difference of more than 10% between the designated operators' annual number of items per kilogramme or an annual payment difference of more than 5%, the designated operators concerned shall agree on the values to be used for settling terminal dues by taking into account the precision of the statistical systems used by each designated operator.
6 If the two parties cannot agree about application of this article, the designated operator may resort to the arbitration procedure in article 153 of the General Regulations.
Article 35-007
Letter mail: preparation, transmission and acceptance of CN 55, CN 56 and CN 69 statements
1 After receipt of each quarter's last mail dispatched by the office of exchange of origin, the destination designated operator shall prepare, by type of mail, by format (where appropriate), by dispatching office of exchange and by destination office of exchange, from the particulars on the CN 31 letter bills, a CN 55 statement of mails.
2 For each designated operator of the country of origin of the mails, the designated operator of the country of destination shall prepare quarterly, from the particulars on the CN 55 statements, by type of mail, by office of origin, by office of destination and, where appropriate, by format, a CN 56 recapitulative statement of mails.
3 The CN 55 statements shall be sent to the designated operator of the country of origin in support of the CN 56 recapitulative statements.
4 For surface transit mail, the designated operator of transit shall prepare a CN 69, by origin and destination office of exchange and type of mail, based on its own record of the receptacles that it forwards as closed transit and in accordance with the particulars contained in the CN 37 delivery bills that it prepares, during the quarter.
5 The CN 56 recapitulative statement shall be sent to the designated operators of origin of the mails no later than four months after the end of the quarter to which it relates. Operators may agree to substitute this form and the supporting CN 55 statements with the e55 message (electronic terminal dues statement) defined in UPU standard M51.
6 The acceptance period for a CN 56 statement or equivalent e55 message shall be two months. If verification reveals any discrepancies, the corrected CN 55 statement shall be attached in support of the duly amended and accepted CN 56 recapitulative statement. If the designated operator of destination of the mails disputes the amendments made to the CN 55 statement, the designated operator of origin shall confirm the actual data by sending photocopies of the CN 31 forms drawn up by the office of origin upon dispatch of the disputed mails, or by giving access to the corresponding electronic data through a PREDES message, if the CN 31 was exchanged electronically. The forms shall be transmitted within two months of the date of dispatch of the corrected CN 56 recapitulative statement and CN 55 statement.
7 Designated operators may agree that the CN 55 or CN 56 statements shall be prepared by the designated operator of origin of the mails. In this case, the acceptance procedure provided for under 5 and 6 shall be adapted accordingly.
8 The CN 69 statements of closed transit mail shall be generated by the designated operator of transit and sent to the designated operator of origin no later than four months after the end of the quarter to which they relate. Where the CN 69 statement reports empty receptacles, it shall be sent to the designated operator of destination instead of that of origin, with the same deadline.
9 The acceptance period for CN 69 statements shall be two months.
Article 35-008
Letter mail: accounting for non-sampled flows received
1 Non-sampled flows received consist of dispatches received that exclusive comprise mail that does not require any sampling and provision of an item count at dispatch level. These flows include dispatches of registered/insured items (UR dispatches) and dispatches of tracked items (UX dispatches).
2 To avoid delays in payment for mail received, a designated operator may choose to request payment for non-sampled flows from a partner designated operator on a quarterly basis instead of yearly if all the following conditions are met:
2.1 The receiving designated operator that wishes to activate quarterly payment has so informed the partner designated operator in advance, by 30 September for application on 1 January of the following year and subsequent years.
2.2 Either the partner designated operator has agreed to the request in paragraph 2.1 by 30 November of the same year, or the annual volume of non-sampled mail for either registered or tracked items is above the threshold of 100,000 items. For the latter calculation, the annual volume shall be counted from the last two quarters of the previous year and the first two quarters of the current year.
3 The separate accounting for non-sampled flows received may be discontinued:
3.1 Upon request of the receiving designated operator to the sending operator, notified by 30 November, in which case it shall take effect on 1 January of the following year and subsequent years;
3.2 Upon request of the sending designated operator to the receiving operator, notified by 30 November, and provided that the annual volume (calculated as per paragraph 2.2) of non- sampled mail to the receiving operator is below 100,000 items for both registered and tracked items, in which case it shall take effect on 1 January of the following year.
4 When payment for non-sampled flows is requested on a quarterly basis and the conditions in paragraph 2 are met, the following rules shall apply:
4.1 The quarterly account covers terminal dues and additional payments for the non-sampled mail received, but excludes the supplementary remuneration covered in form CN 60;
4.2 The designated operator of destination of the non-sampled mail shall prepare a quarterly CN 71 account based on the particulars of the CN 56 recapitulative statements.
4.3 The CN 71 account shall be based on accepted CN 56 statements. It shall be sent rapidly after the CN 56 statement has been accepted, and at the latest within six months after the end of the quarter to which it relates.
4.4 A CN 71bis annual account shall be generated to adjust the amounts due, once final rates are agreed, and request payment of the difference. The form shall also be generated even where there is no difference, as confirmation and potentially as a supporting document for Quality of Service Fund payments.
4.5 The CN 71bis form shall be sent by the creditor and accepted by the debtor within the same time limits as those applicable for the CN 61.
4.6 Where a designated operator has activated the payment of non-sampled mail received through the CN 71 and CN 71bis for a year with a partner designated operator, then such non-sampled mail shall be excluded from the CN 61 between them.
4.7 Where the payment of non-sampled mail received through the CN 71 and CN 71bis is activated one way and/or the other between two partners, if either of these partners requests a provisional payment to the other, the corresponding provisional payment request shall not include terminal dues for non- sampled mail.
Article 35-009
Letter mail: accounting for bulk mail
1 The designated operator of destination shall report all bulk mail received in a CN 57 quarterly account on the basis of the data on the CN 32 letter bill data.
2 In case of dispute, the designated operator of origin or the designated operator of destination shall transmit copies of the CN 32 letter bills regarding the disputed mails to the partner designated operator, or give access to the corresponding electronic data, if the CN 32 was exchanged electronically.
3 The designated operator of origin may refuse to check and accept any CN 57 account which has not been presented within four months after the quarter concerned.
4 The CN 57 account shall be accepted and settled by the designated operator of origin within two months after it is prepared.
5 When provisional rates are used in the CN 57, once the final rates are agreed, a CN 57bis annual account may be generated to adjust amounts and request payment of the difference.
6 The CN 57bis shall be sent by the creditor and accepted by the debtor within the same time limits as those applicable for the CN 61.
Article 35-010
Letter mail: accounting for direct access mail
1 The costs concerning mail intended for direct access to the domestic system shall be billed by the designated operator of destination by means of mutually agreed accounting forms.
2 The accounts shall be settled by the designated operator of origin within the period set by the designated operator of destination of the mail. This period shall not be less favourable than that set by the designated operator in question for its domestic customers. The designated operator of destination shall also choose the currency of payment in accordance with the provisions of article 35-004.1.
3 In cases where the data concerning mail intended for direct access to the domestic system entered on the accounting statements differs, the designated operator of origin shall transmit photocopies of the accounting forms that had accompanied the disputed mails.
Article 35-011
Letter mail: preparation, transmission and acceptance of transit charges and terminal dues detailed accounts
1 The creditor designated operator shall be responsible for preparing the accounts and forwarding them to the debtor designated operator. However, the forwarding of accounts shall be required even when the balance is less than the minimum provided for this purpose in article 35-013.8 and 9.
2 The detailed accounts shall be prepared as follows:
2.1 Transit charges. On a CN 62 form, on the basis of the total weight of the categories of mail as appears from the CN 69 recapitulative statements.
2.2 Additional sea transit charges, as provided for in article 27-102.2. On a CN 62bis form sent in duplicate together with supporting documentation such as the invoices sent by the port service provider.
2.3 Terminal dues. On a CN 61 form, on the basis of the difference between the amounts to be brought to account based on the weights of mail received and dispatched for each category of mail as appear from the CN 56 recapitulative statements, or if necessary from the CN 54bis recapitulative statements, and from the CN 19 accounts.
3 The CN 61 detailed accounts shall be sent to the debtor designated operator as soon as possible after the end of the year to which they refer.
4 The CN 61 detailed accounts shall exclude all figures for mail flows settled quarterly, as defined in article 35-008.
5 The CN 62 and CN 62bis detailed accounts shall be prepared by the creditor designated operator on a quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, as chosen by the creditor designated operator.
6 The debtor designated operator shall not be obliged to accept detailed statements or accounts or supplementary accounts that are not sent to it within 10 months of the end of the year concerned.
7 The acceptance period for detailed accounts shall be two months.
8 As an exceptional measure, supplementary detailed statements or accounts may be sent to the debtor designated operator only if they refer to statements or accounts already submitted for the period in question. The reason for issuing supplementary statements or accounts is to amend original statements or accounts so as to correct erroneous records or document additional claims and/or information. The conditions in 6 and 7 shall apply to the issuance of supplementary statements or accounts; if these conditions are not met, the debtor designated operator shall not be obliged to accept the supplementary statements or accounts.
9 Designated operators may agree to settle terminal dues accounts for surface mails and for airmails separately. In this case, the designated operators concerned shall determine the procedures for preparing, accepting and settling such accounts.
Article 35-012
Letter mail: provisional payments of terminal dues
1 Creditor designated operators shall be entitled to provisional payments in respect of terminal dues as follows:
1.1 The provisional payments for one year shall be calculated on the basis of the weights and statistical results (where applicable) of mail used for the final settlements of the previous year.
1.2 If the quarterly settlement for non-sampled mail (article 35-008) to or from a partner is activated for the current year, then the provisional payment request to that partner must exclude all amounts for non-sampled flows.
1.3 The debtor designated operator shall not be obligated to accept provisional payment accounts received after 30 June.
1.4 Should the previous year's account not yet be settled, the provisional payments shall be calculated on the basis of the duly accepted CN 56 recapitulative statements for the last four quarters and the corresponding, duly accepted CN 54 recapitulative statements of items (where applicable).
1.5 The provisional payments in respect of a year shall be made no later than the end of July of that year. The provisional payments shall then be adjusted as soon as the final accounts of the year are accepted or regarded as fully accepted.
2 For 2020, provisional payments shall be calculated on the basis of the provisional terminal dues rates applicable from January 2020 to June 2020.
3 The CN 64 statements concerning the provisional payments laid down in 1 shall be sent by the creditor designated operator to the debtor designated operator in the second calendar quarter of the year to which they relate.
4 If a creditor designated operator is in a "net debtor" position in relation to other accounts accepted between two designated operators, the debtor designated operator may offset outstanding accepted debts against the provisional payment. If the outstanding debt is greater than the requested provisional payment, the debtor designated operator shall not be required to make the terminal dues provisional payment for that year. The creditor designated operator may also request that the debtor designated operator apply the provisional payment to outstanding debts between the two designated operators.
Article 35-013
Letter mail: preparation of final accounts
1 Except in the cases detailed in paragraphs 2 and 3, payments of terminal dues and transit charges may only be made on the basis of the CN 61 and CN 62 detailed accounts, on which the method of settlement shall be indicated.
2 If provisional payment has been made for terminal dues, as soon as the CN 61 detailed account is accepted or regarded as fully accepted, the creditor designated operator shall prepare separate CN 64 statements.
3 A CN 64 statement shall also be prepared for terminal dues when amounts are carried over from a previous period (see paragraph 10).
4 The acceptance period for CN 64 statements shall be one month.
5 Any amendments to CN 64 statements made by the debtor designated operator must be accompanied by the supporting CN 61 detailed accounts.
6 For contributions to individual QSF accounts:
6.1 For flows between a designated operator contributing to the Quality of Service Fund and designated operator benefiting from the Fund, the latter designated operator shall send the International Bureau, as the body responsible for billing the amounts due in respect of the Quality of Service Fund a copy of the CN 61 detailed accounts or, as appropriate, a copy of the CN 64 statements accepted or regarded as fully accepted.
6.2 The International Bureau shall not be obliged to accept CN 64 statements and CN 61 detailed accounts received more than six months after their acceptance.
6.3 In the event of failure to comply with the deadline for transmitting CN 61 and CN 64 documents. A designated operator shall forfeit the right to the QSF funds with the contributing country concerned, for the year in question.
7 For contributions to the QSF Common Fund:
7.1 It shall be the duty of the creditor designated operator in group III to send a copy of the CN 61 detailed accounts, and, where applicable, CN 64 statements accepted or considered as fully accepted, to the International Bureau.
7.2 These documents shall be sent as soon as possible but at the latest within 12 months following the end of the year concerned.
8 In the case provided for under 4, the statements shall be endorsed "Aucune observation de l'opérateur désigné débiteur n'est parvenue dans le délai réglementaire" (No comment received from debtor designated operator within the prescribed period).
9 If the balance of a CN 62 account does not exceed 163.35 SDR, it shall be carried over to the next CN 62 account, unless the designated operators concerned participate in the clearing system of the International Bureau.
10 If the balance of a CN 61 or CN 64 account does not exceed 326.70 SDR, it shall be carried over to the next CN 64 account, unless the designated operators concerned participate in the clearing system of the International Bureau.
11 Settlements may be made in accordance with the provisions of articles 35-002 and 35-003.
Article 35-014
Parcel mail: preparation of accounts
1 Each designated operator shall have its offices of exchange prepare immediately a CP 94 statement at the end of each month or quarter for all the items received from one and the same designated operator by dispatching office and per mail. For those designated operators producing these on a quarterly basis, separate statements may be produced for each calendar month.
2 E-commerce accounts when different rates are defined in accordance with article 33-201.
2.1 In the CP 94 statement, the rates used shall be those for the weight step 5-30 kg, or else rates agreed between the two parties.
2.2 The CP 94bis statement shall be prepared together with the CP 94 statement, based on additional information received through the PREDES message.
3 In the event of alteration of CP 88 or CP 87 parcel bills, the number and date of the CP 78 verification note prepared by the transferring office of exchange or the office of exchange to which the transfer is made shall be shown in the "Observations" column of the CP 94 statement.
4 The CP 94 statement and, if relevant, the CP 94bis statement shall be summarized in a CP 75 account.
5 Designated operators that were net creditors in the preceding year have the option of receiving payment on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. The option exercised shall remain in force for a period of one calendar year starting from 1 January.
6 Designated operators may use the direct billing system or the bilateral offsetting system.
7 Under the direct billing system:
7.1 The CP 75 accounts shall serve as bills for direct settlement. The CP 75 account, accompanied by the CP 94 statements, as well as CP 94bis supplementary statements if relevant, shall be sent to the designated operator concerned for acceptance and payment on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, no later than two months after the arrival of the last parcel bill of the period to which it related and at most five months after the period to which it related.
7.2 The acceptance period for CP 75 accounts shall be two months. When any difference exceeding 9.80 SDR occurs, the CP 94 or CP 94bis statement shall be corrected and be attached with the amended CP 75 account as proof.
8 Under the bilateral offsetting system:
8.1 The CP 94 statements, as well as CP 94bis supplementary statements if relevant, shall be sent to the designated operator concerned for acceptance on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, no later than two months after the arrival of the last parcel bill of the period to which it related.
8.2 The preparation and dispatch of a CN 52 general account may be carried out, without waiting for a possible amendment of the CP 75 accounts, as soon as a designated operator that has all the CP 94 and possibly CP 94bis statements relating to the period concerned finds that it is the creditor.
8.3 The creditor designated operator shall prepare both the CP 75 and the CN 52 general accounts and transmit both simultaneously to the debtor designated operator on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis no later than five months after the period to which they refer. Nevertheless, as soon as the CP 75 accounts between two designated operators are accepted or regarded as fully accepted, they may be summarized in a CN 52 general account prepared at one of the abovementioned frequencies.
8.4 The acceptance period for the CP 75 and CN 52 accounts shall be two months. When any difference exceeding 9.80 SDR is noted by the debtor designated operator, the CP 94 or CP 94bis statements shall be corrected and be attached with the amended CP 75 account as proof.
9 If, within the acceptance period, verification reveals any discrepancies in a CP 75 account received, the corrected CP 94 or CP 94bis shall be attached in support of the duly amended and accepted CP 75 account. If the designated operator of destination of the mails disputes the amendments made to the CP 75 account, the designated operator of origin shall confirm the actual data by giving access to the corresponding PREDES electronic message, or, in cases where dispatch information was sent with a paper form, by sending photocopies of the CP 87 form. All information shall be transmitted within two months of the date of dispatch of the corrected CP 75.
10 Supplementary accounts may be sent to the debtor designated operator only if they refer to accounts already submitted for the period in question. The reason for issuing supplementary accounts is to amend original accounts so as to correct erroneous records or document additional claims/information. The conditions in 7 and 8 shall apply to the issuing of supplementary accounts; otherwise the debtor designated operator shall not be obliged to accept the supplementary accounts.
11 When the balance of a CP 75 or CN 52 account does not exceed 163.35 SDR, it shall be carried into the next CP 75 or CN 52 account unless the designated operators concerned participate in the clearing system of the International Bureau.
12 Settlements may be made in accordance with the provisions of article 35-002.
Section VIII
Optional services
Article 37-001
1 In relations between designated operators which have agreed to provide this service, EMS takes priority over other postal items. It shall consist of the collection, dispatch and delivery in a very short space of time of correspondence, documents or goods.
2 EMS shall be regulated on the basis of multilateral or bilateral agreements. Aspects that are not expressly governed by such agreements shall be subject to the appropriate provisions of the Acts of the Union.
3 This service shall wherever possible be identified by a logo as shown in the specimen below and comprising the following elements:
3.1 an orange wing;
3.2 the letters EMS in blue;
3.3 three horizontal orange stripes.
The logo may be supplemented by adding the name of the domestic service.
4 Charges for the service shall be set by the designated operator of origin in consideration of costs and market requirements.
Article 37-002
Operation of EMS
With a view to preserving the EMS network and if circumstances so require, a member country and/or a designated operator shall have the option of providing the EMS service with private sector companies operating in another country, subject to the national legislation in that country.
Article 37-003
Integrated logistics service
1 In relations between designated operators which have agreed to provide this service, the integrated logistics service may include the collection, receipt, processing, storage, handling, dispatch, transfer transport and physical delivery of separate or combined documents or goods.
2 The details for an integrated logistics service involving two or more designated operators shall be based on bilateral agreements. Aspects that are not expressly governed by the latter shall be subject to the appropriate provisions of the Acts of the Union.
3 Charges for the service shall be set by the designated operator of origin in consideration of costs and market requirements.
Article 38-001
Hybrid mail
1 Hybrid mail is an electronic-based postal service whereby the sender posts the original message in either a physical or an electronic form, which is then electronically processed and converted into a letter-post item for physical delivery to the addressee. Where national legislation so permits, and when the sender or the addressee so requests, the designated operator effecting delivery may convert the original transmission received to non-physical means (such as fax, e-mail, or SMS) or to multiple means.
1.1 Where physical delivery to the addressee is used, the information is generally transmitted by electronic means for the longest possible part of the process and physically reproduced at a premises as close to the recipient's address as possible.
2 The tariffs applicable to hybrid mail are fixed by member countries or designated operators, taking costs and market requirements into account.
Article 38-002
Facsimile-based services
The bureau fax range of services permits the transmission of texts and illustrations true to the original by facsimile.
Article 38-003
Text-based services
The range of text-based services permits the transmission of texts and illustrations produced by means of data-processing equipment (PC, mainframe computer).
Article 38-004
Electronic postal certification mark
1 In relations between designated operators which have agreed to provide this service, the electronic postal certification mark, as defined by UPU Technical Standard S43, provides a chain of evidence, stored by a designated operator as a trusted third party, to prove the existence of an electronic event, for a certain content, at a certain date and time, and involving one or more identified parties. The designated operators concerned shall ensure that they continue to adhere to UPU Technical Standard S43, in accordance with the applicable procedures adopted by the Postal Operations Council upon the recommendation of the UPU Standards Board.
2 The provision of the electronic postal certification mark service across borders shall be governed by an accepted Trust Model, as defined in a multilateral agreement between designated operators participating in this service. This Trust Model is based on the fact that the different digital provider designated operators shall mutually authenticate themselves when dealing with cross-border electronic postal certification mark transactions. This shall be done by the designated operators through the exchange of the relevant information from their electronic postal certification mark Digital Identities (the keys of their electronic postal certification mark service i.e. X509 Digital Certificates).
2.1 Each designated operator's digital identity constitutes a unique digital identifier (a string or a token) given by a trusted third party that shall unequivocally identify that designated operator when interacting, for electronic postal certification mark cross-border transactions purposes, with other designated operators and their users.
3 In order to allow participating designated operators to be in a position to operate a cross-border electronic postal certification mark service they shall:
3.1 obtain their electronic postal certification mark digital identity from a trusted third-party digital identity provider; and
3.2 inform all other designated operators offering an electronic postal certification mark service of this identity and distribute their digital identity accordingly.
4 Charges for the electronic postal certification mark service shall be set by the designated operator of origin in consideration of costs and market requirements. Each designated operator shall:
4.1 retain the revenue generated by its offer of the electronic postal certification mark service unless participating designated operators agree to share the revenue from the electronic postal certification mark service; and
4.2 provide verification of the electronic postal certification mark free of additional charges, regardless of where the electronic postal certification mark was applied.
5 The electronic postal certification mark service between participating designated operators shall be regulated on the basis of a multilateral agreement which shall reflect and complement the applicable provisions contained in these Regulations.
5.1 The multilateral agreement shall specify the provisions required to provide the electronic postal certification mark service between member countries. Participating designated operators shall, by common consent, be obligated to comply with the provisions contained in the multilateral agreement.
5.2 Aspects that are not expressly governed by the electronic postal certification mark multilateral agreement shall be subject to the appropriate provisions of the Acts of the Union.
6 The electronic postal certification mark service shall, wherever possible, be identified by a logo defined in the multilateral agreement referred to in paragraph 5 above.
Article 38-005
Postal registered electronic mail
1 Postal registered electronic mail provides a secure and trusted exchange of electronic messages, enabling the sending of electronic messages by an authenticated mailer for delivery to an authenticated addressee or addressees with proof of sending and proof of delivery.
2 Postal registered electronic mail:
2.1 ensures the confidentiality and integrity of the message;
2.2 ensures the authenticity and non-repudiation of the users and designated operators;
2.3 generates evidence of operations and all significant events within a complete operational cycle;
2.4 generates notifications that a particular event or operation has occurred and sends them to the corresponding parties; and
2.5 stores the generated evidence for future attestation.
3 Designated operators providing postal registered electronic mail shall be registered in a designated operator trust list which is managed and published by the UPU, acting as the designated operator trust list distribution point.
4 Customer charges for the provision of the postal registered electronic mail service shall be set by the designated operator of origin, taking into consideration the costs and market needs.
5 For the provision of postal registered electronic mail between participating designated operators, bilateral or multilateral agreements shall be established. The postal registered electronic mail operational arrangements, defined in the bilateral or multilateral agreements, shall specify the provisions required to pro- vide the postal registered electronic mail service across borders, including any remuneration conditions between participating designated operators.
6 The interoperability aspects related to the provision of the postal registered electronic mail service shall be based on the relevant UPU standards.
7 Designated operators may decide to identify the postal registered electronic mail by means of a collective brand, and to provide it via the secure .POST platform.
Article 38-006
Postal electronic mailbox
1 The postal electronic mailbox enables the sending of electronic messages by an authenticated mailer, delivery to the authenticated addressee, and access, management and storage of electronic messages and information by the authenticated addressee.
2 The postal electronic mailbox:
2.1 ensures the authenticity of the mailers and addressees; and
2.2 allows for the storage of electronic messages and information.
Article 38-007
Telematic links. General provisions
1 Designated operators may agree to establish telematic links among themselves and with other partners.
2 The designated operators concerned shall be free to choose the suppliers and the technical facilities (hardware and software) to support the exchange of data.
3 In consultation with the supplier of network services, designated operators shall agree bilaterally on the method of payment for these services.
4 Designated operators shall not be financially or legally liable if another designated operator fails to make the payments owed in respect of services relating to the provision of telematic links.
Article 38-008
Special provisions concerning telematic links
1 Designated operators shall observe internationally agreed standards to ensure system compatibility.
2 The International Bureau shall publish, maintain and update the UPU Technical Standards, UPU EDI Messaging Standards and UPU Code Lists for the benefit of designated operators.
3 For exchanges of data with other designated operators and external partners, designated operators shall use messages developed within the framework of the UPU and published by the International Bureau in the UPU EDI Messaging Standards when such messages are defined and suitable for the intended exchange. Usage of such messages shall be in accordance with the provisions of article 17-006. Messages developed by other organizations may also be used once they have been approved by the UPU and published in the UPU EDI Messaging Standards.
4 The International Bureau shall regularly publish a list of available documents and guides on telematic links and shall make them available on request to designated operators providing telematic services.
Article 38-009
Rules for payment for telematic links
1 Designated operators shall decide on the method of payment for network services following one of the three procedures outlined below:
1.1 the sending designated operator pays only for the messages it sends;
1.2 the receiving designated operator pays only for the messages it receives;
1.3 the sending and receiving designated operators agree to share equally the cost of messages sent and received.
2 If two designated operators cannot agree on a method of payment for network services, the method described in 1.1 will automatically apply, unless these two designated operators can agree bilaterally on an alternative method of payment.
Section IX
Final provisions
Article 41-001
Entry into force and duration of the Regulations
These Regulations shall come into force on 1 July 2022 (with the exception of all the provisions contained in section VII, "Remuneration", which shall come into force on 1 January 2022) and shall remain in force for an indefinite period.
Volume II
Letter Post Regulations
Section I
Common rules applicable to the international postal service
Article 11-101
Mails exchanged with military units
1 Intermediate designated operators shall be informed, as far as possible in advance, of the establishment of an exchange of closed mails as mentioned in article 11 of the Convention.
2 The address of these mails shall be worded as follows:
From the office of …………………………………………………………………………………. For {the (nationality) naval (or air) unit of (designation of the unit) at ... ...... }(Country)
the (nationality) ship (name of ship) at ...............................................................
From the (nationality) naval (or air) unit of (designation of the unit) at ....................... }(Country) From the (nationality) ship (name of ship) at ......................................................................
For the office of .............................................................................................................................
From the (nationality) naval (or air) unit of (designation of the unit) at ....................... }(Country) From the (nationality) ship (name of ship) at ......................................................................
For { the (nationality) naval (or air) unit of (designation of the unit) at ............... ... }(Country) the (nationality) ship (name of ship) at ...............................................................
3 The mails concerned shall be forwarded by the fastest route (air or surface), according to the indication written on the address, and under the same conditions as mails exchanged between post offices.
4 The captain of a mail-boat conveying mails for a naval unit or a warship shall hold them at the disposal of the commanding officer of the naval unit or ship of destination, should the latter ask him for delivery en route.
5 If the ships are not at the place of destination when the mails addressed to them arrive there, the mails shall be kept at the post office until they are collected by the addressee or redirected to another point. Redirection may be requested either by the designated operator of origin, by the commanding officer of the naval unit or ship of destination, or by a consul of the same nationality.
6 Those mails which are marked "Aux soins du Consul d'..." (Care of the Consul of ...) shall be delivered to the consulate indicated. At the request of the consul they may afterwards be received back into the postal service and redirected to the place of origin or to another address.
7 Mails addressed to a warship shall be regarded as being in transit up to the time of their delivery to the commanding officer of that ship, even when they have been originally addressed to the care of a post office or to a consul charged to act as forwarding agent. They shall not, therefore, be regarded as having reached their address until they have been delivered to the warship concerned.
8 By agreement between the designated operators concerned, the above procedure shall also be applicable, if necessary, to mails exchanged with military units placed at the disposal of the United Nations and with military aircraft.
Article 15-101
Special charges
1 No delivery charge may be collected from the addressee in respect of small packets weighing less than 500 grammes. Where domestic small packet items weighing over 500 grammes are subject to a delivery charge, the same charge may be collected in respect of incoming international small packets.
2 Designated operators shall be authorized to collect in the cases mentioned below the same charges as in the domestic service.
2.1 Charge on letter-post items posted after the latest time for posting, collected from the sender.
2.2 Charge on items posted outside normal counter opening hours, collected from the sender.
2.3 Charge for collection at the sender's address, collected from the sender.
2.4 Charge, for delivery of a letter-post item outside normal counter opening hours, collected from the addressee.
2.5 Poste restante charge collected from the addressee.
2.6 A storage charge for any letter-post item weighing more than 500 grammes of which the addressee has not taken delivery within the prescribed period. This charge shall not apply to items for the blind.
2.7 The charge for withdrawal of letter-post items outside normal counter opening hours.
3 Designated operators prepared to cover risks of force majeure shall be authorized to collect a charge for cover against risks of force majeure the guideline amount of which shall be 0.13 SDR for each registered item.
Article 15-102
Conditions of application of postage charges
1 Designated operators of member countries which by reason of their national system are unable to adopt the metric-decimal system of weight may use suitable equivalents of their national system.
2 For any category of letter-post items, the last weight step shall not exceed the maximum weight shown in article 17-103.
3 Member countries or designated operators which have abolished postcards, printed papers or small packets as separate categories of item in their domestic service may do the same in respect of mail for abroad.
4 The charges applicable to priority letter-post items shall include any additional costs of fast transmission.
5 Designated operators that apply the system based on the contents of letter-post items shall be authorized:
5.1 to collect air surcharges for letter-post airmail items;
5.2 to collect for surface airlifted (S.A.L.) items with reduced priority surcharges lower than those which they collect for airmail items;
5.3 to fix combined charges for the payment of airmail items and S.A.L. items, taking into account the cost of the postal services rendered by them and the cost of air conveyance.
6 The surcharges shall be related to the air conveyance dues and shall be uniform for at least the whole of the territory of each country of destination whatever the route used; in calculating the air surcharge for a letter-post airmail item, designated operators shall be authorized to take into account the weight of any forms used by the public which may be attached to the item.
7 The designated operator of origin may allow, for letter-post items containing:
7.1 newspapers and periodicals published in its country, a reduction of not more than 50% in principle of the tariff applicable to the category of items used;
7.2 books and pamphlets, music scores and maps, provided they contain no publicity matter or advertisement other than that appearing on the cover or the fly leaves, the same reduction as that provided for under 7.1.
8 Designated operators have the right to restrict the reduction provided for in 7 to newspapers and periodicals which fulfil the conditions required by national regulations for transmission at the tariff for newspapers. This reduction shall not extend to commercial printed papers such as catalogues, prospectuses, price lists, etc., no matter how regularly they are issued. The same shall apply to advertisements printed on sheets annexed to newspapers and periodicals. The reduction shall still be possible, however, in the case of detached advertising inserts to be considered as integral parts of the newspaper or periodical.
9 The designated operator of origin may apply to non-standardized items charges different from those applicable to standardized items defined in article 17-111.
10 The reduction in charges pursuant to 7 shall also apply to items conveyed by air, but no reduction shall be granted on the portion of the charge intended to cover the costs of such conveyance.
Article 17-101
Basic services
1 Every designated operator shall be free to choose the system based on the speed of treatment of items or based on the contents of items that it applies to its outward traffic.
2 In the classification system based on the speed of treatment of items, letter-post items are divided into:
2.1 priority items, i.e. items conveyed by the quickest route (air or surface) with priority;
2.2 non-priority items, i.e. items for which the sender has chosen a lower rate, implying a longer delivery time.
3 In the classification system based on contents, letter-post items are divided into documents or goods.
4 Every designated operator may admit priority items and airmail items consisting of a sheet of paper suitably folded and gummed on all sides. Such items shall be called "aerogrammes". "Aerogrammes" shall be considered as being similar to airmail letters in the classification system based on contents.
Article 17-102
Classification of letter-post items based on their formats and content
1 Designated operators in the target terminal dues system exchanging mail above a threshold shall apply the classification system based on the formats for their outward traffic, especially as far as making up of mails is concerned. The relevant conditions are specified in article 17-116.
2 In the classification system based on formats, the letter-post items provided for in article 17-101 may be further divided into:
2.1 small letters (P) containing documents only, as in articles 17-101 and 17-105;
2.2 large letters (G) containing documents only, as in articles 17-101 and 17-105;
2.3 bulky letters (format E) containing documents only, i.e. items classified neither as small letters nor as large letters, with physical specifications as defined in article 17 of the UPU Convention and in articles 17-103 and 17-104;
2.4 small packets (format E) containing goods, with physical specifications as defined in article 17 of the UPU Convention and in articles 17-103 and 17-104.
Article 17-103
Particulars relating to limits of weight
1 Priority and non-priority items may weigh up to 5 kilogrammes:
1.1 In relations between designated operators where both admit such items from their customers.
1.2 For items containing books and pamphlets, the designated operator of origin having the option of admitting such items.
2 In the system based on contents:
2.1 Letters and small packets may weigh up to 5 kilogrammes in relations between designated operators where both admit such items from their customers.
2.2 Printed papers may weigh up to 5 kilogrammes, the designated operator of origin having the option of admitting such items.
3 The limit of weight of items containing books or pamphlets may be raised to 10 kilogrammes by agreement between the designated operators concerned.
4 The items sent on postal service as mentioned in article 16.1 of the Convention and article 16-001 shall not be subject to the limits of weight laid down in article 17 of the Convention and 1 and 2 above. However, they shall not exceed the maximum weight of 30 kilogrammes per bag.
5 Designated operators may apply to letter-post items posted in their countries the maximum limit of weight laid down for articles of the same kind in their domestic service provided that such items do not exceed the limit of weight mentioned in article 17 of the Convention and 1 and 2 above.
Article 17-104
Limits of size
1 The limits of size of items other than postcards, aerogrammes and small packets are given below:
1.1 maxima: length, width and depth combined: 900 mm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 600 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm; in roll form: length plus twice the diameter: 1,040 mm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 900 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm;
1.2 minima: to have a surface measuring not less than 90 x 140 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm; in roll form: length plus twice the diameter: 170 mm: but the greatest dimension may not be less than 100 mm.
2 The limits of size of postcards shall be as follows:
2.1 maxima: 120 x 235 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm, provided they are sufficiently stiff to withstand processing without difficulties;
2.2 minima: 90 x 140 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm. The length shall be at least equal to the width multiplied by √2 (approximate value 1.4).
3 The limits of size of aerogrammes shall be as follows:
3.1 maxima: 110 x 220 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm;
3.2 minima: 90 x 140 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm. The length shall be at least equal to the width multiplied by √2 (approximate value 1.4).
4 The limits of size of small packets shall be as follows:
4.1 maxima: length, width and depth combined: 900 mm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 600 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm; in roll form: length plus twice the diameter: 1,040 mm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 900 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm;
4.2 minima: 105 x 148 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm.
5 The limits of size in this article shall not apply to postal service items as mentioned in article 16.1 of the Convention and article 16-001.
Article 17-105
Limits of size and weight for small letters (P) and large letters (G)
1 For the classification of items based on their format, the limits of size and weight of small letters (P) shall be as follows:
1.1 minimum dimensions: 90 x 140 mm;
1.2 maximum dimensions: 165 x 245 mm;
1.3 maximum weight: 100 g;
1.4 maximum thickness: 5 mm.
2 For the classification of items based on their format, for items that are not small letter (P) format items, the limits of size and weight of large letters (G) shall be as follows:
2.1 minimum dimensions: 90 x 140 mm;
2.2 maximum dimensions: 305 x 381 mm;
2.3 maximum weight: 500 g;
2.4 maximum thickness: 20 mm.
3 For operations, accounting and sampling purposes, the following rule shall apply:
3.1 If an item exceeds the limits of a format in one or more of the four criteria (length, width, thickness and weight), it shall be classified in the next largest format, provided that it fits within the dimensions of that format.
Article 17-106
Conditions of acceptance of items. Make-up. Packing
1 Items shall be made up securely and in such a way that there is no risk of other items getting trapped in them. The packing shall be adapted to the shape and nature of the item and the conditions of transport. In the case of letters and small packets, it must ensure the integrity of the contents during transport. Every item shall be made up in such a way as not to affect the health of officials. The make-up shall prevent any danger if the item contains articles of a kind likely to injure officials called upon to handle it or soil or damage other items or postal equipment. Metal fasteners used for closing items shall not have sharp edges, nor shall they hamper the execution of the postal service.
1.1 Designated operators may agree to exchange bulk items, which have not been wrapped or packed. The dispatching designated operator and the designated operator of destination shall set by mutual agreement the conditions of posting of such items.
2 The UPU Id-tag, as defined in UPU Technical Standard S18 may be applied to letter-post items to facilitate mail processing in both origin and destination countries and to support the exchange of processing information between the designated operators involved. The Id-tag shall be applied, under the authority of the designated operator, in accordance with the specifications adopted by the Postal Operations Council and the provisions of UPU Technical Standards S18 and S19. To maximize the readability of the Id-tag, designated operators:
2.1 may encode information in area R1, as defined in UPU Technical Standard S19, only in accordance with the technical provisions of UPU Technical Standards S18 and S19;
2.2 are encouraged to advise against using area R1 for purposes which might interfere with, or be interfered with by, its intended use for Id-tag encoding.
3 Designated operators shall strongly recommend that their customers comply with the following rules:
3.1 The right-hand half at least of the address side shall be reserved for the address of the addressee and for postage stamps, franking marks and impressions or indications in lieu thereof. The latter shall be applied, as far as possible, in the top right-hand corner. It shall be up to the designated operator of origin to treat items whose payment does not conform to this condition according to its national legislation.
3.2 The addressee's address shall be written on the item lengthwise and, if the item is an envelope, on the plain side which is not provided with the closing flap. The address may be situated on the flap side of the envelope if the destination designated operator accepts its use for bulk mailings. For items exceeding the size limits for small letter (P) format standardized items as defined in article 17-111.1, the address may be written parallel to the width of the item.
3.3 The addressee's address and name shall be worded in a precise and complete manner. They shall be written very legibly in roman letters and arabic numerals. If other letters and numerals are used in the country of destination, it shall be recommended that the address be given also in these letters and numerals. The name of the place of destination and the name of the country of destination shall be written in capital letters together with the correct postcode number or delivery zone number or post office box number, if any. The name of the country of destination shall be written preferably in the language of the country of origin. To avoid any difficulty in the countries of transit, it is desirable for the name of the country of destination to be added in an internationally known language. Designated operators may recommend that, on items addressed to countries where the recommended position of the postcode is in front of the name of the location of destination, the postcode should be preceded by the EN ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 country code followed by a hyphen. This shall in no way detract from the requirement for the name of the destination country to be printed in full.
3.4 The envelope paper shall be made of a material that can be processed mechanically.
3.5 In order to facilitate automatic reading, the addressee's address shall be written in compact form, without leaving a space between the letters of the words and without a blank line between the line containing the place of destination and the other elements of the address. The place and country of destination and the postcode number, if any, shall not be underlined.
Example: Monsieur Pierre Noir Rue du Midi 26 1009 PULLY
3.6 The address and name of the sender shall be shown on the item with the postcode number or delivery zone number, if any. When they appear on the address side of the envelope, these indications shall be placed in the top left-hand corner and should be sufficiently separated from the addressee's address and name to avoid any misunderstanding.
3.7 The addresses of the sender and the addressee shall be shown in an appropriate manner inside the item and as far as possible on the contents. This applies particularly to unsealed items.
3.8 Customers posting items in bulk of the same shape and weight may be requested to bundle them by postcode or delivery zone number so that they can be processed as speedily as possible in the country of destination. The designated operator of destination may request this degree of sortation subject to agreement by the designated operator of origin.
4 Except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, service instructions and labels shall be placed on the address side of the item. They shall be positioned in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given. The service instructions shall be written in French or in some other language generally known in the country of destination. A translation of the instructions in the language of the country of origin may also be given.
5 Non-postal stamps and charity or other labels as well as designs, likely to be mistaken for postage stamps or service labels, may not be affixed to or printed on the address side. This shall also apply to stamp impressions which could be mistaken for franking impressions.
6 In all cases in which the item is under wrapper, the addressee's address shall be written on the latter.
7 Envelopes whose edges are provided with coloured bars shall be reserved exclusively for airmail items.
8 The address of items sent poste restante shall show the name of the addressee, the town, the country of destination and, if possible, the post office at which the item is to be collected. The indication "Poste restante" shall be written in bold letters on the address side. The use of initials, figures, forenames only, fictitious names or code marks of any kind shall not be permitted for these items.
Example: Mademoiselle
Louise Bertholet Poste restante 1211 GENEVA 13 SWITZERLAND
9 On printed papers, the addressee's name may, exceptionally, be followed by the indication "or occupant", in French or a language accepted by the country of destination.
Example: Monsieur
Pierre Sansonnens Or occupant
Rue Pinet 10
10 The envelope or wrapping may bear only one sender's address, and one addressee's address. In the case of bulk postings, the sender's address must be visible on the outside of the item and located in the country of posting of the item.
11 No manner of item shall be admitted of which the whole or part of the address side has been marked off into several divisions intended to provide for successive addresses.
Article 17-107
Special provisions applicable to each category of items
1 Priority/non-priority items and letters
1.1 Subject to the provisions relating to standardized items and the packing of items, no conditions shall be laid down for the form or closing of priority/non-priority items or for letters. However, such items in envelopes must be rectangular to ensure that they do not cause difficulties during their handling. Such items with the consistency, but not the shape, of postcards shall also be placed in rectangular envelopes. The envelopes should be of light colour. It is recommended that the word "Priority" or "Letter" be added to the address side of items which, because of their volume or make-up, might be confused with items prepaid at a reduced rate.
2 Aerogrammes
2.1 Aerogrammes must be rectangular and be so made that they do not hamper the handling of the mail.
2.2 The front of the aerogramme shall be reserved for the address, the prepayment and service notes or labels. It shall bear the printed indication "Aerogramme" and may also bear an equivalent indication in the language of the country of origin. An aerogramme shall not contain any enclosure. It may be registered if the regulations of the country of origin so permit.
2.3 Each member country or designated operator shall fix, within the limits defined in article 17-104.3, the conditions of issue, manufacture and sale of aerogrammes.
3 Postcards
3.1 Postcards shall be rectangular and be made of cardboard or of paper stiff enough not to make mail handling difficult. They shall not have projecting or raised relief parts and shall comply with the conditions laid down by the member country or designated operator of origin.
3.2 Postcards shall bear on the front the heading "Carte postale" (Postcard) in French or its equivalent in another language. This heading shall not be compulsory for picture postcards.
3.3 Postcards shall be sent unenclosed, that is to say without wrapper or envelope.
3.4 The right-hand half at least of the front shall be reserved for the address of the addressee, for prepayment and for service instructions or labels. The sender may make use of the back and of the left-hand half of the front.
3.5 Postcards not complying with the regulations for that category shall be treated as letters, except when the irregularity derives only from showing the prepayment on the back. Such cards shall be regarded as unpaid and treated accordingly.
4 Printed papers
4.1 Reproductions on paper, cardboard or other materials commonly used in printing produced in several identical copies by means of a process authorized by the member country or designated operator of origin may be sent as printed papers. Printed papers which do not comply with this definition may also be admitted in the international service if they are admitted in the domestic service of the country of origin.
4.2 Printed papers shall bear in bold letters on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given, the expression "Imprimé" or "Imprimé à taxe réduite" as appropriate or their equivalents in a language known in the country of destination. These markings shall constitute indication that the items contain only printed papers.
4.3 Printed papers satisfying both the general conditions applicable to printed papers and those applicable to postcards shall be admitted unenclosed at the printed paper rate, even if they bear the title "Carte postale" (Postcard) or the equivalent of this title in any language.
4.4 Several printed papers may be sent together in a single item provided that they do not bear the names and addresses of different addressees. Designated operators of origin may limit printed papers sent in this way to those stemming from a single sender.
4.5 It shall be permitted to enclose with all printed papers a card, envelope or wrapper bearing the printed address of the sender of the item or his agent in the country of posting or destination of the original item; the enclosure may be prepaid for return by means of postage stamps or postal prepayment impressions of the country of destination of the original item.
4.6 The designated operator of origin may authorize annotations or enclosures on the basis of its national legislation.
4.7 Printed papers shall be made up in such a way that their contents are sufficiently protected while permitting quick and easy verification. The conditions shall be determined by the member country or designated operator of origin.
4.8 Designated operators may authorize the closing of bulk-posted printed papers, issuing for that purpose a permit to users who make a request for one. In such cases, the number of the permit shall be shown below the indication "Imprimé" (Printed papers) or "Imprimé à taxe réduite" (Reduced-rate printed papers).
4.9 Alternatively, designated operators of origin shall be allowed to permit the closing of all printed papers without authorization if in their domestic service no special conditions of closing are required.
4.10 Printed papers may be inserted in closed plastic wrapping, either transparent or opaque, on the conditions laid down by the member country or designated operator of origin.
4.11 Sealed printed papers may be opened for verification of their contents.
5 Items for the blind
5.1 Items for the blind shall include letters bearing writing used by the blind, posted unsealed, and plates bearing the characters of writing used by the blind, as further detailed below:
5.1.1 correspondence, literature in whatever format including sound recordings provided that they are sent to or by an organization for the blind or sent to or by a blind person;
5.1.2 equipment or materials of any kind made or adapted to assist blind persons in overcoming the problems of blindness, including items such as specially adapted CDs, Braille writing equipment, Braille watches, white canes and recording equipment, provided that they are sent to or by an organization for the blind or sent to or by a blind person.
5.2 Designated operators of origin shall be allowed to admit as items for the blind items admissible as such in their domestic service.
5.3 Items for the blind shall be made up in such a way that their contents are sufficiently protected while permitting quick and easy verification.
5.4 The designated operators shall require that their customers furnish their items for the blind, on the side which bears the addressee's address, with a clearly visible white label with the following symbol:
6 Small packets
6.1 Small packets shall bear in bold letters on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, if applicable beneath the sender's name and address, the expression "petit paquet" (small packet) or its equivalent in a language known in the country of destination. Indication of the sender's address on the outside of the item shall be obligatory.
6.2 It shall also be permitted to enclose therein any other document having the character of current and personal correspondence. However, such documents may not be addressed to an addressee nor stem from a sender other than those of the small packet. In addition the national regulations of the member country concerned must authorize such enclosure. The designated operator of origin shall decide whether the document or documents enclosed fulfil these conditions. It shall lay down such other conditions as may be appropriate relating to authorized enclosures.
6.3 No special conditions of closing shall be required for small packets; items designated as such may be opened for verification of their contents.
6.4 Designated operators shall apply a single barcode identifier conforming to UPU Technical Standard S10 to small packets containing goods to enable the provision of cross-border customs electronic advance data in compliance with UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1). However, the presence of such an identifier shall not imply the provision of a delivery confirmation service. The identifier should appear on the front of the item and should not obscure the other service markings, indicia or address information.
6.5 In accordance with article 08-002, designated operators shall capture and exchange electronic advance data. That data shall replicate the information documented on the appropriate UPU customs declaration form and shall be compliant with UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1).
7 M bags
7.1 Certain other articles may also be admitted in M bags, provided the following conditions of entry are met:
7.1.1 the articles (disks, tapes, and cassettes; commercial samples shipped by manufacturers and distributors; or other non-dutiable commercial articles or informational materials that are not subject to resale) are affixed to or otherwise combined with the accompanying printed papers;
7.1.2 the articles relate exclusively to the printed papers with which they are being mailed;
7.1.3 the weight of each item which contains articles in combination with printed papers does not exceed two kilogrammes;
7.1.4 the M bags are accompanied by a CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration form prepared by the sender in accordance with the provisions laid down in article 20-001.2.9.
7.2 The addressee's address shall be shown on each packet of printed papers included in a special bag and sent to the same addressee at the same address.
7.3 Every M bag shall be furnished with a rectangular address label provided by the sender and giving all the information concerning the addressee. The address label shall be made of sufficiently rigid canvas, strong cardboard, plastic, parchment, or paper glued to wood and shall be provided with an eyelet. It shall not be smaller than 90 x 140 mm with a tolerance of 2 mm.
7.4 The total amount of prepayment for M bags shall be shown on the address label on the bag.
7.5 With the agreement of the designated operator of destination, packets of printed papers may also be admitted as M bags when they are not packed in a bag. Such packets shall be marked very visibly with a letter M near the addressee's address. The nature of the contents shall be indicated directly on the item (CN 22/CN 23).
7.6 Designated operators shall apply a single barcode identifier conforming to UPU Technical Standard S10 to M bags to enable the provision of cross-border customs electronic advance data in compliance with UPU Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1). However, the presence of such an identifier shall not imply the provision of a delivery confirmation service. The identifier should appear on the front of the item and should not obscure the other service markings, indicia or address information.
7.7 In accordance with article 08-002, designated operators shall capture and exchange electronic advance data. The data shall replicate the information documented on the appropriate UPU customs declaration form and shall be compliant with UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1).
8 Bulk mail
8.1 Bulk items shall be characterized by:
8.1.1 the receipt, in the same mail or in one day when several mails are made up per day, of 1,500 or more items posted by the same sender;
8.1.2 the receipt, in a period of two weeks, of 5,000 or more items posted by the same sender;
8.1.3 the receipt from a country, in a period of four weeks, of mails whose total weight is composed of at least 90% of bulky (E) or small packet (E) letter-post items, provided that the total weight of such mail received has increased by more than 50% compared to the same four weeks the year before.
8.2 Under the terms of 8.1.1 and 8.1.2, the sender of the bulk items shall be considered to be the person or organization that actually posts the items. For 8.1.3, the sender of the bulk items shall be considered to be the designated operator.
8.3 If need be, for 8.1.1 and 8.1.2, the sender may be identified by any common characteristic of the items or any indication made on the items (for example, return address, name, mark or stamp of the sender, postal authorization number, etc.).
Article 17-108
Marking of priority or mode of transportation
1 In the absence of special agreement between the member countries of designated operators concerned, items to be treated as priority items or airmail items in the countries of transit and of destination shall bear a special blue label or a stamp impression of the same colour, or in black, if the regulations of the dis- patching designated operator so permit, bearing the words "Prioritaire" (Priority) or "Par avion" (By airmail). If need be, these indications in capital letters may be handwritten or typewritten, with an optional translation in the language of the country of origin. This "Prioritaire" or "Par avion" label, impression or indication shall be placed on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given.
2 The words "Prioritaire" (Priority) or "Par avion" (By airmail) and any note relating to priority or air conveyance shall be struck through with two thick horizontal lines when the item is not forwarded by the quickest means.
3 The designated operator of origin may also require the marking of non-priority and surface items.
Article 17-109
Special packing
1 Articles of glass or other fragile objects shall be packed in a strong box filled with an appropriate protective material. Any friction or knocks during transport either between the objects themselves or between the objects and the sides of the box shall be prevented.
2 Liquids and substances which easily liquefy shall be enclosed in perfectly leak-proof containers. Each container shall be placed in a special strong box containing an appropriate protective material to absorb the liquid should the container break. The lid of the box shall be fixed so that it cannot easily work loose.
3 Fatty substances which do not easily liquefy, such as ointments, soft-soap, resins, etc., and silk- worm eggs, the conveyance of which presents few difficulties, shall be enclosed in a first packing (box, bag of cloth, plastic, etc.) which is itself placed in a box stout enough to prevent the contents from leaking.
4 Dry colouring powders, such as aniline blue, etc., shall be admitted only in perfectly leak-proof metal boxes, placed in turn in strong boxes with an appropriate absorbent and protective material between the two containers.
5 Dry non-colouring powders shall be placed in strong containers (box, bag). These containers shall themselves be enclosed in a stout box.
6 Live bees, flies of the family Drosophilidae, leeches and parasites shall be enclosed in boxes so constructed as to avoid any danger.
7 Packing shall not be required for articles in one piece, such as pieces of wood, metal, etc., which it is not the custom of the trade to pack. In this case, the address of the addressee should be given on the article itself.
Article 17-110
Items in panel envelopes
1 Items in envelopes with a transparent address panel shall be admissible on the following conditions:
1.1 The panel shall be situated on the plain side of the envelope which is not provided with the closing flap. The transparent address panel may be situated on the flap side of the envelope if the destination designated operator accepts its use for bulk mailings.
1.2 The panel shall be made of such a material and in such a way that the address can be easily read through it.
1.3 The panel shall be rectangular. Its greatest dimension shall be parallel to the length of the envelope. The address of the addressee shall appear in the same direction. However, concerning C 4 format (229 x 324 mm) items or similar formats, designated operators may allow the transparent panel to be placed transversely in such a way that its greatest dimension is parallel to the width of the envelope.
1.4 All the edges of the panel shall be precisely stuck down on the inside edges of the opening in the envelope. For this purpose there shall be an adequate space between the side and bottom edges of the envelope and those of the panel.
1.5 The addressee's address shall be the only thing visible through the panel or, at the very least, shall stand out clearly from any other indications visible through the panel.
1.6 The panel shall be placed so as to leave enough room for the application of the date-stamp.
1.7 The contents of the item shall be folded in such a way that the address remains fully visible through the panel even if the contents shift inside the envelope.
2 Items in envelopes which are wholly transparent may be admitted if the surface of the envelope is constructed in such a way as to create no difficulties in mail handling. A label having sufficient space for showing the address of the addressee, prepayment and service instructions must be firmly attached to the outer surface of the item. Items in envelopes which have an open panel shall not be admitted.
3 Designated operators of origin may admit envelopes which have two or more transparent panels. The panel reserved for the address of the addressee shall conform to the conditions laid down under 1. For the other panels, the conditions laid down under 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 and 1.7 shall apply by analogy.
Article 17-111
Standardized items
1 Rectangular items shall be considered to be standardized small letter (P) format items if their length is not less than their width multiplied by √2 (approximate value 1.4). These items shall satisfy the following conditions:
1.1 Minimum dimensions: 90 x 140 mm.
1.2 Maximum dimensions: 165 x 245 mm.
1.3 Maximum weight: 100 g.
1.4 Maximum thickness: 5 mm.
1.5 Letters shall be closed by completely sticking down the sealing flap of the envelope and the address shall be written on the plain side of the envelope which is not provided with the sealing flap. The address may be situated on the flap side of the envelope if the destination designated operator accepts its use for bulk mailings.
1.6 The address shall be written in a rectangular area situated at least:
- 40 mm from the top edge of the envelope (tolerance 2 mm);
- 15 mm from the right-hand edge;
- 15 mm from the bottom edge;
and not more than 140 mm from the right-hand edge.
1.7 On the address side, a rectangular area 40 mm (- 2 mm) in depth from the upper edge and 74 mm in width from the right-hand edge shall be reserved for affixing the postage stamp or stamps and the cancellation impression. Inside this area the postage stamps or franking impression shall be applied in the top right-hand corner.
2 The provisions under 1 shall also apply to items in envelopes with transparent panels whose general conditions of admission are set out in article 17-110. The transparent panel for the address of the addressee shall in addition be at least:
- 40 mm from the top edge of the envelope (tolerance 2 mm);
- 15 mm from the right-hand edge;
- 15 mm from the left-hand edge;
- 15 mm from the bottom edge.
2.1 The panel may not be bordered by a coloured band or frame. Service indications may be placed just above the addressee's address.
3 No wording or extraneous matter whatsoever may appear:
3.1 below the address;
3.2 to the right of the address, from the franking and cancelling area to the bottom edge of the item;
3.3 to the left of the address, in an area at least 15 mm wide and running from the first line of the address to the bottom edge of the item;
3.4 in an area 15 mm high starting from the bottom edge of the item and 140 mm long starting from the right-hand edge of the item; this area may be partly identical with those defined above.
4 Rectangular items shall be considered to be standardized large letter (G) format items if they are not standardized small letter (P) format items and satisfy the following conditions:
4.1 Minimum dimensions: 90 x 140 mm.
4.2 Maximum dimensions: 305 x 381 mm.
4.3 Maximum weight: 500 g.
4.4 Maximum thickness: 20 mm.
5 Items in card form up to 120 x 235 mm in size may be accepted as standardized items provided they are made of cardboard heavy enough to be sufficiently stiff to withstand processing without difficulty.
6 The following items shall not be considered standardized:
6.1 folded cards;
6.2 items closed by means of staples, metal eyelets or hook fastenings;
1. punched cards sent unenclosed (without an envelope);
6.3 items whose envelopes are made of material which has fundamentally different physical properties from paper (except from the material used for making the panel of window envelopes);
6.4 items containing articles causing protrusions;
6.5 folded items sent unenclosed (without an envelope) which are not closed on all sides and which are not rigid enough for mechanical processing.
Article 17-112
Exchange of items
1 Designated operators may exchange, via one or more of their number, closed mails as well as à découvert items according to needs and service requirements.
2 When exceptional circumstances oblige a designated operator temporarily to suspend its services, either wholly or in part, it shall immediately inform the designated operators concerned.
3 When the conveyance of a consignment in transit through a member country takes place without the participation of the designated operator of that member country, regardless of the means of transport, this form of transit ("direct transhipment") shall not involve the liability of the designated operator of the transit member country.
4 Designated operators may send surface consignments by air, with reduced priority. The designated operator of destination shall indicate the office of exchange or the point of destination for such consignments.
Article 17-113
Priority treatment of priority items and airmail items
1 Designated operators shall be bound to forward by the air communications they use for the conveyance of their own priority items and airmail items the items of this type which reach them from other designated operators.
2 Designated operators without an air service shall forward priority items and airmail items by the most rapid means used for mails. The same shall apply if for any reason routeing by surface means is more advantageous than the use of airlines.
3 Each designated operator shall stipulate a specific hand-over time of preferably one hour, to two hours maximum, to the receiving designated operator within their contracts with airlines. The receiving designated operator shall endeavour to assist in the enforcement of this by providing the sending designated operator with monitoring of the airlines' performance against this time.
4 Designated operators shall take all necessary steps to:
4.1 ensure the best conditions for the receipt and onward transmission of mails containing priority items and airmail items;
4.2 ensure that agreements concluded with the carriers concerning the priority due to such mails are respected;
4.3 speed up the operations relating to customs control of priority items and airmail items addressed to their countries;
4.4 keep to a strict minimum the time required for forwarding priority items and airmail items posted in their country to the countries of destination and for having priority items and airmail items arriving from abroad delivered to the addressees. Single items arriving in a priority or airmail mail and not provided with a priority or airmail marking according to article 17-108 should nevertheless be regarded as priority or airmail items and be inserted in the domestic priority or airmail handling stream of the designated operator of destination.
5 Designated operators of transit and destination shall treat priority items and airmail items equally; designated operators shall also give the same treatment to surface LC items when no better service is available to the sender. Similarly, no distinction as regards speed of handling shall be made between non-priority items, surface AO items and S.A.L. items.
Article 17-114
1 Mails shall be classified as follows:
1.1 "Airmails" which are conveyed by air with priority. Airmails may contain airmail items and priority items.
1.2 "Priority mails" which are conveyed by surface but which have the same priority as airmails. Priority mails may contain priority items and airmail items.
1.3 "Surface airlifted (S.A.L.) mails" which contain S.A.L. items and non-priority items.
1.4 "Surface mails" which contain surface mail and non-priority items.
2 Mails conveyed by air or by surface containing only items posted in bulk shall be called "bulk mails".
2.1 The provisions of these Regulations applicable to the mails under 1.1 to 1.4 shall also apply to bulk mails conveyed by the same route or mode, unless specific arrangements are expressly made.
3 If a dispatch identifier is used (barcode representation or representation in electronic messaging), it shall be compliant with UPU Technical Standard S8.
Article 17-115
Exchange in closed mails
1 Closed mails shall be made up for the country of destination when the number of items per mail or per day (when several dispatches are made in a day) exceeds the limits for à découvert transit stated in article 17-117.
2 The exchange of items in closed mails shall be regulated by common consent between the designated operators concerned. Any changes in routeing shall be notified by the dispatching designated operator to the designated operator of destination at the earliest opportunity and, if possible, before the date of implementation.
3 In order to participate in good quality mail circulation, every designated operator should make up a minimum of three priority letter mails per week for each destination. If the volume and weight of items do not warrant such frequency, dispatch in transit á découvert should be envisaged.
4 Designated operators through which closed mails are to be forwarded shall be given suitable notice.
5 In cases where an exceptionally large number of ordinary or registered items has to be sent to a country to which mail is normally sent in transit à découvert, the designated operator of origin shall be authorized to make up closed mails for the offices of exchange of the country of destination. It shall advise the designated operators of the countries of transit and destination accordingly.
Article 17-116
Exchange of format-separated mails
1 The exchange of format-separated mails between designated operators of member countries as provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the Convention shall be made on the basis of the conditions of the present article.
2 Exchanges between countries in group I
2.1 The size of a flow shall be based on the last four approved consecutive quarters.
2.2 Mails shall be prepared and dispatched in separate receptacles for each of the three formats (P, G, E) to destinations where the annual outward volume of mails dispatched, excluding M bags, is above 50 tonnes. For volumes below this threshold mixed mails may be prepared.
3 Exchanges between countries in groups II and III, and between these countries and countries in group I
3.1 Mails shall be prepared and dispatched in at least two separate types of receptacles, one for formats P and G combined and one for format E, to destinations where the annual outward volume of mails dispatched, excluding M bags, is above the threshold of 50 tonnes.
3.2 For volumes below this threshold, mixed mails may be prepared.
4 Exchanges between countries in group IV and between these countries and countries in groups I to III
4.1 Mails shall be prepared and dispatched in at least two separate types of receptacles, one for formats P and G combined and one for format E, to destinations where the annual outward volume of mails dispatched, excluding M bags, is above 100 tonnes as of 2022.
5 For the application of the threshold the most recent annual volumes shall be used as reference.
6 Designated operators shall send the designated operators concerned the request for receiving or the notification for sending format-separated mails by 30 September for application on 1 January of the following year and subsequent years.
7 Designated operators allowed to separate mail into two formats (S and E) or three formats (P, G and E), as provided for in § 3, are not allowed to switch from one format-separation option to the other with a partner designated operator in the same calendar year. If they wish to change from two to three formats or from three to two, they shall inform the designated operator concerned by 30 September, for application on 1 January of the following year.
8 The practical details shall be the subject of a mutual agreement between the designated operators concerned.
9 In case of receipt of mixed dispatches in a relation where the conditions are met or the agreement for format-separated exchanges was made, the designated operator of destination shall be entitled to segregate and sample the received mails by format or receptacle type.
10 It may be mutually agreed that, in relations above the threshold, where there are low daily mail volumes from a specific exchange office, these may be made up in mixed dispatches. However, these dispatches shall also be subject to sampling by the designated operator of destination.
11 The discontinuation of the making up of format-separated mails shall be notified by 30 September and shall take effect on 1 January of the following year and subsequent years.
12 For operational, statistical and accounting purposes, registered, insured and tracked items shall be treated as bulky letters (E) or small packets (E), regardless of their actual shape.
Article 17-117
Transit à découvert
1 The transmission of à découvert items to an intermediate designated operator shall be strictly limited to cases where the making up of closed mails for the country of destination is not justified. À découvert trans- mission shall not be used to countries of destination for which the weight of the mail exceeds three kilogrammes per mail or per day (when several dispatches are made in a day) and shall not be used for M bags.
2 In the absence of a special agreement, items for transit à découvert weighing more than three kilogrammes per mail or per day (when several dispatches are made in a day), dispatched to a particular country of destination, shall be considered as missent items and the intermediate designated operator shall be authorized to claim from the dispatching designated operator the relevant charges calculated in accordance with article 27-106.1.5 for the entire quantity of mail concerned.
3 The dispatching designated operator shall consult in advance the intermediate designated operators as to the suitability of using them for à découvert items to the destinations concerned. The dispatching designated operator shall notify the designated operators concerned of the date on which dispatch of mail in transit à découvert commences, providing at the same time the estimated annual volumes for each final destination. Unless otherwise agreed bilaterally by the designated operators concerned, this notification shall be renewed if, in a given statistical period (May or October) there were no à découvert items observed and, consequently, no account had to be issued by the intermediate designated operator. Items in transit à découvert shall, as far as possible, be sent to a designated operator which makes up mails for the designated operators of destination.
4 For items sent à découvert without prior consultation to an intermediate designated operator, des- tined for countries other than those notified by the intermediate country in the Transit Compendium, the charge provided for in article 27-106.1.5 may be applied.
5 A découvert items shall be subject to the payment of transit charges calculated in accordance with article 27-106.
6 In the absence of a special agreement, all items posted on board a ship and not included in a closed bag mentioned in article 11 of the Convention shall be handed over à découvert by the ship's agent direct to the post office at the port of call, whether these items have been stamped on board or not.
7 In the absence of special agreement, items for transit à découvert shall be bundled as follows:
7.1 priority items sent by air and airmail items shall be made up in bundles identified by CN 25 labels;
7.2 priority items sent by surface, non-priority items and surface items shall be made up in bundles identified by CN 26 labels.
8 When their number and make-up permit, items sent à découvert to a designated operator shall be separated by country of destination. They shall be made up in bundles labelled with the name of each country in roman letters.
9 Where format-separated mail is exchanged, à découvert items shall be placed in a receptacle of the corresponding format. If a CN 65 bill is issued, the volumes may be indicated as separated by format.
Article 17-118
Routes and methods of transmission of insured items
1 By means of the CN 27 tables received from the others concerned, each designated operator shall decide on the routes to be used for the transmission of its insured items.
2 In the relations between countries separated by one or more intermediate services, insured items shall follow the most direct route. Nevertheless, the designated operators concerned may arrange with one another to provide for transmission à découvert by circuitous routes where the transmission by the most direct route would not carry with it a guarantee of liability over the whole distance.
3 Subject to service requirements, insured items may be dispatched in closed mails. They may also be handed over à découvert to the first intermediate designated operator if that designated operator is able to arrange for their transmission under the conditions prescribed in the CN 27 tables.
4 Designated operators of origin and destination may agree among themselves to exchange insured items in closed mails by means of the services of one or more intermediate countries, whether these participate in the insured items service or not. The intermediate designated operators shall be advised at least one month prior to commencement of the service.
Article 17-119
Make-up of mails
1 Making up of mixed mail bundles
1.1 All ordinary items which can be bundled shall be classified by size (small letters - P, large letters - G, bulky letters - E and small packets - E) or based on their contents (letters and postcards, newspapers and periodicals, AO items, small packets). The items shall be arranged with the addresses facing the same way.
1.2 The bundles shall be distinguished by labels bearing the indication in roman letters of the office of destination or of the reforwarding office of the items enclosed in the bundles. CN 25 labels shall be used in the case of priority items sent by air or airmail items and CN 26 labels in the case of priority items sent by surface, non-priority items or surface items.
1.3 Unpaid or underpaid items shall be made up in separate bundles which shall be placed in the bag containing the letter bill. The bundle label shall be impressed with the T stamp.
1.4 The thickness of the bundles of small letters (P) shall be limited to 150 mm after bundling. The weight of bundles of large letters (G) and bulky letters (E) or small packets (E) may not exceed 5 kilogrammes.
1.5 If priority items and letters show signs of opening, deterioration or damage, a note of the fact shall be made on them and they shall be marked with the date-stamp of the office which discovered it. In addition, when the security of the contents so requires the items shall be placed if possible in a transparent envelope or in a fresh packing on which the details appearing on the envelope shall be reproduced.
2 Making up of mixed mail receptacles
2.1 Mails, including those made up solely of empty bags, shall be contained in bags the number of which shall be kept to the strict minimum. The bags shall be in good condition to protect their contents. Each bag shall be labelled.
2.2 The bags shall be closed, sealed preferably with lead. The seals may also be made of light metal or plastic. The sealing shall be so done that it cannot be handled or tampered with without showing signs thereof. The impressions of the seals shall reproduce, in very legible roman letters, the name of the office of origin or an indication sufficient to identify that office. However, if the designated operator of origin so wishes, the impressions of the seals need only reproduce an indication of the name of the designated operator of origin. The designated operator of origin may also use numbered seals.
2.3 The bags shall be packed and closed in such a way as not to endanger the health of officials.
2.4 Except as noted in 2.4.1, for the make-up of airmails, bags either entirely blue or with wide blue bands shall be used. In the absence of special agreement between the designated operators concerned, the airmail bags shall also be used for priority mails. For making up surface mails or surface airlifted mails, surface bags of a colour other than that of the airmail bags (e.g. beige, brown, white, etc.) shall be used. Designated operators of destination must, however, check all the bag labels in order to ensure correct processing.
2.4.1 Designated operators that use a common mailbag for multiple purposes may use these bags in the make-up of mails for all the above categories as long as the bag labels correctly identify the category of mail contained within such mailbags.
2.5 For receptacles containing exclusively tracked items, designated operators may agree on a bilateral basis to use special airmail bags or receptacles such as trays, etc., with markings that distinguish them as containing tracked items only.
2.6 The bags shall show legibly in roman letters the office or country of origin and bear the word "Postes" (Post) or any other similar expression distinguishing them as postal dispatches.
2.7 When the number or volume of the items necessitates the use of more than one bag, separate bags shall, as far as possible, be used:
2.7.1 for letters and postcards;
2.7.2 where applicable, for the newspapers and periodicals mentioned in article 17-129.7 and 9;
2.7.3 for other AO items;
2.7.4 where applicable, for small packets; the labels on these bags shall bear the words "Petits paquets".
2.8 The packet or receptacle of registered or insured items shall be placed in one of the receptacles of letters or in a separate receptacle; the outer receptacle shall invariably bear a red label. When there are several receptacles of registered or insured items, all the receptacles must bear a red label.
2.9 Designated operators may agree on a bilateral basis not to insert any ordinary mail in the bag containing the letter bill, but to keep the receptacle purely for registered, insured and tracked items.
2.10 The weight of each bag shall in no circumstances exceed 30 kilogrammes.
2.11 In order to be exempt from terminal dues payments, the exempt items referred to in article 31-101.3 (other than IBRS items) shall be packed in separate receptacles.
3 Making up of format-separated mails
3.1 Designated operators exchanging format-separated mails under the conditions specified in article 17-116 may make up mail in bags or other receptacles, such as trays.
3.2 In case of the use of bags, the rules in paragraph 1 for making up bundles shall apply.
3.3 In case of the use of trays, bundling shall not be required.
4 Making up of packets and envelopes
4.1 In the absence of special agreement, small mails shall simply be wrapped in strong paper so as to prevent any damage to the contents.
4.2 The packets shall be tied with string and sealed with lead, light metal or plastic seals.
4.3 When the packets contain only ordinary items they may be closed by means of gummed seals bearing the printed indication of the office of origin.
5 Sacs collecteurs. Conveyance in containers
5.1 As far as possible, and with the exception of bulk mails, offices of exchange shall include in their own mails for a particular office all the small mails (packets or receptacles) which reach them for that office.
5.2 Where warranted by the number of light-weight receptacles, envelopes or packets to be conveyed on the same sector, sacs collecteurs shall be made up, wherever possible. They shall be made up by the post offices responsible for handing over airmails to the airline undertaking the conveyance. The labels of sacs collecteurs shall bear in bold letters the indication "Sac collecteur". The designated operators concerned shall agree as to the address to be put on the labels.
5.3 For conveyance purposes, mails may be placed in containers, subject to special agreement between the designated operators concerned on the methods of using the containers.
5.4 Designated operators may agree on a bilateral basis to exchange mails in receptacles other than bags (e.g. trays, pallets, etc.) when it is established that this will ease the handling process and safeguard the condition of the mail.
6 Making up of mails provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 to prevent damage to registered/ insured items.
6.1 In order to prevent damage during conveyance to envelope-shaped and light registered/ insured letter-post items, it is recommended that designated operators make up separate bags in accordance with the shape, size and weight of each such item, if the mail volume is sufficient to do so.
Article 17-120
Letter bills
1 Designated operators may agree bilaterally or multilaterally that the letter dispatches they exchange need not be accompanied by a paper letter bill, since PREDES version 2.1 messages provide similar information electronically.
2 In the absence of such agreement, a CN 31 letter bill shall accompany each dispatch except for bulk mail dispatches and for dispatches intended for direct access to the domestic systems. The letter bill shall be placed in an envelope marked in bold letters "Feuille d'avis" (Letter bill). This envelope shall be pink if the mail contains insured items and blue if it does not. It shall be fastened to the outside of the packet or receptacle of registered items. If there are no registered items, the envelope shall whenever possible be attached to a bundle of ordinary items. If the final receptacle contains only the CN 31 letter bill, it shall be sent as "Exempt".
3 Bulk mail dispatches shall be accompanied by a CN 32 letter bill, as provided for in article 17-127.
4 For dispatches intended for direct access to the domestic system, designated operators shall agree among themselves on the documents to be used. This documentation may be a modified CN 31 letter bill or another mutually acceptable document, such as a domestic mail statement.
5 Except for the cases provided for in articles 17-123.1 and 17-124.2, where a dispatch does not contain any registered or insured mail, designated operators may agree bilaterally to attach the letter bill to the outside of one of the receptacles of the dispatch in a strong waterproof pouch which will withstand the rigours of transportation.
6 The dispatching office shall complete the letter bill with all the details called for, taking the following into account:
6.1 Heading: dispatching offices of exchange shall sequentially number the letter bills within a mail dis- patch series, with the numbering re-initialized annually at the beginning of the calendar year. Each mail dispatch shall thus bear a separate mail dispatch number where each successive mail dispatch number is incremented by 1 in a rising sequence and is consistent with the incrementing dispatch date. In the case of the first mail dispatch of each calendar year, the letter bill shall bear, in addition to the serial number of the dispatch, that of the last dispatch of the preceding year. If a dispatch series is cancelled, the dispatching office shall notify the destination office of exchange by means of a verification note.
6.2 Table 1, receptacle labels: Designated operators may agree that only red-label receptacles shall be entered here.
6.3 Table 1, receptacle types: The number of receptacles used by the dispatching designated operator and the number of receptacles returned to the designated operator of destination shall be entered in this table. Where applicable, the number of empty bags belonging to a designated operator other than that to which the mail is addressed shall be shown separately with a reference to that designated operator. When two designated operators have agreed to enter red-label bags only (6.2), the number of receptacles used for the make-up of the mail or the number of empty bags belonging to the designated operator of destination shall not be given.
6.4 Table 2: Where designated operators have agreed according to the conditions described in article 17-116 to separate outbound international mail by format, the number of receptacles and the weight by format shall be reported in table 2. Otherwise, the mail subject to terminal dues shall be reported in table 2 as mixed mail.
6.5 Table 3: The total number of registered items, both those individually listed and those advised in bulk, and the total number of insured items included in the mail shall be entered in table 3. Where tracked items are also included in the mail, the total number of such items shall also be entered in table 3.
6.6 The number of registered items and insured items relating to the postal service and the number of items returned to origin, exempt from terminal dues, shall be entered in table 3 in the column headed "Number of items exempt from additional terminal dues".
6.7 Table 4: When IBRS items are contained in the dispatch, the IBRS information shall be completed, indicating separately the number and gross weight of IBRS receptacles and net weight of bundles and the total number of IBRS items. The presence of ordinary or registered COD items shall be indicated in the corresponding box both in the case of individual entry and that of bulk entry.
Article 17-121
Transmission of registered items
1 Where designated operators have agreed bilaterally or multilaterally not to send a paper letter bill, they shall not be required to send paper CN 33 lists for registered items, as PREDES version 2.1 messages provide similar information electronically.
2 In the absence of an agreement to send information only electronically, registered items shall be transmitted entered individually on one or more CN 33 special lists as a supplement to the letter bill. The lists in question shall show the same mail number as that shown on the letter bill of the corresponding mail. When several special lists are used they shall also be numbered in their own series for each mail. The total number of registered items included in the mail shall be entered in table 3 of the letter bill.
3 Designated operators dispatching more than 100,000 registered items per year to a destination designated operator must dispatch all of their registered items under a mail dispatch series exclusively for registered items, i.e. by dispatch mail subclass UR.
4 Designated operators may agree to the bulk advice of registered items. In this case, the total number of registered items included in the mail shall still be entered in table 3 of the letter bill. In the absence of an agreement to send information only electronically, each receptacle containing registered items, including the one in which the letter bill is inserted shall contain a CN 33 special list showing, in the space provided, the total number of registered items it contains.
5 Registered items and, where applicable, the special lists provided under 2 shall be made up in one or more separate packets or receptacles which shall be suitably wrapped or closed and sealed with or without lead so as to protect the contents. Receptacles and packets made up in this way may be replaced by heat- sealed plastic bags. The registered items shall be arranged in each packet according to their order of entry. When one or more special lists are used, each of them shall be tied up with the registered items to which it refers and placed on top of the first item in the bundle. When several receptacles are used each of them shall contain a special list detailing the items which it contains.
6 Subject to agreement between the designated operators concerned and when their volume permits, registered items may be enclosed in the special envelope containing the letter bill. This envelope shall be sealed.
7 In no case may registered items be included in the same bundle as unregistered items.
8 As far as possible a single receptacle shall not contain more than 600 registered items.
9 If registered COD items are entered on a CN 33 special list the word "Reimbursement" (COD) or the abbreviation "Remb" or "COD" should be written opposite the appropriate entry in the "Observations" column.
10 Registered M bags shall be entered as a single item on a CN 33 special list. The letter M shall be added in the "Observations" column.
11 Designated operators may establish systems that generate electronic transmission confirmation data, and agree to exchange such data with the designated operators of origin of the items.
Article 17-122
Transmission of insured items
1 Where designated operators have agreed bilaterally or multilaterally not to send a paper letter bill, they shall not be required to send paper CN 16 lists for insured items, as PREDES version 2.1 messages provide similar information electronically.
2 In the absence of an agreement to send information only electronically, the dispatching office of exchange shall enter the insured items on CN 16 special lists with all the details for which the form provides. In the case of COD items, the word "Remboursement" (COD) or the abbreviation "Remb" or "COD" shall be entered opposite the appropriate entry in the "Observations" column.
3 Insured items shall be made up with the special list or lists into one or more special packets tied to one another. The latter shall be wrapped in strong paper, tied on the outside and sealed with fine wax on every fold by means of the seal of the dispatching office of exchange. These packets shall be endorsed "Valeurs déclarées" (Insured items).
4 Instead of being made up in a packet, the insured items may be placed in a strong paper envelope, closed by means of wax seals.
5 The packets or envelopes of insured items may also be closed by means of gummed seals bearing the printed indication of the designated operator of origin of the mail. An impression of the date-stamp of the dispatching office shall be added to the gummed seal in such a way that it appears partly on the seal and partly on the wrapping. This method of closure cannot be used if the designated operator of destination of the mail requires the packets or envelopes of insured items to be sealed with wax or lead.
6 If their number or volume makes it necessary, insured items may be placed in a bag suitably closed and sealed with wax or lead.
7 The packet, envelope or receptacle of insured items shall be enclosed in the packet or receptacle containing registered items or, failing those, in the packet or receptacle which would normally contain registered items. When the registered items are enclosed in more than one receptacle, the packet, envelope or receptacle of insured items shall be placed in the bag to the neck of which the special envelope containing the letter bill is attached.
8 The outer bag containing insured items must be in perfect condition and the edge of its mouth shall be provided, if possible, with piping which makes it impossible to open the bag illicitly without leaving visible traces.
9 The total number of insured items included in the mail shall be entered in table 3 of the letter bill.
10 Designated operators may establish systems that generate electronic transmission confirmation data, and agree to exchange such data with the designated operators of origin of the items.
Article 17-123
Transmission of money orders and unregistered COD items
1 Postal money orders sent unenclosed shall be made up in a separate bundle and placed in a packet or receptacle containing registered items or, if there is one, in the packet or receptacle with insured items. The same shall apply to unregistered COD items. If the mail contains neither registered nor insured items, the money orders and any unregistered COD items shall be placed in the envelope containing the letter bill or bundled with the latter.
2 The presence of unregistered COD items shall be indicated in the relevant section of the CN 31 or CN 32 letter bill, as appropriate.
Article 17-124
Transmission of tracked items
1 Designated operators dispatching more than 100,000 tracked items per year to a destination designated operator shall dispatch all of their tracked items under a mail dispatch series exclusively for tracked items, i.e. by dispatch mail subclass UX. If designated operators dispatch less than 100,000 tracked items per year to a destination designated operator, tracked items shall be made up in separate bundles bearing labels with the "Tracked" symbol provided for in article 18-102. These bundles shall, wherever possible, be placed in separate receptacles. Where this is not possible, the bundles of "Tracked" items shall be placed in the receptacle containing the letter bill.
2 Registered tracked items shall be arranged in their order among the other registered items. The word "Tracked" shall be written opposite the appropriate entries in the "Observations" column on the CN 33 special lists. A similar indication shall be made in the "Observations" column of the CN 16 special lists opposite the entries of insured items for tracked delivery.
Article 17-125
Transmission of IBRS items
1 IBRS items shall be made up in separate bundles. The CN 25 bundle label shall bear the indication "IBRS" and the number of items. The bundles of IBRS items shall be placed in the receptacle containing the letter bill. However, they must not be placed in the inner packet or receptacle of registered items.
1.1 If the mail contains more than 2 kilogrammes of IBRS items, these items shall be placed in a separate receptacle. The receptacle label shall bear an indicator denoting IBRS.
2 IBRS items shall not be transmitted in bulk mail dispatches.
3 The IBRS items contained in a mail shall be indicated in table 4 of the CN 31 letter bill as follows:
3.1 for items in separate receptacles, write, on the "IBRS bags" line, the number and weight of the receptacles and the number of items;
3.2 for items sent with the rest of the mail, write, on the "IBRS bundles" line, the number and weight of the bundles and the number of items.
Article 17-126 Transmission of M bags
Every M bag shall be furnished with a CN 34, CN 35 or CN 36 label to which a large letter M has been added in the upper right-hand corner. This label shall be additional to the address label provided by the sender. M packets, which are not packed in a bag, must be inserted in a "sac collecteur M" for transmission.
Article 17-127
Transmission of bulk items
1 When the payment specific to bulk mail applies (see article 31-113.1 and 2), the designated operator of origin may send bulk items in specific dispatches, accompanied by the CN 32 letter bill.
2 The CN 32 letter bill shall include the number and weight of the items.
2.1 For designated operators that have so agreed, the number and weight of the items may be indicated according to their format.
3 The provisions of article 17-120 shall apply by analogy to CN 32 letter bills.
Article 17-128
Transmission of items intended for direct access to the domestic service
1 Items intended for direct access to the domestic service of a designated operator, under the terms of article 28.4 of the Convention, shall be sent in specific mails, accompanied by an appropriately modified CN 31 letter bill, unless other documentation is specifically required by the designated operator of destination or origin owing to national legislation.
2 The modified CN 31 letter bill or other documentation required by the designated operator of destination shall include the number, weight and, if applicable, category of the items or other additional information required by the designated operator of destination.
3 The provisions of article 17-120 shall apply by analogy to CN 31 letter bills or other documentation required by the designated operator of destination.
4 Designated operators have to agree bilaterally to alternative forms and procedures for the transmission of items intended for direct access to the domestic service if this is required by the designated operator of destination.
Article 17-129 Labelling of mails
1 The labels of the receptacles shall be made of sufficiently rigid canvas, or plastic, of strong cardboard, of parchment, or of paper glued to wood. For bags, they shall be provided with an eyelet.
2 The layout and text for labels on all receptacle types shall comply with UPU Technical Standard S47 and/or conform to the templates annexed hereto and mentioned below:
2.1 CN 34 in the case of surface receptacles;
2.2 CN 35 in the case of airmail receptacles;
2.3 CN 36 in the case of surface airlifted (S.A.L.) receptacles.
3 The following label characteristics shall apply to letter mail:
3.1 When format separation is performed, the labels shall display the corresponding code from UPU code list 120 (format of contents). Trays can correspond only to formats "P" or "G".
3.2 Where a code exists for the receptacle contents, the labels shall display a code from UPU code list 188 (special content codes).
3.3 A special content descriptor taken from UPU code list 176 shall be displayed on the label if one of the following values is applicable (one is displayed at most, based on the order of appearance below):
3.3.1 "Accès Direct" (Direct Access) when the receptacle contains only items of this category;
3.3.2 "IBRS" when the receptacle contains some items of this category;
3.3.3 "Tracked" when the receptacle contains some tracked items;
3.3.4 "PRIOR" when the receptacle contains priority mail conveyed by surface;
3.3.5 "Journaux" (Newspapers) when the receptacle contains only items of this category;
3.3.6 "Ecrits périodiques" (Periodicals) when the receptacle contains only items of this category;
3.3.7 "Petits paquets" (Small packets) when the receptacle contains only items of this category.
3.4 The label of the receptacle containing the letter bill shall bear a bold letter "F" in the zone defined for this purpose.
3.5 The label of receptacles containing only items exempted from terminal dues shall display "Exempt" in bold characters.
3.6 The receptacle gross weight is shown on the label, rounded up to the nearest hectogramme when the fraction of the hectogramme is equal to or greater than 50 grammes and rounded down to the nearest hectogramme otherwise.
3.7 The label shall include a barcoded receptacle identifier in compliance with UPU Technical Standard S9.
4 In the service between neighbouring offices, strong paper labels may be used. These shall, however, be strong enough to withstand the various handling processes the mails undergo during transmission.
5 Receptacles containing registered items, insured items, and/or the letter bill shall be provided with a vermilion red label.
5.1 However, designated operators may agree, in their bilateral relations, to dispense with the use of red labels in favour, for security reasons, of any mutually agreed alternative method.
6 A white label shall be used for receptacles containing only ordinary items of the following categories:
6.1 priority items (mixed or format separated);
6.2 letters and postcards dispatched by surface and air;
6.3 mixed items (letters, postcards, newspapers and periodicals, and other items).
7 A white label shall also be used for receptacles containing newspapers posted in bulk by publishers or their agents and dispatched by surface only, except those returned to sender.
8 A light blue label shall be used for receptacles containing only ordinary items of the following categories:
8.1 non-priority items (mixed or format separated);
8.2 printed papers;
8.3 items for the blind;
8.4 small packets.
9 A light blue label shall also be used for receptacles containing periodicals other than those mentioned under 7.
10 A violet label shall also be used for receptacles containing only ordinary bulk items.
11 A white label with a violet-striped border shall be used for receptacles containing Direct Access items.
12 A green label shall be used for receptacles containing only empty bags being returned to origin.
13 A white label may also be used in conjunction with a 5 x 3 cm tab in one of the colours mentioned under 5 to 9 and 12. A blue or violet label may also be used in conjunction with a similar tab in red.
14 Items containing admissible infectious substances shall be placed in separate receptacles. Each receptacle shall be provided with an identification label, similar in colour and form to the label provided for in article 19-005 but made bigger to make room for affixing an eyelet.
15 If a sac collecteur is used, its weight shall not be taken into account in the receptacle gross weight. The indication of the weight shall be replaced by the figure 0 for receptacles weighing less than 50 grammes.
16 Intermediate offices shall not enter any serial number on the labels of receptacles or packets of closed mails in transit.
17 Origin designated operators that use numbered seals in closing receptacles may display the seal number on the receptacle labels.
Article 17-130
Use of barcodes
1 Where a designated operator of origin applies a 13-character barcoded identifier to letter-post items in the international service, only one such unique identifier shall be applied. This identifier shall conform to UPU Technical Standard S10 and shall be encoded on the item in both human-readable and barcoded form, as prescribed in the standard.
2 Originating, transit or destination designated operators may apply additional barcodes that do not use an S10 format, provided that the additional barcodes do not obscure any part of the sender's address or return address, or any part of the S10 item identifier applied by the originating designated operator.
3 A transit or destination designated operator may apply an item identifier that is compliant with UPU Technical Standard S10 and identical in data content to the one applied by the originating designated operator. In this case, it is not necessary to obliterate or remove the subsequent S10 identifier applied if the item is forwarded to another designated operator or returned to the originating designated operator.
4 If a transit or destination designated operator applies an S10-format barcode that differs in data con- tent from the originally applied S10 identifier, this subsequent S10-format barcode shall be obliterated or removed if the item is forwarded to another designated operator or returned to the originating designated operator.
Article 17-131
Electronic exchanges to support mail processes
1 Designated operators shall exchange pre-dispatch information and dispatch receipt information in accordance with PREDES and RESDES messages for all letter-post dispatches, with the following characteristics:
1.1 PREDES messages shall include item-level data where identified items are present. They shall also provide the format-of-contents information where relevant.
1.2 RESDES messages shall provide the receptacle type and, if relevant, the format-of-contents information.
1.3 In accordance with article 08-002, designated operators shall equally ensure that the S10 item identifiers of all items containing goods are included in the PREDES electronic message (UPU EDI Messaging Standard M41) sent to the designated operator of destination.
2 Designated operators shall provide track-and-trace information with respect to the outward and inward letter-post items on their national territory via EMSEVT V3 messages as described in UPU standard M40 in the following cases:
2.1 For tracked items, the exchange of EMSEVT shall be mandatory with all partners.
2.2 For registered and insured items, the exchange of EMSEVT shall be mandatory only within the supplementary remuneration programme, for those designated operators that participate fully in the programme according to articles 31-104 and 31-105. Data exchange with other participants shall be optional.
3 The following characteristics apply to the EMSEVT messages sent:
3.1 The provision of the following EMSEVT tracking events is mandatory, when applicable to an item: EMC, EMD, EMH and EMI. Other EMSEVT V3 events are optional.
3.2 When the tracking events listed below are provided, certain data elements optional in the M40 standard are mandatory, as shown in the last column:
Event | Description | Additional mandatory data element(s) |
EMA | Posting/collection | office-of-origin-ID |
EMB | Arrival at outward office of exchange | outward-OE |
EMC | Departure from outward office of exchange | outward-OE |
EMD | Arrival at inward office of exchange | receiving-OE |
EDB | Item presented to import Customs | receiving-OE |
EME | Held by Customs | receiving-OE import-customs- retention-reason |
EDC | Items returned from import Customs | customs-return-point-ID |
EMF | Departure from inward office of exchange | inward-OE |
EDH | Item arrival at collection point for pick-up | collection-point-ID |
EMG | Arrival at delivery office | delivery-office-ID |
EMH | Attempted/unsuccessful delivery |
delivery-office-ID unsuccessful-delivery-action-taken unsuccessful-delivery-reason |
EMI | Final delivery | delivery-office-ID |
EMJ | Arrival at transit office of exchange | transit OE |
EMK | Departure from transit office of exchange | transit OE |
Article 17-132
Routeing of mails
1 Closed mails including closed transit mails shall be forwarded by the most direct route possible.
2 When a mail consists of several receptacles, these shall as far as possible remain together and be forwarded by the same transportation.
3 The designated operator of origin may consult with the designated operator providing the closed transit service regarding the route to be followed by the closed mails which it regularly dispatches. The designated operator of the country of origin shall not enter information about the routeing to be followed by the designated operator providing the closed transit on the delivery bill (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47) or electronic equivalent, nor on the CN 34, CN 35 or CN 36 labels. The route information appearing on the delivery bill (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47) or electronic equivalent, and on the CN 34, CN 35 or CN 36 labels shall be limited to the route intended to transport the mails from the designated operator of origin to the designated operator providing the closed transit.
4 Mail in closed transit shall, in principle, be forwarded by the same transportation used by the designated operator of the country of transit for the transport of its own mails. If, on a regular basis, there is insufficient time between arrival of the mail in closed transit and transport departure, or the volumes regularly exceed the capacity of a flight, the designated operator of the country of origin shall be so informed.
5 In the event of a change in a route for the exchange of closed mails established between two designated operators via one or more designated operators providing closed transit, the designated operator of origin of the mail shall inform those designated operators providing closed transit of the change of route.
Article 17-133
Preparation of trial notes
1 To determine the most favourable route and the transmission time for a mail, the office of exchange of origin may send to the office of destination of the mail a CN 44 trial note. This note shall be included in the mail and attached to the CN 31 or CN 32 letter bill, on which its presence shall be shown by a cross in the corresponding box. If the CN 44 form is missing when the mail arrives, the office of destination shall make out a duplicate. The trial note, duly completed by the office of destination, shall be returned by the quickest route (air or surface) either to the address specified or, if no address is given, to the office which prepared it.
2 To determine the most favourable route and the transmission time for items sent à découvert through the intermediary of a designated operator, the office of exchange of origin may send the designated operator of destination of such items a CN 44 trial note. This note shall be inserted in an envelope on which the indication "CN 44" shall be written in the top right-hand corner of the front. The trial note, duly completed by the designated operator of destination, shall be returned by the quickest route (air or surface).
3 Whenever the designated operator of destination observes serious delays and discovers a quicker route, it may prepare a CN 44 trial note and suggest the most favourable routeing both for closed mails and for items sent à découvert through another designated operator. The designated operator of origin shall give careful consideration to the request of the office of destination.
Article 17-134
Transfer of mails
1 All mail dispatches shall be handed over by designated operators in good condition. However, a dispatch may not be refused because of damage or theft.
2 Delivery bill information shall be prepared by the sending office and provided to the destination office as well as other parties, if any, involved in the transport of dispatches, including for bulk mail dispatches. The information shall preferably be provided electronically, using UPU EDI Messaging Standards M10 (PRECON v1.1) and M48 (CARDIT v2.1); when this is not possible, the delivery bill information shall be shared via UPU forms.
3 The following rules apply to the exchange of electronic messages corresponding to delivery bill information:
3.1 A CARDIT message shall be sent by the origin designated operator.
3.2 The origin designated operator shall require the transport service to capture electronically the receipt of the mail and to send the data using UPU EDI Messaging Standard M49 (RESDIT v1.1) to confirm receipt of each receptacle of the consignment.
3.3 The origin designated operator shall require the transport service to capture electronically the handover of the mail, and to send a RESDIT "delivered" standardized message.
3.4 A PRECON standardized message shall be sent by the origin designated operator to the designated operator to which the consignment is addressed. This may take place even when there are no CARDIT/RESDIT exchanges in place with transport to this destination.
3.5 The designated operator taking receipt of the mail shall send a RESCON message to the origin designated operator, in order to acknowledge receipt of the mail.
3.6 In the case of air transport, the origin designated operator shall require the airline to store the CARDIT data and the RESDIT receipt and delivery events data in its system and to share the data with the associated entity responsible for ground services at the airports of origin, transit and destination.
3.7 In the event of an inquiry, the designated operators shall share the available information, including that received from the airline.
4 When UPU forms are used, the following delivery bill forms apply, depending on the type of mail and conveyance:
4.1 CN 37 for surface mail (mail categories C and D) other than dispatches of empty bags;
4.2 CN 38 for airmail (mail category A) other than dispatches of empty bags;
4.3 CN 41 for surface airlifted (S.A.L.) mail (mail category B) other than dispatches of empty bags;
4.4 CN 47 for dispatches of empty bags, for all mail categories.
5 The following rules apply to the generation of delivery bill forms:
5.1 The dispatching office shall retain a copy of the delivery bill; if a transport service is involved, this service or an associated agent shall sign this copy as a receipt for the mails.
5.2 A copy is sent to the destination office.
5.3 If a transport service is involved, an additional copy is given to this service and shall be transported to the destination; this copy shall be retained by the transport service after being signed by the receiving office.
5.4 In case of air transport, the two copies of the delivery bill that are transported to the destination office shall be inserted in a CN 45 envelope. These shall be conveyed in the aircraft's flight portfolio or other special pouch in which the flight documents are kept. Upon arrival at the airport of offloading of the mails, the first copy, duly signed as a receipt for the mails, shall be kept by the airline which has carried the mails. The second copy shall accompany the mails to the post office to which the delivery bill is addressed.
5.5 Designated operators that have developed an electronic receipting system for mail dispatches that they receive from transport carriers may use the receipting records of that system instead of the delivery bill process described under 5.4. In lieu of the signed copy of the delivery bill forms, the receiving designated operator can provide the transport carrier with a printed copy of the electronic receipting record for that dispatch.
5.6 When the transfer of mails between two corresponding offices involves a sea service, an additional copy shall be sent to destination, preferably electronically, or otherwise via airmail, in order to pre- advise destination.
5.7 If delivery bills are produced by electronic means and transmitted online to a transport service or a cooperating agent without the direct participation of the designated operator's staff and printed out there, the designated operators or companies involved in the transport operations may agree that a signature shall not be required on the delivery bills.
Article 17-135
Preparation and checking of CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bills
1 The delivery bills shall be completed, in accordance with their layout, on the basis of the particulars appearing on the receptacle labels or with the address. The total number and total weight of the receptacles (including receptacles that are exempt from terminal dues) and items in each mail shall be entered in bulk by category. Designated operators of origin may elect to enter each receptacle individually should they wish to do so. However, any intermediate or transit country must list each transit receptacle individually, maintaining the designated operator of origin, office of destination, dispatch and receptacle number indicated by the designated operator of origin. The six-character IMPC code identifying the origin and destination of the receptacle shall be recorded in columns 2 and 3 respectively. The number and weight of receptacles bearing red labels shall be shown separately; they shall be indicated by an "R" in the "Observations" column of the delivery bill.
2 The presence of priority surface mails shall be indicated by the entry "PRIOR" in the "Observations" column of the CN 37 bill.
3 Mails included in a sac collecteur shall also be entered individually on the CN 38 delivery bill, with an indication that they are so included.
4 Any intermediate office or office of destination which notices errors in the entries on the CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bill shall immediately correct them. It shall report them by CN 43 verification note to the last dispatching office of exchange and to the office of exchange which made up the mail. Designated operators may agree to make systematic use of electronic mail or any other appropriate means of telecommunication for reporting irregularities.
5 When the mails forwarded are inserted in containers sealed by the postal service, the serial number and the number of the seal of each container shall be entered in the column of the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 bill reserved for that purpose.
Article 17-136
Missing CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bill
1 Designated operators may agree to make systematic use of electronic mail or any other appropriate means of telecommunication for settling cases where the delivery bill is missing.
2 An electronically transmitted delivery bill form, duly signed by the sending designated operator, printed by the carrier at destination or at an intermediate location, shall be considered valid by the destination office.
3 In the absence of the delivery bill or its electronic equivalent, the receiving office shall prepare one as a substitute in accordance with the load received and have the carrier countersign it. This substitute delivery bill may be sent to the dispatching office as an attachment to a CN 43 verification note or be kept in case of later disputes over the mail concerned.
4 If a CN 46 substitute delivery bill prepared by the carrier is received by the destination office in place of the original delivery bill, this substitute bill shall be accepted. This fact may be reported to the office of origin by means of a CN 43 verification note, accompanied by this CN 46 substitute delivery bill.
5 If a CN 43 verification note is raised and if the airport of loading cannot be determined, this verification note shall be sent straight to the office of dispatch of the mail for it to forward the note to the office through which the mail transited.
Article 17-137
Checking of mails
1 Every office receiving a mail shall check:
1.1 the origin and destination of the receptacles making up the mail and entered on the delivery bill;
1.2 the sealing and make-up of the bags bearing red labels;
1.3 the accuracy of the information on the delivery bill.
2 The weight entered on the CN 34, CN 35 or CN 36 label shall be checked by sampling or systematically. The data given by the office of origin shall be accepted as valid if they differ from the weights or from the number of items established:
2.1 by 200 grammes or less in the case of receptacles of surface mails or surface airlifted (S.A.L.) mails;
2.2 by 100 grammes or less in the case of receptacles of airmails, priority mails or bulk mails;
2.3 by 100 grammes or less or 20 items or fewer in the case of IBRS items.
3 When an intermediate office or office of destination establishes that the difference between the actual weight and the weight recorded of a receptacle or the difference between the actual number or weight and the number or weight recorded of IBRS items exceeds the limits provided for under 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3, as the case may be, it shall amend the receptacle label and the delivery bill. It shall immediately notify the dispatching office of exchange and when appropriate the last intermediate office of exchange of the mistake by CN 43 verification note or by means of an agreed reconciliation process.
4 In format-separated dispatch, when an office of destination establishes a discrepancy between the actual format and the format recorded on a receptacle label, it shall immediately notify the dispatching office of exchange of the mistake by CN 43 verification note or by means of an agreed reconciliation process. If there is no letter in a receptacle complying with the announced format definition, the weight of the receptacle shall either be kept in the announced format or transferred to the most correct format according to weight. Where sampling is carried out, the same procedure shall be followed for both receptacles sampled and those that are not sampled for an entire accounting year.
5 When an intermediate office receives a mail in bad condition, it shall check the contents if it thinks that these have not remained intact. It shall put it in new packing just as it is. This office shall copy the particulars from the original label on to the new one and apply to the latter an impression of its date-stamp, preceded by the endorsement "Remballé à ..." (Repacked at ...). It shall make out a CN 43 verification note and insert one copy thereof in the repacked mail.
6 Upon receipt of a mail, the office of exchange of destination shall proceed as follows:
6.1 It shall check whether the mail is complete and has arrived in the sequence in which it was dis- patched.
6.2 It shall check whether the entries on the letter bill and, where applicable, on the CN 16 dispatch lists and the CN 33 special lists are correct.
6.3 It shall satisfy itself that there is no irregularity in the external condition of the outer receptacle and of the packet, envelope or inner receptacle containing insured items.
6.4 It shall check the number of insured items and inspect them individually, inter alia in respect of weight, seals and marks, and verify that COD items are properly marked as such and accompanied by the relevant payment forms.
6.5 It shall ensure that tracked items sent in special receptacles or in the receptacle containing the letter bill are immediately inserted into the domestic system for distribution and delivery as soon as possible.
6.6 If a mail or one or more receptacles thereof are missing or mail is received in excess, the facts shall be immediately established by two officials. These shall make the necessary corrections on the letter bills or special lists. They shall take care to cross out or make additions to any incorrect entries in such a way as to leave the original entries legible. Unless there is an obvious error the corrections shall be accepted in preference to the original statement.
6.7 The procedure provided for in 6.6 shall also apply in the case of any other irregularity such as insured items, registered items and barcoded tracked items missing or received in excess, or a missing letter bill or special list.
6.8 Designated operators may agree to substitute procedures provided in 6.6 and 6.7 with information sent electronically concerning inward receipt (RESDES message, EMSEVT event EMD) and delivery (EMSEVT events EMH/EMI). Designated operators may also agree to substitute the paper-based reporting of irregularities (CN 43 verification notes) with an agreed volume (weight and item count) reconciliation process using electronically captured information.
6.9 If the letter bill or a special list is missing the inward office shall, in addition, prepare a substitute letter bill or special list or make a precise note of the insured items, registered items or tracked items received. Designated operators may agree to make systematic use of electronic pre-advice (PREDES/RESDES messages) for settling cases where the letter bill or a special list is missing, but where the dispatch weight and the number of insured, registered or tracked items recorded by the inward office correspond to the information received electronically. In such cases the inward designated operator may decide not to prepare a substitute letter bill and will not issue a CN 43 verification note.
7 Additional information regarding bulk mail dispatches
7.1 A CN 43 verification note shall be sent to the designated operator of origin, accompanied by a replacement CN 32 letter bill that shall include the details of the bulk items received in the following cases:
7.1.1 the designated operators of origin and destination have agreed to make up bulk mail dispatches, but the designated operator of origin sends bulk items in other dispatches;
7.1.2 the bulk mail dispatches are not accompanied by a CN 32 letter bill;
7.1.3 the designated operator of destination receives unreported bulk items for which the specific remuneration is applied with immediate effect; in this case, the designated operator of destination shall transmit the CN 43 and CN 32 forms preferably by telecommunication (fax or other electronic means) to the designated operator of origin of the mails.
7.1.4 in a format-separated dispatch, the office of destination establishes a discrepancy between the announced format and the actual format of some bulk items or receptacles.
7.2 In the cases provided for under 7.1.1 and 7.1.3, the CN 31 letter bill of the dispatch containing the bulk items shall be corrected accordingly and transmitted attached to the CN 43 verification note.
8 When the mails are opened, the constituent parts of the fastening (lead and other seals, string, labels) shall be kept together. To achieve this the string shall be cut in one place only.
9 Each designated operator shall have the right, in accordance with its national legislation and the procedures agreed with its customs authorities, to open and inspect M bags received, to check for compliance with the product specification detailed in article 17-107.7.1 to 7.5 and to ensure customs compliance. Any items that are found not to be in compliance with the product specification shall be charged at the destination designated operator's terminal dues rates for priority and non-priority mail. A CN 43 verification note shall be raised to advise the origin designated operator of the adjustments to the CN 31 letter bill.
10 When an office receives letter bills or special lists which are not intended for it, it shall send them or, if its national regulations so require, certified true copies to the office of destination by the quickest route (air or surface).
11 Irregularities established upon receipt of a mail containing insured items shall immediately be made the subject of reservations to the transferring service. Notification of a missing item, alteration or any other irregularity for which designated operators may be liable in respect of insured items shall be sent immediately by telecommunications to the dispatching office of exchange or to the intermediate service. In addition, a CN 24 formal report shall be made out. The condition in which the packing of the mail was found shall be indicated therein. The formal report shall be sent under registered cover to the central office of the country to which the dispatching office of exchange belongs independently of the CN 43 verification note, which shall be sent to that office immediately. A duplicate of the report shall be sent at the same time either to the central office of the country to which the receiving office of exchange belongs or to any other controlling authority appointed by that designated operator.
12 The office of exchange which receives from a corresponding office a damaged or an insufficiently packed insured item shall send it on after observing the following rules:
12.1 If it is a matter of slight damage or of partial destruction of the seals, it is sufficient to re-seal the insured item to safeguard the contents. This shall be authorized on condition that it is obvious that the contents are not damaged nor, according to a check of the weight, short. The existing seals shall be preserved. If necessary, the insured items shall be repacked, retaining the original packing as far as possible. Repacking may also be done by placing the damaged item in a receptacle labelled and sealed with lead. In such cases, it is unnecessary to re-seal the damaged item. The receptacle label shall be marked "Envoi avec valeur déclarée endommagé" (Damaged insured item). It shall show the following information: serial number, office of origin, amount of the insured value, name and address of addressee, the date-stamp impression and the signature of the official who bagged the item.
12.2 If the state of the insured item is such that the contents could have been removed, the office shall automatically open it, where this is not contrary to the laws of the country, and check the contents. The result of this check shall be given in a formal CN 24 report. A copy of this report shall be attached to the insured item. This shall be repacked.
12.3 In all these cases, the weight of the insured item on arrival and the weight after repacking shall be checked and noted on the cover. This note shall be followed by the words "Scellé d'office à ... " (Sealed at ...) or "Remballé à ... " (Repacked at ...). This note shall be supplemented by an impression of the date-stamp and by the signature of the officials who have affixed the seals or done the repacking.
13 The discovery of any irregularity whatsoever during the check may in no case be the cause of the return of an item contained in the mail examined except as provided in article 19 of the Convention.
Article 17-138
Verification notes
1 The irregularities established shall be reported immediately, and at the latest within one month, to the office of origin of the mail, by means of a CN 43 verification note made out in duplicate, after the complete check of the mail. Where transit is involved, the verification note shall be sent to the last intermediate office which transmitted the mail in bad condition.
2 The details on the verification note for non-barcoded items shall specify as precisely as possible the label, bag or other receptacle, seal, cover, packet or item concerned. For barcoded items the details on the verification note shall specify the item barcode number. If the mail contains bundles provided with CN 25 and CN 26 labels, such labels shall, in case of irregularity, be attached to the verification note. In the case of service irregularities which gave grounds for presuming loss or theft, the condition in which the packing of the mail was found shall be indicated in as much detail as possible on the verification note. Only in cases which gave grounds for presuming loss or theft, dated digital photographic images of the label, bag or other receptacle, seal, cover, packet or item concerned may be provided.
3 Unless this is impossible for a stated reason, the following elements shall be kept intact for a period of six weeks from the date of verification and shall be sent to the designated operator of origin if the latter so requests:
3.1 the bag, or envelope, or other receptacle, with the string, labels and lead or other seals;
3.2 all the inner and outer packets or receptacles in which the insured items and registered items were enclosed;
3.3 the packing of any damaged items which can be recovered from the addressee.
4 When the mails are transmitted through the intermediary of a carrier, the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bill mentioning the irregularities established by the intermediate designated operator or designated operator of destination on taking over the mails shall where possible be countersigned by the carrier or his representative as well as by the designated operator of transit or of destination taking over the mails, which shall confirm that there are no irregularities. Should there be any reservations with respect to the carrier ser- vice, the copies of the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 bill must indicate such reservations. Where the mails are transported in containers, these reservations shall relate solely to the condition of the container and of its fastening and seals. By analogy, designated operators exchanging information by electronic means may apply the procedures described in article 17-134.3.
5 In the cases provided for in article 17-137.5, 6 and 10, the office of origin and, where appropriate, the last intermediate office of exchange may, in addition, be advised by telecommunications at the expense of the designated operator which sends it the advice. Such an advice shall be sent whenever the mail shows obvious traces of having been tampered with, so that the dispatching or intermediate office may investigate the matter without delay. Where necessary, the intermediate office shall advise the preceding designated operator also by telecommunications for the continuation of the inquiry.
6 When the absence of a mail is the result of a missed mail connection or when it is duly explained on the delivery bill, a CN 43 verification note shall be prepared only if the mail does not reach the office of destination by the next post.
7 As soon as a mail which has been reported as missing to the office of origin and, where appropriate, to the last intermediate office arrives, a second verification note announcing the receipt of the mail shall be sent to these offices by the quickest route (air or surface).
8 Wrongly numbered dispatches, and in particular dispatches using a duplicated serial number, may be reported by the receiving designated operator in a verification note or other bilaterally agreed means to the sending designated operator, in order to notify the sending designated operator that such dispatches will be included in the accounting statement.
9 When a receiving office responsible for checking a mail has not sent within one month of the mail's receipt a CN 43 note reporting irregularities of any kind to the office of origin and, where appropriate, to the last intermediate office of exchange by the quickest route (air or surface), it shall be considered, until the contrary is proved (within one month), as having received the mail and its contents. The same assumption shall be made in respect of irregularities to which no reference has been made or which have been incompletely reported in the verification note. The same shall apply when the provisions of the present article and of article 17-137 regarding the formalities to be fulfilled have not been observed.
10 Verification notes shall preferably be sent by telefax or by any other electronic means of communication. If not practicable, such notes shall be sent by the quickest mail route (air or surface).
11 Designated operators may agree to substitute the paper-based reporting of irregularities (CN 43 verification notes) with an agreed volume (weight and item count) reconciliation process using electronically captured information.
12 Verification notes sent by mail shall be forwarded in envelopes marked in bold letters "Bulletin de vérification" (Verification note). These envelopes may either be pre-printed or distinguished by a stamp impression clearly reproducing the indication.
13 The offices to which the verification notes are sent shall return them as promptly as possible, and at the latest within one month of the transmission, preferably by electronic means or by priority service, to the office of exchange from which they came, after having examined them and indicated thereon their observations, if any. The verification notes shall be considered duly accepted until proved otherwise:
13.1 if they are not answered within a period of two months from the date of their transmission, for verification notes transmitted by non-priority services (S.A.L. or surface mail);
13.2 if the designated operator of origin is not advised within that time of any investigations which may still be necessary or of the additional dispatch of relevant documents.
14 The acceptance or rejection of a verification note or a requirement for further information shall be indicated by checking the appropriate box located at the end of the verification note.
Article 17-139
Misrouted mails and missent items
In the absence of a special agreement, misrouted mails (receptacles) and missent items of all kinds shall be redirected to their destination without delay by the quickest route.
Article 17-140
Steps to be taken in the event of an accident
1 When, as a result of an accident in course of conveyance, a ship, train, aircraft or any other transport facility is unable to continue its journey and deliver the mail at the scheduled ports of call or stations, the crew shall hand over the mails to the post office nearest to the place of the accident or to the office best able to reforward the mail. If the crew are unable to do this, that office, having been informed of the accident, shall take immediate action, taking over the mail and reforwarding it to its destination by the quickest route after its condition has been checked and any damaged items put in order.
2 The designated operator of the country in which the accident occurred shall inform all designated operators of previous ports of call or stations, by telecommunications, of the fate of the mail. These designated operators in turn shall advise by the same means all other designated operators concerned.
3 If delivery bill information was not sent electronically, designated operators which had mail on the transport facility involved in the accident shall send a copy of the CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bills to the designated operator of the country where the accident occurred.
4 The qualified office shall then notify the offices of destination of the mails involved in the accident by CN 43 verification note giving details of the circumstances of the accident and the results of the check of the mails. One copy of each verification note shall be sent to the offices of origin of the relative mails and another to the designated operator of the country to which the transport company belongs. These documents shall be sent by the quickest route (air or surface).
Article 17-141
Steps to be taken in the event of temporary suspension and resumption of services
1 If services are temporarily suspended, the designated operator or designated operators concerned must be notified of the fact by telecommunications, indicating, if possible, the probable duration of the suspension of services. The same procedure shall be applied when the suspended services are resumed.
2 The International Bureau must be notified of the suspension or resumption of services if a general announcement is considered necessary. If necessary, the International Bureau shall notify designated opera- tors by telecommunications.
3 The designated operator of origin shall have the option of refunding the postage charges, special charges and air surcharges to the sender if, owing to the suspension of services, the benefit accruing from conveyance of the item in question was obtained only in part or not at all.
Article 17-142
Return of empty receptacles
1 Wherever appropriate in this article, the references to "bags" shall mean "bags or other receptacles used and owned by designated operators for the carriage of mail".
2 The owners of empty bags shall decide whether they wish their bags to be returned or not and, if so, by what means of transport. Nevertheless, the designated operator of destination shall have the right to return bags that cannot be incinerated easily and cheaply in its country. The designated operator of origin shall bear the cost of returning such bags.
3 In the absence of agreement between the designated operators concerned, bags shall be returned empty by the next post in a mail for the country to which they belong and if possible by the normal route followed on the outward journey. The number of bags returned by each mail shall be noted in table 1 of the CN 31 or CN 32 letter bill. This entry shall not be made when two designated operators have agreed to indicate only red-label bags on the letter bill.
4 If the designated operators of transit and destination agree, empty receptacles being returned by surface may be placed in the receptacles containing letter-post items. In all other cases, empty receptacles shall be returned in separate dispatches. The special dispatches containing only returned empty receptacles shall be described on CN 47 delivery bills and CN 31 letter bills. Receptacles of empty receptacles may be sealed by agreement between the designated operators concerned. The labels shall be endorsed "Sacs vides" (Empty bags).
5 The return shall be carried out between offices of exchange appointed for the purpose. The designated operators concerned may agree among themselves as to the procedure for the return. In long-distance services, they shall, as a general rule, appoint only one office responsible for receiving the empty bags returned to them.
6 The empty bags shall be rolled into suitable bundles. Where appropriate the label blocks, labels of canvas, parchment or other stout material shall be placed inside the bags.
7 The bags used for printed papers for the same addressee at the same address (M bags) shall be recovered after they have been handed over to the addressees and shall be returned, in accordance with the above-mentioned provisions, to the designated operators of the countries to which they belong.
8 If the check made by an designated operator establishes that receptacles belonging to it have not been returned to its service within a period longer than that required for their transmission (round trip), it shall be entitled to claim reimbursement of the value of the receptacles as provided for under 9. The designated operator in question may refuse this reimbursement only if it can prove the missing bags were returned.
9 Each designated operator shall fix, periodically and uniformly for each kind of receptacle used by its offices of exchange, a value in SDRs and communicate it to the designated operators concerned through the International Bureau. In case of reimbursement, the cost of replacing the receptacles shall be considered.
10 By prior agreement, a designated operator may use the receptacles belonging to the designated operator of destination for making up its own airmails. Receptacles belonging to a third party may not be used.
11 A dispatching designated operator may indicate whether or not it would like to have the receptacles used for a particular dispatch returned. This indication shall be made on the letter bill used for the dispatch.
12 Accounting for the return of empty bags shall be based on the Statistics and Accounting Guide issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union.
Article 18-101
Registered items
1 Letter-post items may be sent as registered items, according to the provisions of article 18.1.1 of the Convention.
2 The charge on registered items shall be paid in advance. It shall be made up of the postage charge and of a fixed registration charge, whose guideline maximum amount shall be 1.31 SDR. For each registered M bag, designated operators shall collect, instead of the charge per item, a bulk charge not exceeding five times the charge per item.
3 In cases where exceptional security measures are required, designated operators may collect from the sender or from the addressee, in addition to the charge mentioned under 2, the special charges provided for by their national legislation.
4 Admission
4.1 No special condition as to form, closing or method of address shall be prescribed for registered items.
4.2 Items bearing an address in pencil or any other delible format or composed of initials shall not be admitted for registration. However, the address of items other than those which are sent in an envelope with a transparent panel may be written in copying-ink pencil.
4.3 A receipt shall be issued free of charge to the sender of a registered item at the time of posting.
5 Marking and treatment of items
5.1 All designated operators shall apply a barcode on all outward registered items. The specifications shall be as follows:
5.1.1 Each registered item must be identified by a single CN 04 label containing the capital letter "R" and including a unique item identifier conforming to the specification of 13-character identifiers in UPU Technical Standard S10. The item identifier shall be encoded in both human-readable and barcoded form, as prescribed in the standard.
5.1.2 As an alternative, designated operators may agree bilaterally to the use of unique item identifiers and barcodes which are already in use on inter-national registered items.
5.2 Registered items may also bear the heading "Recommandé" (Registered), accompanied, if necessary, by a similar indication in the language of the country of origin.
5.3 The label and, if present, the heading "Recommandé" (Registered) shall be placed on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given. In the case of items in the form of cards, these indications shall be placed above the address in such a way as not to affect its legibility. In the case of registered M bags, the CN 04 label shall be affixed properly to the address labels supplied by the sender.
5.4 The designated operator of origin shall ensure that registered items conform to the above provisions. It shall be required to correct any deficiencies noted before forwarding the items to the countries of destination.
5.5 No label or serial number shall be placed on the front of registered items by the intermediate designated operators.
5.6 When delivering or handing over a registered item, the designated operator of destination shall obtain from the recipient a signature of acceptance, or register captured data from an identity card, or obtain some other form of evidence of receipt that is legally binding under the legislation of the country of destination to confirm acceptance.
5.7 Additionally, designated operators are strongly recommended to establish systems that generate electronic delivery confirmation data, and agree to exchange such data with the designated operators of origin of the items.
5.8 Designated operators that have established systems that generate electronic delivery confirmation shall have the right to use signatures captured electronically from these systems, to provide proof of delivery by individual item to the sending designated operator, subject to CN 08 inquiry by the sending designated operator. The electronic delivery confirmation data may be provided electronically (e-mail) or in hard-copy form at the discretion of the delivering postal designated operator.
Article 18-102
Tracked items
1 Tracked items shall be delivered in the domestic priority service.
2 Marking
2.1 Letter-post items
2.1.1 Letter-post items for tracked delivery shall be provided with a logo which shall if possible be bright red and of the shape reproduced below. A black and white version may, however, be used for system-generated labels. The "Tracked" logo shall be placed on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given.
2.1.2 Items for tracked delivery shall bear a CN 05bis label, barcoded with a barcode conforming to UPU Technical Standard S10. The CN 05bis label must adhere properly and shall be placed on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given. In the case of items in the form of cards, the label shall be placed above the address in such a way as not to affect its legibility. The CN 05bis label shall have a single, unique item identifier that conforms to the provisions of article 17-130. The "Tracked" logo shall normally be included in the CN 05bis label. It shall, however, be permitted to use a CN 05bis label without this logo, provided that a separate label with the logo is affixed on the item next to the CN 05bis label.
3 Treatment of items
3.1 Designated operators shall provide track-and-trace information as detailed in article 17-131 for outward and inward tracked items on their national territory.
4 Remuneration
4.1 Tracked items shall be remunerated in accordance with article 31-104.1.2.
Article 18-103
Delivery to the addressee in person
1 At the sender's request, and in the service between those designated operators which have given their consent, registered items and insured items shall be delivered to the addressee in person. Designated operators may agree to allow this option only for such items accompanied by an advice of delivery.
2 In all cases, the sender shall pay a charge for delivery to the addressee in person the guideline amount of which shall be 0.16 SDR.
3 Marking and treatment of items for delivery to the addressee in person
3.1 Items for delivery to the addressee in person shall bear in bold letters the words "À remettre en main propre" (For delivery to the addressee in person) or the equivalent in a language known in the country of destination. This indication shall appear on the address side and, in so far as possible, in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address where these are given.
3.2 When the sender has requested an advice of delivery and delivery to the addressee in person, the CN 07 form shall be signed by the addressee or, if that is not possible, by his duly authorized representative. In addition to the signature, the name in capital letters or any clear and legible indication permitting unambiguous identification of the person signing shall also be obtained.
3.3 Designated operators shall make a second attempt to deliver such items only if there is a presumption that it will be successful and if the national regulations so permit.
Article 18-104
International business reply service (IBRS)
1 General
1.1 Designated operators may agree with each other to participate in an optional international business reply service (IBRS). All designated operators shall, however, be obliged to operate the IBRS "return" service.
1.2 The purpose of the IBRS is to enable authorized senders to prepay in advance reply items posted by their respondents residing abroad.
1.3 Designated operators which operate this service shall comply with the provisions laid down below.
1.4 Designated operators may, nevertheless, agree bilaterally on another system to be applied between themselves.
1.5 Designated operators may establish a compensation system that takes account of the costs borne.
2 Operating methods
2.1 IBRS works as follows:
2.1.1 items from the authorized sender residing in country "A" sent to his respondents residing in one or more countries "B" each contain an IBRS envelope, card or label;
2.1.2 the respondents residing in country (or countries) "B" may use the IBRS envelopes, cards or labels to reply to the sender; IBRS items shall be regarded as priority items or ordinary airmail items prepaid in accordance with article 06-;
2.1.3 the IBRS items posted shall be transmitted to country "A" and delivered to the authorized sender.
2.2 Member countries or designated operators shall be free to set the charges and conditions for authorizing use of the service and for handling the items posted.
2.3 Designated operators operating IBRS may do so either on a reciprocal basis or in one direction only (the "return" service). The latter procedure presupposes that the designated operator of country "B" accepts IBRS items for posting but does not issue authorization to use the service to customers residing on its territory.
2.4 Designated operators operating the service shall make clear to their customers, on authorizing use of the service, the obligation to conform to the provisions of these Regulations and, in particular, this article.
3 Specifications for IBRS items
3.1 IBRS items may be in the form of cards or envelopes conforming to the specimen provided for and to these Regulations.
3.2 Items consisting of envelopes or packets bearing a label conforming to the specimen provided for and to these Regulations shall also be admitted as IBRS items.
3.3 IBRS items shall conform to the size limits applicable to the equivalent letter-post items laid down in article 17-104. In respect of postcards or items in card form, IBRS items may also be accepted in accordance with article 17-111.5. IBRS items shall not weigh more than 50 grammes. However, a designated operator may apply, on a voluntary basis, a weight limit of 2 kg for the return of IBRS items to other designated operators that equally opt to apply a weight limit of 2 kg for the return service.
3.4 IBRS items may, in principle, contain any items that are compliant with the UPU Convention and Regulations. However, a designated operator may exclude from the IBRS return service certain contents such as waste items if the national legislation so provides.
3.5 Designated operators may agree bilaterally to any further extensions of the service.
3.6 For IBRS items containing documents, designated operators may apply a single barcode identifier conforming to UPU Technical Standard S10 to enable the provision of cross-border customs pre- advice or other tracking services. For IBRS items containing goods, designated operators shall apply a single barcode identifier conforming to UPU Technical Standard S10 to enable the provision of cross-border customs pre-advice data in compliance with UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1). However, the presence of such an identifier shall not imply the provision of a delivery confirmation service. The identifier shall appear on the front of the item and shall not obscure the other service markings, indicia or address information.
3.7 For IBRS items containing goods, in accordance with article 08-002, designated operators shall capture and exchange electronic advance data. The data shall replicate the information documented on the appropriate UPU customs declaration form and shall be compliant with UPU Technical EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1).
4 IBRS accounting charges
4.1 Each designated operator returning IBRS items to another designated operator shall be entitled to collect from that designated operator a sum corresponding to costs incurred for returning the IBRS items.
4.2 This sum shall be fixed on the basis of a charge per item and a charge per kilogramme. These charges shall be calculated as follows:
4.2.1 a charge for the domestic collection and handling of IBRS items shall be fixed at 80% of the terminal dues rates for bulk mail (with a rate per kilogramme and a rate per item) of the designated operator that is returning the IBRS items, with a total annual floor charge of 0.15 SDR per item; the rates applied to P/G letter-post format items as calculated in accordance with article 30 of the Convention shall also apply to all IBRS items, regardless of their actual formats or weights;
4.2.2 an additional per kilogramme charge for the international conveyance of IBRS items shall be calculated, in principle, as indicated in article 34-101.3, but according to the weight, plus the rate for handling transit dispatches as set in article 27-103.1.1.
4.3 Any revision of the charge mentioned under 4.2.1 shall be based on available economic data.
4.4 Unless the designated operators concerned decide otherwise, IBRS charges shall not be paid when the annual number of IBRS items returned by each designated operator is equal to or lower than 1,000. When the annual number of IBRS items returned exceeds 1,000 for one designated operator, the amount paid shall take into account the number of IBRS items returned by both designated operators.
5 Accounting for IBRS charges
5.1 The rules for the transfer and acceptance of accounting forms provided for in article 35-001 shall be applied to IBRS forms CN 09, CN 10 and CN 19.
5.2 Preparation of CN 09 and CN 10 statements of IBRS items
5.2.1 After transmission of the last mail of every month, the designated operator of origin of the IBRS items shall prepare, by office of exchange of origin and destination, from the data on the CN 31 letter bills, a CN 09 statement of IBRS items sent. When the CN 31 letter bill bears no data on the weight of IBRS items returned, a default weight of five grammes per item shall apply.
5.2.2 For each designated operator of destination of the IBRS items, the designated operator of origin shall prepare quarterly, from the particulars on the CN 09 statements, by office of origin, by office of destination and, where appropriate, by forwarding route, a CN 10 recapitulative statement of IBRS items.
5.2.3 The CN 09 statements shall be supplied to the designated operator of destination in support of the CN 10 recapitulative statement.
5.3 Transmission and acceptance of CN 09 and CN 10 statements of IBRS items
5.3.1 The CN 10 recapitulative statement shall be sent to the designated operator of destination of the IBRS items no later than four months after the end of the quarter to which it relates.
5.3.2 The acceptance period for a CN 10 recapitulative statement shall be two months. If verification reveals any discrepancies, the corrected CN 09 statement shall be attached in support of the duly amended and accepted CN 10 recapitulative statement. If the designated operator of origin of the IBRS items disputes the amendments made to the CN 09 statement, it shall confirm the actual data by sending photocopies of the CN 31 forms drawn up by the office of origin upon dispatch of the disputed IBRS items, or by giving access to the corresponding electronic data through a PREDES message, if the CN 31 was exchanged electronically.
5.3.3 Designated operators may agree that the CN 09 and CN 10 statements shall be prepared by the designated operator of destination of the IBRS items. In this case, the acceptance procedure provided for under 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 shall be adapted accordingly.
5.4 Preparation, transmission and approval of IBRS accounts
5.4.1 The creditor designated operator shall be responsible for preparing the accounts and forwarding them to the debtor designated operator.
5.4.2 The detailed accounts shall be prepared on a CN 19 form, on the basis of the difference between the amounts to be brought to account based on the number and weight of IBRS items received and dispatched as appear from the CN 10 recapitulative statements.
5.4.3 The CN 19 detailed account shall be sent to the debtor designated operator no later than seven months after the end of the year concerned.
5.4.4 The acceptance period for a CN 19 detailed account shall be two months.
5.4.5 The CN 19 detailed accounts may be summarized in a CN 52 general account by the creditor designated operator under the conditions provided for in article 34-105.6.
5.5 General liquidation account and payment of IBRS charges
5.5.1 Article 35-002 shall apply to IBRS charges for which the creditor designated operator prepares a CN 20 statement.
Article 18-105
International business reply service (IBRS) - local response
1 Designated operators may agree bilaterally to operate an optional IBRS - local response, either on a reciprocal basis or in one direction only (the return service).
2 The IBRS - local response is based on IBRS but the prepaid responses use the domestic business reply design of the designated operator in which they are posted. The designated operator of the country of posting delivers these responses to a Post Office Box address in its territory, clears them from the P.O. box and dispatches them to the designated operator of origin in the international mail.
3 The details of this service shall be laid down bilaterally between the designated operators concerned on the basis of guideline provisions defined by the Postal Operations Council.
Article 18-106
International reply coupons
1 Designated operators shall be permitted to sell international reply coupons issued by the International Bureau and to limit their sale in accordance with their national legislation.
2 The value of the reply coupon provided for in article 18.3.2 of the Convention shall be 0.74 SDR. The selling price fixed by the designated operators concerned may not be less than this value.
3 Reply coupons shall be exchangeable in any member country for postage stamps and, if not precluded by the national legislation of the country of exchange, for postal stationery or postal prepayment marks or impressions representing the minimum postage prepayable on an unregistered priority letter-post item or an unregistered airmail letter sent abroad, whatever the country of destination.
4 The designated operator of a member country may, in addition, reserve the right to require the reply coupons and the items to be prepaid in exchange for those reply coupons to be presented at the same time.
5 International reply coupons shall conform to the annexed specimen CN 01. They shall be printed, on paper bearing as a watermark the initials UPU in large letters, under arrangements made by the International Bureau. The name of the country of origin shall be printed on the coupons. They shall also have printed on them, inter alia, a standardized UPU barcode containing the ISO code of the country, the date of printing and the International Bureau selling price expressed in SDR. They shall be delivered once the designated operators have paid the amount of the invoice previously sent to them by the International Bureau, made up of the value of the coupons and associated production, management, transport and insurance costs.
1 This explanation is repeated on the back of the coupon in Arabic, Chinese, English, German, Russian and Spanish.Size 149 x 102 mm
6 Designated operators shall order international reply coupons from the International Bureau. The minimum order quantity shall be 1,000 IRCs. Additional IRCs may be ordered in bundles of 1,000. The International Bureau shall prepare a delivery bill within 10 working days of receipt of the order and send it to the designated operator concerned. The payment period shall be six weeks from the date on which the bill is sent. In the event of non-payment within this period, the bill and the related order shall be cancelled. However a designated operator with a credit at the International Bureau arising from an international reply coupon account may use it for the partial or full settlement of the delivery bill.
7 Each designated operator shall have the option of indicating the selling price on the reply coupons by asking the International Bureau for this price to be indicated at the time of printing.
8 The validity period of the coupon shall be indicated on it. Post offices shall satisfy themselves as to the genuineness of the documents when they exchange them and check particularly the presence of the watermark and other security features, details of which will be communicated in advance by the International Bureau. Reply coupons on which the printed text does not agree with the official text or whose security features are non-compliant shall be refused as invalid. Exchanged reply coupons shall be marked with an impression of the date-stamp of the office exchanging them.
9 Exchanged reply coupons shall be returned to the International Bureau in packets of a thousand. Designated operators that exchange less than a thousand coupons per year may return the coupons they have exchanged to the International Bureau at the end of the year. They shall be sent together with a CN 03 statement prepared in duplicate and showing their total number and value. The value shall be calculated according to the rate provided for under 2. In case of change in this rate, all reply coupons exchanged before the date of the change shall be sent in a single consignment including, by way of exception, broken lots; they shall be accompanied by a special CN 03 statement made out in the old value.
10 After verification by the International Bureau, the CN 03 shall be duly dated and signed and returned to the designated operator. The International Bureau will, on the basis of the CN 03s received and a physical inspection thereof, prepare a final statement of coupons exchanged. It shall make payment on the basis of these statements. Payment shall be made within a period of six weeks after the end of each quarter. Designated operators shall have the option of receiving payments direct, or having them entered to their credit with the International Bureau. The minimum amount that can be transferred to a bank or postal account shall be 200 SDR. Amounts lower than this shall automatically be paid to the operator's credit with the International Bureau. No credit shall be given for forged or counterfeit coupons exchanged.
11 A separate accounting system for IRCs comprising a separate account for each designated operator participating in this service shall be created at the International Bureau. This system shall be managed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations for the administrative and financial management of International reply coupons.
12 The International Bureau shall also take back damaged reply coupons sent together with a separate CN 03 statement prepared in duplicate, provided that at least part of the barcode enables the value of such coupons to be determined.
Section V
Prohibitions and customs matters
Article 19-101
Treatment of items wrongly admitted
1 Items that have been wrongly admitted and that do not differ fundamentally from the conditions of article 17 of the Convention as regards classification and weight and those of the present Regulations regarding contents, size, make-up and marking shall nevertheless be delivered to the addressees without surcharge. Items wrongly admitted containing infectious substances or radioactive materials and not complying with the provisions of articles 19-003, 19-005 and 19-006 may also be delivered to the addressees if the provisions applicable in the country of destination allow this. If delivery is inappropriate or impossible, items wrongly admitted shall be returned to the designated operator of origin.
2 Items containing articles mentioned in articles 19.2, 19.3.1 and 19.3.2 of the Convention and wrongly admitted shall be dealt with according to the legislation of the country of the designated operator of origin, transit or destination establishing their presence.
3 The designated operator of destination may deliver to the addressee the part of the contents which is not subject to prohibition; the designated operator of transit may forward it to the designated operator of destination.
4 The designated operator of destination shall be authorized to deliver to the addressee, under the conditions prescribed by its regulations, an uninsured item originating in a country which admits insurance and containing articles listed in article 19.6.1 of the Convention. If delivery is not permitted, the item shall be returned to sender.
5 When an item or part of its contents wrongly admitted to the post is neither returned to sender nor delivered to the addressee, the designated operator of origin shall be notified without delay how it has been dealt with. This notification shall clearly indicate the prohibition under which the item falls and the articles which gave rise to seizure. A wrongly admitted item which is returned to origin shall be accompanied by a similar notification.
6 In the event of the seizure of a wrongly admitted item, the designated operator of transit or destination shall notify the designated operator of origin through the dispatch of a CN 13 report or, if agreed bilaterally, by using the appropriate standard UPU EDI item-level message (EME tracking event and corresponding retention code).
7 Moreover, the right of every member country shall be reserved to deny conveyance in transit à découvert over its territory to letter-post items, other than letters, postcards and items for the blind, which do not satisfy the legal requirements governing the conditions of their publication or circulation in that country. Such items shall be returned to the designated operator of origin.
8 Letter-post items containing items whose early deterioration or decay is to be feared
8.1 Articles contained in a letter-post item whose early deterioration or decay is to be feared, and those articles only, may be sold immediately, without prior notice. The sale shall be on behalf of the rightful owner even in course of transmission on either the outward or the return journey. If sale is impossible, the spoilt or decayed articles shall be destroyed.
8.2 When a letter-post item has been sold or destroyed in accordance with 8.1, a formal report of the sale or destruction shall be drawn up. A copy of the report accompanied by a CN 43 verification note shall be sent to the office of origin.
8.3 The proceeds of the sale shall serve in the first instance to defray the charges on the letter-post item. The balance, if any, shall be sent to the office of origin to be handed to the sender. The latter shall bear the costs of forwarding it.
9 Designated operators shall implement procedures to provide for situations where postal items face events which prevent the continuation of conveyance, such as when wrongly admitted items are discovered at an intermediate location.
9.1 In cases of closed dispatch transit, the designated operator (of transit) shall provide an incident report giving as many details as possible to the designated operator (of origin) when a postal item is retained in transit. The report shall be issued within one working day (24 hours) following the discovery of the incident.
9.2 In cases of direct transhipment, the agreement between the designated operator (of origin) and the carrier should dictate how the retained postal item should be handled. However, in cases where the carrier is unable to resolve the issue through contacts with the designated operator (of origin) within seven days from the receipt of the report, the carrier may request assistance to resolve the incident from the designated operator at the intermediate location.
9.2.1 Designated operators shall incorporate language in their agreements with carriers to account for events which prevent the continuation of conveyance, such as when wrongly admitted items are discovered at an intermediate location. Such contractual language shall request the carrier to notify incidents and to request instructions for the resolution of the incident within one working day (24 hours) following the discovery of the incident.
9.3 Upon notification of a retained item, the designated operator (of origin) shall provide specific instructions for resolving the incident. An initial response shall be made within one working day (24 hours) following receipt of the report. The initial response from the designated operator of origin may not necessarily resolve the reported event, but rather serve as an acknowledgement that it has been reported and that further investigation is under way. Updated reports shall be provided by the designated operator of origin every 72 hours until resolution of the event. These guidelines for the timeframe are based in terms of normal business days and take account of holidays, time zone differences and weekends.
Article 19-102
1 If an addressee changes his address, items shall be reforwarded to him forthwith, subject to the conditions laid down below.
2 Items shall not however be redirected:
2.1 if the sender has forbidden redirection by means of a note in a language known in the country of destination;
2.2 if they bear in addition to the addressee's address the expression "or occupant".
3 Designated operators which collect a charge for requests for redirection in their domestic services shall be authorized to collect this same charge in the international service.
4 Apart from the exceptions provided for below, no additional charge shall be collected for letter-post items redirected from country to country. However, designated operators which collect a charge for redirection of items in their domestic service shall be authorized to collect this same charge on the international letter-post items redirected within their own countries.
5 Redirection procedures
5.1 Items addressed to addressees who have changed their address shall be considered as addressed direct from the place of origin to the place of new destination.
5.2 Any insured item the addressee of which has left for another country may be redirected if that country operates the service in its relations with the country of the first destination. If it does not, the item shall be sent back forthwith to the designated operator of origin for return to the sender.
5.3 Redirection from one country to another shall be effected only if the items satisfy the conditions for the onward conveyance. This shall also apply to items originally for an address within a country.
5.4 On redirection, the reforwarding office shall apply its date-stamp to the front of items in the form of cards and on the back of all other categories of items.
5.5 Unregistered or registered items returned to senders for completion or correction of the address shall not be considered as redirected items on reposting. They shall be treated as new correspondence, liable to a new charge.
5.6 If the attempt to deliver a tracked item at the place of address by a messenger has failed, the reforwarding office shall strike through the label or the indication "Tracked" with two thick horizontal lines.
5.7 Each designated operator may lay down a redirection period in accordance with that in force in its domestic service.
6 Forwarding
6.1 Priority items and airmail items shall be redirected to their new destination by the quickest route (air or surface).
6.2 Other items shall be redirected by the means of transport normally used for non-priority or surface items (including S.A.L.). They may be reforwarded by priority or air at the express request of the addressee if the latter undertakes to pay the difference in postage for the new priority transmission or for the new air route. In this case, the difference in postage shall be collected, in principle, at the time of delivery of the item and retained by the delivering designated operator. All items may also be reforwarded by the quickest route if the difference in postage is paid at the redirecting office by a third person. Redirection of such items by the quickest route within the country of destination shall be governed by the national regulations of that country.
6.3 Designated operators which apply combined charges may fix special fees, which must not exceed the combined charges, for the redirection by air or by priority means under the conditions laid down under 6.2.
7 Charges
7.1 Items unpaid or underpaid for their first transmission shall be subject to the charge which would have been applied to them if they had been addressed direct from the point of origin to the place of the new destination.
7.2 Items properly prepaid for their first transmission, but on which the additional charge for the further transmission has not been paid before their redirection, shall be subject to a charge representing the difference between the postage already paid and that which would have been charged if the items had been dispatched originally to their new destination. To this charge shall be added the handling charge for unpaid or underpaid items. If reforwarded by air or by priority means, the items shall in addition be subject, for their further transmission, to the surcharge, combined charge or special fee according to 6.2 and 6.3.
7.3 Items having originally circulated free of postal charges within a country shall be subject to the post- age charge which would have been payable if these items had been addressed direct from the place of origin to the place of the new destination. To this charge shall be added the handling charge for unpaid or underpaid items.
7.4 In the event of redirection to another country, the following charges shall be cancelled:
7.4.1 the poste restante charge;
7.4.2 the presentation-to-Customs charge;
7.4.3 the storage charge;
7.4.4 the commission charge;
7.4.5 the additional tracked charge;
7.4.6 the charge for delivery of small packets to the addressee.
7.5 The customs duty and other fees of which it has not been possible to secure cancellation on redirection or on return to origin shall be collected COD from the designated operator of the new destination. In that case, the designated operator of the original destination shall attach to the item an explanatory note and an MP 1bis form or equivalent form agreed among designated operators. If there is no cash-on-delivery service between the designated operators concerned, the charges in question shall be recovered by correspondence.
7.6 Redirected letter-post items shall be delivered to the addressees on payment of the charges incurred on departure, on arrival, or in course of transmission due to redirection after the first transmission. The customs duty or other special charges which the reforwarding country does not cancel shall also be paid by the addressees.
8 Collective redirection
8.1 Unregistered items to be redirected to the same person at a new address may be enclosed in CN 14 collective envelopes supplied by designated operators. Only the name and the new address of the addressee shall be written on these envelopes.
8.2 When the number of items to be collectively reforwarded justifies it, a receptacle may be used. In this case the details required shall be entered on a special label provided by the designated operator and printed, generally, on the pattern of the CN 14 envelope.
8.3 Items to be submitted to customs control shall not be enclosed in these envelopes or receptacles. Items of which the shape, volume and weight may cause tearing shall also be excluded.
8.4 The CN 14 collective envelopes and receptacles used for collective redirection of correspondence shall be forwarded to the new destination by the route prescribed for individual items.
8.5 The envelope or receptacle shall be presented open at the redirecting office. That office shall collect, if necessary, the additional charges to which the redirected items may be subject. When the additional charge has not been paid the charge to be collected on arrival shall be marked on the items. After checking it, the forwarding office shall close the envelope or receptacle. It shall apply to the envelope or receptacle label, where necessary, the T stamp indicating that charges are to be collected for all or some of the redirected items.
8.6 On arrival at its destination, the envelope or receptacle may be opened and its contents checked by the delivering office which shall collect, where necessary, the unpaid additional charges. The handling charge on unpaid or underpaid items shall be collected only once for all items inserted in the envelopes or receptacles.
8.7 Unregistered items addressed either to sailors and passengers aboard the same ship, or to persons travelling as a party, may also be treated as provided for under 8.1 to 8.6. In that case, the envelopes or receptacle labels shall bear the address of the ship or of the shipping or travel agency, etc., to which the envelopes or receptacles shall be delivered.
Article 19-103
Undeliverable items. Return to country of origin or to sender and period of retention
1 Designated operators shall return items which it has not proved possible to deliver to the addressees for whatever reason.
2 The period of retention of items is laid down in the paragraphs below.
3 Designated operators which collect a charge for return of items in their national service shall be authorized to collect this same charge on the international mail returned to them.
4 The designated operator returning undeliverable items shall be authorized to collect remuneration as specified in article 31-122.
5 Notwithstanding the provisions under 3, when a designated operator receives, for return to the sender, items posted abroad by customers residing in its territory, it shall be authorized to collect from the sender or senders a handling charge per item not to exceed the postage charge that would have been collected had the item been posted in the designated operator in question.
5.1 For the purposes of the provisions under 5, the sender or senders shall be understood as being the persons or entities whose name appears in the return address or addresses.
6 General provisions
6.1 Subject to the legal provisions of the country of destination, undeliverable items shall be returned to the designated operator of origin whose payment indicia appear on the item.
6.2 Items refused by the addressee or whose delivery is obviously impossible shall be returned forthwith.
6.3 Other undeliverable items shall be retained by the designated operator of destination for a period laid down by its regulations. However, the retention period may not exceed one month except in special cases where the designated operator of destination considers it necessary to extend it to two months at most. Return to the country of origin shall be effected within a shorter period if the sender has requested this by means of a note on the address side in a language known in the country of destination.
7 Special procedures
7.1 Undeliverable items of the national service shall be redirected abroad for return to the sender only if they satisfy the conditions for the onward conveyance. The same shall apply to international correspondence when the sender has moved to another country.
7.2 Postcards which do not bear the address of the sender shall not be returned. However, registered postcards shall always be returned.
7.3 The return to origin of undeliverable printed papers shall not be compulsory, unless the sender has asked for their return by means of a note on the item in a language known in the country of destination. However, designated operators shall endeavour to make such return to sender, or inform him appropriately, when repeated attempts at delivery or bulk items are involved. Registered printed papers and books shall always be returned.
7.4 The following shall be treated as undeliverable items, items for third persons:
7.4.1 addressed care of diplomatic or consular services and returned by them to the post office as unclaimed;
7.4.2 addressed to hotels, lodgings or agencies of airlines or shipping companies and returned to the post office because they cannot be delivered to the addressees.
7.5 In no case shall the items mentioned in 7.4 be considered as new items subject to payment of postage.
8 Forwarding
8.1 When the designated operator of the country returning the item no longer uses surface conveyance, it shall return undeliverable items by the most appropriate means in use.
8.2 Priority items, airmail letters and airmail postcards to be returned to origin shall be returned by the quickest route (air or surface).
8.3 Undeliverable airmail items other than airmail letters and airmail postcards shall be returned to origin by the means of transport normally used for non-priority or surface items (including S.A.L.), except:
8.3.1 in the event of interruption of those means of transport; or
8.3.2 if the designated operator of destination has systematically chosen the air route for returning such items.
8.4 For the return of items to origin by priority or air means at the request of the sender, article 19-103.6.2 shall apply by analogy.
9 Treatment of items
9.1 Before returning to the designated operator of origin items which for any reason have not been delivered, the office of destination shall show, in French, the reason for non-delivery. The reason shall be given, clearly and concisely, if possible on the front of the item, in the following form: "inconnu" (unknown), "refusé" (refused), "déménagé" (moved), "non réclamé" (unclaimed), "adresse insuffisante/inexistante" (insufficient/non-existent address), "refusé par la douane" (refused by Customs), etc. As regards postcards and printed papers in the form of cards, the reason for non- delivery shall be shown on the right-hand half of the front.
9.2 This information shall be shown by the application of a stamp or affixing of a CN 15 label, to be completed as appropriate. Each designated operator may add the translation, in its own language, of the reason for non-delivery and other appropriate particulars. In the service with designated operators which have so agreed the indications may be made in a single agreed language. Manuscript notes regarding the non-delivery made by officials or by post offices may also be regarded as sufficient in that case.
9.3 The office of destination shall strike out the address particulars with which it is concerned while leaving them legible and write "Retour" (Return) on the front of the item beside the name of the office of origin. It shall also apply its date-stamp on the back of priority items in envelopes and of letters and on the front of postcards.
9.4 Undeliverable items shall be returned to the office of exchange of the country of origin, either individually or in a special bundle labelled "Envois non distribuables" (Undeliverable items), as if they were items addressed to that country. Undeliverable ordinary items which bear adequate return details shall be returned direct to the sender.
9.5 Insured items which have not been delivered shall be sent back as soon as possible, and at the latest within the period fixed in 6.3. These items shall be entered on the CN 16 special list and included in the packet, envelope or receptacle labelled "Valeurs declarées" (Insured items).
9.6 Undeliverable items returned to the country of origin shall be treated in accordance with article 19-103.7.
Article 19-104
Treatment of requests for withdrawal of items from the post or for alteration or correction of address
1 The sender of a letter-post item may have it withdrawn from the post, or have its address altered or corrected under the conditions laid down below.
2 If its legislation permits, each designated operator shall be bound to accept requests for withdrawal from the post or alteration or correction of the address in respect of any letter-post item posted in the service of another designated operator.
3 Preparation of request
3.1 Every request for withdrawal of items from the post or for alteration or correction of address shall entail completion by the sender of a CN 17 form. One form may be used for several items posted at the same time at the same office by the same sender to the same addressee.
3.2 In handing in the request at the post office the sender shall prove his identity and produce the certificate of posting, if any. The designated operator of the country of origin shall assume responsibility for the proof of identity.
3.3 A request for simple correction of address (without alteration of the name or status of the addressee) may be made direct to the office of destination by the sender. The charge prescribed in 4 shall not be collected in such a case.
3.4 Through notification of the International Bureau, any designated operator may make provision for CN 17 requests concerning it to be exchanged through its central administration or through a specially appointed office. This notification shall include the name of this office.
3.5 Designated operators which exercise the option provided for under 3.4 shall bear any charges which may result from the transmission in their national service by post or by telecommunication of the communications to be exchanged with the office of destination. Recourse to telecommunication or other similar service shall be compulsory when the sender has himself used such means and the office of destination cannot be advised in time by post.
3.6 If the item is still in the country of origin, the request shall be dealt with according to the legislation of that country.
4 Charges
4.1 The sender shall pay, for each request, a special charge the guideline amount of which shall be
1.31 SDR.
4.2 The request shall be forwarded by post or by telecommunication at the sender's expense. The for- warding conditions and the provisions relating to the use of telecommunications are set out in 6 below.
4.3 The charges prescribed under 4.1 and 4.2 shall be levied only once for each request for withdrawal from the post or alteration or correction of address involving several items posted at the same time, at the same office, by the same sender to the same addressee.
5 Transmission of request by post
5.1 If the request is to be sent by post, the CN 17 form, accompanied if possible by a perfect facsimile of the envelope or of the address of the item, shall be sent direct to the office of destination under registered cover by the quickest route (air or surface).
5.2 If requests are exchanged through the central administrations, a copy of the request may, in an emergency, be sent direct by the office of origin to the office of destination. Requests sent direct shall be acted on. The items concerned shall be withheld from delivery until the arrival of the request from the central administration.
5.3 On receipt of the CN 17 form, the office of destination shall search for the item in question and take the necessary action.
5.4 The action taken by the office of destination on every request for withdrawal from the post or alteration or correction of address shall be communicated immediately to the office of origin by the quickest route (air or surface), using a copy of the CN 17 form with the "Reply of the office of destination" part duly completed. The office of origin shall inform the applicant. The same shall apply in the following circumstances:
5.4.1 fruitless searches;
5.4.2 items already delivered to the addressee;
5.4.3 item confiscated, destroyed or seized.
5.5 A non-priority or surface item shall be returned to origin by priority or by air following a request for withdrawal from the post when the sender undertakes to pay the corresponding difference in postage. When an item is redirected by priority or by air following a request for alteration or correction of address, the difference in postage corresponding to the new route shall be collected from the addressee and retained by the delivering designated operator.
6 Transmission of request by telecommunications
6.1 If the request is to be made by telecommunications, the CN 17 form shall be handed over to the corresponding service for transmission of the details to the post office of destination. The sender shall pay the corresponding charge for that service.
6.2 On receipt of the message received by telecommunications, the office of destination shall search for the item in question and take the necessary action.
6.3 Any request for alteration or correction of address concerning an insured item made by telecommunications shall be confirmed by post, by the first mail, as prescribed under 5.1. The CN 17 form shall then bear at the head, in bold letters, the note "Confirmation de la demande transmise par voie des télécommunications du ..." (Confirmation of request made by telecommunications dated ...); pending such confirmation, the office of destination shall merely retain the item. However, the designated operator of destination may, on its own responsibility, act on the request made by telecommunications without waiting for confirmation by post.
6.4 If the sender of a request sent by telecommunications has asked to be notified by similar means, the reply shall be sent by this means to the office of origin. It shall inform the applicant as quickly as possible. The same shall apply if a request by telecommunications is not sufficiently explicit to identify the item with certainty.
Article 19-105
Withdrawal from the post. Alteration or correction of address and/or name of the addressee. Items posted in a country other than that which receives the request
1 Any office which receives a request for withdrawal of items from the post or alteration or correction of address and/or name of addressee made in accordance with article 19-105.2 shall verify the identity of the sender of the item. It shall ensure, in particular, that the address of the sender appears clearly in the place provided for that purpose on the CN 17 form. It shall then send the CN 17 form to the office of origin or destination of the item.
2 If the request concerns a registered or insured item, the original receipt must be presented by the sender and the CN 17 form shall bear the notation: "Vu l'original du récépissé" (Seen, original receipt). Before the receipt is given back to the sender, the following notation shall be made on it: "Demande de retrait (de modification ou de correction d'adresse) déposée le ... au bureau de ..." (Request for withdrawal from the post (or for alteration or correction of address) made on ... at the office of ...). This note shall be accompanied by an impression of the date-stamp of the office receiving the request. The CN 17 form shall then be sent to the office of destination via the office of origin of the item.
3 Any request made by telecommunications under the conditions laid down under 1 shall be sent direct to the office of destination of the item. If, however, it refers to a registered or insured item, a CN 17 form bearing the notations "Vu l'original du récépissé de dépôt" (Seen, original of certificate of posting) and "Demande transmise par voie des télécommunications déposée le ... au bureau de ..." (Request made by telecommunications on ... at the office of ...) shall, in addition, be sent to the office of origin of the item. After verifying the details, the office of origin shall write at the top of the CN 17 form, in very bold characters, the note "Confirmation de la demande transmise par voie des télécommunications du ..." (Confirmation of request made by telecommunications dated ...) and shall send it to the office of destination. The office of destination shall hold the registered or insured item until receipt of this confirmation.
4 So that the sender may be informed, the office of destination of the item shall inform the office which receives the request how it has been dealt with. However, when a registered or insured item is concerned, this information shall pass through the office of origin of the item. In the case of withdrawal, the withdrawn item shall be attached to this information.
5 Article 19-104 shall apply, by analogy, to the office which receives the request and to its designated operator.
Section VII
A. Transit charges
Article 27-101
Transit charges. General provisions
1 Accounting
1.1 Accounting for surface-mail transit charges and for charges for handling transit postal receptacles shall be done as detailed in article 35-011 by the designated operator of transit, for each designated operator of origin. It shall be based on the weight of the mails received in transit, sent during the period concerned. The rates laid down in article 27-103 shall be applied.
1.2 The transit charges and charges for handling transit postal receptacles shall be borne by the designated operator of origin of the mails. They shall be payable, subject to the exception provided for under 1.4, to the designated operators of the countries which are crossed or whose services take part in the land or sea conveyance of the mails.
1.3 The charges for the sea conveyance of mails in transit may be settled directly between the designated operators of origin of the mails and the shipping companies or their agents. The designated operator of the port of embarkation concerned shall give its prior agreement.
1.4 In the absence of special agreement between the designated operators concerned, the transit charge scales laid down in article 27-103 shall apply to airmail correspondence for any transit by land or by sea. Nevertheless, no land transit charges shall be payable for:
1.4.1 the transhipment of postal receptacles between two transit points serving the same town;
1.4.2 the conveyance of such postal receptacles from a transit point serving a town to a depot situated in the same town and the return of the same postal receptacles for reforwarding.
Article 27-102
Application of transit charges
1 In the absence of special agreement, direct sea conveyance between two countries by the ships of one of them shall be regarded as a third party service.
2 Sea transit shall begin when the mails are handed over to the shipping company appointed by the sending designated operator and shall end when the mails are handed over to the designated operator of destination, or when the designated operator of destination has been given the delivery order or any other relevant document, whichever is the earlier. Sea transit charges, payable by the sending designated operator, include all costs incurred by the shipping line at the port of arrival. If the designated operator of destination has to pay additional charges for services incurred prior to notification, such as port charges, canal tolls, terminal or pier charges for related service and any other similar charges for handling containerized or bulk dispatches, the designated operator of destination shall obtain reimbursement of these additional charges from the dis- patching designated operator. However, any storage costs incurred after notification by the shipping line that the mails are available and physically accessible for collection, shall be borne by the designated operator of destination.
2.1 Notwithstanding the provision of 2, the designated operator of destination of the mails shall collect from the designated operator of origin the sum corresponding to the port storage charges, when the dispatching office fails to send a copy of the CN 37 bill in time as provided for in article 17-134.4.1.
2.2 Reimbursement of additional sea transit charges shall be claimed by means of a CN 62bis detailed account as in article 35-011.
3 When a foreign transport service crosses the territory of a country without the participation of the latter's services in accordance with article 17-112, mails thus forwarded shall not be subject to the payment of land transit charges.
4 A current sea mail contact address, including physical address, telephone, fax and e-mail address must be maintained in the List of addresses of heads and senior officials of postal entities for all countries sending and accepting sea mail. It may be necessary to include two addresses where different sections within a designated operator deal with import and export. Wherever possible, a generic e-mail address (e.g. should be arranged by each designated operator to avoid pre-advices going astray.
Article 27-103
Transit charges
1 The transit charges to be borne by the designated operator of origin of the mails shall be calculated on the basis of the following components:
1.1 A rate for handling transit dispatches, which shall be 0.571 SDR per kilogramme for 2022, 0.585 SDR per kilogramme for 2023, 0.599 SDR per kilogramme for 2024 and 0.613 SDR per kilogramme for 2025.
1.2 A rate based on distance, which shall be:
1.2.1 for air transport: the basic air conveyance rate set by the Postal Operations Council using the formula in article 34-101;
1.2.2 for land transport: per kilogramme and per kilometre up to 1,000 kilometres: 0.426 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022; 0.437 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023; 0.447 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.458 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025; per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre up to 3,000 kilometres: 0.182 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022; 0.187 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023; 0.191 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.196 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025; per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre up to 5,000 kilometres: 0.159 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022; 0.163 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023; 0.167 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.171 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025; per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre: 0.106 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022; 0.108 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023; 0.111 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.113 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025; the rate based on distance being calculated per 100-kilometre distance step, based on the mid-value in each step;
1.2.3 for sea transport: per kilogramme and per nautical mile (1.852 km) up to 1,000 nautical miles: 0.204 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022; 0.209 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023; 0.214 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.219 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025; per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 2,000 nautical miles: 0.113 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022; 0.115 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023; 0.118 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.121 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025; per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 4,000 nautical miles: 0.073 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022; 0.075 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023; 0.076 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.078 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025; per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 10,000 nautical miles: 0.008 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022; 0.008 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023; 0.009 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.009 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025; per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile: 0.003 thousandths of an SDR for the years 2022 to 2025; the rate based on distance being calculated per 100-nautical-mile distance step, based on the mid- value in each step.
Article 27-104
Kilometric distances
The distances used to determine the transit charges for distances traversed by land according to article 27-103.1.2 shall be taken from the "List of Kilometric Distances relating to land sectors of mails in transit" published by the International Bureau.
Article 27-105
Extraordinary services. Multimodal transport
1 The transit charges specified in article 27-103 shall not be applicable to conveyance by extraordinary services specially established or maintained by a designated operator at the request of one or more other designated operators. The conditions of this class of conveyance shall be regulated by mutual consent between the designated operators concerned.
2 When surface mails from a designated operator are reforwarded by combined land and sea transport facilities, the conditions of such reforwarding shall be covered by a special agreement between the designated operators concerned.
Article 27-106
Calculation and accounting for charges for items in transit à découvert and missent items
1 General
1.1 Each designated operator which forwards transit à découvert items shall have the right to collect from the designated operator of origin transit charges for the costs incurred for the handling and transportation of items in transit as well as the terminal dues increments to be paid to the designated operator of destination. Transit charges shall be calculated according to the net weight.
1.2 Determination of transit charges for items forwarded in transit à découvert by groups of countries
1.2.1 The transit charges shall be fixed by groups of countries of destination. The number of groups shall not be higher than 10. The transit charges for each group shall correspond to the weighted average of the transit charges payable to the different destinations within the group. The weighting shall be based on the most recent annual letter-post volumes sent by the intermediate designated operator to the countries of destination within the respective group
1.3 Calculation of charges
1.3.1 Charges corresponding to handling of items forwarded in transit à découvert The charge for handling of items forwarded in transit à découvert shall be 1.055 SDR per kilogramme for 2022, 1.081 SDR per kilogramme for 2023, 1.107 SDR per kilogramme for 2024 and 1.134 SDR per kilogramme for 2025.
1.3.2 Charges corresponding to the transport of items forwarded in transit à découvert Charges corresponding to the transport of items in transit à découvert forwarded by surface shall be calculated on the basis of the distance charges indicated in article 27- Charges for the transport of items in transit à découvert forwarded by air shall be calculated on the basis of the charges indicated in article 34-101.3.
1.3.3 Terminal dues increments Terminal dues increments shall be calculated on the basis of weighted average differences between the terminal dues received by the designated operator of transit and those paid to the designated operator of destination, in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1.
1.4 Increase of transit charges for items forwarded in transit à découvert
1.4.1 The amounts of transit charges, calculated as under 1.3, shall be increased by 10% for the transit à découvert items forwarded by surface and by 5% for the transit à decouvert items forwarded by air. These increases are shown in form CN 51.
1.5 Charges applicable to missent items
1.5.1 Each designated operator which forwards missent items shall have the right to collect from the designated operator of origin transit charges for the costs incurred for the handling and transportation as well as terminal dues increments to be paid to the designated operator of destination. The inter- mediate designated operator shall be authorized to claim from the dispatching designated operator the relevant charges calculated in accordance with paragraphs 1.2 to 1.4 plus additionally a charge of 2.202 SDR/kg.
1.6 Accounting for items in transit à découvert shall take place, in principle, on the basis of the data of statistical returns, but, if the transit designated operator so requests, it shall be based on actual weight.
1.7 Accounting shall take place on the basis of actual weight in the case of missent items and items posted on board ship or sent at irregular intervals or in too varying amounts. However, this accounting shall be done only if the intermediate designated operator asks to be paid for the transit service rendered. For this purpose, the CN 65 form should be used by the intermediate designated operator, accompanied by the relevant CN 43 verification notes. The intermediate designated operators may also agree with the designated operator of origin to base the accounting for missent items on statistics.
2 Statistical operations
2.1 The statistical operations shall be conducted annually and alternately during May in odd years and October in even years.
2.2 During the statistical period, à découvert transit items shall be accompanied by CN 65 bills. The CN 26 or CN 25 bundle label, as appropriate, and the CN 65 bill shall be overprinted with the letter "S". When there are no à découvert items, registered or unregistered, to be inserted in a mail which normally includes such items, one or two CN 65 bills, as necessary, endorsed "Néant" (Nil) shall accompany the letter bill of the mail.
2.3 During the statistical period, all items in transit à découvert shall be placed with the CN 65 delivery bill in a closed bag, which may be of transparent plastic, inserted in the bag containing the letter bill.
2.4 Each designated operator dispatching items in transit à découvert shall inform intermediate designated operators of any change occurring during an accounting period in the provisions laid down for the exchange of this mail.
3 Preparation and checking of CN 65 bills
3.1 The weights shall be shown separately for each group of countries of destination on the CN 65 bills. These shall be specially numbered in two consecutive series, one for unregistered items and the other for registered items. The number of CN 65 bills shall be entered in the relevant section of the CN 31 or CN 32 letter bill. Transit designated operators may request the use of special CN 65 bills listing in a set order the most important groups of countries. All CN 65 bills shall be inserted into the bag containing the CN 31 letter bill.
3.2 The weight of à découvert items for each group of countries shall be rounded up to the nearest decagramme when the fraction of the decagramme is equal to or greater than 5 grammes; it shall be rounded down to the nearest decagramme otherwise.
3.3 If the intermediate office establishes that the actual weight of à découvert items differs by more than 20 grammes from the weight recorded, it shall amend the CN 65 bill and immediately notify the dispatching office of exchange of the mistake by CN 43 verification note. If the discrepancy noted is within the above-mentioned limits the entries made by the dispatching office shall hold good.
3.4 In the absence of a CN 65 bill or in the case of missent items contained in a dispatch, the CN 65 bill shall, in appropriate cases, be prepared routinely and the irregularity pointed out to the office of origin by CN 43 note.
3.5 If the total weight of missent items in a dispatch originating at an office of exchange does not exceed 50 grammes, routine preparation of a CN 65 bill in accordance with 3.4 shall not take place.
4 Items in transit à découvert for which accounts are prepared on the basis of actual weight
4.1 If the designated operator of transit requires the transit charges for à découvert items to be accounted for on the basis of actual weight, dispatches containing such items shall be accompanied by CN 65 bills, which are attached to the letter bill. The same procedure is used for items in transit à découvert which are excluded from statistical operations and for which accounts are prepared on the basis of the actual weight.
4.2 Items posted on board ship on the high seas, prepaid by means of postage stamps of the country whose flag the ship flies or in which it is registered, shall be accompanied by a CN 65 bill when handed over à découvert to the designated operator at an intermediate port of call. If the ship does not have a post office, the items shall be accompanied by a statement of weights which shall serve as a basis for the intermediate designated operator to claim land or sea transit/S.A.L. conveyance charges. The CN 65 bill or statement of weights shall include the weight of the items for each country of destination, the date, and the name and flag of the ship, and be numbered in a consecutive annual series for each ship. These particulars shall be checked by the office to which the items are handed over from the ship.
5 Preparation of CN 67 statements of weights
5.1 For items arriving in transit à découvert and for missent items, the creditor designated operator shall, annually at the end of the statistical period, prepare the CN 67 statement of weights on the basis of the data for this period from CN 65 bills. The total weight given in the CN 67 statement shall be multiplied by 12 and included in the CN 51 account. In cases where accounts have to be prepared on the basis of the actual weight of items, the CN 67 statements shall be prepared each month or quarter, on the basis of data from the relevant CN 65 bills.
Article 27-107
Transit charges for diverted or misrouted mails
Designated operators of transit shall do their utmost to route the mails as specified by the dispatching designated operator. If the mails are nevertheless diverted or misrouted, transit charges shall be payable to the designated operators participating in the transit conveyance of such mails without article 35-013.9 being applicable. The designated operator of origin may in its turn claim reimbursement from the designated operator whose services made the dispatching error.
Article 27-108
Airmails and surface airlifted (S.A.L.) mails in transit by surface
1 In the absence of special agreement between the designated operators concerned, airmails and
S.A.L. mails conveyed frequently by surface for part of their journey in third countries shall be subject to payment of transit charges.
2 In the case referred to above, the transit charges shall be calculated in accordance with the actual gross weights shown on the CN 38 delivery bills for airmails and on the CN 41 bills and, where appropriate, the CN 36 labels for S.A.L. mails.
Article 27-109
Payment of transit charges for the transport of empty bags returned by surface or air
1 Transit charges for the transport of empty bags returned by surface or air shall be payable by the designated operator owning the receptacles. They shall be calculated on the basis of article 27-103. Mails of empty bags shall be subject to payment of 30% of the transit charges applicable to letter-post mails.
2 The designated operator returning the empty bags shall not be entitled to the reimbursement of costs in its country if the weighted average distance for the transport of empty bags to the border of its country does not exceed 300 km. If the weighted average distance exceeds 300 km the transport charge, but not the handling charge, is paid for the number of km exceeding 300.
3 The transport charge payable for transport within the country returning the bags shall be fixed in the form of a single price per kilogramme. This single price shall include transport charge within the country, between the different offices of exchange and borders. It shall be calculated on the basis of the rates actually paid for conveyance of the mail within the country of destination, but not exceeding the transport charge defined in article 27-103. The weighted average distance shall be calculated by the International Bureau in terms of the gross weight of all the empty bag dispatches sent from the country concerned.
4 Designated operators which claim reimbursement of transport costs shall be obliged to communicate to the International Bureau by 1 July the data needed for calculating the weighted average distance and remuneration. The International Bureau shall communicate the weighted average distance and the remuneration to all designated operators by 1 October and they shall enter into force from 1 January of the following year.
Article 27-110
Amendments to transit charges
1 The amendments made to the transit charges mentioned in article 27-106.1 shall:
1.1 come into effect exclusively on 1 January;
1.2 be notified by no later than 31 October to the International Bureau, which shall communicate them to all designated operators at least one month before the date laid down under 1.1.
2 For each designated operator, the International Bureau shall check and validate compliance with the provisions of article 27-106.
B. Terminal dues
Article 31-101
Terminal dues. General provisions
1 Accounting
1.1 For letter-post items, with the exception of M bags, accounting for terminal dues shall be done annually by the creditor designated operator, according to the actual weight of the mails and the actual number of registered items and of insured items received and, where applicable, the number of items received during the year concerned. The rates laid down in articles 30 and 31 of the Convention shall be applied.
1.2 For M bags, accounting for terminal dues shall be done annually by the creditor designated operator, on the basis of the weight subject to terminal dues in accordance with the conditions laid down in articles 30 and 31 of the Convention.
1.3 To enable the annual weight and number of items to be determined, the designated operators of origin of the mails shall permanently indicate, for each mail:
1.3.1 the weight of the mail (excluding M bags);
1.3.2 the weight of the M bags weighing more than 5 kilogrammes;
1.3.3 the number of M bags weighing less than 5 kilogrammes;
1.3.4 the number of registered items included in the mail;
1.3.5 the number of insured items included in the mail.
1.4 In the absence of a special agreement between the designated operators concerned, in relations between countries in the target system, the number of items shall be determined in accordance with articles 31-116 and 31-118.
1.5 When it is necessary to determine the number and weight of bulk items, the modalities indicated in article 17-127 for this category of mail shall be applied.
1.6 The designated operators concerned may agree to account for terminal dues in their reciprocal relations by different statistical methods. They may also agree on a different periodicity from those laid down in article 31-119 for the statistical period.
2 If a dispute between designated operators concerning the annual results has to be settled, the designated operators concerned shall ask their member countries to act in accordance with the procedure provided for in article 153 of the General Regulations. The arbitrators shall be empowered to fix in a fair and reasonable manner the transit charges or terminal dues to be paid.
3 Exemption from terminal dues
3.1 The letter-post items relating to the postal service referred to in article 16-001.1 and undelivered postal items returned to origin in closed dispatches shall be exempted from terminal dues.
3.1.1 This exemption shall not apply to undelivered postal items which have been erroneously inserted in the network for which the designated operator has not collected the postage charges.
3.2 IBRS items and advices of delivery shall be exempted from terminal dues.
3.3 Receptacles containing only the CN 31 letter bill and dispatches of empty receptacles shall be exempted from terminal dues.
Article 31-102
Voluntary membership of the target system by member countries
1 For the purposes of article 28.16 of the Convention, any member country may declare its voluntary accession to the target system. The designated operator of the country wishing to join shall send the International Bureau an official declaration to this effect, no later than 1 June of the year prior to that in which it wishes to join the target system. The International Bureau shall notify the countries of the target system within 30 days of receiving this declaration.
2 In its declaration, the designated operator of the acceding member country shall undertake to effect all statistical, accounting and other operations involved in participation in the target system with effect from 1 January of the following year.
3 The designated operator of the acceding member country shall notify its choice of one of the following sets of provisions:
3.1 the provisions applicable to countries and territories in the target system prior to 2010;
3.2 the provisions applicable to countries and territories in the target system as of 2010;
3.3 the provisions applicable to countries and territories in the target system as of 2012;
3.4 the provisions applicable to countries and territories in the target system as of 2014.
4 Before sending its declaration, or along with it, the designated operator of the member country wish- ing to accede and opting for the application of target system provisions as in 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3 shall notify the International Bureau of the charges provided for in articles 31-107 and 31-108. Before 1 July of the year of accession, the International Bureau shall inform target system countries and the designated operator of the acceding country of the per-item and per-kilogramme rates payable to the acceding member country with effect from 1 January of the following year.
5 All provisions linked to the target system shall apply to the acceding member country from 1 January of the year in which its membership of the target system comes into effect, in accordance with its choice notified under paragraph 3.
Article 31-103
Direct access to domestic services
1 All designated operators of Union countries shall communicate to the International Bureau the applicable conditions for direct access to their domestic services, including information on contact persons (Key Account Managers), services, products and charges, operational and financial requirements, as well as Internet links to websites providing further information. The designated operators shall see to it that any changes in their charges and other conditions which have an impact on direct access are communicated to the International Bureau before they enter into force.
2 On the basis of the information furnished, the International Bureau shall publish a direct access database on the UPU website. The International Bureau shall update the database periodically. An operational guide shall also be made available to participants by the International Bureau.
3 Designated operators of countries and territories having joined the target system from 2010, 2012 or 2016 shall notify the International Bureau as to whether or not they opt to make direct access available to other designated operators, as provided for in article 28.4.3 of the Convention. A designated operator opting for the two-year trial period shall, at the end of this period, notify the International Bureau of its decision either to cease making direct access available or to make it available to all designated operators on a non-discriminatory basis. The International Bureau should also be informed of any future request for direct access by the designated operator of a new target country to a target country designated operator. Pursuant to article 28.4.3, this implies the obligation to make direct access available to all designated operators. The International Bureau will update the direct access database accordingly.
4 Designated operators of countries and territories in the transition system shall notify the International Bureau as to whether they opt to make direct access available to other designated operators, as provided for in article 28.4.4 of the Convention. A designated operator opting for the two-year trial period shall, at the end of this period, notify the International Bureau of its decision either to cease making direct access available or to make it available to all designated operators on a non-discriminatory basis. The International Bureau shall update the direct access database accordingly.
5 Designated operators willing to use the direct access offer of another designated operator should contact the latter to obtain the latest valid information and to agree bilaterally on any outstanding issues before starting service.
Article 31-104
Supplementary remuneration for registered, insured and tracked items
1 General principles
1.1 For registered and insured items: The remuneration provided for in article 28.8 of the UPU Convention in respect of registered or insured items may be supplemented for designated operators opting to link the remuneration of these items with the offer of additional service features in their relations with other designated operators that also opt to link the remuneration of these items with the offer of additional service features. In order to qualify for the supplementary remuneration, participating designated operators must fulfil the conditions for each category of items defined in para- graphs 2 and 3.
1.2 For tracked items: the additional payment specified in article 28.9 of the Convention shall be paid for each item for which an EDH (arrival at collection point for pick up by recipient), EMH (unsuccessful delivery attempt) and/or EMI (final delivery) event has been transmitted. In the years 2022, 2023 and 2024, countries in the transitional system shall receive the additional payment in article 28.9 of the Convention for each item for which an EMD (arrival at the inward office of exchange) event has been transmitted. In order to qualify for the supplementary remuneration, designated operators must fulfil the conditions for this category of items defined in paragraphs 2 and 3. In order to qualify for the supplementary remuneration, participating designated operators must fulfil the conditions for this category of items defined in paragraphs 2 and 3.
2 Additional service features
2.1 In order for designated operators offering tracked items and/or opting to link the remuneration of registered and/or insured items with the offer of additional service features to qualify for supplementary remuneration, they shall transmit electronic information for these items, as defined in article 17-131.
3 Deadlines for transmission and quality targets
3.1 In order for the inward registered or insured items to qualify for supplementary remuneration in a relation between a designated operator of origin and destination which meet the conditions set in paragraph 2, the designated operator of destination shall observe (in this specific relation) the following targets associated with the transmission of item scanning event information:
3.1.1 Fifty-six percent of the items that receive an EMC (departure from office of exchange) event shall have an EMD (arrival at inward office of exchange) event transmitted within 24 hours of the event time and date; The target in 3.1.1 shall be considered as achieved in cases where the number of items that receive an EMD event within the respective transmission time set out in paragraph 3.1.1 exceeds the number of items that receive an EMC event; Fifty-six percent of the items that receive an EMD shall have an EDH (arrival at collection point for pick up by recipient) or EMH (attempted/unsuccessful delivery) and/or an EMI (final delivery) event, each transmitted within 24 hours of the event time and date.
3.2 In order for the inward tracked delivery items to qualify for supplementary remuneration in a relation between a designated operator of origin and destination that meet the conditions set in paragraph 2, the designated operator of destination shall observe (in this specific relation) a performance result above 75%. For each flow, the performance result shall be determined on the basis of the lowest between:
3.2.1 The ratio of EMD events transmitted within 24 hours of the event time and date over the number of EMC (departure from office of exchange) events that were transmitted by the origin designated operator;
3.2.2 The ratio of EDH (arrival at collection point for pick up by recipient), EMH (attempted or unsuccessful delivery attempt) and/or EMI (final delivery) events over EMD events, all transmitted within 24 hours of the event time and date.
3.3 For the purpose of determining the performance result in 3.2, the ratio in 3.2.1 shall not apply in cases where the number of items that receive an EMD event within the respective transmission time set out in paragraph 3.2.1 exceeds the number of items that receive an EMC event.
4 Amount of the supplementary remuneration
4.1 On a monthly basis, for the total number of inward registered or insured items in each category exchanged on a given relation between designated operators for which the conditions defined in paragraph 2.1 and the quality targets defined in paragraph 3 are met, a supplementary remuneration of 0.5 SDR per item will be paid by the designated operator of origin to the designated operator of destination.
4.2 On a monthly basis, for the total number of inward tracked items exchanged on a given relation between designated operators for which the conditions defined in paragraph 2.1 and the quality tar- gets in paragraph 3 are met, a supplementary remuneration per item shall be paid by the designated operator of origin to the designated operator of destination. The amount of the supplementary remuneration per qualifying item shall be 0.03 SDR for each percentage point above 75 and up to 100% as determined in paragraph 3.2 above, with a maximum rate of 0.75 SDR per item.
4.3 Qualifying items are all inward tracked delivery items that have both an EMD event and an EDH, EMH or EMI event transmitted within the time limits indicated in 3.2, irrespective of whether these items have an associated EMC event. The total amount of supplementary remuneration for tracked delivery items shall be determined by multiplying the number of qualified items with the remuneration determined in 4.2 above.
5 Communication of the offer of tracked or additional service features
5.1 The offer of additional service features associated with supplementary remuneration for registered and insured items shall be notified to the International Bureau. The offer of the optional tracked delivery service shall also be notified to the International Bureau, so that the designated operator concerned can be eligible to be paid the associated additional payments in paragraph 1.2 and supplementary remuneration in paragraph 4.2, provided it meets the conditions and requirements stipulated in those paragraphs. Relevant information will be presented in the Letter Post Compendium. The reporting and payment of the additional remuneration shall be effective the first quarter after the date of notification but not within less than two months after the date of notification.
Article 31-105
Measurement of performance. Reporting and validation
1 Measurement
1.1 The performance against quality targets as well as the list of accountable tracked items for additional payment referred to in article 31-104 shall be measured by a suitable recognized system, which shall make use of the scanning information transmitted.
1.2 Monthly performance reports shall be produced and shall be communicated to the designated operators participating in the supplementary remuneration programme and/or offering tracked items as described in article 31-104.2.1.
2 Reporting
2.1 The monthly reports shall present the performance and corresponding remuneration for the transmission of scanning information for the inward items received by each designated operator in its relation with each of the other designated operators participating in the supplementary remuneration pro- gramme or those designated operators offering tracked items as described in article 31-104.2.1.
2.2 The International Bureau shall complement these monthly performance reports with quarterly reports aggregating the results of the monthly performance reports for the three months in each quarter. These quarterly reports shall sum up the supplementary remuneration due with a list of relations by category of items on which the inward items qualify for the supplementary remuneration. These reports shall be communicated to the designated operators participating in the supplementary remuneration programme or those designated operators offering tracked items as described in article 31-104.2.1 according to the following schedule:
2.2.1 Monthly performance reports - within one month following the end of the reporting period;
2.2.2 Quarterly aggregate reports - in conjunction with the monthly report in the month following the end of each quarter.
2.3 The monthly reports shall be considered as final if no query has been received by the International Bureau within one month of the issue of the most recent monthly report.
3 Treatment of queries
3.1 Designated operators may query the results by bringing evidence to the International Bureau and shall also notify the affected designated operator in question. The POC shall make a binding decision on the query based on an evaluation carried out by the International Bureau, which must include any supporting information provided by the designated operator that submitted the query.
4 Costs
4.1 The costs of administering these additional service features shall be borne by the participating designated operators.
Article 31-106
Preparation and transmission of charges for supplementary remuneration accounts and additional payments based on central reports
1 The creditor designated operator shall be responsible for preparing quarterly or annual accounts and forwarding them to the debtor designated operator. The accounts shall be based on the quarterly aggregate reports from monthly reports provided by the International Bureau as described in article 31-105.2.2.
2 The detailed accounts shall be prepared and transmitted as follows:
2.1 The creditor designated operator shall list on a CN 60 form the monthly total number of qualifying items and the corresponding supplementary remuneration or additional payment as reported by the International Bureau.
2.2 The rules for the transfer and acceptance of accounting forms provided for in article 35-001 shall be applied to CN 60 accounts.
2.3 The CN 60 accounts shall be sent to the debtor designated operator no later than one month following receipt from the International Bureau of the supplementary remuneration quarterly or annual reports to which they refer.
2.4 In principle, the statements shall be regarded as fully accepted as rendered with no changes or amendments since the account information used is from a suitable recognized system and the reports are provided by the International Bureau. Statements that are not accepted shall be accompanied with evidence that the debtor designated operator has queried the results of the report published by the International Bureau for the month in question.
3 The debtor designated operator shall make payment for the amount billed within the six-week period provided for in article 35-004.10.
Article 31-107
Calculation of the rates of terminal dues for countries applying articles 30.5 to 13 and 31.5 to 9 of the Convention
1 The charges referred to in article 30.5 of the Convention shall be in force on 1 June of the year preceding the calendar year to which the terminal dues rates apply. They shall be notified to the International Bureau by the same date and in compliance with the conditions provided for in article 31-108.
2 On the basis of these charges, expressed in local currency, the International Bureau shall annually convert the values notified, expressed in SDR, into a rate per item and a rate per kilogramme, in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4. To calculate the rates in SDR the International Bureau shall use the average monthly exchange rate of the five-month period ending 31 March of the year preceding the terminal dues reference year. The resultant rates shall be notified by circular no later than 1 July.
3 A rate per item and a rate per kilogramme shall be determined by linear interpolation between the reference charges for the 20-gramme letter-post item and the 175-gramme letter-post item specified in article 30.5 of the Convention, at the weights of 10 grammes and 175 grammes, respectively. These rates per item and per kilogramme shall be changed to a rate per item and rate per kilogramme with an item-to- kilogramme ratio of 12.8% at 91.9 grammes. On the basis of these rates, the terminal dues revenue for an item of 37.6 grammes and an item of 375 grammes shall be calculated.
4 The terminal dues rate per item and rate per kilogramme for small (P) and for large (G) letter-post items shall be determined following the steps below:
4.1 Calculate the floor terminal dues revenue for an item of 37.6 grammes, using the minimum rates provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the UPU Convention;
4.2 Calculate the cap terminal dues revenue for an item of 37.6 grammes, using the maximum rates provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the UPU Convention for the group of countries to which the country concerned belongs;
4.3 Compare the terminal dues revenue obtained in 3 with the values in 4.1 and 4.2, and:
4.3.1 if this value is below the value in 4.1, the applicable rates per item and per kilogramme shall be the minimum rates provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the UPU Convention;
4.3.2 if this value is between the value in 4.1 and 4.2, multiply the minimum rates per item and per kilo- gramme by the ratio: revenue in 3 divided by revenue in 4.1. The resulting rates shall be rounded to three decimal places;
4.3.3 if this value is above the value in 4.2, use the maximum rates per item and per kilogramme provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the UPU Convention for the group of countries to which the country concerned belongs.
5 The terminal dues rate per item and rate per kilogramme for bulky (E) and small packet (E) letter- post items shall be determined following the steps below:
5.1 Calculate the floor terminal dues revenue for an item of 375 grammes, using the minimum rates provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the UPU Convention;
5.2 Calculate the cap terminal dues revenue for an item of 375 grammes, using the maximum rates provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the UPU Convention for the group of countries to which the country concerned belongs;
5.3 Compare the terminal dues revenue obtained in 3 with the values in 5.1 and 5.2, and:
5.3.1 if this value is below the value in 5.1, the applicable rates per item and per kilogramme shall be the minimum rates provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the UPU Convention;
5.3.2 if this value is between the value in 5.1 and 5.2, multiply the minimum rates per item and per kilogramme by the ratio: revenue in 3 divided by revenue in 5.1. The resulting rates shall be rounded to three decimal places;
5.3.3 if this value is above the value in 5.2, use the maximum rates per item and per kilogramme provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the UPU Convention for the group of countries to which the country concerned belongs.
6 The terminal dues rates calculated in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 shall be proportionally adjusted so that they do not exceed the maximum revenue increases specified in articles 30.7 and 31.3 of the Convention concerning the terminal dues revenue for an item of 37.6 grammes for small (P) and for large (G) letter-post items and for an item of 375 grammes for bulky (E) and small packet (E) letter-post items, compared with the previous year.
7 If no charge has been communicated to the International Bureau by 1 June, the charges used for the calculation for the previous year for the designated operator concerned shall apply. If the calculation is made for the first time for the designated operator concerned, the rates provided for in article 30.10 and 11 of the Convention shall apply.
8 Notwithstanding the provisions set out under 2 and 6, the International Bureau must be informed of any reduction in the charge in the domestic service referred to in article 30.5 of the Convention by the designated operator concerned.
9 The new rates calculated on the basis of this article shall come into effect on 1 January and remain in force for the entire calendar year. In cases of charges queried by other countries or reported by the International Bureau in accordance with article 31-108.6 and 7, the calculated rates shall be regarded as provisional, until the Postal Operations Council decides as provided for in article 31-108.8.
Article 31-108
Conditions applying to the notification of the reference charges for the calculation of terminal dues rates
1 The domestic charges provided in article 30.5 of the Convention for the calculation of terminal dues rates (reference charges) shall correspond to domestic items equivalent to the basic services defined in article 17 of the Convention.
2 Article 17-105 defines the specifications with respect to formats, dimensions and weight of items with which the reference charges shall conform.
3 In terms of speed of treatment, the reference charges shall correspond to items equivalent to those defined in article 17-101.2.1 as priority items.
4 The designated operators of countries in the target system shall notify to the International Bureau by 1 June the charges in force on 1 June of the year preceding the calendar year to which the terminal dues rates apply.
5 In cases where the items to which the notified charges correspond are not compliant with the requirements set out in article 30.5 of the UPU Convention and in paragraphs 1 to 3 above, the Postal Operations Council shall decide, on the basis of a report by the International Bureau, on the appropriate reference charge to be used for the calculation of terminal dues. The following rules shall apply:
5.1 In cases where, in the domestic service, the classification of items by format does not apply, the charges of items not classified by format, corresponding to the weights and dimensions provided for in article 17-105, shall be applied.
5.2 In cases where the specifications of the items, as defined in 17-105, do not apply in the domestic service of a specific country, the charge corresponding to the item with specifications nearest to the reference item shall apply, the format followed by the weight being the determinant criteria.
5.3 In cases where the conditions in paragraphs 1 to 3 are met by more than one item, the lowest charge shall apply.
6 Any member country or designated operator applying article 30 of the Convention may query the use of a charge by another member country or its designated operator for the calculation of terminal dues rates within the UPU. The query should be submitted to the International Bureau at least six weeks before the next Postal Operations Council starting date, and be made available with the result of the technical evaluation to Postal Operations Council members and the member country or designated operator whose charge is the subject of the query, at least two weeks before the starting date.
7 The International Bureau shall report to the Postal Operations Council any cases where the notified reference charges have been contested or do not appear to be compatible with article 30 of the Convention and with this article.
8 The Postal Operations Council shall decide on the cases in paragraphs 6 and 7 at its next meeting following notification, on the basis of a technical evaluation by the International Bureau, whether the notified reference charges are compatible with article 30 of the Convention and with this article.
9 In accordance with article 29.7 of the Convention, any initial self-declared rates beginning with effect from 1 July 2020 shall be furnished to the International Bureau no later than 1 March 2020, and the resultant initial rates shall thereafter be published by the International Bureau by 1 April 2020. For the initial rates set on 1 July 2020, the International Bureau shall use the average monthly exchange rate of the period from 1 August 2019 to 31 December 2019.
Article 31-109
Quality of service-linked terminal dues remuneration
1 Terminal dues remuneration shall be based on quality of service performance of the designated operators of the country of destination.
2 Participation in a UPU-agreed system, compliant with the UPU GMS Technical Design, for quality of service measurement of the inward flow in the country or territory of destination, for the link between terminal dues and quality of service, is voluntary. If the designated operator of a country or territory of origin does not participate in the measurement of the inward flow, it shall pay to the designated operator of the country or territory of destination participating in the measurement quality of service adjusted terminal dues, but not less than 100% of the base terminal dues rates (terminal dues rates without any incentive or adjustment for quality of service performance). If a designated operator of a country or territory of destination does not put in place a UPU-agreed system for quality-of-service measurement of the inward flow compliant with the UPU GMS Technical Design, it shall receive 100% of the base terminal dues rates.
3 Notwithstanding the provisions set out under 1 and 2, designated operators which have a total annual inward mail volume below 100 tonnes and which do not participate in a UPU-agreed system for quality of service measurement of inward flows shall receive from, and pay to, all the other designated operators 100% of the base terminal dues rate. This provision shall not apply to designated operators in the target system prior to 2010.
4 For the application of paragraph 3, designated operators concerned shall notify to the International Bureau by 1 June of each year the total inward mail volumes of the previous calendar year. On the basis of their notifications, the International Bureau shall publish by 1 July the list of designated operators applying the provisions in paragraph 3 for the following year. In the absence of notification, the provisions in paragraph 2 shall apply.
5 Designated operators participating in a UPU-agreed quality of service measurement system, com- pliant with the UPU GMS Technical Design, for the link between terminal dues and quality of service shall, as an incentive, receive a terminal dues increase of 5% for their whole inward letter mail flow.
6 Designated operators shall be subject to a penalty if the quality targets fixed have not been met. This penalty shall be 1/3% of the terminal dues remuneration for each percent under the performance target. The penalty shall in no case exceed 10%. Owing to the 5% incentive for participation, the maximum penalty shall not lead to remuneration lower than 95% of the base terminal dues rates.
7 Notwithstanding the provisions set out under 6, where terminal dues rates are determined in accordance with articles 30 and 31 of the Convention (i.e. they are not self-declared pursuant to article 29 of the Convention), the application of penalties in cases where the quality targets have not been met shall not result in remuneration that is lower than the minimum rates provided in articles 30.10, 30.11, 31.5, 31.8 and
31.9 of the Convention.
8 Provisional quality of service-linked terminal dues rates shall be calculated by the International Bureau and notified by circular no later than 1 July of each year. The provisional rates shall come into effect on 1 January of the following year and shall remain in force for the entire calendar year. The provisional terminal dues rates shall be calculated in accordance with article 31-107 but shall, in addition, include an incentive and an adjustment based on the quality of service results of the previous calendar year.
9 Final quality of service-linked terminal dues rates shall be calculated by the International Bureau following the publication of the final quality of service results relating to the calendar year in question. The final quality of service-linked terminal dues rates shall be notified by International Bureau circular no later than 1 May of the year following the calendar year in question and shall replace the provisional terminal dues rates previously issued for that calendar year.
10 The Postal Operations Council shall fix the annual quality of service standards and targets in accordance with the provisions in article 31-110.
Article 31-110
Principles for setting or revising quality of service standards and targets for the quality of service-linked terminal dues remuneration
1 For the purpose of the quality of service-linked terminal dues remuneration, the annual quality of service standards and targets shall be set by the Postal Operations Council based on standards and targets applicable in the domestic service with respect to comparable items and conditions.
2 The Postal Operations Council shall also decide on requests from designated operators to change their standards and targets due to changes to their domestic standards or targets. The revised standards or targets approved by the Postal Operations Council shall enter into force from the latter of the date of the implementation of such changes in the domestic services and the date of the receipt by the International Bureau of the change request from the designated operators concerned.
3 These standards and targets shall not be less favourable than those established for the inward letter- post items pursuant to article 14 of the UPU Convention.
4 Subject to the provisions in paragraph 3, the standards shall be set in compliance with the following principles:
4.1 The applicable standard shall correspond to the standard of the domestic service whose charges are used for calculating terminal dues. In cases where the terminal dues rates are not based on domestic charges the standard shall correspond to the domestic standard for the priority letter service. The domestic standards shall be verifiable by being published on the website of the designated operator concerned, printed in its general conditions or confirmed in writing by its regulator.
4.2 In the absence of domestic standards, the applicable standard shall be established taking into account the ability of the designated operator concerned to achieve a minimum level of performance, defined by the Postal Operations Council.
4.3 The standards shall in principle have a critical tag time (CTT) no earlier than 15.00.
5 Subject to the provisions in paragraph 3, the targets shall be fixed in compliance with the following principles:
5.1 The target shall be set at the highest of the domestic target set by the regulator and the most recent annual performance of the designated operator concerned within a UPU-agreed measurement system, rounded down to the nearest full percentage, subject to a minimum target of 75% and a maxi- mum target of 88%.
5.2 In the absence of annual performance results as in paragraph 5.1, the applicable target shall be the domestic target set by the regulator, subject to the minimum and the maximum targets above.
5.3 In the absence of a domestic target set by the regulator and of annual performance results as in paragraph 5.1, the initial target shall be set at the minimum target.
5.4 In principle, the target for a year shall not be set at a lower level than the target of the previous year.
5.5 At the request of the designated operator, the target may exceed the maximum target in 5.1.
Article 31-111
Quality of service-linked terminal dues remuneration. Reporting and validation
1 Reporting
1.1 For the purpose of the quality of service performance results referred to in articles 31-109 and 31- 110, reports shall be produced and communicated on a monthly basis to the designated operators participating in a UPU-agreed quality of service measurement system, compliant with the UPU GMS Technical Design, no later than 30 days after the end of the month being reported upon.
1.2 The full calendar year quality of service results shall be produced and communicated to the designated operators participating in a UPU-agreed quality of service measurement system, compliant with the UPU GMS Technical Design, no later than 15 February of the year following the calendar year in question.
1.3 All queries submitted to the International Bureau concerning the measurement and calculation of quality of service results shall be submitted no later than 30 days after the date of notification of monthly or annual results. If no request for review is made within that period, the results shall be regarded as having been accepted.
1.4 The final annual quality of service results shall be notified by International Bureau circular no later than 1 April of the year following the calendar year in question.
2 Queries concerning quality measurement
2.1 Designated operators participating in a UPU-agreed quality of service measurement system may ask the measurement system provider to review inconsistencies with regard to specific test items. If the query cannot be mutually resolved between the designated operator and its measurement system provider, then the designated operator may submit a request to the International Bureau in accordance with the review request procedures in 2.2.
2.2 The Postal Operations Council shall establish relevant request review procedures and, as necessary, decide on such reviews in accordance with these procedures.
Article 31-112
Mechanism for revising the rates of terminal dues
1 A designated operator sending or receiving flows of more than the flow threshold specified in article 31-117 (excluding M bags) may ask the corresponding designated operator for the application of the revision mechanism described below for determining the new rate of terminal dues suited to their traffic. This request may be made subject to the following conditions:
1.1 when a designated operator in the target system establishes that the average number of items per kilogramme (IPK) received from a designated operator in the transition system is higher than 12;
1.2 when a designated operator in the transition system establishes that the average number of items per kilogramme sent to another designated operator is lower than 7;
1.2.1 if the designated operator in the transition system requests the application of the revision mechanism under 1.2 for a flow to a designated operator in the target system, the latter can request the application of the mechanism also in the opposite direction when the other conditions for downward revision are fulfilled;
1.3 when a designated operator in the transition system establishes that the average number of items per kilogramme received from another designated operator is higher than 12;
1.4 when a designated operator requests the application of the revision mechanism for a flow, the corresponding designated operator may do likewise, independently of the flow size when the other conditions for upward or downward revision are fulfilled.
2 The revision mechanism shall consist in carrying out a special statistical count to calculate the average number of items per kilogramme, in accordance with the procedures set out in articles 31-119 and 35-006.
3 The designated operator intending to apply the revision mechanism shall so notify the corresponding designated operator at least five months in advance.
4 The request shall be supported by statistical data showing that the average number of items per kilogramme of the flow concerned deviates from the world average. These statistical data shall be obtained from a sampling of the flow concerned over the second quarter of a calendar year. The flow may be sampled using continuous sampling or 12 observation days spread as uniformly as possible over the period.
5 While respecting the time limit provided for under 3, the statistical period shall commence at the beginning of a calendar year.
6 The new terminal dues rate for the traffic in question shall be calculated in SDR as follows: rate per kilogramme = (Average number of items per kilogramme x rate per item provided for in article 31.5 to 31.8) + rate per kilogramme provided for in article 31.5 to 31.8. The average number of items per kilogramme is taken from the sampling under 4.
7 In cases where the average number of items per kilogramme falls between 7 and 12, the rate provided for in article 31.9 of the Convention shall apply to the traffic in question for the following calendar year. For the calendar year for which the average number of items falls between 7 and 12, the average number of items per kilogramme from the sampling shall be used for calculating the terminal dues rate. In addition, sampling for items per kilogramme shall cease if the average number of items per kilogramme from the sampling performed under 4 falls between 7 and 12 for the whole calendar year, until such time as the conditions for sampling have been satisfied and sampling has been reactivated.
Article 31-113
Request for payment specific to bulk mail
1 The designated operator of destination shall be authorized to request the application of the payment specific to bulk mail when it establishes:
1.1 the receipt, in the same mail, or in one day when several mails are made up per day, of 1,500 or more items posted by the same sender;
1.2 the receipt, in a period of two weeks, of 5,000 or more items posted by the same sender;
1.3 in the case of items received from countries (designated operators) with terminal dues accounting and billing on the basis of a rate per kilogramme only, the receipt, in a period of four weeks, of mails whose total weight is composed of at least 90% of bulky (E) or small packet (E) letter-post items.
2 The designated operator of destination that wishes to apply the payment specific to bulk mail shall notify the designated operator of origin within two weeks of its receipt of the first instance of bulk mail. This notification shall be sent by fax or electronic means to the special address provided for in article 35-001.2 and it shall contain the dispatch number, date of dispatch, origin office of exchange, destination office of exchange and a photocopy of a sample of the mail pieces in question.
2.1 Except for the cases provided for under 3 and 4, specific payment shall not come into force until three months from the receipt of such notification from the designated operator of destination. Such specific payment shall only apply to bulk mails dispatched after the expiry of the three month notification period.
2.2 Receipt of bulk mails under 2.1 shall be established by the designated operator of destination in accordance with the provisions of article 17-137.6.
3 Notwithstanding the provisions under 2.1, the designated operator of destination shall be authorized to apply with immediate effect the payment specific to bulk mail when it establishes:
3.1 the receipt, in the same mail, or in one day when several mails are made up per day, of 3,000 or more items posted by the same sender;
3.2 the receipt, in a period of two weeks, of 10,000 or more items posted by the same sender;
3.3 in the case of items received from countries with terminal dues accounting and billing on the basis of a rate per kilogramme only, the receipt, in a period of four weeks, of mails whose total weight is composed of at least 90% of bulky (E) or small packet (E) letter-post items and which represents a 50% increase in the total weight of such mail received in the same four weeks the year before.
4 The designated operator of destination that wishes to apply the payment specific to bulk mail with immediate effect shall:
4.1 if based on provision 3.1 or 3.2, notify the designated operator of origin within three working days of the receipt of the bulk mail. This notification shall be in the form of a verification note specifying the dispatch number, date of dispatch, origin office of exchange, destination office of exchange and a photocopy of a sample of the mail pieces in question, sent by fax or electronic means to the special address provided for in article 35-001.2;
4.2 if based on provision 3.3, notify the sending designated operator that it will check, for a period of four weeks, the composition of the mail, to determine the percentage of total weight of bulky (E) or small packet (E) letter-post items. After this period, if the conditions in 3.3 are met, the bulk mail rates can be charged, provided that the total weight of such mail received has increased by more than 50% compared to the same four weeks the year before.
5 Once the designated operator of destination has requested the application of the specific payment for bulk mail, within three months the designated operator of origin may request the application of the specific payment to all bulk mail it dispatches to that designated operator, unless the original request by the designated operator of destination is withdrawn.
6 Termination of specific payment for bulk mail invoked under 5 must be notified by the designated operator of origin three months in advance of termination or be decided by mutual consent.
7 Notwithstanding the rules provided under 1 to 6, bulk mail provisions shall not be used in the target system between designated operators within the same terminal dues remuneration group when statistical counts for exchanges of mail are used for accounting.
Article 31-114
Closed mails exchanged with military units
1 It shall be the responsibility of the designated operators of countries to which military units, warships or military aircraft belong to settle direct with the designated operators concerned the transit charges and terminal dues arising from the mails sent by those military units, ships or aircraft.
2 If these mails are redirected, the redirecting designated operator shall report the fact to the designated operator of the country to which the military unit, ship or aircraft belongs.
Article 31-115
General principles for statistical sampling and estimation of the number of items per kilogramme
1 The following principles shall apply to all types of mail flow sampling that are required for the pur- poses of payment of terminal dues based on per item and per kilogramme charges (e.g. sampling related to the revision mechanism, exchanges between designated operators in the target system).
1.1 Both sampling and estimation of the average number of items per kilogramme shall reflect the com- position of the mail. As the composition of the mail varies with transportation mode, format, container type, time of year (month), and day of week, the sample of the mail shall reflect these variations and resemble, as closely as is practical, the entire mail flow. Likewise, the method of estimation shall also reflect these variations.
1.2 The statistical sampling program shall be designed to achieve a target statistical precision of ± 5% with 95% confidence and on estimate of IPK of the average number of items per kilogramme and of the number of items exchanged between designated operators.
1.2.1 This target statistical precision defines a goal that all designated operators which conduct sampling should attempt to achieve through their designs. It does not define a minimum precision requirement.
1.3 The design of the sampling programme, the selection of the samples, the method of collecting data and the estimation process shall conform to generally accepted principles of mathematical statistics, probability sampling theory, and design of statistical surveys.
1.4 Within the constraints of these principles, each designated operator has sufficient flexibility to adapt the design of its sampling programme to the attributes of its mail flow and its resource constraints. However, each designated operator must notify the corresponding designated operator of its design decisions, including estimation approach, in advance of the observation period.
Article 31-116
Statistical counts for exchanges of mail between designated operators of countries in the target system
1 For exchanges of mail between designated operators of countries in the target system prior to 2010, a statistical count shall be carried out. However, to avoid sampling costs for small exchanges between designated operators of countries in the target system prior to 2010, the average number of items per kilogramme between designated operators of countries in the target system shall be applied for mail flows below a certain threshold, if both designated operators concerned so agree. The POC shall fix the threshold and the average number of items per kilogramme to be applied.
2 For flows above 50 tonnes a year between countries that joined the target system in 2010, 2012 and 2016, as well as between these countries and countries that were in the target system prior to 2010, a statistical count shall be carried out. Below this threshold, statistical counts shall be carried out only if both designated operators concerned so agree. These designated operators may also agree to apply the average number of items per kilogramme between designated operators of countries in the target system for mail flows below a certain threshold. The POC shall fix the threshold and the average number of items per kilogramme to be applied. The size of a flow shall be based on the last four approved consecutive quarters.
3 The POC shall also fix the thresholds and the average number of items per kilogramme to be applied in case of mails separated into two formats (S and E), and in case of mails separated into three formats (P, G and E).
4 The statistical count shall conform to the principles set forth in article 31-115. If designated operators exchange letter trays and flat trays, the estimates of items per kilogramme (IPK) by modes of transportation and quarter shall reflect the composition of the mail by container type and format. Except as otherwise provided below in paragraph 4.1, the statistical count shall be carried out by means of continuous sampling, in which a systematic or randomized sample of receptacles is computer-selected for testing throughout the observation period. The designated operators concerned shall agree on the statistical forms to be used.
4.1 For the years up to and including 2019, the statistical count may be carried out employing 48 days of observation per year of sampling with four days per month. Within an observation day, designated operators may employ subsampling, if it is not feasible to conduct a complete count of all the mail received during the day concerned. The receiving designated operator shall not be required to notify the dispatching designated operator in advance as to the observation days or mail receptacles that are chosen to be sampled.
5 Estimation of the annual number of items
5.1 The annual number of items shall be the weighted average of the numbers of items computed separately for each transportation mode and quarter. It shall be computed as follows:
5.1.1 The average number of items per kilogramme obtained by sampling a given transportation mode over a given quarter shall be multiplied by the total weight of mail for that transportation mode and quarter, the aim being to estimate the total number of items for that transportation mode and quarter.
5.1.2 The estimates of the total number of items per transportation mode and quarter shall be added together to calculate the estimated annual number of items.
6 Each designated operator must notify the corresponding designated operator of its sampling pro- gramme design decisions, including estimation approach, at least three months in advance of the observation period.
7 Where the sampling of items per kilogramme has not been performed or the results have not been made known within five months after the end of the fourth quarter, the other designated operator shall have the right to submit its own sampling results for the missing data. The statistical sampling and estimation shall conform to the principles set forth in article 31-115, except that a target precision of ± 7.5%, instead of ± 5%, shall apply. If no data are available, the lower of the last agreed average number of items per kilogramme or the average number of items per kilogramme agreed for target member country flows shall be used.
8 Registered letter-post items designated by dispatch mail subclass code UR and tracked letter-post items designated by dispatch mail subclass code UX shall be excluded from statistical sampling. The statistical values shall instead be based on the actual counts of registered and tracked items recorded on forms CN 31, CN 33, CN 55 and CN 56.
9 When sampling has been carried out in accordance with the thresholds in paragraph 2, the results from the sampling shall be used for settling the accounts.
Article 31-117
Statistical counts for exchanges in the transition system
1 The sampling shall reflect the composition of the mail, and shall conform to the principles set forth in article 31-115.
2 As provided for in article 31.10 of the Convention, for mail flows above 100 tonnes a statistical count may be carried out to revise the terminal dues rates, other than those applicable to bulky (E) and small packet
(E) letter-post items that have been self-declared pursuant to article 29, on the basis of the actual number of items per kilogramme as determined in accordance with the provisions of articles 31-112 and 31-119. The revision mechanism shall not apply in case of mail flows below 100 tonnes, in which case the relevant per- item and per-kilogramme components shall be converted into a total rate per kilogramme on the basis of the worldwide average composition of one kilogramme of mail, as referred to in article 30.14.
3 Sampling of mail flows referred to in articles 29.1.5, 31.12 and 13 of the Convention shall apply the same provisions in relation to sampling of mail flows in the target system, which are provided in paragraphs 2 to 9 of article 31-116 and in article 31-118.
Article 31-118
Alternative approach for statistical counts for exchanges of mail between designated operators of countries applying target system procedures
1 For those exchanges between designated operators of countries in the target system or for those exchanges referred to in paragraph 3 of article 31-117.3 where letter trays and/or flat tubs are exchanged, designated operators may take steps to develop estimates of items based upon receptacle type. The statistical count shall conform to the principles set forth in article 31-115.
1.1 It is recommended that designated operators may instead employ continuous sampling, in which a systematic or randomized sample of receptacles is computer selected for testing throughout the observation period. The designated operators concerned shall agree on the statistical forms to be used.
1.2 Where continuous sampling is not performed, observation days shall be spread as uniformly as possible over the working days of the week (with only the working days for the office of exchange concerned taken into consideration), and shall reflect modes of transportation used for the entire mail flow. The statistical count shall consist of at least 48 days of observation per year of sampling with four days per month. Within an observation day, designated operators may employ subsampling, if it is not feasible to conduct a complete count of all the mail received during the day concerned.
2 Estimation of the annual number of items
2.1 The annual number of items shall be the weighted average of the numbers of items computed separately for each receptacle type and transportation mode. It shall be computed as follows:
2.1.1 The average number of items per kilogramme obtained by sampling a given receptacle type and transportation mode, shall be multiplied by the total weight of mail for that receptacle type and transportation mode, the aim being to estimate the total number of items for that receptacle type and transportation mode.
2.1.2 The estimates of the total number of items per receptacle type and transportation mode shall be added together to calculate the estimated annual number of items.
3 Designated operators shall indicate the weight of mail sent by receptacle type (e.g. weight in letter trays, weight in flat tubs, weight in bags, etc.) on duly modified forms, and provide receptacle information by electronic data interchange (EDI), if possible.
4 Each designated operator must notify the corresponding designated operator of its sampling pro- gramme design decisions, including estimation approach, at least two months in advance of the observation period. Nevertheless, the receiving designated operator shall not be required to notify the dispatching designated operator in advance as to the observation days or mail receptacles that are chosen to be sampled.
5 Where the sampling of items per kilogramme has not been performed or the results have not been made known within five months after the end of the fourth quarter, the other designated operator shall have the right to submit its own sampling results for the missing data. The statistical sampling and estimation shall conform to the principles set forth in article 31-115, except that a target precision of ± 7.5%, instead of ± 5%, shall apply. If no data are available, the lower of the last agreed average number of items per kilogramme or the average number of items per kilogramme agreed for target member country flows shall be used.
Article 31-119
Special statistical count for the application of the revision mechanism
1 To apply the revision mechanism, in the absence of a special arrangement, such as a mutual agreement to use the UPU average number of items per kilogramme in mail flows from transitional to target member countries from the latest UPU flow study, a statistical count shall be carried out on the basis of a sampling of the flow in question.
1.1 The sampling shall reflect the composition of the mail, and shall conform to the principles set forth in article 31-115. The statistical count shall include at least 48 days of observation within the twelve- month period to which it refers. On an observation day, designated operators may employ subsampling, if it is not feasible to conduct a complete count of all the mail received during the day concerned.
1.1.1 As an alternative to sampling on a specified set of days, designated operators may instead employ continuous sampling, in which a systematic sample of receptacles is selected for testing throughout the observation period. The designated operators concerned shall agree on the statistical forms to be used.
1.2 The observation days shall be spread as uniformly as possible over the working days of the week (only working days for the office of exchange concerned shall be taken into consideration) and the modes of transportation over the entire mail flow. They shall be chosen on a yearly basis as shown below:
1.2.1 at least 48 observation days in a twelve-month period; each working day of the week shall be observed at least twice per quarter.
2 Estimation of the average number of items per kilogramme
2.1 The average annual number of items per kilogramme shall be the weighted average of the average numbers of items per kilogramme computed separately for each transportation mode and quarter. It shall be computed as follows:
2.1.1 The average number of items per kilogramme, obtained by sampling a given transportation mode over a given quarter, shall be multiplied by the total weight of mail for that transportation mode and quarter, the aim being to estimate the total number of items for that transportation mode and quarter.
2.1.2 The sum of the estimations of the total number of items for each transportation mode and quarter shall be divided by the total annual weight of mail.
3 The designated operator requesting application of the revision mechanism shall choose the statistical system to be applied and shall notify the corresponding designated operator thereof so that the latter can take any necessary control measures. Alternatively, the designated operator requesting application of the revision mechanism may agree with the corresponding designated operator to apply the UPU average number of items per kilogramme in mail flows from transitional to target countries from the latest UPU flow study.
4 The designated operator requesting application of the revision mechanism shall not be required to provide notification in advance of the observation days that it has chosen.
Article 31-120
Self-declaration of bulky (E) and small packet (E) letter-post items
1 For the purposes of article of the Convention, the midpoint shall be calculated as follows:
1.1 When the total number of zones is even, the midpoint shall be the mean of the middle two zones. When the total number of zones is odd, the midpoint shall be the median of the total number of zones.
1.2 When the domestic tariffs for any given zone are equivalent to those of at least one other zone in all weight increments, then all such zones with equivalent rates shall be treated as a single zone for the purpose of determining the midpoint rate.
1.3 Non-contiguous zones shall be excluded when they exclusively relate to origin and destination pairs between contiguous and non-contiguous zones. Zones used for origin and destination pairs in a contiguous portion of the territory shall not be excluded for purposes of determination of the midpoint rate.
2 For the purposes of article of the Convention, the actual weighted average distance of a designated operator's inbound bulky (E) and small packet (E) letter-post items shall be calculated using sample estimates and/or electronic scanning census data. Supporting data shall be for the latest calendar year and from the receiving office(s) of exchange to the destination delivery points.
3 Other special situations with zonal tariffs shall be handled on a case-by-case basis.
4 Where zonal tariffs are used, the designated operator shall make an official declaration to the International Bureau of the method to be applied (the median approach or the weighted distance calculation) by 1 June of the year preceding the calendar year to which the terminal dues rates apply. If the designated operator chooses to apply the average distance methodology to zonal tariffs, the average distance with sup- porting data must be provided before or with the official declaration. In selecting the appropriate tariffs, the rules shall be applied in the following order: firstly, article related to multiple packet tariffs; then, article related to zonal tariffs; and, lastly, article related to tariffs with additional service features.
Article 31-121
Calculation of cost-to-tariff ratio for designated operators applying article 29.8 of the UPU Convention
1 For the purposes of article 29.8 of the Convention, the competent authority's determination as to whether a designated operator's costs for the handling and delivery of bulky (E) and small packet (E) letter- post items are being covered, thereby enabling the designated operator to self-declare a cost-to-tariff ratio that exceeds 70%, shall be informed by the approach described below.
2 The approach considers the cost-to-tariff ratio in paragraph 1 as the relationship between the costs and the revenue at the average weight of an E format item specific to the inbound flow of the designated operator of the destination country. All inbound bulky (E) and small packet (E) letter-post items shall be included in order to determine the average weight.
2.1 The estimated average revenue shall be determined for the year following that in which the notification takes place in accordance with article 29.8. The average revenue shall be calculated at the average weight determined in paragraph 2 and shall be based on the rates per item and per kilogramme for E format items that are calculated on the basis of a linear regression of 11 points corresponding to 100% of the priority single-piece tariffs of equivalent domestic services for 20-, 35-, 75-, 175-, 250-, 375-, 500-, 750-, 1,000-, 1,500- and 2,000-gramme bulky (E) and small packet (E) letter-post items, exclusive of any tax, in effect on 1 June of the year preceding that in which the self-declared rates would apply. The business rules set out in paragraphs 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 of article 29 shall be applied. The item-to-kilo ratio from the E format terminal dues rates that are self- declared, in accordance with article 29.7 to 29.9 and notified on 1 June of the year preceding that in which they would apply, shall be used to calculate the estimated average revenue. The revenue shall be calculated without quality of service adjustment.
2.2 The estimated average cost shall be determined at the average weight determined in paragraph 2, considering the average composition of the items by dimension. The estimated average cost shall be determined using the latest available cost information adjusted for inflation, based on the country's official overall consumer price index, in order to reflect the average cost for the year following that in which the notification is carried out in accordance with article 29.8. The inflation-linked increase shall be applied to each year following that for which the latest available cost information is provided. Additional costs linked to supplementary services shall not be included. The cost shall be based on reliably identified causal relationships, and shall be calculated consistently with the costing system and methodologies used by the competent authority for other products evaluated by the competent authority.
2.3 The cost-to-tariff ratio shall be calculated by dividing the estimated average cost according to paragraph 2.2 by the estimated average revenue according to paragraph 2.1. The cost-to-tariff ratio shall be displayed as a percentage rounded to one decimal place.
3 The cost-to-tariff ratio may be increased as high as required to cover projected costs, but shall in no event be higher than one percentage point above the highest percentage ever set for the operator in question, subject to the overall cap in Convention article 29.
4 In the event that the cost-to-tariff ratio in 2.3 is lower than the ratio currently in effect, the cost-to-tariff ratio used for the self-declared rates shall be reduced to the highest between the ratio in 2.3 and 70%.
5 If no ratio is submitted, or if no supporting information is furnished by the respective notification deadlines referred to in Convention article 29.8, the cost-to-tariff ratio shall be 70%.
Article 31-122
Remuneration for returned undeliverable letter-post items
1 The designated operator returning the undeliverable items as referred to in article 19-103 is authorized to request from the designated operator in the country of origin the remuneration in paragraphs 2 and 3 below.
2 The rate for the return handling of undeliverable items shall be 0.907 SDR per kilogramme for 2022, 0.930 SDR per kilogramme for 2023, 0.952 SDR per kilogramme for 2024, and 0.975 SDR per kilogramme for 2025.
3 The remuneration shall be complemented with a rate based on distance, as follows:
3.1 For air transport: the basic air conveyance rate set by the Postal Operations Council using the formula in article 34-101 multiplied by 86%;
3.2 For land transport:
3.2.1 per kilogramme and per kilometre up to 1,000 kilometres: 0.366 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.375 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.385 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.394 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.2.2 per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre up to 3,000 kilometres: 0.157 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.161 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.165 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.169 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.2.3 per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre up to 5,000 kilometres: 0.137 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.140 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.143 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.147 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.2.4 per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre: 0.091 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.093 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.095 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.098 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.2.5 the rate based on distance being calculated per 100-kilometre distance step, based on the mid-value in each step;
3.3 For sea transport:
3.3.1 per kilogramme and per nautical mile (1.852 km) up to 1,000 nautical miles: 0.175 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.180 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.184 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.188 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.3.2 per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 2,000 nautical miles: 0.097 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.099 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.102 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.104 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.3.3 per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 4,000 nautical miles: 0.063 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.064 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.066 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.067 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.3.4 per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 10,000 nautical miles: 0.007 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.007 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.007 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.008 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.3.5 per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile: 0.003 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.003 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.003 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2024, and 0.003 thousandth of an SDR for the year 2025;
3.3.6 the rate based on distance being calculated per 100-nautical-mile distance step, based on the mid- value in each step.
4 The designated operator returning the undeliverable items that wishes to collect the remuneration in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall inform other designated operators by entering the relevant information in the Letter Post Compendium online by no later than 31 October for the rates to enter into force on 1 January of the following year.
5 A designated operator shall be remunerated for the return of undeliverable letter-post items only if these items are returned in separate dispatches, of mail subclass UV. Format separation is not necessary for these dispatches. Dispatches of mail subclass UV shall contain only undeliverable letter-post items being returned to the designated operator of origin. They shall not contain items returned in open transit.
6 For interested designated operators returning dispatches of undeliverable items, all associated statements and accounts are issued centrally by the International Bureau and are made available to creditors and debtors. The mechanism is as follows:
6.1 These designated operators must ensure, with their EDI network provider, that PREDES messages for dispatches of mail subclass UV that they send are forwarded to the International Bureau on a monthly basis.
6.2 Where a verification note is raised on a dispatch of mail subclass UV sent by these designated operators, the designated operator raising the verification note must forward it to the International Bureau when it is raised and when it is resolved, if it impacts the associated centralized accounting.
6.3 The International Bureau performs cost calculations based on a pre-defined published algorithm.
6.4 The International Bureau generates quarterly CN 72 accounting statements and yearly CN 73 accounts for UV dispatches sent by interested designated operators. The statements for a quarter are generated in the last two weeks of the following quarter. The CN 73 is generated no later than two weeks after the end of the acceptance period for the CN 72 of the last quarter of the year.
6.5 The International Bureau publishes the statements and accounts on a secured platform so that only the creditor and debtor of a statement or account have access to it.
6.6 Where the CN 72 total amount is disputed by a designated operator within two months of the date of the CN 72 statement and the parties agree on a value different from the one in the published form, the creditor shall inform the International Bureau of the agreed value so that it can be reflected in the yearly CN 73 account.
7 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 6, designated operators may issue statements and accounts themselves for accounting returned undeliverable letter-post items. The mechanism is as follows:
7.1 These designated operators shall indicate in the Letter Post Compendium Online that they choose to generate all accounts for returned undeliverable letter-post items themselves. This choice may only be changed yearly and shall be announced with the same deadline as that indicated in paragraph 4.
7.2 Where a verification note is raised on a dispatch of mail subclass UV sent by these designated operators, the designated operator raising the verification note does not need to forward it to the International Bureau.
7.3 These designated operators shall send their receiving partners CN 72 accounting statements on a quarterly (recommended frequency), half-yearly or yearly basis, between two and three months after the end of a period, and yearly CN 73 accounts no later than two weeks after the end of the acceptance period for the last CN 72 of the year.
8 The acceptance period for the CN 72 statement and CN 73 account shall be two months.
9 When the balance in a CN 73 account does not exceed 163.35 SDR, it shall be carried over to the next CN 73 account, unless the designated operators concerned participate in the clearing system of the International Bureau.
10 Settlements associated with the return of undeliverable letter-post items may be made in accordance with the provisions of article 35-002.
Article 32-101
Invoicing and payment of amounts due into the Quality of Service Fund
1 Invoicing and payment of amounts due to countries classified in group IV as per article 32, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the Convention
2 On the basis of the CN 61 detailed accounts accepted or regarded as fully accepted which have been sent to it, the International Bureau, the organization responsible for billing, shall prepare CN 64bis statements for the designated operators of countries classified in groups I, II and III. These statements shall contain the following information:
2.1 the names of the designated operators of countries classified in group IV to which the data relates;
2.2 the SDR amount subject to the increases specified in article 32 of the Convention;
2.3 the total amount to be paid by the designated operator concerned.
3 The CN 64bis statement shall be sent by electronic mail or through the relevant Quality of Service Fund billing platform3 for approval to each designated operator concerned. If, within one month of the date of dispatch of the statement, no comment has been received by the International Bureau, the amount of that statement shall be regarded as fully accepted.
4 On the basis of the information provided in the CN 61 statements, the International Bureau shall calculate the additional amount owed by each country in the target system to the countries in the transition system not reaching the minimum of 20,000 SDR, as set out in article 32.8 of the Convention, in proportion to the volumes sent to the beneficiary designated operator.
5 The invoice for the additional amount indicated in 4 shall be accompanied by a CN 64ter statement, containing the following information:
5.1 the names of the designated operators of countries classified in group IV to which the data relate;
5.2 the reference year;
5.3 the additional amount (in SDR) needed to reach the minimum of 20,000 SDR specified in article 32.8 of the Convention;
5.4 the share of this additional amount (expressed as a percentage) owed by the designated operator concerned, in proportion to the mail volumes exchanged;
5.5 the amount to be paid by the designated operator concerned.
6 Invoicing and payment of amounts due to the Common Fund (CF) as per article 32.5 and 32.6 of the Convention:
6.1 Billing shall be based on the terminal dues payable by the countries of groups I to III to the countries of group III.
6.2 Countries classified as group III countries shall provide the International Bureau with a copy of the CN 61 forms detailing the mail flows described in article 32.5 and 32.6 of the Convention.
6.3 On the basis of the CN 61 special accounts transmitted to it that are accepted or considered as fully accepted, the International Bureau shall prepare CF statements for the designated operators of countries classified in groups I, II and III. These statements shall contain the following information:
6.3.1 The names of the designated operators of the countries classified in group III to which the data relates;
6.3.2 The amount in SDR subject to the increases provided for in article 32.5 and 32.6 of the Convention;
6.3.3 The total amount to be paid by the designated operator concerned.
6.4 The CF statement shall be sent for approval to each designated operator concerned. If, within one month of the date of dispatch of the statement, no comment has been received by the International Bureau, the amount of that statement shall be regarded as fully accepted.
7 The amounts of the CN 64bis, CN 64ter and CF statements may be settled through the clearing system of the International Bureau.
D. Air conveyance dues
Article 34-101
Formula for calculating the basic rate and calculation of air conveyance dues for closed mails
1 The calculation of air conveyance dues on closed mails, priority items, airmail items and S.A.L. items only when reforwarded as airmail/priority in transit à découvert, as well as the relevant methods of accounting, are set out in this and the following articles in this chapter.
2 For the purposes of this article, the relevant Quality of Service Fund billing platform referred to in this paragraph is the UPU-provided platform known as "QSF Finance".
3 The maximum basic rate applicable in respect of air conveyance shall be calculated according to the formula below, the elements of which shall be taken from the International Airline Financial Statistics prepared by the International Civil Aviation Organization. This rate shall be rounded to the nearest thousandth of an SDR per kilogramme of gross weight and per kilometre; it shall apply proportionally to fractions of a kilogramme.
T = (A - B - C + D + E + F), where
T = Basic rate per t-km (priority for airmail is guaranteed within this rate).
A = Weighted average operating expense per t-km performed.
B = Cost of passenger services per t-km.
C = Percentage of the cost of ticketing, sales and promotion (based on the number of passengers in relation to traffic volume).
D = Expenses of non-operating items per t-km performed.
E = 10% of (A - B - C + D) as profit.
F = Income taxes per t-km performed.
4 Air conveyance dues shall be calculated according to the actual basic rate (less than and at most equal to the basic rate defined according to the formula under 2) and the kilometric distances given in the List of Airmail Distances and to the gross weight of the mails. No account shall be taken of the weight of sacs collecteurs.
5 The maximum rate applicable in respect of the air conveyance of dispatches of empty bags shall correspond to 30% of the basic rate set in accordance with the provisions under 2.
6 Pursuant to article 34.6 of the Convention, for flows to, from and between countries in the transitional system and where the terminal dues rates are determined on the basis of articles 31.9 or 31.13 of the Convention, the maximum rate applicable in respect of the air conveyance shall correspond to a proportion of 31% (as specified in article 30.14 for the worldwide P and G format weight proportion) of the basic rate set in accordance with the provisions under paragraph 2 of this article unless the mail is sampled, in which case the proportion shall correspond to the weight of P and G format items in the average composition of one kilogramme of mail on the sampled flow. The maximum rate in respect of the air conveyance shall not be reduced in instances where the terminal dues remuneration is paid on the basis of article 31.11 of the Convention.
7 When dues are payable for air conveyance within the country of destination, they shall be fixed in the form of a single price. This single price shall include all the dues for air conveyance within the country, regardless of the airport of arrival of the mails, less the corresponding surface conveyance costs. It shall be calculated on the basis of the rates actually paid for conveyance of the mail within the country of destination, but not exceeding the maximum rate defined according to the formula under 2, and according to the weighted average distances of the sectors flown by international mail on the internal network. Subject to article 34.7 of the Convention, the weighted average distance shall be calculated by the International Bureau in terms of the gross weight of all the airmails arriving at the country of destination, including the mail which is not reforwarded by air within that country.
7.1 Designated operators which apply a remuneration for terminal dues based on costs or on domestic rates shall communicate to the International Bureau, by 30 September of each year, the data for calculating the new weighted average distance.
7.2 Designated operators seeking payment for internal air conveyance shall submit to the International Bureau, by 30 September of each year, data enabling the calculation of weighted average distances and the associated internal air conveyance dues. Weighted average distances and the associated internal air conveyance dues shall come into force on 1 January of the following year. Designated operators failing to submit this data to the International Bureau by 30 September of each year shall not be entitled to claim internal air conveyance dues in the following year. In this regard, any such data submitted by designated operators shall be valid only for the specific year to which they refer and may not be carried over to subsequent years.
7.3 The International Bureau shall communicate internal air conveyance dues to all designated operators at least one month before 1 January.
8 Dues payable for air conveyance, between two airports in the same country, of airmails in transit may also be fixed in the form of a single price. This price shall be calculated on the basis of the rate actually paid for air conveyance of mail within the country of transit, but not exceeding the maximum rate defined according to the formula under 2, and according to the weighted average distances of the sectors flown by international mail on the internal air network of the country of transit. The weighted average distances shall be determined in terms of the gross weight of all the airmails transiting through the intermediate country.
9 The sum of the dues referred to under 6 and 7 may not exceed in total the amounts which actually have to be paid for conveyance.
10 The prices for international and internal air conveyance, obtained by multiplying the effective basic rate by the distance, which are used in calculating the dues mentioned under 3, 6 and 7, shall be rounded up to the nearest tenth of an SDR when the number made up by the figure of hundredths and that of thousandths is equal to or greater than 50; they shall be rounded down to the nearest tenth of an SDR in other cases.
Article 34-102
Accounting for air conveyance dues
1 Accounting for air conveyance dues shall be effected in accordance with articles 27-106 and 34-101.
2 Notwithstanding the rule mentioned under 1, designated operators may, by common consent, decide that accounts for airmail dispatches shall be settled on the basis of statistical returns. In that case, they shall arrange between themselves the method of compiling the statistics and preparing the accounts.
Article 34-103
Preparation of CN 66 and CN 67 statements of weights
1 Each creditor designated operator shall prepare a CN 66 statement, monthly or quarterly as preferred, on the basis of the airmail particulars entered on the CN 38 delivery bills. Mails carried over the same air sector shall be entered on the CN 66 statement by office of origin, then by country and office of destination, and in chronological order of the mails for each office of destination. When the copies of the CN 55 statement are used for the settlement of air conveyance dues inside the country of destination in accordance with article 34.5 of the Convention, CN 55 statements of weights prepared on the basis of CN 31 and CN 32 letter bills shall be used.
2 For à découvert priority items, airmail items and S.A.L. items reforwarded by air, the creditor designated operator shall prepare a yearly CN 67 statement. This shall be done at the end of each statistical period as laid down in article 27-106.2.1 and based on the particulars appearing on the CN 65 bills prepared during that period. The total weights shall be multiplied by 12 on the CN 67 statement. If the accounts have to be prepared on the basis of the actual weight of à découvert priority items, airmail items and S.A.L. items, CN 67 statements shall be drawn up as often as is provided for under 1 for CN 66 statements and on the basis of the corresponding CN 65 bills.
3 If, during an accounting period, a change occurring in the arrangements made for the exchange of priority items, airmail items and S.A.L. items reforwarded by air in transit à découvert results in a variation of at least 20% and exceeding 163.35 SDR in the total amounts to be paid by the dispatching designated operator to the intermediate designated operator, these designated operators, at the request of one or the other, shall agree to replace the multiplier referred to under 2 by another valid only for the year in question.
4 When the debtor designated operator so requests, separate CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements shall be drawn up for each office of exchange which dispatches airmails or priority items, airmail items and S.A.L. items reforwarded by air in transit à découvert.
Article 34-104
Preparation of CN 51 detailed accounts and CN 52 general accounts
1 The creditor designated operator shall prepare, on a CN 51 form, detailed accounts showing the amounts due to it according to the CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements of weights. Separate detailed accounts shall be prepared for closed airmails and for à découvert and missent items reforwarded by air or by surface. In the CN 51 detailed accounts prepared for closed airmails, the weights and sums due according to the CN 66 statements of weights shall be entered separately for LC/AO, CP and EMS.
2 The amounts to be included in the CN 51 detailed accounts shall be calculated:
2.1 for closed mails, on the basis of the gross weights appearing on the CN 55 and CN 66 statements;
2.2 for à découvert items reforwarded by air, according to the net weights shown on the CN 67 statements, increased by 5%;
2.3 for à découvert items reforwarded by surface, according to the net weights shown on the CN 67 statements, increased by 10%.
3 When the air conveyance dues within the country of destination are to be settled, the designated operator of that country shall send the CN 51 accounts relating thereto for acceptance together with the CN 55 and CN 56 statements.
4 CN 51 accounts, other than closed transit accounts, shall be prepared by the creditor designated operator on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, as agreed between the designated operators concerned.
5 CN 51 closed transit accounts shall be prepared by the creditor designated operator on a quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, as chosen by the creditor designated operator.
6 CN 51 detailed accounts may be summarized in a CN 52 general account, prepared quarterly by the creditor designated operators which have adopted the offset system of settling accounts. This account may, however, be prepared half-yearly after agreement between the designated operators concerned.
Article 34-105
Submission and acceptance of CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements, CN 51 detailed accounts and CN 52 general accounts
1 The rules for the transfer and acceptance of accounting forms provided for in article 35-001 shall be applied to forms CN 55, CN 66, CN 67, CN 51 and CN 52.
2 No later than five months after the end of the period to which the statements refer, the creditor designated operator shall send the debtor designated operator CN 66 statements, the copies of CN 55 statements and CN 67 statements when payment for à découvert priority items, airmail items and S.A.L. items reforwarded by air is made on the basis of the actual weight, and the relevant CN 51 detailed accounts.
3 After verifying the CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements and accepting the relative CN 51 detailed account, a copy of the CN 51 accounts shall be returned to the creditor designated operator. In case of amendment it shall be accompanied by the CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements. If the creditor designated operator disputes the amendments made to these statements, the debtor designated operator shall confirm the actual data by sending photocopies of the CN 38 or CN 65 forms drawn up by the office of origin upon dispatch of the disputed mails, or by giving access to the corresponding electronic data, if these forms were exchanged electronically. Any dispute regarding amendments must be raised within two months of receipt of the amended statements and accounts. A creditor designated operator which has received no notice of amendment within two months of the date of dispatch of the accounts shall regard the accounts as fully accepted.
4 Designated operators that were net creditors for air conveyance dues in the preceding year have the option of receiving payment on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. The option chosen shall remain in force for one calendar year with effect from 1 January.
5 Designated operators may use the direct system or the bilateral clearing system.
6 The provisions under 2 and 3 shall also apply to priority items and airmail items for which payment is made on the basis of statistics.
7 Under the direct billing system, the CN 51 accounts shall serve as a bill for direct settlement and shall be sent to the debtor designated operator no later than five months after the end of the period to which they refer. The acceptance period for the CN 51 account shall be two months. Any difference exceeding
9.80 SDR which may be noted by the debtor designated operator shall be indicated on the CN 51, which shall be returned to the creditor designated operator with the CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements attached. The difference noted shall be incorporated in the next CN 51 account submitted to the debtor designated operator or shall be disputed within two months of receipt of the account in which the difference appears. Failing this, the designated operator which drew attention to the difference shall regard it as fully accepted and shall have it appear as such in its next CN 51 account amended accordingly.
8 Under the bilateral offsetting system, the creditor designated operator shall prepare both the CN 51 and the CN 52 accounts and transmit both simultaneously to the debtor designated operator on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis no later than five months after the end of the period to which they relate. The acceptance period for the CN 51 and CN 52 accounts shall be two months. If the CN 51 or CN 52 accounts have been amended, payment will be made on the basis of the amended amount.
9 Any amendments to CN 52 general accounts made by the debtor designated operator must be accompanied by the supporting CN 19 and CN 51 detailed accounts and CP 75 summarized accounts.
10 Whenever the statistics fall in October, annual payments for priority items and airmail items in transit à découvert may be made provisionally on the basis of statistics compiled during May of the previous year. The provisional payments shall then be adjusted in the following year when the accounts based on the October statistics are approved or regarded as fully accepted.
11 If a designated operator is unable to carry out the annual statistical operations it shall reach agreement with the designated operators concerned to make the annual payment on the basis of the statistics of the preceding year and, if necessary, to use the special multiplier laid down in article 34-103.3.
12 If the balance of a CN 51 or CN 52 account does not exceed 163.35 SDR, it shall be carried over to the next CN 51 or CN 52 account, when the designated operators concerned do not participate in the clearing system of the International Bureau.
13 Settlements may be made in accordance with the provisions of articles 35-002 and 35-005.
Article 34-106
Payment of air conveyance dues
1 Air conveyance dues shall be payable by a designated operator to the airline conveying the airmails for all or part of the distance flown. In this regard, the designated operator shall, unless otherwise bilaterally agreed with the airline concerned, pay any undisputed air conveyance dues amounts no later than two months following receipt of the relevant invoice from the airline.
2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the airline conveying the airmails may request that the air conveyance dues be paid to any designated operator with which the airline has concluded an agreement to this effect.
3 Air conveyance dues for priority items, airmail items and S.A.L. items when transported by air in transit à découvert shall be paid to the designated operator which reforwards these items.
4 Unless other arrangements have been made, air conveyance dues for airmails directly transhipped between two different airlines shall be settled by the designated operator of origin:
4.1 either with the first airline, which shall then be responsible for paying the subsequent airline;
4.2 or with each airline involved in the transhipment.
Article 34-107
Air conveyance dues for diverted or missent mails or receptacles
1 The designated operator of origin of a mail which has gone off its route in course of conveyance shall pay the conveyance dues for the mail relating to the sectors actually covered.
2 It shall settle the conveyance dues as far as the airport of offloading initially provided for on the CN 38 delivery bill when:
2.1 the actual forwarding route is not known;
2.2 the dues for the sectors actually covered have not yet been claimed; or
2.3 the diversion is attributable to the airline which effected the conveyance.
3 The supplementary dues relating to the sectors actually covered by the diverted mail shall be reimbursed as follows:
3.1 by the designated operator whose services have committed the error in the case of misrouting;
3.2 by the designated operator which has collected the conveyance dues paid to the airline when the latter has offloaded in a place other than that shown on the CN 38 delivery bill.
4 The provisions set out under 1 to 3 shall be applicable by analogy when part only of a mail is offloaded at an airport other than that indicated on the CN 38 delivery bill.
5 The designated operator of origin of a mail or receptacle missent owing to a labelling error shall pay the conveyance dues relating to the whole distance flown in accordance with article 34.3.1 of the Convention.
Article 34-108
Air conveyance dues for mail lost or destroyed
In case of loss or destruction of mail as a result of an accident occurring to the aircraft or through any other cause involving the liability of the air carrier, the designated operator of origin shall be exempt from any payment in respect of the air conveyance of the mail lost or destroyed, for any part of the flight of the route used.
Volume III
Parcel Post Regulations
Section III
Charges, surcharges and exemption from postal charges
Article 15-201
Calculating air surcharges
1 Member countries or their designated operators shall set the air surcharges to be collected for air parcels.
2 The surcharges shall be related to the air conveyance dues and shall be uniform for at least the whole of the territory of each country of destination, whatever the route used.
3 Member countries or their designated operators shall be authorized to apply, for calculating air surcharges, smaller weight steps than one kilogramme.
Article 15-202
Special charges
1 Designated operators shall be authorized to collect in the cases mentioned below the same charges as in the domestic service.
1.1 Charge on items posted outside normal counter opening hours, collected from the sender.
1.2 Charge for collection at the sender's address, collected from the sender.
1.3 Poste restante charge collected from the addressee; in the event of return to sender or redirection of a parcel addressed "poste restante", the guideline maximum amount shall be 0.49 SDR in accordance with article 18.5 of the Convention.
1.4 Storage charge for any parcel of which the addressee has not taken delivery within the prescribed period. This charge shall be collected by the designated operator which effects delivery, on behalf of the designated operator in whose service the parcel has been kept beyond the prescribed period. In the event of return to sender or redirection of a parcel on which a storage charge has been collected, the guideline maximum amount shall be 6.53 SDR in accordance with article 18.5 of the Convention.
1.5 Designated operators prepared to cover risks of force majeure shall be authorized to collect a charge for cover against risks of force majeure. In respect of uninsured parcels, this guideline maximum charge shall be 0.20 SDR per parcel in accordance with article 18.5 of the Convention. In respect of insured parcels, the guideline maximum amount is laid down in article 18-001.3.
1.6 Where a parcel is normally delivered to the addressee's address, no delivery charge may be collected from the addressee. Where delivery to the addressee's address is not normally provided, the advice of arrival should be delivered free of charge. In this case, if delivery to the addressee's address is offered as an option in response to the advice of arrival, a delivery charge may be collected from the addressee. This should be the same charge as in the domestic service.
Section IV
Basic and supplementary services
Article 17-201
Operation of the service by transport companies
The designated operator which has the service operated by transport companies shall make arrangements with them to ensure full implementation by them of all the provisions of the Convention and its Regulations, with special reference to the arrangements for the exchange of parcels. The designated operator shall be responsible for all their relations with designated operators of the other contracting countries and with the International Bureau.
Article 17-202
Weight system. Pound avoirdupois
1 The weight of the parcels shall be expressed in kilogrammes.
2 Designated operators of countries which by reason of their internal regulations are unable to adopt the metric-decimal system of weight may substitute for the weights expressed in kilogrammes the equivalents in pounds avoirdupois.
Article 17-203
Special conditions relating to limits of weights
1 The exchange of parcels whose individual weight exceeds 20 kilogrammes shall be optional, with a maximum individual weight of 50 kilogrammes.
2 Designated operators of countries which set a weight of less than 50 kilogrammes shall, however, have the option of admitting parcels in transit in bags or other closed receptacles between the weights of 20 and 50 kilogrammes.
3 Parcels relating to the postal service as provided for in article 16-001.2 may weigh up to 20 kilo- grammes. In relations between designated operators which have set a higher limit, parcels relating to the postal service may weigh more than 20 kilogrammes and up to 50 kilogrammes.
Article 17-204 Limits of size
1 Parcels shall not exceed two metres for any one dimension or three metres for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a direction other than that of the length.
2 Designated operators which cannot accept, for any parcel or for air parcels only, the sizes prescribed under 1, may adopt instead one of the following dimensions:
2.1 1.50 metres for any one dimension or three metres for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a direction other than that of length.
2.2 1.05 metres for any one dimension or two metres for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a direction other than that of length.
3 Parcels shall not be smaller than the minimum size prescribed for letters.
Article 17-205 Delivery procedure
1 As a general rule, parcels shall be delivered to the addressees as soon as possible and according to the provisions in force in the country of destination. When parcels are not delivered to the addressee's address the addressee shall, unless this is impossible, be advised of their arrival without delay.
2 If the provisions in force in the country of destination so permit, the delivery to the addressee's address may, at the request of the addressee, be replaced by alternative options for the delivery of the items to the addressee (e.g. pick-up point, delivery at another address).
3 When delivering or handing over an ordinary parcel, the designated operator of destination shall obtain from the recipient a signature of acceptance, or register captured data from an identity card, or obtain some other form of evidence of receipt that is legally binding under the legislation of the country of destination to confirm acceptance. The requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to parcel-post items handled under the provisions of article 17-206; paragraph 4 of this article shall apply to ECOMPRO parcels.
4 When delivering or handing over a parcel-post item under the provisions of article 17-206, the designated operator of destination shall provide electronic evidence of delivery by scanning and transmitting the relevant tracking event and associated data element.
Article 17-206
ECOMPRO parcels
1 General principles
1.1 As an optional parcel-post delivery category, designated operators may agree between themselves to convey parcel-post items generated by e-commerce activities by air with priority and in accordance with the delivery specifications outlined in this article.
2 ECOMPRO parcel specifications
2.1 Designated operators shall accept and handle ECOMPRO parcels up to 30 kg, unless their national legislation restricts the maximum weight to 20 kg.
2.2 Each parcel shall be identified by a unique item identifier specific to the service and conforming to UPU Technical Standard S10.
2.3 Designated operators shall provide track and trace information in accordance with the provisions of article 17-216 and shall observe the indicative performance targets detailed in articles 17-217 and 17-218.
2.4 Designated operators of destination that agree to deliver items under the delivery category specified herein shall endeavour to achieve the indicative delivery time target set at five days starting from the scanning and transmission of the relevant EMSEVT event approved by the POC for the measurement of delivery performance.
2.5 Customer inquiries shall be handled in accordance with the procedures outlined in article 21-003.
Article 17-207
Conditions of acceptance of parcels. Make-up and packing. Addressing
1 General packing conditions
1.1 Every parcel shall be packed and closed in a manner befitting the weight, the shape and the nature of the contents as well as the mode and duration of conveyance. The packing and closing shall protect the contents against crushing or damage by repeated handling and shall also be such that it is impossible to tamper with the contents without leaving clear traces thereof.
1.2 Every parcel shall be made up particularly securely if it has to be:
1.2.1 conveyed over long distances;
1.2.2 transhipped or handled many times;
1.2.3 protected against major changes in climate, temperature or, in the case of conveyance by air, variations in atmospheric pressure.
1.3 It shall be packed and closed in such a way as not to endanger the health of officials and so as not to present any danger if it contains articles of a kind likely to injure officials called upon to handle it or to soil or damage other parcels or postal equipment.
1.4 It shall have, on the packing or the wrapping, sufficient space for service instructions and for affixing stamps and labels.
1.5 The following shall be accepted without packing, and the address of the addressee may be given on the article itself:
1.5.1 articles which can be fitted together or put and kept together by a strong cord with lead or other seals, so as to form one single parcel which cannot come apart;
1.5.2 parcels in one piece, such as pieces of wood, metal, etc., which it is not the custom of the trade to pack.
2 Addresses of the sender and the addressee
2.1 To be admitted to the Post, every parcel shall bear, in roman letters and in arabic figures on the parcel itself or on a label firmly attached to it, the complete addresses and names of the addressee and the sender. If other letters and figures are used in the country of destination, it shall be recommended that the address be given also in these letters and figures. Addresses written in pencil shall not be allowed; nevertheless, parcels of which the address is written in indelible pencil on a surface previously dampened shall be accepted.
2.2 Only one person or a corporate body may be designated as addressee. However, addresses such as "Mr. A at ... for Mr. Z at ..." or "Bank A at ... for Mr. Z at ..." may be admitted, it being understood that only the person indicated under A shall be regarded by designated operators as the addressee. In addition, the addresses of A and Z shall be in the same country.
2.3 The office of posting shall also advise the sender to put in the parcel a copy of his address and that of the addressee.
3 Certificate of posting
3.1 A certificate of posting shall be handed over free of charge to the sender of a parcel at the time of posting.
Article 17-208 Special packing
1 Articles of glass or other fragile objects shall be packed in a strong box filled with an appropriate protective material. Any friction or knocks during transport either between the objects themselves or between the objects and the sides of the box shall be prevented.
2 Liquids and substances which easily liquefy shall be enclosed in perfectly leak-proof containers. Each container shall be placed in a special strong box containing an appropriate protective material to absorb the liquid should the container break. The lid of the box shall be fixed so that it cannot easily work loose.
3 Fatty substances which do not easily liquefy, such as ointments, soft-soap, resins, etc., and silk- worm eggs, the conveyance of which presents few difficulties, shall be enclosed in a first packing (box, bag of cloth, plastic, etc.) which is itself placed in a box stout enough to prevent the contents from leaking.
4 Dry colouring powders, such as aniline blue, etc., shall be admitted only in perfectly leak-proof metal boxes, placed in turn in strong boxes with an appropriate absorbent and protective material between the two containers.
5 Dry non-colouring powders shall be placed in strong containers (box, bag). These containers shall themselves be enclosed in a stout box.
6 Live bees, leeches and parasites shall be enclosed in boxes so constructed as to avoid any danger.
7 Packing shall not be required for articles in one piece, such as pieces of wood, metal, etc., which it is not the custom of the trade to pack. In this case, the address of the addressee should be given on the article itself.
8 In addition, the following conditions shall be complied with:
8.1 Precious metals shall be packed either in a stout metal box or a case made of wood. The latter shall have a minimum thickness of 1 cm for parcels up to 10 kilogrammes and 1.5 cm for parcels over 10 kilogrammes. The packing may also consist of two seamless bags forming a double wrapping. When cases made of plywood are used, their thickness may be limited to 5 mm on condition that the edges of the cases are reinforced by metal angle strips.
8.2 The wrapping of the parcel containing live animals as well as the dispatch note shall be provided with a label bearing in bold letters the words "Animaux vivants" (Live animals).
8.3 Cremated remains shall be shipped in funeral urns. The urns shall be placed in strong outer packaging containing an appropriate protective material resistant to external influences to prevent breakage. If available, the cremation certificate should be attached to the outer packaging, or made easily accessible. The sender is responsible for obtaining all the necessary permissions required by the national laws in the country of origin and the country of destination prior to dispatching these items.
Article 17-209
Indication of method of forwarding
1 Every air parcel shall bear at the time of dispatch a special blue label inscribed "Par avion" (By air- mail), with, if desired, a translation in the language of the country of origin. The method of forwarding shall also be clearly indicated on the dispatch note relating to the parcel, either by means of the special blue airmail label or by a corresponding indication in the appropriate box.
2 If the dispatch note is included in a self-adhesive document pack pasted firmly to the parcel and provided with a duly marked blue tick-box, the label mentioned in 1 shall not be mandatory, either on the dispatch note document pack or on the parcel.
Article 17-210
Formalities to be complied with by the sender
1 A CP 72 manifold set, or a CN 23 customs declaration (in duplicate where requested by the destination designated operator), shall accompany each parcel. The contents of the parcel shall be shown in detail on the customs declaration and indications of a general kind shall not be admitted. The CP 72 manifold set, or the CN 23 customs declaration (in duplicate where requested), shall be attached to the outside of the parcel, in such a way as to prevent its loss.
2 The standard number of CN 23 customs declarations to accompany a parcel (or letter-post item whose contents exceed 300 SDR in value) shall be limited to two. Where designated operators agree in advance, a single CN 23 customs declaration may accompany the parcel (or letter-post item) and shall be affixed directly to the outside of the item.
3 In accordance with article 08-002, customs data provided in accordance with the instructions on the CN 23 customs declaration, including the addresses and names of the sender and addressee, shall be transmitted electronically, in compliance with UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1), to the designated operator of the country of destination. The designated operator of origin may share all or part of these data with the customs administration in the country of origin for export purposes, and the designated operator of destination may share all or part of the data referenced above with the customs administration in the country of destination for customs import purposes.
4 The use of the data from the paper CN 23 customs declaration provided for in paragraph 3 above shall be restricted to processes related to the exchange of mail and customs formalities in respect of the export or import of postal items and may not be used for any other purpose.
5 All provisions of article 20-001 shall also apply to the data from the paper CN 23 customs declaration provided for in paragraph 3 above. In case of a discrepancy between data on the CN 23 customs declaration and the electronic data provided pursuant to paragraph 3 above, the CN 23 customs declaration shall constitute the customs declaration.
6 The sender may also attach to the CN 23 declaration or CP 72 manifold set any document (invoice, export licence, import licence, certificate of origin, certificate of health, etc.) necessary for customs treatment in the dispatching country and in the country of destination.
7 The addresses and names of the sender and addressee, and all other particulars to be furnished by the sender, shall be identical on the parcel and the dispatch note. In the event of a discrepancy, the particulars appearing on the parcel shall be regarded as valid.
Article 17-211
Formalities to be complied with for the merchandise return service
1 A CN 23 customs declaration shall be attached to the outside of each parcel sent by the customer/ addressee via the merchandise return service, in such a way as to prevent its loss.
2 The CN 23 form shall be prepared by the original seller in accordance with the formalities described in article 17-210. In addition, the CN 23 shall include the original item identifier and be clearly marked "Merchandise Return Service (MRS)".
3 The customer/addressee returning the parcel shall complete the CN 23 form, which shall already contain the customs declaration information provided by the original seller, including the total weight of the parcel, by indicating the date and providing a signature. By signing the customs declaration form, the customer/ addressee certifies that the description of the content mentioned on the form corresponds to the merchandise authorized to be returned to the original seller.
4 The customer/addressee shall obtain proof of posting.
Article 17-212
Sender's instructions at the time of posting
1 At the time of posting of a parcel, the sender shall be required to indicate the treatment to be given in case of non-delivery. For this purpose the sender shall insert a cross in the appropriate box of the CN 23 customs declaration or the CP 72 manifold set.
2 The sender may give only one of the following instructions:
2.1 return to the sender, in accordance with the period of retention prescribed by the regulations of the country of destination, by the most economical route or by air;
2.2 abandonment of the parcel by the sender.
3 The sender may reproduce or have printed only one of the permitted instructions on the CN 23 customs declaration or CP 72 manifold set. The instruction marked on the CN 23 or CP 72 manifold set shall be reproduced on the parcel itself, either by sticking a copy of the CP 72 "Address label" on the parcel, or by reproducing in some other way the instructions given on that form. It shall be in either French or English or in a language known in the country of destination.
4 If the sender wishes to request redirection in case of non-delivery, the parcel shall bear the indication "Réexpédition demandée" (Redirection requested) in either French or English or in a language known in the country of destination. If the sender wishes to forbid any redirection, the parcel (or letter-post item whose contents exceed 300 SDR in value) shall bear the indication "Ne pas réexpédier" (Do not redirect) in either French or English or in a language known in the country of destination. The destination designated operator's efforts to comply with such instructions and to prevent the redirection shall be considered as a "good faith" endeavour and not subject to penalty or liability.
5 Parcels shall be returned without advice if the sender has given no or contradictory instructions.
6 Designated operators may delete from the CN 23 form sender's instructions that are applicable only to parcels whenever such a form is used for postal items other than parcels.
Article 17-213
Formalities to be complied with by the office of origin
1 The office of origin or the dispatching office of exchange shall be responsible for affixing a CP 73 label on the parcel beside the address and on the dispatch note. This label shall show clearly the serial number of the parcel. If the designated operator of origin so permits, that part of the CP 73 label which is to be affixed to the dispatch note may be replaced by a preprinted indication having the same layout as the corresponding part of the label.
2 The weight of the parcel in kilogrammes and hundreds of grammes shall be given on the parcel and on the dispatch note. Each fraction of a hundred grammes shall be rounded up to the next hundred.
3 A date-stamp impression shall be applied on the dispatch note, unless a posting/collection scan (EMA) or the information captured by such a scan is provided by the designated operator of origin to the designated operator of destination.
4 The postage stamps or any other method of showing prepayment authorized by the regulations adopted by the country of origin or by its designated operator shall be affixed either on the parcel, or on the dispatch note.
5 Designated operators may agree to dispense with the formalities mentioned under 1 to 4.
Article 17-214
General principles of the exchange of parcels
1 Designated operators may exchange, via one or more of their number, closed mails as well as à découvert parcels according to needs and service requirements.
2 When exceptional circumstances oblige a designated operator temporarily to suspend its services, either wholly or in part, it shall immediately inform the designated operators concerned.
3 When the conveyance of a consignment in transit through a country takes place without the participation of the designated operator of that country, regardless of the means of transport, this form of transit ("direct transhipment") shall not involve the liability of the member country or the designated operator of the transit country.
4 Designated operators may send surface consignments by air, with reduced priority. The designated operator of destination shall indicate, by providing an appropriate entry in the Parcel Post Compendium of Information, the details of the office of exchange or the point of destination that will accept such consignments.
5 Each designated operator shall prepare CP 81 and CP 82 tables stating on what conditions it accepts parcels in transit for countries for which it can act as intermediary. These shall show, in particular, the rates to be assigned to it.
6 The official Compendium of Information of general interest relating to the implementation of the postal parcels service provides the details on the exchange of parcels.
7 On the basis of that information and of the CP 81 and CP 82 tables of intermediate designated operators, each designated operator shall decide on the routes to be used for forwarding its parcels. These data also enable it to set the charges to be collected from senders.
8 Designated operators shall send the CP 81 and CP 82 tables direct to each other, using an electronic method, at least one month before their application. They shall send copies of them to the International Bureau. Subsequent amendments to these tables shall be announced in the same way. If this is not possible, notification shall be provided by ordinary mail. The time limit for notification shall not apply to the cases mentioned in article 27-205.1.
9 Each designated operator shall forward by the routes and means that it uses for its own parcels those parcels transferred to it by another designated operator for transit across its territory.
10 In the event of the interruption of a prescribed route, parcels in transit shall be forwarded by the best route available.
11 If the use of the new dispatch route occasions higher costs (additional land or sea rates), the transit designated operator shall act in accordance with article 27-205.1.
12 Transit shall be effected under the conditions laid down by these Regulations, even when the designated operator of origin or destination of the parcels does not participate in the postal parcels service.
13 In the relations between designated operators of countries separated by one or more intermediate territories parcels shall follow the routes which the designated operators concerned have agreed upon.
14 Every designated operator providing the air parcel service shall forward by the air routes that it uses for its own items of that type, air parcels transferred to it by another designated operator. If the forwarding of air parcels by another route offers advantages over the existing air routes, the air parcels shall be forwarded by that route.
15 Designated operators which do not participate in the air parcel service shall forward such parcels by the air communications they use for the conveyance of their airmail correspondence. In the absence of an air link, air parcels shall be forwarded by such designated operators by the surface route normally used for other parcels.
16 All designated operators shall include a barcoded identifier complying with UPU Technical Standard S9 on their receptacle labels.
17 Designated operators that send more than 25 tonnes of parcels per year must, and all other designated operators are encouraged to:
17.1 electronically pre-advise all outbound dispatches using UPU-standard compliant messages specifying the S9 identifiers of the receptacles contained in each dispatch;
17.2 electronically confirm receipt of inbound receptacles, that have been pre-advised, using UPU- standard compliant response and/or event reporting messages.
18 If a dispatch identifier is used (barcode representation or representation in electronic messaging), it shall be compliant with UPU Technical Standard S8.
Article 17-215
Barcode application and specifications
1 All designated operators shall apply one, and only one, barcoded item identifier on all outward international postal parcels (i.e. air, S.A.L., surface). The specifications shall be as follows:
1.1 Each parcel must be identified by only one unique item identifier conforming to UPU Technical Standard S10. It shall be located in close proximity to and on the same side as the address of the addressee. The item identifier shall be encoded in both human-readable and barcoded form, as pre- scribed in the standard.
1.2 Originating, transit or destination designated operators may apply additional barcodes that do not use an S10 format, provided that the additional barcodes do not obscure any part of the sender's address or return address, or any part of the S10 item identifier applied by the originating designated operator.
1.3 A transit or destination designated operator may apply an item identifier that is compliant with UPU Technical Standard S10 and identical in data content to the one applied by the originating designated operator. In this case, it is not necessary to obliterate or remove the subsequent S10 identifier applied if the item is forwarded to another designated operator or returned to the originating designated operator.
1.4 If a transit or destination designated operator applies an S10-format barcode that differs in data con- tent from the original S10 identifier applied, this subsequent S10-format barcode shall be obliterated or removed if the item is to be forwarded to another designated operator or returned to the originating designated operator.
1.5 Designated operators may agree bilaterally to the use of unique item identifiers and barcodes which are already in use on international parcels.
1.6 Designated operators may agree bilaterally to the use of licence plates which conform to UPU Technical Standard S26 (Licence plates for parcels).
Article 17-216
Electronic exchanges to support mail processes
1 Designated operators shall provide track and trace information using UPU EDI Messaging Standard M40 (EMSEVT v3.0) about all outward and inward parcels on their national territory and shall ensure that the data are exchanged with all partner designated operators. The following characteristics apply to the EMSEVT messages sent:
1.1 The provision of the following EMSEVT tracking events is mandatory, when applicable to a parcel: EMA, EMB, EMC, EMD, EDB, EME, EDC, EMF, EDH or EMH, EMI, EMJ, and EMK. Other EMSEVT V3 events are optional.
1.2 When the tracking events listed below are provided, certain data elements optional in the M40 standard are mandatory, as shown in the last column:
Event | Description | Additional mandatory data element(s) |
EMA | Posting/collection | office-of-origin-ID |
EMB | Arrival at outward office of exchange | outward-OE |
EMC | Departure from outward office of exchange | outward-OE |
EMD | Arrival at inward office of exchange | receiving-OE |
EDB | Item presented to import Customs | receiving-OE |
EME | Held by Customs | receiving-OE import-customs-retention-reason |
EDC | Items returned from import Customs | customs-return-point-ID |
EMF | Departure from inward office of exchange | inward-OE |
EDH | Item arrival at collection point for pick-up | collection-point-ID |
EMG | Arrival at delivery office | delivery-office-ID |
EMH | Attempted/unsuccessful delivery | delivery-office-ID |
unsuccessful-delivery-action-taken unsuccessful-delivery-reason | ||
EMI | Final delivery | delivery-office-ID |
EMJ | Arrival at transit office of exchange | transit-OE |
EMK | Departure from transit office of exchange | transit-OE |
2 All designated operators shall capture and exchange pre-dispatch and dispatch receipt information in accordance with UPU EDI Messaging Standards M41 (PREDES v2.1) and M13 (RESDES v1.1) inclusive of the following data elements, in addition to data elements that are mandatory in the corresponding standard:
2.1 PREDES version 2.1 data element requirements
Description | Additional mandatory data element(s) | |
Parcels accounting information | parcel-bill-column-6-total | |
parcel-bill-column-7-total | ||
parcel-bill-column-8-total | ||
parcel-bill-column-9-total | ||
Receptacle information | receptacle-items |
2.2 RESDES version 1.1 data element requirements
Description | Additional mandatory data element(s) | |
Transportation information | carrier | |
Receptacle information | receptacle-items (count) |
2.3 For e-commerce dispatches, the provision of individual parcel weight in PREDES is mandatory.
3 Capture and exchange of electronic advance data - M33 ITMATT V1 and M41 PREDES v2.1 messages:
3.1 In accordance with the provisions of article 08-002, designated operators shall capture and exchange electronic advance data. The data shall replicate the information documented on the appropriate UPU customs declaration form and shall be compliant with UPU EDI Messaging Standard M33 (ITMATT V1).
3.2 All designated operators providing ECOMPRO parcels shall capture and exchange M33 ITMATT V1 messages.
3.3 In accordance with article 08-002, designated operators shall equally ensure that the S10 item identifiers of all items containing goods are included in the PREDES electronic message (UPU EDI Messaging Standard M41) sent to the designated operator of destination.
Article 17-217
Tracking and tracing - Indicative targets for transmission times
1 Designated operators shall endeavour to observe the following targets associated with the transmission of item event information from the time of the actual event in the transmission of such information to partner designated operators:
1.1 | EMC | Departure from outward office of exchange | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.2 | EMA | Posting/Collection | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.3 | EMB | Arrival at outward office of exchange | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.4 | EMJ | Arrival at transit office of exchange | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.5 | EMK | Departure from transit office of exchange | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.6 | EMD | Arrival at inward office of exchange | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.7 | EDB | Item presented to import Customs | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.8 | EME | Item held by import Customs | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.9 | EDC | Item returned from import Customs | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.10 | EMF | Departure from inward office of exchange | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.11 | EDH | Item arrival at collection point for pick-up by recipient | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.12 | EMH | Attempted/Unsuccessful (physical) delivery | Within 24 elapsed hours |
1.13 | EMI | Final delivery | Within 24 elapsed hours |
2 Designated operators shall endeavour to observe the following targets associated with the transmission of dispatch information in the exchange of such information with partner designated operators:
2.1 PREDES | Pre-advice of dispatch information | Within 24 elapsed hours |
2.2 RESDES | Advice of dispatch receipt information | Within 24 elapsed hours |
Article 17-218
Tracking and tracing - Indicative performance targets for transmitting data
1 Designated operators are encouraged to observe the following indicative targets associated with the transmission of item event information in the exchange of such information with partner designated operators:
1.1 Ninety percent of parcels that receive an EMC event should have an EMD event transmitted within 24 hours of the event time and date.
1.2 Ninety percent of parcels that receive an EMD event should have an EDH or EMH and/or an EMI event transmitted within 24 hours of the event time and date.
Article 17-219
Steps to be taken in the event of temporary suspension and resumption of services
1 If services are temporarily suspended, the designated operator or designated operators concerned must be notified of the fact by telecommunications, indicating, if possible, the probable duration of the suspension of services. The same procedure shall be applied when the suspended services are resumed.
2 The International Bureau must be notified of the suspension or resumption of services if a general announcement is considered necessary. If necessary, the International Bureau shall notify designated opera- tors by telecommunications.
3 The designated operator of origin shall have the option of refunding the postage charges, special charges and air surcharges to the sender if, owing to the suspension of services, the benefit accruing from conveyance of the item in question was obtained only in part or not at all.
Article 17-220
Different methods of transmission
1 The exchange of parcel mails shall be effected, as a general rule, by means of receptacles. Adjacent designated operators may agree to the handing over of certain categories of parcels unenclosed.
2 In the service between designated operators of non-adjacent countries, the exchange shall, as a general rule, be effected in closed mails.
3 Designated operators may agree to effect exchanges in transit à découvert. The transmission of parcels in transit à découvert to an intermediate designated operator shall be strictly limited to cases where the make-up of closed mails for the country of destination is not justified. However, it shall be obligatory to make up closed mails if an intermediate designated operator states that the parcels in transit à découvert are such as to hinder its work.
3.1 Transit à découvert shall be possible only under the following conditions:
3.1.1 the intermediate designated operator makes up mails for the designated operator of destination;
3.1.2 the designated operator of origin and the intermediate designated operator agree to this service and to its date of commencement in advance and in writing or by e-mail.
4 Surface airlifted parcels (S.A.L.) shall be exchanged on the conditions agreed upon between the designated operators concerned.
Article 17-221
Transmission in closed mails
1 In the normal circumstances of transmission in closed mails, the receptacles (bags, baskets, crates, etc.) shall be marked, closed and labelled in the manner laid down below.
2 Making up of bags
2.1 Mails, including those made up solely of empty bags, shall be contained in bags the number of which shall be kept to the strict minimum. The bags shall be in good condition to protect their contents. Each bag shall be labelled.
2.2 The bags shall be closed, sealed preferably with lead. The seals may also be made of light metal or plastic. The sealing shall be so done that it cannot be handled or tampered with without showing signs thereof. The impressions of the seals shall reproduce, in very legible roman letters, the name of the office of origin or an indication sufficient to identify that office. However, if the designated operator of origin so wishes, the impressions of the seals need only reproduce an indication of the name of the designated operator of origin. The designated operator of origin may also use numbered seals.
2.3 The bags shall be packed and closed in such a way as not to endanger the health of officials.
2.4 For the make-up of air parcels, bags either entirely blue or with wide blue bands shall be used. For making up surface mails or surface airlifted mails, surface bags of a colour other than that of the airmail bags (e.g. beige, brown, white, etc.) shall be used. Designated operators of destination must, however, check all the bag labels in order to ensure correct processing.
2.5 The bags shall show legibly in roman letters the office or country of origin and bear the word "Postes" (Post) or any other similar expression distinguishing them as postal dispatches.
3 Labelling of mails
3.1 The labels of the bags shall be made of sufficiently rigid canvas, of plastic, of strong cardboard, of parchment, or of paper glued to wood. They shall be provided with an eyelet. Yellow ochre coloured CP 83, CP 84 and CP 85 labels shall be used. Their layout and text shall comply with UPU Technical Standard S47 and/or conform to the templates annexed hereto and mentioned below:
3.1.1 CP 83 in the case of surface receptacles;
3.1.2 CP 84 in the case of airmail receptacles;
3.1.3 CP 85 in the case of surface airlifted (S.A.L.) receptacles.
3.2 The labels or addresses of closed receptacles containing air parcels shall bear the indication or label "Par avion" (By airmail).
3.3 In addition, a special closing may be adopted for receptacles other than bags, provided that the contents are sufficiently protected.
4 The following label characteristics shall apply to parcel mail:
4.1 Receptacles containing insured parcels, whether alone or together with uninsured parcels, shall dis- play code V in the zone defined for special content codes;
4.2 A special content descriptor taken from UPU code list 176 shall be displayed on the label if one of the following values is applicable (one is displayed at most, based on the order of appearance below):
4.2.1 "PRIOR" when the receptacle contains priority mail conveyed by surface;
4.2.2 "Remboursement" when the receptacle contains exclusively COD parcels;
4.3 The label of the receptacle containing the parcel bill shall bear a bold letter "F" in the zone defined for this purpose;
4.4 The receptacle gross weight shall be shown on the label, rounded up to the nearest hectogramme when the fraction of the hectogramme is equal to or greater than 50 grammes and rounded down to the nearest hectogramme otherwise;
4.5 The label shall include a barcoded receptacle identifier in compliance with UPU Technical Standard S9;
4.6 Origin designated operators that use numbered seals in closing receptacles may display the seal number on the receptacle labels.
5 Intermediate offices shall not enter any serial number on the labels of bags or packets of closed mails in transit.
6 Insured parcels shall be sent in separate receptacles. In case of dispatch in the same bag as uninsured parcels, insured parcels shall be placed in an inner receptacle sealed with wax or lead. The outer bag containing insured parcels shall be in good condition. It shall be provided, if possible, at the edge of its mouth with piping making it impossible to open the bag illicitly without leaving visible traces.
7 COD parcels shall be sent in separate receptacles, if their number so justifies.
8 By special agreement between the designated operators concerned, the label of the receptacle containing the parcel bill may be marked with the number of bags making up the mail and, if applicable, the number of parcels sent à découvert.
9 Cumbersome parcels, or those whose nature necessitates it may be sent unenclosed: in order to determine the mail of which they are part, such parcels shall be provided with a CP 83 or CP 84 label. Labels of unenclosed insured parcels shall be endorsed with the letter V. However, parcels going by sea, with the exception of cumbersome parcels, shall be sent in receptacles.
10 As a general rule, bags and other receptacles containing parcels shall not weigh more than 32 kilogrammes.
11 For conveyance purposes, bags of parcels and unenclosed parcels may be placed in containers. The methods of using containers shall be subject to special agreement between the designated operators concerned.
Article 17-222
Parcel bills
1 Designated operators may agree bilaterally or multilaterally that the parcel dispatches that they exchange need not be accompanied by a paper parcel bill, since PREDES version 2.1 messages provide similar information electronically.
2 In the absence of such agreement, all the parcels to be forwarded by surface, S.A.L. or air shall be entered by the dispatching office of exchange on a CP 87 parcel bill. The gross weight of the dispatch, rounded to the nearest hundred grammes, shall always be entered on the CP 87.
3 The parcel bill shall be inserted in one of the receptacles comprising the mail. Where appropriate, it shall be inserted in one of the bags containing insured parcels.
4 The parcel bills relating to mails containing insured parcels shall be inserted in a pink envelope. If the insured parcels are placed in a wax-sealed inner receptacle, the pink envelope containing the parcel bill shall be attached to the outside of this receptacle.
5 The parcel bill shall be completed with all the details called for.
6 As regards service parcels and prisoner-of-war and civilian internee parcels sent by air, the air conveyance dues shall be credited to the designated operators concerned.
7 Where parcel bills are completed without an automated system, in the absence of special agreement, dispatching offices shall number the parcel bills according to an annual series for each office of destination separately for surface mail, S.A.L. mail and airmail (or priority and non-priority mail). Each mail dispatch shall thus bear a separate number. In the case of the first dispatch of each year the parcel bill shall bear, in addition to the serial number of the mail dispatch, that of the last mail dispatch of the preceding year. If a dispatch series is cancelled, the dispatching office shall enter on the parcel bill beside the number of the last mail dispatch the indication "Dernière dépêche" (Last mail dispatch). In the case of sea and air services, the name of the ship carrying the mail dispatch or, where appropriate, the air service used shall be shown, whenever possible, on the parcel bills.
8 Where parcel bills are completed with an automated system and in conformity with UPU standards, dispatching offices of exchange shall sequentially number the CP 87 parcel bills within a mail dispatch series, with the numbering re-initialized annually at the beginning of the calendar year. Each mail dispatch shall thus bear a separate dispatch number where each successive mail dispatch number is incremented by 1 in a rising sequence and is consistent with the incrementing dispatch date. In the case of the first mail dispatch of each calendar year, the parcel bill shall bear, in addition to the serial number of the mail dispatch, that of the last mail dispatch of the preceding year. If a mail dispatch series is cancelled, the dispatching office shall notify the destination office of exchange by means of a verification note. In the case of sea and air services, the name of the ship carrying the mail dispatch or, where appropriate, the air service used shall be shown, whenever possible, on the parcel bills.
9 If air parcels are sent from one country to another by surface routes along with other parcels, their presence shall be shown by an appropriate note on the CP 87 parcel bill.
10 Every insured parcel shall be entered on the parcel bill with the letter "V" in the "Observations" column.
11 Every parcel redirected or returned to sender shall be entered on the parcel bill with the note "Réexpédié" (Redirected) or "Retour" (Return) in the "Observations" column.
12 The number of receptacles comprising the mail and, unless otherwise agreed between the designated operators concerned, the number of receptacles to be returned, shall be entered on the parcel bill. In the absence of special agreement, designated operators shall number the receptacles of the same mail. The serial number of each receptacle shall be written on the CP 83 and CP 84 label.
13 Where closed mails are exchanged between designated operators of countries which are not adjacent, the dispatching office of exchange shall prepare for each of the intermediate designated operators a CP 88 special parcel bill. That office shall insert thereon the total number of parcels and the gross weight of the mail. The CP 88 parcel bill shall be numbered in an annual series for each dispatching office of exchange and for each intermediate designated operator. In addition, it shall bear the serial number of the relative mail. The last number of the year shall be shown on the first parcel bill of the following year. In the case of sea services, the name of the ship carrying the mail shall be entered on the CP 88 parcel bill, whenever this is possible.
14 When air parcels are forwarded by surface mail, the dispatching office of exchange shall prepare a CP 88 special parcel bill for the transit designated operators concerned.
15 The special CP 88 parcel bill shall be sent unenclosed or in any other way agreed between the designated operators concerned, accompanied, where appropriate, by the documents required by the inter- mediate countries.
Article 17-223
Drawing up of CP 87 parcel bills
1 With the exception of those categories of parcels mentioned in 2 to 8 below, all parcels sent to designated operators of destination shall be entered in bulk in the CP 87 parcel bill. The number and total weight of these parcels, including the weight of the bags, and rounded to the nearest hundred grammes, shall be indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill.
2 Parcels which are redirected, parcels returned to sender or parcels forwarded in transit à découvert shall always be entered individually, with the amount of dues payable entered in columns 6 to 9. The weight specified in column 4 of the parcel bill shall be rounded up to the nearest hundred grammes. The number and weight of these parcels shall not be included in the number and gross weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill. The number and gross weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill shall always include all parcels other than those redirected, returned to sender, or forwarded in transit à découvert.
3 Insured parcels shall also be entered individually but without mention of the corresponding rate. Their number and weight shall be included in the number and total weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill.
4 When the designated operators concerned have agreed to detailed entry of parcel bills, all ordinary parcels sent to designated operators of destination shall be entered individually in the parcel bill, but without the corresponding inward land rate. In accordance with paragraph 2, their number and weight, including the weight of the bags, shall be included in the number and total weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill.
5 For e-commerce dispatches, detailed entry shall be performed in accordance with § 4 and the individual parcel weight shall be entered.
6 The presence of COD parcels shall be indicated in the bulk entry section of the form.
7 Service parcels and prisoner-of-war and civilian internee parcels for which, under article 16.1 and 2 of the Convention, no rates are allocated shall not be included in the number and total weight of the parcels indicated on the parcel bill. Article 17-222.6 shall be applicable for the dispatch of such parcels by air.
8 Depending on the settlement method agreed upon, parcels sent via the merchandise return service may need to be entered individually, indicating the amount of dues payable or the corresponding rate. The number and weight of these merchandise returns shall not be included in the number and gross weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill.
Article 17-224
Dispatch of documents accompanying parcels
1 The accompanying documents referred to in article 17-210.1 and 2 shall be affixed to the relevant parcel.
2 The CP 72 manifold set shall be pasted on the parcel.
3 If the CP 72 manifold set cannot be pasted on the parcel or if the parcel is to be accompanied by other documents not included in the set, the accompanying documents shall be placed in a CP 91 or CP 92 transparent adhesive envelope. This shall be affixed to the parcel.
4 Where applicable, the COD money order forms, franking notes and advices of delivery shall be dis- patched in the same way.
5 The designated operators of origin and destination may agree to attach the accompanying documents to the parcel bill.
6 In the case provided for in 5, the designated operators concerned may agree to send the parcel bill and the documents accompanying the parcels by air to the office of exchange of destination.
7 In the case of parcels on which the CP 72 manifold set cannot be pasted or to which the transparent adhesive envelope cannot be affixed because of the size or the nature of the wrapping of the parcels, the accompanying documents shall be attached firmly to the parcel.
8 Designated operators which are unable to use transparent adhesive envelopes shall have the option of sending the accompanying documents by attaching them firmly to the parcels.
9 The designated operators of origin and destination may agree that documents accompanying parcels exchanged in direct mails shall be dispatched in accordance with any other system which suits them.
Article 17-225
Routeing of mails
1 Closed mails including closed transit mails shall be forwarded by the most direct route possible.
2 When a mail consists of several receptacles, these shall as far as possible remain together and be forwarded by the same transportation.
3 The designated operator of origin may consult with the designated operator providing the closed transit service regarding the route to be followed by the closed mails which it regularly dispatches. The designated operator of origin shall not enter information about the routeing to be followed by the designated operator providing the closed transit on the delivery bill (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47) or electronic equivalent, nor on the CP 83, CP 84 or CP 85 labels. The route information appearing on the delivery bill (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47) or electronic equivalent, and on the CP 83, CP 84 or CP 85 labels shall be limited to the route intended to transport the mails from the designated operator of origin to the designated operator providing the closed transit.
4 Mail in closed transit shall, in principle, be forwarded by the same transportation used by the designated operator of the country of transit for the transport of its own mails. If, on a regular basis, there is insufficient time between arrival of the mail in closed transit and transport departure, or the volumes regularly exceed the capacity of a flight, the designated operator of the country of origin shall be so informed.
5 In the event of a change in a route for the exchange of closed mails established between two designated operators via one or more designated operators providing closed transit, the designated operator of origin of the mail shall inform those designated operators providing closed transit of the change of route.
Article 17-226
Preparation and checking of CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bills
1 The delivery bills shall be completed, in accordance with their layout, on the basis of the particulars appearing on the bag labels or with the address. The total number and total weight of the bags and items in each mail shall be entered in bulk by category. Designated operators of origin may elect to enter each bag individually should they wish to do so. However, any intermediate or transit country must list each transit receptacle individually, maintaining the designated operator of origin, office of destination, dispatch and receptacle number indicated by the designated operator of origin. The six-character IMPC code identifying the origin and destination of the receptacle shall be recorded in columns 2 and 3 respectively.
2 Any intermediate office or office of destination which notices errors in the entries on the CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bill shall immediately correct them. It shall report them by CP 78 verification note to the last dispatching office of exchange and to the office of exchange which made up the mail. Designated operators may agree to make systematic use of electronic mail or any other appropriate means of telecommunication for reporting irregularities.
3 When the mails forwarded are inserted in containers sealed by the postal service, the serial number and the number of the seal of each container shall be entered in the column of the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 bill reserved for that purpose.
Article 17-227
Missing CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bill
1 Designated operators may agree to make systematic use of electronic mail or any other appropriate means of telecommunication for settling cases where the delivery bill is missing.
2 An electronically transmitted delivery bill form, duly signed by the sending designated operator, printed by the carrier at destination or at an intermediate location, shall be considered valid by the destination office.
3 In the absence of the delivery bill or its electronic equivalent, the receiving office shall prepare one as a substitute in accordance with the load received and have the carrier countersign it. This substitute delivery bill may be sent to the dispatching office as an attachment to a CP 78 verification note or be kept in case of later disputes over the mail concerned.
4 If a CN 46 substitute delivery bill prepared by the carrier is received by the destination office in place of the original delivery bill, this substitute bill shall be accepted. This fact may be reported to the office of origin by means of a CP 78 verification note, accompanied by this CN 46 substitute delivery bill.
5 If a CP 78 verification note is raised and if the airport of loading cannot be determined, this verification note shall be sent straight to the office of dispatch of the mail for it to forward the note to the office through which the mail transited.
Article 17-228
Steps to be taken in the event of an accident
1 When, as a result of an accident in course of conveyance, a ship, train, aircraft or any other transport facility is unable to continue its journey and deliver the mail at the scheduled ports of call or stations, the crew shall hand over the mails to the post office nearest to the place of the accident or to the office best able to reforward the mail. If the crew are unable to do this, that office, having been informed of the accident, shall take immediate action, taking over the mail and reforwarding it to its destination by the quickest route after its condition has been checked and any damaged items put in order.
2 The designated operator of the country in which the accident occurred shall inform all designated operators of previous ports of call or stations, by telecommunications, of the fate of the mail. These designated operators in turn shall advise by the same means all other designated operators concerned.
3 If delivery bill information was not sent electronically, designated operators which had mail on the transport facility involved in the accident shall send a copy of the CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bills to the designated operator of the country where the accident occurred.
4 The qualified office shall then notify the offices of destination of the mails involved in the accident by CP 78 verification note giving details of the circumstances of the accident and the results of the check of the mails. One copy of each verification note shall be sent to the offices of origin of the relative mails and another to the designated operator of the country to which the transport company belongs. These documents shall be sent by the quickest route (air or surface).
Article 17-229
Preparation of trial notes
To determine the most favourable route for the dispatch of parcels, the dispatching office of exchange may send to the office of exchange of destination a trial note in the form of the specimen CN 44. This note shall be attached to the parcel bill on which its presence shall be indicated. If the CN 44 form is missing when the mail arrives, the office of destination shall make out a duplicate. The trial note, duly completed by the office of destination, shall be returned by the quickest route to the address indicated or, in the absence of such an indication, to the office which prepared it.
Article 17-230
Transfer of mails
1 All mail dispatches shall be handed over by designated operators in good condition. However, a dispatch may not be refused because of damage or theft.
2 The receiving designated operators shall ensure that the carriers can hand over the parcels to a competent service.
3 Delivery bill information shall be prepared by the sending office and provided to the destination office as well as other parties, if any, involved in the transport of dispatches. The information shall preferably be provided electronically, using PRECON and CARDIT messages; when this is not possible, the delivery bill information shall be shared via UPU forms instead.
4 The following rules apply to the exchange of electronic messages corresponding to delivery bill information:
4.1 A CARDIT message shall be sent by the origin designated operator.
4.2 The origin designated operator shall require the transport service to capture electronically the receipt of the mail, and to send the data in a RESDIT "received" event message to confirm receipt of each receptacle of the consignment.
4.3 The origin designated operator shall require the transport service to capture electronically the handover of the mail, and to send a RESDIT "delivered" message.
4.4 A PRECON message shall be sent by the origin designated operator to the designated operator to which the consignment is addressed. This may take place even when there are no CARDIT/RESDIT exchanges in place with transport to this destination.
4.5 The designated operator taking receipt of the mail shall send a RESCON message to the origin designated operator, in order to acknowledge receipt of the mail.
4.6 In the case of air transport, the origin designated operator shall require the airline to store the CARDIT data and the RESDIT receipt and delivery events data in its system and to share the data with the associated entity responsible for ground services at the airports of origin, transit and destination.
4.7 In the event of an inquiry, the designated operators shall share the available information, including that received from the airline.
5 When UPU forms are used, the following delivery bill forms apply, depending on the type of mail and conveyance:
5.1 CN 37 for surface mail (mail categories C and D) other than dispatches of empty bags;
5.2 CN 38 for airmail (mail category A) other than dispatches of empty bags;
5.3 CN 41 for surface air lifted (S.A.L.) mail (mail category B) other than dispatches of empty bags;
5.4 CN 47 for dispatches of empty bags, for all mail categories.
6 The following rules apply to the generation of delivery bill forms:
6.1 The dispatching office shall retain a copy of the delivery bill; if a transport service is involved, this service or an associated agent shall sign this copy as a receipt for the mails.
6.2 A copy is sent to the destination office.
6.3 If a transport service is involved, an additional copy is given to this service and shall be transported to the destination; this copy shall be retained by the transport service after being signed by the receiving office.
6.4 In case of air transport, the two copies of the delivery bill that are transported to the destination office shall be inserted in a CN 45 envelope. These shall be conveyed in the aircraft's flight portfolio or other special pouch in which the flight documents are kept. Upon arrival at the airport of offloading of the mails, the first copy, duly signed as a receipt for the mails, shall be kept by the airline which has carried the mails. The second copy shall accompany the mails to the post office to which the delivery bill is addressed.
6.5 Designated operators that have developed an electronic receipting system for mail dispatches that they receive from transport carriers may use the receipting records of that system instead of the delivery bill process described under 6.4. In lieu of the signed copy of the delivery bill forms, the receiving designated operator can provide the transport carrier with a printed copy of the electronic receipting record for that dispatch.
6.6 When the transfer of mails between two corresponding offices involves a sea service, an additional copy shall be sent to destination, preferably electronically, or otherwise via airmail, in order to pre- advise destination.
6.7 If delivery bills are produced by electronic means and transmitted online to a transport service or a cooperating agent without the direct participation of the designated operator's staff and printed out there, the designated operators or companies involved in the transport operations may agree that a signature shall not be required on the delivery bills.
6.8 The weight of bags or other receptacles containing insured air parcels shall be shown separately on the CN 38 delivery bill. The letter "V" shall also be written in the "Observations" column opposite this entry.
Article 17-231
Check of mails
1 Every office of exchange receiving a mail shall immediately check the receptacles and their fastening. It shall also check the origin and destination of the bags making up the mail and entered on the delivery bill, and then the parcels and the various documents which accompany them. These checks shall be made in the presence of the other interested parties whenever this is possible.
2 The office of destination shall keep a close check on whether the mails arrive in the sequence in which they were dispatched, particularly in the case of mails containing insured parcels.
3 When the receptacles are opened, the constituent parts of the fastening (string, lead seal, label) shall be kept together; to achieve this, the string shall be cut in one place only. Dated digital photographic images of the labels, bag, seal, cover, packet or item concerned may be provided.
4 Any irregularities discovered shall be reported without delay by a CP 78 verification note. When the office of exchange of destination has not sent off a CP 78 note by the first available post, it shall be considered, until the contrary is proved, as having received all the bags and parcels in good condition.
5 When the findings of an office of exchange are such as may involve the liability of a transport undertaking, they must where possible be countersigned by the representative of that undertaking as well as by the designated operator of transit or of destination taking over the mails, which shall confirm that there are no irregularities. This signature may be made either on the CP 78 verification note, a copy of which shall be handed to the undertaking, or, as the case may be, on the CN 37, CN 41 or CN 38 delivery bill accompanying the mail. Should there be any reservations with respect to the carrier service, the copies of the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bill must indicate such reservations. By analogy, designated operators exchanging information electronically may apply the procedures outlined in article 17-230.4.
6 Designated operators may agree to substitute procedures provided in 4 and 5 with information sent electronically concerning inward receipt (RESDES message, EMSEVT event EMD) and delivery (EMSEVT events EMH/EMI). Designated operators may also agree to substitute the paper-based reporting of irregularities (CP 78 verification notes) with an agreed reconciliation process using electronically captured information.
7 The discovery, at the time of the check, of any irregularities whatsoever may in no case be the cause of the return of a parcel to sender except as provided for in article 19-201.3 and 4.
Article 17-232
Discovery of irregularities and processing of verification notes
1 When an intermediate office receives a mail in bad condition, it shall check the contents if it thinks that they have not remained intact and put it in new packing just as it is. It shall copy the particulars from the original label on to a new one and apply to the latter an impression of its date-stamp, preceded by the endorsement "Remballé à ..." (Repacked at ...). The fact shall be reported by means of a CP 78 verification note, to be prepared in four or five copies, as appropriate. One copy shall be retained by the office which prepared it, and the others shall be sent to:
1.1 the office of exchange from which the mail was received (two copies);
1.2 the dispatching office of exchange (if this is not the office referred to above); and
1.3 the office of destination (inserted in the repacked mail).
2 In the event of the absence of a mail or one or more of the bags comprising it, or of any other irregularity the fact shall be notified as described in 1. However, intermediate offices of exchange shall not be bound to check the documents accompanying the parcel bill.
3 If the office of exchange of destination discovers errors or omissions in the parcel bill it shall immediately make the necessary corrections. It shall take care to cross out the incorrect entries in such a way as to leave the original entries legible. These corrections shall be made in the presence of two officials; unless there is an obvious error, the corrections shall be accepted in preference to the original statement. The office of exchange shall also carry out the routine checks when the receptacle or its fastening gives grounds for presuming that the contents have not remained intact or that some other irregularity has occurred. The irregularities which have been established shall be notified without delay to the dispatching office of exchange by a CP 78 verification note, to be prepared in three or four copies as appropriate. One copy shall be retained by the office of exchange which prepared it and the others shall be sent to:
3.1 the dispatching office of exchange (two copies); and
3.2 the intermediate office of exchange from which the mail was received (if the mail was not received direct).
4 The absence of a mail or of one or more of the bags comprising it, or of the parcel bill, shall be notified as described in 3. If the parcel bill is missing, the office of exchange of destination shall prepare a replacement parcel bill.
5 The absence of a surface parcel mail or air parcel mail shall be notified at the latest on receipt of the first mail following the missing mail. Similarly, the absence of one or more bags or parcels sent unenclosed in a surface parcel mail or air parcel mail shall be notified at the latest on receipt of the first mail following the said mail.
6 The office of exchange of destination shall have the right not to make corrections and not to make out a CP 78 verification note if the errors or omissions in respect of the rates due do not exceed 10 SDR per parcel bill.
7 Verification notes shall be sent preferably by telefax or by any other electronic means of communication or, if sent by mail, by the quickest route in a special envelope marked in bold letters "Bulletin de verification" (Verification note). These envelopes may either be pre-printed or distinguished by a stamp impression clearly reproducing the indication. Irregularities concerning insured parcels which involve the liability of member countries or designated operators shall always be notified immediately by electronic means, if available.
8 The offices to which the CP 78 verification notes are sent shall return them as promptly as possible after having examined them and indicated thereon their observations, if any; they shall retain one copy. The returned verification notes shall be attached to the parcel bills to which they relate. Corrections made to a parcel bill which are unsupported by documentary evidence shall not be considered valid. Furthermore, acceptance or rejection of a CP 78 verification note or a requirement for further information shall be indicated by checking the appropriate box located at the end of the CP 78 verification note. However, if these verification notes are not returned to the office of exchange which issued them within a period of one month from the date of their dispatch they shall be considered, until the contrary is proved, as duly accepted.
9 Designated operators may agree to substitute procedures provided in 3, 7 and 8 with information sent electronically concerning inward receipt (RESDES message, EMSEVT event EMD) and delivery (EMSEVT events EMH/EMI). Designated operators may also agree to substitute the paper-based reporting of irregularities (CP 78 verification notes) with an agreed reconciliation process using electronically captured information.
Article 17-233
Discrepancies of weight or size of parcels
1 Unless there is an obvious error, the view of the office of origin shall prevail as regards the establishment of the weight or size.
2 Discrepancies in weight less than 500 grammes relating to ordinary parcels may not be made the subject of verification notes or the cause of the parcels being returned.
3 Discrepancies in weight of insured parcels up to ten grammes above or below the weight stated may not be queried by the intermediate designated operator or designated operator of destination unless the external condition of the parcel makes it necessary.
Article 17-234
Receipt by the office of exchange of a damaged or insufficiently packed parcel
1 Any office of exchange which receives a damaged or insufficiently packed parcel shall send it on, after having repacked it if necessary. The original packing, the address and the labels shall be preserved as far as possible. The weight of the parcel before and after repacking shall be shown on the actual packing of the parcel. This indication shall be followed by the note "Remballé à ..." (Repacked at ...) stamped with an impression of the date-stamp and signed by the officials who did the repacking.
2 If the condition of the parcel is such that the contents could have been removed or damaged, this fact shall be reported to the dispatching office of exchange by means of a sufficiently explicit note on the CP 78 verification note. The parcel shall also be automatically opened and its contents checked. The results of this check shall be given in a CN 24 report. This shall be prepared in duplicate, one copy shall be retained by the office of exchange which prepared it and the other attached to the parcel.
3 The procedure described in 2 shall also apply if the parcel shows a discrepancy in weight such as to suggest the removal of the whole or part of the contents.
Article 17-235
Notification of irregularities for which designated operators may be liable
1 Any office of exchange which, on the arrival of a mail, discovers the absence of, theft from or damage to one or more parcels shall proceed as follows:
1.1 It shall indicate in as much detail as possible on the CP 78 verification note or in the CN 24 report the condition in which it found the outer packing of the mail. Dated digital photographic images or video recordings of the labels, bag, seal, cover, packet or item concerned may be provided. Unless this is impossible for a stated reason, the receptacle, the string, the lead or other seal and the label shall be kept intact for a period of six weeks from the date of verification. They shall be sent to the designated operator of origin if it so requests.
1.2 It shall send a duplicate of the verification note to the last intermediate office of exchange, if any, at the same time as to the dispatching office of exchange.
2 If it considers it necessary, the office of exchange of destination may, at the expense of its designated operator, inform the dispatching office of exchange of its discoveries by telecommunications.
3 Where offices of exchange in direct contact are concerned, the respective designated operators of these offices may agree on the method of procedure in the case of irregularities for which they may be liable.
Article 17-236
Check of mails of parcels forwarded in bulk
1 Articles 17-231 to 17-235 shall be applicable only to rifled and damaged parcels as well as to parcels entered individually on the parcel bills. The other parcels shall be simply checked in bulk.
2 The designated operator of origin may agree with the designated operator of destination to limit to certain categories of parcels the detailed check and the preparation of the CP 78 verification notes and CN 24 reports. The same may be agreed with the intermediate designated operators.
3 If the number of parcels found in the mail differs from the number given on the parcel bill, the verification note shall correct only the total number of parcels.
4 If the gross weight of the mail given on the parcel bill does not correspond to the gross weight found, the verification note shall correct only the gross weight of the mail.
Article 17-237
Reforwarding of a parcel arriving out of course
1 Any parcel arriving out of course shall be reforwarded to its proper destination by the quickest route (air or surface).
2 Any parcel reforwarded in application of this article shall be subject to the rates for forwarding to its proper destination and the charges and fees mentioned in article 19-202.4.3.
3 The reforwarding designated operator shall report the matter in a CP 78 verification note to the designated operator from which the parcel has been received.
4 It shall treat the parcel arriving out of course as if it had arrived in transit à découvert. If the rates which have been allocated to it are insufficient to cover the costs of reforwarding, it shall credit the true designated operator of destination and, where appropriate, the intermediate designated operators with the relative conveyance rates. It shall then credit itself, through a claim on the designated operator responsible for the office of exchange which missent the parcel, for the amount of the expense which it has incurred. This designated operator shall collect them from the sender if the error is ascribable to him. The claim and its cause shall be notified by means of a verification note.
5 Designated operators may agree to substitute procedures provided in 3 and 4 with information sent electronically concerning inward receipt (RESDES message, EMSEVT event EMD) and transit (EMSEVT events EMJ/EMK). Designated operators may also agree to substitute the paper-based reporting of irregularities (CP 78 verification notes) with an agreed reconciliation process using electronically captured information.
6 As an alternative to the rates and expenses described in 4, receiving designated operators may elect to charge the designated operator responsible for missending the parcel only the costs of reforwarding the parcel to the proper country of destination.
Article 17-238
Return of empty receptacles
1 Wherever appropriate in this article, the reference to "bags" shall mean "bags or other receptacles used and owned by designated operators for the carriage of mails".
2 In the absence of special agreement between the designated operators concerned, bags shall be returned empty by the next post in a mail for the country to which they belong and if possible by the normal route followed on the outward journey. The number of bags returned by each mail shall be noted on the CP 87 parcel bill.
3 The owners of empty bags shall decide whether they wish their bags to be returned or not and, if so, by what means of transport. Nevertheless, the designated operator of destination shall have the right to return bags that cannot be incinerated easily and cheaply in its country. The designated operator of origin shall bear the cost of returning such bags.
4 If the designated operators of transit and destination agree, empty receptacles being returned by surface may be placed in the receptacles containing postal parcels. In all other cases, empty receptacles shall be placed in separate dispatches. The special dispatches containing only returned empty receptacles shall be described on CN 47 bills. Receptacles of empty receptacles may be sealed by agreement between the designated operators concerned. The labels shall be endorsed "Sacs vides" (Empty bags).
5 The return shall be carried out between offices of exchange appointed for the purpose. The designated operators concerned may agree among themselves as to the procedure for the return. In long-distance services, they shall, as a general rule, appoint only one office responsible for receiving the empty bags returned to them.
6 The empty bags shall be rolled into suitable bundles. Where appropriate, the label blocks, labels of canvas, parchment or other stout material shall be placed inside the bags.
7 If the check made by a designated operator establishes that bags belonging to it have not been returned to its service within a period longer than that required for their transmission (round trip), it shall be entitled to claim reimbursement of the value of the bags as provided for under 8. The designated operator in question may refuse this reimbursement only if it can prove the missing bags were returned.
8 Each designated operator shall fix, periodically and uniformly for each kind of bag used by its offices of exchange, a value in SDRs and communicate it to the designated operators concerned through the International Bureau. In case of reimbursement, the cost of replacing the bags shall be considered.
9 By prior agreement, a designated operator may use the bags belonging to the designated operator of destination for making up its own airmails. The bags of third parties may not be used.
10 Mails of empty bags shall be treated like letter-post mails which do not give rise to the payment of terminal dues but are subject to the payment of 30% of the transit charges applicable to letter-post mails.
11 A dispatching designated operator may indicate whether or not it would like to have the receptacles used for a particular dispatch returned. This indication shall be made on the parcel bill used for the dispatch.
Article 18-201
Merchandise return service for the original seller
1 General
1.1 Designated operators may bilaterally agree to offer a supplementary merchandise return service comprising acceptance of prepaid returns with priority transportation.
1.2 The purpose of the merchandise return service shall be to enable the original seller to pay for returned parcels posted by its customers/the addressees residing abroad after successful delivery.
1.3 Designated operators that operate this service shall comply with the provisions outlined in the user guide as approved by the POC.
1.4 Designated operators may otherwise agree bilaterally on another service to be applied among themselves.
2 Formalities
2.1 Authorized addressees returning parcels via the merchandise return service shall utilize the customs declaration information provided by the original seller in order to comply with the formalities outlined in article 17-211.
3 Charges for the merchandise return service (outward land rates and air conveyance dues)
3.1 A designated operator sending parcels via the merchandise return service shall be entitled to collect charges corresponding to costs incurred for the service from the designated operator of the country of origin of the returned merchandise.
3.2 The charges shall be fixed as follows:
3.2.1 A charge for the outward land rates shall be set at 85% of the inward land base rates for an air parcel (with a rate per kilogramme and per item) of the designated operator that is returning parcels, with a floor rate of 2.85 SDR per item and 0.28 SDR per kilogramme.
3.2.2 Air conveyance dues shall be calculated in accordance with article 34-202.
4 Accounting for the merchandise return service charges
4.1 Unless bilaterally agreed otherwise, the accounting of merchandise return service charges shall be based on current settlement procedures, supported by the electronic exchange of information.
5 Merchandise return service reporting
5.1 A monthly report shall be produced by a bilaterally agreed third party, based on the EMC and EMD events transmitted to the designated operator of the original seller. This report shall provide the number of returned parcels with EMC and EMD events transmitted and the total weight corresponding to these items detailed by designated operator of origin. All additional weight information shall be provided by sending a PREDES message, and shall include a RESDES message for comparison and reconciliation purposes.
Article 18-202 Cumbersome parcels
1 The following shall be called a "cumbersome parcel"; any parcel:
1.1 whose dimensions exceed the limits laid down in these Regulations or those which designated operators shall set between themselves;
1.2 which, by reason of its shape or structure, does not readily lend itself to loading with other parcels or which requires special precautions.
2 Cumbersome parcels shall be subject to a supplementary charge, the guideline maximum amount of which is laid down in 5.1. However, the air surcharges in respect of these parcels shall not be increased.
3 The exchange of cumbersome parcels shall be restricted to those designated operators which admit such items.
4 Marking of cumbersome parcels
4.1 Every cumbersome parcel and the front of its dispatch note shall bear a label showing in bold letters the word "Encombrant" (Cumbersome).
4.2 Designated operators which admit the limits of sizes set out in article 17-204.1 may charge as cumbersome any parcel whose dimensions exceed the limits set out in article 17-204.2 but which weighs less than 10 kilogrammes. In such a case, the word "Encombrant" shall be supplemented on the dispatch note only by the words "en vertu de l'article " (pursuant to article 18-202.4.2).
5 Charges
5.1 The guideline maximum amount of the supplementary charge referred to in 2 is 50% of the principle charge.
Section V
Prohibitions and customs matters
Article 19-201
Treatment of parcels wrongly admitted
1 Parcels containing articles mentioned in article 19.2, 19.3.1, 19.3.2, 19.4.3 and 19.5 of the Convention, and wrongly admitted to the Post shall be dealt with according to the legislation of the country of the designated operator of origin, transit or destination establishing their presence.
2 In the case of the insertion of a single item of correspondence prohibited within the meaning of article 19.5 of the Convention, this shall be treated as an unpaid letter-post item. The parcel shall not be returned to sender on this account.
3 The designated operator of destination shall be authorized to deliver to the addressee, under the conditions prescribed by its regulations, an uninsured parcel originating in a country which admits insurance and containing articles listed in article and of the Convention. If delivery is not permitted, the parcel shall be returned to sender.
4 The provisions in 3 shall be applicable to parcels the weight or the dimensions of which appreciably exceed the permitted limits. However, these parcels may, where appropriate, be delivered to the addressee if he first pays any charges which may be due.
5 When a parcel or part of its contents wrongly admitted to the post is neither returned to sender nor delivered to the addressee, the designated operator of origin shall be notified without delay how the parcel has been dealt with. This notification shall clearly indicate the prohibition under which the parcel falls and the articles which gave rise to seizure. A wrongly admitted parcel which is returned to origin shall be accompanied by a similar notification. The designated operator of destination or transit may deliver or forward to the addressee the part of the contents which is not subject to prohibition.
6 In the event of the seizure of a wrongly admitted parcel, the designated operator of transit or destination shall notify the designated operator of origin through the dispatch of a CN 13 report or, if agreed bilaterally, by using the appropriate standard UPU EDI item-level message (EME tracking event and corresponding retention code).
7 Designated operators shall implement procedures to provide for situations where postal items face events which prevent the continuation of conveyance, such as when wrongly admitted items are discovered at an intermediate location.
7.1 In cases of closed dispatch transit, the designated operator (of transit) shall provide an incident report giving as many details as possible to the designated operator (of origin) when a postal item is retained in transit. The report shall be issued within one working day (24 hours) following the discovery of the incident.
7.2 In cases of direct transhipment, the agreement between the designated operator (of origin) and the carrier should dictate how the retained postal item should be handled. However, in cases where the carrier is unable to resolve the issue through contacts with the designated operator (of origin) within seven days from the receipt of the report, the carrier may request assistance to resolve the incident from the designated operator at the intermediate location.
7.2.1 Designated operators shall incorporate language in their agreements with carriers to account for events which prevent the continuation of conveyance, such as when wrongly admitted items are discovered at an intermediate location. Such contractual language shall request the carrier to notify incidents and to request instructions for the resolution of the incident within one working day (24 hours) following the discovery of the incident.
7.3 Upon notification of a retained item, the designated operator (of origin) shall provide specific instructions on how to resolve the incident. An initial response shall be made within one working day (24 hours) following receipt of the report. The initial response from the designated operator of origin may not necessarily resolve the reported event, but rather serve as an acknowledgement that it has been reported and that further investigation is under way. Updated reports shall be provided by the designated operator of origin every 72 hours until resolution of the event. These guidelines for the timeframe are based in terms of normal business days and take account of holidays, time zone differences and weekends.
Article 19-202
Conditions of redirecting a parcel
1 A parcel may be redirected within the country of destination at the request of the sender, at the request of the addressee, or automatically if the regulations of that country permit.
2 A parcel may be redirected out of the country of destination only at the request of the sender or of the addressee. In this case the parcel shall comply with the conditions required for the onward transmission.
3 A parcel may also be redirected by air at the request of the sender or the addressee. Payment of the air surcharge in respect of the onward transmission shall be guaranteed.
4 For the first and any subsequent redirection of each parcel, the following may be collected:
4.1 the charges authorized by the national regulations of the designated operator concerned for such redirection, in the case of redirection within the country of destination;
4.2 the rates and air surcharges entailed in the onward transmission, in the case of redirection out of the country of destination;
4.3 the charges and fees which the former designated operators of destination do not agree to cancel.
5 The charges, rates and fees mentioned in 4 shall be collected from the addressee.
6 If the charges, rates and fees mentioned in 4 are paid at the time of redirection the parcel shall be dealt with as if it had originated in the redirecting country and been addressed to the country of the new destination.
Article 19-203
Periods of retention
1 When an addressee has been notified of the arrival of a parcel, it shall be held at his disposal for a fortnight or, at most, for a month from the day after that on which the advice is sent. Exceptionally, this period may be increased to two months if the regulations of the country of destination permit.
2 When it has not been possible to notify an addressee of the arrival of a parcel, the period of retention prescribed by the regulations of the country of destination shall apply. The same shall also apply to parcels addressed poste restante. This period shall start to run from the day after the day from which the parcel is held at the addressee's disposal. It shall not exceed two months. The parcel shall be returned within a shorter period if the sender has so requested in a language known in the country of destination.
3 The periods of retention prescribed in 1 and 2 shall be applicable, in the case of redirection, to parcels to be delivered by the new office of destination.
4 If, at the end of the customs inspection of a parcel, a period of more than three months has elapsed, the designated operator of destination shall request instructions concerning this parcel from the designated operator of origin.
5 If the designated operator of destination does not comply with provisions 1 to 4 above, it shall pay the rates and charges due for return to origin.
Article 19-204
Parcels automatically retained
1 For every parcel automatically retained or pending because of theft or damage or for some other cause of the same kind, the designated operator of destination shall prepare a CP 78 verification note. However, this procedure shall not be compulsory in cases of force majeure or when the number of parcels automatically retained is such that the sending of an advice is physically impossible.
2 The CP 78 verification note shall be prepared by the intermediate designated operator concerned for every parcel automatically retained in course of transmission either by the postal service (accidental interruption of traffic) or by the Customs. The reservation made under 1 shall also apply in such cases.
3 The CP 78 verification note shall include all the particulars shown on the CP 74 and CP 73 labels and the date of posting of the parcel. The CP 78 verification note shall be sent by the quickest route to the designated operator of the sender's country of residence.
4 The CP 78 verification note shall be accompanied by a copy of the dispatch note. In the cases referred to in 1 and 2, the CP 78 shall be endorsed in bold letters "Colis retenu d'office" (Parcel automatically retained). If the parcel is pending owing to theft or damage, a CN 24 report shall be prepared. A copy of the report giving information on the extent of the damage shall accompany the CP 78.
5 Several parcels posted at the same time by the same sender and addressed to the same addressee may be the subject of one CP 78 verification note, even if these parcels were accompanied by several dispatch notes. In such a case, all these notes shall be attached to the CP 78.
6 As a general rule, a CP 78 shall be exchanged between the office of destination and the office of exchange of origin. However, any designated operator may request that the CP 78 concerning its service be sent to its central administration or to a specially appointed office. The name of that office shall be notified to designated operators through the International Bureau. The designated operator of the sender's country of residence shall be responsible for advising the sender. The exchange of CP 78 verification notes shall be expedited as much as possible by all the offices concerned.
Article 19-205
Return to sender of undelivered parcels
1 If a parcel cannot be delivered or if it is held officially, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the instructions given by the sender within the limits set in article 17-212.
2 A parcel which it has not been possible to deliver shall be returned immediately if:
2.1 the sender has requested its immediate return;
2.2 the sender has made an unauthorized request;
2.3 the sender's instructions at the time of posting have not achieved the desired result.
3 A parcel which it has not been possible to deliver shall be returned immediately after the expiry:
3.1 of the periods of retention laid down in article 19-203;
3.2 of a period corresponding to the period of retention applied in the domestic service if a COD parcel has not been paid for within that limit.
4 Every parcel shall be returned by the route normally used for dispatching the lowest priority mails. It shall not be returned by air unless the sender has guaranteed the payment of the air surcharges. However, when the designated operator returning the item no longer uses surface conveyance, it shall return undeliverable items by the most appropriate means in use.
5 An office which returns a parcel shall give the reason for non-delivery on the parcel and on the dispatch note. It shall use for this purpose a stamped impression or a CN 15 label. If there is no dispatch note, the reason for the return shall be entered on the parcel bill. The endorsement shall be made in French. Each designated operator has the option of adding a translation in its own language and any other appropriate particulars.
6 The office of destination shall strike out the address particulars with which it is concerned and write "Retour" (Return) on the front of the parcel and on the dispatch note. It shall also apply its date-stamp beside this indication.
7 Parcels shall be returned to sender in their original packing. They shall be accompanied by the dis- patch note prepared by the sender. If a parcel has to be repacked or the original dispatch note replaced, the name of the office of origin of the parcel, the original serial number and, if possible, the date of posting shall appear on the new packing and on the dispatch note.
8 If an air parcel is returned to sender by surface, the "Par avion" (By airmail) label and any notes relating to transmission by air shall be automatically struck through.
9 A parcel returned to sender shall be subject to the rates entailed in the further transmission. It shall also be subject to the uncancelled charges and fees which are due to the designated operator of destination at the time of return to sender. That parcel shall be treated by the designated operator according to its own legislation. However, if the sender has abandoned a parcel which it has not been possible to deliver to the addressee, neither the sender nor other designated operators shall be required to cover any postal charges, customs duties or other fees which may be incurred in respect of such a parcel.
10 The allocation and recovery of rates, charges and fees paid on the parcel shall be made as mentioned in article 27-209. They shall be indicated in detail on a CP 77 statement of charges. This statement shall be affixed at one edge to the dispatch note.
11 The rates, charges and fees provided for under 9 shall be collected from the sender. Designated operators may however refrain from calculating the exact amount of these charges and instead fix standard rates for parcels to be returned to sender.
12 Parcels returned to the sender and undeliverable to him shall be dealt with by the designated operator concerned in accordance with its own legislation.
Article 19-206
Return to sender of wrongly accepted parcels
1 Any parcel wrongly accepted and returned to sender shall be subject to the rates, charges and fees prescribed in article 19-205.9.
2 These rates, charges and fees shall be payable by the sender, if the parcel has been wrongly admitted in consequence of an error of the sender or if it falls within one of the prohibitions laid down in article 19 of the Convention.
3 They shall be payable by the designated operator responsible for the error, if the parcel has been wrongly admitted in consequence of an error attributable to the postal service. In this case the sender shall be entitled to a refund of the charges paid.
4 If the rates which have been allocated to the designated operator returning the parcel are insufficient to cover the rates, charges and fees mentioned in 1, the outstanding charges shall be recovered from the designated operator of the sender's country of residence.
5 If there is a surplus, the designated operator which sends back the parcel shall return the balance of the rates to the designated operator of the sender's country of residence for refund to the sender.
Article 19-207
Return to sender due to suspension of services
The return of a parcel to the sender due to the suspension of services shall be free of charge. The unallocated rates collected for the outward journey shall be credited to the designated operator of the sender's country of residence for refund to the sender.
Article 19-208
Non-compliance by a designated operator with given instructions
1 When the designated operator of destination or an intermediate designated operator has not complied with the instructions given at the time of posting or subsequently, it shall bear the conveyance charges (outward and return) and any other uncancelled charges or fees. Nevertheless, the charges paid for the outward journey shall remain the responsibility of the sender if he declared, at the time of posting or subsequently, that in the event of non-delivery he would abandon the parcel.
2 The designated operator of the sender's country of residence shall be authorized automatically to bill the charges referred to in 1 to the designated operator which has not complied with the instructions given and which, although duly informed, has allowed three months without finally settling the matter. The period shall run from the date on which that designated operator was informed of the case.
3 The provision in 2 shall also apply if the designated operator of the sender's country of residence has not been informed that the non-compliance appeared to be due to force majeure or that the parcel had been detained, seized or confiscated in accordance with the national regulations of the country of destination.
Article 19-209
Parcels containing items whose early deterioration or decay is to be feared
1 Articles contained in a parcel whose early deterioration or decay is to be feared shall be separated from other parcels in order to avoid deterioration to other parcels. If separation is impossible, the spoilt or decayed articles shall be destroyed. This provision shall apply in accordance with the national legislation of the member country.
2 When a parcel has been destroyed in accordance with 1, a formal report of the destruction shall be drawn up. A copy of the report accompanied by the dispatch note shall be sent to the office of origin.
Article 19-210
Treatment of requests for withdrawal of parcels from the post or for alteration or correction of address and/or name of the addressee
1 The sender of a parcel may ask for it to be returned or for the address and/or name of the addressee to be altered. He must guarantee payment of the amounts due for any onward transmission.
2 However, designated operators shall have the option of not accepting the requests referred to in 1 when they do not accept them in their internal service.
3 Preparation of request
3.1 Every request for withdrawal of items from the post or for alteration or correction of the address and/ or name of the addressee shall entail completion by the sender of a CN 17 form. One form may be used for several items posted at the same time, at the same office, by the same sender to the same addressee.
3.2 In handing in the request at the post office the sender shall prove his identity and produce the certificate of posting, if any. The designated operator of the country of origin shall assume responsibility for the proof of identity.
3.3 A request for simple correction of address (without alteration of the name or status of the addressee) may be made direct to the office of destination by the sender. The charge prescribed in 4 shall not be collected in such a case.
3.4 Through notification of the International Bureau, any designated operator may make provision for CN 17 requests concerning it to be exchanged through its central administration or through a specially appointed office. This notification shall include the name of this office.
3.5 Designated operators which exercise the option provided for under 3.4 shall bear any charges which may result from the transmission in their internal service by post or by telecommunication of the communications to be exchanged with the office of destination. Recourse to telecommunication or other similar service shall be compulsory when the sender has himself used such means and the office of destination cannot be advised in time by post.
3.6 If the item is still in the country of origin, the request shall be dealt with according to the legislation of that country.
4 Charges
4.1 The sender shall pay, for each request, a special charge the guideline maximum amount of which shall be 1.31 SDR.
4.2 The request shall be forwarded by post or by telecommunication at the sender's expense. The forwarding conditions and the provisions relating to the use of telecommunications are set out in 6 below.
4.3 The charges prescribed under 4.1 and 4.2 shall be levied only once for each request for withdrawal from the post or alteration or correction of the address and/or name of the addressee involving several items posted at the same time, at the same office, by the same sender to the same addressee.
5 Transmission of request by post
5.1 If the request is to be sent by post, the CN 17 form, accompanied if possible by a perfect facsimile of the envelope or of the address of the item, shall be sent direct to the office of destination under registered cover by the quickest route (air or surface).
5.2 If requests are exchanged through the central administrations, a copy of the request may, in an emergency, be sent direct by the office of origin to the office of destination. Requests sent direct shall be acted on. The items concerned shall be withheld from delivery until the arrival of the request from the central administration.
5.3 On receipt of the CN 17 form, the office of destination shall search for the item in question and take the necessary action.
5.4 The action taken by the office of destination on every request for withdrawal from the post or alteration or correction of address shall be communicated immediately to the office of origin by the quickest route (air or surface), using a copy of the CN 17 form with the "Reply of the office of destination" part duly completed. The office of origin shall inform the applicant. The same shall apply in the following circumstances:
5.4.1 fruitless searches;
5.4.2 items already delivered to the addressee;
5.4.3 item confiscated, destroyed or seized.
5.5 A non-priority or surface item shall be returned to origin by priority or by air following a request for withdrawal from the post when the sender undertakes to pay the corresponding difference in postage. When an item is redirected by priority or by air following a request for alteration or correction of address, the difference in postage corresponding to the new route shall be collected from the addressee and retained by the delivering designated operator.
6 Transmission of request by telecommunications
6.1 If the request is to be made by telecommunications, the CN 17 form shall be handed over to the corresponding service for transmission of the details to the post office of destination. The sender shall pay the corresponding charge for that service.
6.2 On receipt of the message received by telecommunications, the office of destination shall search for the item in question and take necessary action.
6.3 Any request for alteration or correction of address concerning an insured item made by telecommunications shall be confirmed by post, by the first mail, as prescribed under 5.1. The CN 17 form shall then bear at the head, in bold letters, the note "Confirmation de la demande transmise par voie des télécommunications du ..." (Confirmation of request made by telecommunications dated ...); pending such confirmation, the office of destination shall merely retain the item. However, the designated operator of destination may, on its own responsibility, act on the request made by telecommunications without waiting for confirmation by post.
6.4 If the sender of a request sent by telecommunications has asked to be notified by similar means, the reply shall be sent by this means to the office of origin. It shall inform the applicant as quickly as possible. The same shall apply if a request by telecommunications is not sufficiently explicit to identify the item with certainty.
Section VII
A. Transit charges
Article 27-201
Transit land rates
1 The rates applied to calculate the transit land rate in accordance with article 33.2 of the Convention are given below:
1.1 per kilogramme and per kilometre up to 1,000 kilometres: 0.426 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.437 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.447 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.458 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025;
1.2 per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre up to 3,000 kilometres: 0.182 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.187 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.191 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.196 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025;
1.3 per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre up to 5,000 kilometres: 0.159 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.163 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.167 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.171 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025;
1.4 per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre: 0.106 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.108 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.111 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.113 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025;
1.5 the distance rate shall be calculated per 100-kilometre distance step, based on the mid-value in each step.
2 For parcels in transit à découvert, intermediate designated operators shall be authorized to claim a single rate of 0.51 SDR per item for handling costs incurred at the intermediate office of exchange.
2.1 When intermediate designated operators continuously capture and transmit EMJ and EMK events in accordance with article 17-216.1 and the targets listed in article 17-217 for parcels in transit à découvert, they shall be entitled to an additional single rate of 0.40 SDR per item.
Article 27-202
Application of transit land rates
1 No transit land rate shall be payable for:
1.1 the transfer of postal receptacles between two transit points serving the same town;
1.2 the transport of such postal receptacles between a transit point serving a town and a warehouse situated in the same town and the return of the same postal receptacles for reforwarding.
2 Each of the designated operators taking part in conveyance shall be authorized to collect for each parcel the transit land rates applicable to the relevant distance step. If there is no land route, only the single rate mentioned in article 27-201.2 shall apply.
3 Reforwarding, where applicable after warehousing, by the designated operators of an intermediate country of mails in transit à découvert entering and leaving by the same port or airport (transit not involving a land route) shall be subject to the single rate per parcel mentioned in article 27-201.2, but not to transit land rates.
4 When a foreign transport service crosses the territory of a country without the participation of the latter's services in accordance with article 17-214.3, parcels thus conveyed shall not be subject to the transit land rate.
Article 27-203
Sea rate
1 The rates applied to calculate the sea rate in accordance with article 33.3 of the Convention are given below:
1.1 per kilogramme and per nautical mile (1.852 km) up to 1,000 nautical miles: 0.204 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.209 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.214 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.219 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025;
1.2 per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 2,000 nautical miles: 0.113 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.115 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.118 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.121 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025;
1.3 per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 4,000 nautical miles: 0.073 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.075 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.076 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.078 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025;
1.4 per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 10,000 nautical miles: 0.008 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2022, 0.008 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2023, 0.009 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2024 and 0.009 thousandths of an SDR for the year 2025;
1.5 per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile: 0.003 thousandths of an SDR for the years 2022 to 2025;
1.6 the distance rate shall be calculated per 100-nautical-mile distance step, based on the mid-value in each step
Article 27-204
Application of sea rate
1 If necessary, the distance steps used to determine the amount of the sea rate applicable between two member countries shall be calculated on the basis of a weighted average distance. This shall be determined in terms of the tonnage of the mails carried between the respective ports of the two member countries.
2 Sea conveyance between two ports of the same member country may not give rise to the collection of the sea rate when the designated operator of that member country already receives, for the same parcels, payment in respect of land conveyance.
3 The sea rate for intermediate designated operators or services shall be applicable to air parcels only where the parcel is conveyed by an intermediate sea service. For this purpose every sea service provided by the designated operator of origin or destination shall be regarded as an intermediate service.
4 In the case of an increase, this shall also be applied to parcels originating in the member country to which the services providing sea conveyance belong. Nevertheless, this obligation shall not apply either in the relations between a member country and the territories for whose international relations it is responsible, or in the relations between these territories.
5 Article 33-202 shall apply in case of modification of the sea rate.
Article 27-205
Application of new rates following unforeseeable changes in routeing
Reasons of force majeure or any other unforeseeable occurrence may oblige a designated operator to use, for the conveyance of its own parcels, a new dispatch route which causes additional sea or land conveyance costs. In such a case, it shall be required to inform immediately by telecommunications all the designated operators whose parcel mails or à découvert parcels are sent in transit through its country. From the fifth day following dispatch of this information, the intermediate designated operator shall be authorized to charge the designated operator of origin the land and sea rates corresponding to the new route.
Article 27-206
Weight of mails used for remuneration of designated operators
For the purposes of remunerating designated operators of destination or transit, the gross weight of the mails shall include the weight of receptacles (trays, mailbags, etc.) but shall not include that of shipping or airline containers. Designated operators of origin and destination may however agree bilaterally to use net weights, whatever the method of entry used for completing CP 87 or CP 88 parcel bills.
Article 27-207
Allocation of rates
Allocation of rates to the designated operators concerned shall be made, in principle, in respect of each parcel.
Article 27-208
Rates and dues credited to other designated operators by the designated operator of origin of the mail
1 In the case of exchange of closed mails, the designated operator of origin of the mail shall credit the designated operator of destination and each intermediate designated operator with its land and sea rates, including the exceptional rates authorized by the Convention or its Final Protocol.
2 In the case of exchange in transit à découvert the designated operator of origin of the mail shall credit:
2.1 the designated operator of destination of the mail with the rates enumerated in 1 as well as rates due to the subsequent intermediate designated operators and to the designated operator of destination of the parcel;
2.2 the designated operator of destination of the mail with the amounts in respect of air conveyance dues to which it is entitled for reforwarding air parcels;
2.3 the intermediate designated operators preceding the designated operator of destination of the mail with the rates enumerated in 1.
3 Charges for handling closed transit mails shall be borne by the designated operator of origin of the mails. The rate applied shall be 0.571 SDR per kilogramme for 2022, 0.585 per kilogramme for 2023,
0.599 SDR per kilogramme for 2024 and 0.613 SDR per kilogramme for 2025.
4 Transhipment at the same airport, in the course of transmission, of air parcels conveyed successively by several separate air services shall be performed without remuneration.
Article 27-209
Allocation and recovery of rates, charges and fees in the case of return to sender or redirection
1 When rates, charges and fees have not been paid at the time of return to sender or redirection, the returning or redirecting designated operator shall proceed as indicated below.
2 In the case of exchange of direct mail the returning or redirecting designated operator shall recover from the designated operator to which the mail is addressed:
2.1 the rates due to it and to the intermediate designated operators;
2.2 the charges and fees due to it and which it has incurred.
3 The designated operator returning or redirecting the parcel in a closed mail shall credit the intermediate designated operators with the rates due to them.
4 In the case of transmission in transit à découvert, the intermediate designated operator shall be debited by the designated operator which returns or redirects the parcel with the amounts mentioned in 2. It shall credit itself by debiting the designated operator to which it hands over the parcel, with the sum due to it and with that due to the returning or redirecting designated operator. This procedure shall be repeated, if need be, by each intermediate designated operator.
5 The air conveyance dues for parcels returned to sender or redirected by air shall be recovered, where appropriate, from the designated operator of the countries where the request for return or redirection originated.
6 The allocation and the recovery of the rates, charges and fees in the case of the redirection of missent parcels shall be made in accordance with article 17-237.4.
7 Air conveyance dues for air parcel dispatches re-routed in the course of conveyance shall be settled in accordance with articles 34-201 and 34-204.
C. Rates for parcel post
Article 33-201
Inward land rates
1 Principle
1.1 The inward land rates referred to in article 33.1 of the Convention shall comprise the basic rates and bonus payments (supplementary rates) based on the service features provided by each designated operator and approved by the International Bureau in accordance with these Regulations and the relevant POC resolutions.
1.2 For the purposes of determining inward land rates:
1.2.1 the term "designated operator" shall refer to each designated operator operating an independent parcel-post service in a member country for which inward land rates shall be calculated on a uniform basis;
1.2.2 regarding the specific scenario referred to in article 4.1.3 of the Constitution, the territory in which the parcel-post service is operated by the designated operator of another member country shall be considered to be part of the country or territory of the designated operator operating the service;
1.2.3 the terms "notify", "notified" and "notification" shall refer to the receipt by the International Bureau of a request or required information in the forms prescribed in the Regulations.
1.2.4 in due application of paragraph 1.2.1, the term "country-specific rate" or "country-specific ceiling base rate" shall refer to rates that are specific to a designated operator which may result in differences in the applicable rates between designated operators that independently operate within the same member country.
2 Base rate
2.1 The base rate shall be a country-specific rate per parcel and per kilogramme. These rates shall be self-declared.
2.2 Beginning with inward land rates in effect for the year 2022 onwards, designated operators may notify the International Bureau by 31 August of the year preceding the year in which the self-declared base rates would apply for a self-declared base rate per parcel and self-declared base rate per kilogramme, expressed in SDR.
2.3 Designated operators that do not self-declare their base rates in accordance with this article shall continue to apply the existing base rates.
2.4 For designated operators that have elected to self-declare their base rates in a prior calendar year and that do not communicate different base rates for the subsequent year by the date mentioned in 2.2, the existing self-declared base rates shall continue to apply.
2.5 The self-declared base rate per parcel and per kilogramme shall not be higher than the country- specific ceiling base rates in 2.5.1.
2.5.1 The country-specific ceiling base rates are determined on the basis of the per parcel and per kilogramme base rates in effect in the year 2021 adjusted by inflation-linked increases claimed for in accordance with article 33-202.1.
2.5.2 The self-declared base rate per parcel and per kilogramme shall not exceed the ceiling base rate per parcel and per kilogramme, respectively.
3 System of bonus payments (supplementary rates)
3.1 The participation of a designated operator in the system of bonus payments shall be subject to:
3.1.1 the mandatory acceptance of liability for lost, rifled and damaged parcels according to article 22 of the Convention;
3.1.2 the mandatory application of the barcoded S10 item identifier as defined in article 17-215.1;
3.1.3 the provision to the International Bureau of a sample of the barcoded S10 item identifier applied to parcels by the designated operator and of any information regarding the modification of that identifier;
3.1.4 the entry of service feature information in the Parcel Post Compendium Online or, where this is not possible, the notification of this information in writing (by registered mail, fax or e-mail) to the International Bureau;
3.1.5 the validation of these features by the International Bureau, which is carried out on the basis of the information notified in accordance with 3.1.4 to the International Bureau at 31 August and 31 December.
3.2 Any designated operator that meets the conditions for participating in the bonus payment system (supplementary rates) may increase its base rate by up to 40%, on the basis of the service features provided, as defined below.
3.3 The bonus payment system shall be applied to the base rate or to the global minimum inward land rate.
4 Definition of service features and corresponding bonus payments
4.1 Service feature 1: track and trace
4.1.1 The following bonuses shall be applied to the base rate if the designated operator provides track and trace information on parcels and continuously transmits the mandatory tracking events to all partner operators, in accordance with article 17-216.1.1, the objectives set in article 17-217 and the following minimum performance requirements for bonus eligibility set by the Postal Operations Council: 2% for EMC events; 2% for EMD events; and between 1% and 11% for EDH/EMH/EMI events.
4.1.2 A bonus of 5% shall be applied to the base rate if the designated operator provides track and trace information on parcels and continuously transmits the mandatory tracking data elements for events EDB/EME and EDC, in accordance with article 17-216.1.1, and the objectives set in article 17-217.
4.1.3 A bonus of 5% shall be applied to the base rate if the designated operator provides track and trace information on parcels and continuously transmits the necessary data elements concerning dis- patches, in accordance with article 17-216.3 and the objectives set in article 17-217.3.
4.2 Service feature 2: home delivery
4.2.1 A bonus of 5% shall be applied to the base rate if the designated operator provides home delivery, which shall include (except for voluntary P.O. box customers) an initial attempt at physical delivery to the addressee's address; an advice left at the addressee's address if the addressee or any other person at the address is absent; alternative options for delivery of the parcel to the addressee at their request (e.g. pick-up point, delivery at another address) if the provisions in force in the country of destination so permit as referred to in article 17-205.2; and, for taxable or dutiable items, the option offered to the addressee of paying the tax or duty and taking physical delivery of the item.
4.2.2 If governmental or legally binding restrictions mean that a designated operator faces certain limitations in implementing service feature 2, it may still claim the 5% bonus.
4.3 Service feature 3: delivery standards
4.3.1 A bonus of 5% shall be applied to the base rate if the designated operator has entered in the Parcel Post Compendium Online or, where this is not possible, notified to the International Bureau in writing (by registered mail, fax or e-mail) the following information: Delivery standards for air and surface parcels, as defined by the matrix and headings in the Parcel Post Compendium Online. Indicative average customs clearance time for air and surface parcels. The relevant information on the delivery standards, including a source for verification of this information, such as delivery time information published on the website of the designated operator concerned, printed in its general conditions or confirmed in writing by the regulator, government or designated operator.
4.4 Service feature 4: use of IBIS
4.4.1 The following bonuses shall be applied to the base rate if a designated operator uses IBIS to handle all inquiries with designated operators using this common system, in accordance with article 21-003.3, and achieves the target fixed in article 21-003.7.5. 3% for on-time responses. 1% for opening requests received (within a maximum average time of 16 working hours). 1% for opening replies received (within a maximum average time of 16 working hours).
5 Verification and validation of service features provided
5.1 For each designated operator, the International Bureau shall check and, where appropriate, validate the service features provided, in accordance with the procedure approved by the POC.
5.2 Service feature 1: track and trace
5.2.1 The International Bureau shall check and, where appropriate, validate service feature 1 on the basis of UPU track and trace reports or, in the absence of such reports, on the basis of internationally recognized reports provided by the designated operator.
5.3 Service feature 2: home delivery
5.3.1 The International Bureau shall check and, where appropriate, validate service feature 2 on the basis of information entered by the designated operator in the Parcel Post Compendium Online or, where this is not possible, notified in writing (by registered mail, fax or e-mail) to the International Bureau and on the basis of obligatory evidence provided by the designated operator or any other officially available information. The information on the nature of the limitation of governmental or legally binding restrictions shall be published in an appropriate entry in the Parcel Post Compendium Online. The accuracy of entries provided by designated operators for the Parcel Post Compendium Online may be subject to review by the International Bureau in cases where doubts are raised by partner designated operators. In such cases, entitlement to the 5% bonus may also be reviewed.
5.4 Service feature 3: delivery standards
5.4.1 The International Bureau shall check and, where appropriate, validate service feature 3 on the basis of the information entered by the designated operator in the Parcel Post Compendium Online or, where this is not possible, notified in writing (by registered mail, fax or e-mail) to the International Bureau.
5.5 Service feature 4: use of IBIS
5.5.1 The International Bureau shall check and, where appropriate, validate service feature 4 on the basis of reports transmitted by the supplier of IBIS.
Article 33-202
Modifications of the inward land rates
1 In accordance with paragraph 2.5.1 of article 33-201, designated operators wishing to claim an inflation-linked increase to their country-specific ceiling base rates shall notify to the International Bureau their claim in writing (by registered mail, fax or e-mail). Such notification must be received by the International Bureau at the latest by 31 August of any given year for rates entering into force on 1 January of the following year. The claim shall indicate the official source and name of the organization responsible for the country's official overall consumer price index, and be accompanied by documentary evidence, subject to the following additional rules:
1.1 In no case shall the inflation-linked increase exceed 5%; moreover, the aforementioned inflation- linked increase may relate only to the inflation experienced in a 12-month period starting no earlier than 1 January of the year preceding that for which the adjustment is claimed and ending no later than 31 July of the year in which such a claim is made. Furthermore, inflation-linked increases shall not comprise any periods already claimed for by the designated operator concerned in a prior claim.
1.2 Subject to fulfilment of the conditions described above, increases in the base inward land rates due to inflation-linked adjustment shall only come into force on 1 January of the year subsequent to that in which the relevant notification was received by the International Bureau.
2 Any designated operator wishing to obtain a new bonus relating to the service features it provides shall notify its request to the International Bureau:
2.1 No later than 31 August for verification of services features applicable to rates entering into force on 1 January of the following year.
2.2 No later than 31 December for verification of services features applicable to rates entering into force on 1 July of the following year.
2.3 Designated operators shall enter by the same deadlines any updates to their data concerning service features already provided in the Parcel Post Compendium Online.
3 Before making any changes to bonuses, the International Bureau shall check twice a year whether the service elements have been put in place and are continuously operational, in accordance with the procedure approved by the POC for validating service features. The bonuses may be adjusted upwards or down- wards, depending on the outcome of the checks.
4 Modifications to the bonus payment of the inward land rates based on the service features provided shall come into force on 1 January or on 1 July.
4.1 The International Bureau shall notify applicable inward land rates to all designated operators no later than 30 September for rates coming into force on 1 January of the following year, and 31 March for rates coming into force on 1 July.
5 Designated operators may submit an inward land rate review request concerning the calculation or content of inward land rates (including base rates and bonus payments) as referred to in article 33-201. Such requests shall be submitted to the International Bureau no later than 31 October for rates coming into force on 1 January of the following year, and no later than 30 April for rates coming into force on 1 July. The Postal Operations Council shall establish the relevant inward land rate review procedures and, as necessary, decide on such reviews in accordance with these procedures.
Article 33-203
ECOMPRO parcels
1 Rates applicable to ECOMPRO parcels referred to in article 17-206 are self-declared. The rates for ECOMPRO parcels shall be notified to the International Bureau no later than 31 August for rates entering into force on 1 January of the following year.
2 The International Bureau shall notify applicable ECOMPRO rates to all designated operators no later than 30 September for rates entering into force on 1 January of the following year.
D. Air conveyance dues
Article 34-201
Calculation of air conveyance dues
1 Air conveyance dues relating to air parcel mails shall be calculated according to, on the one hand, the actual basic rate and the kilometric distances given in the "List of Airmail Distances" and, on the other, the gross weight of the mails. The actual basic rate may be less than and at most equal to the rate mentioned in article 34.1 of the Convention.
2 The air conveyance dues payable to the intermediate designated operator for à découvert air parcels shall be fixed in principle as indicated in 1, but per half kilogramme for each country of destination. Nevertheless, when the territory of the country of destination of these parcels is served by one or more lines with several stops in that territory, dues shall be calculated on the basis of a weighted average rate. This shall be determined on the basis of the weight of the parcels offloaded at each stop. The dues to be paid shall be calculated for each individual parcel, the weight of each being rounded upwards to the next half-kilogramme.
Article 34-202
Calculation of air conveyance dues for the merchandise return service
1 Air conveyance dues relating to the merchandise return service shall be based on a rate per kilogramme, according to the table CP 81 or CP 82 of the designated operator returning the merchandise or according to the air conveyance dues provided for in article 34-201 if tables CP 81 or CP 82 have not been established.
2 Parcels sent via the merchandise return service shall not be transmitted in transit à découvert.
Article 34-203
Air conveyance dues for lost or destroyed air parcels
The designated operator of origin shall be exempt from any payment in respect of the air conveyance of air parcels lost or destroyed as a result of an accident occurring to the aircraft or through any other cause involving the liability of the air carrier. This exemption shall apply for any part of the flight of the line used.
Article 34-204
Air conveyance dues for diverted or missent mails or bags
1 The designated operator of origin of a mail which has gone off its route in course of conveyance shall pay the conveyance dues for the mail relating to the sectors actually covered.
2 It shall settle the conveyance dues as far as the airport of offloading initially provided for on the CN 38 delivery bill or the electronic equivalent when:
2.1 the actual forwarding route is not known;
2.2 the dues for the sectors actually covered have not yet been claimed; or
2.3 the diversion is attributable to the airline which effected the conveyance.
3 The supplementary dues relating to the sectors actually covered by the diverted mail shall be reimbursed as follows:
3.1 by the designated operator that committed the error in the case of misrouteing;
3.2 by the designated operator which has collected the conveyance dues paid to the airline when the latter has offloaded in a place other than that shown on the CN 38 delivery bill or the electronic equivalent.
4 The provisions set out under 1 to 3 shall be applicable by analogy when part only of a mail is offloaded at an airport other than that indicated on the CN 38 delivery bill or the electronic equivalent.
5 The designated operator of origin of a mail or bag missent owing to a labelling error shall pay the conveyance dues relating to the whole distance flown in accordance with article 34.3.1 of the Convention.
Article 34-205
Payment of air conveyance dues for the transport of empty bags
1 Air conveyance dues for the transport of empty bags shall be payable by the designated operator owning the bags.
2 The maximum rate applicable in respect of the air conveyance of dispatches of empty bags shall correspond to 30% of the basic rate set in accordance with the provisions of article 34.1 of the Convention.
Done at Berne, on 24 November 2021.
For the Postal Operations Council:
France Represented by Jean-Paul Forceville |
Bishar A.
Hussein Secretary General |
Final Protocol to the Regulations to the Convention
At the moment of proceeding to approval of the Regulations to the Convention, the Postal Operations Council has agreed the following:
Volume I
Rules in common
Article R I
Marking of items sent free of postal charges
Notwithstanding article 16-002.1.3, France reserves the right to apply the provisions concerning items for the blind in accordance with its national regulations.
Article R II
1 Notwithstanding article 13-002, the designated operators of Austria, Brazil, Germany, Hungary (Rep.), Luxembourg, Poland and the United States of America may modify the dimensions and format of the CN 07 form.
2 Notwithstanding article 13-002.2, France may make the following changes to the CN 07 form:
2.1 add a barcode with bars and/or digits that complies with the technical specifications accepted in the standards approved by the UPU;
2.2 include a quiet zone in the lower part;
2.3 add in the addressee box standard orange-coloured machine-readable guide lines for writing and enlarge the "Addressee of item" and "Return to" areas;
2.4 incorporate the English version of the mandatory information to be completed at destination.
3 Notwithstanding article 13-002.2, Austria and Italy may make the following changes to the CN 07 form:
3.1 colour the addressee box in white and add internal machine-readable guide lines for writing;
3.2 colour the quiet zone in the lower part in white;
3.3 in the "Nature of the item" box, delete the products for which the advice of delivery service is not provided;
3.4 move from the lower left-hand side to the lower right-hand side the information concerning the sig- nature of the form.
4 Notwithstanding article 13-002.2, Austria may also modify the position and layout of the indications on the CN 07 form for internal machine-readability purposes.
5 Notwithstanding article 13-002.2, Italy may make the following change to the CN 07 form: add a 2D barcode for internal purposes.
6 Notwithstanding article 13-002 and with a view to appropriately providing electronic advance data to designated operators of destination, Japan may change the text of the instructions concerning the languages to be used in completing the CN 22, CN 23 and CP 72 forms as follows: "To accelerate customs clearance, complete this declaration in English, French or in a language accepted in the destination country by using very legible roman letters and arabic numerals. If available, add the importer's/addressee's telephone number and electronic mail address, as well as the sender's telephone number. If other character sets and numerals are used in the destination country, this declaration may also be completed in those character sets and numerals, subject to prior provision of the relevant electronic data by the sender."
Article R III
Maximum limits for insured items
1 Notwithstanding article 18-001, Sweden reserves the right to restrict the value of the contents of registered and insured letter-post items for Sweden, according to the following maximum limits:
Maximum commercial value of contents | Maximum insured value | Maximum indemnity | |
Registered letter-post items | 500 SDR | - |
30 SDR
(M bag: 150 SDR) |
Insured letter-post items | 1,000 SDR | 1,000 SDR | 1,000 SDR |
Uninsured parcels | 1,000 SDR | - |
40 SDR per parcel
+ 4.50 SDR per kg |
Insured parcels | 1,000 SDR | 1,000 SDR | 1,000 SDR |
2 The restriction cannot be circumvented by partial insurance of the value exceeding 1,000 SDR. There are no new restrictions on the nature of the contents of registered and insured items. Items with a value exceeding these limits will be returned to origin.
3 Notwithstanding article 18-001, Denmark reserves the right to restrict the value of the contents of inward registered or insured letter-post items or insured postal parcels containing money or securities of any kind payable to the bearer, according to the following maximum limits:
Maximum commercial value of contents | Maximum insured value | Maximum indemnity | |
Registered items | 100 SDR | - | 30 SDR |
Insured items | 4,000 SDR | 4,000 SDR | 4,000 SDR |
3.1 These limits cannot be circumvented by taking out partial insurance on the amount exceeding 4,000 SDR.
Article R IV
Insured items
1 Notwithstanding article 18-001, France reserves the right to limit the value of the contents of insured letter-post items for France, according to the following maximum limits:
Maximum commercial value of contents | Maximum insured value | Maximum indemnity | |
Insured items | 630 SDR | 630 SDR | 630 SDR |
2 These limits may not be circumvented by partial insurance of the value exceeding 630 SDR. Items with a value exceeding this limit will be returned to origin. It is not possible to declare a value lower than the commercial value of the item.
Article R V
Delivery procedure
1 Notwithstanding article 18-, the designated operators of Australia, Canada and New Zealand are authorized not to obtain a signature of acceptance or some other form of evidence of receipt from the recipient when delivering or handing over an insured parcel without a barcode that meets all applicable UPU standards.
2 Notwithstanding article 18-001.6, the designated operators of Australia, Canada and New Zealand are authorized not to obtain a signature of acceptance or some other form of evidence of receipt from the recipient when delivering or handing over an ordinary parcel without a barcode that meets all applicable UPU standards.
Article R VI
Dangerous goods admitted exceptionally
Notwithstanding article 19-001, France reserves the right to refuse items containing the goods specified in that article.
Article R VII
Admissible radioactive materials, infectious substances, and lithium cells and lithium batteries
Notwithstanding article 19-003, France reserves the right to refuse items containing the goods specified in that article.
Article R VIII
Items subject to customs control
Notwithstanding article 20-001, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will not accept liability for obtaining the signature of the sender on the forms CN 22 and CN 23 to the effect that the item does not contain any dangerous article prohibited by the postal regulations.
Article R IX
Treatment of inquiries
1 Notwithstanding article 21-001, the United States of America reserves the right not to accept CN 08 inquiries from the designated operator of origin for registered items or insured or ordinary parcels sent as transit à découvert items and declines to accept liability for these types of prohibited items.
2 The United States of America, when acting as an intermediate designated operator, shall be authorized not to indemnify other designated operators which erroneously send transit à découvert insured or ordinary parcels in violation of the requirement that only closed transit items are accepted.
Article R X
Application of the liability of designated operators
Notwithstanding the provisions of article 22-001, Canada and the United States of America, in all cases of a parcel allegedly returned to the sender without the reason for return being given, reserve the right to process a CN 08 inquiry only if the original wrapping and or mailing container is attached for examination.
Article R XI
Delivery of a rifled or damaged registered or insured item
1 Notwithstanding article 23-001.1 and 2, the United States of America reserves the right to not apply the provisions to registered letter-post items.
2 Notwithstanding the new provisions of article 23-001, Argentina reserves the right to withhold application of those provisions until it has carried out a study determining the mechanisms for recovery and management of the costs associated with the operating procedures.
3 Notwithstanding articles 23-001.1 and 2, Brazil reserves the right to defer application of the relevant provisions concerning the CN 24 report.
4 Notwithstanding the provisions of article 23-001, Canada reserves the right to report on the delivery of a rifled or damaged registered item to the addressee, the designated operator of the country of origin and/or the sender by electronic or any other means.
5 Notwithstanding article 23-001.1 and 2, the United States of America reserves the right to apply current procedures.
Article R XII
Procedures for determining the liability of designated operators
1 Notwithstanding article 25-005.2 and 3, the United States of America reserves the right to not apply the provisions to registered letter-post items.
2 Notwithstanding article 25-005.2, Argentina reserves the right to not issue the CN 24 form.
3 Notwithstanding article 25-005.2 and 3, Canada shall be authorized to not apply the provisions in the case of registered items.
Volume II
Letter Post Regulations
Article R XIII
Special charges
Notwithstanding article 15-101.2.6, France reserves the right not to apply the storage charge to items for the blind, in accordance with its national regulations.
Article R XIV
Conditions of application of postage charges
Notwithstanding the provisions of article 15-102.2, Ireland reserves the right to adopt 25 grammes as a first weight step in its scale of letter-post charges.
Article R XV
Printed papers. Maximum weight
Notwithstanding article 17-103.2.2, Canada and Ireland shall be authorized to limit to 2 kilogrammes the maximum weight of inward and outward printed papers.
Article R XVI
Special provisions applicable to each category of items
1 Notwithstanding article 17-107.2.2, Afghanistan and Japan reserve the right to enclose or attach pictures or slips of paper in aerogrammes under the same conditions as in their domestic service.
2 Notwithstanding article 17-107.4.5, in the absence of bilateral agreement, Canada and the United States of America will not accept as enclosures in dispatches of printed papers any cards, envelopes or wrappings bearing the address of the sender or of his agent in the country of destination of the original item.
3 Notwithstanding article 17-107.5.1, Australia will accept for delivery as items for the blind only those items that are recognized as items for the blind in its domestic service.
4 Notwithstanding article 17-107.5, France shall apply the provisions concerning items for the blind in accordance with its national regulations.
5 Notwithstanding article 17-107.4.5, in the absence of bilateral agreement, Iraq will not accept as enclosures in printed papers posted in bulk any cards, envelopes or wrappings bearing a sender's address that is not located in the country of origin of the item.
6 Notwithstanding article 17-107.5.2, Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Nepal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe shall admit sound recordings as items for the blind only if these are sent by, or addressed to, an officially recognized institute for the blind.
7 Notwithstanding article 17-107.7, Canada shall be authorized not to accept or handle M bags containing audio-visual articles or informational materials received from other countries.
8 Any reservation made in relation to bulk mail shall have no impact on the application of article 17-107.
9 Notwithstanding article 17-107.8.1, Greece reserves the right to regard as "bulk mail" the receipt, in the same mail or in one day when several mails are made up per day, of 150 items posted by the same sender as well as the receipt, in a period of two weeks, of 1,000 or more items posted by the same sender.
10 Notwithstanding article 17-107.7, the Dem. People's Rep. of Korea reserves the right not to accept M bags that contain commercial samples or other non-dutiable commercial articles or informational materials that are not subject to resale.
Article R XVII
Standardized items
1 Canada, Kenya, Tanzania (United Rep.), Uganda and the United States of America shall not be obliged to discourage the use of envelopes whose format exceeds the dimensions recommended in article 17-111 when those envelopes are widely used in their countries.
2 Afghanistan and India shall not be obliged to discourage the use of envelopes whose format is larger or smaller than the dimensions recommended in article 17-111 when those envelopes are widely used in their countries.
3 Article 17-111.1 and 4, shall not apply to Japan.
Article R XVIII
1 The provisions of article 17-119.2.10 shall not apply to Switzerland and the United Kingdom, whose national legislation requires a lower weight limit. Health and safety legislation in these countries limits the weight of mail bags to 20 kilogrammes.
2 Notwithstanding article 17-119.2.10, the Dem. People's Rep. of Korea reserves the right to limit the weight of mailbags to 20 kilogrammes.
3 Notwithstanding article 17-119.2.10, Iceland reserves the right to limit the weight of mailbags containing letter-mail items to 20 kilogrammes.
4 Notwithstanding article 17-119.2.10, Finland reserves the right to limit the weight of mailbags containing letter-mail items to 20 kilogrammes.
Article R XIX
Labelling of mails
France shall apply the provisions of article 17-129.8 to items for the blind without prejudice to its national regulations.
Article R XX
Routeing of mails
1 Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Estonia, Latvia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan will recognize only the costs of the conveyance effected in accordance with the provision concerning the line shown on the CN 35 receptacle labels of airmail dispatches and on the CN 38 delivery bills.
2 Having regard to the provision in 1, France, Greece, Italy, Senegal, Thailand the United Kingdom and the United States of America will forward closed airmails only on the conditions laid down in article 17-132.4.
Article R XXI
Registered M bags
Canada and the United States of America shall be authorized not to accept registered M bags and not to provide registered handling for such bags received from other countries.
Article R XXII
IBRS accounting charges
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cape Verde, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malta, Morocco, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, the Russian Federation, and Uzbekistan reserve the right to claim compensation of the costs of the IBRS service even when the annual number of items returned is less than or equal to the threshold laid down in article 18- 104.4.4.
Article R XXIII
Adjustment of debts arising from the settlement of accounts through the International Bureau clearing system in effect before 1 January 2001
1 Debts payable as a result of the settlement of accounts through the International Bureau clearing system in effect before 1 January 2001 by any designated operator which are overdue after the deadline for settlement of the final clearing system statements from the last quarter of 2000 may be adjusted against credits due to the debtor from any other designated operator. Before undertaking such a step, the International Bureau shall consult the creditor concerned and send a reminder to the defaulting debtor. If no payment is made within a period of one month from the date of this reminder, the International Bureau is competent to unilaterally make the necessary accounting adjustments after informing all the parties concerned.
2 When making these accounting adjustments, the International Bureau will only offset accounts that have been accepted by both the defaulting debtor and the designated operator owing money to the defaulting debtor.
3 The defaulting debtor will have no claim against the designated operator owing money to it for any credits attributed by the International Bureau to the creditor in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph 1.
Article R XXIV
Treatment of items wrongly admitted
1 Afghanistan, Angola, Djibouti and Pakistan shall not be obliged to comply with the provisions laid down in article 19-101.5, according to which "This notification shall clearly indicate the prohibition under which the item falls and the articles which gave rise to its seizure."
2 Afghanistan, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Dem. People's Rep. of Korea, Djibouti, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam reserve the right to provide the information about the reasons for the seizure of a postal item only within the limits of the information provided by the customs authorities and in accordance with internal legislation.
3 The United States of America reserves the right to treat as wrongly admitted, and to deal with according to its domestic legislation and customs practice, any item containing controlled substances, as defined in section 1308 of Title 21 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.
4 France shall apply the provisions of article 19-101.7 only to items for the blind, without prejudice to its national regulations.
Article R XXV
The provisions in article 19-102.2 shall not apply to the designated operators of Denmark, Finland and Sweden, whose equipment during the sorting process automatically redirects mail to an addressee that has changed address.
Article R XXVI
Special transit charges
1 Greece reserves the right to raise by 30% the land transit charges and by 50% the sea transit charges given in article 27-103.1.
2 Australia, Finland and Singapore reserve the right to raise by 50% the land and sea transit charges given in article 27-103.1.
3 The Russian Federation shall be authorized to collect a supplement of 0.65 SDR in addition to the transit charges indicated in article 27-103.1 for each kilogramme of letter-post items conveyed in transit over the Trans-Siberian route.
4 Egypt and Sudan shall be authorized to collect a supplement of 0.16 SDR in addition to the transit charges indicated in article 27-103.1 for each bag of letter post in transit via Lake Nasser between Shallal, Egypt, and Wadi Halfa, Sudan.
5 Panama (Rep.) shall be authorized to collect a supplement of 0.98 SDR to the transit charges mentioned in article 27-103.1 for each bag of letter post in transit through the Isthmus of Panama between the ports of Balboa on the Pacific Ocean and Cristobal on the Atlantic Ocean.
6 Finland shall be authorized to collect a supplement for each kilogramme of letter-post items addressed to the Åland Islands.
6.1 For airmail and priority mail the supplement shall be the relevant land transit charge and the relevant air conveyance charge.
6.2 For surface mail and non-priority mail the supplement shall be the relevant land transit charge and the relevant sea conveyance charge.
7 Exceptionally, Panama (Rep.) shall be authorized to collect a charge of 0.65 SDR per bag for all mails stored or transhipped in the port of Balboa or Cristobal, provided that it does not receive any payment in respect of land or sea transit for those mails.
8 Notwithstanding article 27-103.1, the designated operator of Afghanistan shall be authorized provisionally, because of its special difficulties as regards means of conveyance and communication, to effect the transit of closed mails and à découvert correspondence across its territory on terms specially agreed with the designated operators concerned.
9 Notwithstanding article 27-103.1, the Syria-Iraq motor services shall be considered as extraordinary services giving rise to the collection of special transit charges.
10 Denmark shall be authorized to collect a supplement for each kilogramme of letter-post items addressed to the Faroe Islands or Greenland.
10.1 For airmails, priority mails and S.A.L. mails, the supplement shall be the relevant charges for handling transit airmails and the relevant air conveyance charge.
10.2 For surface mails and non-priority mails, the supplement shall be the relevant land transit charges and the relevant sea transit charges.
10.3 For airmails, priority mails, surface mails, non-priority mails and S.A.L. mails in transit à découvert to the Faroe Islands or Greenland, Denmark shall be authorized to collect transit charges (conveyance and handling costs and terminal dues increments) as calculated in article 27-106.1.
11 Ukraine reserves the right to increase by 50% the sea transit charges set out in article 27-103.1.
12 Germany shall have the right to raise by 50% the sea transit charges given in article 27-103.1.
Article R XXVII
Submission and acceptance of CN 55, CN 66 and CN 67 statements, CN 51 detailed accounts and CN 52 general accounts
1 Notwithstanding article 34-105.7, accounts submitted to the designated operators of the United States of America and the Lao People's Dem. Rep. shall not be considered accepted, nor shall payment be due, until six weeks after those accounts are received, unless the accounts are received within seven days of the date they are dispatched by the creditor designated operator.
2 Notwithstanding article 34-105.7 and 8, accounts submitted to the designated operators of Australia, China (People's Rep.), Iraq and Saudi Arabia shall not be considered accepted until two months after those accounts are received, nor shall payments be due until six weeks after those accounts are received, if the direct billing system is applied, unless the accounts are received within seven days of the date they are dispatched by the creditor designated operator.
Article R XXVIII
Accounting for bulk mail
Notwithstanding article 35-009, accounts submitted to the designated operators of Australia, Canada and the United States of America shall not be considered accepted, nor shall payment be due, until six weeks after those accounts are received, unless the accounts are received within seven days of the date they are prepared by the creditor designated operator.
Volume III
Parcel Post Regulations
Article R XXIX
Provision of the postal parcels service
Australia, Belgium, Latvia and Norway reserve the right to provide the postal parcels service either as laid down in the Convention or, in the case of outward parcels and after bilateral agreement, by any other means which is more favourable to their customers.
Article R XXX
Special conditions relating to limits of weights for parcels
Notwithstanding article 17-203, Canada shall be authorized to limit to 30 kilogrammes the maximum weight of inward and outward parcels.
Article R XXXI
Formalities to be complied with for the merchandise return service
Notwithstanding the provisions of article 17-211, Australia reserves the right to apply formalities for the provision of the merchandise return service for parcels, either as laid down in the Regulations or by any other means, including bilateral agreements.
Article R XXXII
Merchandise return service for the original seller
Notwithstanding the provisions of article 18-201, Australia reserves the right to apply terms and conditions, including outward land rates and air conveyance rates, for the provision of the merchandise return service for parcels, either as laid down in the Regulations or by any other means, including bilateral agreements.
Article R XXXIII
Treatment of parcels wrongly accepted
1 Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Dem. People's Rep. of Korea, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam reserve the right to provide information about the seizure of a postal parcel or part of its contents only within the limits of the information provided by the customs authorities and in accordance with their internal legislation.
2 The United States of America reserves the right to treat as wrongly accepted, and to deal with according to its domestic legislation and customs practice, any parcel containing controlled substances, as defined in section 1308 of Title 21 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.
Article R XXXIV
Parcels automatically retained
Notwithstanding article 19-204, the designated operator of Canada is not obligated to prepare a CP 78 verification note regarding parcels automatically retained in its service.
Article R XXXV
Transmission in closed mails
Notwithstanding article 17-221.10, Bahamas, Barbados and Canada shall be authorized to limit to 30 kilogrammes the maximum weight of inward and of outward bags and other receptacles containing parcels.
Article R XXXVI
Routeing of mails
Having regard to article 17-225.1, the designated operators of France, Greece, Italy, Senegal, Thailand and the United States of America will forward closed mails only on the conditions laid down in article 17-225.4.
Article R XXXVII
Discrepancies of weight or size of parcels
Notwithstanding article 17-233.2, Australia reserves the right to only respond to verification notes in relation to ordinary parcels with discrepancies in weight greater than one kilogramme.
Determination of average rates
The United States of America shall be authorized to establish average land and sea rates per kilogramme based on the weight distribution of parcels received from all designated operators.
Article R XXXIX
Exceptional transit land rates
1 For the time being, the countries listed in the table below shall be authorized to collect the exceptional transit land rates indicated therein, in addition to the transit rates mentioned in 27-201.1.
No. | Authorized | Amount of the exceptional transit land rate country | ||
Rate per parcel | Rate per kg of gross weight of the mail | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
SDR | SDR | |||
1 | Afghanistan | 0.48 | 0.45 | |
2 | Bahrain (Kingdom) | 0.85 | 0.55 | |
3 | Chile | 0.21 | ||
4 | Hong Kong, China | 0.12 | ||
5 | Egypt | 0.40 | ||
6 | France | 1.00 | 0.20 | |
7 | Greece | 1.16 | 0.29 | |
8 | India | 0.40 | 0.51 | |
9 | Malaysia | 0.39 | 0.05 | |
10 | Russian Federation | 0.77 | Twice the amount per kg shown in column 3 of the table in article 27-201.1 for the distance concerned | |
11 | Singapore | 0.39 | 0.05 | |
12 | Sudan | 1.61 | 0.65 | |
13 | Syrian Arab Rep. | 0.65 | ||
14 | Thailand | 0.27 | ||
15 | United States of America | According to distance step: | ||
Up to 600 km | 0.10 | |||
Above 600 up to 1,000 km | 0.18 | |||
Above 1,000 up to 2,000 km | 0.25 | |||
Above 2,000 km for each | 0.10 | |||
additional 1,000 km |
2 Denmark and Finland reserve the right to increase by 50% the transit land rates provided for in article 27-201.
Article R XL
Supplementary rates
1 Every parcel sent by surface or air addressed to the French Overseas Departments, the French Overseas Territories and the Communities of Mayotte and Saint Pierre and Miquelon shall be subject to an inward land rate not exceeding the corresponding rate for France. When such a parcel transits metropolitan France it shall, in addition, give rise to the collection of the following supplementary rates and dues:
1.1 "surface" parcels
1.1.1 the French transit land rate;
1.1.2 the French sea rate corresponding to the distance step between metropolitan France and each of the Departments, Territories and Communities in question;
1.2 air parcels
1.2.1 the French transit land rate for parcels in transit à découvert;
1.2.2 the air conveyance dues corresponding to the airmail distance between metropolitan France and each of the Departments, Territories and Communities in question.
2 Egypt and Sudan shall be authorized to collect a supplementary rate of 1 SDR over and above the transit land rates laid down in article 27-201 for each parcel in transit via Lake Nasser between El Shallal (Egypt) and Wadi Halfa (Sudan).
3 Every parcel sent in transit between Denmark and the Faroe Islands or between Denmark and Greenland shall give rise to the collection of the following supplementary rates:
3.1 "surface" parcels
3.1.1 the single rate per item laid down for parcels in transit à découvert in article 27-201.2;
3.1.2 the Danish transit land rate;
3.1.3 the Danish sea rate corresponding to the distance step between Denmark and the Faroe Islands or between Denmark and Greenland, respectively;
3.2 air parcels and S.A.L. parcels
3.2.1 the single rate per item laid down for parcels in transit à découvert in article 27-201.2;
3.2.2 the charges for handling transit airmails;
3.2.3 the air conveyance dues corresponding to the airmail distance between Denmark and the Faroe Islands or between Denmark and Greenland, respectively.
4 For the conveyance of parcels to Greenland, Denmark shall be authorized to collect a supplementary charge of 8.95 SDR per item for air parcels.
5 Chile shall be authorized to collect a supplementary rate of 2.61 SDR per kilogramme at most for the conveyance of parcels to Easter Island.
6 Every parcel sent by surface or by air, in transit between metropolitan Portugal and the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores, shall give rise to the collection of the following supplementary rates:
6.1 "surface" parcels
6.1.1 the Portuguese transit land rate;
6.1.2 the Portuguese sea rate corresponding to the distance step between metropolitan Portugal and each of the autonomous regions in question;
6.2 air parcels
6.2.1 the Portuguese transit land rate;
6.2.2 the air conveyance dues corresponding to the airmail distance between metropolitan Portugal and each of the autonomous regions in question.
7 Every parcel addressed to the Åland Islands shall in addition to the inward land rate for Finland be subject to the following supplementary rates:
7.1 surface parcels
7.1.1 the single rate per parcel laid down for parcels à découvert in article 27-201;
7.1.2 the Finnish transit land rate;
7.1.3 the Finnish sea rate corresponding to the appropriate distance step to the Åland Islands from the office of exchange in Finland;
7.2 air parcels
7.2.1 the single rate per parcel laid down in article 27-201;
7.2.2 the air conveyance dues corresponding to the appropriate distance step to the Åland Islands from the Office of Exchange in Finland.
8 In addition to the increase allowed for in article 33.3.2 of the Convention, Thailand shall be authorized to collect a supplementary sea rate of 0.28 SDR per kilogramme and per distance step.
Article R XLI
Sea rates
The following countries reserve the right to increase by 50% at the most the sea rates provided for in article 27-203: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain (Kingdom), Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Rep.), Cyprus, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guyana, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kiribati, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Qatar, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Tanzania (United Rep.), Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Overseas Dependent Territories of the United Kingdom, United States of America, Vanuatu, Yemen and Zambia.
Article R XLII
Calculation of air conveyance dues for the merchandise return service
1 Notwithstanding the provisions of article 34-202, Canada reserves the right to apply air conveyance dues for outbound parcels sent via the merchandise return service either as laid out in the Regulations or by any other means.
2 Notwithstanding the provisions of article 34-202, Australia reserves the right to apply terms and conditions, including air conveyance rates, for the provision of the merchandise return service for parcels, either as laid down in the Regulations or by any other means, including bilateral agreements.
Article R XLIII
Preparation of accounts
1 Notwithstanding article 35-014, accounts submitted to the designated operators of Canada, the People's Republic of China and the United States of America shall not be considered accepted, nor shall payment be due, until two months after those accounts are received, unless the accounts are received within seven days of the date they are dispatched by the creditor designated operator.
2 Notwithstanding article 35-014, accounts submitted to the designated operator of Saudi Arabia shall be regarded as accepted if the creditor designated operator does not receive any notice of amendment within three months. Similarly, the designated operator of Saudi Arabia shall not be obliged to send its payments to the creditor designated operator in accordance with paragraph 7 within a period of two months but within a period of three months.
Done at Berne, on 24 November 2021.
For the Postal Operations Council:
France Represented by Jean-Paul Forceville |
Bishar A.
Hussein Secretary General |
1 For the purposes of this definition, any references to family name, given name and patronymic shall apply only to natural persons.
2 The CN 70 document is based on the IATA form, which has been endorsed by ICAO
Konvencijas reglaments
Satura rādītājs
I sējums
Kopīgie noteikumi
I iedaļa
Noteikumi, kurus kopīgi piemēro starptautiskajiem pasta pakalpojumiem
1. Definīcijas
01-001. Definīcijas
2. Tādas iestādes vai iestāžu izraudzīšanās, kas atbild par to pienākumu izpildi, kuri izriet no pievienošanās Konvencijai
02-001. Operatīvās informācijas oficiāls paziņojums
3. Universāls pasta pakalpojums
4. Tranzīta pārvadājumu brīvība
04-001. Tranzīta pārvadājumu brīvības piemērošana
04-002. Tranzīta pārvadājumu brīvības nenodrošināšana
5. Īpašumtiesības uz pasta sūtījumiem. Pasta sūtījumu atsaukšana. Adreses un/vai adresāta vārda (juridiskas personas nosaukuma, uzvārda, vārda vai tēvvārda (ja tādu lieto)) maiņa vai labošana. Pārsūtīšana. Nepiegādājamu sūtījumu atpakaļnosūtīšana
6. Pastmarkas
06-001. Priekšapmaksa. Priekšapmaksas apzīmēšanas metodes
06-002. Pastmarkas. Paziņošana par izdošanu un apmaiņu starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem
06-003. Pastmarku un pasta priekšapmaksas zīmju vai marķēšanas nospiedumu parametri
06-004. Pastmarku vai pasta priekšapmaksas zīmju, vai marķēšanas nospiedumu iespējama krāpnieciska izmantošana
06-005. Kalendārzīmoga uzlikšana
06-006. Neapmaksāti vai daļēji apmaksāti sūtījumi
06-007. Uz kuģa nodotu sūtījumu priekšapmaksa un apzīmogošana
7. Ilgtspējīga attīstība
07-001. Vides aspekti
8. Pasta drošība
08-001. Pasta drošība
08-002. Īstenošanas noteikumi attiecībā uz iepriekšēju elektronisko datu sniegšanu
08-003. Sūtījuma drošības deklarācija
13. UPU veidlapu izmantošana
13-001. Starptautisko pasta sūtījumu apstrādes centri (IMPC)
13-002. Veidlapas
13-003. Publiski pieejamās veidlapas
II iedaļa
Pakalpojumu kvalitātes standarti un mērķi
14. Pakalpojumu kvalitātes standarti un mērķi
14-001. Pakalpojumu kvalitātes mērķi
III iedaļa
Maksa, papildmaksa un atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta pakalpojumiem
15. Maksa
16. Atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta pakalpojumiem
16-001. Atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta dienesta sūtījumiem
16-002. No pasta tarifiem atbrīvoto sūtījumu apzīmogošana
16-003. Atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta pakalpojumiem, ko piemēro iestādēm, kas rūpējas par karagūstekņiem un internētajām civilpersonām
IV iedaļa
Pamatpakalpojumi un papildpakalpojumi
17. Pamatpakalpojumi
17-001. Naudas vienība
17-002. Ekvivalenti
17-003. Izraudzīto operatoru sniegtā informācija
17-004. Starptautiskā biroja publikācijas
17-005. Dokumentu glabāšanas laiks
17-006. Standartu piemērošana
17-007. Konsignācijas sūtījumu tiešā pārkraušana
17-008. Pasākumi, kas jāveic, ja transporta maršruts tiek pārtraukts vai ja pasta taras vienības tiek novirzītas vai nepareizi nosūtītas
18. Papildpakalpojumi
18-001. Apdrošināti sūtījumi
18-002. Sūtījumi ar pēcmaksu
18-003. Paziņojums par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu un paku izsniegšanu
18-004. Sūtījumi, kas adresātam izsniedzami bez maksas un nodevām
18-005. Konsignācijas pakalpojums
V iedaļa
Aizliegumi un muitas jautājumi
19. Sūtījumi, kurus nav atļauts pieņemt. Aizliegumi
19-001. Izņēmuma kārtā pieņemami bīstamie izstrādājumi
19-002. Bīstamu izstrādājumu ievešanas kontrole
19-003. Radioaktīvi materiāli, infekciozas vielas, litija elementi un baterijas, ko atļauts pieņemt
19-004. Nosacījumi par to, kā pieņemami un apzīmogojami sūtījumi, kuros ir no pacientiem (cilvēkiem vai dzīvniekiem) paņemti paraugi
19-005. Infekciozas vielas saturošu sūtījumu pieņemšanas nosacījumi un apzīmogošana
19-006. Radioaktīvus materiālus saturošu sūtījumu pieņemšanas nosacījumi un apzīmogošana
19-007. Nosacījumi par to, kā pieņemami vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi un pakas, kuros ir iekārtās uzstādīti litija elementi un baterijas
19-008. Bīstami izstrādājumi, kurus aizliegts ievietot vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos un pakās
19-009. Izņēmumi attiecībā uz aizliegumiem pakās
20. Muitas kontrole. Muitas nodoklis un citas nodevas
20-001. Sūtījumi, kuriem jāveic muitas pārbaude
20-002. Maksa par sūtījumu uzrādīšanu muitai
20-003. Muitas nodokļa un citu nodevu anulēšana
VI iedaļa
21. Pieprasījumi
21-001. Pieprasījumi. Vispārīgi principi
21-002. Pieprasījumi, izmantojot CN 08 veidlapu
21-003. Pieprasījumi, izmantojot IBIS
22. Izraudzīto operatoru atbildība. Atlīdzības
22-001. Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības piemērošana
23. Gadījumi, kad dalībvalstis un izraudzītie operatori nav atbildīgi
23-001. Izzagtu vai sabojātu ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu vai paku piegāde
24. Sūtītāja atbildība
24-001. Sūtītāja atbildības noteikšana
25. Atlīdzības izmaksa
25-001. Atlīdzības izmaksa
25-002. Atlīdzības izmaksas termiņš
25-003. Atlīdzības automātiska izmaksa
25-004. Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības noteikšana
25-005. Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības noteikšanas procedūras
26. Iespējamā atlīdzības piedziņa no sūtītāja vai adresāta
26-001. Izmaksātās atlīdzības piedziņa no aviopārvadātājiem
26-002. Atlīdzības atmaksāšana izraudzītajam operatoram maksātājam
26-003. Atlīdzības atmaksāšana starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem
26-004. Atlīdzību uzskaite
VII iedaļa
35. Īpašie noteikumi attiecībā uz norēķiniem un maksājumiem par starptautiskā pasta apmaiņu
35-001. Sarakstu un rēķinu nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana
35-002. Norēķini. Vispārējie noteikumi
35-003. Rēķinu apmaksa ar UPU klīringa sistēmas starpniecību
35-004. Rēķinu apmaksa, ja norēķinus neveic ar UPU klīringa sistēmas starpniecību
35-005. SDR vienībās izteikto parādu maksājumi. Vispārīgie noteikumi
35-006. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Statistiskās novērošanas sarakstu sagatavošana, pārsūtīšana un apstiprināšana
35-007. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. CN 55, CN 56 un CN 69 sarakstu sagatavošana, nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana
35-008. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Saņemto nenovērotu sūtījumu plūsmu uzskaite
35-009. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Vairumsūtījumu uzskaite
35-010. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Tiešās piekļuves pasta sūtījumu uzskaite
35-011. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Tranzītmaksas un atsevišķo gala norēķinu rēķinu sagatavošana, nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana
35-012. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Gala norēķinu pagaidu maksājumi
35-013. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Galīgo norēķinu sagatavošana
35-014. Paku sūtījumi. Rēķinu sagatavošana
VIII iedaļa
Papildu pakalpojumi
37. EMS un integrētā loģistika
37-001. Eksprespasta sūtījumi
37-002. Eksprespasta darbība
37-003. Integrētās loģistikas pakalpojumi
38. Elektroniskie pasta pakalpojumi
38-001. Hibrīdpasts
38-002. Ar faksimilsakariem saistīti pakalpojumi
38-003. Ar tekstu saistīti pakalpojumi
38-004. Elektroniska pasta sertifikācijas zīme
38-005. Ierakstīti elektroniskā pasta sūtījumi
38-006. Elektroniskā pasta pastkastīte
38-007. Telemātiskie sakari. Vispārīgie noteikumi
38-008. Īpašie noteikumi attiecībā uz telemātiskiem sakariem
38-009. Noteikumi attiecībā uz maksājumiem par telemātiskiem sakariem
IX iedaļa
Noslēguma noteikumi
39. Nosacījumi priekšlikumu apstiprināšanai attiecībā uz Konvenciju un Reglamentu
40. Atrunas kongresā
41. Konvencijas stāšanās spēkā un darbības laiks
41-001. Reglamenta stāšanās spēkā un tā darbības laiks
II sējums
Vēstuļu korespondences reglaments
I iedaļa
Noteikumi, kurus kopīgi piemēro starptautiskajiem pasta pakalpojumiem
11. Slēgto depešu apmaiņa ar militārām vienībām
11-101. Depešu apmaiņa ar militārām vienībām
15. Maksa
15-101. Īpašā maksa
15-102. Pasta tarifu piemērošanas nosacījumi
17. Pamatpakalpojumi
17-101. Pamatpakalpojumi
17-102. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu klasifikācija pēc formāta un satura
17-103. Informācija par svara ierobežojumiem
17-104. Izmēra ierobežojumi
17-105. Izmēra un svara ierobežojumi nelielām vēstulēm (P) un lielām vēstulēm (G)
17-106. Sūtījumu pieņemšanas nosacījumi. Noformēšana. Iepakojums
17-107. Katrai sūtījumu kategorijai piemērojamie īpašie noteikumi
17-108. Prioritātes vai pārvadāšanas veida norādīšana
17-109. Speciālais iepakojums
17-110. Sūtījumi aploksnēs ar caurspīdīgu ielaidumu
17-111. Standartizēti sūtījumi
17-112. Sūtījumu apmaiņa
17-113. Prioritāru sūtījumu un aviopasta sūtījumu prioritāra apstrāde
17-114. Depešas
17-115. Slēgtu depešu apmaiņa
17-116. Apmaiņa ar depešām, kas šķirotas pēc formāta
17-117. Atklātais tranzīts
17-118. Apdrošinātu sūtījumu sūtīšanas maršruti un veidi
17-119. Depešu noformēšana
17-120. Vēstuļu kartes
17-121. Ierakstīto sūtījumu sūtīšana
17-122. Apdrošinātu sūtījumu sūtīšana
17-123. Naudas pārveduma un neierakstītu sūtījumu ar pēcmaksu sūtīšana
17-124. Izsekojamu sūtījumu sūtīšana
17-125. IBRS sūtījumu sūtīšana
17-126. M maisu sūtīšana
17-127. Vairumsūtījumu sūtīšana
17-128. To sūtījumu nosūtīšana, kuriem ir nodrošināta tiešā piekļuve iekšzemes piegādei
17-129. Depešu marķēšana
17-130. Svītrkodu izmantošana
17-131. Elektroniska informācijas apmaiņa pasta procesu nodrošināšanai
17-132. Depešu virzīšana
17-133. Nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu sagatavošana
17-134. Depešu nodošana
17-135. CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadraksta sagatavošana un pārbaude
17-136. CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47 pavadraksta trūkums
17-137. Depešu pārbaude
17-138. Pārbaudes paziņojumi
17-139. Nepareizi nogādātās depešas un nepareizi nosūtīti sūtījumi
17-140. Pasākumi, kas jāveic, ja notiek negadījums
17-141. Pasākumi, kas jāveic īslaicīga pakalpojumu sniegšanas pārtraukuma un atsākšanas gadījumā
17-142. Tukšās taras atpakaļsūtīšana
18. Papildpakalpojumi
18-101. Ierakstīti sūtījumi
18-102. Izsekojami sūtījumi
18-103. Nogādāšana adresātam personīgi
18-104. Starptautiskā komerckorespondence ar apmaksātu atbildi (IBRS)
18-105. Starptautiskā komerckorespondence ar apmaksātu atbildi (IBRS) - iekšzemes atbilde
18-106. Starptautiskais atbildes kupons
V iedaļa
Aizliegumi un muitas jautājumi
19. Sūtījumi, kurus nav atļauts pieņemt. Aizliegumi
19-101. Nepareizi pieņemtu sūtījumu apstrāde
19-102. Pārsūtīšana
19-103. Nepiegādājami sūtījumi. Atpakaļnosūtīšana uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti vai sūtītājam un glabāšanas laiks
19-104. Iesniegumu par sūtījumu atsaukšanu un iesniegumu par adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu apstrāde
19-105. Pasta sūtījumu atsaukšana. Adreses un/vai adresāta vārda mainīšana vai precizēšana. Sūtījumi, kas nodoti valstī, kas nav valsts, kurā saņemts iesniegums
VII iedaļa
A. Tranzītmaksa
27. Tranzītmaksa
27-101. Tranzītmaksa. Vispārīgie noteikumi
27-102. Tranzītmaksas piemērošana
27-103. Tranzītmaksa
27-104. Attālums kilometros
27-105. Ārkārtas pakalpojumi. Vairākveidu pārvadājumi
27-106. Maksas aprēķināšana un uzskaite par atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem un nepareizi nosūtītiem sūtījumiem
27-107. Tranzītmaksa par novirzītām vai pa nepareizu maršrutu nosūtītām depešām
27-108. Aviodepešas un sauszemes depešas ar aviotransportu (SAL), kuras tranzītā pārvadā pa sauszemi
27-109. Tranzītmaksa par atpakaļsūtītu tukšu maisu pārvadāšanu pa gaisu vai sauszemi
27-110. Tranzītmaksas labojumi
B. Gala norēķini
31. Gala norēķini. Noteikumi, ko piemēro pasta sūtījumu plūsmām uz pārejas sistēmas valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem, no tiem un starp tiem
31-101. Gala norēķini. Vispārīgie noteikumi
31-102. Dalībvalstu brīvprātīga dalība mērķsistēmā
31-103. Tiešā piekļuve iekšzemes piegādei
31-104. Papildu atlīdzība par ierakstītiem, apdrošinātiem un izsekojamiem sūtījumiem
31-105. Rādītāju novērtēšana. Pārskati un pārbaude
31-106. Maksājumu sagatavošana un nosūtīšana par papildu atlīdzības rēķiniem un papildmaksājumiem, pamatojoties uz centrālajiem aktiem
31-107. Gala norēķinu tarifu aprēķināšana valstīm, kuras piemēro Konvencijas 30. panta 5.-13. punktu un 31. panta 5.-9. punktu
31-108. Nosacījumi, kas attiecas uz informēšanu par atsauces maksu, ko izmanto gala norēķinu tarifu aprēķināšanai
31-109. Ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistīto gala norēķinu atlīdzība
31-110. Pakalpojumu kvalitātes standartu un mērķu noteikšanas principi ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistīto gala norēķinu atlīdzības apmaksai
31-111. Ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistīto gala norēķinu atlīdzība. Pārskati un pārbaude
31-112. Gala norēķinu tarifu pārskatīšanas mehānisms
31-113. Pieprasījums piemērot īpašu maksājumu vairumsūtījumiem
31-114. Slēgtu depešu apmaiņa ar militārām vienībām
31-115. Statistiskās novērošanas vispārējie principi un sūtījumu skaita kilogramā noteikšana
31-116. Statistikas datu vākšana par pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu starp mērķsistēmas valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem
31-117. Statistikas datu vākšana attiecībā uz pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu pārejas sistēmā
31-118. Alternatīva pieeja statistikas datu vākšanai par pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu starp to valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas piemēro mērķsistēmu procedūras
31-119. Īpaša statistikas datu vākšana pārskatīšanas mehānisma piemērošanai
31-120. Lielgabarīta (E) un sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu pašdeklarācija
31-121. Izmaksu un tarifu attiecības aprēķināšana tiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri piemēro UPU konvencijas 29. panta 8. punktu
31-122. Atlīdzība par atpakaļnosūtītiem nepiegādājamiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem
32. Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fonds
32-101. Faktūrrēķinu izrakstīšana par maksājamajām summām un to maksāšana Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fondā
D. Aviopārvadājumu tarifi
34. Pamattarifi un noteikumi par aviopārvadājumu tarifiem
34-101. Slēgto depešu pamattarifa un aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšanas formula
34-102. Aviopārvadājumu tarifu uzskaite
34-103. CN 66 un CN 67 svara saraksta sagatavošana
34-104. CN 51 atsevišķā rēķina un CN 52 kopējā rēķina sagatavošana
34-105. CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 sarakstu, CN 51 atsevišķo rēķinu un CN 52 kopējo rēķinu iesniegšana un apstiprināšana
34-106. Aviopārvadājumu tarifu apmaksa
34-107. Aviopārvadājumu tarifi attiecībā uz novirzītām vai kļūdaini nosūtītām depešām vai taru
34-108. Aviopārvadājumu tarifi par nozaudētiem vai iznīcinātiem pasta sūtījumiem
III sējums
Pasta paku reglaments
III iedaļa
Maksa, papildmaksa un atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta pakalpojumiem
15. Maksa
15-201. Aviopārvadājumu papildmaksas aprēķināšana
15-202. Īpašā maksa
IV iedaļa
Pamatpakalpojumi un papildpakalpojumi
17. Pamatpakalpojumi
17-201. Transporta uzņēmumu pakalpojumu sniegšana
17-202. Svēršanas sistēma. Mārciņa
17-203. Īpaši nosacījumi attiecībā uz svara ierobežojumiem
17-204. Izmēra ierobežojumi
17-205. Piegādes procedūra
17-206. ECOMPRO pakas
17-207. Paku pieņemšanas nosacījumi. Noformēšana un iepakošana. Adresēšana
17-208. Speciālais iepakojums
17-209. Pārsūtīšanas veida norādīšana
17-210. Procedūras, kas jāpilda sūtītājam
17-211. Procedūras, kas jāpilda preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma nodrošināšanai
17-212. Sūtītāja norādījumi, nododot sūtījumu
17-213. Procedūras, kas jāpilda sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādei
17-214. Vispārējie paku apmaiņas principi
17-215. Svītrkodu piemērošana un specifikācijas
17-216. Elektroniska informācijas apmaiņa pasta procesu nodrošināšanai
17-217. Sekošana sūtījumu virzībai - nosūtīšanas laika indikatīvie rādītāji
17-218. Sekošana sūtījumu virzībai - datu nosūtīšanas indikatīvie rādītāji 1
17-219. Pasākumi, kas jāveic īslaicīga pakalpojumu sniegšanas pārtraukuma un atsākšanas gadījumā
17-220. Dažādas sūtīšanas metodes
17-221. Sūtīšana slēgtās depešās
17-222. Paku kartes
17-223. CP 87 paku karšu sagatavošana
17-224. Paku pavaddokumentu nosūtīšana
17-225. Depešu virzīšana
17-226. CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadraksta sagatavošana un pārbaude
17-227. CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47 pavadraksta trūkums
17-228. Pasākumi, kas jāveic, ja notiek negadījums
17-229. Nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu sagatavošana
17-230. Depešu nodošana
17-231. Depešu pārbaude
17-232. Pārkāpumu atklāšana un pārbaudes paziņojumu apstrāde
17-233. Paku svara vai izmēru neatbilstības
17-234. Bojātas vai nepietiekami iepakotas pakas saņemšana pasta apmaiņas vietā
17-235. Ziņošana par pārkāpumiem, par kuriem atbild izraudzītie operatori
17-236. Vairumā pārsūtīto depešu ar pakām pārbaude
17-237. To paku pārsūtīšana, kas novirzījušās no maršruta
17-238. Tukšās taras atpakaļsūtīšana
18. Papildpakalpojumi
18-201. Preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojums sākotnējam tirgotājam
18-202. Lielgabarīta pakas
V iedaļa
Aizliegumi un muitas jautājumi
19. Sūtījumi, kurus nav atļauts pieņemt. Aizliegumi
19-201. Kļūdaini pieņemtu paku apstrāde
19-202. Pakas pārsūtīšanas nosacījumi
19-203. Glabāšanas laiks
19-204. Dienesta glabāšanā pieņemtās pakas
19-205. Neizsniegto paku atpakaļnosūtīšana sūtītājam
19-206. Kļūdaini pieņemto paku atpakaļnosūtīšana sūtītājam
19-207. Atpakaļnosūtīšana sūtītājam pakalpojumu pārtraukšanas dēļ
19-208. Izraudzītajam operatoram doto norādījumu neievērošana
19-209. Pakas, kurās ir sūtījumi, kas var ātri sabojāties vai sapūt
19-210. Iesniegumu par pasta paku atsaukšanu un iesniegumu par adreses un/vai adresāta vārda mainīšanu vai precizēšanu apstrāde
VII iedaļa
A. Tranzītmaksa
27. Tranzītmaksa
27-201. Tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifi
27-202. Tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu piemērošana
27-203. Jūras tarifs
27-204. Jūras tarifa piemērošana
27-205. Jaunu tarifu piemērošana neparedzamu maršruta izmaiņu gadījumā
27-206. Depešu svars, ko ņem vērā, izmaksājot atlīdzību izraudzītajiem operatoriem
27-207. Tarifu sadalījums
27-208. Tarifi un nodevas, ko citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem kreditējis tās valsts izraudzītais operators, kurā depešas nodotas sūtīšanai
27-209. Tarifu, maksu un nodevu sadalījums un atlīdzināšana atpakaļsūtīšanas vai pārsūtīšanas gadījumā
C. Pasta paku tarifi
33. Pasta paku sauszemes un jūras tarifi
33-201. Ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifi
33-202. Ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu mainīšana
33-203. ECOMPRO pakas
D. Aviopārvadājumu tarifi
34. Pamattarifi un noteikumi par aviopārvadājumu tarifiem
34-201. Aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšana
34-202. Aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšana preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumam
34-203. Nozaudētu vai iznīcinātu aviopaku aviopārvadājumu tarifi
34-204. Novirzītu vai kļūdaini nosūtītu depešu vai maisu aviopārvadājumu tarifi
34-205. Aviopārvadājumu tarifu iekasēšana par tukšu maisu transportēšanu
Konvencijas reglamenta Noslēguma protokols
I sējums
Kopīgie noteikumi
R I. No pasta tarifiem atbrīvoto sūtījumu apzīmogošana
R II. Veidlapas
R III. Apdrošināto sūtījumu maksimālie ierobežojumi
R IV. Apdrošināti sūtījumi
R V. Piegādes procedūra
R VI. Izņēmuma kārtā pieņemami bīstamie izstrādājumi
R VII. Radioaktīvi materiāli, infekciozas vielas, litija elementi un baterijas, ko atļauts pieņemt
R VIII. Sūtījumi, kuriem jāveic muitas pārbaude
R IX. Pieprasījumu apstrāde
R X. Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības piemērošana
R XI. Izzagtu vai sabojātu ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu piegāde
R XII. Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības noteikšanas procedūras
II sējums
Vēstuļu korespondences reglaments
R XIII. Īpašā maksa
R XIV. Pasta tarifu piemērošanas nosacījumi
R XV. Iespieddarbi. Maksimālais svars
R XVI. Katrai sūtījumu kategorijai piemērojamie īpašie noteikumi
R XVII. Standartizēti sūtījumi
R XVIII. Maisi
R XIX. Depešu marķēšana
R XX. Depešu virzīšana
R XXI. Ierakstīti M maisi
R XXII. IBRS izmaksu aprēķināšana
R XXIII. Tādu parādu koriģēšana, kuri radušies, veicot norēķinus ar Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmas starpniecību, un kuri ir bijuši spēkā pirms 2001. gada 1. janvāra
R XXIV. Nepareizi pieņemtu sūtījumu apstrāde
R XXV. Pārsūtīšana
R XXVI. Īpašā tranzītmaksa
R XXVII. CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 sarakstu, CN 51 atsevišķo rēķinu un CN 52 kopējo rēķinu iesniegšana un apstiprināšana
R XXVIII. Vairumsūtījumu uzskaite
III sējums
Pasta paku reglaments
R XXIX. Pasta paku pakalpojumu sniegšana
R XXX. Īpaši nosacījumi attiecībā uz svara ierobežojumiem pasta pakām
R XXXI. Procedūras, kas jāpilda preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma nodrošināšanai
R XXXII. Preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojums sākotnējam tirgotājam
R XXXIII. Kļūdaini pieņemtu paku apstrāde
R XXXIV. Dienesta glabāšanā pieņemtās pakas
R XXXV. Sūtīšana slēgtās depešās
R XXXVI. Depešu virzīšana
R XXXVII. Paku svara vai izmēru neatbilstības
R XXXVIII. Vidējo tarifu noteikšana
R XXXIX. Īpašie tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifi
R XL. Papildu tarifi
R XLI. Jūras tarifi
R XLII. Aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšana preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumam
R XLIII. Rēķinu sagatavošana
Veidlapu saraksts
Vēstuļu korespondences veidlapas
Nr. | Veidlapas nosaukums vai veids |
CN 01 | Starptautiskais atbildes kupons |
CN 03 | Atsevišķs saraksts. Apmainītie atbildes kuponi |
CN 04 | "R" uzlīme ierakstītiem sūtījumiem |
CN 05bis | Uzlīme izsekojamiem sūtījumiem |
CN 06 | "V" uzlīme apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem |
CN 07 | Paziņojums par saņemšanu/izsniegšanu/izmaksāšanu/reģistrēšanu |
CN 08 | Pieprasījums |
CN 08 | Kvīts |
CN 09 | Nosūtīto IBRS sūtījumu saraksts |
CN 10 | Apkopojošs IBRS sūtījumu saraksts |
CN 11 | Marķēšanas kvīts |
CN 12 | Atsevišķs mēneša rēķins. Muitas u. c. maksājumi |
CN 13 | Ziņojums. Informācija par konfiscētu pasta sūtījumu |
CN 14 | Kopējā aploksne. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu pārsūtīšana |
CN 15 | Uzlīme "Atpakaļ" |
CN 16 | Īpašais saraksts. Apdrošināti sūtījumi |
CN 17 | Iesniegums |
CN 18 | Iesniegums par pasta sūtījuma nesaņemšanu (vai saņemšanu) |
CN 19 | Atsevišķs rēķins. IBRS maksas |
CN 20 | Saraksts. IBRS maksas |
CN 21 | Paziņojums. CN 08 veidlapas nosūtīšana |
CN 22 | Muitas deklarācijas uzlīme |
CN 23 | Muitas deklarācija |
CN 24 | Ziņojums (pārkāpumi attiecībā uz apdrošinātajiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem vai pasta pakām) |
CN 25 | Saiņu birkas |
CN 26 | Saiņu birkas |
CN 27 | Tabula. Apdrošinātu sūtījumu sūtīšanas maršruti un veidi |
CN 29 | "COD" uzlīme ("Pēcmaksa") |
CN 29bis | Uzlīme sūtījumiem ar pēcmaksu ("COD") |
CN 31 | Vēstuļu karte |
CN 32 | Vēstuļu karte. Vairumsūtījumi |
CN 33 | Īpašais saraksts. Ierakstīti sūtījumi |
CN 34 | Taras birkas sauszemes vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem |
CN 35 | Taras birkas aviopasta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem |
CN 36 | Taras birkas SAL vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem |
CN 37 | Pavadraksts. Sauszemes depešas |
CN 38 | Pavadraksts. Aviodepešas |
CN 41 | Pavadraksts. Sauszemes depešas, kuras pārvadā ar aviotransportu (SAL) |
CN 42 | Birka "Tiešā pārkraušana" |
CN 43 | Pārbaudes paziņojums. Depešu apmaiņa |
CN 44 | Nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojums |
CN 45 | Aploksne pavadrakstu CN 38, CN 41 un CN 47 nosūtīšanai |
CN 46 | Aizstājošais pavadraksts |
CN 47 | Pavadraksts. Depešas ar tukšo taru |
CN 48 | Rēķins. Atlīdzību summas |
CN 51 | Atsevišķs rēķins. Tranzītmaksa |
CN 52 | Kopējais rēķins |
CN 53 | Statistiskās novērošanas saraksts |
CN 54 | Apkopojošais statistiskās novērošanas saraksts |
CN 54bis | Gada apkopojošais statistiskās novērošanas saraksts |
CN 55 | Depešu saraksts |
CN 56 | Apkopojošs depešu saraksts |
CN 57 | Rēķins. Saņemtie vairumsūtījumi |
CN 57bis | Gala norēķinu rēķins. Vairumsūtījumi |
CN 60 | Atsevišķs rēķins. Atlīdzība, pamatojoties uz centrālajiem ziņojumiem. Ceturkšņa saraksts |
CN 61 | Atsevišķs rēķins. Gala norēķini |
CN 62 | Atsevišķs rēķins. Tranzītmaksa - sauszemes pasts |
CN 62bis | Atsevišķs rēķins. Papildu tranzītmaksa par jūras pārvadājumiem |
CN 64 | Saraksts. Gala norēķini |
CN 64bis | Atsevišķs saraksts. Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fonds |
CN 64ter | Atsevišķs saraksts. Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fonds |
CN 65 | Pavadraksts. Atklātā tranzītā sūtīto un nepareizi nosūtīto sūtījumu svars |
CN 66 | Svara saraksts. Aviodepešas un SAL depešas |
CN 67 | Svara saraksts. Prioritārie/aviopasta sūtījumi, kas sūtīti atklātā tranzītā. Neprioritārie/sauszemes sūtījumi, |
kas sūtīti atklātā tranzītā | |
CN 69 | Slēgto tranzīta depešu saraksts |
CN 70 | Konsignācijas drošības deklarācija |
CN 71 | Apkopojošs depešu saraksts |
CN 71bis | Gala norēķinu rēķins. Saņemtās nenovērotu sūtījumu plūsmas |
Pasta paku veidlapas
Nr. | Veidlapas nosaukums vai veids |
CP 72 | Paškopējošā veidlapa. Muitas deklarācija/adreses pavadziņojums |
CP 73 | Paku uzlīme ar pakas numuru |
CP 74 | "V" uzlīme apdrošinātām pakām |
CP 75 | Apkopojošs rēķins |
CP 77 | Iekasēto maksu saraksts |
CP 78 | Pārbaudes paziņojums |
CP 81 | Tabula. Sauszemes pasta pakas |
CP 82 | Tabula. Aviopakas |
CP 83 | Taras birka sauszemes pakām |
CP 84 | Taras birka aviopakām |
CP 85 | Taras birka SAL pakām |
CP 87 | Paku karte |
CP 88 | Īpašā paku karte. Tarifu samaksa par paku tranzītu |
CP 91 | Aploksne adreses pavadziņojuma, muitas u. c. dokumentu sūtīšanai |
CP 92 | Aploksne adreses pavadziņojuma, muitas u. c. dokumentu sūtīšanai |
CP 94 | Maksājamo summu saraksts |
CP 94bis | Maksājamo summu saraksts ar svara kategorijām |
CP 95 | "COD" uzlīme ("Pēcmaksa") |
Konvencijas reglaments
I sējums
Kopīgie noteikumi
I iedaļa
Noteikumi, kurus kopīgi piemēro starptautiskajiem pasta
01-001. pants
1. Šajā reglamentā turpmāk lietotajiem terminiem ir šādas definīcijas:
1.1. aviopakas - visas pakas, kuras atbilst definīcijai UPU konvencijā un kuras pārvadā pa gaisu kā prioritārus sūtījumus;
1.2. IBIS - jebkura UPU sertificēta kopējā uzziņu sistēma internetā, kura atbilst Konvencijā definētajām vai minētajām UPU operatīvajām un tehniskajām procedūrām un kuru izmanto, lai sagatavotu, iesniegtu, nosūtītu, saņemtu un apstrādātu izraudzīto operatoru pieprasījumus par pakām;
1.3. nosaukums vai vārds - attiecībā uz sūtītāju vai adresātu tas ir juridiskās personas nosaukums vai uzvārds, vārds un tēvvārds (ja tāds tiek lietots).1
02-001. pants
Operatīvās informācijas oficiāls paziņojums
Saskaņā ar Konvencijas 2. pantu tikko izraudzītais operators sniedz visu nepieciešamo operatīvo informāciju par pakalpojumiem, kas noteikti Pasaules Pasta savienības aktos. Operatīvo informāciju sniedz iespējami drīz, bet ne vēlāk kā divus mēnešus pirms pasta pakalpojumu sniegšanas sākuma, publicējot to Vēstuļu korespondences tiešsaistes apkopojumā un Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā (sk. 17-003. panta 5. punktu). Tikko izraudzītais operators sniedz nepieciešamo informāciju arī Starptautiskajam birojam iekļaušanai "Dalībvalstu vadītāju un vecāko amatpersonu vārdu, uzvārdu un adrešu sarakstā" (sk. 17-004. panta 2.1. punktu). Finanšu informāciju sniedz saskaņā ar 35-004. pantu.
04-001. pants
Tranzīta pārvadājumu brīvības piemērošana
Tās dalībvalsts pienākums, kura nesniedz apdrošinātu paku pakalpojumu vai kura neuzņemas atbildību par apdrošinātām pakām, ko pārvadā pa jūru vai gaisu, ir pārsūtīt slēgtās depešas, kuras tai ir nodevusi cita dalībvalsts, visātrākajā veidā un ar visdrošākajiem līdzekļiem.
04-002. pants
Tranzīta pārvadājumu brīvības nenodrošināšana
Ja tiek pārtraukta pasta pakalpojumu sniegšana dalībvalstī, kas neievēro tranzīta brīvības principus, par to pirms tam, izmantojot e-pastu vai citu telesakaru līdzekli, ziņo attiecīgajai dalībvalstij un izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Par šo faktu informē arī Starptautisko biroju.
06-001. pants
Priekšapmaksa. Priekšapmaksas apzīmēšanas metodes
1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
1. 1. Parasti maksu par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem pilnībā apmaksā sūtītājs
1.2. Priekšapmaksas apzīmēšanas metodes
1.2.1. Apmaksu veic, izmantojot vienu no turpmāk minētajiem veidiem: pastmarkas, kas ir uzdrukātas uz sūtījumiem vai pielīmētas pie tiem un ir derīgas sūtījuma nodošanas dalībvalstī; pasta priekšapmaksas zīmes, kuras ir derīgas sūtījuma nodošanas dalībvalstī un kuras pārdod sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora uzstādīts tirdzniecības automāts; oficiāli apstiprinātas marķēšanas mašīnas nospiedumi, kas ir derīgi sūtījuma nodošanas valstī, ja tā darbojas sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora tiešā pārraudzībā; nospiedumi, kas izdarīti ar tipogrāfijas iespiedmašīnām vai citu drukāšanas vai iespiešanas procesu, ja šādu sistēmu ir atļauts izmantot saskaņā ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora noteikumiem.
2. Uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem var izvietot norādi par to, ka sūtījums ir pilnībā apmaksāts, piemēram, "Taxe perçue" ("Apmaksāts sūtījums"). Minēto norādi izvieto augšējā labajā daļā tajā sūtījuma pusē, kurā norāda adresi, un tās autentiskumu apstiprina, izmantojot sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādes kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu. Neapmaksātu vai daļēji apmaksātu sūtījumu gadījumā pasta iestāde, kura veikusi sūtījuma priekšapmaksu vai apmaksājusi trūkstošo priekšapmaksas summu, minēto nospiedumu izdara pretī minētajai norādei.
3. Priekšapmaksu par paku sūtīšanu var veikt ar pastmarkām vai jebkādā citā veidā, kas ir atļauts saskaņā ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts vai tās izraudzītā operatora noteikumiem.
06-002. pants
Pastmarkas. Paziņošana par izdošanu un apmaiņu starp
izraudzītajiem operatoriem
1. Attiecīgais izraudzītais operators katru reizi, kad tas izdod jaunas pastmarkas, ar Starptautiskā biroja starpniecību dara to zināmu visiem pārējiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, sniedzot nepieciešamo informāciju.
2. Izraudzītie operatori, izmantojot Starptautiskā biroja starpniecību, apmainās ar vienu komplektu no katra jauna pastmarku izdevuma un 15 komplektus nosūta Starptautiskajam birojam. Kopumā no katra jauna izdevuma jāsūta 235 pastmarkas.
06-003. pants
Pastmarku un pasta priekšapmaksas zīmju vai marķēšanas nospiedumu
1. Pastmarkas un pasta priekšapmaksas zīmes
1.1. Pastmarkas un pasta priekšapmaksas zīmes var būt jebkādā formā ar nosacījumu, ka to augstums vai platums parasti nav mazāks par 15 mm un nav lielāks par 50 mm.
1.2. Pastmarkas un pasta priekšapmaksas zīmes, ņemot vērā izraudzītā operatora vai izdevējas dalībvalsts nosacījumus, var būt perforētas, vai arī uz tām var būt reljefa nospiedumi, kas izdarīti, izmantojot reljefa nospieduma zīmogu, ja minēto darbību dēļ netiek traucēta Konvencijas 6. pantā noteiktās informācijas skaidra saskatīšana.
1.3. Uz piemiņas vai labdarības pastmarkām ar arābu cipariem var norādīt izdošanas gadu. Tāpat uz tām jebkādā valodā var būt uzraksts, kas norāda notikumu, kuram par godu attiecīgās pastmarkas ir izdotas. Ja papildus sūtījuma apmaksas summai ir jāmaksā papildmaksa, tai ir jābūt norādītai tā, lai par attiecīgo summu nerastos šaubas.
1.4. Saskaņā ar Konvencijas 6. pantu uz pastmarkām izdevējas dalībvalsts vai teritorijas nosaukumu var aizstāt ar izdevējas dalībvalsts vai teritorijas nosaukuma abreviatūru vai iniciāļiem, kas oficiāli uzskaitīti standartā ISO 3166, izdevējai dalībvalstij vai teritorijai laikus nosūtot oficiālu pieprasījumu Starptautiskajam birojam.
2. Marķēšanas mašīnas nospiedumi
2.1. Izraudzītie operatori var paši izmantot vai atļaut izmantot pasta marķēšanas mašīnas, ar kurām uz sūtījumiem tiek iespiests sūtījuma nodošanas dalībvalsts nosaukums un apmaksas summa, kā arī nodošanas vietas nosaukums un nodošanas datums. Tomēr pēdējās divas norādes nav obligātas. Ja marķēšanas mašīnas izmanto izraudzītais operators pats, tad norādi par apmaksas summu var aizstāt ar norādi par to, ka minētā summa ir samaksāta, piemēram, izmantojot norādi "Taxe perçue" ("Apmaksāts").
2.2. Nospiedumi, kurus izdara ar pasta marķēšanas mašīnu, ir spilgti sarkanā krāsā. Tomēr izraudzītie operatori var atļaut, ka marķēšanas mašīnu nospiedumi ir citā krāsā. Reklāmas saukļu nospiedumi, kas izdarīti, izmantojot marķēšanas mašīnas, arī var būt citā krāsā.
2.3. Sūtījuma nodošanas dalībvalsts un vietas nosaukumu norāda ar latīņu alfabēta burtiem, un blakus tiem to pašu informāciju var norādīt citiem burtiem. Apmaksas summu norāda, izmantojot arābu ciparus.
3. Marķēšanas nospiedumi
3.1. Marķēšanas nospiedumos, kas izdarīti ar tipogrāfijas iespiedmašīnām vai citu drukāšanas vai iespiešanas procesu, ar latīņu alfabēta burtiem norāda sūtījuma nodošanas dalībvalsts nosaukumu un, ja nepieciešams, sūtījuma nodošanas pasta iestādes nosaukumu, blakus tiem to pašu informāciju var norādīt ar citiem burtiem. Tajos arī norāda, ka sūtījums ir apmaksāts, šim nolūkam izmantojot, piemēram, norādi "Taxe perçue" ("Apmaksāts"). Katrā gadījumā pieņemto frāzi treknrakstā norāda skaidri saskatāmā ierāmējumā, un tā laukums nedrīkst būt mazāks par 300 mm2. Kalendārzīmogu, ja to izmanto, minētajā ierāmējumā neliek.
3.2. Marķēšanas nospiedumus, kas iegūti elektroniskā drukāšanas procesā, var izvietot virs adresei paredzētās vietas, lai vertikālais attālums starp šo nospiedumu un adresei paredzēto vietu būtu no 2,5 līdz 5 mm neatkarīgi no adreses atrašanās vietas. Šos marķēšanas nospiedumus var izvietot tieši uz aploksnes vai aploksnes caurspīdīgā ielaiduma iekšpusē. Otrajā minētajā gadījumā sūtījuma apdrukāšana un novietošana aploksnē jāveic tā, lai marķēšanas nospiedums būtu ne mazāk kā 5 mm attālumā no ielaiduma malas. Uz šāda veida nospiedumu attiecas arī 3.1. punkta noteikumi. Ja marķēšanas nospiedumā ir iekļauti vai tam ir pievienoti dati, kas koda veidā norādīti divdimensionālā simbolā, tad tam ir jāatbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S28.
06-004. pants
Pastmarku vai pasta priekšapmaksas zīmju, vai marķēšanas
nospiedumu iespējama krāpnieciska izmantošana
1. Ņemot vērā valsts tiesību aktus krimināltiesību jomā, ja pastāv aizdomas par tīšu noziedzīgu nodarījumu saistībā ar pasta priekšapmaksas zīmju izmantošanu, ievēro turpmāk izklāstīto procedūru.
1.1. Ja saistībā ar izejošu sūtījumu rodas aizdomas par tīšu pārkāpumu, kas īstenots, izmantojot pasta priekšapmaksas zīmes, un sūtītājs nav zināms, tad pastmarku vai nospiedumu nekādā veidā nepārveido. Sūtījumu, kuram pievieno paziņojumu, oficiāli ierakstītā aploksnē nosūta piegādes pasta iestādei. Lai par to informētu sūtījuma nodošanas dalībvalsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzīto operatoru, tiem nosūta attiecīgā paziņojuma kopiju. Izraudzītais operators, informējot par to Starptautisko biroju, var noteikt, lai minētie paziņojumi saistībā ar tā pakalpojumiem tiek sūtīti centrālajai administrācijai vai īpaši izraudzītai pasta iestādei.
1.2. Adresātu uzaicina apskatīt pierādījumu. Sūtījumu adresātam piegādā tikai tad, ja viņš piekrīt samaksāt attiecīgo maksu, atklāj sūtītāju un viņa adresi un pēc tam, kad viņš ir iepazinies ar sūtījuma saturu, iespējamā pārkāpuma priekšmetu nodod pasta dienesta rīcībā. Tas var būt viss sūtījums, ja tas nav atdalāms no pārkāpuma pierādījuma, vai sūtījuma daļa (aploksne, iesaiņojums, daļa no vēstules utt.), uz kuras ir norādīta adrese un nospiedums vai pastmarka, par kuru ir radušās minētās aizdomas. Iztaujāšanas rezultātus izklāsta oficiālā ziņojumā, kuru paraksta pasta darbinieks un adresāts. Ja adresāts atsakās sadarboties, tad to norāda minētajā dokumentā.
2. Oficiālo ziņojumu kopā ar apstiprinošiem pavaddokumentiem oficiāli ierakstītā sūtījumā nosūta sūtījuma nodošanas dalībvalsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kas rīkojas saskaņā ar valsts tiesību aktiem.
3. Izraudzītie operatori, kuru valsts tiesību akti nepieļauj veikt 1.1. un 1.2. apakšpunktā paredzēto procedūru, dara to zināmu Starptautiskajam birojam, lai informētu pārējos izraudzītos operatorus.
06-005. pants
Kalendārzīmoga uzlikšana
1. Kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu, kurā ar latīņu alfabēta burtiem norādīts tās pasta iestādes nosaukums, kura atbild par dzēšanu, un minētās operācijas datums, uzliek tajā sūtījuma pusē, kurā ir norādīta adrese. Attiecīgo informāciju var pievienot, norādot to ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts rakstzīmēm.
2. Kalendārzīmoga uzlikšana nav obligāta:
2.1. uz sūtījumiem, kas marķēti, izmantojot marķēšanas mašīnu nospiedumus, ja minētajos nospiedumos ir norādīts nodošanas vietas nosaukums un nodošanas datums;
2.2. uz sūtījumiem, kas marķēti, izmantojot nospiedumus, kuri uzlikti ar tipogrāfijas iespiedmašīnu vai citā drukāšanas vai iespiešanas procesā;
2.3. uz neierakstītiem pazemināta tarifa sūtījumiem, ja uz minētajiem sūtījumiem ir norādīta nodošanas vieta;
2.4. uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kas ir saistīti ar pasta dienestu, kā paredzēts Konvencijas 16. panta 1. punktā un 16-001. pantā.
3. Dzēš visas pastmarkas, kas ir derīgas priekšapmaksai.
4. Ja vien izraudzītie operatori nav paredzējuši, ka dzēšanu veic, izmantojot īpašu zīmoga nospiedumu, pastmarkas, kuras sūtījuma nodošanas dienestā nav dzēstas kļūdas vai neuzmanības dēļ, dzēš tā pasta iestāde, kura to konstatē:
4.1. uzvelkot biezu līniju ar tinti vai neizdzēšamu zīmuli;
4.2. izmantojot kalendārzīmoga malu tā, lai nevar noteikt pasta iestādes nosaukumu.
5. Uz nepareizi nosūtītiem sūtījumiem, izņemot neierakstītus pazemināta tarifa sūtījumus, uzliek tās pasta iestādes kalendārzīmogu, kurā minētie sūtījumi ir saņemti kļūdas dēļ. Tas attiecas gan uz stacionārajām pasta iestādēm, gan, cik tas iespējams, uz pārvietojamām pasta iestādēm. Uz prioritāriem sūtījumiem aploksnēs un vēstulēm nospiedumu liek otrā pusē, bet uz pastkartēm - priekšpusē.
06-006. pants
Neapmaksāti vai daļēji apmaksāti sūtījumi
1. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var nosūtīt sūtītājam atpakaļ neapmaksātus vai daļēji apmaksātus sūtījumus, lai sūtītājs samaksātu trūkstošo summu. Neapmaksāta vai daļēji apmaksāta sūtījuma sūtītāju identificē, izmantojot metodes, kas paredzētas sūtījuma nodošanas dalībvalsts valsts noteikumos, tostarp metodes, kuras izmanto attiecībā uz nepiegādājamiem sūtījumiem.
2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var pats apņemties samaksāt par neapmaksātiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem vai trūkstošo summu par daļēji apmaksātiem sūtījumiem un attiecīgo summu iekasēt no sūtītāja. Šādā gadījumā tas ir pilnvarots iekasēt arī orientējošo maksu par sūtījuma apstrādi, kas ir 0,33 SDR.
3. Ja sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nepiemēro nevienu no 1. un 2. punktā paredzētajām iespējām vai ja sūtītājs nevar samaksāt trūkstošo summu, tad neapmaksātos vai daļēji apmaksātos prioritāros sūtījumus, vēstules un pastkartes tomēr nosūta uz galamērķa valsti. Var nosūtīt arī citus neapmaksātus vai daļēji apmaksātus sūtījumus.
4. Neatkarīgi no 3. punkta noteikumiem sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nav pienākuma uz galamērķa valsti nosūtīt turpmāk minēto kategoriju sūtījumus, ja tie ir ievietoti vēstuļkastītēs vai citās izraudzītā operatora sūtījumu savākšanas vietās:
4.1. neapmaksātus vai daļēji apmaksātus sūtījumus, uz kuriem nav norādīts sūtītājs vai kura sūtītāju nevar identificēt;
4.2. neapmaksātas pastkartes, uz kurām ir uzlīmes vai atzīmes, kas apliecina, ka pasta maksa ir samaksāta.
5. Neatkarīgi no 9. punkta noteikumiem sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nav pienākuma uz galamērķa valsti nosūtīt neapmaksātas pastkartes, uz kurām ir uzlīmes vai atzīmes, kas apliecina, ka pasta maksas ir samaksātas, ja šādas pastkartes ir ievietotas vēstuļkastītēs vai cita izraudzītā operatora sūtījumu savākšanas vietās.
6. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nosaka kritērijus, saskaņā ar kuriem neapmaksātus vai daļēji apmaksātus sūtījumus nosūta uz galamērķa valsti. Tomēr sūtījumus, kurus sūtītājs ir noteicis par prioritāriem sūtījumiem vai aviopasta sūtījumiem, izraudzītie operatori parasti sūta visātrākajā veidā (pa gaisu vai sauszemi).
7. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators, kurš vēlas trūkstošo summu iekasēt no adresāta, ievēro procedūru, kas aprakstīta 8. un 10. punktā. Par neapmaksātiem vai daļēji apmaksātiem sūtījumiem, kuriem piemēro minēto procedūru, iekasē īpašiem tarifiem atbilstīgu summu, kuru maksā adresāts vai atpakaļnosūtītu sūtījumu gadījumā - sūtītājs un kuras aprēķināšana ir noteikta 11. punktā.
8. Pirms nosūtīšanas uz galamērķa valsti uz neapmaksātiem vai daļēji apmaksātiem sūtījumiem priekšpuses augšējās daļas vidū uzliek T zīmogu (nepietiekama apmaksa). Blakus zīmoga nospiedumam sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators skaidri salasāmiem cipariem savas valsts valūtā uzraksta trūkstošo summu un zem daļsvītras norāda minimālo nepazemināto tarifu, kuru piemēro par pirmā svara soļa prioritāriem sūtījumiem vai vēstulēm, kuras sūta uz ārvalstīm.
9. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators atbild par to, lai tiktu pārbaudīts, vai viņa valstī nodotie starptautiskie pasta sūtījumi tiek pareizi priekšapmaksāti. Katru sūtījumu, kuru saņem galamērķa valstī un uz kura nav T zīmoga nospieduma atbilstīgi 8. punkta noteikumiem, uzskata par pilnībā apmaksātu, un to attiecīgi apstrādā.
10. Ja pirmās galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators vēlas trūkstošo summu iekasēt no adresāta (pārsūtītu sūtījumu gadījumā) vai no sūtītāja (atpakaļnosūtītu sūtījumu gadījumā), tad pienākumu uzlikt T zīmogu un norādīt summas daļskaitļa veidā pilda šis izraudzītais operators. Tādu pašu noteikumu piemēro sūtījumiem, kas ir nodoti valstīs, kuras pakalpojumiem attiecībās ar pārsūtošo izraudzīto operatoru nosaka pazeminātus tarifus. Šādā gadījumā daļskaitli iegūst, izmantojot tarifus, kas paredzēti šajā reglamentā un ir spēkā sūtījuma nodošanas valstī.
11. Izraudzītais operators piegādātājs, kurš vēlas iekasēt trūkstošo tarifa summu, uz sūtījuma norāda summu, kas ir jāiekasē. Minēto summu aprēķina, ja daļskaitli, ko iegūst, izmantojot 8. punktā minētos datus, reizina ar to tarifa summu valsts valūtā, kuru, sniedzot starptautiskos pakalpojumus, iekasē par pirmā svara soļa prioritāriem sūtījumiem vai vēstulēm, kuras sūta uz ārzemēm. Iegūtajam rezultātam pieskaita maksu par sūtījuma apstrādi, kas paredzēta 2. punktā. Izraudzītais operators piegādātājs, ja vēlas, var iekasēt tikai maksu par sūtījuma apstrādi.
12. Ja nepiegādāšanas gadījumā sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators vai pārsūtošais izraudzītais operators blakus T zīmogam nav norādījis 8. punktā minēto daļskaitli, tad galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators daļēji apmaksāto sūtījumu var piegādāt, nepiemērojot tarifus.
13. Pastmarkas un marķēšanas nospiedumus, kas nav derīgi sūtījumu priekšapmaksai, neņem vērā. Šādā gadījumā blakus minētajām pastmarkām vai nospiedumiem uzraksta skaitli nulle (0) un apvelk ar zīmuli.
14. Saņemtos ierakstītos sūtījumus un apdrošinātos sūtījumus uzskata par pilnībā apmaksātiem.
06-007. pants
Uz kuģa nodotu sūtījumu priekšapmaksa un apzīmogošana
1. Par sūtījumiem, kas nodoti uz kuģa kādā no reisa galapunktiem vai starpposma piestāšanas ostā, apmaksu veic, izmantojot tās valsts pastmarkas, kuras teritoriālajos ūdeņos kuģis atrodas, un atbilstīgi tās pašas valsts pasta tarifiem.
2. Ja sūtījumi tiek nodoti, kad kuģis atrodas atklātā jūrā, un starp attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem nav noslēgta savstarpējā vienošanās, sūtījumus apmaksā, izmantojot tās valsts pastmarkas, kurai kuģis pieder vai kura kuģi ir nolīgusi, un atbilstīgi tās pašas valsts pasta tarifiem. Šādi apmaksāti sūtījumi tiklīdz iespējams ir jānodod pasta iestādē pēc kuģa ierašanās piestāšanas ostā.
3. Uz kuģiem nodoto sūtījumu apzīmogošanu veic pasta darbinieks vai virsnieks, kuram ir noteikts šāds pienākums, vai, ja tas nav iespējams, piestāšanas ostas pasta iestādē, kurā minētie sūtījumi tiek nodoti. Šādā gadījumā pasta iestāde uz korespondences uzliek savu kalendārzīmogu un pievieno vārdu "Navire" ("kuģis"), "Paquebot" ("pasta kuģis") vai citu līdzīgu apzīmējumu.
07-001. pants
Vides aspekti
1. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem savas preces un pakalpojumi ir jāpadara pēc iespējas draudzīgāki videi, ņemot vērā tehnoloģiskos un resursu ierobežojumus.
2. Materiālu un enerģijas patēriņš ir jāoptimizē, lai tas būtu minimāls un darbības tiktu veiktas efektīvi.
3. Izmantotajiem materiāliem ir jāatbilst attiecīgo valsts vai starptautisko organizāciju paredzētajiem standartiem par nepiesārņošanu vai netoksiskiem materiāliem.
4. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jāveicina papīra un citu materiālu otrreizējā pārstrāde. Tiem ir jāveicina arī pārstrādāto materiālu izmantošana.
08-001. pants
Pasta drošība
1. Dalībvalstis un to izraudzītie operatori ievēro UPU tehniskos standartus S58 "Pasta drošība. Vispārējie drošības pasākumi" un S59 "Pasta drošība. Pasta apmaiņas vietas un starptautiskā aviopasta drošība" un cenšas:
1.1. uzlabot pakalpojumu kvalitāti kopumā;
1.2. palielināt darbinieku izpratni par drošības svarīgumu;
1.3. izveidot drošības vienības vai pastiprināt to darbību;
1.4. nodrošināt regulāru darbības, drošības un pārbaudes informācijas apmaiņu;
1.5. ja nepieciešams, ierosināt likumdevējam pieņemt īpašus tiesību aktus un īstenot pasākumus, lai uzlabotu pasaules pasta pakalpojumu kvalitāti un drošību;
1.6. sniegt vadlīnijas, apmācības metodes un palīdzību pasta darbiniekiem, lai viņi spētu rīkoties ārkārtas situācijās, kurās var būt apdraudēta kādas personas dzīvība vai īpašums vai kuras var apgrūtināt pasta pārvadājumu ķēdes darbību, tādējādi nodrošinot darbību nepārtrauktību.
08-002. pants
Īstenošanas noteikumi attiecībā uz iepriekšēju elektronisko datu
1. Attiecībā uz sūtījumiem, kuros ir preces, varētu būt jāievēro īpašas importam piemērojamas muitas vai drošības prasības par iepriekšēju elektronisko datu sniegšanu, kā minēts Konvencijas 8. panta 1. punktā un kā sīkāk noteikts attiecīgajos reglamenta noteikumos. Visām dalībvalstīm un to izraudzītiem operatoriem ir jābūt iespējai informēt citas dalībvalstis un to izraudzītos operatorus par savām īpašām drošības prasībām (saskaņā ar minētajiem noteikumiem), izmantojot attiecīgo apkopojumu. Šīs prasības nepiemēro attiecībā uz vēstulēm, pastkartēm, iespieddarbiem (kas nav grāmatas) vai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kuros ir ievietoti neredzīgām personām paredzēti sūtījumi, kam nepiemēro muitas nodevas.
2. Katram sūtījumam, par kuru ir sniegti iepriekšēji elektroniskie dati, pievieno attiecīgu UPU muitas deklarācijas veidlapu.
3. Iepriekšēji elektroniskie dati, kas jāsniedz, lai izpildītu minētās prasības, vienmēr ir tie paši dati, kas dokumentēti attiecīgajā UPU muitas deklarācijas veidlapā.
4. Katrs sūtījums, par kuru sniedz iepriekšējus elektroniskos datus, ir apzīmēts ar unikālu sūtījuma identifikatoru gan lasāmā, gan svītrkoda formātā atbilstīgi UPU tehniskajam standartam S10. Iepriekšēju elektronisko datu apmaiņu muitas un drošības nolūkā vienmēr veic atbilstīgi UPU EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1), un tās saturam jāatbilst UPU muitas deklarācijas veidlapas saturam.
5. Nosūtot sūtījumus, attiecībā uz kuriem ir jāsniedz iepriekšēji elektroniski dati muitas un drošības apsvērumu dēļ, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nodrošina, ka katra nosūtītā sūtījuma unikālais S10 svītrkoda identifikators ir elektroniski saistīts ar šā sūtījuma taras birkas S9 svītrkodu (ievietots tajā) un ka šī informācija ir iekļauta PREDES (UPU tehniskais standarts M41) elektroniskajā sūtījuma ziņojumā, kas nosūtīts galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
6. Iepriekšējus elektroniskos datus izmanto, kā paredzēts attiecīgajos Pasaules Pasta savienības aktu noteikumos par personas datu apstrādi. Neskarot iepriekš minēto, šādu datu apmaiņu varētu papildus regulēt divpusēji vai daudzpusēji nolīgumi vai protokoli attiecībā uz personas datu aizsardzību un citiem datu apmaiņas tehniskajiem aspektiem.
7. Atsevišķiem sūtījumiem varētu būt piemērojami īpaši pasākumi, kas paredzēti attiecīgajās procedūrās, ko UPU pieņēmusi, saskaņojot ar citām attiecīgām ieinteresētām pusēm. Šādi pasākumi inter alia ir atsevišķu sūtījumu izsekošana un/vai tālākas pārvadāšanas novēršana.
8. Lai nodrošinātu šajā pantā minēto sūtījumu netraucētu plūsmu, dalībvalstis un izraudzītie operatori šā panta noteikumus īsteno, ņemot vērā pasaules pasta iestāžu tīkla iespējas un šo noteikumu īstenošanai pieejamo infrastruktūru, kā arī ņem vērā to, vai visas starptautiskajā pasta pārvadājumu ķēdē iesaistītās puses spēj izpildīt prasības par iepriekšēju elektronisko datu sniegšanu.
08-003. pants
Sūtījuma drošības deklarācija
1. Aviopasta pārvadājumiem var piemērot konkrētas drošības prasības un var pieprasīt, lai izraudzītais operators sūtītājs sniegtu pārvadātājam standartizētas konsignācijas drošības deklarācijas saskaņā ar piemērojamajiem aviodrošības noteikumiem.
2. Ja ir jānodrošina konsignācijas drošības deklarācija:
2.1. konsignācijas drošības deklarāciju pārvadātājam sniedz elektroniski kā CARDIT standarta paziņojuma sastāvdaļu, ja to atļauj citi piemērojamie noteikumi;
2.2. ja nav iespējams iesniegt elektroniski, kopā ar pavadrakstu nosūta papīra dokumentu, kurā iekļauta prasītā informācija. Stingri ieteicams šim nolūkam izmantot CN 702 konsignācijas drošības deklarāciju;
2.3. ar pārvadātāju iepriekš vienojas par konsignācijas drošības deklarācijas sniegšanas metodi.
CN 70 |
Regulētas vienības kategorija (RA, KC vai
AO) un identifikators
(reglamentētajai pusei, kas izdod drošības statusu) |
Unikālais konsignācijas identifikators | ||
Konsignācijas saturs
Nodošanas vieta | Galamērķis | Nodošanas/tranzīta punkti (ja zināmi) | |
Drošības statuss | Drošības statusa izdošanas iemesli | ||
Saņemts no
(kodi) |
Skrīninga metode
(kodi) |
Pamatojums atbrīvojumam
(kodi) |
Citas skrīninga metodes
(ja vajadzīgs) |
Drošības statusu izdeva
Personas vārds, uzvārds vai darbinieka ID |
Drošības statusu izdošanas laiks
Datums (dd/mm/gggg)) |
Regulētas vienības kategorija (RA, KC vai
AD) un identifikators
(reglamentētajai pusei, kas ir apstiprinājusi citas reglamentētas puses konsignācijai piešķirto drošības statusu) |
Drošības papildinformācija |
Izmērs - 210 x 297 mm
13-001. pants
Starptautisko pasta sūtījumu apstrādes centri (IMPC)
1. Starptautisko pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu veic starptautisko pasta sūtījumu apstrādes centri. Ja IMPC izmanto depešu izveidei, noslēgšanai un/vai saņemšanai, to sauc par pasta apmaiņas vietu.
2. Izraudzītie operatori iesniedz Starptautiskajam birojam savu IMPC reģistrācijas, atjaunināšanas vai slēgšanas pieprasījumus. Šajos pieprasījumos ietver visus attiecīgos IMPC parametrus un funkcijas, kā sīkāk norādīts UPU tehniskajā standartā S34 (Starptautisko pasta sūtījumu apstrādes centru reģistrācija), saskaņā ar tajā sniegtajiem norādījumiem.
3. Izraudzītā operatora pieprasītā IMPC atrašanās vietu izraugās tā, lai optimizētu pakalpojumu kvalitāti starptautiskām depešām, ņemot vērā starptautisko un/vai iekšzemes transporta tīklu pieejamību un provizoriskos pasta sūtījumu plūsmas apjomus teritorijā, kuru aptver pieprasītais IMPC.
4. Starptautiskā biroja pienākums ir vadīt un apstrādāt IMPC reģistrācijas pieprasījumus, kas iesniegti saskaņā ar šeit definētajiem parametriem. Pirms attiecīgā IMPC reģistrācijas Starptautiskais birojs var konsultēties ar Pasta darbības padomi (un nepieciešamības gadījumā ar Administratīvo padomi par tās pārziņā esošiem jautājumiem), lai sniegtu īpašus pieprasījumus, kuriem var būt liela ietekme uz starptautisko pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu.
5. Starptautiskais birojs visus noteiktā kārtībā reģistrētus IMPC publicē UPU IMPC kodu sarakstā, kurā ietverti visi to kodi un parametri un kas ir pieejams visām Savienības dalībvalstīm un to izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
6. Izraudzītie operatori visos UPU dokumentos un visos EDI ziņojumos izmanto tikai savus IMPC kodus un izraudzīto partneroperatoru apstiprinātos IMPC kodus, kuri norādīti UPU IMPC kodu sarakstā, kas ir spēkā kodu izmantošanas laikā, un stingri ievēro šajā sarakstā minētos nosacījumus.
7. Izraudzītie operatori var arī lūgt izveidot ierobežotas lietošanas IMPC, ievērojot šādus nosacījumus:
7.1. militārās vienības - izraudzītie operatori var lūgt reģistrēt IMPC savas dalībvalsts militārajām vienībām, kuras atrodas ārpus savas valsts teritorijas;
7.2. ārpusteritoriālās apmaiņas vietas - izraudzītie operatori var lūgt reģistrēt IMPC ārpus savas valsts teritorijas, ņemot vērā attiecīgos Konvencijas 13. panta noteikumus;
7.3. citas divpusējai/daudzpusējai lietošanai paredzētas apmaiņas vietas - izraudzītie operatori var lūgt reģistrēt IMPC savas valsts teritorijā, lai nodrošinātu tikai Savienības tiesību aktos reglamentēto starptautisko pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu ar izvēlētiem izraudzītajiem partneroperatoriem, pamatojoties uz divpusējiem vai daudzpusējiem nolīgumiem.
8. Tiklīdz UPU veidlapā norāda IMPC, ir jānorāda arī saistītais IMPC kods. Ja veidlapā prasīts, ir jānorāda arī šāda saistītā informācija:
8.1. IMPC nosaukums;
8.2. par IMPC atbildīgā izraudzītā operatora kods un nosaukums.
13-002. pants
1. Veidlapām ir jāatbilst pievienotajiem paraugiem.
2. Veidlapu teksts, krāsa un izmēri, kā arī citi parametri, piemēram, svītrkodam atvēlētā vieta, atbilst šā reglamenta prasībām.
3. Ja publiskai lietošanai paredzētās veidlapas nav iespiestas franču valodā, to tekstu tulko franču valodā un tulkojumu ieraksta starp rindām.
4. Ja vien iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori, tieši vienojoties, nav noteikuši citādi, veidlapas, kas paredzētas izraudzīto operatoru savstarpējai sarakstei, sagatavo franču valodā ar tulkojumu, kas ierakstīts starp rindām, vai bez tulkojuma.
5. Veidlapas un to kopijas aizpilda tā, lai visi ieraksti būtu pilnībā salasāmi. Veidlapas oriģinālu nosūta vai nu attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram, vai arī ieinteresētākajai pusei.
13-003. pants
Publiski pieejamās veidlapas
1. Lai piemērotu 13-002. panta 3. punktu, turpmāk minētās veidlapas ir publiski pieejamas veidlapas.
Veidlapa | Nosaukums |
CN 01 | Starptautiskais atbildes kupons |
CN 07 | Paziņojums par saņemšanu/izsniegšanu/izmaksāšanu/reģistrēšanu |
CN 08 | Pieprasījums - tikai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem |
CN 11 | Marķēšanas kvīts |
CN 14 | Kopējā aploksne |
CN 17 | Iesniegums par sūtījuma atsaukšanu, adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu, pēcmaksas summas atcelšanu vai mainīšanu |
CN 18 | Iesniegums par pasta sūtījuma nesaņemšanu (vai saņemšanu) |
CN 22 | Muitas deklarācijas uzlīme |
CN 23 | Muitas deklarācija |
CN 29 | "COD" uzlīme ("Pēcmaksa") |
CP 72 | Paškopējošās veidlapas. Muitas deklarācija/adreses paziņojums |
CP 95 | "COD" uzlīme ("Pēcmaksa") |
II iedaļa
Pakalpojumu kvalitātes standarti un mērķi
14-001. pants
Pakalpojumu kvalitātes mērķi
1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
1.1. Dalībvalstis vai izraudzītie operatori, vai nu izmantojot Starptautiskā biroja vai ierobežoto apvienību veiktās aptaujas, vai pamatojoties uz divpusējo vienošanos, periodiski pārbauda, vai tiek ievēroti noteiktie termiņi.
1.2. Tāpat ir vēlams, lai dalībvalstis vai izraudzītie operatori noteikto termiņu ievērošanu periodiski pārbaudītu, izmantojot citu kvalitātes kontroles sistēmu, jo īpaši kādu ārēju kvalitātes kontroli.
1.3. Ja iespējams, dalībvalstis vai izraudzītie operatori ievieš kvalitātes kontroles sistēmu depešām ar starptautisko pastu (gan izejošo, gan ienākošo); pēc iespējas tajā jāiekļauj laika pārbaude no savākšanas līdz piegādei ("no gala līdz galam").
1.4. Visi izraudzītie operatori Starptautiskajam birojam sniedz atjauninātu informāciju par transporta vēlāko ierašanās laiku (LTAT), kurā tie darbojas starptautiskā pasta vajadzībām. Par izmaiņām ziņo, tiklīdz tās ir plānotas, lai Starptautiskais birojs pirms izmaiņu veikšanas varētu tās paziņot izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
1.5. Ja iespējams, par prioritāro un neprioritāro sūtījumu plūsmu sniedz atsevišķu informāciju.
2. Pasta pakas
2.1. Dalībvalstis vai izraudzītie operatori uzrauga faktiskos rezultātus, salīdzinot tos ar noteiktajiem pakalpojumu kvalitātes mērķiem.
III iedaļa
Maksa, papildmaksa un atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta
16-001. pants
Atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta dienesta sūtījumiem
1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
1.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus, kuri ir saistīti ar pasta dienestu un kurus nosūta izraudzītie operatori vai to pasta iestādes, atbrīvo no visiem pasta tarifiem neatkarīgi no tā, vai tie ir aviopasta sūtījumi, sauszemes pasta sūtījumi vai sauszemes pasta sūtījumi, kurus sūta ar aviotransportu (SAL).
1.2. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus, kuri attiecas uz pasta dienestu, atbrīvo no visiem pasta tarifiem, izņemot aviopārvadājumu papildtarifus:
1.2.1. ja ar šiem sūtījumiem apmainās Pasaules Pasta savienības iestādes un ierobežoto apvienību iestādes;
1.2.2. ja ar šiem sūtījumiem apmainās Savienības vai ierobežoto apvienību iestādes;
1.2.3. ja minētās iestādes šos sūtījumus nosūta dalībvalstīm un/vai izraudzītajiem operatoriem vai to pasta iestādēm.
2. Pasta pakas
2.1. Pakas, kas attiecas uz pasta dienestu, atbrīvo no visām maksām par pasta pakalpojumiem, ja paku apmaiņa notiek:
2.1.1. starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem;
2.1.2. starp dalībvalstīm, izraudzītajiem operatoriem un Starptautisko biroju;
2.1.3. starp dalībvalstu izraudzīto operatoru pasta iestādēm;
2.1.4. starp pasta iestādēm un izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
2.2. Aviopakas, izņemot pakas, kuras sūta Starptautiskais birojs, atbrīvo no papildmaksas par aviopārvadāšanu.
16-002. pants
No pasta tarifiem atbrīvoto sūtījumu apzīmogošana
1. Uz sūtījumiem, kas atbrīvoti no maksas par pasta pakalpojumiem, pusē, uz kuras norāda adresi, augšējā labajā stūrī ir šādas norādes, iespējams, ar tulkojumu:
1.1. uz sūtījumiem, kas minēti Konvencijas 16. panta 1. punktā un 16-001. pantā, - "Services des postes" ("Dienesta") vai līdzīga norāde;
1.2. uz sūtījumiem, kas minēti Konvencijas 16. panta 2. punktā un 16-003. pantā, un uz veidlapām, kas saistītas ar šiem sūtījumiem, - "Service des prisonniers de guerre" ("Pakalpojumi karagūstekņiem") vai "Service des internes civils" ("Pakalpojumi internētajām civilpersonām");
1.3. uz sūtījumiem, kas minēti Konvencijas 16. panta 3. punktā, - "Cécogrammes" ("Iespieddarbu sūtījumi neredzīgajiem").
2. Arī uz pasta pakām norāda 1. punktā minēto adreses pavadziņojumu.
16-003. pants
Atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta pakalpojumiem, ko piemēro
iestādēm, kas rūpējas par karagūstekņiem un internētajām
1. Atbrīvojumu no pasta tarifiem Konvencijas 16. panta 2. punkta nozīmē piemēro šādām iestādēm:
1.1. informācijas birojiem, kas minēti 122. pantā 1949. gada 12. augusta Ženēvas Konvencijā par izturēšanos pret karagūstekņiem;
1.2. Centrālajai karagūstekņu informācijas aģentūrai, kas norādīta minētās konvencijas 123. pantā;
1.3. informācijas birojiem, kas minēti 136. pantā 1949. gada 12. augusta Ženēvas Konvencijā par civiliedzīvotāju aizsardzību kara laikā;
1.4. Centrālajai informācijas aģentūrai, kas norādīta iepriekšējā punktā minētās konvencijas 140. pantā.
IV iedaļa
Pamatpakalpojumi un papildpakalpojumi
17-001. pants
Naudas vienība
1. Naudas vienība, kas ir noteikta Konstitūcijas 7. pantā un izmantota Konvencijā un citos Savienības aktos, ir speciālās aizņēmuma tiesības (SDR).
2. Dalībvalstu izraudzītie operatori, savstarpēji vienojoties, norēķinu sagatavošanai un veikšanai var izvēlēties citu naudas vienību, kas nav SDR, vai kādu valsts valūtu.
17-002. pants
1. Izraudzītie operatori nosaka Konvencijā un pārējos Savienības aktos paredzēto pasta tarifu ekvivalentus, kā arī starptautisko atbildes kuponu pārdošanas cenu. Tie šos ekvivalentus un cenas dara zināmus Starptautiskajam birojam, lai par tiem informētu pārējos izraudzītos operatorus. Tāpēc katrs izraudzītais operators ziņo Starptautiskajam birojam, kāda ir SDR vidējā vērtība attiecīgās valsts valūtā.
2. SDR vidējo vērtību, kura stājas spēkā katra gada 1. janvārī un kuru izmanto tikai pasta tarifu noteikšanai, aprēķina līdz četrām zīmēm aiz komata, pamatojoties uz datiem, ko vismaz 12 mēnešu laikā līdz iepriekšējā gada 30. septembrim publicējis SVF.
3. Attiecībā uz valūtām, kuru dienas maiņas kursu attiecībā pret SDR SVF nav publicējis, minētos aprēķinus veic, izmantojot kādu citu valūtu, kurai šāds maiņas kurss ir noteikts.
4. Savienības dalībvalstis, kuru valūtas kursu attiecībā pret SDR SVF nav aprēķinājis vai kuras nav šīs specializētās aģentūras locekles, tiek aicinātas vienpusēji paziņot savas valūtas un SDR ekvivalentu.
5. Izraudzītie operatori iespējami drīz informē Starptautisko biroju par pasta tarifu ekvivalentiem vai to izmaiņām, norādot datumu, kad minētie ekvivalenti stājas spēkā.
6. Starptautiskais birojs publicē apkopojumu, kurā attiecībā uz katru dalībvalsti norādīti pasta izdevumu ekvivalenti, SDR vidējā vērtība un 1. punktā minēto starptautisko atbildes kuponu pārdošanas cena.
7. Ikviens izraudzītais operators tieši informē Starptautisko biroju par to, kādu ekvivalentu tas noteicis kompensācijām, kuras paredzēts izmaksāt ierakstīta sūtījuma vai ierakstīta M maisa nozaudēšanas gadījumā.
17-003. pants
Izraudzīto operatoru sniegtā informācija
1. Izraudzītie operatori, izmantojot attiecīgās veidlapas, Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo informāciju par pasta pakalpojumu darbību. Šo informāciju sniedz par lēmumiem, kas pieņemti saistībā ar konkrētu Konvencijas un tās reglamenta vispārīgo noteikumu fakultatīvu piemērošanu.
1.1. Attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem šo informāciju sniedz par šādiem jautājumiem:
1.1.1. par maksu samazinājumu, kas veikts saskaņā ar Konstitūcijas 8. pantu, un informāciju par pakalpojumiem, uz kuriem šie tarifi attiecas;
1.1.2. par valstī piemērojamām pasta maksām;
1.1.3. saskaņā ar Konvencijas 14. pantu informē par: pakalpojumu kvalitātes mērķiem, kas noteikti prioritāro un aviopasta sūtījumu un neprioritāro un sauszemes sūtījumu piegādei savā valstī; ienākošo starptautisko pasta sūtījumu vēlāko apstiprināšanas laiku (LAT) lidostā vai citā piemērotā vietā; vēlāko sūtījumu pieņemšanas laiku ienākošā pasta apmaiņas punktā; sasniedzamo pakalpojumu līmeni (piem., sūtījuma piegāde nākamajā dienā galvaspilsētā vai piegāde aiznākamajā diena pārējā valsts teritorijā);
1.1.4. par dažādiem aviopārvadājumu tarifiem, kurus piemēro saskaņā ar 34-101. panta 6. punktu, norādot tarifu spēkā stāšanas dienu;
1.1.5. par aviopārvadājumu papildmaksām vai kombinētām maksām, kuras maksā par dažādu kategoriju aviopasta sūtījumiem un kuras dažādās valstīs ir atšķirīgas, norādot to valstu nosaukumus, uz kurām sūtāmos sūtījumus pieņem bez papildmaksas piemērošanas.
2. Attiecībā uz pasta pakām ikviens izraudzītais operators ar Starptautiskā biroja starpniecību pārējiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem paziņo:
2.1. ienākošo sūtījumu tarifus un, ja nepieciešams, tranzīta sauszemes un jūras tarifus, kurus tas iekasē;
2.2. attiecīgo informāciju par papildu pakalpojumiem, apstiprināšanas nosacījumiem, svara ierobežojumiem, izmēra ierobežojumiem un citiem īpašiem noteikumiem.
3. Par 1. punktā minētās informācijas grozījumiem Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo bez kavēšanās un izmantojot ātrākos saziņas līdzekļus. Paziņojumi par 1.1.4. punktā minētās informācijas grozījumiem Starptautiskajam birojam ir jāsaņem termiņā, kas noteikts 27-110. pantā.
4. Izraudzītie operatori var piekrist tieši apmainīties ar informāciju par aviopārvadājumiem, ja tiem šī informācija interesē, jo īpaši ar lidojumu grafikiem un informāciju par to sūtījumu saņemšanas laiku, kurus no ārvalstīm sūta ar aviotransportu, lai saskaņotu to piegādi.
5. Izraudzītie operatori Vēstuļu korespondences un Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā sniedz visu operatīvo informāciju par pamata, papildu un citiem pakalpojumiem, kas noteikti UPU aktos. Grozījumu gadījumā izraudzītie operatori katra ceturkšņa pirmajās 15 dienās atjaunina tiešsaistes apkopojumā sniegto informāciju.
6. To valstu izraudzītie operatori, kuri sniedz apdrošinātu sūtījumu pakalpojumu un kuri veic tiešu apmaiņu, informāciju par minēto sūtījumu apmaiņu cits citam paziņo, izmantojot CN 27 tabulas.
7. Izraudzītie operatori Starptautiskajam birojam iesniedz divus publicēto dokumentu eksemplārus neatkarīgi no tā, vai tie ir saistīti ar valsts vai starptautiskiem pakalpojumiem. Ja iespējams, tie iesniedz arī citus valstī publicētos darbus, kas ir saistīti ar pasta pakalpojumiem.
17-004. pants
Starptautiskā biroja publikācijas
1. Starptautiskais birojs, pamatojoties uz informāciju, kas sniegta saskaņā ar 17-003. pantu, publicē oficiālo vispārējās informācijas apkopojumu saistībā ar Konvencijas un tās reglamentu piemērošanu ikvienā dalībvalstī. Tāpat tas publicē līdzīgus apkopojumus saistībā ar Nolīguma par pasta maksājumu pakalpojumiem un tā reglamenta piemērošanu, pamatojoties uz attiecīgo dalībvalstu un/vai izraudzīto operatoru informāciju, kas iesniegta saskaņā ar minētā Nolīguma reglamentu.
2. Tāpat Starptautiskais birojs, ņemot vērā informāciju, kuru iesniegušas dalībvalstis un/vai izraudzītie operatori un attiecīgā gadījumā ierobežotās apvienības saistībā ar 2.1. apakšpunktu vai Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācija saistībā ar 2.5. apakšpunktu, publicē:
2.1. sarakstu ar izraudzīto operatoru un ierobežoto apvienību adresēm, vadītājiem un vecākajām amatpersonām (tostarp viņu e-pasta adresēm), kuras atbild par dalībvalstu pasta jautājumiem. Minētajā sarakstā vismaz saistībā ar dalībvalstīm un izraudzītajiem operatoriem norāda arī īpašās adreses, tostarp e-pasta adreses, attiecībā uz šādām jomām:
2.1.1. starptautiskās attiecības;
2.1.2. drošība;
2.1.3. attiecības ar starptautiskajiem klientiem;
2.1.4. pieprasījumi;
2.1.5. vide;
2.1.6. uzskaitvedība un
2.1.7. ārkārtas gadījumu operatīvā informācija (EmIS);
2.2. pasta iestāžu starptautisko sarakstu;
2.3. tranzīta informācijas apkopojumu, kurā norāda:
2.3.1. tranzītā pārvadājamo depešu sauszemes maršrutu attālumus kilometros;
2.3.2. tranzīta pakalpojumu sarakstu, ko sniedz attiecībā uz sauszemes pasta sūtījumiem (tostarp SAL pasta sūtījumiem);
2.4. ekvivalento vērtību sarakstu;
2.5. aizliegto priekšmetu sarakstu, kurā norāda narkotiskās vielas, kuras ir aizliegtas saskaņā ar daudzpusējiem līgumiem par narkotiskajām vielām, un Starptautiskās Civilās aviācijas organizācijas izstrādātās definīcijas attiecībā uz bīstamiem izstrādājumiem, kurus ir aizliegts nosūtīt pa pastu;
2.6. izraudzīto operatoru iekšzemes tarifu apkopojumu;
2.7. statistikas datus par pasta pakalpojumiem, kā arī citām darbībām pasta jomā nacionālajā līmenī;
2.8. pētījumus, atzinumus, ziņojumus un citus paziņojumus saistībā ar pasta pakalpojumiem;
2.9. šādus trīs katalogus:
2.9.1. Starptautiskā biroja bibliotēkas katalogu (kurā uzskaitīti darbi, kas ir pieejami bibliotēkā);
2.9.2. Starptautiskā biroja periodisko izdevumu katalogu (kurā uzskaitīti periodiskie izdevumi, kurus saņem Starptautiskais birojs);
2.9.3. Starptautiskā biroja videotēkas katalogu (kurā uzskaitītas filmas, kuras Starptautiskais birojs var iznomāt dalībvalstīm vai izraudzītajiem operatoriem);
2.10. pasta iekārtu katalogu;
2.11. ja nepieciešams, informāciju par iekšējo aviopārvadājumu tarifiem galamērķa valstī un, ņemot vērā PREDES paziņojumu, katra galamērķa operatora attiecīgo depešu sēriju sarakstu, lai atvieglotu tranzīta plānošanu;
2.12. liste des distances aéropostales (Aviopasta pārvadāšanas attālumu sarakstu), kuru Starptautiskais birojs sagatavo sadarbībā ar aviopārvadātājiem.
3. Tāpat tas publicē:
3.1. Konvencijas un Nolīguma par pasta maksājumu pakalpojumiem rokasgrāmatas;
3.2. citus UPU aktus, kurus anotējis Starptautiskais birojs;
3.3. Starptautiskā Pasta dienesta daudzvalodu vārdnīcu;
3.4. Vēstuļu korespondences un Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumus UPU tīmekļa vietnē.
4. Par grozījumiem dažādās publikācijās, kas uzskaitītas 1.-3. punktā, ziņo, izmantojot apkārtrakstus, biļetenus vai citus piemērotus līdzekļus. Tomēr par grozījumiem saistībā ar publikācijām, kas minētas 2.11. un 2.12. apakšpunktā, un datumu, kurā minētie grozījumi stājas spēkā, dalībvalstīm un izraudzītajiem operatoriem ziņo vispiemērotākajā veidā, izmantojot ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi) un paredzot minimālu kavēšanos.
5. Starptautiskā biroja publikācijas izplata dalībvalstīm un izraudzītajiem operatoriem saskaņā ar turpmāk izklāstītajiem noteikumiem.
5.1. Visas publikācijas, izņemot to, kas minēta 5.2. apakšpunktā, izplata trīs eksemplāros, un vienam no eksemplāriem jābūt oficiālajā valodā. Abi pārējie eksemplāri ir vai nu oficiālajā valodā, vai valodā, kas pieprasīta saskaņā ar Vispārīgā reglamenta 155. pantu.
5.2. Žurnālu Union Postale izplata tādā apjomā, kas ir proporcionāls to iemaksu vienību skaitam, kuras katrai dalībvalstij un izraudzītajam operatoram piešķir saskaņā ar Vispārīgā reglamenta 150. pantu.
5.3. Lai saņemtu lielāku skaitu eksemplāru nekā to, kuru bez maksas izplata saskaņā ar 5.1. apakšpunkta noteikumiem, dalībvalstis un izraudzītie operatori Starptautiskā biroja publikācijas var iegādāties par pašizmaksas cenu.
6. Starptautiskā biroja publikācijas sūta arī ierobežotajām apvienībām.
17-005. pants
Dokumentu glabāšanas laiks
1. Starptautiskā dienesta dokumentus glabā vismaz 18 mēnešus, sākot no dienas, kas seko pēc konkrētā datuma, uz kuru tie attiecas. Taču tad, ja dokumenti ir reproducēti uz mikrofilmas, mikrofišas vai uz līdzīga nesēja, tad dokumentus var iznīcināt, tiklīdz ir konstatēts, ka reproducēšana ir veiksmīgi pabeigta.
2. Dokumentus saistībā ar strīdu vai pieprasījumu glabā līdz brīdim, kad jautājums ir atrisināts. Ja izraudzītais operators, kurš ir ierosinājis jautājuma izskatīšanu, saņemot pienācīgu informāciju par pieprasījuma rezultātu, sešu mēnešu laikā pēc informācijas saņemšanas nav izteicis iebildumus, tad jautājumu uzskata par atrisinātu.
17-006. pants
Standartu piemērošana
1. Dažu reglamentu izpilde var būt saistīta ar konkrētu standartu piemērošanu. Dalībvalstīm un/vai izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jāatsaucas uz attiecīgo UPU standarta publikāciju, kurā ir UPU apstiprinātie standarti.
2. UPU standartu piemērošana ir brīvprātīga, izņemot gadījumus, kad UPU reglamentos ir skaidri noteikta prasība par to obligātu piemērošanu. Tomēr, lai palielinātu savu sistēmu un procesu apstrādes efektivitāti un savietojamību, dalībvalstīm un/vai izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir ieteicams ievērot standartus, kas attiecas uz to iekšzemes un starptautiskajām darbībām.
3. UPU standarts ir jāpieņem pilnībā. Dalībvalstis un/vai izraudzītie operatori nodrošina, lai UPU standarta izmantošana pilnībā atbilstu attiecīgajā standartā noteiktajām prasībām. Atkāpe no ieteikumiem ir pieļaujama tikai tik daudz, cik tas ir atļauts attiecīgajā standartā.
17-007. pants
Konsignācijas sūtījumu tiešā pārkraušana
1. Šā panta noteikumus piemēro neatkarīgi no izmantotā transporta veida, tostarp bez ierobežojumiem attiecībā uz pārvadātājiem, piemēram, aviokompānijām, sauszemes pārvadājumu uzņēmumiem, dzelzceļa pārvadājumu uzņēmumiem un jūras pārvadājumu pakalpojumiem.
2. Konsignācijas sūtījumu tiešo pārkraušanu tranzīta punktā ieteicams veikt starp viena pārvadātāja transporta maršrutiem (pārkraušana vienas līnijas ietvaros), bet, ja tas nav iespējams, to var veikt starp dažādu pārvadātāju transporta maršrutiem (starplīniju pārkraušana). Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators par izpildes pasākumiem iepriekš vienojas ar iesaistīto(-ajiem) pārvadātāju(-iem). Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var lūgt vienu pārvadātāju vienoties par pasākumiem ar citu pārvadātāju; šajā saistībā sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators saņem apstiprinājumu, ka šādi pasākumi, tostarp apkalpošana uz zemes un uzskaite, ir nodrošināti. Ir jāvienojas arī par papildu CN 42 birkas lietošanu.
3. Tiešas pārkraušanas gadījumā sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators informāciju par pārkraušanas punktu norāda pavadrakstā (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41, CN 47) vai tā elektroniskā ekvivalentā un uz taras birkas (CN 34, CN 35, CN 36 vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem; CP 83, CP 84, CP 85 pakām).
4. Ja tiešajai pārkraušanai reģistrētos konsignācijas sūtījumus pārkraušanas punktā nepagūst pārkraut līdz regulārā pārvadājuma sākumam, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nodrošina, ka attiecīgais pārvadātājs veic pasākumus saskaņā ar vienošanos ar citu pārvadātāju par tiešo pārkraušanu, kas minēta 2. punktā, vai lūdz norādījumus sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Tiešās pārkraušanas pasākumos jābūt ietvertai arī tiešās pārkraušanas nodrošināšanai ar tā paša pārvadātāja vēlākiem pārvadājumiem.
5. Konsignācijas sūtījumiem, ko pārkrauj tieši tranzīta punktā vai nu starp viena pārvadātāja transporta maršrutiem (pārkraušana vienas līnijas ietvaros), vai arī starp dažādu pārvadātāju transporta maršrutiem (starplīniju pārkraušana), nepiemēro tranzītmaksu no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora līdz izraudzītajam operatoram pārkraušanas punktā.
6. Šā panta 2. punktā minētajos gadījumos un tad, kad sūtījuma nodošanas valsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori un attiecīgais pārvadātājs ir iepriekš vienojušies, pārvadātājs, kas veic pārkraušanu, vajadzības gadījumā var sagatavot īpašu pavadrakstu, ar kuru aizstāj sākotnēji sagatavoto CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47 nodošanas pavadrakstu. Attiecīgās puses atbilstīgi 17-135. un 17-136. pantam (vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem) vai atbilstīgi 17-226. un 17-227. pantam (pakām) savstarpēji vienojas par konkrētajām procedūrām un veidlapām.
7. Ja tiešas pārkraušanas pasākumi nav iespējami, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var plānot slēgto tranzītu atbilstīgi 17-132. pantam (vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem) vai 17-225. pantam (pakām).
8. Ja no izraudzītā operatora saņemtās sauszemes depešas kāds cits izraudzītais operators pārsūta slēgtā tranzītā pa gaisu, tad attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori vienojas par šādas nosūtīšanas nosacījumiem, noslēdzot īpašu vienošanos.
17-008. pants
Pasākumi, kas jāveic, ja transporta maršruts tiek pārtraukts vai
ja pasta taras vienības tiek novirzītas vai nepareizi
1. Šā panta noteikumus piemēro neatkarīgi no izmantotā transporta veida, tostarp bez ierobežojumiem attiecībā uz pārvadātājiem, piemēram, aviokompānijām, sauszemes pārvadājumu uzņēmumiem, dzelzceļa pārvadājumu uzņēmumiem un jūras pārvadājumu pakalpojumiem.
2. Ja pārvadātājs pārtrauc ceļu uz tik ilgu laiku, ka pasta taras vienību sūtīšana var aizkavēties, vai ja kādu iemeslu dēļ pasta taras vienības tiek izkrautas vietā, kas nav norādīta CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47 nodošanas pavadrakstā vai tā elektroniskā ekvivalentā, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nodrošina, ka pārvadātājs ievēro visus pasākumus attiecībā uz tiešo pārkraušanu, par kuriem notikusi vienošanās ar citu pārvadātāju, vai sazinās ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru norādījumu saņemšanai.
3. Izraudzītais operators, kas kļūdainas birkas dēļ saņem nepareizi nosūtītas pasta taras vienības, katrai taras vienībai piestiprina jaunu birku, uz kuras norāda sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādi, un pārsūta to uz pareizo galamērķi.
4. Katrā gadījumā pasta iestāde, kura veikusi pārsūtīšanu, informē sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādi par katru pasta taras vienību, izmantojot CN 43 (vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem) vai CP 78 (pakām) pārbaudes paziņojumu vai tā elektronisku ekvivalentu, tajā norādot pārvadātāju, no kura depeša tika saņemta, un dienestus (gaisa vai sauszemes), kas izmantoti depešu pārsūtīšanai uz galamērķi, kā arī nepareizās virzīšanas iemeslu (piemēram, pārvadāšanas kļūdu vai kļūdu uz birkas).
18-001. pants
Apdrošināti sūtījumi
1. Ar prioritāriem un neprioritāriem sūtījumiem un vēstulēm, kurās ir vērtspapīri, vērtīgi dokumenti vai priekšmeti, un pasta pakām var apmainīties, ja to saturs ir apdrošināts par sūtītāja noteikto vērtību. Šādu apmaiņu var veikt starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir deklarējuši gatavību pieņemt šādus sūtījumus vai nu savstarpēji, vai tikai vienā virzienā.
2. Apdrošinājuma summa
2.1. Parasti apdrošinājuma summas lielums nav ierobežots. Katra dalībvalsts vai izraudzītais operators, ciktāl tas uz viņu attiecas, var ierobežot apdrošinājuma summu, bet tā nevar būt mazāka par 4000 SDR vai summu, kas ir vismaz vienāda ar iekšzemes pakalpojumiem pieņemto summu, ja tā ir mazāka par 4000 SDR. Tomēr iekšzemes pakalpojumiem paredzēto apdrošinājuma summu piemēro tikai tad, ja tā ir vienāda ar vai lielāka par atlīdzību, kas noteikta par ierakstīta sūtījuma nozaudēšanu (attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondenci) vai par pasta paku nozaudēšanu, kuru svars ir viens kilograms. Maksimālo summu Pasta savienības dalībvalstīm paziņo, izsakot to SDR vienībās.
2.2. Attiecībās starp dalībvalstīm vai izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir pieņēmuši atšķirīgas maksimālās apdrošinājuma summas, abas puses ievēro mazāko ierobežojumu.
2.3. Apdrošinājuma summa nedrīkst būt lielāka par faktisko sūtījuma satura vērtību, bet ir atļauts apdrošināt tikai daļu no šīs vērtības. Attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem apdrošinājuma summa dokumentiem, kuru vērtību nosaka atkarībā no to sagatavošanas izmaksām, nedrīkst būt lielāka par aizvietošanas izmaksām, kas rastos to nozaudēšanas gadījumā.
2.4. Krāpnieciska apdrošināšana par summu, kas ir lielāka nekā faktiskā sūtījuma satura vērtība, var būt par pamatu tiesvedībai, kas paredzēta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts tiesību aktos.
2.5. Apdrošinājuma summu izsaka sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valūtā. Sūtītājs vai viņa pārstāvis šo summu latīņu alfabēta burtiem un arābu cipariem norāda virs sūtījuma adreses - vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, bet pasta paku sūtījumiem - uz pakas un adreses pavadziņojumā; tajā nedrīkst būt dzēsumi vai labojumi, pat ja tie ir apliecināti. Apdrošinājuma summu nedrīkst rakstīt ar zīmuli vai neizdzēšamu zīmuli.
2.6. Sūtītājs vai sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde sūtītāja apdrošinājuma summu konvertē SDR. Konversijas rezultātu attiecīgā gadījumā noapaļo līdz tuvākajai vērtībai, un tās skaitlisko vērtību norāda blakus vērtībai, kas izteikta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valūtā, vai zem tās. Šādu konversiju neveic tiešiem sūtījumiem starp valstīm, kurās izmanto vienu valūtu.
2.7. Ja kādu apstākļu dēļ vai ieinteresēto pušu izteikumu dēļ tiek konstatēta krāpnieciska apdrošināšana par summu, kas ir lielāka par faktisko sūtījuma satura vērtību, tad par to nekavējoties informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru. Paziņojumam pievieno visus dokumentus, kurus izmanto par pierādījumiem pārbaudē. Ja sūtījums vēl nav piegādāts adresātam, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var lūgt, lai to sūta atpakaļ.
3. Maksas - maksimālā summa
3.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
3.1.1. Maksu par apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem maksā pirms nodošanas. To veido parastā maksa par sūtījumu, maksa par ierakstīšanu, kas paredzēta 18-101. pantā, un apdrošināšanas maksa.
3.1.2. Noteiktas ierakstīšanas maksas vietā izraudzītie operatori var iekasēt attiecīgu maksu, kas noteikta iekšzemes pakalpojumiem, vai izņēmuma gadījumā - maksu, kuras orientējošā summa ir 3,27 SDR.
3.1.3. Orientējošā apdrošināšanas maksa ir 0,33 SDR par katru 65,34 SDR apdrošinājuma summu vai tās daļu vai 0,5 % no apdrošinājuma summas skalas. Šo maksu nosaka neatkarīgi no galamērķa valsts pat tajās valstīs, kuras ir apņēmušās piedāvāt nepārvaramas varas riska segumu.
3.2. Pasta pakas
3.2.1. Maksu par apdrošinātām pakām maksā pirms nodošanas.
3.2.2. To aprēķina, saskaitot pamatmaksu, pēc izvēles - nosūtīšanas maksu un maksu par vienkāršu apdrošināšanu; papildmaksu par aviopārvadājumiem un maksas par īpašiem pakalpojumiem pieskaita pamatmaksai; orientējošā maksimālā maksa par nosūtīšanu ir tāda pati kā maksa par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu ierakstīšanu, proti, 1,31 SDR, vai kā attiecīgā maksa par iekšzemes pakalpojumu, ja tā ir lielāka, vai izņēmuma gadījumos orientējošā maksimālā maksa ir 3,27 SDR.
3.2.3. Orientējošā maksimālā maksa par vienkāršu apdrošināšanu ir 0,33 SDR par katru 65,34 SDR apdrošinājuma summu vai tās daļu vai 0,5 % no apdrošinājuma summas skalas.
3.2.4. Pasta pakām maksu par apdrošināšanu pret nepārvaramas varas risku nosaka tā, lai šīs maksas summa un vienkāršās apdrošināšanas summa nav lielāka par maksimālo apdrošināšanas maksas summu.
3.3. Ja ir vajadzīgi īpaši drošības pasākumi, izraudzītais operators no sūtītāja vai adresāta papildus maksām, kas minētas 3.1. un 3.2. punktā, var iekasēt īpašu maksu, kas paredzēta attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora valsts tiesību aktos.
4. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir tiesības sniegt klientiem sūtījumu apdrošināšanas pakalpojumu saskaņā ar citiem nosacījumiem, nekā paredzēts šajā pantā.
5. Pieņemšana
5.1. Izraudzītie operatori veic vajadzīgos pasākumus, lai nodrošinātu, ka to valstīs vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu apdrošināšanas pakalpojumu, ja vien iespējams, sniedz katrā pasta iestādē.
5.2. Lai apdrošināti vēstuļu korespondences un pasta paku sūtījumi tiktu pieņemti pastā, tiem jāatbilst turpmāk izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem.
5.1.2. Apdrošinātus vēstuļu korespondences un pasta paku sūtījumus noformē tā, lai saturam nevar piekļūt, neatstājot skaidri redzamus bojājumus uz aploksnes, iepakojuma vai aizdares, un tos noslēdz, izmantojot efektīvus līdzekļus, piemēram, augstas kvalitātes līmlenti, kura izgatavota pēc vienota parauga vai uz kuras ir sūtītāja spiedogs. Tomēr izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka šādi paraugi vai spiedogi nav nepieciešami. Šādā gadījumā vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītie operatori uz līmlentes vai sūtījuma noslēgšanas malas uzlīmē dažas pastmarkas, lai nebūtu iespējas veikt izmaiņas. Ja sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru noteikumos tas ir atļauts, tad tie iesaka klientiem izmantot aploksnes, kas ir paredzētas apdrošinātu sūtījumu nosūtīšanai. Apdrošinātu sūtījumu nosūtīšanai aizliegts izmantot pašlīmējošas aploksnes, kuras nav viltojumdrošas.
5.2.2. Neatkarīgi no 5.2.1. punkta izraudzītie operatori var pieprasīt, lai apdrošināti vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi tiek noslēgti ar vienādiem vaska zīmogiem, svina plombām vai citiem efektīviem līdzekļiem, kuri ir izgatavoti pēc vienota parauga vai uz kuriem ir sūtītāja spiedogs.
5.3.2. Plombas, pastmarkas, ar kurām norāda apmaksāto maksu, un pasta dienesta un citas oficiālās dienesta uzlīmes izvieto tā, lai tās nevar izmantot aploksnes vai iepakojuma bojājumu noslēpšanai. Pastmarkas un uzlīmes nedrīkst līmēt tā, lai tās atrastos uz divām aploksnes vai iepakojuma pusēm, nosedzot kādu malu. Uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem ir aizliegts līmēt uzlīmes, kas nav saistītas ar pasta dienestu vai oficiālajiem dienestiem, kuru iejaukšanās var būt paredzēta saskaņā ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts tiesību aktiem.
5.4.2. Apdrošināta sūtījuma sūtītājam nodošanas laikā kvīti izsniedz bez maksas.
5.3. Attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem piemēro turpmāk uzskaitītos noteikumus.
5.3.1. Tos nepieņem caurspīdīgās aploksnēs vai iesaiņojumos un/vai aploksnēs ar vienu vai vairākiem caurspīdīgiem ielaidumiem.
5.3.2. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri neievēro noteikumus, kas paredzēti 5.2.1. un 5.2.2. punktā, un apdrošinātus sūtījumus sūta bez zīmogiem vai plombām, nav tiesību saņemt atlīdzību atbilstīgi apdrošinājuma summai, ja attiecīgais sūtījums tiek nozaudēts, nozagts vai bojāts. Šādus sūtījumus apstrādā kā ierakstītus sūtījumus un par tiem izmaksā attiecīgu atlīdzību.
5.3.3. Ja sūtījumus krusteniski apsien ar auklu un noslēdz, kā aprakstīts 5.2.1. punktā, tad pati aukla nav jānoplombē.
5.3.4. Sūtījumiem, kuri ārēji līdzinās kastei, ir jāatbilst turpmāk izklāstītajiem papildu nosacījumiem. Tie ir izgatavoti no koka, metāla, plastmasas vai cita cieta materiāla un ir pietiekami izturīgi. Koka kastes sienu minimālais biezums ir 8 mm. Uz augšējās un apakšējās virsmas ir balts papīrs, uz kura norāda adresāta adresi, apdrošinājuma summu un uzliek oficiālo zīmogu nospiedumus. Šīs kastes aizzīmogo četrās pusēs tā, kā aprakstīts 5.2.1. punktā. Lai nodrošinātu neaizskaramību, kastes var krusteniski pārsiet ar izturīgu auklu, uz kuras nav mezglu. Abus auklas galus savieno ar vaska zīmogu, kas ir izgatavots pēc vienota parauga vai uz kura ir sūtītāja spiedogs.
5.3.5. To, ka maksa par sūtījumu ir samaksāta, var norādīt, izmantojot norādi, ka tā ir pilnībā apmaksāta, piemēram, ar frāzi: "Taxe perçue" ("Apmaksāts"). Minēto norādi izvieto augšējā labajā daļā tajā sūtījuma pusē, kurā norāda adresi, un tās autentiskumu apstiprina, izmantojot sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādes kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu.
5.3.6. Nepieņem sūtījumus, ja adresē ir norādīti tikai iniciāļi vai ja adrese ir uzrakstīta ar zīmuli, kā arī tad, ja adresē ir dzēsumi vai labojumi. Šādus sūtījumus, kas ir nepareizi pieņemti, nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādei.
5.4. Attiecībā uz pasta paku sūtījumiem piemēro turpmāk uzskaitītos noteikumus.
5.4.1. Adreses uzlīmi var līmēt uz iepakojuma.
5.4.2. Katrs izraudzītais operators var noteikt maksimālo apdrošinājuma summu, līdz kurai tas piemēro 5.2.1. un 5.2.2. punkta noteikumus. Attiecībās starp dalībvalstīm vai izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri noteikuši atšķirīgas maksimālās summas, piemēro mazāko summu.
6. Sūtījumu marķēšana un apstrāde
6.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
6.1.1. Visi izraudzītie operatori izvieto svītrkodu uz visiem izejošiem apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem. Ievēro turpmāk uzskaitītās specifikācijas. Katra apdrošināta sūtījuma identificēšanai izmanto vienu CN 06 uzlīmi, uz kuras attēlots lielais burts "V" un unikāls sūtījuma identifikators, kas atbilst UPU tehniskā standarta S10 specifikācijām attiecībā uz 13 zīmju identifikatoriem. Sūtījuma identifikatoru šifrē gan lasāmā, gan svītrkoda formātā atbilstīgi standartā noteiktajām prasībām. Izraudzītie operatori var arī divpusēji vienoties par tādu unikālu sūtījuma identifikatoru un svītrkodu izmantošanu, kurus jau lieto saistībā ar starptautiskiem apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem.
6.1.2. Uz sūtījuma precīzi norāda tā svaru gramos.
6.1.3. CN 06 uzlīmi un svara norādi izvieto tajā pusē, kurā raksta adresi, cik vien iespējams tuvu augšējam kreisajam stūrim zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir norādīta.
6.1.4. Tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, uzliek zīmoga nospiedumu, kurā redzams sūtījuma nodošanas vietas nosaukums un nodošanas datums.
6.1.5. Starpposma valsts izraudzītie operatori uz sūtījumu priekšējās puses kārtas numuru neizvieto.
6.1.6. Katra sūtījuma aizmugurē pasta iestāde saņēmēja uzliek zīmoga nospiedumu, norādot saņemšanas datumu.
6.1.7. Piegādājot vai nododot apdrošinātu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu, izraudzītais operators piegādātājs lūdz saņēmējam parakstīties par saņemšanu vai lūdz kādu citu apliecinājumu par saņemšanu. Papildus parakstam norāda arī vārdu un uzvārdu drukātiem burtiem vai izmanto skaidri saprotamu un salasāmu norādi, ar kuru neapšaubāmi var noteikt personu, kura to ir parakstījusi.
6.1.8. Turklāt izraudzītie operatori var ieviest attiecīgas sistēmas, kas elektroniski sagatavo piegādi apstiprinošus datus, un vienoties ar attiecīgajiem sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem par šādu datu apmaiņu.
6.1.9. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir ieviesuši sistēmas, kas sagatavo elektronisku piegādes apstiprinājumu, ir tiesības izmantot ar šīm sistēmām elektroniski iegūtus parakstus, lai izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam apliecinātu atsevišķa sūtījuma piegādi, ja attiecīgais izraudzītais operators sūtītājs to ir pieprasījis, izmantojot CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapu. Elektroniskos piegādes apstiprinājuma datus pēc izraudzītā operatora piegādātāja ieskatiem var sniegt elektroniski (pa e-pastu) vai drukātas kopijas veidā.
6.2. Pasta pakas
6.2.1. Uz apdrošinātās pakas un adreses pavadziņojuma uzlīmē CP 74 rozā krāsas uzlīmi. Uz minētās uzlīmes ir burts "V", kas atveidots latīņu alfabēta burtiem, un pakas kārtas numurs. To uzlīmē uz pakas tajā pašā pusē, kurā ir adrese, vai tās tuvumā.
6.2.2. Tomēr izraudzītais operators tajā pašā laikā var izmantot CP 73 uzlīmi, kas paredzēta 17-213. pantā, un mazu rozā krāsas uzlīmi, uz kuras treknrakstā uzrakstīti vārdi "Valeur déclarée" ("Apdrošināts").
6.2.3. Uz pakas līdzās adresei un adreses pavadziņojumā paredzētajā vietā norāda pakas svaru kilogramos un dekagramos. Daļu, kas mazāka par 10 gramiem, noapaļo līdz nākamajam desmitam.
6.2.4. Starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators uz apdrošinātas pakas priekšējās puses kārtas numuru neizvieto.
6.2.5. Pasta paku piegādes procedūra Piegādājot vai nododot apdrošinātu paku, izraudzītais operators, kas piegādā attiecīgo sūtījumu, lūdz saņēmējam parakstīties par saņemšanu vai reģistrē no personu identitāti apliecinošā dokumenta iegūtus datus, vai lūdz kādu citu apliecinājumu par saņemšanu, kas saskaņā ar galamērķa valsts tiesību aktiem ir juridiski saistošs sūtījuma saņemšanas apstiprināšanai.
18-002. pants
Sūtījumi ar pēcmaksu
1. Vispārīgi principi
1.1. Pamatojoties uz divpusējiem nolīgumiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus un vienkāršās un apdrošinātās pasta pakas, kas atbilst šā reglamenta nosacījumiem, var sūtīt ar pēcmaksu piegādes brīdī.
Izraudzītie operatori ir tiesīgi pakalpojumus ar pēcmaksu piegādes brīdī attiecināt tikai uz dažām sūtījumu kategorijām.
2. Maksa
2.1. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators brīvi nosaka maksu, kuru sūtītājs maksā papildus maksai par pasta pakalpojumiem, kura piemērojama attiecīgajai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu vai pasta paku kategorijai.
3. Nosūtīšanas vietas pasta nodaļas pienākumi
3.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
3.1.1. Norādes, kurām jābūt uz sūtījumiem ar pēcmaksu. Uzlīmes Uz sūtījumiem ar pēcmaksu tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, labi redzamā vietā izvieto norādi "Remboursement" ("Pēcmaksa"), aiz kuras norāda pēcmaksas summu. Turklāt uz šiem sūtījumiem tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šīs ziņas ir norādītas, pielīmē oranžu uzlīmi, kas atbilst CN 29 uzlīmes paraugam. Izraudzītie operatori minētās norādes var arī sniegt, izmantojot CN 29bis uzlīmi.
3.1.2. Ja vien iespējams, CN 29 uzlīmes augšējā stūrī pielīmē CN 04 uzlīmi, kas noteikta 18-101. panta 5. punktā (vai tās vietā uzliek īpašo zīmogu).
3.2. Pasta pakas
3.2.1. Norādes, kurām jābūt uz pakas un adreses pavadziņojumā. Uzlīmes Uz pakām, par kurām jāiekasē pēcmaksa, un attiecīgajos adreses pavadziņojumos tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, labi redzamā vietā ir norāde "Remboursement" ("Pēcmaksa"), aiz kuras norāda pēcmaksas summu. Sūtītājs savu vārdu, uzvārdu un adresi latīņu alfabēta burtiem uzraksta tajā pakas pusē, kurā ir adrese, kā arī adreses pavadziņojuma priekšpusē. Pakas ar pēcmaksu adreses pavadziņojumā izvieto oranžas krāsas uzlīmi, kas atbilst CN 29 uzlīmes paraugam. Ja adreses pavadziņojums ir ievietots pašlīmējošā dokumentu mapē, kurā ir attiecīgi norādīta pēcmaksas summa, CN 29 uzlīme nav obligāta. Turklāt uz pakas ar pēcmaksu tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, izvieto divas papildu uzlīmes, kas atbilst CN 29bis un CP 95 paraugam.
3.3. Sūtījumam pievienojamā veidlapa
3.3.1. Katram sūtījumam ar pēcmaksu pievieno MP 1bis veidlapu vai jebkuru citu izraudzīto operatoru saskaņotu veidlapu, kuru izmanto, lai uz sūtītāja vārda izdotu pasta maksājuma rīkojumu par sūtījumu ar pēcmaksu.
4. Pasta iestādes saņēmējas pienākumi
4.1. Izraudzītais operators, kas adresātam ir piegādājis vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu vai pasta paku, uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma vai pasts pakas sūtītāja vārda izdod savu pasta maksājuma rīkojuma veidlapu MP 1bis par sūtījumu ar pēcmaksu vai izmanto citus, izraudzīto operatoru saskaņotus līdzekļus.
5. Pārsūtīšana
5.1. Jebkuru vēstuļu korespondences vai pasta pakas sūtījumu, par ko jāmaksā pēcmaksa, var pārsūtīt, ja jaunās galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators sniedz šādu pakalpojumu savstarpējās attiecībās ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsti.
6. Atlīdzības par pakām
6.1. Ja paka ar pēcmaksu tiek piegādāta, neiekasējot pēcmaksas summu, tad galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators maksā izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam atlīdzību, kas atbilst pēcmaksas summai.
6.2. Ja sūtījums ir daļēji izzagts, atlīdzību nosaka atbilstīgi izzagtās sūtījuma daļas faktiskajai vērtībai, pamatojoties uz pēcmaksas summu.
6.3. Nozaudēšanas gadījumā atlīdzība nepārsniedz kopējo pēcmaksas summu.
18-003. pants
Paziņojums par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu un paku
1. Ja izraudzītie operatori klientiem kā pakalpojumu piedāvā sūtīt paziņojumu par izsniegšanu, ierakstīta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma, vienkāršās pasta pakas vai apdrošināta sūtījuma sūtītājs var pieteikties uz šo pakalpojumu nodošanas laikā, samaksājot orientējošo summu, kura ir 0,98 SDR.
2. Šo paziņojumu par izsniegšanu nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam pa ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi). Ja izraudzītie operatori klientiem piedāvā elektronisku izsniegšanas paziņojumu nosūtīšanas pakalpojumu, tie var vienoties, ka paziņojumu par ierakstīta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma, vienkāršās pasta pakas vai apdrošināta sūtījuma izsniegšanu nosūta elektroniski.
2.1. Izraudzītais operators var ierobežot šo pakalpojumu apdrošinātām pakām, ja šāds ierobežojums ir noteikts šā operatora iekšzemes pakalpojumiem.
3. Sūtījumu ar paziņojumiem par izsniegšanu apzīmēšana
3.1. Uz sūtījumiem, par kuriem sūtītājs ir pieprasījis paziņojumu par izsniegšanu, tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, treknrakstā norāda burtus "A.R.".
3.1.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem sūtītājs sūtījuma ārpusē savu vārdu un adresi norāda ar latīņu alfabēta burtiem. Minēto norādi, ja to izvieto tajā pusē, kurā raksta adresi, novieto augšējā kreisajā stūrī. Minētajā stūrī, cik tuvu vien iespējams, norāda arī burtus "A.R.", kuri var būt zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir sniegta.
3.1.2. Pasta pakām tādu pašu norādi izdara arī adreses pavadziņojumā.
3.2. Sūtījumiem, kas minēti 2.1. punktā, pievieno gaiši sarkanu CN 07 veidlapu, kura ir pastkartes biezumā. Uz CN 07 veidlapas treknrakstā norāda burtus "A.R.". Sūtītājs, izmantojot latīņu alfabēta burtus un jebkādus līdzekļus, izņemot parasto zīmuli, aizpilda attiecīgās veidlapas iedaļas. Veidlapas priekšpusi aizpilda sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde vai cita pasta iestāde, kuru ir norīkojis izraudzītais operators sūtītājs, un veidlapu cieši piestiprina pie vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma. Pasta pakām šo veidlapu cieši piestiprina pie adreses pavadziņojuma. Ja pasta iestāde saņēmēja veidlapu nesaņem, tad šī pasta iestāde automātiski sagatavo jaunu paziņojumu par izsniegšanu.
3.3. Aprēķinot maksu paziņojumam par sūtījuma izsniegšanu, tostarp attiecīgā gadījumā aviopārvadājumu papildmaksu, var ņemt vērā CN 07 veidlapas svaru. Maksu paziņojumam par izsniegšanu norāda uz sūtījuma kopā ar citām maksām.
4. Paziņojumu par izsniegšanu apstrāde
4.1. Par prioritāti noteikts, ka paziņojumu par izsniegšanu paraksta adresāts vai, ja tas nav iespējams, cita persona, kas ir pilnvarota to darīt saskaņā ar galamērķa valsts noteikumiem. Ja tas ir paredzēts minētajos noteikumos un izņemot gadījumus, kad vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus nodod adresātam personīgi, paziņojumu var parakstīt pasta iestādes saņēmējas darbinieks. Papildus parakstam norāda arī vārdu un uzvārdu drukātiem burtiem vai izmanto skaidri saprotamu un salasāmu norādi, ar kuru neapšaubāmi var noteikt personu, kura to ir parakstījusi. Minēto identifikācijas informāciju var iegūt arī ar elektroniskiem līdzekļiem.
4.2. Pasta iestāde saņēmēja attiecīgi aizpildītu CN 07 veidlapu nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam ar pirmo pastu. Šo veidlapu sūta bez aploksnes pa ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi) un attiecībā uz pasta pakām - bez maksas. Ja paziņojums par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu izsniegšanu tiek nosūtīts atpakaļ un tas nav pienācīgi aizpildīts, par neatbilstību ziņo, izmantojot 21-001. pantā paredzēto CN 08 veidlapu, kurai pievieno attiecīgo paziņojumu par izsniegšanu. Attiecībā uz pasta pakām paziņošanu veic, ievietojot attiecīgu pieprasījumu IBIS, kā noteikts 21-001. pantā, kam pievieno attiecīgo paziņojumu par izsniegšanu.
4.3. Ja sūtītājs lūdz informāciju saistībā ar paziņojumu par izsniegšanu, kas nav saņemts parastajā laikposmā, šo paziņojumu bez maksas pieprasa, izmantojot CN 08 veidlapu. Paziņojuma par izsniegšanu dublikātu, uz kura priekšpuses treknrakstā ir vārds "Duplicata" ("Dublikāts"), attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem pievieno CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapai, savukārt attiecībā uz pasta pakām to pievieno attiecīgajam pieprasījumam IBIS, kā noteikts 21-001. pantā.
4.4. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir ieviesuši sistēmas, kas sagatavo elektronisku piegādes apstiprinājumu, ir tiesības izmantot ar šīm sistēmām elektroniski iegūtus parakstus, lai izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam apliecinātu atsevišķa sūtījuma piegādi, ja attiecīgais izraudzītais operators sūtītājs to ir pieprasījis, izmantojot CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapu attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem vai IBIS pieprasījumu attiecībā uz pasta pakām. Elektroniskos piegādes apstiprinājuma datus pēc izraudzītā operatora piegādātāja ieskatiem var sniegt elektroniski (pa e-pastu) vai drukātas kopijas veidā.
4.5. Kā paredzēts Konvencijas 10. pantā, visus personas datus, kas saistīti ar šajā pantā minēto elektronisku paziņojumu par izsniegšanu un elektronisku piegādes apstiprinājumu, apstrādā atbilstīgi attiecīgās dalībvalsts valsts tiesību aktu noteikumiem.
5. Izmaksu aprēķināšana
5.1. Ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram, kas citam izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta atpakaļ paziņojumu par izsniegšanu (veidlapa CN 07), ir tiesības iekasēt no šā izraudzītā operatora summu, kas atbilst izmaksām, kas radušās saistībā ar paziņojuma par izsniegšanu atpakaļnosūtīšanu. Šo summu nosaka atbilstīgi IBRS izmaksu aprēķināšanas prasībām, kas noteiktas 18-103. panta 4. punktā. Paziņojumus par izsniegšanu nosūta un izmaksas aprēķina kopā ar IBRS sūtījumiem, piemērojot procedūras un izmantojot veidlapas, kas 18-103. panta 5. punktā un 17-125. pantā paredzētas IBRS sūtījumiem.
5.2. Noteikumus, kas paredzēti 4.1. punktā, analoģiski piemēro attiecībā uz elektroniskiem paziņojumiem par izsniegšanu, ja izraudzītais operators klientiem piedāvā šādu pakalpojumu.
18-004. pants
Sūtījumi, kas adresātam izsniedzami bez maksas un nodevām
1. Sūtītāji, izmantojot iesniegumu veidlapu sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādē, var apņemties samaksāt visas nodevas un maksas par attiecīgo sūtījumu piegādi, ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori šajā ziņā ir izteikuši savu piekrišanu.
2. Maksa
2.1. Sūtītāji apņemas samaksāt summu, kuru var pieprasīt pasta iestāde saņēmēja. Ja vajadzīgs, sūtītāji izdara pagaidu iemaksu.
2.2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators no sūtītāja iekasē maksu, kuras orientējošā summa ir 0,98 SDR un kura ir maksājums par sūtījuma nodošanas valstī sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem.
2.3. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir pilnvarots iekasēt komisijas maksu, kuras orientējošā summa ir 0,98 SDR. Šo maksu iekasē neatkarīgi no maksas par sūtījuma uzrādīšanu muitai. To galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora vārdā iekasē no sūtītāja.
2.4. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem piemērojamie noteikumi
2.4.1. Par lūgumu, kas izteikts pēc vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma nodošanas, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators iekasē arī papildmaksu, kuras orientējošā summa ir 1,31 SDR par lūgumu.
2.4.2. Ikviens izraudzītais operators var noteikt, ka adresātam bez maksas un nodevām izsniedzami tikai ierakstīti un apdrošināti vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi.
3. Sūtījumu marķēšana un apstrāde
3.1. Uz sūtījumiem, kas adresātam izsniedzami bez maksas un nodevām, treknrakstā norāda uzrakstu "Franc de taxes et de droits" ("Apmaksātas maksas un nodevas") vai līdzīgu norādi sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valodā. Uz šiem sūtījumiem izvieto dzeltenu uzlīmi, kurā treknrakstā uzrakstīta norāde "Franc de taxes et de droits".
3.1.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem uzrakstu un uzlīmi izvieto tajā pusē, kurā raksta adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim un zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir sniegta.
3.1.2. Pasta pakām šo norādi izdara arī adreses pavadziņojumā.
3.2. Katram sūtījumam, kas sūtīts piegādei bez maksas un nodevām, pievieno CN 11 marķēšanas kvīti. Sūtījuma sūtītājs aizpilda marķēšanas kvīts A un B daļu priekšpuses labajā pusē. Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja uzraksta pasta dienesta norādes. Sūtītāja ierakstus var izdarīt, izmantojot koppapīru. Kvītī norāda 2.1. apakšpunktā minēto apņemšanos. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem attiecīgi aizpildītu marķēšanas kvīti cieši piestiprina pie sūtījuma. Pasta pakām adreses pavadziņojumu, muitas deklarācijas un marķēšanas kvīti cieši sasprauž kopā.
3.3. Lūgums par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma izsniegšanu bez maksas un nodevām, kas izteikts pēc sūtījuma nodošanas
3.3.1. Sūtītājs pēc sūtījuma nodošanas var lūgt, lai sūtījumu adresātam izsniedz bez maksas un nodevām.
3.3.2. Ja lūgums ir jānosūta pa pastu, tad sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde par to informē pasta iestādi un saņēmēju, izmantojot paskaidrojumu. Paskaidrojumā norāda iekasēto priekšmaksu. Pasta iestādei saņēmējai to nosūta kā ierakstītu sūtījumu pa ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi), pievienojot attiecīgi aizpildītu marķēšanas kvīti. Pasta iestāde saņēmēja uz sūtījuma uzlīmē 4.1. punktā paredzēto uzlīmi.
3.3.3. Ja lūgums ir jānosūta, izmantojot telesakarus, tad pasta iestāde sūtītāja informē pasta iestādi saņēmēju, izmantojot telesakarus, un vienlaikus izklāsta attiecīgo informāciju par sūtījuma nodošanu. Pasta iestāde saņēmēja automātiski sagatavo marķēšanas kvīti.
4. Marķēšanas kvīts A daļas nosūtīšana atpakaļ. Nodevu un maksu atgūšana
4.1. Pēc tam, kad ir piegādāts sūtījums, kas adresātam izsniedzams bez maksas un nodevām, pasta iestāde, kura sūtītāja vārdā ir iepriekš apmaksājusi muitas nodokli, nodevas un citas maksas, izmantojot koppapīru, aizpilda marķēšanas kvīts otrās puses A un B daļu, ierakstot informāciju, kas uz to attiecas. A daļu, pievienojot apliecinošās kvītis, nosūta sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādei; minētos dokumentus nosūta noslēgtā aploksnē, nenorādot informāciju par tās saturu. B daļu patur sūtījuma galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, lai veiktu norēķinus ar izraudzīto operatoru debitoru.
4.2. Tomēr visi izraudzītie operatori var noteikt, ka marķēšanas kvīts A daļu, par kuru ir iekasētas maksas, sūta atpakaļ īpaši izraudzīta pasta iestāde un ka minēto daļu nosūta konkrētai pasta iestādei.
4.3. Tās pasta iestādes nosaukumu, kurai jānosūta atpakaļ marķēšanas kvīts A daļa, pasta iestāde sūtītāja katru reizi norāda minētās daļas priekšpusē.
4.4. Ja sūtījums, uz kura ir vārdi "Franc de taxes et de droits" ("Apmaksātas maksas un nodevas"), saņemšanas vietas pasta nodaļā ir saņemts bez marķēšanas kvīts, tad pasta iestāde, kas atbild par muitošanu, sagatavo kvīts dublikātu; šīs kvīts A un B daļā tā norāda sūtījuma nodošanas valsts nosaukumu un, ja iespējams, sūtījuma nodošanas datumu.
4.5. Ja marķēšanas kvīts tiek nozaudēta pēc sūtījuma izsniegšanas, dublikātu sagatavo saskaņā ar iepriekš izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem.
4.6. Marķēšanas kvīšu A un B daļu, kas ir saistīta ar sūtījumiem, kurus kādu iemeslu dēļ nosūta atpakaļ uz nodošanas vietu, dzēš galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators.
4.7. Saņemot marķēšanas kvīts A daļu, kurā norādītas saņemšanas vietas pasta nodaļas samaksātas maksas, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators minēto maksu summu konvertē savas valsts valūtā. Izmantotais kurss nedrīkst būt lielāks par kursu, kas noteikts attiecīgajai valstij paredzēto pasta naudas pārvedumu sagatavošanai. Konvertācijas rezultātu norāda veidlapas pamatdaļā un uz kupona veidlapas malā. Pēc maksas summas atgūšanas attiecīgi izraudzītā pasta iestāde sūtītājam nodod kuponu no attiecīgās kvīts un apliecinošās kvītis.
4.8. Pasta pakām piemērojamie noteikumi attiecībā uz maksājuma summu
4.8.1. Ja sūtītājs apstrīd maksājuma summu, kas norādīta marķēšanas kvīts A daļā, galamērķa izraudzītais operators pārbauda samaksāto summu. Ja nepieciešams, tas sazinās ar valsts muitas dienestu. Pēc attiecīgo labojumu veikšanas tas nosūta minētā paziņojuma A daļu sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Arī tad, ja galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators konstatē kļūdu vai nolaidību saistībā ar maksām par paku, kura jāizsniedz bez maksām un nodevām, par ko sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir nosūtīta atpakaļ marķēšanas kvīts A daļa, tas sagatavo dublikātu, kurā ir veikti attiecīgie labojumi. Lai jautājumu atrisinātu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta minētās kvīts A daļu.
5. Norēķini ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru
5.1. Norēķinus par muitas nodokļiem, nodevām un citiem maksājumiem, kurus izraudzītie operatori ir maksājuši citu izraudzīto operatoru vārdā, veic, izmantojot CN 12 precīzu mēneša rēķinu, kuru sagatavo izraudzītais operators kreditors, aprēķinus veicot savas valsts valūtā. Marķēšanas kvīts B daļā norādīto informāciju, kas ir saglabāta, ieraksta un sakārto alfabēta secībā atbilstīgi pasta iestādēm, kas ir izdarījušas maksājumus, kā arī maksājumu izdarīšanas secībā. "Nulles" rēķinus nesagatavo.
5.2. Ja abi iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori cits citam sniedz kā vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu, tā pasta paku pakalpojumus un ja tie nav vienojušies par pretējo, minēto pakalpojumu rēķinos par muitas nodokļiem, nodevām un citiem maksājumiem var iekļaut arī attiecīgo informāciju par vēstuļu korespondences pakalpojumiem.
5.3. Veidlapā CN 12 precizēto rēķinu, kam pievieno marķēšanas kvīšu B daļas, nosūta izraudzītais operators debitors.
5.3.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem - ne vēlāk kā līdz tā mēneša beigām, kas seko pēc mēneša, uz kuru minētais rēķins attiecas. "Nulles" rēķinus nesagatavo.
5.3.2. Pasta paku sūtījumiem - ne vēlāk kā līdz otrā mēneša beigām pēc ceturkšņa beigām, uz kuru minētais rēķins attiecas.
5.4. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem rēķinus apmaksā atsevišķi. Tomēr katrs izraudzītais operators var noteikt, ka minētos rēķinus var apmaksāt kopā ar rēķiniem par naudas pārvedumiem vai ar CP 75 rēķiniem par pasta pakām, nevienu no rēķiniem neiekļaujot citā rēķinā.
5.5. Par pasta pakām norēķinus veic, izmantojot 35-014. pantā minēto CP 75 rēķinu.
5.5.1. Ja vien iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori nav vienojušies citādi, CN 12 rēķina pēdējā rindiņā norādīto summu izraudzītais operators kreditors ieraksta nākamajā CP 75 rēķinā, kuru sūta šis izraudzītais operators, pamatojumu norādot ailē "Piezīmes".
5.5.2. Ja izraudzītais operators attiecībās ar izraudzīto operatoru debitoru neizmanto CP 75 rēķinu, izņēmuma gadījumos līdzīgā veidā var izmantot CN 51 rēķinu.
18-005. pants
Konsignācijas pakalpojums
1. Vispārīgi noteikumi
1.1. Izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties sniegt konsignācijas papildu pakalpojumu saistībā ar grupētiem sūtījumiem, kurus uz ārvalstīm sūta kopā.
1.2. Ja iespējams, to, ka ir sniegts šāds pakalpojums, norāda, izmantojot 1.4. punktā norādīto logotipu.
1.3. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators un galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators savstarpēji vienojas par sīkāku informāciju saistībā ar šo pakalpojumu, pamatojoties uz Pasta darbības padomes izstrādātajiem noteikumiem.
1.4. Norāde par konsignācijas pakalpojumu
1.4.1. Logotipam, kas paredzēts konsignācijas pakalpojuma pazīšanai, ir šādas sastāvdaļas: vārds "CONSIGNMENT" zilā krāsā; trīs horizontālas svītras (viena sarkana, viena zila, viena zaļa).
2. Pasta pakām piemērojamie noteikumi
2.1. Konsignācijas pakalpojums:
2.1.1. ietver vismaz kopēju paku nodošanu un pārvadāšanu no viena klienta uz ienākošo sūtījumu apmaiņas vai ienākšanas vietu galamērķa valstī un kopēju muitošanu, ko veic sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators;
2.1.2. ietver visus pasta paku sūtījumus, kā arī jebkādus citus pasta sūtījumu veidus, par kuriem vienojušies sūtījuma nodošanas valsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori;
2.1.3. saskaņojot ar attiecīgajām muitas iestādēm, var ietvert sūtījumu muitošanu vairumā, lai nodrošinātu labāku rentabilitāti;
2.1.4. sūtījumu pārvadāšanai var izmantot īpašus maisus, īpašas paletes vai īpašus pasta konteinerus;
2.1.5. galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators nodod pasta pakas vienam vai vairākiem adresātiem.
V iedaļa
Aizliegumi un muitas jautājumi
19-001. pants
Izņēmuma kārtā pieņemami bīstamie izstrādājumi
1. Izņēmuma kārtā ir atļauts pieņemt šādus bīstamus izstrādājumus:
1.1. 19-003. panta 1. punktā minētos radioaktīvos materiālus, kurus nosūta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos un pasta pakās;
1.2. 19-003. panta 2. punktā minētās infekciozās vielas, kuras nosūta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos un pasta pakās;
1.3. 19-003. panta 3. punktā minētos litija elementus un baterijas, ko nosūta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos un pasta pakās.
2. Citu kategoriju bīstamus izstrādājumus vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos un pasta pakās var atļaut pieņemt attiecībās starp dalībvalstīm, kuras ir deklarējušas gatavību pieņemt šādus sūtījumus vai nu savstarpēji, vai tikai vienā virzienā, ja tie atbilst valsts un starptautiskajiem pārvadājumu noteikumiem un nosacījumiem un ja tos nepārvadā pa gaisu.
19-002. pants
Bīstamu izstrādājumu ievešanas kontrole
1. Katrs izraudzītais operators izstrādā procedūras un mācību programmas, lai savos pasta pakalpojumos kontrolētu atļautu bīstamu izstrādājumu ievešanu atbilstīgi valsts un starptautiskajiem noteikumiem un nosacījumiem.
2. Ikviens izraudzītais operators, kas vēlas starptautiskajos aviopasta sūtījumos pieņemt iekārtas, kurās ir uzstādīti atļautie litija elementi vai litija baterijas, var to darīt, ja ir iepriekš saņēmis īpašu atļauju saskaņā ar ICAO Tehniskajām instrukcijām. Starptautisko biroju informē, ka izraudzītajam operatoram ir piešķirta šāda atļauja.
3. Ikviens izraudzītais operators var saņemt un piegādāt starptautiskos aviopasta sūtījumus, kuros ir uzstādīti atļautie litija elementi un litija baterijas, bez savas valsts Civilās aviācijas iestādes atļaujas. Tomēr izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri pieņem un nosūta šādus sūtījumus, jāpilda prasības, kas izklāstītas 2. punktā, un jāņem vērā saņēmējvalsts un/vai iespējamo tranzītvalstu jebkādi aizliegumi vai darbības prasības.
19-003. pants
Radioaktīvi materiāli, infekciozas vielas, litija elementi un
baterijas, ko atļauts pieņemt
1. Radioaktīvus materiālus atļauts pieņemt vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos un pasta pakās attiecībās starp dalībvalstīm, kas ir deklarējušas gatavību tos pieņemt savstarpēji vai tikai vienā virzienā, saskaņā ar turpmāk izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem.
1.1. Radioaktīvie materiāli ir sagatavoti un iepakoti atbilstīgi attiecīgajiem reglamenta noteikumiem.
1.2. Ja tie tiek sūtīti vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos, tiem piemēro prioritāro sūtījumu tarifu vai ierakstītu vēstuļu tarifu.
1.3. Radioaktīvos materiālus, kas ievietoti vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos vai pasta pakās, nosūta visātrākajā veidā, parasti ar aviopastu, piemērojot tiem attiecīgos aviopārvadājumu papildtarifus.
1.4. Radioaktīvos materiālus sūtīšanai drīkst nodot tikai attiecīgi pilnvaroti sūtītāji.
2. Infekciozas vielas, izņemot A kategorijas infekciozās vielas, kuras iedarbojas uz cilvēku (UN 2814) un kuras iedarbojas uz dzīvniekiem (UN 2900), pieņem sūtīšanai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos vai pasta pakās saskaņā ar turpmāk izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem.
2.1. B kategorijas infekciozās vielas (UN 3373) var sūtīt un saņemt pa pastu tikai oficiāli atzīti sūtītāji, kurus par tādiem atzinusi attiecīgā kompetentā iestāde. Šos bīstamos izstrādājumus var pieņemt sūtīšanai pa pastu, ievērojot piemērojamos valsts un starptautiskos tiesību aktu noteikumus un Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Ieteikumu par bīstamo preču pārvadāšanu spēkā esošo izdevumu, kuru izplatījusi Starptautiskā Civilās aviācijas organizācija (ICAO).
2.2. B kategorijas infekciozās vielas (UN 3373) ir jāapstrādā, jāiepako un jāmarķē saskaņā ar reglamentu noteikumiem. Šiem sūtījumiem piemēro prioritāro sūtījumu tarifu vai ierakstīto vēstuļu tarifu. Par šo sūtījumu apstrādi ir atļauts pieprasīt papildmaksu.
2.3. No pacientiem paņemtus paraugus (cilvēku vai dzīvnieku) var sūtīt un saņemt pa pastu tikai oficiāli atzīti sūtītāji, kurus par tādiem atzinusi attiecīgā kompetentā iestāde. Šos materiālus var pieņemt sūtīšanai pa pastu, ievērojot piemērojamos valsts un starptautiskos tiesību aktu noteikumus un Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Ieteikumu par bīstamo preču pārvadāšanu spēkā esošo izdevumu, kuru izplatījusi ICAO.
2.4. No pacientiem paņemtie paraugi (cilvēku vai dzīvnieku) jāapstrādā, jāiepako un jāmarķē saskaņā ar Vēstuļu korespondences reglamenta noteikumiem. Šiem sūtījumiem piemēro prioritāro sūtījumu tarifu vai ierakstīto vēstuļu tarifu. Par šo sūtījumu apstrādi ir atļauts pieprasīt papildmaksu.
2.5. Infekciozās vielas un no pacientiem paņemtos paraugus (cilvēku vai dzīvnieku) drīkst pieņemt tikai tās dalībvalstis, kuras ir deklarējušas savu vēlmi pieņemt šādus sūtījumus savstarpēji vai tikai vienā virzienā.
2.6. Atļautās infekciozās vielas un no pacientiem paņemtos paraugus (cilvēku vai dzīvnieku) nosūta visātrākajā veidā, parasti ar aviopastu, piemērojot tiem attiecīgos aviopārvadājumu papildtarifus, un piegādē tie ir prioritāri.
3. Vēstuļu korespondences un pasta paku sūtījumos pieņem ne vairāk par četriem litija elementiem vai divām litija baterijām, kas uzstādītas iekārtās, saskaņā ar turpmāk izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem.
3.1. Litija saturs litija metālā vai litija sakausējuma elementā nedrīkst būt lielāks par 1 g, un litija jonu elementa vatstundu ietilpība nedrīkst pārsniegt 20 Wh.
3.2. Litija saturs litija metālā vai litija sakausējuma baterijā nedrīkst būt lielāks par 2 g, un litija jonu baterijas vatstundu ietilpība nedrīkst pārsniegt 100 Wh; saskaņā ar šo noteikumu litija jonu baterijām uz ārējā korpusa norāda vatstundu ietilpību.
3.3. Iekārtās uzstādītajiem elementiem un baterijām jābūt aizsargātiem pret bojājumiem un īssavienojumu, un šīm iekārtām jābūt aprīkotām ar efektīviem aizsarglīdzekļiem pret nejaušu iedarbināšanu; ja litija baterijas ir uzstādītas iekārtā, tām jābūt iepakotām stiprā ārējā iepakojumā, kas izgatavots no atbilstīga materiāla, kam piemīt atbilstīga izturība un uzbūve attiecībā uz iepakojuma ietilpību un paredzēto lietojumu, ja vien šīm baterijām nav nodrošināta līdzvērtīga aizsardzība iekārtā, kurā tās uzstādītas.
3.4. Ikviena elementa un baterijas tipam ir jāatbilst attiecīgo pārbaužu prasībām, kuras minētas Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Pārbaužu un kritēriju rokasgrāmatas III daļas 38. iedaļas 3. apakšiedaļā.
19-004. pants
Nosacījumi par to, kā pieņemami un apzīmogojami sūtījumi, kuros
ir no pacientiem (cilvēkiem vai dzīvniekiem) paņemti paraugi
1. No pacientiem (cilvēkiem vai dzīvniekiem) paņemtus paraugus, kā definēts Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Ieteikumos par bīstamo preču pārvadāšanu (paraugnoteikumi ST/SG/AC10/1), pieņem saskaņā ar turpmāk izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem.
2. No pacientiem paņemti paraugi ir paraugi, saistībā ar kuriem pastāv minimāla patogēnu klātbūtnes varbūtība un kuri ir jāiepako tā, lai nepieļautu noplūdes iespējamību, un uz kuriem ir atbilstošs marķējums angļu vai franču valodā "Exempt human specimen"/"Echantillon humain exempté" ("No cilvēka paņemts paraugs") vai "Exempt animal specimen"/"Echantillon animal exempté" ("No dzīvnieka paņemts paraugs").
2.1. Iepakojumam ir jāatbilst turpmāk minētajiem nosacījumiem:
2.1.1. iepakojumam ir jābūt trim sastāvdaļām:
2.1.2. necaurlaidīgam(-iem) primārajam(-iem) traukam(-iem);
2.1.3. necaurlaidīgam(-iem) sekundārajam(-iem) iepakojumam(-iem);
2.1.4. ietilpībai, masai un paredzētajam mērķim atbilstīgas izturības ārējam iepakojumam, kam vismaz vienas virsmas minimālais izmērs ir 100 mm x 100 mm.
2.2. Attiecībā uz šķidrumiem starp primāro(-iem) trauku(-iem) un sekundāro iepakojumu ir jāievieto pietiekams daudzums šķidrumu absorbējoša materiāla, lai pārvadāšanas laikā, ja šķidrums noplūst, tas nesasniegtu ārējo iepakojumu un nemazinātu amortizācijas materiāla veselumu.
2.3. Ja vienā sekundārajā iepakojumā ievieto vairākus trauslus primāros traukus, tie ir vai nu jāiesaiņo atsevišķi, vai jānodala tā, lai šie trauki nevarētu saskarties.
19-005. pants
Infekciozas vielas saturošu sūtījumu pieņemšanas nosacījumi un
1. Vielas, kuras ir infekciozas vai par kurām ir pamatotas aizdomas, ka tās var inficēt cilvēkus vai dzīvniekus, un kuras atbilst B kategorijas (UN 3373) infekciozo vielu kritērijiem, deklarē ar nosaukumu "Bioloģiska viela, B kategorija". Infekciozas vielas ar identifikācijas numuriem UN 2814, UN 2900 vai UN 3291 starptautiskajos sūtījumos ir aizliegtas.
2. Sūtītājs, kas sūta infekciozas vielas ar identifikācijas numuru UN 3373, nodrošina, ka sūtījumi ir sagatavoti tā, lai galamērķī tie nonāktu labā stāvoklī, un ka vielas ir iepakotas atbilstīgi 650. iepakošanas instrukcijai, kā norādīts Tehnisko instrukciju bīstamu kravu drošai pārvadāšanai gaisā (TI) spēkā esošajā izdevumā, ko publicējusi Starptautiskā Civilās aviācijas organizācija (ICAO), vai Bīstamo preču noteikumu (BPN) spēkā esošajā izdevumā, ko publicējusi Starptautiskā Gaisa transporta asociācija (IATA). Sūtītājiem ir jāizmanto ICAO TI un/vai IATA BPN jaunākais izdevums, lai pirms 650. iepakošanas instrukcijas izmantošanas pārliecinātos par teksta spēkā esību.
3. Iepakojumam jābūt kvalitatīvam un pietiekami izturīgam, lai izturētu triecienus un slodzes, kas ir ierastas pārvadāšanas laikā, tostarp pārkraušanu starp transporta vienībām un starp transporta vienībām un noliktavām, kā arī jebkādu noņemšanu no paletes vai izņemšanu no ārējās taras turpmākai mehāniskai pārvietošanai vai pārvietošanai ar rokām. Iepakojumu veido un noslēdz tā, lai nepieļautu satura zudumu, kas parastos pārvadāšanas apstākļos var rasties vibrācijas dēļ vai temperatūras, mitruma vai spiediena izmaiņu dēļ.
4. Iepakojumam ir trīs sastāvdaļas:
4.1. primārais trauks;
4.2. sekundārais iepakojums un
4.3. stingrs ārējais iepakojums.
5. Primāros traukus iepako sekundārajā iepakojumā tā, lai parastos pārvadāšanas apstākļos tie nevarētu saplīst, tos nevarētu caursist vai to saturs nevarētu noplūst sekundārajā iepakojumā. Sekundāro iepakojumu nostiprina ārējā iepakojumā ar piemērotu amortizācijas materiālu. Satura noplūdes gadījumā nedrīkst mazināties amortizācijas materiāla vai ārējā iepakojuma veselums.
6. Pārvadāšanas nolūkā turpmāk attēloto marķējumu izvieto uz ārējā iepakojuma ārējās virsmas, kas kā fons ir kontrastējošā krāsā, un tam jābūt skaidri redzamam un salasāmam. Marķējumam ir jābūt kvadrāta formā, kas novietots 45 grādu leņķī (rombs) ar malas garumu 50 mm, līnijas platums ir vismaz 2 mm un burtu un ciparu augstums - vismaz 6 mm. Uz ārējā iepakojuma blakus rombveida marķējumam ar vismaz 6 mm augstiem burtiem uzliek marķējumu ar attiecīgo pārvadājamās kravas nosaukumu: "Bioloģiska viela, B kategorija".
7. Vismaz vienas ārējā iepakojuma virsmas minimālajam izmēram ir jābūt 100 mm x 100 mm.
8. Nokomplektētam iepakojumam jāspēj izturēt krišanas pārbaudi, kas paredzēta TI un BPN, un kritiena augstums nedrīkst būt mazāks par 1,2 m. Pēc attiecīgas kritienu secības primārajam(-iem) traukam(-iem) nedrīkst būt noplūdes, absorbējošajam materiālam, ja nepieciešams, joprojām ir jānodrošina to aizsardzība sekundārajā iepakojumā.
9. Šķidrumiem
9.1. Primārajam(-iem) traukam(-iem) ir jābūt šķidrumu necaurlaidīgam(-iem), un tajā(-ajos) nedrīkst būt vairāk par vienu litru šķidruma.
9.2. Sekundārajam iepakojumam ir jābūt šķidrumu necaurlaidīgam.
9.3. Ja vienā sekundārajā iepakojumā ievieto vairākus trauslus primāros traukus, tos vai nu iesaiņo atsevišķi, vai nodala tā, lai šie trauki nevarētu saskarties.
9.4. Starp primāro(-ajiem) trauku(-iem) un sekundāro iepakojumu ievieto absorbējošu materiālu. Absorbējošo materiālu ievieto pietiekamā daudzumā, lai pārvadāšanas laikā šķidruma noplūdes gadījumā šķidrums nemazinātu ārējā iepakojuma un amortizācijas materiāla veselumu.
9.5. Primārajam traukam vai sekundārajam iepakojumam jāspēj izturēt 95 kPa (0,95 bar) liels iekšējais spiediens, neradot noplūdi.
9.6. Ārējā iepakojumā nedrīkst būt vairāk par četriem litriem šķidruma. Šajā daudzumā netiek iekļauts ledus vai sausais ledus, ko izmanto, lai paraugi atrastos aukstumā.
10. Cietām vielām
10.1. Primārajam(-iem) traukam(-iem) jābūt drošam(-iem) pret izbiršanu, un tas(tie) nedrīkst pārsniegt ārējā iepakojuma masas ierobežojumu.
10.2. Sekundārajam iepakojumam ir jābūt drošam pret izbiršanu.
10.3. Ja vienā sekundārajā iepakojumā ievieto vairākus trauslus primāros traukus, tos vai nu iesaiņo atsevišķi, vai nodala tā, lai šie trauki nevarētu saskarties.
10.4. Izņemot pakas, kurās ir ķermeņa daļas, orgāni vai veseli ķermeņi, ārējā iepakojuma saturs nedrīkst pārsniegt četrus kilogramus cietu vielu. Šajā daudzumā netiek iekļauts ledus vai sausais ledus, ko izmanto, lai paraugi atrastos aukstumā.
10.5. Ja ir šaubas par to, vai pārvadāšanas laikā primārajā traukā var atrasties atlikušais šķidrums, tad ir jāizmanto šķidrumiem piemērots iepakojums, tostarp absorbējošie materiāli.
11. Atdzesētiem vai sasaldētiem paraugiem (ledus, sausais ledus un šķidrais slāpeklis)
11.1. Ja sauso ledu vai šķidro slāpekli izmanto, lai paraugi atrastos aukstumā, jāievēro visas piemērojamās TI un BPN prasības. Ja izmanto ledu vai sauso ledu, to novieto ārpus sekundārā iepakojuma vai ārējā iepakojumā, vai ārējā tarā. Nodrošina iekšējos balstus, lai pēc ledus vai sausā ledus izkušanas sekundārais iepakojums paliktu savā sākotnējā pozīcijā. Ja izmanto ledu, ārējam iepakojumam vai ārējai tarai jābūt necaurlaidīgai. Ja izmanto cietvielas oglekļa dioksīdu (sauso ledu), iepakojumam ir jābūt izgatavotam un veidotam tā, lai no tā izplūstu oglekļa dioksīda gāze un tajā neuzkrātos spiediens, kura dēļ iepakojums var saplīst.
11.2. Primārajam traukam un sekundārajam iepakojumam jāspēj saglabāt savs veselums izmantotā dzesētāja temperatūrā, kā arī temperatūrā un spiedienā, kas var rasties, ja dzesēšana vairs nenotiktu.
12. Ja iepakojumus ievieto ārējā tarā, tad ICAO 650. iepakošanas instrukcijā norādītajiem iepakojuma marķējumiem vai nu jābūt skaidri saskatāmiem, vai arī tie vēlreiz jāizvieto uz ārējā iepakojuma, uz ārējā iepakojuma norādot vārdu "Ārējais iepakojums".
13. Uz infekciozām vielām ar identifikācijas numuru UN 3373, kuras iepako un apzīmogo atbilstīgi ICAO 650. iepakošanas instrukcijai, neattiecas citas šajā pantā paredzētās prasības, izņemot turpmāk minēto:
13.1. uz katras pakas jānorāda sūtītāja un saņēmēja nosaukums, adrese un tālruņa numurs;
13.2. rakstveida dokumentā (piemēram, CN 38 pavadrakstā) vai uz iepakojuma norāda atbildīgās personas vārdu, adresi un tālruņa numuru;
13.3. jāievēro TI un BPN noteikumos paredzētā klasifikācija;
13.4. jāievēro TI un BPN paredzētās prasības, kas attiecas uz ziņošanu par incidentiem;
13.5. piemēro TI un BPN paredzētās prasības par bojājumu vai noplūdes pārbaudi.
14. Sūtītājam nav vajadzīga bīstamo preču deklarācija.
15. Lai katru paku varētu pareizi sagatavot pārvadāšanai, iepakojumu ražotāji un turpmākie izplatītāji kravas nosūtītājam vai personai, kas sagatavo paku (piemēram, pacientam), sniedz nepārprotamus norādījumus par šo paku piepildīšanu un noslēgšanu.
16. Citus bīstamos izstrādājumus nedrīkst iepakot tajā pašā iepakojumā, kurā iepakotas 6.2. apakšgrupas infekciozās vielas, ja vien tās nav nepieciešamas, lai nodrošinātu infekciozo vielu dzīvotspēju, stabilitāti vai novērstu to noārdīšanos, vai neitralizētu to radīto apdraudējumu. Katrā primārajā traukā, kurā ir infekciozas vielas, atļauts iepakot ne vairāk kā 30 ml 3., 8. vai 9. klases bīstamo preču ar nosacījumu, ka šīs vielas atbilst TI un BPN prasībām. Ja šo nelielo bīstamo preču daudzumu iepako kopā ar infekciozajām vielām saskaņā ar TI, citas šajā pantā paredzētās prasības nav jāpiemēro.
17. Cietvielas oglekļa dioksīda (sausā ledus) izmantošana dzesēšanai
17.1. Ja dzesēšanai izmanto cietvielas oglekļa dioksīdu (sauso ledu), jāievēro iepakošanas prasības, kas paredzētas 954. iepakošanas instrukcijā, kā izklāstīts TI un BPN spēkā esošajā izdevumā. Informācijas nolūkā 954. iepakošanas instrukcijas teksts ir izklāstīts turpmāk tekstā. Sūtītājiem ir jāizmanto TI un BPN jaunākais izdevums, lai pirms 954. iepakošanas instrukcijas izmantošanas pārliecinātos par teksta spēkā esību.
17.2. Rakstveida dokumentā (piemēram, CN 38 pavadrakstā) vai uz iepakojuma ir jānorāda turpmāk minētā informācija. Informāciju attēlo norādītajā secībā:
17.2.1. UN 1845;
17.2.2. precīzs kravas nosaukums (sausais ledus vai oglekļa dioksīds, cietviela);
17.2.3. paku skaits un
17.2.4. sausā ledus neto svars katrā pakā.
17.3. Sausā ledus neto svars jānorāda katras pakas ārpusē. Ievietojot paku ārējā iepakojumā, uz ārējā iepakojuma jānorāda sausā ledus kopējais neto svars ārējā iepakojumā.
17.4. Maisus, kuros ir tikai infekciozas vielas un uz kuriem ir īpaša uzlīme "UN 3373", pasta iestādes nodod aviosabiedrībām neaizzīmogotos maisos.
19-006. pants
Radioaktīvus materiālus saturošu sūtījumu pieņemšanas nosacījumi
un apzīmogošana
1. Radioaktīvus materiālus saturošus sūtījumus, kuru saturs un noformējums atbilst Starptautiskā Atomenerģijas aģentūras noteikumiem, pieņem pārvadāšanai pa pastu, ja pirms tam ir saņemta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts kompetento iestāžu piekrišana un ja radioaktivitāte nav lielāka par vienu desmito daļu no pieļaujamās normas, kā norādīts Starptautiskās Atomenerģijas aģentūras (IAEA) TS-R-1 spēkā esošā izdevuma 3. tabulā "Radioaktivitātes normas atsevišķām pakām".
2. Sūtītājam uz radioaktīvus materiālus saturošu sūtījumu ārējā iepakojuma jāizvieto turpmāk tekstā redzamā uzlīme ar attiecīgo UN numuru. Papildus sūtītāja nosaukumam un adresei treknrakstā norāda arī lūgumu nepiegādāšanas gadījumā nosūtīt sūtījumu atpakaļ.
Angļu val. |
Latviešu val. |
Radioactive Material, Excepted Package | Radioaktīvs materiāls, izņēmuma paka |
This package contains radioactive material, excepted package and is in all respects in compliance with the applicable international and national governmental regulations. | Šajā pakā ir radioaktīvs materiāls, tā ir izņēmuma paka un visos aspektos atbilst piemērojamiem starptautiskiem un valsts valdības noteikumiem. |
UN | ANO |
Radioactive materials. Quantities permitted for movement by post. | Radioaktīvi materiāli. Pasta sūtījumos atļautais daudzums. |
3. Uz pakas iekšējā iepakojuma sūtītājs norāda savu nosaukumu un adresi un pakas saturu.
4. Ja tukšo iepakojumu sūta atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas vietu, iepriekš tekstā redzamo uzlīmi nepārprotami pārsvītro.
19-007. pants
Nosacījumi par to, kā pieņemami vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
un pakas, kuros ir iekārtās uzstādīti litija elementi un
1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem un pakām, kuros ir iekārtās uzstādīti litija metāla vai litija jonu elementi un baterijas, jābūt attiecīgi iepakotiem, kā noteikts 967. iepakošanas instrukcijas II iedaļā (litija jonu elementi un baterijas) vai 970. iepakošanas instrukcijas II iedaļā (litija metāla elementi un baterijas), kā norādīts Tehnisko instrukciju bīstamu kravu drošai pārvadāšanai gaisā (Tehniskās instrukcijas) spēkā esošajā izdevumā, ko publicējusi Starptautiskā Civilās aviācijas organizācija (ICAO). Sūtītājiem ir jāizmanto ICAO Tehnisko instrukciju jaunākais izdevums.
2. Aizliegts pārvadāt tādus iekārtās uzstādītus litija metāla vai litija jonu elementus un baterijas, kas ir bojāti vai kuros drošības nolūkā tā ražotājs ir identificējis bojājumus, vai kuri var izraisīt bīstamu siltuma izdalījumu, liesmu vai īssavienojumu.
19-008. pants
Bīstami izstrādājumi, kurus aizliegts ievietot vēstuļu
korespondences sūtījumos un pakās
1. Priekšmetus, uz kuriem attiecas Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas izstrādātie "Ieteikumi par bīstamu preču pārvadāšanu", izņemot atsevišķas bīstamas preces, kas minētas spēkā esošajos reglamentos, un Starptautiskās Civilās aviācijas organizācijas (ICAO) Tehniskās instrukcijas, un Starptautiskā Gaisa transporta asociācijas (IATA) Bīstamo preču noteikumi, uzskata par bīstamiem izstrādājumiem saskaņā ar Konvencijas 19. panta 3.1. punkta noteikumiem, un tos ir aizliegts ievietot vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos un pasta pakās, ko pārvadā starptautiskajos aviopārvadājumos.
2. Katrs izraudzītais operators izstrādā procedūras un mācību programmas, lai savos pasta pakalpojumos kontrolētu nedeklarētu un neatļautu bīstamu izstrādājumu ievešanu atbilstīgi valsts un starptautiskajiem noteikumiem un nosacījumiem.
19-009. pants
Izņēmumi attiecībā uz aizliegumiem pakās
1. Aizliegums attiecībā uz narkotiskajām un psihotropajām vielām neattiecas uz sūtījumiem, kas medicīniskām vai zinātniskām vajadzībām nosūtīti uz valsti, kura tos pieņem ar minēto nosacījumu.
2. Ja iesaistīto dalībvalstu valsts noteikumos atļauts, tad pakās var būt arī dokumenti, ar kuriem apmainās pakas sūtītājs un adresāts vai personas, kuras dzīvo kopā ar sūtītāju vai adresātu.
3. Konvencijas 19. panta 6.1.3. punktu nepiemēro, ja paku apmaiņu starp divām dalībvalstīm, kuras pieņem apdrošinātas pakas, var veikt tikai tranzītā caur starpposma dalībvalsti, kas tās nepieņem.
20-001. pants
Sūtījumi, kuriem jāveic muitas pārbaude
1. Izraudzītie operatori neuzņemas atbildību par muitas deklarācijām. Atbildību par muitas deklarācijas aizpildīšanu uzņemas tikai sūtītājs. Tomēr izraudzītie operatori veic visus attiecīgos pasākumus, lai informētu klientus par to, kā jāizpilda muitas formalitātes, un jo īpaši tādēļ, lai nodrošinātu, ka muitas deklarācijas CN 22 un CN 23 tiek pilnībā aizpildītas, tādējādi veicinot sūtījumu ātru muitošanu.
2. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem piemērojamie noteikumi
2.1. Uz sūtījumiem, kuri jānodod muitas kontrolei, ārpusē izvieto CN 22 muitas deklarāciju, vai arī pie tiem piesien tādas pašas formas birku.
2.2. Saskaņā ar 08-002. pantu muitas datus, kas norādīti saskaņā ar instrukcijām par CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarāciju, tostarp sūtītāja un adresāta vārdu un adresi, galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta elektroniski atbilstīgi UPU EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1). Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators visus šos datus vai to daļu izvešanas nolūkā var nodot sūtījuma nodošanas valsts muitas pārvaldei, un galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators visus šos datus vai to daļu ievešanas nolūkā var nodot galamērķa valsts muitas pārvaldei.
2.3. Datus no CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarācijām papīra formātā, kas sniedzami, kā noteikts 2.2. punktā, izmanto tikai tādos procesos, kas attiecas uz pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu un muitas formalitātēm saistībā ar pasta sūtījumu izvešanu un ievešanu, un tos nedrīkst izmantot citā nolūkā.
2.4. Ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora atļauju pakalpojumu lietotāji var izmantot aploksnes vai iesaiņojumu, uz kura vietā, kur piestiprina CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarāciju, ir minētās deklarācijas iespiests fotoattēls. Turklāt ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora atļauju pakalpojumu lietotāji var sagatavot CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarāciju. Izmēriem, formātam un datu elementiem ir jābūt tādiem pašiem kā CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarācijā.
2.5. Ja sūtītāja deklarētā satura vērtība ir lielāka par 300 SDR vai ja sūtītājs vēlas, sūtījumiem pievieno arī iepriekš paredzēto skaitu atsevišķo CN 23 muitas deklarāciju. Vienu no minētajām deklarācijām piestiprina pie sūtījuma. Ja deklarācija sūtījuma ārpusē nav tieši redzama, sūtījuma ārpusē piestiprina CN 22 muitas deklarācijas noplēšamo daļu. CN 22 muitas deklarācijas noplēšamo daļu var aizstāt ar līmējamu vai pašlīmējošu baltas vai zaļas krāsas uzlīmi, uz kuras ir turpmāk norādītais uzraksts.
Uzraksts melnā krāsā
(Izmērs - 50 x 25 mm, krāsa - balta vai zaļa)
Angļu val. |
Latviešu val. |
CN 23 enclosed
May be opened officially |
CN 23 pievienota
Var tikt oficiāli atvērts |
2.6. CN 23 muitas deklarāciju cieši piestiprina sūtījuma ārpusē, vēlams ievietojot pašlīmējošā caurspīdīgā aploksnē. Izņēmuma gadījumā, ja to vēlas sūtītājs, minētās deklarācijas var ievietot slēgtā aploksnē, kuru ievieto ierakstītā sūtījumā, ja tajā ir vērtīgi priekšmeti, kas minēti Konvencijas 19. panta 6.1. punktā, vai apdrošinātā sūtījumā.
2.7. Sūtītājs papildus CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarācijai var pievienot arī jebkuru citu dokumentu (faktūru, izvešanas vai ievešanas atļauju, izcelsmes apliecību, sanitāro apliecību u. c.), kas vajadzīgs muitošanai sūtījuma nodošanas valstī un galamērķa valstī.
2.8. Sīkpakām vienmēr pievieno muitas deklarāciju, kas var būt vai nu CN 22 muitas deklarācija, vai CN 23 muitas deklarācija, kā paredzēts 2.1.-2.6. punktā.
2.9. Ja to pieprasa galamērķa valsts, M maisiem CN 22 muitas deklarāciju pielīmē pie adreses birkas. Ja sūtītāja deklarētā satura vērtība ir lielāka par 300 SDR vai ja sūtītājs vēlas, CN 22 muitas deklarācijas noplēšamo daļu vai iepriekš minēto līmējamo vai pašlīmējošo uzlīmi piestiprina pie adreses birkas un pie tās pašas birkas piestiprina arī CN 23 muitas deklarācijas. Ja to pieprasa galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, minētos dokumentus pievieno vienam no maisā ievietotajiem sūtījumiem.
2.10. Ja CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarācija nav atrodama, tad konsignācijas sūtījumi, kuros ir iespieddarbi, serumi, vakcīnas, infekciozas vielas, radioaktīvi materiāli un steidzami nepieciešami medikamenti, kurus ir grūti sagādāt, nav jāsūta atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādi.
2.11. CN 22 un CN 23 muitas deklarācijā precīzi norāda sūtījuma saturu. Vispārīgi apraksti nav pieņemami.
2.12. Visi šā panta punktu noteikumi attiecas arī uz datiem, kas norādīti CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarācijā papīra formātā, kā paredzēts 2.2. punktā iepriekš tekstā. Ja konstatēta neatbilstība starp datiem CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarācijā un datiem elektroniskajā versijā, kas sniegta saskaņā ar 2.2. punktu, par muitas deklarāciju uzskata CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarāciju.
3. Pasta pakām piemērojamie noteikumi
3.1. Izraudzītie operatori veic visus pasākumus, lai pēc iespējas paātrinātu aviopaku muitošanu.
20-002. pants
Maksa par sūtījumu uzrādīšanu muitai
1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
1.1. Konvencijas 20. panta 2. punktā minētā orientējošā maksimālā maksa par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu uzrādīšanu muitai, kuru var iekasēt par sūtījumiem, kas iesniegti muitas kontrolei sūtījuma nodošanas valstī vai galamērķa valstī, ir 2,61 SDR. Par katru M maisu orientējošā maksimālā summa ir 3,27 SDR.
1.2. Ja nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, maksu no adresāta iekasē galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators. Taču tad, ja sūtījumus adresātam izsniedz bez maksas un nodevām, maksu par sūtījuma uzrādīšanu muitai galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora vārdā iekasē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators.
2. Pasta pakas
2.1. Konvencijas 20. panta 2. punktā minētā orientējošā maksimālā maksa par sūtījuma uzrādīšanu muitai, kuru var iekasēt par pakām, kas iesniegtas muitas kontrolei sūtījuma nodošanas valstī, ir 0,65 SDR par paku.
2.2. Saskaņā ar Konvencijas 20. panta 2. punktu pakām, kas iesniegtas muitas kontrolei galamērķa valstī, var piemērot orientējošo maksimālo maksu, kura ir 3,27 SDR par paku.
2.3. Ja nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, maksu no adresāta iekasē galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators. Taču tad, ja sūtījumus adresātam izsniedz bez maksas un nodevām, maksu par sūtījuma uzrādīšanu muitai galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora vārdā iekasē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators.
20-003. pants
Muitas nodokļa un citu nodevu anulēšana
1. Izraudzītie operatori apņemas sazināties ar attiecīgajiem dienestiem savā valstī, lai veiktu muitas nodokļu un citu nodevu anulēšanu par sūtījumiem:
1.1. kuri ir nosūtīti atpakaļ uz nodošanas valsti;
1.2. kuri ir iznīcināti pilnīgas sabojāšanas dēļ;
1.3. kuri ir nosūtīti trešai valstij;
1.4. par pasta pakām:
1.4.1. no kurām sūtītājs ir atteicies;
1.4.1. kuras ir pazaudētas, izzagtas vai bojātas tā dienestā.
2. Ja pasta pakas ir izzagtas vai bojātas, nodevu atcelšanu pieprasa tikai attiecībā uz pazudušā satura vērtību vai satura nolietojumu.
VI iedaļa
21-001. pants
Pieprasījumi. Vispārīgi principi
1. Līdz Konvencijas 21. pantā noteiktā perioda beigām pieprasījumus pieņem, tiklīdz sūtītājs vai adresāts paziņojis par sarežģījumiem. Taču tad, ja sūtītāja iesniegtais pieprasījums attiecas uz vēl neizsniegtu sūtījumu, kura nosūtīšanai paredzētais termiņš vēl nav beidzies:
1.1. pieprasījumiem, kurus iesniedz, izmantojot CN 08 veidlapu, par šo nosūtīšanas laiku ir jāinformē arī sūtītājs;
1.2. pieprasījumiem, kurus iesniedz, izmantojot IBIS, pieprasījumu iesniedz tikai pēc minētā nosūtīšanas termiņa beigām, izņemot gadījumus, kad ir nosūtīts RESDES vai EMSEVT ziņojums.
2. Atrunas saistībā ar 21-001., 21-002. un 21-003. pantā paredzēto pieprasījumu apstrādes un izpildes laiku nedrīkst izdarīt, izņemot tad, ja noslēgts divpusējs nolīgums.
21-002. pants
Pieprasījumi, izmantojot CN 08 veidlapu
1. CN 08 sagatavošana
1.1. Ja iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori ir savstarpēji vienojušies, tad pieprasījumu par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu var iesniegt elektroniski kā datni vai ziņojumu, piemēram, izmantojot internetu (elektroniskā CN 08 veidlapa). Ja šādas vienošanās nav vai ja izraudzītais operators pieprasījumiem par pasta pakām neizmanto IBIS, pieprasījumu iesniedz, izmantojot CN 08 dokumenta veidlapu.
1.2. Ja tas iespējams, CN 08 veidlapai pievieno attiecīgā pasta sūtījuma adreses fotokopiju. Pieprasījuma veidlapā norāda visas prasītās ziņas, tostarp obligāto informāciju par iekasētajām maksām, ja pieprasījums saistīts ar ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu, un to aizpilda ļoti skaidri, vēlams ar lielajiem latīņu alfabēta burtiem un arābu cipariem vai vēl labāk - izmantojot drukātus burtus.
1.3. Ja pieprasījums attiecas uz sūtījumu ar pēcmaksu, tam pievieno arī 8-002. panta 3.3.1. punktā norādītās veidlapas kopiju.
1.4. Vairākiem pasta sūtījumiem, kurus viens un tas pats sūtītājs vienā reizē un vienā pasta iestādē nosūtījis vienam un tam pašam adresātam, izmantojot vienu un to pašu pasta pārvadājumu maršrutu, drīkst izmantot vienu veidlapu.
1.5. Visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jānosūta Starptautiskajam birojam paziņojums par to, uz kādu pasta un, ja iespējams, elektroniskā pasta adresi nosūtāmas CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapas.
1.6. Izraudzītais operators, kas pirmais saņem no klienta CN 08 veidlapu un tās pavaddokumentus, vienmēr beidz savu pārbaudi desmit dienu laikā un pēc tam pārsūta CN 08 veidlapu un tās pavaddokumentus attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram. Tiklīdz iespējams un vēlākais divu mēnešu laikā no sākotnējā pieprasījuma iesniegšanas dienas vai 30 dienu laikā no minētās dienas, ja pieprasījums iesniegts, izmantojot faksu vai citus elektroniskos saziņas līdzekļus, veidlapu un tās pavaddokumentus nosūta atpakaļ izraudzītajam operatoram, kuram attiecīgais pieprasījums iesniegts. Pieprasījumiem, kas attiecas uz apdrošinātiem un ierakstītiem sūtījumiem, vienkāršām un apdrošinātām pasta pakām, pievieno CN 18 veidlapu, kurā adresāts apliecina, ka attiecīgais sūtījums nav saņemts, taču tā rīkojas tikai tad, ja sūtītājs to pieprasa. Kad attiecīgais periods ir beidzies, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram uz šā sūtījuma galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora rēķina nosūta atbildi, izmantojot faksu, e-pastu vai citus telesakaru līdzekļus. Ja izraudzītie operatori ir savstarpēji vienojušies, ka vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem izmantos elektronisku sistēmu, ievēro atbildes sniegšanai paredzēto laiku, kas norādīts līgumā starp attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, bet tas nedrīkst būt ilgāks par šajā punktā noteikto laiku.
1.7. Ja iespējams, atbildes uz pieprasījumiem, kas iesniegti pa faksu, e-pastu vai izmantojot citus elektroniskos saziņas līdzekļus, ir jānosūta tādā pašā veidā, proti, izmantojot to pašu saziņas līdzekli.
1.8. Ja attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem ir noteikta prasība, ka klientam vai izraudzītajam operatoram ir iespēja sekot, kā norit pieprasījumu izskatīšana, kā arī tad, ja izraudzītais operators attiecīgo pieprasījumu izskata, izmantojot CN 08 veidlapu, klientam, kas iesniedz pieprasījumu, pēc viņa lūguma bez maksas jāizsniedz kvīts vai uzskaites numurs. Ikviens izraudzītais operators drīkst pats noteikt, kādai jābūt šai kvītij. Reglamentā ir norādīts viens no iespējamiem kvīts veidiem.
1.9. Ja sūtītājs apgalvo, ka adresāts joprojām ir pārliecināts par to, ka attiecīgais sūtījums nav saņemts, lai gan galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir apliecinājis, ka sūtījums ir piegādāts, izmanto turpmāk aprakstīto procedūru. Pēc tam, kad saņemts steidzams sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora pieprasījums, galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora starpniecību iespējami drīz un ne vēlāk kā 30 dienu laikā pēc šāda pieprasījuma nosūtīšanas ir jānosūta sūtītājam piegādes apstiprinājuma vēstule, CN 07 paziņojums par izsniegšanu vai cits apliecinājums, kas parakstīts atbilstīgi 18-004. panta 3.1. punktam vai 18-102. panta 3.2. punktam, vai paraksta par saņemšanu kopija, vai cita veida saņēmēja apliecinājums, ka sūtījums saņēmējam ir izsniegts saskaņā ar 18-101. panta 5.6. punktu, 18-001. panta 6.1.7. punktu, 17-205. panta 3. punktu vai 18-001. panta punktu.
2. Pieprasījumi, kas attiecas uz ierakstītiem sūtījumiem, vienkāršām pasta pakām vai apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem
2.1. Ja pieprasījums attiecas uz ierakstītiem sūtījumiem vai vienkāršām pasta pakām, ko nosūta, izmantojot kopējā ieraksta sistēmu, CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapā jānorāda attiecīgās sūtījumu partijas numurs un nosūtīšanas diena. Pēc iesaistīto izraudzīto operatoru savstarpējas vienošanās gan pieprasījumu, gan atbildi uz to var nosūtīt arī elektroniski kā datni vai ziņojumu, piemēram, izmantojot internetu. Ja šādas vienošanās nav vai ja izraudzītais operators pieprasījumiem neizmanto IBIS, pieprasījumu, ja iespējams, nosūta pa faksu vai e-pastu, neradot klientam papildu izdevumus; ja tas nav iespējams, pieprasījumu nosūta pa pastu. Tādā gadījumā attiecīgo veidlapu nosūta tūlīt un bez pavadvēstules, vienmēr pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu.
2.2. Pēc attiecīgā sūtījuma nodošanas valsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora lūguma sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde pieprasījumu pārsūta tieši galamērķa valsts pasta iestādei.
2.3. Ja, saņemot pieprasījumu, galamērķa valsts centrālā administrācija vai šim nolūkam īpaši izraudzīta pasta iestāde var sniegt informāciju par to, kas galu galā ir noticis ar attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu, tā aizpilda CN 08 veidlapas sadaļu "Ziņas, ko sniedz pasta iestāde saņēmēja". Ja attiecīgā pasta sūtījuma piegāde ir aizkavējusies, kā arī tad, ja sūtījums nodots glabāšanā vai nosūtīts atpakaļ uz tā nodošanas vietu, CN 08 veidlapā īsumā izklāsta šādas rīcības iemeslus.
2.4. Izraudzītais operators, kas nevar apstiprināt ne to, ka attiecīgais pasta sūtījums izsniegts adresātam, ne to, ka šis sūtījums paredzētajā kārtībā pārsūtīts citam izraudzītajam operatoram, tūlīt izdod rīkojumu veikt attiecīgo pārbaudi. Savu lēmumu par atbildību tas norāda CN 08 veidlapas sadaļā "Galīgā atbilde".
2.4.1. Ja attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem pēc izraudzīto operatoru savstarpējas vienošanās izmanto CN 08 veidlapas elektronisko versiju, izraudzītais operators, kas uzņemas atbildību par attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu, CN 08 elektroniskās veidlapas autorizācijas koda ailē ieraksta identifikācijas numuru atbildības uzņemšanās autorizācijai. To, ciktāl jāuzņemas atbildība par attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu, norāda ailē "Piezīmes" (piemēram, pilnā apjomā, sedzot pusi no iemaksātās summas (kopējais ieraksts) vai atbilstīgi savstarpējam nolīgumam atlīdzinot pieprasījuma iesniedzējam viņa izdevumus).
2.5. Pēc tam, kad CN 08 veidlapa ir pienācīgi aizpildīta atbilstīgi 2.3. un 2.4. punkta nosacījumiem, to nosūta atpakaļ pasta iestādei, kurā tā sagatavota, ja iespējams, minēto pieprasījuma veidlapu nosūta tādā pašā veidā, kādā nosūtīts pieprasījums, proti, elektroniski, pa faksu vai e-pastu, vai arī pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu.
2.6. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasījumus par atklātā tranzītā nosūtītajiem sūtījumiem vienlaikus nosūta gan starpposma valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, gan galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Pieprasījumus, kuri attiecas uz slēgtās depešās esošiem sūtījumiem, kas pārsūtīti ar viena vai vairāku starpposma valsts izraudzīto operatoru starpniecību, parasti nodod tieši starp sūtījuma nodošanas valsti un galamērķa valsti. Tomēr, lai paātrinātu pārbaudes gaitu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var lūgt starpposma valsts izraudzītajam operatoram sniegt attiecīgo informāciju par depešām.
2.6.1. Pieprasījumiem, kurus sūta starpposma valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem, attiecīgi pievieno CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 veidlapu, ja attiecīgais operators to ir norādījis Pasta paku vai Vēstuļu korespondences tiešsaistes apkopojumā. Šīs kopijas var būt vai nu elektroniskas, vai fiziskas atbilstīgi 2.5. punktā noteiktajiem principiem.
2.6.2. Ikviens starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators, kas saņēmis pieprasījumu, tiklīdz iespējams, bet ne vēlāk kā 10 dienu laikā pārsūta CN 08 veidlapu nākamajam izraudzītajam operatoram un attiecīgo CN 21 veidlapu - sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
3. Pieprasījumi saistībā ar paziņojuma par izsniegšanu nenosūtīšanu sūtītājam
3.1. 18-003. panta 4.3. punktā paredzētajā gadījumā, kā arī tad, ja pasta sūtījums izsniegts adresātam, galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators lūdz attiecīgā pasta sūtījuma saņēmēju parakstīt CN 07 paziņojuma par izsniegšanu veidlapu, uz kuras norādīts vārds "Duplicata" ("Dublikāts"). Ievērojot tā izraudzītā operatora valsts tiesību normas, kurš nosūta paziņojumu par izsniegšanu, pasta sūtījuma saņēmēju var nelūgt parakstīt paziņojuma par izsniegšanu dublikātu, bet var pievienot CN 07 veidlapai arī iekšzemes pasta pakalpojumu vajadzībām izmantotā dokumenta kopiju, ko parakstījis attiecīgā pasta sūtījuma saņēmējs, vai pasta sūtījuma izsniegšanas laikā pievienotā elektroniskā paraksta kopiju. CN 07 veidlapu pievieno CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapai, lai pēc tam tās abas varētu nodot prasītājam.
4. Pieprasījumi saistībā ar citā valstī nodotiem sūtījumiem
4.1. Ja pieprasījums ir saistīts ar sūtījumu, kas nodots citā valstī, CN 08 veidlapu nosūta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram vai sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora īpaši izraudzītai iestādei. Veidlapa ir jāsaņem līdz tā perioda beigām, kas paredzēts dokumentu glabāšanai. Kvīts par sūtījuma nodošanu ir jāsagatavo, bet to nepievieno CN 08 veidlapai. Veidlapā izdara norādi "Vu récépissé de dépôt No … le … par le bureau de …". ("Pārbaudīta kvīts par sūtījuma nodošanu Nr. (..), kura datēta ar (..) un kuru sagatavoja (..) pasta iestāde").
21-003. pants
Pieprasījumi, izmantojot IBIS
1. Pieprasījumu sagatavošana izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri izmanto IBIS- IBIS piemērojamās obligātās operatīvās un tehniskās procedūras
1.1. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri piekrituši izmantot IBIS pieprasījumiem par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, ievēro šajā dokumentā izklāstītās procedūras. Pieprasījumiem par pasta paku sūtījumiem IBIS ir jāizmanto obligāti.
2. Pieprasījuma apstrādi IBIS veic, ņemot vērā pieprasījuma veidu un izpildot divu līmeņu pieprasījumu apstrādes darbplūsmu, kā izklāstīts turpmāk tekstā un sīkāk aprakstīts IBIS darbības rokasgrāmatā.
3. Divu līmeņu pieprasījumu apstrādes darbplūsma
3.1. 1. līmeņa vaicājums (L1Q): ja, ņemot vērā elektroniskajā izsekošanas sistēmā pieejamo informāciju, klientam nav iespējams sniegt atbildi, izraudzītais operators norāda pieprasījuma veidu, kā noteikts 2. punktā, un nosūta to galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. 1. līmeņa atbilde (L1R) ir sagaidāma termiņā, kas noteikts attiecīgā veida pieprasījumam. Ja ir apstiprināta galamērķa valsts vai starpposma valsts izraudzītā operatora atbildība, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta pilnvarošanas kodu.
3.2. 2. līmeņa vaicājums (L2Q): ja atbilde uz 1. līmeņa vaicājumu (L1Q) nenoslēdz pārbaudi, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var galamērķa valsts vai starpposma valsts izraudzītajam operatoram iesniegt 2. līmeņa vaicājumu (L2Q), lūdzot veikt padziļinātu pārbaudi. 2. līmeņa atbilde (L2R) ir sagaidāma termiņā, kas noteikts attiecīgā veida pieprasījumam. Atbildei uz 2. līmeņa vaicājumu jābūt galīgai. Pēc šā laikposma sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var starpposma valsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora vārdā izmaksāt prasītājam atlīdzību. Atbildīgais izraudzītais operators elektroniski izsniedz attiecīgu pilnvarošanas kodu. Ja starpposma valsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators norādītajā termiņā nenosūta atpakaļ pilnvarojuma kodu vai ja saņemto informāciju nevar uzskatīt par galīgo atbildi 25-001. panta 1. punkta nozīmē, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators automātiski izmaksā likumīgajam prasītājam atlīdzību starpposma valsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora vārdā.
4. Vaicājumu atjaunināšanas ziņojumi - IBIS ir iespējams arī atjaunināt vai papildināt pieprasījumus, kuru apstrāde notiek, izmantojot šādus ziņojumus:
4.1. kvalitātes atjauninājuma ziņojums (QUM) - ar šo ziņojumu operators, kurš saņēmis neatbilstīgu vai neprecīzu pieprasījumu, var lūgt papildu informāciju;
4.2. statusa atjauninājuma ziņojums (SUM) - ar šo ziņojumu var atjaunināt vaicājumus, kamēr nav pieejama galīgā atbilde.
5. Ja sūtītājs apgalvo, ka adresāts joprojām ir pārliecināts par to, ka attiecīgais sūtījums nav saņemts, lai gan galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir apliecinājis, ka sūtījums ir piegādāts, galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir jānosūta sūtītājam piegādes apstiprinājuma vēstule, CN 07 paziņojums par izsniegšanu vai cits apliecinājums, kas parakstīts atbilstīgi 18-003. pantam, vai paraksta par saņemšanu kopija, vai cita veida saņēmēja apliecinājums tam, ka sūtījums saņēmējam ir izsniegts saskaņā ar 17-205. panta 3. punktu vai 18-001. panta 6.2.5. punktu.
6. IBIS sistēmā izraudzītais operators var nosūtīt paziņojumu par to, kāda veida ziņojums ir izmantots, lai proaktīvi sniegtu informāciju par sūtījumu un atrisinātu lietu, nesākot oficiālu pārbaudi. Sākotnēji nevērtē paziņojumu sniegšanas ātrumu vai kvalitāti.
7. Pieprasījumu apstrādes termiņi un izpildes rādītāji:
7.1. pieprasījumus izskata, ievērojot termiņus, kas 7.2. punktā ievietotajā tabulā norādīti katra attiecīgā veida pieprasījumiem un katram pārbaudes līmenim;
7.2. izraudzītie operatori ievēro tabulā norādītos atbildes termiņus, kas izteikti darba dienās (astoņas stundas dienā, neieskaitot brīvdienas).
Pieprasījuma veids | Darbplūsmas līmenis | Atbildes laiks L1 | Atbildes laiks L2 |
Sūtījuma statusa atjauninājums/apstiprinājums | 1 un 2 | 3 dienas | 15 dienas |
Rakstisks piegādes apliecinājums (WPOD) | 1 | 10 dienas | - |
Apstrīdēta piegāde | 2 | - | 15 dienas |
Pieprasījums mainīt/precizēt adresi, atkārtot piegādi vai atpakaļnosūtīt/apturēt piegādi | 1 | 5 dienas | |
Bojājums/pazudis saturs | 1 un 2 | 7 dienas | 15 dienas |
Nepareizi novirzīts/pārsūtīts/tranzīts | 1 un 2 | 7 dienas | 15 dienas |
Muitas pārbaude | 1 un 2 | 7 dienas | 15 dienas |
Paskaidrojums par piegādes aizkavēšanos/apstrādi piegādes vietā | 1 | 5 dienas | - |
Sūtījuma atpakaļnosūtīšana bez paskaidrojuma | 1 | 5 dienas | - |
Pēcmaksas summa nav saņemta | 1 un 2 | 7 dienas | 15 dienas |
Paziņojums par izsniegšanu (AR) | 1 un 2 | 7 dienas | 15 dienas |
7.3. Pārbaudes procedūras beigās atbildīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram ir jāizsniedz izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam atbilstīgs pilnvarojuma kods, kuru izmantojot, viņš var izmaksāt atlīdzību prasītājam.
7.4. Ja atbildīgais izraudzītais operators norādītajā termiņā nenosūta atpakaļ pilnvarojuma kodu vai ja saņemto informāciju nevar uzskatīt par galīgo atbildi 25-001. panta 1. punkta nozīmē, izraudzītais operators sūtītājs likumīgajam prasītājam automātiski izmaksā atlīdzību galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora vārdā.
7.5. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem minimālais izpildes mērķis - 80 % laikus sniegtu atbilžu, kā noteikts 8.1. punktā, ir obligāts visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri piedalās papildu atlīdzības programmā, kas aprakstīta 31-104. pantā. Pasta paku sūtījumiem minimālais izpildes mērķis ir 90 % laikus sniegtu atbilžu un vidējais maksimālais laiks - astoņas darba stundas, lai atvērtu pieprasījumus un saņemtās atbildes, kā noteikts no 8.1. līdz 8.3. punktam, ir jāsasniedz ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram, lai varētu saņemt papildmaksu pie 33-201. pantā minēto IBIS ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifa. Tomēr divu līmeņu darbplūsmā, kas izklāstīta 3. punktā, izraudzītie operatori tiek mudināti ievērot 95 % rādītāju.
8. Apstrādes efektivitāti un darījumu kvalitāti analizē atbilstīgi šādiem kvalitātes mērķiem:
8.1. laikus sniegta atbilde - atbildes, kas sniegtas saskaņotajā 1. vai 2. līmeņa atbildes laikā;
8.2. vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem - pieprasījuma atvēršanas ilgums; pasta paku sūtījumiem - noteiktais saņemtā pieprasījuma atvēršanas ilgums;
8.3. pasta paku sūtījumiem - saņemtās atbildes atvēršanas ilgums;
8.4. pārejas ilgums no 1. uz 2. līmeni;
8.5. atlikušie ziņojumi - pieprasījumi, uz kuriem nav atbildēts noteiktajā atbildes laikā un pārskata sagatavošanas brīdī atbilde joprojām nav sniegta;
8.6. lietas atrisināšanas ātrums pēc pirmās atbildes;
8.7. kopējais laiks līdz galīgajai atbildei.
22-001. pants
Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības piemērošana
1. Principi
1.1. Izņemot ECOMPRO pasta pakas, izraudzītie operatori uzņemas atbildību gan par sūtījumiem, kurus pārvadā atklātā tranzītā, gan par sūtījumiem, kurus nosūta slēgtās depešās, gan par atpakaļnosūtītām pakām, kurām nav norādīts nepiegādāšanas iemesls.
1.2. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri apņemas nodrošināt atbildību pret risku, kas rodas nepārvaramas varas gadījumā, tiem sūtītājiem, kuri vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus un pasta paku sūtījumus nodevuši savā valstī, atbild par nozaudēšanu, zādzību vai bojājumu, ko izraisījusi nepārvarama vara, ja tā notikusi sūtījumu pārvadāšanas laikā. Minētā apņemšanās attiecas arī uz gadījumiem, kad sūtījums tiek pārsūtīts vai nosūtīts atpakaļ sūtītājam.
1.3. Izraudzītais operators, kura dienestā sūtījums tika nozaudēts, izzagts, sabojāts vai nosūtīts atpakaļ bez paskaidrojumiem, saskaņā ar savas valsts tiesību aktiem lemj par to, vai sūtījuma nozaudēšana, izzagšana, sabojāšana vai nosūtīšana bez paskaidrojumiem ir notikusi nepārvaramas varas dēļ. Par konstatētajiem apstākļiem ziņo sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, ja tas ir izteicis šādu lūgumu.
1.4. Izraudzītie operatori, kas piedalās sūtījumu ar pēcmaksu apmaiņā, līdz pēcmaksas summai atbild par minēto sūtījumu piegādi, neiekasējot par to samaksu vai summu, kas ir mazāka par pēcmaksas summu. Izraudzītie operatori neuzņemas atbildību par kavēšanos, kas var rasties saistībā ar samaksas iekasēšanu un nosūtīšanu.
2. Atlīdzība
2.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
2.1.1. Konvencijas 22. panta 2.1. punktā minētā atlīdzības summa par ierakstīta sūtījuma nozaudēšanu, pilnīgu izzagšanu vai pilnīgu sabojāšanu ir 30 SDR. Atlīdzība par ierakstīta M maisa nozaudēšanu, pilnīgu izzagšanu vai pilnīgu sabojāšanu ir 150 SDR. Lai aprēķinātu kopējo atlīdzības summu, minētajām summām pieskaita tarifus un maksas, ko samaksājis sūtījuma sūtītājs, izņemot maksu par ierakstīšanu.
2.1.2. Konvencijas 22. panta 2.2. punktā minētā atlīdzības summa par ierakstītiem sūtījumiem, kas ir daļēji izzagti vai daļēji bojāti, nedrīkst pārsniegt attiecīgās summas, kuras 2.1.1. punktā ir minētas saistībā ar ierakstītiem sūtījumiem, kas ir nozaudēti, pilnībā izzagti vai pilnībā sabojāti.
2.2. Pasta pakas
2.2.1. Konvencijas 22. panta 3.1. punktā minētā atlīdzība nedrīkst būt lielāka par summu, ko aprēķina, saskaitot 40 SDR likmi par vienkāršu paku un 4,50 SDR likmi par kilogramu. Pieskaita arī maksas un nodevas par sūtījuma nodošanu.
2.2.2. Izraudzītie operatori savstarpējās attiecībās var vienoties neatkarīgi no pakas svara piemērot summu, kas vienāda ar 130 SDR par paku.
3.2.2. Konvencijas 22. panta 3.2. punktā minētā atlīdzības summa par vienkāršu paku, kas ir daļēji izzagta vai daļēji bojāta, nedrīkst pārsniegt attiecīgās summas, kuras 2.2.1. punktā vai 2.2.2. punktā ir minētas saistībā ar pakām, kas ir nozaudētas, pilnībā izzagtas vai pilnībā sabojātas.
4.2.2. Atlīdzība saistībā ar apdrošinātu pasta paku, kas ir nozaudēta, pilnībā vai daļēji izzagta vai bojāta, nedrīkst būt lielāka par summām, kas minētas Konvencijas 22. panta 4. punktā.
5.2.2. Kā noteikts Konvencijas 22. panta 6. punktā, atlīdzībai par pakas nepamatotu atpakaļnosūtīšanu jāatbilst maksai, kuru sūtītājs samaksājis par pakas nodošanu sūtījuma nodošanas valstī, un maksai par pakas atpakaļnosūtīšanu no galamērķa valsts.
3. Atlīdzību izmaksas nosacījumi attiecībā uz pasta pakām
3.1. Ja atbildīgs ir starpposma vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, atlīdzību izmaksā saskaņā ar šādiem nosacījumiem:
3.1.1. Saskaņā ar 17-215. panta 1.5. punktu pakām jābūt apzīmētām ar unikālu sūtījuma svītrkoda identifikatoru, kas atbilst UPU S10 tehniskajam standartam.
3.2.1. sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram pieprasījums jāieraksta IBIS, ja abu attiecīgo valstu izraudzītie operatori izmanto šo sistēmu;
3.1.3. ja atbildīgais izraudzītais operators nav IBIS lietotājs, prasību iesniedz saskaņā ar 21-002. pantu.
23-001. pants
Izzagtu vai sabojātu ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu vai paku
1. Izraudzītais operators, kas veic izzagta vai bojāta ierakstīta vai apdrošināta sūtījuma piegādi, sagatavo CN 24 ziņojumu par kopējo pārbaudi un, ja iespējams, lūdz, lai to paraksta adresāts. Pārbaudi var pabeigt, izmantojot elektroniskos saziņas līdzekļus, piemēram, videokonferences, vai pārsūtot fotopierādījumus pa elektronisko pastu vai ar drošu dokumentu pārsūtīšanu. CN 24 ziņojumu var pārsūtīt pa elektronisko pastu ar elektronisko parakstu. Vienu ziņojuma kopiju sniedz adresātam vai pievieno sūtījumam, ja adresāts no sūtījuma atsakās vai tas tiek pārsūtīts. Vienu kopiju patur izraudzītais operators, kas sagatavojis aktu. Vienu ziņojuma kopiju nosūta kā ierakstītu sūtījumu vai izmantojot e-pastu vai citus elektroniskos līdzekļus attiecīgajai pasta iestādei, kas norādīta Vēstuļu korespondences tiešsaistes apkopojumā, valstī, kur atrodas sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas iestāde.
2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators, kas ir saņēmis CN 24 ziņojumu saskaņā ar šā panta 1. punktu, 17-137. panta 11. punktu vai 17-234. panta 2. punktu, informē sūtītāju par to, ka sūtījums ir izzagts vai sabojāts.
3. Ja sūtījumu piegādā, kopiju no CN 24 ziņojuma, ko sūtījumu apmaiņas iestāde sagatavojusi saskaņā ar 17-137. panta 11. punktu, pievieno attiecīgajam sūtījumam un to apstrādā atbilstīgi galamērķa valsts noteikumiem. Ja adresāts atsakās no sūtījuma, minēto kopiju pievieno sūtījumam.
4. Ja adresāts atsakās parakstīt CN 24 ziņojumu, sūtījumu, kuru apstrādā atbilstīgi 1. punktam, nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam, ja tā ir paredzēts valsts noteikumos.
5. Ja atbildība, ko izraudzītais operators ir uzņēmies saskaņā ar Konvencijas 23. panta 1. punktu, ir jādala ar citu izraudzīto operatoru, attiecīgo pieprasījumu reģistrē uzziņu sistēmā internetā, pievienojot CN 24 ziņojuma elektronisku kopiju vai tulkojumu. Ja nepieciešams, uzziņu sistēmā internetā pievieno 17-234. panta 2. punktā minēto CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojuma kopiju.
24-001. pants
Sūtītāja atbildības noteikšana
1. Izraudzītais operators, kurš konstatē bojājumu, kas radies sūtītāja vainas dēļ, informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru, kas ir atbildīgs par pasākumu īstenošanu pret sūtītāju, ja tā ir nepieciešams.
2. Attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem un saistībā ar 1. punkta noteikumiem sūtījuma nodošanas valsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par uzskaitvedības procedūras izveidi attiecībā uz bojājumu apmēru, par kuru atbildību uzņemas sūtītājs.
25-001. pants
Atlīdzības izmaksa
1. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators atkarībā no apstākļiem ir tiesīgs izmaksāt likumīgajam prasītājam atlīdzību tā izraudzītā operatora vārdā, kas, lai gan ir bijis iesaistīts attiecīgā sūtījuma apstrādē un pienācīgi informēts: i) 30 dienu laikā no dienas, kad saņēmis šādu pieprasījumu IBIS (saskaņā ar procedūrām, kas izklāstītas 21-003. pantā) vai (tikai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem) CN 08 veidlapu, kas nosūtīta pa faksu vai izmantojot citus elektroniskos saziņas līdzekļus, ar kuriem var apstiprināt pieprasījuma saņemšanu, vai ii) (tikai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem) divu mēnešu laikā pēc šāda pieprasījuma saņemšanas, kas nosūtīts pa pastu, izmantojot CN 08 veidlapu, nav nedz galīgi atrisinājis šo jautājumu, nedz paziņojis, ka:
1.1. zaudējumi radušies nepārvaramas varas dēļ;
1.2. kompetentā iestāde aizturējusi, konfiscējusi vai iznīcinājusi attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu tā satura dēļ vai sūtījums aizturēts saskaņā ar galamērķa valsts tiesību aktu noteikumiem.
2. Šādā gadījumā neviens no izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas iesaistīti sūtījuma nosūtīšanā, nedrīkst atteikties izmaksāt atlīdzību, pasta maksas un citas nodevas, ko sūtījuma nodošanas vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir izmaksājis likumīgajam prasītājam.
3. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem izmanto CN 08 veidlapu, 1. punktā paredzētais divu mēnešu laikposms sākas no dienas, kurā galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir saņēmis pienācīgi aizpildītu CN 08 veidlapu (tostarp arī nepieciešamo informāciju par depešu nosūtīšanu).
4. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators ir tiesīgs izmaksāt likumīgajam prasītājam atlīdzību tā galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora vārdā, kurš, lai gan ir bijis informēts par sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora lūgumu apstiprināt attiecīgā sūtījuma piegādi, kas minēts 21-002. panta 1.9. punktā, 30 dienu laikā, skaitot no dienas, kurā sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators šādu lūgumu ir nosūtījis, nav atbildējis uz otro pieprasījumu attiecībā uz pakalpojuma neatbilstīgu izpildi.
5. Ja pieprasījums nav pienācīgi aizpildīts vai ir aizpildīts nepareizi un ir vajadzīga papildu informācija vai jāizdara labojumi, bet tikmēr beidzas 1. punktā minētais termiņš, tad atkarībā no konkrētā gadījuma sūtījuma nodošanas valsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības atlikt atlīdzības izmaksu likumīgajam prasītājam uz vēlāku laiku. Minēto atlīdzību var izmaksāt līdz papildu termiņa beigām, proti, i) 30 dienu laikā, ja pieprasījums ir saņemts, izmantojot IBIS (saskaņā ar procedūrām, kas izklāstītas 21-003. pantā) vai (tikai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem) CN 08 veidlapu, kas nosūtīta pa faksu vai izmantojot citus elektroniskos saziņas līdzekļus, vai ii) (tikai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem) divu mēnešu laikā no dienas, kad CN 08 veidlapa ir aizpildīta vai labota, ja pieprasījums nosūtīts pa pastu, izmantojot CN 08 veidlapu. Ja pieprasījumā nav norādīta papildu informācija vai nav izdarīti labojumi, attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības neizmaksāt atlīdzību likumīgajam prasītājam.
6. Ja pieprasījums attiecas uz pasta pakas sūtījumu ar pēcmaksu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators likumīgajam prasītājam drīkst izmaksāt atlīdzību, kas nav lielāka par pēcmaksas summu, tā galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora vārdā, kurš, saņemot attiecīgo informāciju, 1. punktā minētajā laikposmā nav atrisinājis minēto jautājumu.
7. Attiecībā uz šo pantu nedrīkst izdarīt atrunas saistībā ar pieprasījumu apstrādes un izpildes termiņu, atlīdzības izmaksas termiņu un nosacījumiem un atlīdzību izraudzītajam operatoram maksātājam, izņemot atrunas, kas paredzētas divpusējā līgumā.
25-002. pants
Atlīdzības izmaksas termiņš
1. Atlīdzību izmaksā cik vien iespējams drīz, bet ne vēlāk kā trīs mēnešu laikā, sākot no dienas, kas seko pēc pieprasījuma dienas.
2. Attiecībā uz šo pantu nedrīkst izdarīt atrunas saistībā ar atlīdzības izmaksas periodu, izņemot atrunas, kas paredzētas divpusējā līgumā.
25-003. pants
Atlīdzības automātiska izmaksa
Atpakaļnosūtītā CN 08 veidlapa, kurā nav aizpildītas sadaļas "Ziņas, ko sniedz starpposma dienesti vai saņemšanas vietas dienests", "Ziņas, ko sniedz sūtījuma saņemšanas vietas dienests" un "Galīgā atbilde", netiek uzskatīta par galīgo atbildi 25-001. panta nozīmē.
25-004. pants
Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības noteikšana
1. Ja nav pierādīts pretējais, atbildību uzņemas tas izraudzītais operators, kurš, saņemot depešu, kurā attiecīgais sūtījums ticis nosūtīts, nav ziņojis par neatbilstībām, izmantojot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu - attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem - un izmantojot pārbaudes paziņojumu CN 43 un/vai CP 78 vai pavadrakstu CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 - attiecībā uz pasta paku sūtījumiem, un kurš, izmantojot visus pārbaudes veikšanai paredzētos līdzekļus, nevar pierādīt vai nu to, ka sūtījums ir piegādāts adresātam, vai attiecīgā gadījumā to, ka sūtījums ir pareizi nodots citam izraudzītajam operatoram.
2. Ja sūtījums ir nozaudēts, izzagts vai bojāts pārvadāšanas laikā un nav iespējams noteikt, kuras valsts teritorijā vai dienestā tas noticis, attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori zaudējumus sedz vienādās daļās.
2.1. Ja ir nozaudēti ierakstīti sūtījumi, šo principu piemēro vienīgi tiem sūtījumiem, kuriem ir CN 04 uzlīme ar unikālu sūtījuma identifikatoru atbilstīgi 18-101. pantam "Ierakstīti sūtījumi". Citos gadījumos zaudējumus sedz tikai izraudzītais operators sūtītājs.
2.2. Attiecībā uz neapdrošinātām pakām, ja atlīdzības summa nav lielāka par summu, kas Konvencijas 22-001. panta 2.2. punktā aprēķināta par paku, kuras svars ir viens kilograms, šo summu vienādās daļās sedz sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators un galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, izņemot starpposma izraudzīto operatoru.
3. Saistībā ar apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem izraudzītā operatora atbildība attiecībā pret citu izraudzīto operatoru nedrīkst pārsniegt maksimālo apdrošinājuma summu, kuru tas ir pieņēmis.
4. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri nesniedz apdrošinātu sūtījumu pakalpojumu, saistībā ar šādiem sūtījumiem, kurus pārvadā slēgtās depešās, uzņemas atbildību, kas noteikta attiecībā uz ierakstītiem sūtījumiem un/vai neapdrošinātām pakām. Šo noteikumu piemēro arī tad, ja izraudzītie operatori neuzņemas atbildību par apdrošinātām pakām, kuras pārvadā ar šo operatoru izmantotajiem kuģiem vai gaisa kuģiem.
5. Ja apdrošināts sūtījums ir nozaudēts, izzagts vai bojāts starpposma izraudzītā operatora teritorijā vai dienestā un tas nesniedz apdrošinātu sūtījumu pakalpojumu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators sedz zaudējumus, kurus nesedz starpposma izraudzītais operators. Šo noteikumu piemēro arī tad, ja bojājumu apmērs ir lielāks nekā maksimālā apdrošinājuma summa, kuru nosaka starpposma izraudzītais operators.
6. Muitas nodokli un citus maksājumus, kuru atcelšanu nevar nodrošināt, atlīdzina tas izraudzītais operators, kurš atbild par sūtījuma nozaudēšanu, izzagšanu vai bojāšanu.
7. Izraudzītais operators, kurš ir izmaksājis atlīdzību, atlīdzības summas apmērā pārņem tiesības no personas, kas atlīdzību ieguvusi, izsakot prasību attiecībā pret adresātu, sūtītāju vai trešo pusi.
25-005. pants
Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības noteikšanas procedūras
1. Ja nav pierādīts pretējais, saskaņā ar 25-004. pantu starpposma izraudzītais operators vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir atbrīvots no atbildības:
1.1. ja tas ir ievērojis depešu un paku pārbaudes un pārkāpumu konstatēšanas noteikumus;
1.2. ja tas var pierādīt, ka par pieprasījumu tas ticis informēts pēc oficiālo, ar attiecīgo paku saistīto ierakstu iznīcināšanas un ka glabāšanas laiks jau bijis beidzies. Šī atruna neierobežo prasītāja tiesības;
1.3. ja atsevišķa ierakstīta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma gadījumā nozaudētā sūtījuma pareizu piegādi nevar pierādīt, jo sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators CN 33 īpašajos sarakstos nav norādījis sīkāku informāciju par ierakstītajiem sūtījumiem.
2. Ja nav pierādīts pretējais, izraudzītais operators, kas nosūtījis ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu, ir atbrīvots no visas atbildības, ja pasta apmaiņas vieta, kurai attiecīgais sūtījums nodots, pēc pārbaudes izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam ar pirmo iespējamo sūtījumu nav nosūtījusi CN 24 ziņojumu, kurā norādīts vai nu tas, ka ir pazudusi visa ierakstīto vai apdrošināto priekšmetu paka vai atsevišķs sūtījums, vai tas, ka tie ir sabojāti.
3. Ja ierakstīta vai apdrošināta sūtījuma zādzība vai bojājums ir konstatēts galamērķa valstī vai sūtījuma nodošanas valstī un ja sūtījums ir nosūtīts atpakaļ sūtītājam, attiecīgās valsts izraudzītais operators pierāda:
3.1. attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem:
3.1.1. ka ne uz pakas, aploksnes vai taras un tās aizdares, ne sūtījuma iepakojuma un aizdares nebija acīmredzamu zādzības vai bojājumu pazīmju;
3.1.2. ka attiecībā uz apdrošinātu sūtījumu nav mainījies svars, kas noteikts nodošanas laikā;
3.1.3. ja ierakstīts vai apdrošināts sūtījums ir nozaudēts, izzagts vai bojāts nepārvaramas varas dēļ, izraudzītais operators, kura teritorijā vai dienestā sūtījums nozaudēts, izzagts vai sabojāts, atbild izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam tikai tad, ja abi izraudzītie operatori ir apņēmušies segt nepārvaramas varas riskus;
3.2. attiecībā uz pasta pakām:
3.2.1. ka ne uz pakas iepakojuma, ne aizdares nebija acīmredzamu zādzības vai bojājumu pazīmju;
3.2.2. ka attiecībā uz apdrošinātu paku nav mainījies svars, kas noteikts nodošanas laikā;
3.2.3. ka attiecībā uz tām pakām, kuras pārsūta slēgtā tarā, nebija bojāta ne tara, ne tās aizdare.
4. Papildu noteikumi, ko piemēro tikai attiecībā uz pakām
4.1. Ja pakas nosūtītas vairumā, neviens no iesaistītajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem nevar atteikties no savas atbildības daļas, norādot, ka sūtījumā ievietoto paku skaits atšķiras no skaita, kas ierakstīts paku kartē.
4.2. Ja paku sūtīšanu veic vairumā, iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka atbildība tiks dalīta, ja tiek nozaudētas, izzagtas vai bojātas noteiktu kategoriju pakas, par ko panāk savstarpēju vienošanos.
4.3. Ja paka ir nozaudēta, izzagta vai bojāta nepārvaramas varas dēļ, izraudzītais operators, kura teritorijā vai dienestā tika radīti zaudējumi, atbild sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram tikai tad, ja abi izraudzītie operatori ir apņēmušies segt nepārvaramas varas riskus.
5. Ja ir sniegti 3. punktā minētie pierādījumi, neviens no iesaistītajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem nevar atteikties no savas atbildības daļas, pamatojoties uz to, ka attiecīgo sūtījumu ir nodevis nākamajam izraudzītajam operatoram, kuram nav bijuši iebildumi.
26-001. pants
Izmaksātās atlīdzības piedziņa no aviopārvadātājiem
1. Ja sūtījums tiek nozaudēts, izzagts vai sabojāts aviopārvadājumu laikā, sūtītājam izmaksāto atlīdzību no aviopārvadātāja:
1.1. piedzen sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators, ja tas pārvadāšanas tarifiem atbilstīgo summu maksā tieši aviopārvadātājam;
1.2. piedzen tas izraudzītais operators, kurš iekasējis pārvadāšanas tarifiem atbilstīgo summu, ja sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators to nemaksā tieši aviopārvadātājam. Sūtītājam izmaksāto atlīdzību sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram atlīdzina tas izraudzītais operators, kurš iekasējis pārvadāšanas tarifiem atbilstīgo summu.
26-002. pants
Atlīdzības atmaksāšana izraudzītajam operatoram maksātājam
1. Izraudzītais operators, kura pienākums ir veikt maksājumu vai kura vārdā tas tiek veikts, atmaksā izraudzītajam operatoram maksātājam atlīdzības, tarifu un nodevu summu, kas samaksāta likumīgajam prasītājam saskaņā ar CN 08 veidlapā vai attiecīgi IBIS norādīto obligāto informāciju. Veicamās uzskaites procedūras ir aprakstītas 26-003. un 26-004. pantā.
2. Ja atlīdzība, tarifi un nodevas, kas izmaksātas likumīgajam prasītājam, ir jāsedz vairākiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, tad pirmais izraudzītais operators, kurš pēc pieprasītā sūtījuma pienācīgas saņemšanas nevar pierādīt, ka tas ir pareizi nodots nākamajam dienestam, izmaksā izraudzītajam operatoram maksātājam visu atlīdzības, tarifu un nodevu summu, kura tika izmaksāta likumīgajam prasītājam. Minētais izraudzītais operators no pārējiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem piedzen likumīgajam prasītājam izmaksātās atlīdzības daļu atbilstīgi tā atbildības daļai.
3. Izraudzītais operators, kura atbildība ir pienācīgi konstatēta un kurš sākumā ir atteicies maksāt atlīdzību, sedz visas papildu izmaksas, kas rodas, ja maksājuma veikšana nepamatoti aizkavējas.
26-003. pants
Atlīdzības atmaksāšana starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem
1. Ja viena gada laikā no dienas, kad nosūtīts pilnvarojums izmaksāt atlīdzību, izraudzītais operators maksātājs nav veicis debeta ierakstu atbildīgā izraudzītā operatora kontā, pilnvarojumu uzskata par spēkā neesošu. Izraudzītais operators, kas to ir saņēmis, vairs nav tiesīgs pieprasīt, lai izmaksātā atlīdzība tiek atlīdzināta, izņemot gadījumus, kad CN 52 kopējā rēķinā ir ietverts apstiprinātais CN 48 rēķins saskaņā ar 26-004. panta 1.5. punktu.
2. Ja atbildība ir atzīta, kā arī 25-001. panta 1. punktā paredzētajā gadījumā atlīdzības summu no atbildīgā izraudzītā operatora var piedzīt arī automātiski, izmantojot kopējos rēķinus tieši vai iesaistot starpniekvalsts izraudzīto operatoru, kas regulāri sagatavo kopējos rēķinus par atbildīgo izraudzīto operatoru.
3. Ja sūtītājs vai adresāts pieņem vēlāk atrasto sūtījumu, atmaksājot atlīdzības summu, viena gada laikā no atlīdzības atmaksāšanas datuma minēto summu atlīdzina tam izraudzītajam operatoram vai attiecīgā gadījumā - izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri sedza zaudējumus.
4. Attiecībā uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par periodisku to atlīdzību atmaksāšanu, kuras tie ir izmaksājuši likumīgajiem prasītājiem un kuras ir atzītas par pamatotām.
5. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka visus zaudējumus sedz tas izraudzītais operators, kuram ir pienākums veikt maksājumu likumīgajam prasītājam.
6. Izraudzītajam operatoram kreditoram izmaksā atlīdzību saskaņā ar noteikumiem par norēķiniem, kas paredzēti 35-005. pantā.
26-004. pants
Atlīdzību uzskaite
1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
1.1. Ja maksājumi ir jāiekasē no atbildīgā izraudzītā operatora, izraudzītais operators kreditors sagatavo CN 48 mēneša vai ceturkšņa rēķinu.
1.2. Noteikumus par 35-001. pantā paredzēto uzskaites veidlapu pārsūtīšanu un apstiprināšanu piemēro attiecībā uz CN 48 rēķiniem.
1.3. CN 48 rēķinu nosūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram ne vēlāk kā divu mēnešu laikā pēc tā perioda beigām, uz kuru tas attiecas.
1.4. CN 48 rēķina apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši.
1.5. Parasti šos rēķinus apmaksā atsevišķi. Tomēr izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka tos apmaksā, izmantojot CN 51 atsevišķo rēķinu vai CN 52 kopējo rēķinu, vai, iespējams, CP 75 rēķinu.
2. Pasta pakas
2.1. Ja ir jāveic maksājumu piedziņa no atbildīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem un tas ir saistīts ar vairākām summām, tad tās apkopo CN 48 veidlapā. Kopējo summu pārnes uz CP 75 rēķinu, kas minēts 34-014. pantā.
2.2. Ja CN 48 veidlapā tiek apstrīdēti atlīdzības pieprasījumi, kas nav saistīti ar 25-001. pantu, izraudzītais operators sūtītājs pēc pieprasījuma sniedz pierādījumus saistībā ar savu prasību.
VII iedaļa
35-001. pants
Sarakstu un rēķinu nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana
1. Visas sarakstu un rēķinu veidlapas nosūta elektroniski vai, ja šādi līdzekļi nav pieejami, kā ierakstītu sūtījumu divos eksemplāros.
2. Katrs izraudzītais operators ar Starptautiskā biroja starpniecību paziņo pārējiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem elektroniskās un pasta adreses, uz kurām ir jānosūta visas uzskaites veidlapas.
3. Izraudzītie operatori debitori var atteikties pārbaudīt un apstiprināt tādus sarakstus un rēķinus, kurus izraudzītie operatori kreditori nav iesnieguši noteiktajā nosūtīšanas periodā.
4. Saraksta vai rēķina apstiprināšanas termiņš attiecas uz abiem nosūtīšanas paņēmieniem (elektroniska nosūtīšana un nosūtīšana ierakstītā sūtījumā). Pēc noklusējuma apstiprināšanas periods sākas dienā, kad ģenerēta veidlapa. Ja izmanto nosūtīšanu ierakstītā sūtījumā, izraudzītajam operatoram saņēmējam ir tiesības informēt izraudzīto partneroperatoru par to, ka apstiprināšanas periods sākas tikai saņemšanas dienā, ja saraksta vai rēķina datums (kas atbilst datumam, kad tika ģenerēta veidlapa) atšķiras no saņemšanas datuma vismaz par divām nedēļām.
5. Saraksta vai rēķina apstiprināšana izpaužas kā parakstītas veidlapas kopijas nosūtīšana izraudzītajam operatoram, kas to sagatavoja, bez jebkādām izmaiņām vai grozījumiem. To nosūta elektroniski, vai, ja tas nav iespējams, ierakstītā sūtījumā.
6. Rēķinos, kuros summa ir izteikta SDR vienībās, kopsummu vai atlikumu noapaļo līdz veseliem skaitļiem.
7. Nesakritības rēķinos nav jāņem vērā, ja vien kopā tās nav lielākas par 9,80 SDR vienā rēķinā.
8. Ja izraudzītais operators, kas sagatavoja sarakstu vai rēķinu, nav saņēmis paziņojumu par grozījumu vai apstiprināšanu no izraudzītā partneroperatora, kas saņēma veidlapu apstiprināšanas termiņā, kurš ir piemērojams attiecībā uz šo veidlapu, to uzskata par pilnīgi apstiprinātu, proti, par apstiprinātu esošajā redakcijā, bez izmaiņām vai grozījumiem.
9. Ja izraudzītais operators, kas ir saņēmis veidlapu, nosūta grozījuma paziņojumu vai ja tiek sākta veidlapas satura apspriešana, apstiprināšanas termiņi turpmāk netiek piemēroti, taču abas puses dara visu iespējamo, lai ātri atrisinātu attiecīgo jautājumu. Ja izraudzītais operators, kas nosūtīja sākotnējo sarakstu vai rēķinu, nosūta grozītu sarakstu vai rēķinu, attiecībā uz šo grozīto eksemplāru piemēro 5. punkta noteikumus.
35-002. pants
Norēķini. Vispārējie noteikumi
1. Starptautiskos norēķinus saistībā ar pasta sūtījumu plūsmu starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem var uzskatīt par kārtējo darījumu, un tos veic atbilstīgi attiecīgo dalībvalstu spēkā esošajām starptautiskajām saistībām, ja šajā ziņā ir noslēgti nolīgumi. Ja šādu nolīgumu nav, norēķinus veic saskaņā ar turpmāk izklāstītajiem noteikumiem.
2. Apstiprināto rēķinu izmanto, lai attiecībās starp abiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem sagatavotu gala aprēķinu.
3. Izraudzītie operatori norēķinus var veikt abpusēji vai arī izmantot Starptautiskā biroja daudzpusējo klīringa sistēmu vai kādu citu norēķinu sistēmu. Starptautiskā biroja daudzpusējā klīringa sistēmā var piedalīties tikai tie izraudzītie operatori, kuri parakstījuši pievienošanās nolīgumu, kas attiecas uz minēto sistēmu.
4. Attiecībā uz 2020. gadu gadījumos, kad piemēro divus gala norēķinu tarifu kopumus, izraudzītais operators, atsaucoties uz 29. panta 7. punktu, izveido vienu pārveidotu CN 61 veidlapu norēķiniem neatkarīgi no izraudzītā operatora kreditora, kurā norāda atsevišķus tarifus 2020. gada janvāra-jūnija periodam un 2020. gada jūlija-decembra periodam. Izraudzīto operatoru, kas atsaucas uz 29. panta 7. punktu, uzskata par izraudzīto operatoru kreditoru tikai saistībā ar norēķinu termiņiem 2020. gadā, pamatojoties uz pārveidotajām CN 61 veidlapām.
5. Izraudzītais operators kreditors, apspriežoties ar izraudzīto operatoru debitoru, izvēlas norēķināšanās veidu. Ja ir domstarpības, galvenā nozīme jebkurā gadījumā ir izraudzītā operatora kreditora izvēlei. Ja norēķinu veikšanai izmanto Starptautiskā biroja daudzpusējo klīringa sistēmu, tad gan izraudzītajam operatoram kreditoram, gan izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram ir jābūt attiecīgā pievienošanās nolīguma pusei un abpusēji jāvienojas par attiecīgā rēķina ievietošanu sistēmā.
35-003. pants
Rēķinu apmaksa ar UPU klīringa sistēmas starpniecību
Norēķinus Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmā veic saskaņā ar noteikumiem, kurus paredzējusi UPU klīringa sistēmas lietotāju grupa.
35-004. pants
Rēķinu apmaksa, ja norēķinus neveic ar UPU klīringa
sistēmas starpniecību
1. Parādus maksā tajā valūtā, kuru, apspriežoties ar izraudzīto operatoru debitoru, ir izvēlējies izraudzītais operators kreditors. Ja ir domstarpības, galvenā nozīme jebkurā gadījumā ir izraudzītā operatora kreditora izvēlei. Ja izraudzītais operators kreditors nav noteicis konkrētu valūtu, tad to var izvēlēties izraudzītais operators debitors.
2. Maksājuma summa, kas aprēķināta izvēlētajā valūtā, vērtības ziņā ir vienāda ar rēķina atlikumu, kurš izteikts SDR vienībās.
3. Saskaņā ar 4. punktā izklāstītajiem noteikumiem summu, kas jāmaksā izvēlētajā valūtā, aprēķina, SDR vērtību konvertējot maksājuma valūtā atbilstīgi turpmāk izklāstītajiem noteikumiem.
3.1. Valūtām, attiecībā uz kurām Starptautiskais Valūtas fonds (SVF) ir publicējis SDR maiņas kursu, izmanto to maiņas kursu, kas bija spēkā iepriekšējā dienā pirms maksājuma veikšanas, vai pēdējo publicēto maiņas kursu.
3.2. Citām maksājuma valūtām SDR summu vispirms konvertē starpvalūtā, attiecībā uz kuru SDR maiņas kursu SVF publicē katru dienu, un konvertēšanu veic, izmantojot pēdējo publicēto maiņas kursu. Pēc tam iegūto rezultātu konvertē maksājuma valūtā, izmantojot pēdējo maiņas kursu, kas kotēts izraudzītā operatora debitora dalībvalsts valūtas tirgū.
3.3. Pagaidu maksājuma gadījumā, kas paredzēts 35-012. pantā, 3.1. un 3.2. punktā iepriekš aprakstītā procedūra ir atšķirīga. Valūtām, attiecībā uz kurām SVF ir publicējis SDR maiņas kursu, izmanto to maiņas kursu, kas ir spēkā attiecīgā gada 30. jūnijā vai, ja 30. jūnijs ir brīvdiena, to kursu, kas ir spēkā nākamajā darba dienā; gadījumā, kas minēts 3.2. punktā, konversiju starpvalūtā veic saskaņā ar attiecīgā gada jūnijā pēdējo publicēto maiņas kursu.
4. Ja, abpusēji vienojoties, izraudzītais operators kreditors un izraudzītais operators debitors izvēlas tādas valsts valūtu, kura nav SVF dalībvalsts un kuras tiesību aktos nav atļauts piemērot 3. punktā noteiktos noteikumus, tad iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori vienojas par attiecību, kādu izmanto SDR summas konvertēšanai izvēlētajā valūtā.
5. Lai aprēķinātu kādas valūtas oficiālo vai ārvalsts valūtas tirgos vispārpieņemto ekvivalentu, izmanto beigu kursu valūtai, kuru var izmantot lielākajā daļā tirdzniecības darījumu, vai pēdējo kotēto kursu.
6. Izraudzītais operators debitors maksāšanas dienā izvēlētās valūtas summu maksā, izmantojot žiro norēķinus vai kādu citu abiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem pieņemamu maksāšanas veidu. Ja izraudzītais operators kreditors nav ierosinājis izmantot sev vēlamu maksāšanas veidu, tad to izvēlas izraudzītais operators debitors.
7. Izraudzītais operators kreditors, izmantojot Starptautiskā biroja izdoto apkārtrakstu, publicē izmaiņas saistībā ar adresēm, uz kurām ir jāsūta čeki vai jāveic pārskaitījumi.
8. Maksu par pārskaitījumu (nodevas, norēķinu maksas, iemaksas, komisijas maksas utt.), ko iekasē debitora valstī, sedz izraudzītais operators debitors. Maksas, ko iekasē kreditora valstī, tostarp maksas par pārskaitījumu, ko iekasē bankas starpniekvalstīs, sedz izraudzītais operators kreditors. Ja, piešķirot atbrīvojumu no maksām, izmanto žiro norēķinu sistēmu, tad atbrīvojumu piemēro arī apmaiņas vietas trešā valstī vai valstīs, kas darbojas kā starpnieki starp izraudzīto operatoru debitoru un izraudzīto operatoru kreditoru, ja starp minētajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem nenotiek tieša apmaiņa.
9. Ja laikposmā no pārskaitījuma rīkojuma nosūtīšanas vai pārskaitīšanas, izmantojot citus līdzekļus, līdz brīdim, kad izraudzītais operators kreditors saņem attiecīgo summu, ir mainījusies izvēlētās valūtas ekvivalentā vērtība, kas ir aprēķināta, kā aprakstīts 3., 4. vai 5. punktā, un ja šo izmaiņu dēļ radusies starpība ir lielāka par 5 % no maksājamās summas (kura ir aprēķināta pēc izmaiņām), tad kopējo starpību vienlīdzīgi sadala starp abiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
10. Maksājumu veic pēc iespējas ātrāk, bet ne vēlāk kā sešu nedēļu laikā no dienas, kad apstiprināti kopējie rēķini un rēķini, kuros ir norādīta maksājamā summa vai atlikums, vai kad paziņots par minēto rēķinu oficiālu apstiprināšanu. Pēc noteiktā termiņa maksājamai summai piemēro 6 % likmi gadā, skaitot no nākamās dienas pēc minētā termiņa beigām. Termins "maksājums" nozīmē to, ka ir nosūtīti līdzekļi vai maksāšanas instruments (čeks, pārvedu vekselis utt.), vai to, ka organizācija, kas debitora dalībvalstī atbild par pārskaitījumu, ir parakstījusi pārskaitījuma vai iemaksas rīkojumu. Ja bankas pārskaitījumi nav iespējami, tādējādi kavējot debitora valsts apstiprināto rēķinu maksājumus, debitora valsts un kreditora valsts izraudzītie operatori var vērsties pie Starptautiskā biroja pēc palīdzības, lai paātrinātu maksājuma pārskaitījumu. Debitora valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kas lūdz Starptautiskā biroja palīdzību, lai paātrinātu maksājuma pārskaitījumu, pieprasījums jāapstiprina rakstiski, pievienojot pierādījumus, ka maksājums nav iespējams tieši starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kā arī pievienojot pierādījumus, ka rēķini ir apstiprināti.
11. Izraudzītie operatori kreditori divpusējās attiecībās var prasīt, ka maksājums jāveic ar izraudzītā operatora debitora starpniecību tā, lai sākotnējā izraudzītā operatora debitora parādu piedzītu ar cita izraudzītā operatora debitora starpniecību, kas veic pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu ar izraudzīto operatoru kreditoru. Lai aktivizētu šo mehānismu, visām trim pusēm jāvienojas par šim nolūkam paredzētas procedūras piemērošanu.
12. Ja maksājums tiek veikts, tad pārskaitījuma dokumentam (čekam, pārvedu vekselim utt.) attiecībā uz katru summu, kas ir ieskaitīta kopējā pārskaitītajā summā, pievieno informāciju par nosaukumu, datumu, summu SDR vienībās, izmantoto konversijas kursu un minētā kursa spēkā stāšanās datumu. Ja pārskaitījumam nevar pievienot minēto informāciju, tad dienā, kad tiek veikts maksājums, nosūta paskaidrojuma vēstuli, izmantojot elektroniskos saziņas līdzekļus vai pasta sūtīšanas ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi). Paskaidrojumam ir jābūt franču valodā vai valodā, kuru saprot tas izraudzītais operators, kas saņem maksājumu.
35-005. pants
SDR vienībās izteikto parādu maksājumi. Vispārīgie
1. Turpmāk izklāstītie maksāšanas noteikumi attiecas uz visiem parādiem, kuri ir radušies pasta darījumos un kuri ir izteikti SDR vienībās. Minētie parādi var izrietēt no Starptautiskā biroja sagatavotajiem kopējiem rēķiniem vai sarakstiem vai tiem kopējiem rēķiniem vai sarakstiem, kurus nav sagatavojis Starptautiskais birojs. Minētie noteikumi attiecas arī uz atšķirību labošanu, procentu samaksu vai, ja attiecināms, uz norēķiniem.
2. Ikviens izraudzītais operators var atbrīvoties no saistībām, iemaksājot līdzekļus kontā, no kura tiks atņemti parādi, kad tie tiks konstatēti.
3. Ja maksājumu termiņi tiek ievēroti, ikviens izraudzītais operators ar pastu saistītos parādus, kas izteikti SDR vienībās, var nokārtot, kompensējot kredītu un debetu citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Kompensāciju, abpusēji vienojoties, var piemērot parādiem, kas rodas saistībā ar telesakaru pakalpojumiem, ja abi izraudzītie operatori piedāvā pasta un telesakaru pakalpojumus. Kompensāciju nevar piemērot parādiem par darījumiem, kuri noslēgti ar organizāciju vai uzņēmumu, kuru kontrolē izraudzītais operators, ja attiecīgais izraudzītais operators tam nepiekrīt.
4. Aviopasta pārvadājumu rēķinu iekļaujot kopējā rēķinā, kurā ir dažādi parādi, nedrīkst aizkavēt aviopārvadājumu tarifu maksājumus attiecīgajai aviosabiedrībai.
35-006. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Statistiskās novērošanas
sarakstu sagatavošana, pārsūtīšana un apstiprināšana
1. .Statistisko novērošanu var veikt divos gadījumos - statistikas datu vākšanai par pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu starp mērķsistēmas valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem saskaņā ar 31-116. un 31-118. pantu un pārskatīšanas mehānismam.
2. CN 53 un CN 54 pavadrakstu sagatavošana, nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana:
2.1. CN 53 pavadrakstā ir sniegti statistiskās novērošanas dati saņēmējiestādei. Attiecībā uz katru statistiski novēroto taras vienību tajā ir norādīts taras identifikators, taras veids, sūtījumu skaits un bruto un neto svars. Par katru pārvadāšanas veidu (aviopasts, SAL, sauszemes pasts) un, iespējams, par katru taras veidu un attiecīgā gadījumā arī formātu sagatavo atsevišķu CN 53 pavadrakstu.
2.2. Lai nodrošinātu statistisko novērošanu mērķsistēmā, izraudzītais operators saņēmējs sagatavo CN 53 pavadrakstu.
2.3. Pārskatīšanas mehānisma vajadzībām CN 53 pavadrakstu sagatavo operators, kas pieprasa piemērot pārskatīšanas mehānismu, ziņojot informāciju, kas ievākta dienās, kad veic uzskaiti.
2.4. Izraudzītais operators, kas sagatavojis CN 53 pavadrakstus, sagatavo CN 54 apkopojošo sūtījumu sarakstu, kurā par kalendārā gada ceturksni apkopota CN 53 pavadrakstos norādītā informācija pēc pārvadāšanas veida (aviopasts, SAL, sauszemes pasts) un formāta (ja nepieciešams).
2.5. CN 54 apkopojošo sarakstu, kuram pievieno CN 53 veidlapas, katru ceturksni nosūta attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram ne vēlāk kā trīs mēnešu laikā pēc tās pēdējās depešas saņemšanas, kas ir iekļauta statistikā.
2.6. Operatori var vienoties aizstāt CN 53 un CN 54 veidlapas ar e53 ziņojumu (elektronisks statistiskās novērošanas saraksts), kas ir noteikts UPU standartā M50.
2.7. e53 elektronisko statistiskās novērošanas sarakstu izmanto, kad statistiski novēro depešas, kas nav šķirotas pēc formāta.
2.8. CN 54 apkopojošā saraksta vai līdzvērtīgā e53 ziņojuma apstiprināšanas periods ir trīs mēneši.
3. CN 54bis apkopojošā saraksta sagatavošana, nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana
3.1. Atbilstoši apstiprinātajiem CN 54 (vai ekvivalentajam e53 ziņojumam) un CN 56 apkopojošajiem sarakstiem izraudzītais operators, kas bija sagatavojis CN 54, sagatavo CN 54bis gada pārskatu par sūtījumiem, datus par statistiski pārbaudītajām depešām apkopojot pēc pārvadāšanas veida, formāta (attiecīgā gadījumā) un ceturkšņa, kā arī par depešām, kuras izmantotas, lai par attiecīgo gadu aprēķinātu gadā nosūtīto sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā un, ja nepieciešams, attiecīgo formātu.
3.2. Attiecībā uz pārskatīšanas mehānismu atbilstīgi apstiprinātajam CN 54bis gada pārskatam par sūtījumiem izraudzītais operators, kurš pieprasījis statistikas vākšanu, aprēķina sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā un tad, ja tiek piemērots pārskatīšanas mehānisms, aprēķina arī jauno gala norēķinu tarifu, izmantojot formulu, kas noteikta 31-112. panta 6. punktā.
3.3. CN 54bis gada pārskatu nosūta attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram ne vēlāk kā vienu mēnesi pēc tam, kad ir apstiprināts par ceturto ceturksni sagatavotais CN 54 un CN 56 apkopojošais saraksts.
3.4. CN 54bis gada pārskata apstiprināšanas periods ir viens mēnesis.
4. Ja cits attiecīgais izraudzītais operators ir vācis statistikas datus kontrolei:
4.1. lai nodrošinātu statistisko novērošanu mērķsistēmā - gadā saņemto sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā, kā norādīts CN 54bis, uzskata par spēkā esošu, ja šis skaits no otra izraudzītā operatora iegūtā skaita neatšķiras par vairāk kā 10 % un ja tādēļ gada maksājuma atšķirība nav lielāka par 5 %. Minētās robežvērtības ir spēkā tikai tad, ja izraudzītais operators, veicot statistisko novērošanu un vācot statistikas datus saistībā ar gala norēķiniem, ir ievērojis statistikas datu vākšanas vispārējos principus un sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā aprēķinājis, kā izklāstīts 31-115. panta 1.1. punktā;
4.2. attiecībā uz pārskatīšanas mehānismu - tā izraudzītā operatora konstatētos datus, kurš pieprasījis piemērot pārskatīšanas mehānismu, uzskata par derīgiem, ja tie no otra izraudzītā operatora konstatētajiem datiem neatšķiras par vairāk kā 10 %.
5. Ja atšķirība starp izraudzīto operatoru datiem par gadā nosūtīto sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā ir lielāka par 10 % vai gada maksājuma atšķirība ir lielāka par 5 %, tad attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori vienojas par vērtībām, kuras tiks izmantotas gala norēķinos, ņemot vērā katra izraudzītā operatora izmantotās statistikas sistēmas precizitāti.
6. Ja abas puses nevar vienoties par šā panta piemērošanu, izraudzītais operators var izmantot šķīrējtiesas procedūru, kas paredzēta Vispārīgā reglamenta 153. pantā.
35-007. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. CN 55, CN 56 un
CN 69 sarakstu sagatavošana, nosūtīšana un
1. Kad attiecīgajā ceturksnī ir saņemta pēdējā depeša, ko nosūtījusi sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta, galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, izmantojot CN 31 vēstuļu kartē sniegto informāciju, sagatavo CN 55 depešu sarakstu, grupējot tās pēc sūtījuma veida, formāta (ja nepieciešams), pasta apmaiņas vietas nosūtītājas un galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vietas.
2. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, izmantojot CN 55 sarakstos sniegto informāciju, reizi ceturksnī katram sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram sagatavo CN 56 apkopojošo depešu sarakstu, grupējot tās pēc sūtījuma veida, sūtījumu nodošanas iestādes un pasta iestādes saņēmējas un, ja nepieciešams, pēc formāta.
3. CN 55 sarakstus nosūta sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, lai pamatotu CN 56 apkopojošajā sarakstā norādīto informāciju.
4. Attiecībā uz sūtījumiem, kurus tranzītā pārvadā pa sauszemi, tranzītvalsts izraudzītais operators sagatavo CN 69 sarakstu atbilstīgi sūtījuma nodošanas un galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai, pamatojoties uz savu uzskaiti par taru, kuru tas nosūta slēgtā tranzītā, un ņemot vērā informāciju, kas norādīta CN 37 pavadrakstos, kurus tas sagatavojis attiecīgajā ceturksnī.
5. CN 56 apkopojošo sarakstu nosūta sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem ne vēlāk kā četrus mēnešus pēc tā ceturkšņa beigām, uz kuru attiecīgais saraksts attiecas. Operatori var vienoties aizstāt šo veidlapu un apliecinošos CN 55 sarakstus ar e55 ziņojumu (elektronisks gala norēķinu saraksts), kas ir noteikts UPU standartā M51.
6. CN 56 saraksta vai līdzvērtīgā e55 ziņojuma apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši. Ja pārbaudē tiek konstatētas nesakritības, pievieno laboto CN 55 sarakstu, lai pamatotu pienācīgi grozīto un apstiprināto CN 56 apkopojošo sarakstu. Ja depešu galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators apstrīd CN 55 sarakstā izdarītos grozījumus, sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators apstiprina faktiskos datus, nosūtot to CN 31 veidlapu fotokopijas, kuras nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde sagatavoja, nosūtot apstrīdētās depešas, vai sniedzot piekļuvi atbilstošajiem elektroniskajiem datiem ar PREDES paziņojuma starpniecību, ja CN 31 tika sniegts elektroniski. Veidlapas pārsūta divu mēnešu laikā pēc labotā CN 56 apkopojošā saraksta un CN 55 saraksta nosūtīšanas datuma.
7. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka CN 55 vai CN 56 sarakstus sagatavo depešu nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators. Šādā gadījumā attiecīgi pielāgo apstiprināšanas procedūru, kas noteikta 5. un 6. punktā.
8. CN 69 slēgto tranzīta depešu sarakstu ģenerē tranzītvalsts izraudzītais operators un nosūta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ne vēlāk kā četru mēnešu laikā pēc tā ceturkšņa beigām, uz kuru saraksts attiecas. Ja CN 69 sarakstā ir norādītas tukšas taras vienības, tas tajā pašā termiņā ir jānosūta galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, nevis sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
9. CN 69 sarakstu apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši.
35-008. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Saņemto nenovērotu sūtījumu
plūsmu uzskaite
1. Saņemtās nenovērotu depešu plūsmas sastāv no saņemtajiem sūtījumiem, kas ietver tikai tādas depešas, kurām nav vajadzīga statistiskā novērošana un sūtījumu skaita nodrošināšana nosūtīšanas līmenī. Šīs plūsmas ietver reģistrētu/apdrošinātu sūtījumu nosūtīšanu (UR depešas) un izsekotu sūtījumu nosūtīšanu (UX depešas).
2. Lai novērstu maksājumu kavējumus par saņemtajām depešām, izraudzītais operators var izvēlēties pieprasīt maksājumu par nenovēroto sūtījumu plūsmām no izraudzītā partneroperatora vienu reizi ceturksnī, nevis vienu reizi gadā, ja ir izpildīti visi turpmāk minētie nosacījumi.
2.1. Izraudzītais operators saņēmējs, kas vēlas aktivizēt ceturkšņa maksājumu, par to iepriekš ir informējis izraudzīto partneroperatoru līdz 30. septembrim, lai to piemērotu nākamā gada 1. janvārī un turpmākajos gados.
2.2. Izraudzītais partneroperators vai nu ir piekritis 2.1. punktā minētajam pieprasījumam līdz tā paša gada 30. novembrim, vai arī nenovērotu depešu gada apjoms reģistrētiem vai izsekotiem sūtījumiem pārsniedz 100 000 sūtījumu robežvērtību. Pēdējā aprēķinā gada apjoma skaitīšanu veic no iepriekšējā gada pēdējiem diviem ceturkšņiem un kārtējā gada pirmajiem diviem ceturkšņiem.
3. Saņemto nenovēroto sūtījumu plūsmu uzskaiti var pārtraukt šādos gadījumos:
3.1. pēc izraudzītā operatora saņēmēja pieprasījuma operatoram sūtītājam, kas paziņots līdz 30. novembrim; šādā gadījumā tas ir spēkā no nākamā gada un turpmāko gadu 1. janvāra;
3.2. pēc izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja pieprasījuma operatoram saņēmējam, kas paziņots līdz 30. novembrim, un ar nosacījumu, ka nenovēroto depešu gada apjoms (aprēķināts saskaņā ar 2.2. punktu) operatoram saņēmējam ir mazāks par 100 000 sūtījumiem gan ierakstītiem sūtījumiem, gan izsekojamiem sūtījumiem; šādā gadījumā tas ir spēkā no nākamā gada 1. janvāra.
4. Turpmāk izklāstīti noteikumi, ko piemēro, ja maksājums par nenovēroto pasta sūtījumu plūsmām tiek pieprasīts katru ceturksni un ir izpildīti 2. punkta nosacījumi:
4.1. ceturkšņa rēķinā ir iekļauti gala norēķini un papildu maksājumi par saņemtajiem nenovērotajiem sūtījumiem, bet nav iekļauta papildu atlīdzība, kas paredzēta CN 60 veidlapā;
4.2. nenovērotu sūtījumu galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators sagatavo ceturkšņa CN 71 rēķinu, pamatojoties uz CN 56 apkopojošajos sarakstos sniegto informāciju;
4.3. CN 71 rēķinu pamato ar apstiprinātiem CN 56 sarakstiem. To nosūta ātri pēc CN 56 saraksta apstiprināšanas un ne vēlāk kā sešu mēnešu laikā pēc tā ceturkšņa beigām, uz kuru tas attiecas;
4.4. CN 71bis gada rēķinu ģenerē, lai koriģētu maksājamās summas, kad ir panākta vienošanās par galīgajām likmēm, un lai pieprasītu starpības samaksu. Veidlapu ģenerē arī tad, ja starpības nav, kā apstiprinājumu un potenciāli kā apliecinošu dokumentu Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fonda maksājumiem;
4.5. CN 71bis veidlapu nosūta kreditors un apstiprina debitors, ievērojot tos pašus termiņus, kurus piemēro attiecībā uz CN 61;
4.6. ja izraudzītais operators ir aktivizējis nenovērotu sūtījumu maksājumu, kas saņemts ar CN 71 un CN 71bis starpniecību, uz gadu ar izraudzīto partneroperatoru, šādas nenovērotas depešas izslēdz no to savstarpējiem CN 61;
4.7. ja nenovērotu sūtījumu maksājums, kas saņemts ar CN 71 un CN 71bis starpniecību, tiek aktivizēts vienā un/vai citā veidā starp diviem partneriem un ja kāds no šiem partneriem pieprasa otram partnerim pagaidu maksājumu, attiecīgajā pagaidu maksājuma pieprasījumā neietver gala norēķinus par nenovērotiem sūtījumiem.
35-009. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Vairumsūtījumu uzskaite
1. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators visus saņemtos vairumsūtījumus uzskaita CN 57 ceturkšņa rēķinā, izmantojot CN 32 vēstuļu kartes datus.
2. Strīda gadījumā sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators izraudzītajam partneroperatoram nosūta CN 32 vēstuļu karšu fotokopijas, kas attiecas uz apstrīdētajām depešām, vai sniedz piekļuvi attiecīgajiem elektroniskajiem datiem, ja CN 32 tika iesniegts elektroniski.
3. Sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var atteikties pārbaudīt un apstiprināt CN 57 rēķinu, ja tas nav saņemts četru mēnešu laikā pēc ceturkšņa, uz kuru tas attiecas.
4. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators apstiprina un apmaksā CN 57 rēķinu divu mēnešu laikā pēc tā sagatavošanas.
5. Ja CN 57 norāda pagaidu tarifus, tiklīdz ir saskaņoti galīgie tarifi, var sagatavot CN 57bis gada rēķinu, lai koriģētu summas un pieprasītu apmaksāt starpību.
6. CN 57bis nosūta kreditors un apstiprina debitors, ievērojot tos pašus termiņus, kurus piemēro attiecībā uz CN 61.
35-010. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Tiešās piekļuves pasta sūtījumu
1. Izmaksas, kas attiecas uz tiem pasta sūtījumiem, kuriem ir nodrošināta tiešā piekļuve iekšzemes piegādei, rēķinā norāda galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, izmantojot savstarpēji saskaņotas veidlapas.
2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators rēķinus apmaksā pasta sūtījumu galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora noteiktajā laikposmā. Minētais laikposms nedrīkst būt mazāk labvēlīgs par laikposmu, ko attiecīgais izraudzītais operators ir noteicis iekšzemes klientiem. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators saskaņā ar 35-004. panta 1. punktu izvēlas arī maksājumu valūtu.
3. Ja uzskaites sarakstos norādītie dati par pasta sūtījumiem, kuriem ir nodrošināta tiešā piekļuve iekšzemes piegādei, ir atšķirīgi, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nosūta to uzskaites veidlapu fotokopijas, kuras bija pievienotas apstrīdētajām depešām.
35-011. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Tranzītmaksas un atsevišķo gala
norēķinu rēķinu sagatavošana, nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana
1. Izraudzītais operators kreditors atbild par rēķinu sagatavošanu un nosūtīšanu izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram. Tomēr rēķini nav jānosūta, ja atlikums ir mazāks par minimālo vērtību, kas noteikta 35-013. panta 8. un 9. punktā.
2. Atsevišķos rēķinus sagatavo, kā izklāstīts turpmāk.
2.1. Tranzītmaksa. Sagatavo CN 62 veidlapu, pamatojoties uz CN 69 depešu apkopojošajā sarakstā norādīto pasta sūtījumu kategoriju kopējo svaru.
2.2. Papildu tranzītmaksa par jūras pārvadājumiem, kā noteikts 27-102. panta 2. punktā. Sagatavo CN 62bis veidlapu divos eksemplāros, ko sūta kopā ar apstiprinošiem dokumentiem, piemēram, rēķiniem, kurus nosūtījis ostas pakalpojumu sniedzējs.
2.3. Gala norēķini. Sagatavo CN 61 veidlapu, ņemot vērā starpību starp summu, kas rēķinā ierakstīta, pamatojoties uz saņemto un nosūtīto katras kategorijas pasta sūtījumu svaru, kas norādīts CN 56 depešu apkopojošajā sarakstā vai, ja nepieciešams, CN 54bis apkopojošajā sarakstā, kā arī CN 19 rēķinos.
3. CN 61 atsevišķos rēķinus nosūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram pēc iespējas ātrāk pēc tā gada beigām, uz kuru tie attiecas.
4. CN 61 atsevišķajos rēķinos izslēdz visas skaitliskās vērtības par pasta sūtījumu plūsmām, par kurām norēķini veikti katru ceturksni, kā noteikts 35-008. pantā.
5. Izraudzītais operators kreditors pēc savas izvēles CN 62 un CN 62bis rēķinus sagatavo reizi ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā.
6. Izraudzītais operators debitors drīkst neapstiprināt atsevišķos sarakstus vai rēķinus, vai papildrēķinus, kuri tam nav nosūtīti 10 mēnešu laikā pēc attiecīgā gada beigām.
7. Atsevišķo rēķinu apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši.
8. Izņēmuma gadījumā izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram papildu atsevišķos sarakstus vai rēķinus var sūtīt tikai tad, ja tie attiecas uz jau iesniegtajiem sarakstiem vai rēķiniem par attiecīgo periodu. Papildu sarakstus vai rēķinus izdod, lai veiktu izmaiņas sākotnējos sarakstos vai rēķinos, tādējādi labojot kļūdainus ierakstus vai reģistrējot papildu prasības un/vai informāciju. Papildu sarakstu vai rēķinu izdod, piemērojot 6. un 7. punktā minētos nosacījumus; ja šos nosacījumus neievēro, izraudzītais operators debitors drīkst neapstiprināt papildu sarakstus vai rēķinus.
9. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka gala norēķinu rēķinus par sauszemes depešām un aviodepešām apmaksā atsevišķi. Šādā gadījumā attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nosaka procedūras šādu rēķinu sagatavošanai, apstiprināšanai un apmaksai.
35-012. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Gala norēķinu pagaidu
1. Izraudzītais operators kreditors ir tiesīgs prasīt pagaidu maksājumus attiecībā uz gala norēķiniem atbilstoši tam, kā noteikts turpmāk.
1.1. Pagaidu maksājumus vienam gadam aprēķina, pamatojoties uz pasta sūtījumu svaru un iegūtajiem statistikas datiem (ja pieejami), kas izmantoti iepriekšējā gada galamaksājumā.
1.2. Ja ceturkšņa norēķini par nenovērotiem pasta sūtījumiem (35-008. pants) partnerim vai no partnera tiek aktivizēti par kārtējo gadu, tad pagaidu maksājuma pieprasījumā partnerim neiekļauj summas par nenovērotu pasta sūtījumu plūsmām.
1.3. Izraudzītais operators debitors drīkst neapstiprināt pagaidu maksājumus, kas saņemti pēc 30. jūnija.
1.4. Ja rēķins par iepriekšējo gadu vēl nav samaksāts, tad pagaidu maksājumus aprēķina, pamatojoties uz attiecīgi apstiprinātajiem CN 56 apkopojošajiem depešu sarakstiem par pēdējiem četriem ceturkšņiem un uz attiecīgajiem, apstiprinātajiem CN 54 apkopojošiem sūtījumu sarakstiem (ja pieejami).
1.5. Pagaidu maksājumus par gadu veic ne vēlāk kā līdz tā gada jūlija beigām. Pagaidu maksājumus koriģē, tiklīdz attiecīgā gada pēdējie rēķini ir apstiprināti vai ir uzskatāmi par pilnībā apstiprinātiem.
2. Attiecībā uz 2020. gadu pagaidu maksājumus aprēķina, pamatojoties uz pagaidu gala norēķinu tarifiem, kas ir piemērojami laika posmā no 2020. gada janvāra līdz 2020. gada jūnijam.
3. CN 64 sarakstus par pagaidu maksājumiem, kas paredzēti 1. punktā, izraudzītais operators kreditors sūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram attiecīgā kalendārā gada otrajā ceturksnī.
4. Ja izraudzītais operators kreditors ir "neto debitors" saistībā ar citiem rēķiniem, kas apstiprināti attiecībās starp diviem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, izraudzītais operators debitors var kompensēt nenomaksātos atzītos parādus, izmantojot pagaidu maksājumu. Ja nenomaksātais parāds ir lielāks par pieprasīto pagaidu maksājumu, izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram gala norēķinu pagaidu maksājums par attiecīgo gadu nav jāveic. Izraudzītais operators kreditors var arī pieprasīt, lai izraudzītais operators debitors piemēro pagaidu maksājumu nenomaksātajiem parādiem starp diviem izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
35-013. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Galīgo norēķinu sagatavošana
1. Izņemot gadījumus, kas izklāstīti 2. un 3. punktā, gala norēķinu un tranzītmaksas maksājumus var veikt, tikai pamatojoties uz CN 61 un CN 62 atsevišķajiem rēķiniem, kuros norāda vēlamo maksājuma veidu.
2. Ja ir veikts gala norēķinu pagaidu maksājums, tad, tiklīdz CN 61 atsevišķais rēķins ir apstiprināts vai ir uzskatāms par pilnībā apstiprinātu, izraudzītais operators kreditors sagatavo atsevišķu CN 64 sarakstu.
3. CN 64 sarakstu par gala norēķiniem sagatavo arī tad, ja summas pārnes no iepriekšējā perioda (sk. 10. punktu).
4. CN 64 sarakstu apstiprināšanas periods ir viens mēnesis.
5. Izraudzītā operatora debitora sagatavotos CN 64 sarakstu labojumus pamato, pievienojot CN 61 atsevišķos rēķinus.
6. Par iemaksām atsevišķos QSF kontos:
6.1. saistībā ar sūtījumu plūsmu starp izraudzīto operatoru, kas sniedz palīdzību Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fondam, un izraudzīto operatoru, kas saņem palīdzību no minētā fonda, pēdējais minētais izraudzītais operators sūta Starptautiskajam birojam kā iestādei, kas ir atbildīga par to rēķinu izrakstīšanu, kas ir saistīti ar Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fondu, CN 61 atsevišķo rēķinu kopijas vai attiecīgajā gadījumā to CN 64 sarakstu kopijas, kas ir apstiprināti vai kas ir uzskatāmi par pilnīgi apstiprinātiem;
6.2. starptautiskais birojs drīkst neapstiprināt CN 64 sarakstus un CN 61 atsevišķos rēķinus, kas ir saņemti vairāk nekā sešus mēnešus pēc to apstiprināšanas;
6.3. ja nav ievērots CN 61 un CN 64 dokumentu nosūtīšanai noteiktais termiņš: izraudzītais operators tiesības uz QSF līdzekļiem par attiecīgo gadu nodod attiecīgajai valstij, kas veikusi iemaksas.
7. Attiecībā uz iemaksām QSF Kopējā fondā:
7.1. tā izraudzītā operatora kreditora pienākums, kas ir III grupā, ir nosūtīt Starptautiskajam birojam CN 61 atsevišķo rēķinu kopiju un attiecīgā gadījumā arī CN 64sarakstus, kas ir apstiprināti vai tiek uzskatīti par pilnīgi apstiprinātiem;
7.2. šos dokumentus nosūta iespējami drīz, taču ne vēlāk kā 12 mēnešus pēc attiecīgā gada beigām.
8. Šā panta 4. punktā paredzētajā gadījumā uz sarakstiem izvieto norādi "Aucune observation de l'opérateur désigné débiteur n'est parvenue dans le délai réglementaire" (Paredzētajā termiņā no izraudzītā operatora debitora komentāri nav saņemti).
9. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nepiedalās Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmā, atlikumu, kas CN 62 rēķinā nav lielāks par 163,35 SDR, pārnes uz nākamo CN 62 rēķinu.
10. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nepiedalās Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmā, atlikumu, kas CN 61 vai CN 64 rēķinā nav lielāks par 326,70 SDR, pārnes uz nākamo CN 64 rēķinu.
11. Norēķināšanos var veikt atbilstīgi 35-002. un 35-003. panta noteikumiem.
35-014. pants
Paku sūtījumi. Rēķinu sagatavošana
1. Ikviens izraudzītais operators izdod rīkojumu, lai tā pasta apmaiņas vietas katra mēneša vai ceturkšņa beigās nekavējoties sagatavo CP 94 sarakstu par visiem sūtījumiem, kas saņemti no viena un tā paša izraudzītā operatora, informāciju sakārtojot par katru pasta iestādi sūtītāju un par katru depešu. Tiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri minētos sarakstus sagatavo par ceturksni, var sagatavot atsevišķus sarakstus par katru kalendāro mēnesi.
2. Rēķinus par elektroniskās tirdzniecības sūtījumiem sagatavo atsevišķi, ja par tiem ir noteikti citi tarifi saskaņā ar 33-201. pantu.
2.1. CP 94 sarakstā izmanto tarifus, kas noteikti 5-30 kg svara grupai, vai citus tarifus, par ko vienojušās abas puses.
2.2. Kopā ar CP 94 sarakstu sagatavo CP 94bis sarakstu, izmantojot papildu informāciju, kas saņemta PREDES paziņojumā.
3. Ja ir labotas CP 88 vai CP 87 paku kartes, tad CP 94 saraksta ailē "Piezīmes" norāda tā CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojuma numuru un datumu, ko sagatavojusi sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta vai pasta apmaiņas vieta, kurai sūtījums tiek nodots.
4. CP 94 sarakstu un, ja nepieciešams, CP 94bis sarakstu apkopo CP 75 rēķinā.
5. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri iepriekšējā gadā bijuši neto kreditori, var noteikt, vai viņi vēlas maksājumu saņemt reizi mēnesī, ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā. Izdarītā izvēle paliek spēkā vienu kalendāro gadu, sākot no 1. janvāra.
6. Izraudzītie operatori var izmantot tiešo rēķinu izrakstīšanas sistēmu vai divpusējo kompensēšanas sistēmu.
7. Saskaņā ar tiešo rēķinu izrakstīšanas sistēmu:
7.1. CP 75 rēķinus izmanto kā tiešo norēķinu pavadrakstus. CP 75 rēķinu, kam pievienoti CP 94 saraksti, kā arī attiecīgā gadījumā CP 94bis papildu saraksti, nosūta attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram apstiprināšanai un apmaksāšanai reizi mēnesī, ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā ne vēlāk kā divus mēnešus pēc pēdējās paku kartes saņemšanas par periodu, uz kuru tas attiecas, un jebkurā gadījumā ne vēlāk kā piecus mēnešus pēc perioda, uz kuru tas attiecas.
7.2. CP 75 rēķinu apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši. Ja rodas starpība, kas ir lielāka par 9,80 SDR, CP 94 vai CP 94bis sarakstu labo un pievieno grozītajam CP 75 rēķinam kā pierādījumu.
8. Saskaņā ar divpusējo kompensēšanas sistēmu:
8.1. CP 94 sarakstus, kā arī attiecīgā gadījumā CP 94bis papildu sarakstus nosūta attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram apstiprināšanai reizi mēnesī, ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā ne vēlāk kā divus mēnešus pēc pēdējās paku kartes saņemšanas par periodu, uz kuru saraksti attiecas;
8.2. CN 52 kopējo rēķina sagatavošanu un nosūtīšanu var veikt, negaidot CP 75 rēķinu iespējamo labošanu, uzreiz pēc tam, kad izraudzītais operators, kam ir visi CP 94 un, iespējams, CP 94bis saraksti attiecībā uz konkrēto periodu, konstatē, ka tas ir kreditors;
8.3. izraudzītais operators kreditors sagatavo gan CP 75 rēķinu, gan CN 52 kopējo rēķinu un abus vienlaikus reizi mēnesī, ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā nosūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram ne vēlāk kā piecus mēnešus pēc tā perioda beigām, uz kuru rēķini attiecas. Tomēr, tiklīdz CP 75 rēķini starp diviem izraudzītajiem operatoriem tiek apstiprināti vai ir uzskatāmi par pilnībā apstiprinātiem, tos var apkopot CN 52 kopējā rēķinā, ko sagatavo, piemērojot kādu no iepriekš minētajiem periodiem;
8.4. CP 75 un CN 52 rēķinu apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši. Ja izraudzītais operators debitors ziņo par starpību, kas ir lielāka par 9,80 SDR, CP 94 vai CP 94bis sarakstus labo un pievieno grozītajam CP 75 rēķinam kā pierādījumu.
9. Ja apstiprināšanas periodā pārbaudē tiek konstatētas nesakritības saņemtajā CP 75 rēķinā, pievieno laboto CP 94 vai CP 94bis, lai pamatotu pienācīgi grozīto un apstiprināto CP 75 rēķinu. Ja depešu galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators apstrīd CN 75 rēķinā izdarītos grozījumus, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators apstiprina faktiskos datus, sniedzot piekļuvi atbilstošajam PREDES elektroniskajam paziņojumam vai nosūtot CP 87 veidlapas fotokopijas, ja informācija par depešām nosūtīta uz papīra veidlapas. Visu informāciju pārsūta divu mēnešu laikā pēc labotā CP 75 nosūtīšanas dienas.
10. Izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram var nosūtīt papildu rēķinus tikai tad, ja tie attiecas uz rēķiniem, kas jau ir iesniegti par attiecīgo periodu. Papildu rēķini tiek izdoti, lai izdarītu izmaiņas sākotnējos rēķinos, tādējādi labojot kļūdainus ierakstus vai reģistrējot citas prasības/informāciju. Nosacījumi, kas ir minēti 7. un 9. punktā, attiecas uz papildu rēķinu izdošanu; pretējā gadījumā izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram nav pienākuma apstiprināt papildu rēķinus.
11. Ja atlikums CP 75 vai CN 52 rēķinā nav lielāks par 163,35 SDR, to pārnes uz nākamo CP 75 vai CN 52 rēķinu, ja vien attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nepiedalās Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmā.
12. Norēķinus var veikt saskaņā ar 35-002. panta noteikumiem.
VIII iedaļa
Papildu pakalpojumi
37-001. pants
Eksprespasta sūtījumi
1. Attiecībās starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir vienojušies sniegt šādu pakalpojumu, eksprespasta sūtījumiem piešķir prioritāti pār citiem pasta sūtījumiem. Tas nozīmē, ka korespondenci, dokumentus vai preces savāc, nosūta un piegādā ļoti īsā laika posmā.
2. Eksprespasta sūtījumus regulē, pamatojoties uz daudzpusējiem vai divpusējiem nolīgumiem. Tiem aspektiem, kas nav precīzi reglamentēti minētajos nolīgumos, piemēro attiecīgos Pasta savienības aktu noteikumus.
3. Šo pakalpojumu, ja iespējams, apzīmē ar turpmāk redzamā parauga logotipu, kurā ir šādi elementi:
3.1. oranžas krāsas spārns;
3.2. burti "EMS" zilā krāsā;
3.3. trīs horizontālas svītras oranžā krāsā.
Logotipu var papildināt, pievienojot iekšzemes pasta dienesta nosaukumu.
4. Maksu par pakalpojumu, ņemot vērā izmaksas un tirgus prasības, nosaka sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators.
37-002. pants
Eksprespasta darbība
Lai saglabātu eksprespasta tīklu, dalībvalsts un/vai izraudzītais operators, ja tas ir nepieciešams, var sniegt eksprespasta pakalpojumu kopā ar privātā sektora uzņēmumiem, kas darbojas citā valstī, ja tiek ievēroti tās valsts tiesību aktu noteikumi.
37-003. pants
Integrētās loģistikas pakalpojumi
1. Attiecībās starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir vienojušies sniegt šo pakalpojumu, integrētās loģistikas pakalpojumi var ietvert atsevišķu vai grupētu dokumentu vai preču savākšanu, saņemšanu, apstrādi, uzglabāšanu, nosūtīšanu, nodošanu, pārvadāšanu un fizisku piegādi.
2. Par sīkāku informāciju saistībā ar integrētās loģistikas pakalpojumu, kura sniegšanā ir iesaistīti divi vai vairāki izraudzītie operatori, vienojas divpusējos nolīgumos. Tiem aspektiem, kas nav precīzi reglamentēti minētajā nolīgumā, piemēro attiecīgos Pasta savienības aktu noteikumus.
3. Maksu par pakalpojumu, ņemot vērā izmaksas un tirgus prasības, nosaka sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators.
38-001. pants
1. Hibrīdpasts ir uz elektroniskajiem sakariem balstīts pasta pakalpojums, kad sūtītājs nosūta ziņojuma oriģinālu fiziskā vai elektroniskā veidā, ko elektroniski noformē un pārveido par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu, lai to fiziski piegādātu adresātam. Ja valsts tiesību aktos ir atļauts, izraudzītais operators, kas nodrošina piegādi, pēc adresāta vai sūtītāja lūguma var reproducēt oriģinālo saņemto ziņojumu citā nefiziskā formātā (piemērām, faksa, e-pasta vai SMS formātā) vai citādi.
1.1. Ja sūtījumu adresātam piegādā fiziski, visgarākajā ceļa posmā informāciju parasti nosūta elektroniski un pēc tam saņēmēja adresei iespējami tuvākā vietā to reproducē fiziskā veidā.
2. Hibrīdpastam piemērojamos tarifus nosaka izraudzītie operatori, ņemot vērā izmaksas un tirgus prasības.
38-002. pants
Ar faksimilsakariem saistīti pakalpojumi
Izmantojot ar faksimilu saistītus pakalpojumus, ar faksimilu var sūtīt tekstus un attēlus, kas atbilst oriģinālam.
38-003. pants
Ar tekstu saistīti pakalpojumi
Izmantojot ar tekstu saistītus pakalpojumus, var sūtīt tekstus un attēlus, kas izveidoti ar datu apstrādes ierīces palīdzību (ar personālo datoru, lieldatoru).
38-004. pants
Elektroniska pasta sertifikācijas zīme
1. Attiecībās starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir piekrituši sniegt šo pakalpojumu, elektroniskā pasta sertifikācijas zīme, kā definēts UPU tehniskajā standartā S43, ir apliecinājumu virkne, kuru kā uzticama trešā puse glabā kāds izraudzītais operators un kuru izmanto, lai konkrēta satura gadījumā apliecinātu elektronisku darbību konkrētā datumā un laikā, iesaistot vienu vai vairākas noteiktas puses. Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nodrošina, ka tie turpina ievērot UPU tehnisko standartu S43 atbilstīgi piemērojamām procedūrām, kuras Pasta darbības padome ir pieņēmusi saskaņā ar UPU Standartu padomes ieteikumiem.
2. Elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojuma sniegšanu pārrobežu gadījumā reglamentē apstiprināts uzticamības modelis, kā paredzēts daudzpusējā nolīgumā starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri piedalās šā pakalpojuma sniegšanā. Šā uzticamības modeļa pamatā ir tas, ka šie dažādie izraudzītie operatori, kuri sniedz digitālu apliecinājumu, darījumos ar pārrobežu elektroniskajām pasta sertifikācijas zīmēm savstarpēji apliecina cits cita identitāti. To veic, izraudzītajiem operatoriem apmainoties ar attiecīgo informāciju par elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes digitālo identitāti (ar savu elektronisko pasta sertifikācijas zīmju atslēgām, t. i., X509 digitālsertifikātiem).
2.1. Katra izraudzītā operatora digitālā identitāte ir unikāls digitāls identifikators (virkne vai marķieris), kuru sniedz uzticama trešā puse, kas neapšaubāmi identificē attiecīgo izraudzīto operatoru, kad pārrobežu darījumos ar citu izraudzīto operatoru un tā klientiem tiek izmantota elektroniska pasta sertifikācijas zīme.
3. Lai iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori varētu izmantot pārrobežu elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojumu, tie:
3.1. no uzticamas trešās puses, kas sniedz digitālo identitāti, iegūst elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes digitālo identitāti;
3.2. informē visus pārējos izraudzītos operatorus, kuri piedāvā elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojumu, par šo identitāti un attiecīgi to izplata.
4. Maksu par elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojumu, ņemot vērā izmaksas un tirgus prasības, nosaka sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators. Katrs izraudzītais operators:
4.1. patur ienākumus no elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojuma, izņemot tad, ja iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori vienojas sadalīt ienākumus, kas gūti, sniedzot elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojumu;
4.2. sniedz apstiprinājumu par elektronisko pasta sertifikācijas zīmi, nenosakot papildu maksu, neatkarīgi no tā, kur attiecīgā elektroniskā pasta sertifikācijas zīme ir izmantota.
5. Elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojumu, ko savstarpēji sniedz iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori, reglamentē, pamatojoties uz daudzpusēju nolīgumu, kurā atspoguļo un papildina šajā reglamentā paredzētos noteikumus.
5.1. Šajā daudzpusējā nolīgumā paredz prasības par elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojuma sniegšanu starp dalībvalstīm. Iesaistītajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, savstarpēji vienojoties, ir jāievēro attiecīgajā daudzpusējā nolīgumā paredzētie noteikumi.
5.2. Tiem aspektiem, kas nav nepārprotami noteikti minētajā daudzpusējā nolīgumā par elektronisko pasta sertifikācijas zīmi, piemēro attiecīgos Pasaules Pasta savienības aktu noteikumus.
6. Ja vien tas ir iespējams, elektroniskās pasta sertifikācijas zīmes pakalpojumu identificē, izmantojot logotipu, kas norādīts iepriekš tekstā 5. punktā minētajā daudzpusējā nolīgumā.
38-005. pants
Ierakstīti elektroniskā pasta sūtījumi
1. Ierakstīti elektroniskā pasta sūtījumi ir aizsargāta un uzticama elektronisko ziņojumu apmaiņa, kas nodrošina iespēju autentificētam sūtītājam sūtīt elektroniskus ziņojumus, piegādāt tos vienam vai vairākiem autentificētiem adresātiem ar apstiprinājumu par nosūtīšanu un piegādi.
2. Ierakstīti elektroniskā pasta sūtījumi:
2.1. nodrošina ziņojuma konfidencialitāti un integritāti;
2.2. nodrošina autentiskumu un neiespējamību lietotāju un izraudzīto operatoru noliegšanai;
2.3. ģenerē procesu un visu būtisku notikumu pierādījumus visā darbības ciklā;
2.4. ģenerē ziņojumus par atsevišķiem procesiem vai notikumiem un nosūta tos ieinteresētajām pusēm;
2.5. glabā ģenerētos pierādījumus turpmākam apstiprinājumam.
3. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas sniedz ierakstītu elektroniskā pasta sūtījumu pakalpojumus, jābūt reģistrētiem izraudzīto operatoru uzticības sarakstā, kuru pārvalda, publicē un izplata UPU.
4. Tarifus par ierakstītu elektroniskā pasta sūtījumu pakalpojumiem nosaka sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators, ņemot vērā izmaksas un tirgus vajadzības.
5. Ierakstītu elektroniskā pasta sūtījumu pakalpojumus sniedz saskaņā ar divpusējiem vai daudzpusējiem nolīgumiem, kurus savstarpēji noslēdz iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori. Ierakstītu elektroniskā pasta sūtījumu pakalpojumu sniegšanas kārtībā, kas noteikta divpusējos vai daudzpusējos nolīgumos, paredz prasības, kas jāpilda, lai sniegtu ierakstītu elektroniskā pasta sūtījumu pakalpojumus pāri robežām, kā arī iesaistīto izraudzīto operatoru savstarpējo norēķinu kārtību.
6. Savietojamības aspektus saistībā ar ierakstītu elektroniskā pasta sūtījumu pakalpojumu sniegšanu nosaka atbilstīgi attiecīgajiem UPU standartiem.
7. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par ierakstītu elektroniskā pasta sūtījumu identificēšanu, izmantojot kopējo zīmolu, un nodrošināt to drošā .POST platformā.
38-006. pants
Elektroniskā pasta pastkastīte
1. Izmantojot elektroniskā pasta pastkastīti, autentificēti sūtītāji var sūtīt elektroniskus ziņojumus, piegādāt tos autentificētiem adresātiem, glabāt un pārvaldīt elektroniskos ziņojumus un informāciju, kā arī nodrošināt autentificētiem adresātiem piekļuvi šiem ziņojumiem un informācijai.
2. Elektroniskā pasta pastkastīte:
2.1. nodrošina sūtītāju un adresātu autentiskumu un
2.2. nodrošina iespēju glabāt elektroniskus ziņojumus un informāciju.
38-007. pants
Telemātiskie sakari. Vispārīgie noteikumi
1. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par telemātisko sakaru izveidi savā starpā un ar citiem partneriem.
2. Iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori var brīvi izvēlēties piegādātājus un tehniskās sistēmas (datortehniku un programmatūru), kas vajadzīgas datu apmaiņas nodrošināšanai.
3. Apspriežoties ar sakaru tīkla pakalpojumu nodrošinātāju, izraudzītie operatori divpusēji vienojas par šo pakalpojumu apmaksas metodi.
4. Izraudzītie operatori neatbild ne finansiāli, ne juridiski, ja cits izraudzītais operators neveic maksājumus par pakalpojumiem, kas ir sniegti saistībā ar telemātisko sakaru nodrošināšanu.
38-008. pants
Īpašie noteikumi attiecībā uz telemātiskiem sakariem
1. Izraudzītie operatori ievēro starptautiskos standartus, lai nodrošinātu sistēmas savietojamību.
2. Starptautiskais birojs izraudzīto operatoru vajadzībām publicē, uztur un atjaunina UPU tehniskos standartus, UPU EDI ziņojumu standartu un UPU kodu sarakstus.
3. Lai veiktu datu apmaiņu ar citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem un ārējiem partneriem, izraudzītie operatori izmanto ziņojumus, kuri izstrādāti UPU satvarā un kurus Starptautiskais birojs ir publicējis UPU EDI ziņojumu standartā, ja attiecīgie ziņojumi ir paredzēti un piemēroti konkrētai datu apmaiņai. Šādus ziņojumus izmanto saskaņā ar 17-006. pantu. Citu organizāciju izstrādātus ziņojumus var izmantot, tiklīdz tos ir apstiprinājusi UPU un tie ir publicēti UPU EDI ziņojumu standartā.
4. Starptautiskais birojs regulāri publicē sarakstu ar pieejamajiem dokumentiem un rokasgrāmatām par telemātiskajiem sakariem un pēc pieprasījuma izsniedz tiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri sniedz telemātiskos pakalpojumus.
38-009. pants
Noteikumi attiecībā uz maksājumiem par telemātiskiem sakariem
1. Izraudzītie operatori pieņem lēmumu attiecībā uz apmaksas metodi par tīkla pakalpojumiem, ievērojot vienu no turpmāk izklāstītajām procedūrām:
1.1. izraudzītais operators sūtītājs maksā tikai par nosūtītajiem ziņojumiem;
1.2. izraudzītais operators saņēmējs maksā tikai par saņemtajiem ziņojumiem;
1.3. izraudzītais operators sūtītājs un saņēmējs vienojas vienlīdzīgi segt izmaksas par nosūtītajiem un saņemtajiem ziņojumiem.
2. Ja abi izraudzītie operatori nevar vienoties par apmaksas metodi par tīkla pakalpojumiem, tad automātiski piemēro 1.1. punktā aprakstīto metodi, izņemot tad, ja abi izraudzītie operatori var abpusēji vienoties par alternatīvu apmaksas metodi.
IX iedaļa
Noslēguma noteikumi
41-001. pants
Reglamenta stāšanās spēkā un darbības laiks
Šis reglaments stājas spēkā 2022. gada 1. jūlijā (izņemot visus VII iedaļas "Atlīdzināšana" noteikumus, kas stājas spēkā 2022. gada 1. janvārī) un ir spēkā nenoteiktu laiku.
II sējums
Vēstuļu korespondences reglaments
I iedaļa
Noteikumi, kurus kopīgi piemēro starptautiskajiem pasta
11-101. pants
Depešu apmaiņa ar militārām vienībām
1. Starpposma valsts izraudzītie operatori pēc iespējas laicīgāk informē par to, ka tiek sākta apmaiņa ar slēgtām depešām, kā minēts Konvencijas 11. pantā.
2. Uz minētajām depešām adresi norāda šādi:
No ………………………………………………………………………….... pasta iestādes
Kam (valsts nosaukums) jūras (vai gaisa) spēku vienībai
{ (vienības apzīmējums) ………………………………., kas atrodas…… } (Valsts)
(valsts nosaukums) kuģim (kuģa nosaukums), kas atrodas …………
No (valsts nosaukums) jūras (vai gaisa) spēku vienības (vienības
apzīmējums), …………………………………………….. kas atrodas………… } (Valsts)
No (valsts nosaukums) kuģa (kuģa nosaukums), kas atrodas …………………
Kam ………………………………………………………………………….. pasta iestādei
No (valsts nosaukums) jūras (vai gaisa) spēku vienības (vienības
apzīmējums), …………………………………………….. kas atrodas……… } (Valsts)
No (valsts nosaukums) kuģa (kuģa nosaukums), kas atrodas …………………
Kam (valsts nosaukums) jūras (vai gaisa) spēku vienībai
{ (vienības apzīmējums) ………………………………., kas atrodas……} (Valsts)
(valsts nosaukums) kuģim (kuģa nosaukums), kas atrodas ……………
3. Attiecīgās depešas nosūta pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu atbilstīgi norādei tajā pusē, kurā raksta adresi, un saskaņā ar tādiem pašiem nosacījumiem, kādus piemēro depešu apmaiņai starp pasta iestādēm.
4. Tā pasta kuģa kapteinis, ar kuru pārvadā jūras spēku vienībai vai karakuģim paredzētas depešas, nodod tos jūras spēku vienības vai galamērķa kuģa komandiera rīcībā, ja tas lūdz piegādi veikt, esot ceļā.
5. Ja, saņemot kuģim adresētas depešas, tas neatrodas attiecīgajā galamērķī, depešas uzglabā pasta iestādē līdz brīdim, kad pēc tām ierodas adresāts vai kad tās tiek pārsūtītas uz citu vietu. Pārsūtīšanu var pieprasīt sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators, jūras spēku vai galamērķa kuģa komandieris vai attiecīgās valsts konsuls.
6. Depešas, uz kurām ir norāde "Aux soins du Consul d'..." ((…) konsulam), piegādā norādītajam konsulātam. Pēc konsula pieprasījuma tos pēc tam var nodot atpakaļ pasta dienestam un pārsūtīt uz nosūtīšanas vietu vai uz citu adresi.
7. Depešas, kuras ir adresētas karakuģim, uzskata par tranzītā esošām depešām līdz brīdim, kad tās nodod attiecīgā kuģa komandierim, pat ja sākotnēji depešas ir adresētas pasta iestādei vai konsulam, kas bija pilnvarots rīkoties kā nosūtītājs. Tādējādi šādas depešas neuzskata par piegādātām norādītājā adresē, ja tās nav nogādātas uz attiecīgā karakuģa.
8. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori par to ir vienojušies, iepriekš aprakstīto procedūru, ja nepieciešams, piemēro arī depešām, ar kurām apmainās militārās vienības, kas ir Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas pārziņā, un militārās aviācijas gaisa kuģī.
15-101. pants
Īpašā maksa
1. Piegādes maksu par sīkpakām, kuru svars ir mazāks par 500 gramiem, nedrīkst iekasēt no adresāta. Ja iekšzemes sīkpaku sūtījumiem, kuru svars ir lielāks par 500 gramiem, piemēro piegādes tarifu, tad tādu pašu tarifu var piemērot attiecībā uz ienākošajām starptautiskajām sīkpakām.
2. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir tiesības turpmāk minētajos gadījumos iekasēt tādu pašu maksu kā par iekšzemes pakalpojumu:
2.1. maksu par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kas nodoti pēc visvēlākā nodošanas laika un ko iekasē no sūtītāja;
2.2. maksu par sūtījumiem, kas nodoti ārpus pasta pakalpojumu sniegšanas vietas parastā darba laika, ko iekasē no sūtītāja;
2.3. maksu par sūtījuma savākšanu sūtītāja adresē, ko iekasē no sūtītāja;
2.4. maksu par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma piegādi ārpus pasta iestādes darba laika, ko iekasē no adresāta;
2.5. maksājumu par korespondences saņemšanu pēc pieprasījuma pasta nodaļā, ko iekasē no adresāta;
2.6. maksu par tāda vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma glabāšanu, kura svars ir lielāks par 500 gramiem un kuru adresāts nav ieradies saņemt noteiktajā laikposmā. Minēto maksu nepiemēro sūtījumiem neredzīgām personām;
2.7. maksu par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu atsaukšanu ārpus pasta iestādes parastā darba laika.
3. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir gatavi piedāvāt nepārvaramas varas riska segumu, ir atļauts iekasēt maksu par apdrošināšanu pret nepārvaramas varas risku, nosakot, ka orientējošā summa par katru ierakstītu sūtījumu ir 0,13 SDR.
15-102. pants
Pasta tarifu piemērošanas nosacījumi
1. Dalībvalstu izraudzītie operatori, kuri valsts sistēmā nevar pieņemt svara metrisko sistēmu, var izmantot valsts sistēmas ekvivalentās mērvienības.
2. Visu kategoriju vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem pēdējais svara solis nedrīkst pārsniegt maksimālo svaru, kas norādīts 17-103. pantā.
3. Dalībvalstis vai izraudzītie operatori, kuru iekšzemes sistēmā pastkartes, iespieddarbus vai sīkpakas neuzskata par atsevišķu sūtījuma kategoriju, to pašu var darīt attiecībā uz pasta sūtījumiem uz ārvalstīm.
4. Tarifā, kuru piemēro prioritāriem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, ieskaita visas papildu izmaksas saistībā ar ātru nosūtīšanu.
5. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuru izmantotās sistēmas pamatā ir vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu saturs, ir atļauts:
5.1. piemērot aviopārvadājumu papildtarifus par aviopasta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem;
5.2. par zemākas prioritātes sauszemes pasta sūtījumiem, kurus pārvadā ar aviotransportu (SAL), piemērot papildtarifus, kas ir mazāki par papildtarifiem, kurus piemēro par aviopasta sūtījumiem;
5.3. noteikt kombinētos tarifus saistībā ar maksājumiem par aviopasta sūtījumu un SAL sūtījumu, ņemot vērā sniegto pasta pakalpojumu izmaksas un aviopārvadājumu izmaksas.
6. Papildtarifus sasaista ar aviopārvadājumu tarifiem, un tie ir vienādi vismaz attiecībā uz visu galamērķa valsts teritoriju neatkarīgi no izmantotā maršruta; aprēķinot aviopārvadājumu papildtarifu aviopasta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir atļauts ņemt vērā to publiski pieejamo veidlapu svaru, kuras var tikt pievienotas sūtījumam.
7. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var piemērot vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kuros ir:
7.1. sūtījuma nodošanas valstī izdoti laikraksti un periodiskie izdevumi - tarifu samazinājumu, kas parasti nepārsniedz 50 % no attiecīgajai sūtījumu kategorijai piemērojamā tarifa;
7.2. grāmatas un brošūras, partitūras un kartes ar nosacījumu, ka tajos nav citu reklāmas materiālu vai sludinājumu kā tikai tie, kas redzami uz attiecīgā iespieddarba vāka vai priekšlapām - tādu pašu tarifa samazinājumu, kas paredzēts 7.1. punktā.
8. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir tiesības ierobežot 7. punktā paredzēto tarifu samazinājumu un piemērot to tikai tiem laikrakstiem un periodiskajiem izdevumiem, kas atbilst valsts noteikumiem attiecībā uz nosūtīšanu par laikrakstiem noteikto tarifu. Minēto samazinājumu nepiemēro komerciāliem iespieddarbiem, piemēram, katalogiem, reklāmizdevumiem, cenrāžiem utt., neatkarīgi no tā, cik bieži tie tiek izdoti. Tādu pašu noteikumu piemēro sludinājumiem, kas iespiesti uz lapām, kuras pievienotas laikrakstiem un periodiskajiem izdevumiem. Taču tarifa samazinājumu var piemērot tad, ja atsevišķi sludinājumu ieliktņi ir jāuzskata par daļu no laikrakstiem vai periodiskajiem izdevumiem.
9. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nestandarta sūtījumiem var piemērot tarifu, kas atšķiras no tā tarifa, kuru piemēro par standarta sūtījumiem, kas definēti 17-111. pantā.
10. Tarifa samazinājumu saskaņā ar 7. punktu piemēro arī sūtījumiem, kurus pārvadā pa gaisu, bet minēto samazinājumu nepiemēro tai tarifa summas daļai, ar kuru sedz minētās pārvadāšanas izmaksas.
17-101. pants
1. Katrs izraudzītais operators var brīvi izvēlēties, vai izejošo sūtījumu plūsmai izmantot sistēmu, kuras pamatā ir sūtījumu apstrādes ātrums vai sūtījumu saturs.
2. Ja klasifikācijas sistēmas pamatā ir sūtījumu apstrādes ātrums, vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus iedala:
2.1. prioritāros sūtījumos, t. i., sūtījumos, kurus pārvadā pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu, nosakot tiem prioritāti;
2.2. neprioritāros sūtījumos, t. i., sūtījumos, par kuriem sūtītājs ir izvēlējies maksāt mazāku tarifu, kas netieši nozīmē, ka piegādes laiks ir ilgāks.
3. Ja klasifikācijas sistēmas pamatā ir saturs, vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus iedala dokumentos vai precēs.
4. Ikviens izraudzītais operators kā prioritāros sūtījumus un aviopasta sūtījumus drīkst pieņemt atbilstīgi pārlocītu un no visām pusēm aizlīmētu papīra lapu. Šādus sūtījumus sauc par aerogrammām. Klasifikācijas sistēmā, kuras pamatā ir sūtījuma saturs, aerogrammas uzskata par līdzīgām aviopasta vēstulēm.
17-102. pants
Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu klasifikācija pēc formāta un
1. Tie izraudzītie operatori gala norēķinu mērķsistēmā, kuru pasta sūtījumu daudzums pārsniedz noteikto robežvērtību, izejošiem sūtījumiem piemēro klasifikācijas sistēmu pēc sūtījumu formāta, jo īpaši attiecībā uz depešu noformēšanu. Attiecīgie nosacījumi ir paredzēti 17-116. pantā.
2. Klasifikācijas sistēmā pēc formāta 17-101. pantā minētos vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus var iedalīt šādi:
2.1. nelielas vēstules (P), kurās ir tikai dokumenti, kā norādīts 17-101. un 17-105. pantā;
2.2. lielas vēstules (G), kurās ir tikai dokumenti, kā norādīts 17-101. un 17-105. pantā;
2.3. lielgabarīta vēstules (E formāts), kurās ir tikai dokumenti, t. i., sūtījumi, kurus nevar klasificēt ne kā nelielas, ne kā lielas vēstules, ņemot vērā fiziskos parametrus, kas noteikti UPU Konvencijas 17. pantā un 17-103. un 17-104. pantā;
2.4. sīkpakas (E formāts), kurās ir preces atbilstīgi fiziskajiem parametriem, kas noteikti UPU Konvencijas 17. pantā un 17-103. un 17-104. pantā.
17-103. pants
Informācija par svara ierobežojumiem
1. Prioritāro un neprioritāro sūtījumu svars var būt līdz 5 kilogramiem:
1.1. attiecībās starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, ja abi izraudzītie operatori no klientiem pieņem minētos sūtījumus;
1.2. attiecībā uz sūtījumiem, kuros ir grāmatas un brošūras, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var izvēlēties, vai minētos sūtījumus pieņemt.
2. Sistēmā, kuras pamatā ir saturs:
2.1. vēstuļu un sīkpaku svars var būt līdz 5 kilogramiem attiecībās starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, ja abi izraudzītie operatori no klientiem pieņem minētos sūtījumus;
2.2. iespieddarbu svars var būt līdz 5 kilogramiem, un izraudzītais operators sūtītājs var izvēlēties, vai minētos sūtījumus pieņemt.
3. Svara ierobežojumu sūtījumiem, kuros ir grāmatas vai brošūras, var palielināt līdz 10 kilogramiem, ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori par to vienojas.
4. Pasta dienesta sūtījumiem, kas minēti Konvencijas 16. panta 1. punktā un 16-001. pantā, nepiemēro Konvencijas 17. pantā un iepriekš tekstā 1. un 2. punktā paredzētos svara ierobežojumus. Tomēr sūtījumu maisa kopējais svars nedrīkst pārsniegt 30 kilogramus.
5. Izraudzītie operatori vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kas nodoti to valstīs, var piemērot maksimālo svara ierobežojumu, kādu, sniedzot iekšzemes pakalpojumus, piemēro tāda paša veida priekšmetiem, ja minēto sūtījumu svars nepārsniedz ierobežojumu, kas minēts Konvencijas 17. pantā un iepriekš tekstā 1. un 2. punktā.
17-104. pants
Izmēra ierobežojumi
1. Izmēra ierobežojumi sūtījumiem, izņemot pastkartes, aerogrammas un sīkpakas, ir šādi:
1.1. maksimālais izmērs: garuma, platuma un biezuma summa - 900 mm, bet lielākais izmērs nedrīkst būt lielāks par 600 mm (pielaide 2 mm); ruļļa formā - summa, ko iegūst, garumam pieskaitot diametru, kas reizināts ar divi, - 1040 mm, bet lielākais izmērs nedrīkst būt lielāks par 900 mm (pielaide 2 mm);
1.2. minimālais izmērs: virsmas izmēri nedrīkst būt mazāki par 90 x 140 mm (pielaide 2 mm); ruļļa formā - summa, ko iegūst, garumam pieskaitot diametru, kas reizināts ar divi, - 170 mm, bet lielākais izmērs nedrīkst būt mazāks par 100 mm.
2. Pastkaršu izmēra ierobežojumi ir šādi:
2.1. maksimālais izmērs: 120 x 235 mm (pielaide 2 mm), ja tās ir pietiekami stingras, lai izturētu apstrādi;
2.2. minimālais izmērs: 90 x 140 mm (pielaide 2 mm). Garumam jābūt vismaz vienādam ar platuma un √2 (aptuveni 1,4) reizinājumu.
3. Aerogrammu izmēra ierobežojumi ir šādi:
3.1. maksimālais izmērs: 110 x 220 mm (pielaide 2 mm);
3.2. minimālais izmērs: 90 x 140 mm (pielaide 2 mm). Garumam jābūt vismaz vienādam ar platuma un √2 (aptuveni 1,4) reizinājumu.
4. Sīkpaku izmēra ierobežojumi ir šādi:
4.1. maksimālais izmērs: garuma, platuma un biezuma summa - 900 mm, bet lielākais izmērs nedrīkst būt lielāks par 600 mm (pielaide 2 mm); ruļļa formā - summa, ko iegūst, garumam pieskaitot diametru, kas reizināts ar divi, - 1040 mm, bet lielākais izmērs nedrīkst būt lielāks par 900 mm (pielaide 2 mm);
4.2. minimālais izmērs: 105 x 148 mm (pielaide 2 mm).
5. Šajā pantā paredzētie izmēra ierobežojumi neattiecas uz pasta dienesta sūtījumiem, kā minēts Konvencijas 16. panta 1. punktā un 16-001. pantā.
17-105. pants
Izmēra un svara ierobežojumi nelielām vēstulēm (P) un lielām
vēstulēm (G)
1. Klasificējot pēc sūtījuma formāta, nelielu vēstuļu (P) izmēra un svara ierobežojumi ir šādi:
1.1. minimālais izmērs: 90 x 140 mm;
1.2. maksimālais izmērs: 165 x 245 mm;
1.3. maksimālais svars: 100 g;
1.4. maksimālais biezums: 5 mm.
2. Klasificējot pēc sūtījuma formāta, sūtījumiem, kas nav klasificēti kā nelielas vēstules (P), izmēra un svara ierobežojumi lielām vēstulēm (G) ir šādi:
2.1. minimālais izmērs: 90 x 140 mm;
2.2. maksimālais izmērs: 305 x 381 mm;
3.3. maksimālais svars: 500 g;
2.4. maksimālais biezums: 20 mm.
3. Nepieciešamo darbību, uzskaites un statistikas mērķiem piemēro šādu noteikumu:
3.1. ja sūtījums pārsniedz formāta ierobežojumus attiecībā uz vienu vai vairākiem no minētajiem četriem kritērijiem (garums, platums, biezums un svars), attiecīgo sūtījumu klasificē kā piederīgu nākamajam lielākajam formātam, ja vien tas atbilst šā formāta izmēriem.
17-106. pants
Sūtījumu pieņemšanas nosacījumi. Noformēšana. Iepakojums
1. Sūtījumus noformē rūpīgi un tā, lai tajos nevar iekļūt citi sūtījumi. Iepakojumu pielāgo sūtījuma formai un saturam, kā arī pārvadāšanas apstākļiem. Vēstuļu un sīkpaku gadījumā iepakojumam ir jānodrošina, ka pārvadāšanas laikā sūtījuma saturs saglabā veselumu. Katru sūtījumu noformē tā, lai sūtījums nekaitētu pasta darbinieku veselībai. Ja sūtījumā ir priekšmeti, kas var savainot pasta darbiniekus, kuri to apstrādā, vai var notraipīt vai sabojāt citus sūtījumus vai pasta iekārtas, tad noformēšanu veic tā, lai minētais apdraudējums netiktu pieļauts. Metāla stiprinājumiem, kurus izmanto sūtījuma noslēgšanai, nedrīkst būt asas malas, un tie nedrīkst traucēt pasta pakalpojumu izpildi.
1.1. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par tādu vairumsūtījumu apmaiņu, kas nav iesaiņoti vai iepakoti. Izraudzītais operators sūtītājs un galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, abpusēji vienojoties, var noteikt minēto sūtījumu nodošanas nosacījumus.
2. UPU identifikācijas kodu, kā noteikts UPU tehniskajā standartā S18, var norādīt uz vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, lai atvieglotu to apstrādi gan sūtījuma nodošanas, gan galamērķa valstī un lai sekmētu apstrādē iegūtās informācijas apmaiņu starp iesaistītajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Identifikācijas kodu norāda ar izraudzītā operatora atļauju atbilstīgi Pasta darbības padomes pieņemtajiem norādījumiem un UPU tehnisko standartu S18 un S19 noteikumiem. Lai maksimāli uzlabotu identifikācijas koda salasāmību, izraudzītie operatori:
2.1. kodētu informāciju var norādīt R1 zonā, kā noteikts UPU tehniskajā standartā S19, bet tas jādara saskaņā ar UPU tehniskā standarta S18 un S19 noteikumiem;
2.2. tiek aicināti ieteikt neizmantot R1 zonu tādā veidā, kas var traucēt identifikācijas koda norādīšanai, vai tā, lai minētā koda norādīšana traucētu šīs zonas izmantojumu.
3. Izraudzītie operatori stingri iesaka klientiem ievērot turpmāk izklāstītos noteikumus.
3.1. Adresāta adresei, pastmarkām un marķēšanas nospiedumiem vai līdzvērtīgiem norādījumiem noteikti paredz tās sūtījuma puses labo pusi, uz kuras norāda adresi. Minēto norāda iespējami tuvāk labās puses augšējam stūrim. Ja sūtījumu apmaksa neatbilst šiem nosacījumiem, tad sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators tos apstrādā atbilstīgi valsts tiesību aktu noteikumiem.
3.2. Adresāta adresi uz sūtījumiem raksta garenvirzienā, un tad, ja sūtījums ir aploksne, to raksta uz aploksnes gludās puses, kurā nav aploksnes atlokāmās malas. Adresi var rakstīt uz aploksnes atloka puses, ja galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir atļāvis to izmantot vairumsūtījumiem. Uz sūtījumiem, kas pārsniedz neliela vēstuļu (P) formāta ierobežojumus, kuri minēti 17-111. panta 1. punktā, adresi var rakstīt paralēli platumam.
3.3. Uz sūtījuma precīzi norāda pilnu adresāta adresi un vārdu. Tos raksta, izmantojot skaidri salasāmus latīņu alfabēta burtus un arābu ciparus. Ja galamērķa valstī izmanto citus burtus un ciparus, tad adresi ieteicams norādīt, izmantojot arī attiecīgos burtus un ciparus. Galamērķa vietas nosaukumu un galamērķa valsts nosaukumu raksta lieliem burtiem, pareizi norādot pasta indeksu, piegādes zonas numuru vai pasta abonentu kastītes numuru, ja tāds ir. Galamērķa valsts nosaukumu vēlams rakstīt sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valodā. Lai izvairītos no sarežģījumiem, kas var rasties tranzīta valstīs, galamērķa valsts nosaukumu ir vēlams norādīt arī starptautiski zināmā valodā. Izraudzītie operatori var ieteikt, ka uz sūtījumiem, kas adresēti uz valstīm, kurās ir ieteikts pasta indeksu rakstīt pirms galamērķa valsts vietas nosaukuma, pirms pasta indeksa norāda valsts kodu atbilstīgi standartam EN ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 ar defisi aiz tā. Tas nemazina prasību norādīt pilnu galamērķa valsts nosaukumu.
3.4. Aploksnes papīram jābūt izgatavotam no materiāla, kuru var mehāniski apstrādāt.
3.5. Lai atvieglotu automātisko nolasīšanu, adresāta adresi raksta blīvi, neatstājot atstarpes starp burtiem un tukšu rindu starp rindu, kurā raksta galamērķa vietu un citu adresē norādāmo informāciju. Galamērķa vietu un valsti, kā arī pasta indeksu, ja tāds ir norādīts, nepasvītro.
Piemērs: |
Monsieur Pierre Noir Rue du Midi 26 1009 PULLY SWITZERLAND |
3.6. Sūtītāja adresi un vārdu uz sūtījuma norāda kopā ar pasta indeksu vai piegādes zonas numuru, ja tāds ir. Ja minēto informāciju norāda tajā aploksnes pusē, kurā raksta adresāta adresi, tad to raksta augšējā kreisajā stūrī, un, lai izvairītos no pārpratumiem, starp adresāta adresi un vārdu jābūt pietiekami lielai atstarpei.
3.7. Sūtītāja un adresāta adresi attiecīgi norāda arī sūtījuma iekšpusē uz sūtījuma satura, ievērojot iespējami lielāku attālumu starp abām adresēm. Tas īpaši attiecas uz atvērta veida sūtījumiem.
3.8. Klientiem, kuri vairumā nodod vienāda izmēra un svara sūtījumus, var lūgt grupēt tos pēc pasta indeksa vai piegādes zonas, lai galamērķa valstī tos varētu apstrādāt pēc iespējas ātrāk. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators var lūgt, lai sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators šādu šķirošanu piemēro saskaņā ar vienošanos.
4. Izņemot tad, ja reglamentā ir paredzēts citādi, dienesta norādījumus un uzlīmes izvieto tajā sūtījuma pusē, kurā norāda adresi. Tos izvieto iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir norādīta. Dienesta norādījumus raksta franču valodā vai citā valodā, kas ir zināma galamērķa valstī. Var uzrakstīt arī norādījumu tulkojumu sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valodā.
Sūtītāja adrese |
Pastmarkas, marķēšanas nospiedumi vai zīmogu nospiedumi |
Dienesta norādījumi | |
Adresāta adrese |
5. Zīmes, kas nav pastmarkas, labdarības markas vai citas uzlīmes, kā arī zīmējumus, kurus var sajaukt ar pastmarkām vai dienesta uzlīmēm, nedrīkst izvietot vai drukāt tajā sūtījuma pusē, kurā raksta adresi. Tas attiecas arī uz zīmogu nospiedumiem, kurus var sajaukt ar marķēšanas nospiedumiem.
6. Visos gadījumos, kad sūtījums ir iesaiņots, adresāta adresi raksta uz iesaiņojuma.
7. Aploksnes, uz kurām gar malām ir krāsainas svītras, izmanto tikai aviopasta sūtījumiem.
8. To sūtījumu adresē, kurus sūta pēc pieprasījuma, norāda adresāta vārdu, pilsētu, galamērķa valsti un, ja iespējams, pasta iestādi, kurā sūtījums ir jāsaņem. Tajā sūtījuma pusē, kurā ir adrese, treknrakstā uzraksta norādi "Poste restante" ("Pēc pieprasījuma"). Uz minētajiem sūtījumiem nedrīkst rakstīt iniciāļus, skaitļus, tikai vārdu, fiktīvus vārdus vai jebkāda veida kodētas zīmes.
Piemērs |
Mademoiselle Louise Bertholet Poste restante 1211 GENEVA 13 SWITZERLAND |
9. Uz iespieddarbiem izņēmuma gadījumos aiz adresāta vārda, uzvārda var būt norāde "or occupant" (vai cita persona, kas dzīvo kopā ar adresātu), kuru raksta franču valodā vai valodā, kas ir saprotama galamērķa valstī.
Piemērs |
Monsieur Pierre Sansonnens Or occupant Rue Pinet 10 1001 LAUSANNE SWITZERLAND |
10. Uz aploksnes vai iesaiņojuma drīkst būt tikai viena sūtītāja adrese un viena adresāta adrese. Vairumsūtījumu gadījumā sūtītāja adresei jābūt skaidri redzamai uz sūtījuma, un adresē norādītajai vietai ir jābūt sūtījuma nodošanas valstī.
11. Nepieņem tādus sūtījumus, kuriem visa tā puse, uz kuras norāda adresi, vai daļa no tās ir sadalīta vairākos laukumos, lai norādītu vairākas secīgas adreses.
17-107. pants
Katrai sūtījumu kategorijai piemērojamie īpašie noteikumi
1. Prioritārie/neprioritārie sūtījumi un vēstules
1.1. Izņemot noteikumus par standartizētiem sūtījumiem un sūtījumu iepakošanu, uz prioritāriem/neprioritāriem sūtījumiem vai vēstulēm neattiecina nosacījumus par formu vai noslēgšanu. Tomēr minētajiem sūtījumiem aploksnēs jābūt taisnstūra formai, lai nodrošinātu, ka apstrādes laikā nerodas sarežģījumi. Šādus sūtījumus ievieto taisnstūrveida aploksnēs arī tad, ja tie pēc biezuma un lokanības, bet ne pēc formas līdzinās pastkartēm. Aploksnēm jābūt gaišā krāsā. Ieteicams tajā sūtījuma pusē, kurā ir uzrakstīta adrese, norādīt vārdu "Priority" ("Prioritāte") vai "Letter" ("Vēstule"), jo lieluma vai noformējuma dēļ tos var sajaukt ar sūtījumiem, par kuriem samaksāts pazemināts tarifs.
2. Aerogrammas
2.1. Aerogrammām ir jābūt taisnstūrveida, un tām jābūt tādām, lai netiktu traucēta pasta apstrāde.
2.2. Aerogrammas priekšpuse ir paredzēta adreses norādīšanai, kā arī priekšapmaksas un dienesta kvīšu vai uzlīmju piestiprināšanai. Uz tās uzdrukā norādi "Aerogramme", un uz tās var būt arī attiecīgā norāde sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valodā. Aerogrammu sūta bez pielikumiem. Tā var būt ierakstīta, ja tas ir atļauts sūtījuma nodošanas valsts noteikumos.
2.3. Ikviena dalībvalsts vai izraudzītais operators, ņemot vērā 17-104. panta 3. punktā noteiktos ierobežojumus, nosaka aerogrammu izdošanas, izgatavošanas un pārdošanas nosacījumus.
3. Pastkartes
3.1. Pastkartēm ir jābūt taisnstūrveida un izgatavotām no kartona vai papīra, kas ir pietiekami stingrs, lai neapgrūtinātu pasta apstrādi. Tām nedrīkst būt izvirzītas vai nelīdzenas daļas, un tām ir jāatbilst nosacījumiem, kurus ir paredzējusi dalībvalsts vai sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators.
3.2. Uz pastkartēm priekšpusē ir uzraksts "Carte postale" ("Pastkarte") franču valodā vai ekvivalents uzraksts citā valodā. Šādam uzrakstam nav obligāti jābūt uz pastkartēm ar attēliem.
3.3. Pastkartes sūta nenoslēgtas, t. i., bez iesaiņojuma vai aploksnes.
3.4. Priekšpuses labā puse ir paredzēta adresāta adreses norādīšanai, kā arī priekšapmaksas zīmēm un dienesta norādījumiem vai uzlīmēm. Sūtītājs var izmantot pastkartes aizmuguri un priekšpuses kreiso pusi.
3.5. Pastkartes, kuras neatbilst minētās kategorijas nosacījumiem, uzskata par vēstulēm, izņemot tad, ja vienīgā neatbilstība ir tā, ka priekšapmaksas zīmes atrodas aizmugurē. Šādas pastkartes uzskata par neapmaksātām un ar tām rīkojas kā ar neapmaksātiem sūtījumiem.
4. Iespieddarbi
4.1. Kā iespieddarbus var sūtīt reprodukcijas uz papīra, kartona vai citiem materiāliem, kurus parasti izmanto drukāšanai un kuri sagatavoti vairākos eksemplāros, izmantojot dalībvalsts vai sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora atļautu procesu. Iespieddarbus, kas neatbilst minētajai definīcijai, var pieņemt starptautiska pakalpojuma sniegšanai, ja tos pieņem sūtījuma nodošanas valsts iekšzemes pakalpojumu sniegšanai.
4.2. Uz iespieddarbiem tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šo informāciju norāda, treknrakstā attiecīgi uzraksta frāzi "Imprime" ("Iespieddarbi") vai "Imprime a taxe reduite" ("Iespieddarbi par pazeminātu tarifu"), vai to ekvivalentu valodā, kas ir zināma galamērķa valstī. Minētās frāzes ir norādes par to, ka sūtījumos ir tikai iespieddarbi.
4.3. Iespieddarbus, kas atbilst gan vispārējiem nosacījumiem, kurus piemēro iespieddarbiem, gan nosacījumiem, kurus piemēro pastkartēm, pieņem nenoslēgtā veidā, piemērojot iespieddarbu tarifu, pat tad, ja uz tiem ir norāde "Carte postale" ("Pastkarte") vai ekvivalenta norāde citā valodā.
4.4. Vairākus iespieddarbus var sūtīt kopā vienā sūtījumā, ja uz tiem nav norādīti dažādu adresātu vārdi un adreses. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var noteikt ierobežojumu un atļaut iespieddarbus šādā veidā sūtīt tikai tad, ja tos sūta viens sūtītājs.
4.5. Iespieddarbiem ir atļauts pievienot pastkarti, aploksni vai iesaiņojumu, uz kura ir uzdrukāta sūtītāja vai viņa pārstāvja adrese sākotnējā sūtījuma nodošanas vai galamērķa valstī; pievienotā sūtījuma atpakaļnosūtīšanu var apmaksāt iepriekš, izmantojot sākotnējā sūtījuma galamērķa valsts pastmarkas vai sūtījumu priekšapmaksas nospiedumus.
4.6. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var atļaut izvietot norādes vai pielikumus, pamatojoties uz valsts tiesību aktiem.
4.7. Iespieddarbiem jābūt noformētiem tā, lai to saturs būtu pietiekami aizsargāts, bet lai vienlaikus tos būtu iespējams ātri un viegli pārbaudīt. Dalībvalsts vai sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nosaka attiecīgos nosacījumus.
4.8. Izraudzītais operators var atļaut vairumā nodoto iespieddarbu noslēgšanu, izdodot šim mērķim atļauju, kas paredzēta lietotājiem, kuri to lūdz. Šādā gadījumā atļaujas numuru sniedz zem norādes "Imprime" ("Iespieddarbi") vai "Imprime a taxe reduite" ("Iespieddarbi par pazeminātu tarifu").
4.9. Sūtījuma nodošanas valstu izraudzītie operatori var arī atļaut noslēgt visus iespieddarbus, nesaņemot minēto atļauju, ja iekšzemes dienests nav paredzējis īpašus noslēgšanas nosacījumus.
4.10. Iespieddarbus var ievietot noslēgtā plastmasas iesaiņojumā (caurspīdīgā vai necaurspīdīgā) atbilstīgi dalībvalsts vai izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja paredzētajiem nosacījumiem.
4.11. Noslēgtus iespieddarbus var atvērt, lai pārbaudītu to saturu.
5. Sūtījumi neredzīgām personām
5.1. Sūtījumi neredzīgām personām ietver vēstules, kuras ir rakstītas, izmantojot Braila rakstu, nodotas nenoslēgtas, un plāksnes, uz kurām ir neredzīgo izmantotie simboli, kā sīkāk aprakstīts turpmāk tekstā:
5.1.1. korespondence, jebkāda formāta iespieddarbi, tostarp skaņu ieraksti, ja tos saņem vai nosūta neredzīgo organizācija vai neredzīga persona;
5.1.2. jebkāda veida iekārtas un materiāli, kas izgatavoti vai pielāgoti, lai palīdzētu neredzīgām personām pārvarēt ar aklumu saistītās grūtības, tostarp tādi sūtījumi kā īpaši pielāgoti kompaktdiski, Braila raksta iekārtas, Braila raksta pulksteņi, balti spieķi un ieraksta aparatūra, ja tos saņem vai nosūta neredzīgo organizācija vai neredzīga persona.
5.2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir atļauts kā sūtījumus neredzīgām personām pieņemt sūtījumus, kurus par tādiem uzskata iekšzemes dienestā.
5.3. Sūtījumus neredzīgām personām noformē tā, lai to saturs būtu pietiekami aizsargāts, bet tajā pašā laikā to varētu ātri un viegli pārbaudīt.
5.4. Izraudzītie operatori pieprasa, lai viņu klienti uz sūtījumiem, kas paredzēti neredzīgām personām, tajā pusē, kurā ir norādīta adresāta adrese, piestiprina labi saskatāmu baltu uzlīmi ar šādu simbolu:
6. Sīkpakas
6.1. Uz sīkpakām tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim attiecīgā gadījumā zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses treknrakstā norāda frāzi "Petit paquet" ("Sīkpaka") vai ekvivalentu valodā, kas ir zināma galamērķa valstī. Sūtītāja adresi sūtījuma ārpusē norāda obligāti.
6.2. Tāpat ir atļauts minētajā sūtījumā ievietot citu dokumentu, kuram ir kārtējās un privātās korespondences pazīmes. Tomēr šie dokumenti nedrīkst būt adresēti citam adresātam, kā arī tos nedrīkst sūtīt cits sūtītājs, kas nav sīkpakas sūtītājs. Turklāt šādu dokumentu pievienošanai ir jābūt atļautai attiecīgās dalībvalsts valsts noteikumos. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators lemj par to, vai pievienotais dokuments vai dokumenti atbilst minētajiem nosacījumiem. Tas paredz citus nosacījumus, kas var būt lietderīgi saistībā ar atļautajiem pielikumiem.
6.3. Sīkpakām nenosaka īpašus noslēgšanas nosacījumus; sūtījumus, uz kuriem ir attiecīgā norāde, var atvērt, lai pārbaudītu to saturu.
6.4. Izraudzītie operatori sīkpakām, kurās ir preces, izmanto viena svītrkoda identifikatoru, kas atbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S10, lai nodrošinātu pārrobežu muitas iepriekšēju elektronisko datu sniegšanu atbilstīgi UPU EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1). Taču šāda identifikatora esība nenozīmē to, ka tiek nodrošināts piegādes apstiprinājuma pakalpojums. Identifikatoram jābūt attēlotam sūtījuma priekšpusē, un tas nedrīkst aizklāt citas pakalpojumu norādes, marķējumu zīmes vai adreses datus.
6.5. Saskaņā ar 08-002. pantu izraudzītie operatori iegūst iepriekšējus elektroniskos datus un savstarpēji apmainās ar tiem. Šie dati ir tādi paši kā attiecīgajā UPU muitas deklarācijā ietvertā informācija, un tiem ir jāatbilst UPU EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1).
7. M maisi
7.1. Atsevišķus citus priekšmetus var pieņemt arī M maisos, ja ir izpildīti turpmāk izklāstītie nosacījumi:
7.1.1. priekšmetus (diskus, lentes un kasetes, preču paraugus, kurus sūta ražotāji vai izplatītāji, kā arī citus ar muitas nodokli neapliekamus komerciālus sūtījumus vai informatīvus materiālus, kas nav paredzēti tālākai pārdošanai) piestiprina vai citādā veidā apvieno ar attiecīgajiem iespieddarbiem;
7.1.2. priekšmeti ir saistīti tikai ar iespieddarbiem, ar kuriem tos nosūta;
7.1.3. katra tāda sūtījuma svars, kurā ir priekšmeti kopā ar iespieddarbiem, nepārsniedz divus kilogramus;
7.1.4. M maisiem pievieno CN 22 vai CN 23 muitas deklarāciju, kuru sagatavojis sūtītājs atbilstīgi 20-001. panta 2.9. punkta noteikumiem.
7.2. Adresāta adresi norāda uz katras iespieddarbu pakas, kas ievietota īpašā maisā un ir nosūtīta vienam adresātam uz vienu un to pašu adresi.
7.3. Pie katra M maisa piestiprina taisnstūrveida adreses birku, kuru sagatavo sūtītājs un kurā ir norādīta visa ar adresātu saistītā informācija. Adreses birku izgatavo no pietiekami izturīga audekla, stingra kartona, plastmasas, pergamentpapīra vai papīra, kas pielīmēts pie koka, un pie birkas piestiprina cilpiņu. Birka nedrīkst būt mazāka par 90 x 140 mm (pielaide 2 mm).
7.4. Kopējo priekšapmaksas summu par M maisu norāda uz adreses birkas, kas piestiprināta pie maisa.
7.5. Vienojoties ar galamērķa valsts izraudzīto operatoru, iespieddarbu pakas var pieņemt arī kā M maisus, ja tās nav ievietotas maisā. Uz šādām pakām blakus adresāta adresei ļoti skaidri norāda burtu M. Informāciju par saturu norāda uz sūtījuma (CN 22/CN 23).
7.6. Izraudzītie operatori M maisiem izmanto viena svītrkoda identifikatoru, kas atbilst UPU ziņojumu standartam S10, lai nodrošinātu pārrobežu muitas iepriekšēju elektronisko datu sniegšanu atbilstīgi UPU ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1). Taču šāda identifikatora esība nenozīmē to, ka tiek nodrošināts piegādes apstiprinājuma pakalpojums. Identifikatoram jābūt attēlotam sūtījuma priekšpusē, un tas nedrīkst aizklāt citas pakalpojumu norādes, marķējumu zīmes vai adreses datus.
7.7. Saskaņā ar 08-002. pantu izraudzītie operatori iegūst iepriekšējus elektroniskos datus un savstarpēji apmainās ar tiem. Šie dati ir tādi paši kā attiecīgajā UPU muitas deklarācijā ietvertā informācija, un tiem ir jāatbilst UPU EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1).
8. Vairumsūtījumi
8.1. Sūtījumus uzskata par vairumsūtījumiem šādos gadījumos:
8.1.1. ja vienā un tajā pašā depešā vai vienā dienā, kad tiek noformētas vairākas depešas, ir nodoti 1500 vai vairāk sūtījumu, kurus nodevis viens sūtītājs;
8.1.2. ja divu nedēļu laikā viens sūtītājs ir nodevis 5000 vai vairāk sūtījumu;
8.1.3. ja četru nedēļu laikā no valsts ir saņemtas depešas, kuru kopējais svars ir vismaz 90 % no lielgabarīta (E) vai sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, ar nosacījumu, ka šādu saņemto sūtījumu kopējais svars ir palielinājies vismaz par 50 % salīdzinājumā ar to pašu četru nedēļu periodu iepriekšējā gadā.
8.2. Saskaņā ar 8.1.1. un 8.1.2. punkta noteikumiem par vairumsūtījuma sūtītāju uzskata personu vai organizāciju, kas sūtījumus faktiski nodevusi. Attiecībā uz 8.1.3. punktu uzskatāms, ka vairumsūtījumu sūtītājs ir izraudzītais operators.
8.3. Ja nepieciešams, attiecībā uz 8.1.1. un 8.1.2. punktu sūtītāju var identificēt, izmantojot kopīgas sūtījumu pazīmes vai uzrakstot uz sūtījumiem norādi (piemēram, atpakaļnosūtīšanas adresi, vārdu un uzvārdu/nosaukumu, sūtītāja apzīmējumu vai zīmogu, pasta autorizācijas numuru utt.).
17-108. pants
Prioritātes vai pārvadāšanas veida norādīšana
1. Ja starp attiecīgo izraudzīto operatoru dalībvalstīm nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, uz sūtījumiem, kuri tranzīta un galamērķa valstīs ir uzskatāmi par prioritāriem sūtījumiem vai aviopasta sūtījumiem, izvieto īpašu zilu uzlīmi vai tādas pašas vai melnas krāsas zīmoga nospiedumu, ja tas ir atļauts izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja noteikumos, norādot vārdus "Prioritaire" ("Prioritārs") vai "Par avion" ("Ar aviopastu"). Ja nepieciešams, minētās norādes var rakstīt ar roku, izmantojot lielos burtus, vai ar rakstāmmašīnu, kā arī tulkot sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valodā. Minēto uzlīmi, nospiedumu vai norādi ar vārdiem "Prioritaire" vai "Par avion" izvieto tajā pusē, kurā raksta adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim un zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir norādīta.
2. Vārdus "Prioritaire" ("Prioritārs") vai "Par avion" ("Ar aviopastu") un citas piezīmes saistībā ar prioritāti vai aviopārvadājumiem pārsvītro ar divām biezām līnijām, ja sūtījumu nesūta, izmantojot visātrākos līdzekļus.
3. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var noteikt, ka ir jāmarķē arī neprioritārie un sauszemes sūtījumi.
17-109. pants
Speciālais iepakojums
1. Stikla izstrādājumus vai citus trauslus priekšmetus iepako izturīgā kastē, ko piepilda ar atbilstīgu aizsargājošo materiālu. Pārvadāšanas laikā novērš berzi vai triecienus starp pašiem priekšmetiem un starp priekšmetiem un kastes sienām.
2. Šķidrumus un vielas, kas viegli sašķidrinās, ievieto pilnībā necaurlaidīgā konteinerā. Katru konteineri ievieto speciālā izturīgā kastē, kurā ir atbilstīgs aizsargājošs materiāls, kas konteinera saplīšanas gadījumā absorbē šķidrumu. Kastes vāku nostiprina tā, lai tas nevar viegli atvērties.
3. Taukainas vielas, kas viegli nesašķidrinās, piemēram, ziedes, sausās ziepes, sveķus utt. un zīdtārpiņu kūniņas, kuru pārvadāšana rada dažas problēmas, ievieto atsevišķā iepakojumā (kastē, auduma vai plastmasas maisā utt.), ko pēc tam ievieto kastē, kura ir pietiekami izturīga, lai novērstu satura iztecēšanu.
4. Sausas krāsojošas pulverveida vielas, piemēram, zilo anilīnu u. c. vielas, pieņem tikai pilnībā necaurlaidīgā metāla kastē, kas savukārt ievietota izturīgā kastē, un starp abiem konteineriem ir ievietots atbilstošs absorbējošs un aizsargājošs materiāls.
5. Sausas nekrāsojošas pulverveida vielas ievieto izturīgā konteinerā (kastē, maisā). Minētos konteinerus ievieto noslēgtā, izturīgā kastē.
6. Dzīvas bites, drozofilu dzimtas mušas, dēles un parazītus ievieto kastē, kas konstruēta tā, lai novērstu jebkādu apdraudējumu.
7. Iepakojums nav nepieciešams viengabala priekšmetiem, piemēram, koka, metāla u. c. materiālu gabaliem, kurus parasti tirdzniecībā neiepako. Šādā gadījumā adresāta adrese jānorāda uz paša priekšmeta.
17-110. pants
Sūtījumi aploksnēs ar caurspīdīgu ielaidumu
1. Sūtījumus aploksnēs ar caurspīdīgu ielaidumu pieņem, ja ir ievēroti turpmāk minētie nosacījumi.
1.1. Ielaidums ir aploksnes gludajā pusē, kurā nav atlokāmās malas aploksnes aizlīmēšanai. Caurspīdīgo adreses ielaidumu var izvietot uz aploksnes atloka puses, ja galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir atļāvis to izmantot vairumsūtījumiem.
1.2. Ielaidumam jābūt izgatavotam no tāda materiāla un tā, lai caur to varētu viegli salasīt adresi.
1.3. Ielaidumam jābūt taisnstūrveida. Ielaiduma garākajai malai jābūt paralēli aploksnes garākajai malai. Adresāta adresi izkārto tādā pašā virzienā. Taču attiecībā uz C 4 (229 x 324 mm) vai līdzīga formāta sūtījumiem izraudzītie operatori var atļaut caurspīdīgo ielaidumu novietot šķērsām, lai tā garākā mala būtu paralēli aploksnes īsākajai malai.
1.4. Visām ielaiduma malām jābūt precīzi pielīmētām pie atvēruma iekšējām malām aploksnē. Šim nolūkam jāparedz pietiekams attālums starp aploksnes sāna un apakšējo malu un attiecīgajām ielaiduma malām.
1.5. Adresāta adrese ir vienīgā informācija, kas ir redzama caur ielaidumu, vai arī šo adresi nepārprotami izceļ uz pārējās informācijas fona, ja caur ielaidumu ir redzama arī cita informācija.
1.6. Ielaidumu izvieto tā, lai uz aploksnes ir pietiekami daudz vietas kalendārzīmoga uzlikšanai.
1.7. Sūtījuma saturu pārloka tā, lai caur ielaidumu adrese ir pilnībā redzama pat tad, ja sūtījuma saturs aploksnes iekšpusē izkustas.
2. Sūtījumus tādās aploksnēs, kas ir pilnībā caurspīdīgas, var pieņemt, ja aploksnes virsma ir izgatavota tā, lai pasta apstrādes laikā nerastos sarežģījumi. Uz sūtījuma ārējas virsmas ir cieši jāpielīmē uzlīme, uz kuras ir pietiekami daudz vietas adresāta adreses, priekšapmaksas un dienesta norādījumu norādīšanai. Sūtījumus tādās aploksnēs, kurās ir atvērts ielaidums, nepieņem.
3. Sūtījuma nodošanas valstu izraudzītie operatori var pieņemt aploksnes, kurās ir divi vai vairāki caurspīdīgi ielaidumi. Ielaidumam, kas ir paredzēts adresāta adreses norādīšanai, ir jāatbilst 1. punktā izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem. Attiecībā uz pārējiem ielaidumiem analoģiski piemēro nosacījumus, kas paredzēti 1.2., 1.4., 1.6. un 1.7. punktā.
17-111. pants
Standartizēti sūtījumi
1. Taisnstūrveida sūtījumus uzskata par standartizētiem neliela formāta vēstuļu (P) sūtījumiem, ja to garums nav mazāks par platumu, kas reizināts ar √2 (aptuveni 1,4). Šie sūtījumi atbilst šādiem nosacījumiem:
1.1. minimālais izmērs: 90 x 140 mm;
1.2. maksimālais izmērs: 165 x 245 mm;
1.3. maksimālais svars: 100 g;
1.4. maksimālais biezums: 5 mm.
1.5. vēstules noslēdz, pilnībā aizlīmējot aploksnes atlokāmo malu, un adresi raksta aploksnes gludajā pusē, kurā nav atlokāmās malas. Adresi var rakstīt uz aploksnes atloka puses, ja galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir atļāvis to izmantot vairumsūtījumiem;
1.6. adresi raksta taisnstūrveida laukumā, kas novietots vismaz:
‒ 40 mm no aploksnes augšējās malas (pielaide 2 mm);
‒ 15 mm no labās malas;
‒ 15 mm no apakšējās malas
un ne vairāk kā 140 mm no labās malas;
1.7. tajā pusē, kurā norāda adresi, pastmarku piestiprināšanai vai zīmogu un dzēšanas nospiedumiem paredz taisnstūrveida laukumu, kura apakšējā mala ir 40 mm (pielaide 2 mm) no aploksnes augšējās malas un kura kreisā mala ir 74 mm no aploksnes labās malas. Minētā laukuma augšējā labajā stūrī līmē pastmarkas un izdara marķēšanas nospiedumus.
2. Prasības, kas norādītas 1. punktā, attiecas arī uz sūtījumiem tādās aploksnēs ar caurspīdīgiem ielaidumiem, kuru vispārējie pieņemšanas nosacījumi ir minēti 17-110. pantā. Caurspīdīgajam ielaidumam, kas paredzēts adresāta adresei, jābūt novietotam vismaz:
‒ 40 mm no aploksnes augšējās malas (pielaide 2 mm);
‒ 15 mm no labās malas;
‒ 15 mm no kreisās malas;
‒ 15 mm no apakšējās malas.
2.1. Ap ielaidumu nedrīkst būt krāsaina līnija vai ierāmējums. Dienesta norādījumus var novietot tieši virs adresāta adreses.
3. Nekāda informācija vai jebkādi norādījumi neatkarīgi no to būtības nedrīkst būt šādās vietās:
3.1. zem adreses;
3.2. pa labi no adreses un no marķēšanas un dzēšanas laukuma līdz sūtījuma apakšējai malai;
3.3. pa kreisi no adreses laukumā, kas ir vismaz 15 mm plats, sākot no adreses pirmās rindas līdz sūtījuma apakšējai malai;
3.4. laukumā, kas ir 15 mm augsts, sākot no sūtījuma apakšējās malas, un 140 mm garš, sākot no sūtījuma labās malas; šis laukums var daļēji sakrist ar iepriekš minētajiem laukumiem.
4. Taisnstūrveida sūtījumus uzskata par standartizētiem liela formāta vēstuļu (G) sūtījumiem, ja tie nav standartizēti neliela formāta vēstuļu (P) sūtījumi un ja tie atbilst šādiem nosacījumiem:
4.1. minimālais izmērs: 90 x 140 mm;
4.2. maksimālais izmērs: 305 x 381 mm;
4.3. maksimālais svars: 500 g;
4.4. maksimālais biezums: 20 mm.
5. Kā standartizētus sūtījumus var pieņemt arī sūtījumus kartes formā, kuru izmēri nav lielāki par 120 x 235 mm, ja kartes ir izgatavotas no pietiekami bieza kartona, lai tās būtu stingras un bez grūtībām izturētu apstrādi.
6. Par standartizētiem nav uzskatāmi šādi sūtījumi:
6.1. pārlokāmas kartes;
6.2. sūtījumi, kurus noslēdz, izmantojot skavas, metāla cilpas vai āķveida stiprinājumus;
6.3. perfokartes, kuras sūta atklātā veidā (bez aploksnes);
6.4. sūtījumi, kuru aploksnes ir izgatavotas no materiāla, kura fiziskās īpašības būtiski atšķiras no papīra īpašībām (izņemot materiālus, kurus izmanto aplokšņu ielaidumu izgatavošanai);
6.5. sūtījumi, kuros ir priekšmeti, kas rada izvirzījumus;
6.6. pārlokāmi sūtījumi, kuri nosūtīti atklātā veidā (bez aploksnes) un kuri nav noslēgti visās pusēs, un sūtījumi, kas nav pietiekami stingri, lai izturētu mehānisku apstrādi.
17-112. pants
Sūtījumu apmaiņa
1. Izraudzītie operatori atbilstīgi vajadzībām un dienesta prasībām var apmainīties ar slēgtām depešām, kā arī ar atklātā tranzītā nosūtītiem sūtījumiem, piešķirot tiem vienu vai vairākus numurus.
2. Ja ārkārtas apstākļu dēļ izraudzītais operators ir spiests uz laiku pilnībā vai daļēji pārtraukt pakalpojumu sniegšanu, tas nekavējoties informē attiecīgos izraudzītos operatorus.
3. Ja konsignācijas sūtījuma pārvadāšana tranzītā caur kādu dalībvalsti notiek, nepiedaloties šīs dalībvalsts attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram, tad neatkarīgi no pārvadājumu veida attiecīgās tranzītvalsts izraudzītais operators neuzņemas atbildību par šādu tranzītu ("tiešā pārkraušana").
4. Izraudzītie operatori var sūtīt sauszemes konsignācijas sūtījumus ar aviotransportu, samazinot to prioritāti. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators šādiem konsignācijas sūtījumiem norāda pasta apmaiņas vietu vai galamērķa vietu.
17-113. pants
Prioritāru sūtījumu un aviopasta sūtījumu prioritāra apstrāde
1. Izraudzīto operatoru pienākums ir nosūtīt no citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem saņemtos prioritāros sūtījumus un aviopasta sūtījumus pa aviomaršrutiem, kurus tie izmanto savu šāda veida sūtījumu nosūtīšanai.
2. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri nesniedz aviopasta pakalpojumus, prioritāros sūtījumus un aviopasta sūtījumus nosūta, izmantojot visātrāko pasta sūtījumiem paredzēto pārvadāšanas veidu. Tāds pats noteikums ir spēkā, ja kādu iemeslu dēļ pārvadāšana pa sauszemi ir ātrāka nekā pārvadāšana ar aviotransportu.
3. Katrs izraudzītais operators izraudzītajam operatoram saņēmējam norāda konkrētu nodošanas laiku, kas, kā būtu vēlams, ir vienu stundu ilgs vai nav ilgāks par divām stundām, ņemot vērā ar aviosabiedrībām noslēgtos līgumus. Izraudzītais operators saņēmējs cenšas palīdzēt izpildīt minēto noteikumu, izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja vajadzībām uzraugot, kā aviosabiedrības spēj ievērot noteiktos termiņus.
4. Izraudzītie operatori veic visus vajadzīgos pasākumus, lai:
4.1. nodrošinātu vislabākos apstākļus tādu depešu saņemšanai un tālākai sūtīšanai, kurās ir prioritārie sūtījumi un aviopasta sūtījumi;
4.2. nodrošinātu, ka tiek ievērotas ar aviopārvadātājiem noslēgtās vienošanās par prioritātes ievērošanu saistībā ar šādām depešām;
4.3. paātrinātu muitas kontroles darbības saistībā ar prioritāriem sūtījumiem un aviopasta sūtījumiem, kas adresēti uz tā valsti;
4.4. līdz minimumam samazinātu laiku, kas nepieciešams tā valstī nodoto prioritāro sūtījumu un aviopasta sūtījumu pārsūtīšanai uz galamērķa valsti un kas nepieciešams no ārvalstīm saņemto prioritāro sūtījumu un aviopasta sūtījumu nogādāšanai norādītajā adresē. Atsevišķi sūtījumi, kas ir saņemti prioritārā depešā vai aviodepešā, un tad, ja uz tiem nav 17-108. pantā paredzēto norāžu, tomēr ir jāuzskata par prioritāriem vai aviopasta sūtījumiem un ir jāievieto galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora iekšzemes prioritāro vai aviopasta sūtījumu apstrādes plūsmā.
5. Tranzīta valsts izraudzītais operators un galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ar prioritāriem sūtījumiem un aviopasta sūtījumiem rīkojas vienādi; izraudzītie operatori tāpat apstrādā arī sauszemes LC sūtījumus, ja sūtītājam nav pieejams labāks pakalpojums. Tāpat nedrīkst būt atšķirības saistībā ar apstrādes ātrumu starp neprioritāriem sūtījumiem, sauszemes AO sūtījumiem un SAL sūtījumiem.
17-114. pants
1. Depešas klasificē šādi:
1.1. "aviodepešas" nosūta ar gaisa transportu, piešķirot prioritāti. Aviodepešās var būt aviopasta sūtījumi un prioritāri sūtījumi;
1.2. "prioritāras depešas" nosūta pa sauszemi, bet tām piešķir tādu pašu prioritāti kā aviodepešām. Prioritārās depešās var būt prioritāri sūtījumi un aviopasta sūtījumi;
1.3. "sauszemes depešas, kuras pārsūta ar aviotransportu (SAL)" ir SAL sūtījumi un neprioritāri sūtījumi;
1.4. "sauszemes depešās" ir sauszemes sūtījumi un neprioritāri sūtījumi.
2. Depešas, kuras nosūta pa gaisu vai pa sauszemi un kurās ir tikai vairumā nodoti sūtījumi, sauc par "depešām ar vairumsūtījumiem".
2.1. Depešām piemērojamos 1.1.-1.4. apakšpunkta noteikumus piemēro arī depešām ar vairumsūtījumiem, kuras nosūta pa to pašu maršrutu vai izmantojot tādu pašu nosūtīšanas veidu, izņemot gadījumus, kad ir paredzētai īpaši pasākumi.
3. Ja izmanto sūtījumu identifikatoru (svītrkoda atveidojumu vai atveidojumu elektroniskā paziņojumā), tam jāatbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S8.
17-115. pants
Slēgtu depešu apmaiņa
1. Slēgtas depešas sūtīšanai uz galamērķa valsti sagatavo, ja sūtījumu skaits depešā vai dienā (ja dienas laikā tiek sagatavotas vairākas depešas) ir lielāks par ierobežojumu, kas 17-117. pantā paredzēts atklātam tranzītam.
2. Slēgtās depešās esošo sūtījumu apmaiņu veic pēc iesaistīto izraudzīto operatoru abpusējas piekrišanas. Izraudzītais operators sūtītājs pēc iespējas ātrāk paziņo galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram par izmaiņām saistībā ar virzīšanu, ja iespējams, pirms izmaiņu veikšanas dienas.
3. Lai nodrošinātu labu pasta sūtījumu aprites kvalitāti, katram izraudzītajam operatoram ir jāsagatavo ne mazāk kā trīs depešas ar prioritāriem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem nedēļā sūtīšanai uz katru galamērķi. Ja sūtījumu apjoms un svars nav pietiekams šāda skaita nodrošināšanai, jāveic sūtīšana atklātā tranzītā.
4. Ja caur izraudzītā operatora teritoriju ir paredzēts sūtīt slēgtas depešas, tam par to attiecīgi paziņo.
5. Ja uz valsti, uz kuru parasti sūtījumus sūta atklātā tranzītā, ir jāsūta ļoti liels skaits vienkāršu vai ierakstītu sūtījumu, izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam ir atļauts sagatavot slēgtas depešas sūtīšanai uz galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vietām. Par to attiecīgi paziņo tranzītvalsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
17-116. pants
Apmaiņa ar depešām, kas šķirotas pēc formāta
1. Dalībvalstu izraudzītie operatori apmaiņu ar depešām, kas šķirotas pēc formāta, kā noteikts Konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā, veic atbilstīgi šā panta nosacījumiem.
2. Apmaiņa starp I grupas valstīm
2.1. Plūsmas lielumu nosaka, pamatojoties uz pēdējiem četriem apstiprinātiem secīgiem ceturkšņiem.
2.2. Depešas sagatavo un nosūta atsevišķā tarā, kas paredzēta katram no trīs formātiem (P, G, E), uz tiem galamērķiem, kuriem izejošo sūtījumu svars gadā, neskaitot M maisus, pārsniedz 50 tonnas. Ja svars ir mazāks par šo robežvērtību, tad dažādas depešas var ievietot kopā.
3. 4. Apmaiņa starp II un III grupas valstīm un starp šīm valstīm un I grupas valstīm
3.1. Depešas sagatavo, izmantojot vismaz divu atsevišķu veidu taru, proti, vienu P un G formātam kopā un vienu - E formātam, un nosūta uz galamērķiem, kuriem izejošo sūtījumu svars gadā, neskaitot M maisus, pārsniedz 50 tonnu robežvērtību.
3.2. Ja svars ir mazāks par šo robežvērtību, tad dažādas depešas var ievietot kopā.
4. Apmaiņa starp IV grupas valstīm un starp šīm valstīm un I-III grupas valstīm
4.1. Depešas sagatavo, izmantojot vismaz divu atsevišķu veidu taru, proti, vienu P un G formātam kopā un vienu - E formātam, un nosūta uz galamērķiem, kuriem izejošo sūtījumu svars gadā, neskaitot M maisus, pārsniedz 100 tonnas 2022. gadā.
5. Piemērojot noteiktās robežvērtības, atsaucei ņem vērā jaunākos gada apjomus.
6. Izraudzītie operatori līdz 30. septembrim nosūta attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem pieprasījumu par tādu depešu saņemšanu, kas šķirotas pēc formāta, vai paziņojumu par minēto depešu nosūtīšanu, lai to piemērotu no nākamā gada 1. janvāra un turpmākajos gados.
7. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri drīkst sūtīt divu (S un E) vai trīs formātu (P, G un E) depešas, kā noteikts 3. punktā, attiecībās ar izraudzīto operatoru partneri vienā un tajā pašā kalendārajā gadā vienu pēc formāta šķirotu depešu variantu nedrīkst mainīt pret citu. Ja viņi vēlas mainīt divu formātu variantu pret trīs formātu variantu vai trīs formātu variantu pret divu formātu variantu, viņi līdz 30. septembrim par to paziņo attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram, lai to piemērotu no nākamā gada 1. janvāra.
8. Par praktiskiem jautājumiem attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori noslēdz divpusēju nolīgumu.
9. Ja tiek saņemtas kopā ievietotas dažādas depešas, bet ir ievēroti nosacījumi vai noslēgta vienošanās par tādu depešu apmaiņu, kas šķirotas pēc formāta, galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir tiesīgs saņemtās depešas sadalīt un attiecībā uz tām veikt statistisko izlasi pēc formāta vai taras veida.
10. Attiecībā uz situāciju, kad robežvērtība ir pārsniegta, izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties par to, ka dažādu veidu depešas var ievietot kopā, ja no noteiktas pasta apmaiņas vietas ir neliels sūtījumu apjoms dienā. Tomēr arī attiecībā uz šīm depešām galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram jāveic statistiskā novērošana.
11. Par tādu depešu sagatavošanas pārtraukšanu, kas šķirotas pēc formāta, paziņo līdz 30. septembrim, un tas ir spēkā no nākamā gada 1. janvāra un turpmākajos gados.
12. Operatīviem, statistikas un uzskaites mērķiem ierakstītus, apdrošinātus un izsekojamus sūtījumus apstrādā kā lielgabarīta vēstules (E) vai sīkpakas (E) neatkarīgi no to faktiskā formāta.
17-117. pants
Atklātais tranzīts
1. Atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus nosūta starpposma izraudzītajam operatoram tikai tad, ja slēgto depešu sagatavošana sūtīšanai uz galamērķa valsti nav pamatota. Nosūtīšanu atklātā tranzītā neveic uz tām galamērķa valstīm, kurām sūtīto sūtījumu vidējais svars regulāri ir lielāks par trim kilogramiem vienā depešā vai dienā (ja dienas laikā tiek sagatavotas vairākas depešas), un to neizmanto M maisu sūtīšanai.
2. Ja nav īpašas vienošanās, atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus, kas sver vairāk par trīs kilogramiem vienā depešā vai vienā dienā (ja dienas laikā tiek sagatavotas vairākas depešas) un kas tiek sūtīti uz noteiktu galamērķa valsti, uzskata par nepareizi sūtītiem sūtījumiem, un starpposma izraudzītais operators ir pilnvarots pieprasīt no izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja attiecīgās maksas, kas aprēķinātas saskaņā ar 27-106. panta 1.5. punktu attiecībā uz visu attiecīgo sūtījumu daudzumu.
3. Izraudzītais operators sūtītājs iepriekš apspriežas ar starpposma valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem par atklātā tranzīta sūtījumu sūtīšanas piemērotību uz attiecīgajiem galamērķiem. Izraudzītais operators sūtītājs paziņo attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem datumu, kurā tiek sākta sūtījumu sūtīšana atklātā tranzītā, vienlaikus norādot aprēķināto sūtījumu apjomus gadā uz katru no galamērķiem. Ja vien nav citas divpusējas vienošanās starp attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, šo paziņojumu sūta no jauna, ja noteiktajā pārskata periodā (maijā vai oktobrī) atklātā tranzīta sūtījumi nav reģistrēti un tāpēc starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators nav izsniedzis rēķinu. Ja vien iespējams, atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus sūta tam izraudzītajam operatoram, kas sagatavo depešas sūtīšanai galamērķa izraudzītajam operatoram.
4. Par sūtījumiem, kurus sūta atklātā tranzītā, iepriekš neapspriežoties ar starpposma valsts izraudzīto operatoru, un uz valstīm, kuras nav minētas starpposma valsts sūtītajā tranzīta informācijas apkopojumā, var piemērot maksu, kas noteikta 27-106. panta 1.5. punktā.
5. Atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem piemēro tranzītmaksu, ko aprēķina atbilstīgi 27-106. pantam.
6. Ja nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, visus sūtījumus, kuri nodoti uz kuģa un kuri nav ievietoti slēgtā maisā, kas minēts Konvencijas 11. pantā, kuģa pārstāvis atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus nodod tieši piestāšanas ostas pasta iestādei neatkarīgi no tā, vai minētie sūtījumi ir vai nav apzīmogoti uz kuģa.
7. Ja nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus ievieto pasta saiņos šādi:
7.1. prioritāros sūtījumus, kurus sūta pa gaisu, un aviopasta sūtījumus ievieto pasta saiņos, uz kuriem izvietotas CN 25 birkas;
7.2. prioritāros sūtījumus, kurus sūta ar sauszemes pastu, neprioritāros sūtījumus un sauszemes sūtījumus ievieto pasta saiņos, uz kuriem izvietotas CN 26 birkas.
8. Ja to skaits ir pietiekams un noformējums ir atbilstīgs, izraudzītajam operatoram nosūtāmos atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus sadala pēc galamērķa valsts. Tos ievieto pasta saiņos, uz kuriem izvieto birku, kurā latīņu alfabēta burtiem norāda valsts nosaukumu.
9. Ja tiek veikta apmaiņa ar depešām, kas šķirotas pēc formāta, tad atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus ievieto attiecīgajam formātam paredzētajā tarā. Izdodot CN 65 pavadrakstu, apjomu var norādīt katram formātam.
17-118. pants
Apdrošinātu sūtījumu sūtīšanas maršruti un veidi
1. Izmantojot no citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem saņemtās CN 27 tabulas, katrs izraudzītais operators lemj par maršrutiem, kurus izmanto apdrošinātu sūtījumu nosūtīšanai.
2. Attiecībās starp valstīm, starp kurām ir viens starpposma dienests vai vairāki starpposma dienesti, apdrošinātos sūtījumus virza pa vistiešāko maršrutu. Tomēr attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties par nosūtīšanu atklātā tranzītā, izmantojot netiešus maršrutus, ja, nosūtot sūtījumus pa vistiešāko maršrutu, visa maršruta garumā netiek garantēta atbilstīga atbildība.
3. Saskaņā ar dienesta prasībām apdrošinātus sūtījumus var sūtīt slēgtās depešās. Tos var nodot arī atklātā tranzītā pirmajam starpposma izraudzītajam operatoram, ja šis izraudzītais operators spēj veikt to nosūtīšanu saskaņā ar CN 27 tabulās paredzētajiem nosacījumiem.
4. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties slēgtās depešās ievietotu apdrošinātu sūtījumu apmaiņu veikt, izmantojot vienas starpniekvalsts vai vairāku starpniekvalstu dienestus neatkarīgi no tā, vai tie sniedz vai nesniedz sūtījumu apdrošināšanas pakalpojumu. Starpposma izraudzītie operatori par to paziņo vismaz vienu mēnesi pirms tam, kad sāk šāda pakalpojuma sniegšanu.
17-119. pants
Depešu noformēšana
1. Tādu pasta saiņu noformēšana, kuros ir dažādu veidu depešas
1.1. Visus vienkāršos sūtījumus, kurus var ievietot pasta saiņos, klasificē pēc to izmēra (nelielas vēstules - P, lielas vēstules - G, lielgabarīta vēstules - E un sīkpakas - E) vai pēc to satura (vēstules un pastkartes, laikraksti un periodiskie izdevumi, AO sūtījumi, sīkpakas). Šos sūtījumus izvieto tā, lai adreses būtu lasāmas vienā un tajā pašā virzienā.
1.2. Pie pasta saiņiem piestiprina birku, uz kuras latīņu alfabēta burtiem norāda galamērķa valsts pasta iestādi vai pasta iestādi, kas pārsūta pasta saiņos ievietotos sūtījumus. CN 25 birkas izmanto prioritāriem sūtījumiem, kurus sūta pa gaisu, vai aviopasta sūtījumiem, savukārt CN 26 birkas izmanto prioritāriem sūtījumiem, kurus sūta pa sauszemi, neprioritāriem sūtījumiem vai sauszemes sūtījumiem.
1.3. Neapmaksātus vai daļēji apmaksātus sūtījumus ievieto atsevišķos pasta saiņos, kurus ievieto maisā, kurā ir vēstuļu karte. Uz pasta saiņa birkas uzspiež T zīmogu.
1.4. Pasta saiņi, kuros ir nelielas vēstules (P), pēc to ievietošanas nedrīkst būt biezāki par 150 mm. Lielu vēstuļu (G) un lielgabarīta vēstuļu (E) vai sīkpaku (E) pasta saiņu svars nedrīkst pārsniegt 5 kilogramus.
1.5. Ja uz prioritāriem sūtījumiem un vēstulēm ir redzamas atvēršanas pazīmes vai bojājumi, par to sagatavo paziņojumu, kuru pievieno sūtījumam un apzīmogo ar tās pasta iestādes kalendārzīmogu, kas to konstatējusi. Turklāt, ja sūtījumu saturs ir jāaizsargā, sūtījumus, ja iespējams, ievieto caurspīdīgā aploksnē vai jaunā iepakojumā, uz kura norāda tādu pašu informāciju, kā uz iepriekšējā iepakojuma.
2. Tādas pasta taras noformēšana, kurā ir dažādu veidu depešas
2.1. Depešas, tostarp tās, kas ir tikai tukši maisi, ievieto maisos, kuru skaits ir pēc iespējas minimāls. Maisiem jābūt labā stāvoklī, lai tie aizsargātu saturu. Pie katra maisa piestiprina birku.
2.2. Maisus noslēdz un aizplombē, vēlams - ar svina plombu. Plombas var būt izgatavotas arī no viegla metāla vai plastmasas. Plombēšanu veic tā, lai plombu nevarētu atvērt vai sabojāt, neatstājot redzamas pazīmes. Plombu nospiedumā ļoti labi salasāmiem latīņu alfabēta burtiem atveido sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta iestādes nosaukumu vai norādi, kas ir pietiekama minētās pasta iestādes identificēšanai. Tomēr, ja sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators vēlas, plombu nospiedumos ir jāatveido tikai sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora nosaukums. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var izmantot arī numurētas plombas.
2.3. Maisus noformē un aizdara tā, lai sūtījums nekaitētu pasta darbinieku veselībai.
2.4. Izņemot gadījumu, kas minēts 2.4.1. punktā, aviodepešu noformēšanai izmanto vai nu zilas krāsas maisus, vai maisus, uz kuriem ir platas zilas krāsas svītras. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nav noslēguši īpašu vienošanos, aviodepešu maisus izmanto arī prioritārajām depešām. Lai noformētu sauszemes depešas vai sauszemes depešas, kuras sūta ar aviotransportu, izmanto sauszemes depešu maisus, kuru krāsa atšķiras no aviodepešu maisiem (piem., smilškrāsas, brūni, balti utt.). Tomēr galamērķa valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jāpārbauda visu maisu birkas, lai pārliecinātos, ka tie tiek pareizi apstrādāti.
2.4.1. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri dažādām vajadzībām izmanto vienādus maisus, šos maisus var izmantot visu iepriekš minēto kategoriju sūtījumu noformēšanai, ja vien uz maisa birkas pareizi tiek norādīta maisā esošo sūtījumu kategorija.
2.5. Attiecībā uz taru, kurā ir tikai izsekojami sūtījumi, izraudzītie operatori var divpusēji vienoties izmantot īpašus aviopasta maisus vai taru, piemēram, paliktņus utt., ar marķējumiem, kas norāda, ka tajos ir tikai izsekojami sūtījumi.
2.6. .Uz maisiem salasāmiem latīņu alfabēta burtiem norāda pasta iestādi sūtītāju vai valsti un vārdu "Postes" ("Pasts") vai citu līdzīgu frāzi, lai maisus varētu pazīt kā pasta depešas.
2.7. Ja sūtījumu daudzuma vai apjoma dēļ ir jāizmanto vairāk nekā viens maiss, tad, ja iespējams, atsevišķus maisus izmanto:
2.7.1. vēstulēm un pastkartēm;
2.7.2. ja nepieciešams, laikrakstiem un periodiskajiem izdevumiem, kas minēti 17-129. panta 7. un 9. punktā;
2.7.3. citiem AO sūtījumiem;
2.7.4. ja nepieciešams, sīkpakām; uz šo maisu birkām norāda vārdus "Petits paquets" ("Sīkpakas").
2.8. Ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu paku vai taru ievieto vienā no taras veidiem, kurā ir vēstules, vai atsevišķā tarā; pie ārējās taras jābūt piestiprinātai sarkanai birkai. Ja ir vairākas taras vienības ar ierakstītiem vai apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem, pie visām taras vienībām ir jābūt piestiprinātai sarkanai birkai.
2.9. Izraudzītie operatori var divpusēji vienoties, ka maisā, kurā ir vēstuļu karte, neievieto vienkāršos sūtījumus, bet šī tara paredzēta tikai ierakstītiem, apdrošinātiem un izsekojamiem sūtījumiem.
2.10. Katra maisa svars nedrīkst būt lielāks par 30 kilogramiem.
2.11. Lai piemērotu atbrīvojumu no gala norēķiniem, 31-101. panta 3. punktā minētie sūtījumi (kas nav IBRS sūtījumi), kuriem piemērojams atbrīvojums, ir jāiepako atsevišķās tarās.
3. Pēc formāta šķirotu depešu noformēšana
3.1. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri saskaņā ar 17-116. panta nosacījumiem veic apmaiņu ar depešām, kas šķirotas pēc formāta, depešas var ievietot pasta maisos vai citā tarā, piemēram, uz paliktņiem.
3.2. Ja izmanto pasta maisus, ir jāievēro pasta saiņu sagatavošanas noteikumi, kas izklāstīti 1. punktā.
3.3. Ja izmanto paliktņus, ievietošana saiņos nav nepieciešama.
4. Paku un aplokšņu noformēšana
4.1. Ja nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, nelielas depešas iesaiņo izturīgā papīrā, lai nepieļautu satura bojājumus.
4.2. Pakas pārsien ar auklu un aizplombē ar svina, viegla metāla vai plastmasas plombām.
4.3. Ja pakā ir tikai vienkārši sūtījumi, to var noslēgt ar līmzīmogu, uz kura ir uzdrukāts sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādes nosaukums.
5. Kopējie maisi. Pārvadāšana konteineros
5.1. Izņemot depešas ar vairumsūtījumiem, pasta apmaiņas vietas savās depešās, kas paredzētas konkrētai pasta iestādei, pēc iespējas iekļauj visas saņemtās nelielās depešas (saiņus vai taru), kas paredzētas konkrētai pasta iestādei.
5.2. Ja vieglo sūtījumu saiņu, aplokšņu vai taras skaits sūtīšanai pa vienu un to pašu gaisa maršrutu ir pietiekams, tad, kad vien iespējams, veido kopējos maisus. Tos noformē pasta iestāde, kas atbild par aviodepešu nodošanu aviosabiedrībai, kura veic pārvadāšanu. Kopējo maisu birkās ir norāde treknrakstā "Sac collecteur" ("Kopējais maiss"). Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori vienojas par adresi, ko norāda minētajās birkās.
5.3. Pārvadāšanai depešas var ievietot konteineros saskaņā ar īpašu vienošanos starp attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem par konteineru izmantošanas metodēm.
5.4. Izraudzītie operatori var divpusēji vienoties, ka depešu apmaiņu veic, izmantojot dažādu taru un ne tikai maisus (piem., paliktņus, paletes utt.), ja ir konstatēts, ka tas atvieglos apstrādes procesu un uzlabos sūtījumu aizsardzību.
6. Šā panta 2. un 3. punktā minēto depešu noformēšana, lai novērstu ierakstīto/apdrošināto sūtījumu bojājumus.
6.1. Lai novērstu bojājumus, pārsūtot aploksnē ievietotus un neliela svara ierakstītos/apdrošinātos vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus, izraudzītajiem operatoriem ieteicams izgatavot atsevišķus maisus, kas atbilst katra šāda sūtījuma formai, izmēram un svaram, ja pasta tilpums ir pietiekams, lai to darītu.
17-120. pants
Vēstuļu kartes
1. Izraudzītie operatori var divpusēji vai daudzpusēji vienoties par to, ka savstarpējiem vēstuļu sūtījumiem nav jāpievieno papīra vēstuļu karte, jo PREDES 2.1. versijas paziņojumos līdzīga informācija tiek sniegta elektroniski.
2. Ja šādas vienošanās nav, katrai depešai pievieno CN 31 vēstuļu karti, izņemot depešas ar vairumsūtījumiem un depešas, kas paredzētas tiešai izmantošanai iekšzemes sistēmās. Vēstuļu karti ievieto aploksnē, uz kuras treknrakstā ir uzraksts "Feuille d'avis" ("Vēstuļu karte"). Minētā aploksne ir rozā krāsā, ja depešā ir apdrošināti sūtījumi, vai zilā krāsā, ja tajā nav apdrošinātu sūtījumu. To piestiprina ierakstītu sūtījumu pakas vai taras ārpusē. Ja ierakstītu sūtījumu nav, aploksni, ja vien iespējams, piestiprina vienkāršu sūtījumu pasta sainim. Ja galīgajā tarā ir tikai CN 31 vēstuļu karte, to sūta kā "Exempt" ("Atbrīvojums").
3. Depešām ar vairumsūtījumiem pievieno CN 32 vēstuļu karti, kā paredzēts 17-127. pantā.
4. Saistībā ar depešām, kurām ir nodrošināta tiešā piekļuve iekšzemes sistēmai, izraudzītie operatori vienojas par izmantojamiem dokumentiem. Tā var būt pārveidota CN 31 vēstuļu karte vai cits abpusēji apstiprināms dokuments, piemēram, iekšzemes sūtījumu saraksts.
5. Izņemot gadījumus, kas paredzēti 17-123. panta 1. punktā un 17-124. panta 2. punktā, ja depešā nav ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu, izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties, ka vēstuļu karti piestiprina ārpusē pie vienas no taras vienībām, ievietojot to ūdensnecaurlaidīgā sainī, kas ir pietiekami izturīgs transportēšanai.
6. Pasta iestāde sūtītāja vēstuļu kartē norāda visu nepieciešamo informāciju, ņemot vērā turpmāk uzskaitītos elementus.
6.1. Virsraksts - pasta apmaiņas vietas sūtītājas secīgi numurē vēstuļu kartes attiecīgajā depešu sērijā, ik gadu kalendārā gada sākumā atsākot numerāciju no jauna. Tādējādi katrai depešai ir atsevišķs depešas numurs, un ikviens nākamais depešas numurs palielinās par 1 augošā secībā un saskan ar norādīto depešas datumu - arī augošā secībā. Katra gada pirmās depešas vēstuļu kartē papildus depešas kārtas numuram norāda arī iepriekšējā gada pēdējās depešas kārtas numuru. Ja attiecīgās pasta nodaļas depešu sērija tiek pārtraukta, tad iestāde sūtītāja nosūta galamērķa pasta apmaiņas vietai pārbaudes paziņojumu.
6.2. 1. tabula, taras birkas - izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka šeit norāda tikai taru ar sarkanajām birkām.
6.3. 1. tabula, taras veidi - šajā tabulā norāda izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja izmantotās taras vienību skaitu un galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram atpakaļ nosūtītās taras vienību skaitu. Ja nepieciešams, atsevišķi norāda to tukšo maisu skaitu, kas pieder izraudzītajam operatoram, kuram depeša nav adresēta, izdarot attiecīgu atsauci uz minēto izraudzīto operatoru. Ja divi izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies norādīt tikai maisus ar sarkanajām birkām (6.2. punkts), tad nenorāda depešu noformēšanai izmantoto maisu skaitu vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram piederošo tukšo maisu skaitu.
6.4. 2. tabula - ja izraudzītie operatori saskaņā ar 17-116. pantā aprakstītajiem nosacījumiem ir vienojušies nošķirt savus izejošo starptautisko sūtījumu depešas pēc formāta, taras vienību skaitu un katra formāta svaru norāda 2. tabulā. Pretējā gadījumā sūtījumus, kuriem piemēro gala norēķinus, 2. tabulā norāda kā dažādu veidu depešas.
6.5. 3. tabula - 3. tabulā norāda ierakstīto sūtījumu kopējo skaitu (gan tos sūtījumus, kurus ieraksta atsevišķi, gan tos, kurus ieraksta kopskaitā) un depešā ievietoto apdrošināto sūtījumu kopējo skaitu. Ja depešā ir iekļauti arī izsekojami sūtījumi, vēstuļu kartes 3. tabulā ieraksta arī šo sūtījumu kopējo skaitu.
6.6. 3. tabulas ailē "To sūtījumu skaits, kuri ir atbrīvoti no gala norēķiniem" ieraksta to ierakstīto sūtījumu un apdrošināto sūtījumu skaitu, kuri ir saistīti ar pasta dienestu, un to atpakaļ nosūtīto sūtījumu skaitu, kuri ir atbrīvoti no gala norēķiniem.
6.7. 4. tabula. ja depešā ir IBRS sūtījumi, aizpilda IBRS informāciju, atsevišķi norādot IBRS taras un pasta saiņu skaitu un svaru, kā arī IBRS sūtījumu kopējo skaitu. Ja depešā ir ievietoti vienkārši vai ierakstīti sūtījumi ar pēcmaksu, to norāda attiecīgajā ailē gan atsevišķu sūtījumu, gan vairumsūtījumu gadījumā.
17-121. pants
Ierakstīto sūtījumu sūtīšana
1. Ja izraudzītie operatori ir divpusēji vai daudzpusēji vienojušies par papīra vēstuļu kartes nesūtīšanu, tiem nav pienākuma sūtīt papīra CN 33 sarakstus par ierakstītiem sūtījumiem, jo PREDES 2.1. versijas paziņojumos līdzīga informācija tiek sniegta elektroniski.
2. Ja nav vienošanās par to, ka informācija tiks nosūtīta tikai elektroniski, ierakstītus sūtījumus sūta, atsevišķi norādītus vienā vai vairākos CN 33 īpašajos sarakstos, kas papildina vēstuļu karti. Minētajos sarakstos norāda to pašu depešas numuru, kas ir norādīts attiecīgās depešas vēstuļu kartē. Ja izmanto vairākus īpašos sarakstus, katru no tiem numurē pēc kārtas attiecībā uz katru depešu atsevišķi. Kopējo depešā ievietoto ierakstīto sūtījumu skaitu norāda vēstuļu kartes 3. tabulā.
3. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta vairāk nekā 100 000 ierakstītu sūtījumu gadā, visi savi ierakstītie sūtījumi jānosūta depešu sērijā, kas paredzēta vienīgi ierakstītiem sūtījumiem, t. i., sūtījuma apakšklase UR.
4. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par to, ka ierakstītos sūtījumus nosūta kā vairumsūtījumus. Šajā gadījumā kopējo depešā ievietoto ierakstīto sūtījumu skaitu norāda vēstuļu kartes 3. tabulā. Ja nav vienošanās par to, ka informācija tiks sūtīta tikai elektroniski, katra taras vienība, kurā ievietoti ierakstīti sūtījumi, tostarp tā, kurā ir ievietota vēstuļu karte, satur CN 33 īpašo sarakstu, kurā tam paredzētajā vietā ir norādīts ierakstīto sūtījumu kopskaits attiecīgajā taras vienībā.
5. Ierakstītos sūtījumus un, ja nepieciešams, arī 2. punktā paredzētos īpašos sarakstus ievieto vienā vai vairākās atsevišķās pakās vai tarā, ko pienācīgi iesaiņo vai noslēdz un aizplombē ar svinu vai bez tā, lai tādējādi aizsargātu to saturu. Šādi sagatavotu taru un pakas var aizvietot ar aizkausētiem plastikāta maisiem. Ierakstītos sūtījumus katrā pakā sakārto to ierakstīšanas kārtībā. Ja izmanto vienu vai vairākus īpašos sarakstus, katru no tiem piestiprina ierakstītajiem sūtījumiem, uz kuriem tas attiecas, un novieto virs pirmā sūtījuma attiecīgajā sainī. Ja izmanto vairākas taras vienības, katrā no tām ievieto īpašo sarakstu, kurā norādīti attiecīgajā taras vienībā ievietotie pasta sūtījumi.
6. Pēc iesaistīto izraudzīto operatoru savstarpējas vienošanās un tad, ja tas nav neiespējams ierakstīto sūtījumu lieluma dēļ, ierakstītos sūtījumus var ievietot īpašajā aploksnē kopā ar vēstuļu karti. Šo aploksni aizzīmogo.
7. Ierakstītos sūtījumus nedrīkst nosūtīt vienā sainī ar neierakstītajiem sūtījumiem.
8. Ja vien iespējams, vienā taras vienībā nenosūta vairāk par 600 ierakstītiem sūtījumiem.
9. Ja CN 33 īpašajā sarakstā norāda ierakstītos sūtījumus ar pēcmaksu, pretī attiecīgajam ierakstam slejā "Piezīmes" ir jāieraksta vai nu vārds "Reimbursement" ("Pēcmaksa"), vai arī saīsinājums "Remb." vai "COD".
10. Ierakstītos M maisus norāda kā vienu sūtījumu CN 33 īpašajā sarakstā. Slejā "Piezīmes" ieraksta burtu "M".
11. Izraudzītie operatori var ieviest attiecīgas sistēmas, kas elektroniski ģenerē sūtījuma nosūtīšanu apstiprinošus datus, un vienoties ar attiecīgo sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem par šādu datu apmaiņu.
17-122. pants
Apdrošinātu sūtījumu sūtīšana
1. Ja izraudzītie operatori ir divpusēji vai daudzpusēji vienojušies par papīra vēstuļu kartes nesūtīšanu, tiem nav pienākuma sūtīt papīra CN 16 sarakstus par apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem, jo PREDES 2.1. versijas paziņojumos līdzīga informācija tiek sniegta elektroniski.
2. Ja nav vienošanās par to, ka informācija tiks sūtīta tikai elektroniski, pasta apmaiņas vieta nosūtītāja ieraksta apdrošinātos sūtījumus CN 16 īpašajos sarakstos, norādot visu veidlapā paredzēto informāciju. Attiecībā uz sūtījumiem ar pēcmaksu slejā "Piezīmes" pretī attiecīgajam ierakstam ieraksta vai nu vārdu "Reimbursement" ("Pēcmaksa"), vai arī saīsinājumu "Remb." vai "COD".
3. Apdrošinātos sūtījumus noformē kopā ar īpašo sarakstu vai īpašajiem sarakstiem, sasienot tos kopā un ievietojot vienā vai vairākās īpašajās pakās. Paku iesaiņo izturīgā papīrā, aizsien no ārpuses un aizzīmogo, izmantojot vasku katrā locījuma vietā un uzliekot pasta apmaiņas vietas nosūtītājas zīmogu. Uz minētajiem saiņiem izvieto norādi "Valeurs déclarées" ("Apdrošināti sūtījumi").
4. Paku var neveidot, bet apdrošinātos sūtījumus var ievietot aploksnē, kas izgatavota no izturīga papīra un ir noslēgta, izmantojot vaska zīmogu.
5. Apdrošinātu sūtījumu pakas vai aploksnes var noslēgt arī ar līmzīmogu, uz kura ir uzdrukāta norāde par sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru. Uz līmzīmoga pasta iestāde sūtītāja uzliek kalendārzīmogu tā, lai tas daļēji ir gan uz līmzīmoga, gan uz iesaiņojuma. Šo noslēgšanas metodi nedrīkst izmantot, ja galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai apdrošinātu sūtījumu pakas vai aploksnes tiktu noslēgtas ar vaska zīmogiem vai svina plombām.
6. Ja apdrošinātu sūtījumu skaits vai apjoms ir pietiekams, tos var ievietot maisā, kuru attiecīgi noslēdz un aizzīmogo ar vaska zīmogu vai svina plombu.
7. Apdrošinātu sūtījumu paku, aploksni vai taru ievieto pakā vai tarā, kurā ir ierakstītie sūtījumi, vai, ja tas nav iespējams, sainī vai tarā, kurā parasti ievieto ierakstītus sūtījumus. Ja ierakstītos sūtījumus ievieto vairākās taras vienībās, tad apdrošināto sūtījumu paku, aploksni vai taru ievieto tajā maisā, pie kura ir piestiprināta īpašā aploksne ar vēstuļu karti.
8. Ārējam maisam, kurā ir ievietoti apdrošinātie sūtījumi, ir jābūt ļoti labā stāvoklī, un, ja iespējams, maisa atveres malā ierīko stiprinājumu, lai maisu nevarētu nelikumīgi atvērt, neatstājot redzamas pazīmes.
9. Kopējo depešā ievietoto apdrošināto sūtījumu skaitu norāda vēstuļu kartes 3. tabulā.
10. Izraudzītie operatori var ieviest attiecīgas sistēmas, kas elektroniski ģenerē sūtījuma nosūtīšanu apstiprinošus datus, un vienoties ar attiecīgo sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem par šādu datu apmaiņu.
17-123. pants
Naudas pārveduma un neierakstītu sūtījumu ar pēcmaksu
1. Naudas pārvedumu, ko nosūta bez aploksnes, ievieto atsevišķā sainī un ievieto ierakstīto sūtījumu pakā vai tarā vai, ja tas iespējams, apdrošināto sūtījumu pakā vai tarā. Tas pats attiecas arī uz neierakstītiem sūtījumiem ar pēcmaksu. Ja attiecīgajā depešā nav nedz ierakstītu, nedz apdrošinātu sūtījumu, naudas pārvedumus un neierakstītos sūtījumus ar pēcmaksu, ja tādi ir, ievieto vēstuļu kartes aploksnē vai pasta sainī kopā ar minēto aploksni.
2. To, ka attiecīgajā depešā ir iekļauti arī neierakstīti sūtījumi ar pēcmaksu, attiecīgi norāda vai nu CN 31, vai CN 32 vēstuļu kartes attiecīgajā iedaļā.
17-124. pants
Izsekojamu sūtījumu sūtīšana
1. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram gadā nosūta vairāk nekā 100 000 izsekojamu sūtījumu, visi savi izsekojamie sūtījumi jānosūta depešu sērijā, kas paredzēta vienīgi izsekojamiem sūtījumiem, t. i., sūtījuma apakšklasei UX. Ja izraudzītie operatori galamērķa izraudzītajam operatoram gadā nosūta mazāk nekā 100 000 izsekojamu sūtījumu, izsekojamos sūtījumus ievieto atsevišķos saiņos, kuriem piestiprinātas birkas ar simbolu "Tracked" ("Izsekojams"), kā noteikts 18-102. pantā. Ja vien iespējams, šos saiņus ievieto atsevišķās taras vienībās. Ja tas nav iespējams, "Tracked" sūtījumus liek tajā pasta tarā, kurā ir vēstuļu karte.
2. Ierakstītos izsekojamos sūtījumus sakārto pēc kārtas starp pārējiem ierakstītajiem sūtījumiem. CN 33 īpašajā sarakstā, slejā "Piezīmes", pretī attiecīgajiem ierakstiem ieraksta vārdu "Tracked" ("Izsekojams"). Tādu pašu norādi ieraksta arī CN 16 īpašo sarakstu slejā "Piezīmes", pretī ierakstiem, kas attiecas uz apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem, kuri piegādājami kā izsekojami sūtījumi.
17-125. pants
IBRS sūtījumu sūtīšana
1. IBRS sūtījumus noformē kā atsevišķus pasta saiņus. Uz CN 25 saiņa birkas izvieto norādi "IBRS" un norāda sūtījumu skaitu. IBRS sūtījumu saiņus ievieto tarā, kurā ir vēstuļu karte. Tomēr tos nedrīkst ievietot ierakstīto sūtījumu iekšpakā vai tarā.
1.1. Ja IBRS sūtījumu svars depešā ir lielāks par 2 kilogramiem, šos sūtījumus ievieto atsevišķā tarā. Uz taras birkām jābūt norādei par IBRS sūtījumu.
2. IBRS sūtījumus nedrīkst sūtīt depešās ar vairumsūtījumiem.
3. Depešā ievietotos IBRS sūtījumus norāda CN 31 vēstuļu kartes 4. tabulā šādi:
3.1. attiecībā uz atsevišķā tarā ievietotiem sūtījumiem rindā "IBRS maisi" ieraksta taras vienību skaitu un svaru un sūtījumu skaitu;
3.2. attiecībā uz sūtījumiem, kurus sūta kopā ar citiem sūtījumiem, sadaļā "IBRS saiņi" ieraksta saiņu skaitu un svaru un sūtījumu skaitu.
17-126. pants
M maisu sūtīšana
Katram M maisam pievieno CN 34, CN 35 vai CN 36 birku, kurā augšējā labajā stūrī ir norādīts liels burts "M". Šo birku pievieno papildus adreses birkai, kuru iesniedz sūtītājs. M pakas, kuras nav ievietotas maisā, nosūtīšanai ir jāievieto kopējā M maisā.
17-127. pants
Vairumsūtījumu sūtīšana
1. Ja piemēro īpašu samaksu par vairumsūtījumiem (sk. 31-113. panta 1. un 2. punktu), sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators vairumsūtījumus var sūtīt īpašās depešās, kurām pievienota CN 32 vēstuļu karte.
2. CN 32 vēstuļu kartē norāda sūtījumu skaitu un svaru.
2.2. Ja izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies, sūtījumu skaitu un svaru norāda savstarpēji pieņemtā formātā.
3. 17-120. panta noteikumus analoģiski piemēro arī CN 32 vēstuļu kartēm.
17-128. pants
To sūtījumu nosūtīšana, kuriem ir nodrošināta tiešā piekļuve
iekšzemes piegādei
1. Sūtījumus, kuriem ir nodrošināta tiešā piekļuve iekšzemes piegādei, saskaņā ar Konvencijas 28. panta 4. punktu sūta īpašās depešās, kurām pievieno atbilstīgi pārveidotu CN 31 vēstuļu karti, ja vien sūtījuma nodošanas vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators īpaši nepieprasa citu dokumentāciju saskaņā ar valsts tiesību aktiem.
2. Pārveidotajā CN 31 vēstuļu kartē vai citā dokumentācijā, ko pieprasa galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, norāda sūtījumu skaitu, svaru un, ja nepieciešams, kategoriju vai citu papildu informāciju, ko pieprasa galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators.
3. 17-120. panta noteikumus analoģiski piemēro arī CN 31 vēstuļu kartēm vai citai dokumentācijai, ko pieprasa galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators.
4. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir divpusēji jāvienojas par citām veidlapām un procedūrām, ko izmanto tādu sūtījumu nosūtīšanai, kuriem ir nodrošināta tiešā piekļuve iekšzemes piegādei, ja to pieprasa galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators.
17-129. pants
Depešu marķēšana
1. Taras birkas izgatavo no pietiekami izturīga audekla, plastmasas, stingra kartona, pergamentpapīra vai papīra, kas pielīmēts pie koka. Pasta maisiem pie birkas piestiprina cilpiņu.
2. Visu taras veidu birkām izkārtojuma un teksta ziņā jāatbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S47 un/vai jāatbilst turpmāk pievienotajiem un minētajiem paraugiem:
2.1. CN 34 veidlapai sauszemes taras gadījumā;
2.2. CN 35 veidlapai aviopasta taras gadījumā;
2.3. CN 36 veidlapai tādas sauszemes taras gadījumā, kuru pārsūta ar aviotransportu (SAL).
3. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem piemēro turpmāk uzskaitītos birku parametrus.
3.1. Veicot šķirošanu pēc sūtījumu formāta, uz birkām norāda attiecīgo kodu no UPU 120. kodu saraksta (satura formāts). Uz paliktņiem attiecas tikai formāts "P" vai "G".
3.2. Ja ir kods attiecībā uz taras saturu, uz birkām norāda kodu no UPU 188. kodu saraksta (īpaša satura kodi).
3.3. Uz birkas norāda īpašu satura deskriptoru no UPU 176. kodu saraksta, ja uz to attiecas kāda no turpmāk norādītajām vērtībām (viena no tām ir attēlota vairāk, ņemot vērā turpmāk uzskaitīto secību):
3.3.1. "Accés Direct" ("Tieša piekļuve"), ja tarā ir tikai šīs kategorijas sūtījumi;
3.3.2. "IBRS", ja tarā ir daži šīs kategorijas sūtījumi;
3.3.3. "Tracked" ("Izsekojams"), ja tarā ir daži izsekojami sūtījumi;
3.3.4. "PRIOR", ja tarā ir prioritāri pasta sūtījumi, ko pārsūta pa sauszemi;
3.3.5. "Journaux" ("Laikraksti"), ja tarā ir tikai šīs kategorijas sūtījumi;
3.3.6. "Ecrits périodiques" ("Periodiskie izdevumi"), ja tarā ir tikai šīs kategorijas sūtījumi;
3.3.7. "Petits paquets" ("Sīkpakas"), ja tarā ir tikai šīs kategorijas sūtījumi.
3.4. Uz birkas, ko piestiprina tarai, kurā ir vēstuļu karte, šim nolūkam paredzētajā zonā treknrakstā norāda burtu "F".
3.5. Uz birkas, ko piestiprina tarai, kurā ir tikai sūtījumi, kas ir atbrīvoti no gala norēķiniem, treknrakstā norāda "Exempt" ("Atbrīvojums").
3.6. Taras birkā norāda taras vienības bruto svaru, ko noapaļo uz augšu līdz tuvākajam hektogramam, ja hektograma iedaļa ir vienāda ar 50 gramiem vai lielāka par to, bet citā gadījumā noapaļo uz leju līdz tuvākajam hektogramam.
3.7. Uz birkas norāda taras identifikatora svītrkodu atbilstīgi UPU tehniskajam standartam S9.
4. Attiecībās starp tuvu esošām pasta iestādēm var izmantot cieta papīra birkas. Tomēr tām ir jābūt pietiekami cietām, lai sūtīšanas laikā tās izturētu dažādos depešu apstrādes procesus.
5. Pie taras, kurā ir ierakstīti sūtījumi, apdrošināti sūtījumi un/vai vēstuļu karte, piestiprina spilgti sarkanas krāsas birku.
5.1. Tomēr izraudzītie operatori divpusējās attiecībās var vienoties, ka drošības apsvērumu dēļ sarkanas krāsas birku vietā izmantos kādu citu abpusēji pieņemamu alternatīvu metodi.
6. Baltas krāsas birku izmanto tarai, kurā ir tikai turpmāk minēto kategoriju vienkāršie sūtījumi:
6.1. prioritāri sūtījumi (dažādu veidu vai šķiroti pēc formāta);
6.2. vēstules un pastkartes, kuras sūta pa sauszemi un pa gaisu;
6.3. dažādi sūtījumi (vēstules, pastkartes, laikraksti, periodiskie izdevumi un citi sūtījumi).
7. Baltas krāsas birku izmanto arī tarai, kurā ir laikraksti, ko vairumā ir nodevuši izdevēji vai to pārstāvji un ko sūta tikai pa sauszemi, izņemot tos, ko sūta atpakaļ sūtītājam.
8. Gaiši zilas krāsas birku izmanto tarai, kurā ir tikai turpmāk minēto kategoriju vienkāršie sūtījumi:
8.1. neprioritāri sūtījumi (dažādu veidu vai šķiroti pēc formāta);
8.2. iespieddarbi;
8.3. sūtījumi neredzīgām personām;
8.4. sīkpakas.
9. Gaiši zilas krāsas birku izmanto arī tarai, kurā ir periodiskie izdevumi, kas nav minēti 7. punktā.
10. Violetas krāsas birku izmanto tarai, kurā ir tikai vienkāršie vairumsūtījumi.
11. Baltas krāsas birku ar violetas krāsas svītrām malās izmanto tarai, kurā ir tiešas piekļuves sūtījumi.
12. Zaļas krāsas birku izmanto tarai, kurā ir tikai tukši maisi, ko sūta atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas vietu.
13. Baltas krāsas birku var izmantot kopā ar 5 x 3 cm lielo norādi vienā no krāsām, kas minēta 5.-9. un 12. punktā. Zilas vai violetas krāsas birku arī var izmantot kopā ar līdzīgu norādi, kas ir sarkanā krāsā.
14. Sūtījumus, kuros ir infekciozas vielas, ko atļauts pieņemt, ievieto atsevišķā tarā. Katrai taras vienībai piestiprina identifikācijas birku, kas krāsas un formas ziņā ir līdzīga birkai, kura minēta 19-005. pantā, bet ir lielāka, lai pie tās varētu piestiprināt cilpiņu.
15. Izmantojot kopējo maisu, tā svaru neņem vērā taras bruto svarā. Tarai, kuras svars ir mazāks par 50 gramiem, svaru norāda "0".
16. Starpposma pasta iestāde kārtas numuru nenorāda uz tranzītā esošo taras vienību birkām vai uz slēgto depešu pakām.
17. Visi sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītie operatori, kuri taras noslēgšanai izmanto numurētas plombas, plombas numuru var norādīt uz taras birkas.
17-130. pants
Svītrkodu izmantošana
1. Ja sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators uz starptautiskā vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma izvieto 13 simbolu svītrkoda identifikatoru, tad uz attiecīgā sūtījuma izvieto tikai vienu šādu identifikatoru. Šis identifikators atbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S10, un to uz sūtījuma izvieto gan viegli lasāmā, gan svītrkoda formā, kā paredzēts attiecīgajā standartā.
2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts, tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori var izvietot papildu svītrkodus, kuros nav izmantots S10 formāts, ja šie papildu svītrkodi neaizsedz nevienu sūtītāja adreses vai atpakaļsūtīšanas adreses daļu vai nevienu tā S10 identifikatora daļu, ko uz sūtījuma izvietojis sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators.
3. Tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators var izvietot sūtījuma identifikatoru, kurš atbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S10 un kurš ietver datus, kas ir identiski datiem, kas iekļauti identifikatorā, ko izvietojis sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators. Šādā gadījumā, ja attiecīgo sūtījumu pārsūta citam izraudzītajam operatoram vai nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, iepriekš izvietotais S10 identifikators nav jāpārsvītro vai jānoņem.
4. Ja tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators izvieto S10 formāta svītrkodu, kas ietverto datu ziņā atšķiras no sākotnēji izvietotā S10 identifikatora, šo iepriekš izvietoto S10 formāta svītrkodu pārsvītro vai noņem, ja attiecīgo sūtījumu pārsūta citam izraudzītajam operatoram vai nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
17-131. pants
Elektroniska informācijas apmaiņa pasta procesu
1. Izraudzītie operatori apmainās ar pirmsnosūtīšanas informāciju un saņemšanas informāciju saskaņā ar PREDES un RESDES paziņojumiem par visām depešām ar vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem ar turpmāk norādītajām pazīmēm.
1.1. PREDES paziņojumos ir iekļauti dati par sūtījumiem, kad ir pieejami identificēti sūtījumi. Attiecīgā gadījumā tajos arī ir sniegta informācija par satura formātu.
1.2. RESDES paziņojumos norāda taras veidu un attiecīgajā gadījumā informāciju par satura formātu.
1.3. Saskaņā ar 08-002. pantu izraudzītie operatori vienādā mērā nodrošina, ka S10 sūtījumu identifikatori visiem sūtījumiem, kuros ir ievietotas preces, ir iekļauti PREDES elektroniskajā paziņojumā (UPU EDI ziņojumu standarts M41), ko nosūta galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
2. Izraudzītie operatori sniedz sūtījuma virzības izsekošanas informāciju par izejošajiem un ienākošajiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem to valsts teritorijā EMSEVT V3 ziņojumu veidā, kā norādīts UPU standartā M40, šādos gadījumos:
2.1. attiecībā uz izsekojamiem sūtījumiem EMSEVT ziņojumu apmaiņa ir obligāta ar visiem partneriem;
2.2. attiecībā uz ierakstītiem un apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem EMSEVT ziņojumu apmaiņa ir obligāta tikai papildu atlīdzības programmā tiem iesaistītajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir pilnībā iesaistījušies šajā programmā saskaņā ar 31-104. un 31-105. pantu. Datu apmaiņa ar citiem dalībniekiem notiek pēc izvēles.
3. Uz nosūtītajiem EMSEVT ziņojumiem attiecas šādi rādītāji:
3.1. ja sūtījumam ir piemērojami EMSEVT sūtījuma virzības izsekošanas notikumi, obligāti ir jānodrošina šādi sūtījuma virzības izsekošanas notikumi: EMC, EMD, EMH un EMI. Citi EMSEVT V3 notikumi ir fakultatīvi;
3.2. ja tiek nodrošināti turpmāk minētie sūtījuma virzības izsekošanas notikumi, noteikti datu elementi, kas M40 standartā ir fakultatīvi, ir obligāti, kā norādīts pēdējā slejā.
Notikums | Apraksts | Papildu obligātie datu elementi |
EMA | Nodošana/savākšana | Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta iestādes ID |
EMB | Sūtījums saņemts izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietā | Izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EMC | Sūtījums nosūtīts no izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietas | Izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EMD | Sūtījums saņemts ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietā | Sūtījuma saņēmēja pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EDB | Sūtījums uzrādīts ievedmuitas kontroles iestādē | Sūtījuma saņēmēja pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EME | Turēšana muitā | Sūtījuma saņēmēja pasta apmaiņas vieta Iemesls uzglabāšanai ievedmuitas kontroles iestādē |
EDC | Sūtījumi nosūtīti atpakaļ no ievedmuitas kontroles iestādes | Muitas atpakaļnosūtīšanas vietas ID |
EMF | Sūtījums nosūtīts no ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietas | Ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EDH | Sūtījums saņemts savākšanas vietā izsniegšanai | Savākšanas vietas ID |
EMG | Saņemts piegādes pasta iestādē | Piegādes pasta iestādes ID |
EMH | Piegādes mēģinājums/piegāde nav izdevusies | Piegādes pasta
iestādes ID Piegāde nav izdevusies, veiktā darbība Piegāde nav izdevusies, iemesls |
EMI | Galīgā piegāde | Piegādes pasta iestādes ID |
EMJ | Sūtījums saņemts tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vietā | Tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EMK | Sūtījums nosūtīts no tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vietas | Tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vieta |
17-132. pants
Depešu virzīšana
1. Slēgtās depešas, ieskaitot depešas slēgtā tranzītā, nosūta pa vistiešāko iespējamo maršrutu.
2. Ja depešā ir vairākas taras vienības, tām pēc iespējas jāpaliek kopā un tās nosūta ar vienu un to pašu transportu.
3. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators attiecībā uz slēgtajām depešām, kuras tas regulāri nosūta, un izraudzītais operators, kas nodrošina slēgto tranzītu, var apspriest maršrutu, pa kuru jāsūta šīs depešas. Informāciju par maršrutu, kuru izmanto izraudzītais operators, kas nodrošina slēgto tranzītu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nenorāda ne pavadrakstā (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47), ne tā elektroniskā ekvivalentā, ne arī CN 34, CN 35 vai CN 36 birkā. Informāciju par virzīšanas maršrutu, kuru norāda pavadrakstā (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47) vai tā elektroniskā ekvivalentā, vai CN 34, CN 35 vai CN 36 birkā, sniedz tikai par maršrutu, kuru izmanto depešu pārvadāšanai no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora līdz izraudzītajam operatoram, kas nodrošina slēgto tranzītu.
4. Parasti depešas slēgtā tranzītā nosūta ar to pašu transportu, kuru tranzīta valsts izraudzītais operators izmanto savu depešu pārvadāšanai. Ja regulāri rodas situācija, ka laikposms starp slēgtā tranzītā sūtīto depešu pienākšanu un transporta atiešanu ir nepietiekami ilgs, vai ja depešu apjomi regulāri pārsniedz gaisa kuģa ietilpību, par to informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru.
5. Ja maina maršrutu, pa kuru notiek slēgtu depešu apmaiņa starp diviem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, ar viena vai vairāku to izraudzīto operatoru starpniecību, kas nodrošina slēgto tranzītu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators par izmaiņām maršrutā informē attiecīgos izraudzītos operatorus, kas nodrošina slēgto tranzītu.
17-133. pants
Nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu sagatavošana
1. Lai noteiktu depešu nosūtīšanai vispiemērotāko maršrutu un laiku, depešu nodošanas valsts apmaiņas vieta galamērķa valsts pasta iestādei var nosūtīt CN 44 nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu. Šo paziņojumu ievieto depešā un pievieno CN 31 vai CN 32 vēstuļu kartei, kurā to, ka ir pievienots attiecīgais paziņojums, norāda, ievelkot krustiņu attiecīgajā rūtī. Ja saņemtajā depešā nav CN 44 veidlapas, galamērķa pasta iestāde saņēmēja sagatavo kopiju. Galamērķa pasta iestādes pienācīgi aizpildītu nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu nosūta atpakaļ uz norādīto adresi vai, ja šādas norādes nav, pasta iestādei, kas minēto paziņojumu ir sagatavojusi.
2. Lai noteiktu atklātā tranzītā ar izraudzītā operatora starpniecību nosūtītu sūtījumu nosūtīšanai vispiemērotāko maršrutu un laiku, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram var nosūtīt CN 44 nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu. Šo paziņojumu ievieto aploksnē, uz kuras priekšpusē augšējā labajā stūrī uzraksta norādi "CN 44". Galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori pienācīgi aizpildītu nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu nosūta atpakaļ pa visātrāko maršrutu (gaisa vai sauszemes).
3. Ja galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators konstatē būtisku kavēšanos un atklāj ātrāku maršrutu, tas var sagatavot CN 44 nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu un ieteikt vispiemērotāko maršrutu gan slēgtām depešām, gan sūtījumiem, kas ir nosūtīti atklātā tranzītā ar cita izraudzītā operatora starpniecību. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators rūpīgi izvērtē galamērķa valsts pasta iestādes piedāvājumu.
17-134. pants
Depešu nodošana
1. Izraudzītie operatori visas depešas nodod labā stāvoklī. Tomēr bojājuma vai zādzības gadījumā no depešas nevar atteikties.
2. Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja sagatavo pavadraksta informāciju un iesniedz to galamērķa pasta iestādei, kā arī citām pusēm, ja tādas ir, kas iesaistītas depešu, tostarp depešu ar vairumsūtījumiem, transportēšanā. Minēto informāciju vēlams sniegt elektroniski, izmantojot UPU EDI ziņojumu standartus M10 (PRECON v1.1) un M48 (CARDIT v2.1); ja tas nav iespējams, pavadraksta informācijas apmaiņu veic, izmantojot UPU veidlapas.
3. Elektronisko paziņojumu apmaiņai ar pavadraksta informāciju piemēro turpmāk uzskaitītos noteikumus.
3.1. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nosūta CARDIT paziņojumu.
3.2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai attiecīgais transporta dienests elektroniski reģistrē depešas saņemšanu un nosūta attiecīgos datus, izmantojot UPU EDI ziņojumu standartu M49 (RESDIT v1.1), lai apstiprinātu katras taras vienības saņemšanu attiecīgajā sūtījumu grupā.
3.3. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai attiecīgais transporta dienests elektroniski reģistrē depešas nodošanu un nosūta attiecīgos datus, izmantojot RESDIT standarta paziņojumu "Piegādāts".
3.4. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nosūta PRECON standarta paziņojumu tam izraudzītajam operatoram, kam attiecīgā sūtījumu grupa ir adresēta. To var darīt pat tad, ja līdz šim galamērķim ar transporta dienestu nav notikusi CARDIT/RESDIT paziņojumu apmaiņa.
3.5. Izraudzītais operators, kas saņem depešu, nosūta RESCON paziņojumu sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, lai apstiprinātu depešas saņemšanu.
3.6. Attiecībā uz gaisa transportu sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai aviosabiedrība savā sistēmā glabā CARDIT datus un RESDIT saņemšanas un piegādes datus un nodod šos datus tai iestādei, kura atbild par zemes pakalpojumiem sūtījuma nodošanas, tranzīta un galamērķa lidostā.
3.7. Pieprasījuma gadījumā izraudzītie operatori sniedz pieejamo informāciju, tostarp informāciju, kas saņemta no aviosabiedrības.
4. Izmantojot UPU veidlapas, atkarībā no depešu un pārvadājumu veida izmanto šādas pavadrakstu veidlapas:
4.1. CN 37 sauszemes depešām (C un D kategorijas sūtījumi), kas nav tukšu maisu depešas;
4.2. CN 38 aviodepešām (A kategorijas sūtījumi), kas nav tukšu maisu depešas;
4.3. CN 41 sauszemes depešām, kuras pārvadā ar aviotransportu (SAL) (B kategorijas sūtījumi), kas nav tukšu maisu depešas;
4.4. CN 47 visām tukšu maisu depešām visās sūtījumu kategorijās.
5. Pavadrakstu veidlapu aizpildīšanai piemēro turpmāk uzskaitītos noteikumus.
5.1. Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja saglabā pavadraksta kopiju; ja ir iesaistīts transporta dienests, šis dienests vai saistītais starpnieks paraksta šo kopiju kā depešu saņemšanas apliecinājumu.
5.2. Kopiju nosūta galamērķa pasta iestādei.
5.3. Ja ir iesaistīts transporta dienests, šim dienestam nodod papildu kopiju un to nogādā galamērķa valstī; transporta dienests saglabā šo kopiju pēc tam, kad to ir parakstījusi saņēmējiestāde.
5.4. Attiecībā uz gaisa transportu abas pavadraksta kopijas, ko nogādā galamērķa pasta iestādei, ievieto CN 45 aploksnē. Minētās kopijas pārvadā gaisa kuģa lidojuma portfelī vai citā īpašā somā, kurā tiek glabāti lidojuma dokumenti. Pēc ierašanās depešu izkraušanas lidostā pirmo kopiju, kas, apliecinot depešu saņemšanu, ir pienācīgi parakstīta, patur aviosabiedrība, kas pārvadāja depešas. Otro kopiju pievieno depešai, lai tā nonāktu pasta iestādē, kura ir norādīta pavadrakstā.
5.5. Izraudzītie operatori, kas depešām, kuras tiek saņemtas no pārvadātājiem, ir izstrādājuši elektroniskās reģistrācijas sistēmu, pavadrakstu noformēšanas procedūras vietā, kas aprakstīta 5.4. punktā, var izmantot minētās sistēmas sūtījumu reģistrācijas datus. Pavadrakstu veidlapu parakstīto kopiju vietā izraudzītais operators saņēmējs pārvadātājam var izsniegt elektroniski saņemto reģistrācijas datu izdruku par attiecīgo depešu.
5.6. Ja depešu nodošana starp divām iestādēm notiek, izmantojot jūras pārvadājumus, uz galamērķa valsti nosūta, vēlams, elektroniski, papildu kopiju vai citādi, izmantojot aviopastu, lai iepriekš informētu galamērķa valsti.
5.7. Ja pavadrakstus sagatavo elektroniski un tiešsaistē nosūta transporta dienestam vai sadarbības aģentam, tieši nepiedaloties attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora darbiniekiem un neveicot minēto pavadrakstu drukāšanu, pārvadājumos iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori vai uzņēmumi var vienoties, ka paraksts uz pavadraksta nav obligāts.
17-135. pants
CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadraksta sagatavošana un
1. Pavadrakstus aizpilda atbilstīgi izkārtojumam un pamatojoties uz informāciju, kas norādīta taras birkās vai blakus adresei. Taras vienību (ieskaitot vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu taras vienību, kas ir atbrīvotas no gala norēķiniem) un sūtījumu kopējo skaitu un svaru katrā depešā norāda kopā atbilstīgi kategorijai. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītie operatori, ja vēlas, informāciju par katru taras vienību var norādīt atsevišķi. Tomēr starpposma valstij vai tranzītvalstij ir jāuzskaita katra tranzīta taras vienība atsevišķi, saglabājot sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora norādīto sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru, galamērķa valsts pasta iestādi, kā arī depešas un taras numuru. Sešu simbolu IMPC kodu, ar ko identificē valsti, kurā maiss ir nodots, un tā galamērķa valsti, norāda attiecīgi 2. un 3. ailē. To taras vienību skaitu un svaru, kurām ir sarkanas birkas, norāda atsevišķi; pavadraksta ailē "Piezīmes" tās apzīmē ar burtu "R".
2. Ja tiek sūtītas depešas ar prioritāriem sauszemes sūtījumiem , CN 37 pavadraksta ailē "Piezīmes" ieraksta apzīmējumu "PRIOR".
3. Kopējā maisā ievietotās depešas CN 38 pavadrakstā ieraksta atsevišķi ar norādi par šādu ievietošanu.
4. Ja starpposma valsts pasta iestāde vai galamērķa valsts pasta iestāde konstatē ieraksta kļūdas CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadrakstā, tā nekavējoties veic labojumus. Par kļūdu, izmantojot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu, tā ziņo pēdējai pasta apmaiņas vietai sūtītājai, kā arī pasta apmaiņas vietai, kura sagatavojusi depešu. Lai ziņotu par pārkāpumiem, izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par elektroniskā pasta vai kādu citu piemērotu telesakaru līdzekļu regulāru izmantošanu.
5. Kad nosūtītās depešas ir ievietotas konteinerā, kuru ir aizplombējis pasta dienests, CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadrakstā attiecīgi paredzētajā vietā ieraksta katra konteinera kārtas numuru un plombas numuru.
17-136. pants
CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47 pavadraksta
1. Lai atrisinātu gadījumus saistībā ar pavadrakstu trūkumu, izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par elektroniskā pasta vai kādu citu piemērotu telesakaru līdzekļu regulāru izmantošanu.
2. Galamērķa pasta iestāde atzīst par derīgu elektroniski nosūtītu pavadrakstu, ko pienācīgi parakstījis izraudzītais operators sūtītājs un izdrukājis pārvadātājs galamērķa valstī vai starpposma vietā.
3. Ja trūkst pavadraksta vai tā elektroniskā ekvivalenta, saņēmējiestāde sagatavo aizstājošo pavadrakstu par saņemto kravu, kuru paraksta pārvadātājs. Aizstājošo pavadrakstu var nosūtīt pasta iestādei nosūtītājai, pievienojot to CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumam, vai saglabāt iespējamu strīdu gadījumiem par attiecīgo depešu.
4. Ja galamērķa pasta iestāde sākotnējā pavadraksta vietā no pārvadātāja ir saņēmusi CN 46 aizstājošo pavadrakstu, ko sagatavojis pārvadātājs, šis pavadraksts ir jāapstiprina. Par šo faktu var paziņot pasta iestādei nosūtītājai, izmantojot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu, kam pievienots šis CN 46 aizstājošais pavadraksts.
5. Ja ir sagatavots CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojums un ja nav iespējams noteikt iekraušanas lidostu, šo pārbaudes paziņojumu nosūta tieši depešas sūtītājiestādei, lai tā nosūtītu paziņojumu pasta iestādei, ar kuras starpniecību notiek depešas tranzīts.
17-137. pants
Depešu pārbaude
1. Ikviena pasta iestāde, kas saņem depešu, pārbauda:
1.1. norādi uz depešā ievietoto un pavadrakstā ierakstīto taras vienību nosūtīšanas vietu un galamērķi;
1.2. plombas un noformējumu maisiem, pie kuriem piestiprinātas sarkanas krāsas birka;
1.3. informācijas precizitāti pavadrakstā.
2. CN 34, CN 35 vai CN 36 birkā norādīto svaru pārbauda izlases veidā vai sistemātiski. Sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādes norādītos datus uzskata par pareiziem, ja konstatētā svara vai skaita atšķirība:
2.1. attiecībā uz sauszemes depešu vai sauszemes depešu, ko sūta ar aviotransportu (SAL), taras vienībām ir 200 grami vai mazāka;
2.2. attiecībā uz aviodepešu, prioritāro depešu vai depešu ar vairumsūtījumiem taras vienībām ir 100 grami vai mazāka;
2.3. attiecībā uz IBRS sūtījumiem ir 100 grami vai mazāka vai atšķirība ir 20 sūtījumi vai mazāk sūtījumu.
3. Ja starpposma pasta iestāde vai galamērķa pasta iestāde konstatē, ka atšķirība starp faktisko un norādīto taras svaru vai atšķirība starp IBRS sūtījumu faktisko un norādīto svaru un skaitu ir lielāka par ierobežojumiem, kas paredzēti 2.1., 2.2. vai 2.3. punktā, attiecīgā gadījumā veic labojumus taras birkā un pavadrakstā. Tā nekavējoties, izmantojot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu vai savstarpēji saskaņotu izlīdzināšanas procedūru, par kļūdu informē nosūtīšanas apmaiņas vietu un, ja nepieciešams, pēdējo starpposma apmaiņas vietu.
4. Attiecībā uz depešām, kas šķirotas pēc formāta, ja galamērķa pasta iestāde konstatē faktiskā formāta neatbilstību formātam, kas norādīts uz taras birkas, tā nekavējoties, izmantojot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu vai savstarpēji saskaņotu izlīdzināšanas procedūru, par kļūdu informē nosūtīšanas apmaiņas vietu. Ja tarā nav vēstuļu, kas atbilst paziņotajai formāta norādei, taras svara norādi vai nu saglabā atbilstīgi paziņotajam formātam, vai pārvērš pareizākajā formātā atbilstīgi svaram. Veicot izlasi, visā pārskata gadā vienu un to pašu procedūru piemēro gan taras vienībām, no kurām ņem paraugus, gan tām, no kurām paraugus neņem.
5. Ja starpposma pasta iestāde saņem depešu sliktā stāvoklī un ja tā uzskata, ka saturs ir bojāts, tā veic attiecīgu pārbaudi. Depešu ievieto jaunā iepakojumā tādā stāvoklī, kādā tas tika saņemts. Minētā iestāde no sākotnējās birkas pārraksta informāciju jaunajā birkā un jaunajā birkā izdara kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu, kura priekšā izvieto norādi "Remballé a ..." ("Atkārtoti iepakots"). Tā sagatavo CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu un vienu kopiju ievieto atkārtoti iepakotajā depešā.
6. Saņemot depešu, galamērķa pasta apmaiņas vieta izpilda tālāk uzskaitītās darbības.
6.1. Tā pārbauda, vai depeša ir pilnīga un vai tā ir saņemta atbilstīgi secībai, kādā tā tika izsūtīta.
6.2. Tā pārbauda, vai vēstuļu kartē, kā arī attiecīgā gadījumā CN 16 nosūtīšanas kartēs un CN 33 īpašajā sarakstā izdarītie ieraksti ir pareizi.
6.3. Tā pārliecinās, vai nav novērojami pārkāpumi saistībā ar ārējo noformējumu ārējām taras vienībām un pakām, aploksnēm vai iekšējām taras vienībām, kurās ir apdrošināti sūtījumi.
6.4. Tā pārbauda apdrošināto sūtījumu skaitu un aplūko tos atsevišķi, tostarp pārbaudot svaru, plombas un marķējumu, un pārliecinās, ka sūtījumi ar pēcmaksu ir pareizi apzīmogoti un tiem ir pievienotas attiecīgās maksājumu veidlapas.
6.5. Tā pārliecinās par to, ka izsekojamie sūtījumi, kas nosūtīti īpašā tarā vai tarā, kurā ir vēstuļu karte, nekavējoties nonāk iekšzemes sistēmā, lai tie iespējami drīz tiktu izsūtīti un piegādāti.
6.6. Ja ir konstatēts, ka nav depešas vai depešā trūkst vienas vai vairāku taras vienību, vai depešā to ir vairāk, to nekavējoties dokumentē divi darbinieki. Viņi veic vajadzīgos labojumus vēstuļu kartēs vai īpašajos sarakstos. Nepareizos ierakstus attiecīgi svītro vai papildina tā, lai sākotnējie ieraksti būtu salasāmi. Ja nav konstatēta acīmredzama kļūda, labojumiem dod priekšroku salīdzinājumā ar sākotnējiem ierakstiem.
6.7. Procedūru, kas paredzēta 6.6. punktā, piemēro arī tad, ja ir konstatētas citas neatbilstības, piemēram, trūkst apdrošinātu sūtījumu, ierakstītu sūtījumu, ar svītrkodu apzīmētu izsekojamu sūtījumu vai šādu sūtījumu ir vairāk, nekā norādīts, vai trūkst vēstuļu kartes, nosūtīšanas kartes vai īpašā saraksta.
6.8. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties 6.6. un 6.7. punktā izklāstītās procedūras aizstāt ar informāciju, ko nosūta elektroniski par ienākošo sūtījumu saņemšanu (RESDES paziņojums, EMSEVT notikumi EMD) un piegādi (EMSEVT notikumi EMH/EMI). Izraudzītie operatori var arī vienoties ziņojumus par neatbilstībām papīra formātā (CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumi) aizstāt ar saskaņotu daudzuma (svars un vienību skaits) izlīdzināšanas procedūru, izmantojot elektroniski iegūtu informāciju.
6.9. Ja trūkst vēstuļu kartes vai īpašā saraksta, saņēmējiestāde papildus sagatavo jaunu vēstuļu karti vai īpašo sarakstu, vai precīzu paziņojumu par saņemtajiem apdrošinātajiem, ierakstītajiem vai izsekojamajiem sūtījumiem. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties regulāri izmantot iepriekšējus elektroniskus paziņojumus (PREDES/RESDES paziņojumi), lai rīkotos gadījumos, kad trūkst vēstuļu kartes vai īpašā saraksta, bet saņēmējiestādes reģistrētais apdrošināto, ierakstīto vai izsekojamo sūtījumu svars un skaits atbilst informācijai, kas saņemta elektroniski. Šādos gadījumos ienākošā sūtījuma saņēmējs izraudzītais operators var nolemt nesagatavot aizstājošo vēstuļu karti un nesagatavot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu.
7. Papildu informācija par depešām ar vairumsūtījumiem
7.1. CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu nosūta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, pievienojot aizstājošo CN 32 vēstuļu karti, kurā sīku informāciju par vairumsūtījumiem norāda turpmāk minētajos gadījumos:
7.1.1. sūtījuma nodošanas valsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies par depešu ar vairumsūtījumiem noformēšanu, taču sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators vairumsūtījumus sūta citās depešās;
7.1.2. depešām ar vairumsūtījumiem nav pievienota CN 32 vēstuļu karte;
7.1.3. galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators saņem vairumsūtījumus, par kuriem nav paziņots, bet kuriem nekavējoties jāpiemēro īpaša atlīdzība; šādā gadījumā galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators depešu nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, vēlams, izmantojot telesakarus (faksu vai citus elektroniskos sakaru līdzekļus), nosūta CN 43 un CN 32 veidlapas;
7.1.4. attiecībā uz depešām, kas šķirotas pēc formāta, galamērķa pasta iestāde konstatē faktiskā formāta neatbilstību dažu vairumsūtījumu vai taras vienību paziņotajam formātam.
7.2. Gadījumos, kas paredzēti 7.1.1. un 7.1.3. punktā, CN 31 vēstuļu kartē, kas pievienota depešai, kurā ir vairumsūtījumi, veic attiecīgus labojumus un nosūta, pievienojot to CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumam.
8. Ja depeša ir atvērta, aizdari veidojošās daļas (svina vai cita veida plombu, auklu, uzlīmi) saglabā kopā. Lai to izdarītu, auklu pārgriež tikai vienā vietā.
9. Katram izraudzītajam operatoram saskaņā ar valsts tiesību aktiem un procedūrām, kas saskaņotas ar attiecīgās valsts muitas pārvaldi, ir tiesības atvērt un pārbaudīt saņemtos M maisus, lai pārbaudītu to atbilstību priekšmetu ievietošanas noteikumiem, kuri sīkāk precizēti 17-107. panta 7.1.-7.5. punktā, un nodrošinātu atbilstību muitas noteikumiem. Sūtījumiem, kuri neatbilst minētajiem noteikumiem, galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora gala norēķinos piemēro tarifus par prioritāriem un neprioritāriem sūtījumiem. Lai informētu sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru par labojumiem CN 31 vēstuļu kartē, sagatavo CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu.
10. Ja pasta iestāde saņem vēstuļu kartes vai īpašos sarakstus, kas nav tai paredzēti, tā šos dokumentus vai - ja tas ir noteikts valsts noteikumos - apliecinātus to norakstus pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu nosūta pasta iestādei saņēmējai.
11. Par pārkāpumiem, kas konstatēti, saņemot depešu, kurā ir apdrošināti sūtījumi, nekavējoties ziņo sūtījuma nodošanas dienestam. Paziņojumu par trūkstošu sūtījumu, izmaiņām vai kādu citu pārkāpumu, par kuru izraudzītie operatori var būt atbildīgi saistībā ar apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem, nekavējoties, izmantojot telesakarus, nosūta pasta apmaiņas vietai nosūtītājai vai starpposma dienestam. Turklāt sagatavo arī CN 24 oficiālo aktu. Aktā norāda stāvokli, kādā depešas iepakojums tika saņemts. Aktu kā ierakstītu sūtījumu nosūta tās valsts centrālajai iestādei, kurā ir pasta apmaiņas vieta nosūtītāja, kur attiecīgais sūtījums nodots, atsevišķi no CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojuma, kuru nekavējoties nosūta minētajai iestādei. Akta kopiju tajā pašā laikā nosūta vai nu tās valsts centrālajai iestādei, kuras jurisdikcijā ir pasta apmaiņas vieta saņēmēja, vai citai kontroles iestādei, kuru noteicis minētais izraudzītais operators.
12. Pasta apmaiņas vieta, kura no attiecīgās pasta iestādes saņem bojātu vai nepietiekami iepakotu apdrošinātu sūtījumu, nosūta to tālāk, ievērojot turpmāk minētos noteikumus.
12.1. Ja uz plombām ir nelieli bojājumi vai tās ir daļēji iznīcinātas, ir pietiekami, ja apdrošināto sūtījumu no jauna aizplombē, lai aizsargātu sūtījuma saturu. To ir atļauts veikt, ja ir redzams, ka saturs nav bojāts, kā arī tad, ja, veicot svēršanu, redzams, ka svars nav samazinājies. Esošās plombas saglabā. Ja vajadzīgs, apdrošinātos sūtījumus atkārtoti iepako, pēc iespējas saglabājot sākotnējo iepakojumu. Atkārtotu iepakošanu var veikt, bojāto sūtījumu ievietojot tarā ar birku un aizplombējot to ar svina plombu. Šādā gadījumā bojāto sūtījumu atkārtota aizplombēšana nav jāveic. Uz taras birkas izvieto marķējumu "Envoi avec valeur déclarée endommagée" ("Bojāts apdrošināts sūtījums"). Tajā norāda šādu informāciju: kārtas numuru, sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādi, apdrošinājuma summu, adresāta vārdu un adresi, kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu un tā darbinieka parakstu, kas sūtījumu ievietojis maisā.
12.2. Ja apdrošinātā sūtījuma stāvoklis ir tāds, ka pastāv aizdomas par satura izņemšanu, iestāde sūtījumu atver, ja tas nav pretrunā ar attiecīgās valsts tiesību aktiem, un pārbauda tā saturu. Šīs pārbaudes rezultātu norāda oficiālajā CN 24 aktā. Šā akta kopiju pievieno apdrošinātajam sūtījumam. Sūtījumu atkārtoti iepako.
12.3. Visos minētajos gadījumos apdrošinātā sūtījuma svaru pārbauda pēc saņemšanas un pēc atkārtotas iepakošanas un to norāda uz iepakojuma. Aiz minētās norādes uzraksta vārdus "Scellé d'office à..." ("Aizplombēts (..)") vai "Remballé à..." ("Atkārtoti iepakots (..)"). Šai norādei pievieno kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu un tā darbinieka parakstu, kas veicis plombēšanu vai atkārtotu iepakošanu.
13. Pārkāpumu atklāšana pārbaudes laikā nekādā gadījumā nevar būt iemesls tam, lai sūtījumu, kas ievietots pārbaudītajā depešā, sūtītu atpakaļ, izņemot gadījumu, kas paredzēts Konvencijas 19. pantā.
17-138. pants
Pārbaudes paziņojumi
1. Par konstatētajiem pārkāpumiem nekavējoties ziņo depešas nodošanas valsts pasta iestādei, izmantojot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu, kas pēc depešas pilnīgas pārbaudes sagatavots divos eksemplāros. Ja ir veikts tranzīts, pārbaudes paziņojumu nosūta pēdējai starpposma iestādei, kas nosūtījusi depešu sliktā stāvoklī.
2. Pārbaudes paziņojumā par sūtījumiem, kuriem nav svītrkoda, norāda pēc iespējas precīzu informāciju par attiecīgo birku, maisu vai citu taras vienību, plombu, iesaiņojumu, iepakojumu vai sūtījumu. Sūtījumiem, kuriem ir svītrkods, pārbaudes paziņojumā norāda sūtījuma svītrkoda numuru. Ja depešā ir saiņi, kuriem pievienotas CN 25 un CN 26 birkas, tās pārkāpuma gadījumā pievieno pārbaudes paziņojumam. Ja ir konstatēti dienesta pārkāpumi, kas rada aizdomas par nozaudēšanu vai izzagšanu, tad pārbaudes paziņojumā iespējami sīkāk apraksta stāvokli, kādā depešas iepakojums tika saņemts. Tikai tad, ja ir pamatotas aizdomas par zaudējumu vai zādzību, var sniegt arī attiecīgās birkas, maisa vai citas taras vienības, plombas, iesaiņojuma, iepakojuma vai sūtījuma datētus digitālos fotoattēlus.
3. Izņemot gadījumus, kad tas nav iespējams pamatotu iemeslu dēļ, turpmāk minētos priekšmetus uzglabā sešas nedēļas no pārbaudes veikšanas datuma un pēc pieprasījuma nosūta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram:
3.1. maisu vai aploksni, vai citu taras vienību ar auklu, birkām un svina vai cita veida plombām;
3.2. iekšējo un ārējo iepakojumu vai taras vienības, kurās apdrošinātie sūtījumi un ierakstītie sūtījumi bija ievietoti;
3.3. bojāto sūtījumu iepakojumu, ja to var atgūt no adresāta.
4. Ja depešas sūta ar pārvadātāja starpniecību, CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadrakstu, kurā minēti pārkāpumi, ko starpniekvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators konstatējis depešu saņemšanas brīdī, ja iespējams, paraksta pārvadātājs vai viņa pārstāvis, kā arī tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, kas saņem attiecīgās depešas, tādējādi apstiprinot, ka pārkāpumi nav konstatēti. Ja ir spēkā atrunas attiecībā uz pārvadātāja pakalpojumiem, tām ir jābūt minētām CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadraksta kopijās. Ja depešas pārvadā konteineros, minētās atrunas attiecas tikai uz konteinera, tā stiprinājumu un plombu stāvokli. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri apmainās ar informāciju elektroniski, analoģiski var piemērot procedūras, kas aprakstītas 17-135. panta 3. punktā.
5. Gadījumos, kas paredzēti 17-137. panta 5., 6. un 10. punktā, sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādei un attiecīgā gadījumā pēdējai starpposma pasta apmaiņas vietai, izmantojot telesakarus, var nosūtīt papildu paziņojumu, kuru apmaksā tas izraudzītais operators, kas sūta paziņojumu. Minēto paziņojumu sūta tad, ja uz depešas ir redzamas pazīmes, ka tas ir bojāts, lai sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde vai starpposma iestāde var nekavējoties veikt pārbaudi. Lai turpinātu pārbaudi, ja nepieciešams, starpposma iestāde paziņojumu, izmantojot telesakarus, nosūta iepriekšējam izraudzītajam operatoram.
6. Ja depeša netiek saņemta nokavētas pārkraušanas dēļ vai ja iemesls ir attiecīgi norādīts pavadrakstā, CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu sagatavo tikai tad, ja depeša pasta iestādē saņēmējā netiek saņemta ar nākamo sūtījumu.
7. Tiklīdz tiek saņemta depeša, par kuras nesaņemšanu tika ziņots sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādei un, ja nepieciešams, pēdējai starpposma iestādei, sagatavo otru pārbaudes paziņojumu, kurā ziņo par depešas saņemšanu un kuru pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu nosūta minētajām iestādēm.
8. Par nepareizi numurētām depešām un jo īpaši par depešām, kurām ir dublēti sērijas numuri, izraudzītais operators saņēmējs izraudzītajam operatoram nosūtītājam var ziņot, izmantojot pārbaudes paziņojumu vai citus divpusēji saskaņotus līdzekļus, lai informētu izraudzīto operatoru nosūtītāju, ka šādas depešas tiks iekļautas uzskaites sarakstā.
9. Ja pasta iestāde saņēmēja, kas atbild par depešas pārbaudi, viena mēneša laikā pēc depešas saņemšanas nav nosūtījusi CN 43 paziņojumu par pārkāpumiem sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta iestādei un, ja nepieciešams, pēdējai starpposma pasta apmaiņas vietai pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu, tad, līdz nav pierādīts pretējais (viena mēneša laikā), uzskata, ka tā ir saņēmusi attiecīgo depešu un tās saturu. Tādu pašu pieņēmumu izdara attiecībā uz pārkāpumiem, kuri pārbaudes paziņojumā nav minēti vai par kuriem nav sniegta pilnīga informācija. Tādu pašu noteikumu piemēro arī tad, ja nav ievēroti šā panta un 17-137. panta noteikumi par veicamajām formalitātēm.
10. Pārbaudes paziņojumu vēlams sūtīt pa faksu vai izmantojot kādu citu elektroniskās saziņas līdzekli. Ja šādas prakses nav, tad minēto paziņojumu sūta pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu.
11. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties paziņojumus par neatbilstībām papīra formātā (CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumi) aizstāt ar saskaņotu daudzuma (svars un vienību skaits) izlīdzināšanas procedūru, izmantojot elektroniski iegūtu informāciju.
12. Pārbaudes paziņojumus, kurus sūta pa pastu, nosūta aploksnēs, uz kurām treknrakstā uzraksta "Bulletin de verification" ("Pārbaudes paziņojums"). Minētās aploksnes var būt drukātas, vai arī tās var nošķirt, izmantojot šim nolūkam zīmoga nospiedumu, lai izdarītu skaidru norādi.
13. Pasta iestādes, kurām nosūta pārbaudes paziņojumus, iespējami drīz pēc to izvērtēšanas un attiecīgo piezīmju izdarīšanas un ne vēlāk kā viena mēneša laikā pēc izsūtīšanas tos nosūta atpakaļ tai pasta apmaiņas vietai, kura tos ir nosūtījusi, vēlams - izmantojot elektroniskos līdzekļus vai kā prioritārus sūtījumus. Pārbaudes paziņojumus uzskata par pilnībā apstiprinātiem, līdz nav pierādīts pretējais:
13.1. ja uz tiem netiek sniegta atbilde divu mēnešu laikā pēc to izsūtīšanas datuma, un tas attiecas uz pārbaudes paziņojumiem, kurus nesūta kā prioritārus sūtījumus (SAL vai sauszemes pasta sūtījumus);
13.2. ja izraudzītais operators sūtītājs minētajā laikposmā nav saņēmis paziņojumu par pārbaudes sākšanu, kas var būt nepieciešama, vai par attiecīgo dokumentu nosūtīšanu.
14. Informāciju par pārbaudes paziņojuma apstiprināšanu vai noraidīšanu vai papildu informācijas prasību norāda, atzīmējot attiecīgo rūtiņu pārbaudes paziņojuma beigās.
17-139. pants
Nepareizi nogādātās depešas un nepareizi nosūtīti sūtījumi
Ja nav īpašas vienošanās, nepareizi nogādātās depešas (taru) un visu veidu nepareizi nosūtītos sūtījumus bez kavēšanās pārsūta uz galamērķi pa ātrāko maršrutu.
17-140. pants
Pasākumi, kas jāveic, ja notiek negadījums
1. Ja pārvadāšanas laikā notiek negadījums un kuģis, vilciens, gaisa kuģis vai kāds cits transportlīdzeklis nevar turpināt ceļu un piegādāt depešu plānotajā piestāšanas ostā vai stacijā, apkalpe depešas nodod negadījuma vietai tuvākajā pasta iestādē vai tajā pasta iestādē, kura depešu vislabāk spēs pārsūtīt tālāk. Ja apkalpe to nevar izdarīt, tad pasta iestāde, saņemot informāciju par negadījumu, nekavējoties rīkojas, lai pārņemtu depešu un nosūtītu to uz galamērķi pa ātrāko maršrutu pēc tam, kad ir pārbaudīts tās stāvoklis un novērsti sūtījumu bojājumi.
2. Tās valsts izraudzītais operators, kurā ir noticis negadījums, izmantojot telesakarus, informē iepriekšējās piestāšanas ostas vai stacijas par depešu turpmāko virzību. Minētie izraudzītie operatori savukārt, izmantojot tos pašus līdzekļus, informē visus pārējos attiecīgos izraudzītos operatorus.
3. Ja pavadraksts nav nosūtīts elektroniski, izraudzītie operatori, kuru depešas bija negadījumā iesaistītajā transportlīdzeklī, nosūta CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47 pavadrakstu kopijas tās valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kurā negadījums noticis.
4. Pēc tam izvēlētā pasta iestāde informē galamērķa pasta iestādes par depešām, kas iesaistītas negadījumā, izmantojot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu, un norāda tajā negadījuma apstākļus un depešu pārbaudes rezultātus. Katra pārbaudes paziņojuma vienu kopiju nosūta attiecīgo depešu nodošanas valsts pasta iestādei un otru - tās valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, no kuras ir attiecīgais pārvadājumu uzņēmums. Minētos dokumentus nosūta pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu.
17-141. pants
Pasākumi, kas jāveic īslaicīga pakalpojumu sniegšanas pārtraukuma
un atsākšanas gadījumā
1. Ja pakalpojumu sniegšana tiek īslaicīgi pārtraukta, attiecīgais izraudzītais operators vai izraudzītie operatori par to ir jāinformē, izmantojot telesakarus, ja iespējams, norādot iespējamo pārtraukuma ilgumu. Tāda pati procedūra ir jāievēro, atsākot pakalpojumu sniegšanu.
2. Ja uzskata, ka ir nepieciešams vispārējs paziņojums, par pakalpojumu sniegšanas pārtraukumu vai atsākšanu ir jāinformē Starptautiskais birojs. Ja nepieciešams, Starptautiskais birojs izraudzītos operatorus par to informē, izmantojot telesakarus.
3. Ja pakalpojumu sniegšanas pārtraukuma dēļ no attiecīgā sūtījuma pārvadāšanas ir gūts daļējs labums vai tas nav gūts vispār, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var atlīdzināt sūtītājam maksu par pasta pakalpojumiem, īpašo maksu un papildmaksu par aviopārvadājumiem.
17-142. pants
Tukšās taras atpakaļsūtīšana
1. Šajā pantā termins "maisi" attiecīgi tiek lietots nozīmē "maisi vai citas taras vienības, kuras izmanto izraudzītie operatori vai kuras tiem pieder pasta pārvadāšanas nolūkā".
2. Tukšo maisu īpašnieki lemj par to, vai maisus sūtīt atpakaļ, un, ja tos sūta atpakaļ, par to, kāds transportlīdzeklis jāizmanto. Tomēr galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības sūtīt atpakaļ maisus, kurus šajā valstī nevar viegli un lēti sadedzināt. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators sedz izmaksas par šādu maisu atpakaļsūtīšanu.
3. Ja starp attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem nav noslēgta vienošanās, tad tukšos maisus nosūta valstij, kurai tie pieder, ar nākamo nosūtāmo depešu, ja iespējams, izmantojot izejošiem sūtījumiem paredzēto parasto maršrutu. Ar katru depešu atpakaļ nosūtīto maisu skaitu norāda CN 31 vai CN 32 vēstuļu kartes 1. tabulā. Šāda norāde nav nepieciešama, ja abi izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies, ka vēstuļu kartē norāda tikai maisus ar sarkanas krāsas birkām
4. Ja tranzītvalsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies, tukšo taru, ko sūta atpakaļ pa sauszemi, var ievietot tarā, kurā ir vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi. Visos pārējos gadījumos tukšo taru sūta atpakaļ atsevišķās depešas. Īpašās depešas, kurās ir tikai atpakaļsūtāmā tukšā tara, apraksta CN 47 pavadrakstos un CN 31 vēstuļu kartēs. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies, taru, kurā ir tukšā tara, var aizplombēt. Uz birkām izvieto norādi "Sacs vides" ("Tukši maisi").
5. Atpakaļsūtīšanu veic starp šim nolūkam izraudzītajām pasta apmaiņas vietām. Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori savstarpēji var vienoties par atpakaļsūtīšanas procedūru. Ja pakalpojumi tiek sniegti lielos attālumos, tad parasti tie norīko tikai vienu iestādi, kas atbild par izraudzītajiem operatoriem atpakaļnosūtītajiem tukšajiem maisiem.
6. Tukšos maisus sarullē piemērotos saiņos. Ja nepieciešams, maisos ievieto lielu daudzumu birku, brezenta birkas, pergamentpapīru vai citus izturīga materiāla priekšmetus.
7. Maisus, kurus izmanto iespieddarbiem un kuri ir nosūtīti vienam adresātam uz vienu un to pašu adresi (M maisi), no adresāta atgūst pēc iespieddarbu nodošanas un nosūta atpakaļ tās valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kuram tie pieder, saskaņā ar iepriekš minētajiem noteikumiem.
8. Ja izraudzītā operatora veiktajā pārbaudē tiek konstatēts, ka tam piederošās taras vienības nav nosūtītas atpakaļ laikposmā, kas nepieciešams to pārsūtīšanai (turp un atpakaļ), tam ir tiesības pieprasīt kompensāciju taras vienību vērtībā saskaņā ar 9. punktu. Attiecīgais izraudzītais operators var atteikties izmaksāt kompensāciju tikai tad, ja var pierādīt, ka šie maisi ir nosūtīti atpakaļ.
9. Ikviens izraudzītais operators regulāri un vienmērīgi nosaka vērtību SDR vienībās katra veida tarai, ko izmanto pasta apmaiņas vietas, un paziņo to attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem ar Starptautiskā biroja starpniecību. Ja ir jāizmaksā kompensācija, tad ņem vērā arī taras nomainīšanas izmaksas.
10. Ja iepriekš par to ir panākta vienošanās, tad izraudzītais operators, lai noformētu savas aviodepešas, var izmantot taru, kas pieder galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Nedrīkst izmantot taru, kas pieder trešām pusēm.
11. Izraudzītais operators nosūtītājs var norādīt, vai vēlas, lai atpakaļ tiek nosūtīta arī tara, kas ir izmantota konkrētiem sūtījumiem. Šo norādi izdara vēstuļu kartē, kuru izmanto attiecīgajā sūtījumā.
12. Atpakaļ nosūtīto tukšo maisu uzskaiti veic, pamatojoties uz Pasaules Pasta savienības Starptautiskā biroja izdoto Statistikas un uzskaitvedības rokasgrāmatu.
18-101. pants
Ierakstīti sūtījumi
1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus var sūtīt kā ierakstītus sūtījumus atbilstīgi Konvencijas 18. panta 1.1. punkta noteikumiem.
2. Maksu par ierakstītiem sūtījumiem maksā pirms nodošanas. Maksu veido pasta tarifs un noteiktais tarifs par ierakstīšanu, kura orientējošā maksimālā summa ir 1,31 SDR. Izraudzītie operatori par katru ierakstītu M maisu neiekasē maksu par sūtījumu, bet iekasē kopējo maksu, kas nedrīkst vairāk kā piecas reizes pārsniegt maksu par sūtījumu.
3. Ja ir nepieciešami īpaši drošības pasākumi, izraudzītais operators papildus maksām, kas minētas 2. punktā, no sūtītāja vai adresāta var iekasēt īpašu maksu, kas paredzēta attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora valsts tiesību aktos.
4. Pieņemšana
4.1. Īpaši nosacījumi saistībā ar ierakstītu sūtījumu formu, noslēgšanu vai adreses norādīšanas veidu netiek paredzēti.
4.2. Ierakstīšanai nepieņem sūtījumus, uz kuriem adrese ir uzrakstīta ar zīmuli vai kādā citā veidā, ja adresi ir iespējams izdzēst vai ja tajā ir norādīti tikai iniciāļi. Tomēr adresi uz sūtījumiem var rakstīt ar ķīmisko zīmuli, izņemot sūtījumus, kurus sūta aploksnē ar caurspīdīgu ielaidumu.
4.3. Ierakstīta sūtījuma sūtītājam nodošanas laikā kvīti izsniedz bez maksas.
5. Sūtījumu marķēšana un apstrāde
5.1. Visi izraudzītie operatori izvieto svītrkodu uz visiem izejošajiem ierakstītiem sūtījumiem. Ievēro turpmāk uzskaitītās specifikācijas.
5.1.1. Katra ierakstīta sūtījuma identificēšanai izmanto vienu CN 04 uzlīmi, uz kuras attēlots lielais burts "R" un unikāla sūtījuma identifikators, kas atbilst UPU tehniskā standarta S10 specifikācijām attiecībā uz 13 zīmju identifikatoriem. Sūtījuma identifikatoru šifrē gan lasāmā, gan svītrkoda formātā atbilstīgi standartā noteiktajām prasībām.
5.1.2. Izraudzītie operatori var arī divpusēji vienoties par tādu unikālu sūtījuma identifikatoru un svītrkodu izmantošanu, kurus jau lieto saistībā ar starptautiskiem ierakstītiem sūtījumiem.
5.2. Uz ierakstītiem sūtījumiem var arī izvietot norādi "Recommandé" ("Ierakstīts"), ko vajadzības gadījumā papildina līdzīga norāde sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valodā.
5.3. Uzlīmi un norādi "Recommandé" ("Ierakstīts") izvieto tajā pusē, kurā raksta adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir norādīta. Ja šādā veidā sūta pastkarti, tad minētās norādes izvieto virs adreses, bet tā, lai adrese būtu salasāma. Attiecībā uz ierakstītiem M maisiem CN 04 uzlīmi rūpīgi pielīmē pie sūtītāja sagatavotajām birkām, uz kurām norādīta adrese.
5.4. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nodrošina, ka ierakstītie sūtījumi atbilst iepriekš minētajiem noteikumiem. Ir jāizlabo visi trūkumi, kas pamanīti pirms sūtījumu nosūtīšanas uz galamērķa valsti.
5.5. Starpposma valsts izraudzītie operatori uz ierakstītu sūtījumu priekšpuses uzlīmi vai kārtas numuru neizvieto.
5.6. Piegādājot vai nododot ierakstītu sūtījumu, galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators lūdz saņēmējam parakstīties par saņemšanu vai reģistrē no personu identitāti apliecinošā dokumenta iegūtus datus, vai lūdz kādu citu apliecinājumu par saņemšanu, kas saskaņā ar galamērķa valsts tiesību aktiem ir juridiski saistošs sūtījuma saņemšanas apstiprināšanai.
5.7. Turklāt izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir ļoti ieteicams ieviest attiecīgas sistēmas, kas elektroniski sagatavo piegādi apstiprinošus datus, un vienoties ar attiecīgajiem sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem par šādu datu apmaiņu.
5.8. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir ieviesuši sistēmas, kas sagatavo elektronisku piegādes apstiprinājumu, ir tiesības izmantot ar šīm sistēmām elektroniski iegūtus parakstus, lai izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam apliecinātu atsevišķa sūtījuma piegādi, ja attiecīgais izraudzītais operators sūtītājs to ir pieprasījis, izmantojot CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapu. Elektroniskos piegādes apstiprinājuma datus pēc izraudzītā operatora piegādātāja ieskatiem var sniegt elektroniski (pa e-pastu) vai drukātās kopijas veidā.
Angļu val. |
Latviešu val. |
Dimensions 74 x 26 mm | Izmēri - 74x26 mm |
18-102. pants
Izsekojami sūtījumi
1. Izsekojamus sūtījumus piegādā kā iekšzemes prioritāros sūtījumus.
2. Marķēšana
2.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi
1.1.2. Uz izsekojamiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem izvieto logotipu, kam, ja iespējams, jābūt sarkanā krāsā un tādā formā, kā attēlots tālāk. Tomēr sistēmas ģenerētām uzlīmēm var izmantot melnbaltu attēlu. Logotipu "Tracked" ("Izsekojams") izvieto tajā pusē, kur raksta adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir norādīta.
2.1.2. Izsekojamiem sūtījumiem piestiprina CN 05bis uzlīmi, kurā ir attēlots svītrkods atbilstīgi UPU tehniskajam standartam S10. CN 05bis uzlīmei jābūt pienācīgi piestiprinātai, un to izvieto tajā pusē, kurā raksta adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir sniegta. Ja šādā veidā sūta pastkarti, uzlīmi izvieto virs adreses, bet tā, lai adrese būtu salasāma. CN 05bis uzlīmē attēlo vienu, unikālu sūtījuma identifikatoru, kas atbilst 17-130. panta noteikumiem. Logotipu "Tracked" ("Izsekojams") parasti norāda uz CN 05bis uzlīmes. Tomēr, ja uz sūtījuma blakus CN 05bis uzlīmei ir piestiprināta atsevišķa uzlīme ar logotipu, ir atļauts izmantot CN 05bis uzlīmi bez šā logotipa.
Angļu val. |
Latviešu val. |
Tracked | Izsekojams |
Dimensions 74 x 26 mm | Izmēri - 74x26 mm |
3. Sūtījumu apstrāde
3.1. Izraudzītie operatori sniedz sūtījuma virzības izsekošanas informāciju atbilstīgi 17-131. pantam par savas valsts teritorijā izejošajiem un ienākošajiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem.
4. Atlīdzināšana
4.1. Atlīdzību par izsekojamiem sūtījumiem piemēro saskaņā ar 31-104. panta 1.2. punktu.
18-103. pants
Nogādāšana adresātam personīgi
1. Pēc sūtītāja lūguma un attiecībās starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir tam piekrituši, ierakstītus sūtījumus un apdrošinātus sūtījumus nodod adresātam personīgi. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka šādu pakalpojumu sniedz tikai saistībā ar sūtījumiem, kuriem ir pievienots paziņojums par izsniegšanu.
2. Visos gadījumos maksu par nogādāšanu adresātam personīgi maksā sūtītājs, un šī samaksa ir aptuveni 0,16 SDR.
3. To sūtījumu marķēšana un apstrāde, kurus nodod adresātam personīgi
3.1. Uz sūtījumiem, kurus nodod adresātam personīgi, treknrakstā norāda vārdus "À remettre en main propre" ("Nododams adresātam personīgi") vai ekvivalentu frāzi valodā, kas ir zināma galamērķa valstī. Norādi izvieto tajā pusē, kurā raksta adresi, iespējami tuvāk augšējam kreisajam stūrim zem sūtītāja vārda un adreses, ja šī informācija ir sniegta.
3.2. Ja sūtītājs ir pieprasījis paziņojumu par izsniegšanu un nodošanu adresātam personīgi, tad CN 07 veidlapu paraksta adresāts vai, ja tas nav iespējams, adresāta attiecīgi pilnvarots pārstāvis. Papildus parakstam norāda arī vārdu un uzvārdu drukātiem burtiem vai izmanto skaidri saprotamu un salasāmu norādi, ar kuru neapšaubāmi var noteikt personu, kura to ir parakstījusi.
3.3. Izraudzītie operatori veic sūtījuma otru piegādes mēģinājumu tikai tad, ja ir pamats uzskatīt, ka tas izdosies, un ja tas ir atļauts izraudzītā operatora valsts noteikumos.
18-104. pants
Starptautiskā komerckorespondence ar apmaksātu atbildi
1. Vispārīgi
1.1. Izraudzītie operatori savstarpēji var vienoties par starptautiskās komerckorespondences ar apmaksātu atbildi (IBRS) izvēles pakalpojuma sniegšanu. Tomēr visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir pienākums sniegt IBRS "atpakaļnosūtīšanas" pakalpojumu.
1.2. IBRS nolūks ir dot iespēju pilnvarotiem sūtītājiem iepriekš apmaksāt to sūtījumu atpakaļnosūtīšanu, kurus nodevuši ārvalstīs dzīvojošie respondenti.
1.3. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri sniedz šo pakalpojumu, ievēro turpmāk izklāstītos noteikumus.
1.4. Tomēr izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties par citu sistēmu, kuru izmanto attiecīgo izraudzīto operatoru attiecībās.
1.5. Izraudzītie operatori var ieviest kompensācijas sistēmu, kurā ņem vērā izmaksas, kas tiem radušās.
2. Darbības metodes
2.1. IBRS darbojas šādi:
2.1.1. sūtījumos, kurus pilnvarots sūtītājs no valsts "A" sūta respondentiem vienā vai vairākās valstīs "B", ir IBRS aploksne, kartīte vai uzlīme;
2.1.2. respondenti, kuri dzīvo valstī (vai valstīs) "B", var izmantot IBRS aploksnes, kartītes vai uzlīmes, lai sūtītu atbildi sūtītājam; IBRS sūtījumus uzskata par prioritāriem sūtījumiem vai vienkāršiem aviopasta sūtījumiem, kurus apmaksā saskaņā ar 06-001. panta punktu;
2.1.3. nodotos IBRS sūtījumus nosūta uz valsti "A" un piegādā pilnvarotam sūtītājam.
2.2. Izraudzītie operatori var brīvi noteikt tarifus un nosacījumus par minētā pakalpojuma pilnvarotu izmantošanu un nodoto sūtījumu apstrādi.
2.3. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri sniedz IBRS, var to sniegt abpusēji vai tikai vienā virzienā (sniegt tikai "atpakaļnosūtīšanas" pakalpojumu). Pēdējā minētā procedūra nozīmē, ka valsts "B" izraudzītais operators pieņem IBRS sūtījumus, bet neizsniedz pilnvarojumus par minētā pakalpojuma izmantošanu klientiem, kuri dzīvo attiecīgā operatora teritorijā.
2.4. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri sniedz minēto pakalpojumu, klientiem izsniedzot pilnvarojumu izmantot attiecīgo pakalpojumu, izskaidro pienākumu ievērot šī reglamenta normas un jo īpaši šo pantu.
3. IBRS sūtījumu specifikācijas
3.1. IBRS sūtījumi var būt kartītes vai aploksnes formā, kas atbilst paredzētajam paraugam un šim reglamentam.
3.2. Kā IBRS sūtījumus pieņem arī sūtījumus, kuros ir aploksnes vai paciņas ar uzlīmēm, kas atbilst paredzētajam paraugam un šim reglamentam.
3.3. IBRS sūtījumu izmēriem jāatbilst izmēru ierobežojumiem, kuri noteikti attiecīgajiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kas minēti 17-104. pantā. Saistībā ar pastkartēm vai sūtījumiem kartītes formā IBRS sūtījumus var pieņemt arī atbilstīgi 17-111. panta 5. punktam. IBRS sūtījumi nedrīkst būt smagāki par 50 gramiem. Izraudzītais operators IBRS sūtījumu atpakaļsūtīšanai var izvēlēties piemērot 2 kg svara ierobežojumu attiecībā pret citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri arī ir izvēlējušies atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma nodrošināšanā piemērot 2 kg svara ierobežojumu.
3.4. IBRS sūtījumos parasti var ievietot jebkurus priekšmetus, kas atbilst UPU Konvencijas un Reglamenta prasībām. Tomēr izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir tiesības izslēgt no IBRS sūtījumu atpakaļnosūtīšanas pakalpojumiem atsevišķus priekšmetus, piemērām, lietotus priekšmetus, ja tas paredzēts valsts tiesību aktos.
3.5. Izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties par šā pakalpojuma paplašināšanu.
3.6. Attiecībā uz IBRS sūtījumiem, kuros ir dokumenti, izraudzītie operatori var izmantot viena svītrkoda identifikatoru, kas atbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S10, lai nodrošinātu pārrobežu muitas elektronisko paziņojumu sūtīšanu vai citus sūtījuma virzības izsekošanas pakalpojumus. Attiecībā uz IBRS sūtījumiem, kuros ir preces, izraudzītie operatori izmanto viena svītrkoda identifikatoru, kas atbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S10, lai nodrošinātu pārrobežu muitas iepriekšēju elektronisko datu sniegšanu atbilstīgi UPU EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1). Taču šāda identifikatora esība nenozīmē to, ka tiek nodrošināts piegādes apstiprinājuma pakalpojums. Identifikatoram jābūt attēlotam sūtījuma priekšpusē, un tas nedrīkst aizklāt citas pakalpojumu norādes, marķējumu zīmes vai adreses datus.
Angļu val. |
Latviešu val. |
Priority | Prioritārs |
By airmail | Ar aviopastu |
3.7. Attiecībā uz IBRS sūtījumiem, kuros ir preces, saskaņā ar 08-002. pantu izraudzītie operatori ievāc iepriekšējus elektroniskos datus un apmainās ar tiem. Šie dati ir tādi paši kā attiecīgajā UPU muitas deklarācijā ietvertā informācija, un tiem ir jāatbilst UPU tehnisko EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1).
4. IBRS izmaksu aprēķināšana
4.1. Ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram, kas citam izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta atpakaļ IBRS sūtījumus, ir tiesības iekasēt no šā izraudzītā operatora summu, kas atbilst izmaksām, kuras radušās saistībā ar IBRS atpakaļnosūtīšanu.
4.2. Minēto summu var noteikt atkarībā no tarifa par sūtījumu un tarifa par kilogramu. Minētos tarifus aprēķina šādi:
4.2.1. tarifu par IBRS sūtījumu savākšanu un apstrādi iekšzemē nosaka 80 % apmērā no gala norēķinu tarifiem, ko vairumsūtījumiem piemēro izraudzītais operators, kurš sūta atpakaļ IBRS sūtījumus (ko veido tarifs par sūtījumu un tarifs par kilogramu), un minimālais kopējais gada tarifs ir 0,15 SDR par sūtījumu; tarifus, kas tiek piemēroti attiecībā uz P/G formāta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem un ko aprēķina saskaņā ar Konvencijas 30. pantu, piemēro arī attiecībā uz visiem IBRS sūtījumiem neatkarīgi no to faktiskajiem formātiem un svara;
4.2.2. papildtarifu par kilogramu starptautiskajiem IBRS sūtījumiem parasti aprēķina tā, kā norādīts 34-101. panta 3. punktā, bet ņemot vērā neto svaru, kā arī tarifu par tranzīta depešu apstrādi, kā norādīts 27-103. panta 1.1. punktā.
4.3. Pārskatot 4.2.1. punktā minētos tarifus, par pamatu izmanto pieejamos ekonomiskos datus.
4.4. Ja vien attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nav lēmuši citādi, IBRS tarifus nepiemēro, ja to IBRS sūtījumu skaits, kurus katrs izraudzītais operators ir nosūtījis atpakaļ gada laikā, ir 1000 vai mazāks. Ja viens izraudzītais operators gada laikā ir nosūtījis atpakaļ vairāk nekā 1000 IBRS sūtījumus, tad, aprēķinot maksājamo summu, ņem vērā abu izraudzīto operatoru atpakaļnosūtīto IBRS sūtījumu skaitu.
5. IBRS izmaksu uzskaite
5.1. Noteikumus par 35-001. pantā paredzēto uzskaites veidlapu pārsūtīšanu un apstiprināšanu piemēro attiecībā uz IBRS CN 09, CN 10 un CN 19 veidlapām.
5.2. CN 09 un CN 10 IBRS sūtījumu saraksta sagatavošana
5.2.1. Katru mēnesi pēc pēdējā sūtījuma nosūtīšanas IBRS sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators sagatavo nosūtīto IBRS sūtījumu CN 09 sarakstu, informāciju sakārtojot atkarībā no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts un galamērķa valsts apmaiņas vietas un izmantojot datus no CN 31 vēstuļu kartēm. Ja CN 31 vēstuļu kartē nav datu par atpakaļnosūtīto IBRS sūtījumu svaru, tad norāda sūtījumu svaru, kas ir pieci grami.
5.2.2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators par katru IBRS sūtījumu galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram reizi ceturksnī sagatavo CN 10 apkopojošo IBRS sūtījumu sarakstu, izmantojot informāciju no CN 09 sarakstiem un sakārtojot to atkarībā no sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestādes, galamērķa valsts pasta iestādes un, ja nepieciešams, atkarībā no nosūtīšanas maršruta.
5.2.3. CN 09 sarakstus iesniedz galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, lai pamatotu CN 10 apkopojošā sarakstā norādīto informāciju.
5.3. CN 09 un CN 10 IBRS sūtījumu saraksta nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana
5.3.1. CN 10 apkopojošo sarakstu nosūta IBRS sūtījumu galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ne vēlāk kā četrus mēnešus pēc tā ceturkšņa beigām, uz kuru attiecīgais saraksts attiecas.
5.3.2. CN 10 apkopojošā saraksta apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši. Ja pārbaudē tiek konstatētas nesakritības, pievieno laboto CN 09 sarakstu, lai pamatotu pienācīgi grozīto un apstiprināto CN 10 apkopojošo sarakstu. Ja IBRS sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators apstrīd CN 09 sarakstā izdarītos labojumus, tad faktiskos datus apstiprina, nosūtot to CN 31 veidlapu fotokopijas, kuras sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde sagatavoja, kad nosūtīja IBRS sūtījumus, par kuriem radies strīds, vai ar PREDES paziņojuma starpniecību nodrošinot piekļuvi attiecīgajiem elektroniskajiem datiem, ja CN 31 apmaiņa notikusi elektroniski.
5.3.3. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka CN 09 un CN 10 sarakstus sagatavo IBRS sūtījumu galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators. Šādā gadījumā attiecīgi pielāgo apstiprināšanas procedūru, kas paredzēta 5.3.1. un 5.3.2. punktā.
5.4. IBRS rēķinu sagatavošana, nosūtīšana un apstiprināšana
5.4.1. Izraudzītais operators kreditors atbild par rēķinu sagatavošanu un nosūtīšanu izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram.
5.4.2. Atsevišķos rēķinus sagatavo CN 19 veidlapā, pamatojoties uz starpību starp summām, kuras ir jānorāda rēķinā un kuras aprēķina atkarībā no saņemto un nosūtīto IBRS sūtījumu skaita un svara atbilstīgi CN 10 apkopojošajiem sarakstiem.
5.4.3. CN 19 atsevišķo rēķinu nosūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram ne vēlāk kā septiņus mēnešus pēc attiecīgā gada beigām.
5.4.4. CN 19 atsevišķā rēķina apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši.
5.5.4. Izraudzītais operators kreditors CN 19 atsevišķos rēķinus saskaņā ar 34-105. panta 6. punktā paredzētajiem nosacījumiem var apkopot CN 52 kopējā rēķinā.
5.5. Kopējais rēķins un IBRS maksu apmaksa
5.5.1. 35-002. pants attiecas uz IBRS maksām, par kurām izraudzītais operators kreditors sagatavo CN 20 sarakstu.
18-105. pants
Starptautiskā komerckorespondence ar apmaksātu atbildi
(IBRS) - iekšzemes atbilde
1. Izraudzītie operatori var divpusēji vienoties par IBRS iekšzemes atbildes izvēles pakalpojuma sniegšanu, vai nu sniedzot pakalpojumu abpusēji, vai tikai vienā virzienā (atpakaļnosūtīšanas pakalpojums).
2. IBRS iekšzemes atbildes pamatā ir IBRS, bet iepriekš apmaksātajām atbildēm izmanto iekšzemes komerckorespondences atbildes veidlapu, ko izstrādājis izraudzītais operators, kur attiecīgie sūtījumi ir nodoti. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators minētās atbildes nogādā pasta abonenta kastītē savā teritorijā, izņem tās no minētās abonenta kastītes un nosūta tās starptautisko sūtījumu nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
3. Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori divpusēji vienojas par minētā pakalpojuma nosacījumiem, pamatojoties uz Pasta darbības padomes izstrādātajām vadlīnijām.
18-106. pants
Starptautiskais atbildes kupons
1. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir atļauts pārdot starptautiskos atbildes kuponus, kurus ir izdevis Starptautiskais birojs, un ierobežot to tirdzniecību saskaņā ar valsts tiesību aktiem.
2. Konvencijas 18. panta 3.2. punktā paredzētā atbildes kupona vērtība ir 0,74 SDR. Izraudzīto operatoru noteiktā pārdošanas cena nedrīkst būt mazāka par šo minēto vērtību.
3. Atbildes kuponi jebkurā dalībvalstī ir apmaināmi pret pastmarkām un, ja tas nav aizliegts apmaiņas valsts tiesību aktos, arī pret aploksnēm un pastkartēm ar marku, pasta priekšapmaksas zīmēm vai nospiedumiem, kas atbilst minimālai priekšapmaksai par vienkāršu prioritāro vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu vai vienkāršu aviopasta vēstuli, kuru nosūta uz ārvalstīm, neatkarīgi no galamērķa valsts.
4. Turklāt dalībvalsts izraudzītais operators var paturēt tiesības pieprasīt, lai vienlaikus tiek uzrādīti atbildes kuponi un sūtījumi, kas tiek apmaksāti, veicot minēto atbildes kuponu apmaiņu.
5. Starptautiskajiem atbildes kuponiem jāatbilst pievienotajam CN 01 paraugam. Tos saskaņā ar Starptautiskā biroja noteikto kārtību drukā uz papīra, kurā saīsinājums "UPU" lieliem burtiem iestrādāts kā ūdenszīme. Uz kuponiem norāda sūtījuma nodošanas valsts nosaukumu. Uz tiem papildus uzdrukā arī standarta UPU svītrkodu, kurā ietverts attiecīgās valsts ISO kods, drukāšanas datums un Starptautiskā biroja noteiktā pārdošanas cena, kas izteikta SDR vienībās. Minētos kuponus piegādā, kad izraudzītie operatori ir apmaksājuši rēķinu, kuru tiem iepriekš ir nosūtījis Starptautiskais birojs un kurā norādīta attiecīgo kuponu vērtība un ar tiem saistītās izgatavošanas, pārvadāšanas un apdrošināšanas izmaksas.
6. Izraudzītie operatori starptautiskos atbildes kuponus pasūta no Starptautiskā biroja. Pasūtījuma minimālais daudzums ir 1000 IRC. Papildu IRC var pasūtīt paciņās, kurās ir 1000 kuponu. Starptautiskais birojs 10 darba dienu laikā no pasūtījuma saņemšanas dienas sagatavo rēķinu un nosūta to attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram. Maksājuma termiņš ir sešas nedēļas no datuma, kurā rēķins ir nosūtīts. Ja minētajā termiņā maksājums netiek veikts, rēķins un ar to saistītais pasūtījums tiek atcelts. Tomēr izraudzītie operatori, kuriem saistībā ar starptautisko atbildes kuponu uzskaitvedību Starptautiskajā birojā ir izveidojies kredīts, var to izmantot, lai daļēji vai pilnībā apmaksātu attiecīgo rēķinu.
7. Ikviens izraudzītais operators uz atbildes kuponiem var norādīt pārdošanas cenu, lūdzot Starptautiskajam birojam šo cenu norādīt drukāšanas laikā.
8. Uz kupona norāda derīguma termiņu. Veicot dokumentu apmaiņu, pasta iestādes pārliecinās par attiecīgo dokumentu īstumu un jo īpaši pārbauda, vai uz tiem ir ūdenszīme un citi aizsardzības elementi, par kuriem sīkāku informāciju iepriekš sniedzis Starptautiskais birojs. Atbildes kuponi netiek pieņemti un nav derīgi, ja uz tiem uzdrukātais teksts neatbilst oficiālajam tekstam vai aizsardzības elementi neatbilst noteiktajam standartam. Apmainītos atbildes kuponus apzīmogo, uzliekot tās pasta iestādes kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu, kura veikusi apmaiņu.
9. Apmainītos atbildes kuponus nosūta atpakaļ Starptautiskajam birojam paciņās, kurās ir tūkstotis kuponu. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri gada laikā apmaina mazāk nekā tūkstoti kuponu, apmainītos kuponus Starptautiskajam birojam nosūta gada beigās. Tos sūta kopā ar CN 03 sarakstu, kurš sagatavots divos eksemplāros un kurā norādīts to kopējais skaits un vērtība. Minēto vērtību aprēķina atbilstīgi 2. punktā paredzētajai likmei. Ja minētā likme ir mainīta, tad visus atbildes kuponus, kas apmainīti pirms datuma, kurā likme tika mainīta, nosūta atsevišķā sūtījumā, tostarp izņēmuma kārtā arī nepilnus atbildes kuponu komplektus; tiem pievieno īpašu CN 03 sarakstu, kurā izmantota vecā vērtība.
10. Kad Starptautiskais birojs ir veicis pārbaudi, CN 03 sarakstā norāda datumu, paraksta un nosūta atpakaļ attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram. Starptautiskais birojs, ņemot vērā saņemtos CN 03s sarakstus un pēc to fiziskas kontroles, sagatavo apmainīto kuponu konsolidēto sarakstu. Starptautiskais birojs veic maksājumus, pamatojoties uz šiem sarakstiem. Maksājums tiek veikts sešu nedēļu laikā pēc katra ceturkšņa beigām. Izraudzītie operatori var izvēlēties maksājumus saņemt tieši vai noteikt, lai tos kreditē Starptautiskajā birojā. Minimālā pārskaitījuma summa, ko pārskaita bankas vai pasta kontā, ir 200 SDR. Mazākas summas automātiski tiek kreditētas Starptautiskajā birojā. Netiek kreditēti apmainītie kuponi, kas ir viltoti.
11. Starptautiskajā birojā izveido atsevišķu starptautisko atbildes kuponu uzskaitvedības sistēmu, kurā ir atsevišķs konts katram izraudzītajam operatoram, kurš piedalās šā pakalpojuma sniegšanā. Minēto sistēmu vada saskaņā ar attiecīgajiem Noteikumiem par starptautisko atbildes kuponu administratīvo un finanšu vadību.
12. Starptautiskais birojs pieņem atpakaļ bojātus atbildes kuponus, kurus nosūta kopā ar atsevišķu CN 03 sarakstu, kas sagatavots divos eksemplāros, ja, izmantojot vismaz daļu no svītrkoda, ir iespējams noteikt attiecīgo kuponu vērtību.
V iedaļa
Aizliegumi un muitas jautājumi
19-101. pants
Nepareizi pieņemtu sūtījumu apstrāde
1. Nepareizi pieņemtus sūtījumus, attiecībā uz kuriem nav konstatēta būtiska neatbilstība Konvencijas 17. panta nosacījumiem klasifikācijas un svarā ziņā un šo noteikumu nosacījumiem satura, izmēra, noformēšanas un apzīmogošanas ziņā, adresātam tomēr piegādā, nepiemērojot papildtarifu. Nepareizi pieņemtus sūtījums, kuros ir infekciozas vielas vai radioaktīvi materiāli un kuri neatbilst 19-003., 19-005. un 19-006. panta noteikumiem, arī var piegādāt adresātam, ja tas ir atļauts galamērķa valstī piemērojamajos noteikumos. Ja piegāde nav atļauta vai nav iespējama, nepareizi pieņemtos sūtījumus nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
2. Sūtījumus, kuros ir priekšmeti, kas minēti Konvencijas 19. panta 2. punktā, 19. panta 3.1. punktā un 19. panta 3.2. punktā, un kuri ir nepareizi pieņemti, apstrādā saskaņā ar tiesību aktu noteikumiem, kuri ir spēkā tā sūtījuma nodošanas, tranzīta vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora valstī, kas konstatējis attiecīgos priekšmetus.
3. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators adresātam var piegādāt sūtījuma daļu, uz kuru neattiecas aizliegums; tranzītvalsts izraudzītais operators var pārsūtīt to galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
4. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir pilnvarots atbilstīgi savos noteikumos paredzētajiem nosacījumiem nogādāt adresātam neapdrošinātu sūtījumu, kas ir nodots valstī, kurā atzīst apdrošināšanu, un satur Konvencijas 19. panta 6.1. punktā minētos priekšmetus. Ja piegāde nav atļauta, sūtījumu nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam.
5. Ja kļūdaini pieņemtu sūtījumu vai daļu tā satura nenosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam vai nepiegādā adresātam, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru nekavējoties informē par to, kā attiecīgais izraudzītais operators rīkojies ar attiecīgo sūtījumu. Šajā paziņojumā precīzi norāda aizliegumu, saskaņā ar kuru sūtījums un priekšmeti ir konfiscēti. Kļūdaini pieņemtam sūtījumam, kuru nosūta izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam, pievieno līdzīgu paziņojumu.
6. Ja nepareizi pieņemts sūtījums ir konfiscēts, tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru, nosūtot CN 13 aktu vai, ja noslēgts divpusējs nolīgums, izmantojot attiecīgo UPU EDI standarta ziņojumu par sūtījumu (sūtījumu virzības izsekošanas notikumu EME un attiecīgo uzglabāšanas kodu).
7. Turklāt ikviena dalībvalsts patur tiesības neļaut caur tās teritoriju atklātā tranzītā sūtīt vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus, izņemot vēstules, pastkartes un sūtījumus neredzīgām personām, kas neatbilst normatīvo aktu prasībām, ar ko reglamentē to publicēšanas vai aprites noteikumus attiecīgajā valstī. Šādus sūtījumus nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
8. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi ar sūtījumiem, kas var ātri sabojāties vai sapūt
8.1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumos ievietotus priekšmetus, kas var ātri sabojāties vai sapūt, un tikai tos var bez iepriekšēja paziņojuma nekavējoties pārdot. Pārdošanu likumīgā īpašnieka vārdā var veikt pat nosūtīšanas laikā neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir izejošais sūtījums vai atpakaļ nosūtīts sūtījums. Ja pārdošana nav iespējama, priekšmetus, kas ir sabojājušies vai sapuvuši, iznīcina.
8.2. Ja vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma saturs saskaņā ar 8.1. punktu ir pārdots vai iznīcināts, sagatavo oficiālu aktu par pārdošanu vai iznīcināšanu. Akta kopiju, kurai pievieno CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu, nosūta pasta iestādei nosūtītājai.
8.3. Pārdošanas ieņēmumus vispirms izmanto, lai segtu izmaksas par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu. Atlikumu, ja tāds ir, nosūta pasta iestādei nosūtītājai, kas to izsniedz sūtītājam. Sūtītājs sedz pārsūtīšanas izmaksas.
9. Izraudzītie operatori ievieš procedūras, ko piemērot situācijās, kad nav iespējams turpināt pasta sūtījumu sūtīšanu, piemēram, tad, ja starpposma vietā ir konstatēti nepareizi pieņemti sūtījumi.
9.1. Ja tiek uzglabāts pasta sūtījums, ko sūta slēgtā depešā tranzītā, (tranzītvalsts) izraudzītais operators sagatavo incidenta ziņojumu, kur (sūtījuma nodošanas valsts) izraudzītajam operatoram izklāsta pēc iespējas sīkāku informāciju. Ziņojumu izdod vienas darba dienas laikā (24 stundās) pēc incidenta konstatēšanas.
9.2. Tiešas pārkraušanas gadījumos ar uzglabāto pasta sūtījumu jārīkojas saskaņā ar (sūtījuma nodošanas valsts) izraudzītā operatora un pārvadātāja vienošanos. Tomēr gadījumos, kad pārvadātājs septiņu dienu laikā no ziņojuma saņemšanas attiecīgo jautājumu nespēj atrisināt, sazinoties ar (sūtījuma nodošanas valsts) izraudzīto operatoru, pārvadātājs var lūgt, lai starpposma vietas izraudzītais operators palīdz incidentu atrisināt.
9.2.1. Izraudzītie operatori nolīgumos ar pārvadātājiem ievieš prasību sniegt skaidrojumu par situācijām, kad nav iespējams turpināt pasta sūtījumu sūtīšanu, piemēram, ja starpposma vietā ir konstatēti nepareizi pieņemti sūtījumi. Ar šādu līgumisku prasību nosaka, ka pārvadātājam pēc incidenta konstatēšanas vienas darba dienas laikā (24 stundās) jāziņo par incidentiem un jāprasa norādījumi par incidenta atrisināšanu.
9.3. Pēc paziņojuma par uzglabāto sūtījumu (sūtījuma nodošanas valsts) izraudzītais operators sniedz konkrētus norādījumus par incidenta atrisināšanu. Sākotnējo atbildi sniedz vienas darba dienas laikā (24 stundās) pēc ziņojuma saņemšanas. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora sākotnējai atbildei nav jāatrisina paziņotais notikums - tā drīzāk ir apstiprinājums, ka par šo notikumu ir ziņots un ka notiek turpmāka izmeklēšana. Līdz notikuma atrisinājumam sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators ik pēc 72 stundām sniedz atjauninātus ziņojumus. Norādīto termiņu pamatā ir parastas darba dienas, un tajos ņem vērā brīvdienas, laika zonu atšķirības un nedēļas nogales.
19-102. pants
1. Ja adresāts maina adresi, sūtījumu viņam pārsūta uzreiz saskaņā ar turpmāk izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem.
2. Sūtījumus nepārsūta šādos gadījumos:
2.1. ja sūtītājs ir aizliedzis pārsūtīšanu, izdarot piezīmi galamērķa valstī saprotamā valodā;
2.2. ja uz tiem papildus adresāta adresei ir frāze "vai iemītniekam".
3. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri iekasē maksu par pārsūtīšanu attiecībā uz iekšzemes pakalpojumiem, ir atļauts tādu pašu maksu iekasēt arī par starptautiskajiem pakalpojumiem.
4. Papildu maksu neiekasē par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu pārsūtīšanu no vienas valsts uz citu, izņemot gadījumus, kas minēti turpmāk tekstā. Tomēr tiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas iekasē maksu par iekšzemes pasta sūtījumu pārsūtīšanu, ir atļauts tādu pašu maksu iekasēt arī par starptautiskajiem sūtījumiem, ko tie pārsūta savas valsts teritorijā.
5. Pārsūtīšanas procedūras
5.1. Sūtījumus, kuri adresēti adresātam, kas mainījis adresi, uzskata par tiešiem sūtījumiem no nosūtīšanas vietas uz jauno galamērķa vietu.
5.2. Apdrošinātu sūtījumu, kura adresāts ir devies uz citu valsti, var pārsūtīt, ja konkrētā valsts šādu pakalpojumu sniedz attiecībās ar pirmo galamērķa valsti. Ja šādu pakalpojumu nesniedz, attiecīgo sūtījumu uzreiz nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, lai to nodotu atpakaļ sūtītājam.
5.3. Pārsūtīšanu no vienas valsts uz citu valsti veic tikai tad, ja sūtījumi atbilst tālākas pārsūtīšanas nosacījumiem. Minētais noteikums attiecas arī uz sūtījumiem, kas sākotnēji nosūtīti uz adresi tajā pašā valstī.
5.4. Veicot pārsūtīšanu, pasta iestāde pārsūtītāja pastkartēm kalendāra zīmogu uzliek virspusē, bet citu kategoriju sūtījumiem - sūtījuma aizmugurē.
5.5. Neierakstītus vai ierakstītus sūtījumus, kas nosūtīti atpakaļ sūtītājam, lai papildinātu vai precizētu adresi, nododot atkārtoti, neuzskata par pārsūtītiem sūtījumiem. Ar tiem rīkojas kā ar jaunu korespondenci, kurai piemēro jaunu tarifu.
5.6. Ja izsekojama sūtījuma piegāde ar ziņnesi uz norādīto adresi nav izdevusies, pasta iestāde pārsūtītāja uzlīmi vai norādi "Tracked" ("Izsekojams") pārsvītro ar divām biezām horizontālām līnijām.
5.7. Ikviens izraudzītais operators var paredzēt pārsūtīšanas termiņu, kas atbilst termiņam, kāds ir spēkā iekšzemes pakalpojumiem.
6. Pārsūtīšana
6.1. Prioritāros sūtījumus un aviopasta sūtījumus uz jauno galamērķi pārsūta pa ātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu.
6.2. Citus sūtījums pārsūta ar transportu, kuru parasti izmanto neprioritāriem sūtījumiem vai pasta sūtījumiem pa sauszemi (tostarp SAL). Tos var pārsūtīt kā prioritārus sūtījumus vai ar aviopastu, ja adresāts ir izteicis īpašu lūgumu un uzņemas samaksāt pasta sūtīšanas starpību par jauno prioritāro sūtījumu vai jauno aviomaršrutu. Šajā gadījumā pasta sūtīšanas starpību parasti iekasē sūtījuma piegādes brīdī un to patur izraudzītais operators piegādātājs. Visus sūtījumus var pārsūtīt pa ātrāko maršrutu arī tad, ja pasta sūtīšanas starpību pasta iestādē pārsūtītājā samaksā trešā persona. Šādu sūtījumu pārsūtīšanu pa ātrāko maršrutu galamērķa valsts teritorijā reglamentē attiecīgās valsts tiesību akti.
6.3. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri piemēro kombinētas maksas, pārsūtot sūtījumus ar aviopastu vai kā prioritārus sūtījumus saskaņā ar 6.2. punktā paredzētajiem nosacījumiem, var noteikt īpašu maksu, kas nedrīkst būt lielāka par kombinēto maksu.
7. Maksa
7.1. Pirmās sūtīšanas laikā neapmaksātiem vai daļēji apmaksātiem sūtījumiem piemēro maksu, kas tiem būtu piemērota, ja tos sūtītu tieši no nosūtīšanas vietas uz jauno saņemšanas vietu.
7.2. Sūtījumiem, kas ir pilnībā apmaksāti pirmās sūtīšanas laikā, bet par kuriem pirms tālākas sūtīšanas nav samaksāta papildu maksai atbilstīgā summa, piemēro maksu, kas atbilst starpībai starp jau samaksāto maksu par sūtījumu un maksu, kuru iekasētu, ja sūtījumi sākotnēji tiktu sūtīti uz jauno galamērķi. Šai maksai pieskaita maksu par neapmaksātu vai daļēji apmaksātu sūtījumu apstrādi. Ja sūtījumus pārsūta ar aviopastu vai kā prioritārus sūtījumus, tiem par tālāku sūtīšanu saskaņā ar 6.2. un 6.3. punktu papildus piemēro papildmaksu, kombinēto maksu vai īpašo maksu.
7.3. Sūtījumiem, kuri sākotnēji valsts teritorijā tika sūtīti bez maksas, piemēro maksu, kas būtu jāmaksā, ja šos sūtījumus sūtītu tieši no nosūtīšanas vietas uz jauno saņemšanas vietu. Šai maksai pieskaita maksu par neapmaksātu vai daļēji apmaksātu sūtījumu apstrādi.
7.4. Pārsūtot sūtījumu uz citu valsti, atceļ šādas maksas:
7.4.1. maksu par sūtījumu uz pieprasījumu;
7.4.2. maksu par sūtījuma uzrādīšanu muitai;
7.4.3. uzglabāšanas maksu;
7.4.4. komisijas maksu;
7.4.5. papildu maksu par sūtījuma izsekošanu;
7.4.6. maksu par sīkpakas piegādi adresātam.
7.5. Muitas nodokli un citus maksājumus, kuru atcelšanu pārsūtīšanas vai atpakaļsūtīšanas gadījumā nebija iespējams nodrošināt, iekasē kā pēcmaksu no jaunā galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora. Šādā gadījumā sākotnējais galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators sūtījumam pievieno paskaidrojumu un MP 1bis veidlapu vai citu līdzvērtīgu veidlapu, ko savstarpēji saskaņojuši izraudzītie operatori. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori savstarpēji nesniedz pēcmaksas pakalpojumu, attiecīgo maksu atgūst, izmantojot korespondenci.
7.6. Pārsūtītos vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus adresātam piegādā, kad ir samaksātas maksas par izdevumiem, kas radušies nosūtot, saņemot vai nosūtīšanas gaitā pārsūtīšanas dēļ pēc pirmās sūtīšanas. Adresāts maksā arī muitas nodokli un citas īpašās maksas, kuras pārsūtītājvalsts neatceļ.
8. Kopēja pārsūtīšana
8.1. Neierakstītus sūtījumus, kurus pārsūta vienai personai uz jaunu adresi, var ievietot CN 14 kopējās aploksnēs, kuras izsniedz izraudzītie operatori. Uz šīm aploksnēm norāda tikai adresāta vārdu, uzvārdu un jauno adresi.
8.2. Ja kopēji pārsūtāmo sūtījumu skaits ir pietiekami liels, tad var izmantot taru. Šādā gadījumā nepieciešamo informāciju norāda uz īpašas birkas, kuru izsniedz izraudzītais operators un parasti uzdrukā uz CN 14 aploksnes.
8.3. Minētajās aploksnēs vai tarā neievieto sūtījumus, kuri ir jāiesniedz muitas pārbaudei. Aploksnēs un tarā neievieto arī sūtījumus, kuri formas, lieluma un svara dēļ var saplīst.
8.4. CN 14 kopējās aploksnes un taru, ko izmanto korespondences kopējai pārsūtīšanai, uz jauno galamērķi nosūta pa maršrutu, kuru izmanto atsevišķu sūtījumu pārsūtīšanai.
8.5. Pasta iestādē pārsūtītāja aploksni vai taru nodod atvērtā veidā. Attiecīgā pasta iestāde, ja nepieciešams, piemēro papildu tarifus, kurus var piemērot pārsūtāmajiem sūtījumiem. Ja papildu maksa nav samaksāta, tad iekasējamo summu uz sūtījumiem norāda saņemšanas brīdī. Pēc aploksnes vai taras pārbaudes pasta iestāde pārsūtītāja to noslēdz. Tā attiecīgi uz aploksnes vai maisa izvieto uzlīmi un T zīmogu, norādot, ka tarifiem atbilstīgā summa ir jāiekasē par visiem pārsūtītajiem sūtījumiem vai par daļu no tiem.
8.6. Saņemot aploksni vai taru galamērķī, atvēršanu un satura pārbaudi veic piegādes pasta iestāde, kas, ja nepieciešams, iekasē nesamaksātajai papildu maksai atbilstīgu summu. Apstrādes maksu par neapmaksātiem vai daļēji apmaksātiem sūtījumiem iekasē tikai vienu reizi par visiem aploksnēs vai tarā ievietotajiem sūtījumiem.
8.7. Ar neierakstītiem sūtījumiem, kas adresēti jūrniekiem un pasažieriem uz viena kuģa vai personām, kas ceļo vienā grupā, arī var rīkoties tā, kā noteikts 8.1. līdz 8.6. punktā. Šādā gadījumā uz aploksnēm vai taras birkām norāda kuģa, kuģniecības aģentūras vai ceļojumu aģentūras adresi, kurā aploksnes vai maisi ir jānogādā.
19-103. pants
Nepiegādājami sūtījumi. Atpakaļnosūtīšana uz sūtījuma nodošanas
valsti vai sūtītājam un glabāšanas laiks
1. Sūtījumus, kurus kāda iemesla dēļ nav iespējams piegādāt adresātiem, izraudzītie operatori nosūta atpakaļ.
2. Sūtījumu glabāšanas laiks ir izklāstīts turpmāk tekstā.
3. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri iekasē maksu par pasta sūtījumu atpakaļnosūtīšanu savas valsts teritorijā, ir atļauts tādu pašu maksu iekasēt arī par starptautiskajiem sūtījumiem, ko saņēmuši atpakaļ.
4. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas nosūta atpakaļ nepiegādājamus sūtījumus, ir atļauts iekasēt 31-122. pantā noteikto atlīdzību.
5. Neatkarīgi no 3. punkta noteikumiem izraudzītais operators, saņemot pasta sūtījumus, kurus tā teritorijā dzīvojošie klienti nodevuši ārvalstīs un kuri nosūtāmi atpakaļ sūtītājam, drīkst no sūtītāja vai sūtītājiem par katru sūtījumu iekasēt apstrādes maksu, kas nav lielāka kā maksa par sūtījumu, kura šim pasta sūtījumam būtu jāpiemēro, ja tas būtu nosūtīts attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora teritorijā.
5.1. Sūtītājs vai sūtītāji 5. punkta nozīmē ir fiziskas vai juridiskas personas, kuru vārds vai nosaukums norādīts atpakaļnosūtīšanas adresē vai adresēs.
6. Vispārīgie noteikumi
6.1. Ievērojot galamērķa valsts tiesību normas, nepiegādājamus sūtījumus nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kura apmaksas zīmogs ir uzspiests uz sūtījuma.
6.2. Sūtījumus, no kuriem adresāts atteicies vai kuru piegāde ir pilnībā neiespējama, nekavējoties nosūta atpakaļ.
6.3. Citus nepiegādājamus sūtījumus galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators glabā līdz tā noteikumos paredzētā termiņa beigām. Tomēr sūtījumus nedrīkst glabāt ilgāk par vienu mēnesi, izņemot īpašus gadījumus, kad galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators uzskata, ka šis glabāšanas laiks ir jāpagarina ne ilgāk kā līdz diviem mēnešiem. Sūtījumu uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti nosūta atpakaļ agrāk, ja sūtītājs to ir lūdzis, izdarot attiecīgu atzīmi galamērķa valstī saprotamā valodā tajā sūtījuma pusē, kurā norāda adresi.
7. Īpašas procedūras
7.1. Nepiegādājamus valsts pasta dienesta sūtījumus uz ārvalstīm atpakaļnosūtīšanai nosūtītājam pārsūta tikai tad, ja tie atbilst tālākas pārsūtīšanas nosacījumiem. Tas pats attiecas arī uz starptautisku korespondenci, ja to sūtītājs ir pārcēlies uz dzīvi citā valstī.
7.2. Pastkartes, uz kurām nav norādīta sūtītāja adrese, atpakaļ nesūta. Toties ierakstītās pastkartes vienmēr nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam.
7.3. Nepiegādājamo iespieddarbu nosūtīšana atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti nav obligāta, ja vien sūtītājs nav lūdzis, lai tos nosūta atpakaļ, uz sūtījuma izdarot attiecīgu atzīmi valodā, ko saprot galamērķa valstī. Izraudzītie operatori tomēr cenšas šos sūtījumus nodot atpakaļ sūtītājam vai viņu pienācīgi informēt par tiem, ja ir bijuši mēģinājumi piegādāt vairumsūtījumus vai atkārtoti mēģinājumi piegādāt sūtījumu. Ierakstītos iespieddarbus un grāmatas vienmēr nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam.
7.4. Par nepiegādājamiem sūtījumiem uzskata turpmāk minētos sūtījumus trešām personām:
7.4.1. sūtījumus, kuri adresēti diplomātiskajiem vai konsulārajiem dienestiem nodošanai un kurus šie dienesti atdevuši atpakaļ pasta iestādei kā nepieprasītus;
7.4.2. sūtījumus, kas adresēti viesnīcām, naktsmītnēm un aviosabiedrību vai kuģniecību pārstāvniecībām un nodoti atpakaļ pasta iestādei, jo tos nav iespējams nodot adresātiem.
7.5. Sūtījumus, kas minēti šā panta 7.4. punktā, nekādā ziņā neuzskata par jauniem sūtījumiem, par kuriem iekasē maksu par sūtījumu.
8. Pārsūtīšana
8.1. Ja tās valsts izraudzītais operators, kas nosūta atpakaļ pasta sūtījumu, vairs neveic pārvadāšanu pa sauszemi, tas nepiegādājamus sūtījumus nosūta, izmantojot vispiemērotāko tam pieejamo pasta pārvadājumu veidu.
8.2. Prioritāros sūtījumus, kā arī aviopasta vēstules un aviopasta pastkartes, kas nosūtāmas atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti, nosūta atpakaļ pa ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi).
8.3. Nepiegādājamus aviopasta sūtījumus, kas nav aviopasta vēstules un aviopasta pastkartes, nosūta atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti, izmantojot pārvadājumu veidu, ko parasti izmanto neprioritāro vai sauszemes sūtījumu (tostarp arī SAL) pārvadāšanai, izņemot, ja:
8.3.1. minētais pārvadājumu veids uz laiku nav pieejams vai
8.3.2. galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators minēto sūtījumu atpakaļnosūtīšanai regulāri ir izvēlējies aviopārvadājumus.
8.4. Sūtījumiem, kurus pēc sūtītāja lūguma uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti sūta atpakaļ kā prioritārus sūtījumus vai ar aviopastu, pēc analoģijas piemēro 19-103. panta 6.2. punktu.
9. Sūtījumu apstrāde
9.1. Pirms sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta atpakaļ sūtījumus, kas kādu iemeslu dēļ nav piegādāti, pasta iestāde saņēmēja franču valodā norāda sūtījuma nepiegādāšanas iemeslu. Minēto iemeslu norāda īsi un skaidri, ja iespējams, sūtījuma virspusē, formulējot to šādi: "inconnu" ("adresāts nezināms"), "refusé" ("atteicies saņemt"), "déménagé" ("mainījis dzīvesvietu"), "non réclamé" ("nav pieprasīts"), "adresse insuffisante/inexistante" ("nepilnīga/neeksistējoša adrese"), "refusé par la douane" ("noraidījusi muita") utt. Uz pastkartēm un atklātņu formas iespieddarbiem sūtījuma nepiegādāšanas iemeslu norāda pastkartes vai atklātnes virspusē labajā pusē.
9.2. Šo informāciju norāda, izmantojot attiecīgu zīmogu vai piestiprinot pasta sūtījumam CN 15 uzlīmi, kuru pēc tam aizpilda pēc vajadzības. Ikviens izraudzītais operators drīkst pievienot nepiegādāšanas iemesla un citas attiecīgās informācijas tulkojumu savas valsts valodā. Minēto informāciju var norādīt tikai vienā valodā, par kuru iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies. Tādā gadījumā par pietiekamām var uzskatīt piezīmes, ko saistībā ar attiecīgā sūtījuma nepiegādāšanu ar roku rakstījusi kāda amatpersona vai pasta iestādes darbinieks.
CN 15 |
Adrese |
Atpakaļnosūtīšanas datums: |
Maksimālais izmērs - 52 x 52 mm, krāsa - rozā
9.3. Pasta iestādes saņēmējas darbinieks svītro adreses norādes, kas attiecas uz pasta iestādi saņēmēju, taču tā, lai tās arvien būtu salasāmas, un sūtījuma virspusē līdzās pasta iestādes nosūtītājas nosaukumam uzraksta "Retour" ("Atpakaļsūtīšana"). Uz sūtījuma uzspiež arī pasta iestādes saņēmējas kalendārzīmogu - uz prioritārajiem sūtījumiem aploksnēs un vēstulēm to uzspiež sūtījuma aizmugurē, bet uz pastkartēm - virspusē.
9.4. Nepiegādājamus sūtījumus atsevišķi vai īpašā sainī, uz kura ir marķējums "Envois non distribuables" ("Nepiegādājami sūtījumi"), nosūta atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vietu, it kā tie būtu šai valstij adresēti sūtījumi. Vienkāršos nepiegādājamos sūtījumus, uz kuriem atpakaļadrese norādīta pietiekami precīzi, nosūta atpakaļ tieši sūtītājam.
9.5. Nepiegādātos apdrošinātos sūtījumus nosūta atpakaļ pēc iespējas ātrāk, vēlākais līdz 6.3. punktā noteiktā termiņa beigām. Šos sūtījumus reģistrē CN 16 īpašajā sarakstā un iesaiņo pakā, aploksnē vai tarā, uz kuras ir marķējums "Valeurs declarées" ("Apdrošināti sūtījumi").
9.6. Nepiegādājamos sūtījumus, kas nosūtīti atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti, apstrādā atbilstīgi 19-103. panta 7. punkta noteikumiem.
19-104. pants
Iesniegumu par sūtījumu atsaukšanu un iesniegumu par adreses
mainīšanu vai precizēšanu apstrāde
1. Vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma sūtītājs var to atsaukt vai lūgt, lai maina vai precizē uz tā norādīto adresi, atbilstīgi turpmāk izklāstītajiem nosacījumiem.
2. Ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram ir pienākums pieņemt iesniegumus par sūtījumu atsaukšanu vai adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu attiecībā uz jebkuru vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu, kas nosūtīts cita izraudzītā operatora pasta iestādē, ja tas ir atļauts tiesību aktos, kas reglamentē attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora darbību.
3. Iesnieguma sagatavošana
3.1. Lai iesniegtu iesniegumu par sūtījuma atsaukšanu vai adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu, sūtītājs aizpilda CN 17 veidlapu. Vairākiem sūtījumiem, kurus viens un tas pats sūtītājs vienā reizē un vienā pasta iestādē nosūtījis vienam un tam pašam adresātam, drīkst izmantot vienu veidlapu.
3.2. Iesniedzot attiecīgo iesniegumu pasta iestādes darbiniekiem, sūtītājs uzrāda personu apliecinošu dokumentu un kvīti par pasta sūtījuma nodošanu, ja tāda ir. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators uzņemas atbildību par personu apliecinošā dokumenta datu pārbaudi.
3.3. Iesniegumu par adreses vienkāršu labošanu (nemainot adresāta vārdu un uzvārdu vai statusu) sūtītājs var adresēt tieši pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Tādā gadījumā 4. punktā paredzēto maksu neiekasē.
3.4. Iesniedzot attiecīgu paziņojumu Starptautiskajam birojam, ikviens izraudzītais operators drīkst noteikt, ka CN 17 iesniegumi, kas attiecas uz viņu, iesniedzami ar viņa centrālās administrācijas vai īpaši izraudzītas pasta iestādes starpniecību. Minētajā paziņojumā norāda attiecīgās pasta iestādes nosaukumu.
3.5. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri izmanto 3.4. punktā paredzēto iespēju, paši sedz visus izdevumus, kas varētu rasties, attiecīgās valsts robežās pa pastu vai ar telesakaru starpniecību nosūtot paziņojumus, ar kuriem savstarpēji jāapmainās attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram un pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Telesakarus vai citus līdzīgus saziņas līdzekļus obligāti izmanto tad, ja šādus saziņas līdzekļus ir izmantojis sūtītājs un ja ar pasta iestādi saņēmēju nav iespējams laikus sazināties pa pastu.
3.6. Ja sūtījums joprojām atrodas sūtījuma nodošanas valstī, attiecīgo iesniegumu izskata atbilstīgi šīs valsts tiesību aktiem.
4. Maksa
4.1. Par katru iesniegumu sūtītājs maksā īpašu maksu, kuras orientējošā summa ir
1,31 SDR.
4.2. Iesniegumu pārsūta pa pastu vai izmantojot telesakarus, bet sūtīšanas izdevumus sedz sūtītājs. Iesnieguma nosūtīšanas nosacījumi un noteikumi, kas saistīti ar telesakaru izmantošanu, ir izklāstīti turpmāk 6. punktā.
4.3. Ja iesniegums par sūtījuma atsaukšanu vai adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu attiecas uz vairākiem sūtījumiem, ko viens un tas pats sūtītājs vienā reizē un vienā pasta iestādē nosūtījis vienam un tam pašam adresātam, 4.1. un 4.2. punktā paredzētos tarifus piemēro tikai vienu reizi.
5. Iesnieguma nosūtīšana pa pastu
5.1. Ja iesniegums jānosūta pa pastu, CN 17 veidlapu, kurai, ja iespējams, ir pievienota sūtījuma aploksnes vai adreses fotokopija, nosūta kā ierakstītu sūtījumu tieši pasta iestādei saņēmējai, izmantojot ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi).
5.2. Ja iesniegumu iesniedz ar centrālo administrāciju starpniecību, ārkārtas situācijā pasta iestāde nosūtītāja drīkst nosūtīt iesnieguma kopiju tieši pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Iesniegumi, kas nosūtīti tieši, ir jāņem vērā. Attiecīgos sūtījumus neizsniedz, kamēr nav saņemts attiecīgais iesniegums no centrālās administrācijas.
5.3. Saņemot CN 17 veidlapu, pasta iestāde saņēmēja sameklē attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu un veic nepieciešamās darbības.
5.5. Par to, kādas darbības pasta iestāde saņēmēja veikusi saistībā ar katru no saņemtajiem iesniegumiem par sūtījuma atsaukšanu vai adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu, nekavējoties ziņo pasta iestādei nosūtītājai, izmantojot ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi) un CN 17 veidlapas kopiju, kurā pienācīgi aizpildīta sadaļa "Pasta iestādes saņēmējas atbilde". Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja savukārt informē iesnieguma sagatavotāju. Šo noteikumu piemēro arī turpmāk minētajos gadījumos:
5.4.1. ja meklējumi bijuši veltīgi;
5.4.2. ja attiecīgie sūtījumi jau ir izsniegti adresātam;
5.4.3. ja attiecīgais sūtījums ir konfiscēts, iznīcināts vai aizturēts.
5.5. Saņemot iesniegumu par sūtījuma atsaukšanu, neprioritāru vai sauszemes sūtījumu nosūta atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti kā prioritāru sūtījumu vai ar aviopastu, ja sūtītājs apņemas atlīdzināt attiecīgo pasta tarifu starpību. Ja, saņemot iesniegumu par adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu, sūtījumu nosūta kā prioritāru sūtījumu vai ar aviopastu, pasta tarifu starpību, kas atbilst jaunajam pasta pārvadājumu veidam, no adresāta iekasē un patur tas izraudzītais operators, kas piegādā attiecīgo sūtījumu.
6. Iesniegumu nosūtīšana, izmantojot telesakarus
6.1. Ja iesniegums jānosūta, izmantojot telesakarus, CN 17 veidlapu nodod attiecīgajam dienestam, kas tajā norādītos datus nosūta pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Par šo pakalpojumu maksā sūtītājs.
6.2. Saņemot ziņojumu pa telesakariem, pasta iestāde saņēmēja sameklē attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu un veic nepieciešamās darbības.
6.3. Ja, izmantojot telesakarus, iesniegtais iesniegums par adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu attiecas uz apdrošinātu sūtījumu, šo iesniegumu apstiprina pa pastu, kā noteikts 5.1. punktā, apstiprinājumu nosūtot ar pirmo nosūtāmo pastu. Tad CN 17 veidlapas augšpusē treknrakstā norāda "Confirmation de la demande transmise par voie des télécommunications du..." ("Apstiprinājums iesniegumam, kas iesniegts, izmantojot telesakarus, un datēts ar (..)"); līdz šāda apstiprinājuma saņemšanai pasta iestāde saņēmēja tikai glabā attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators tomēr drīkst rīkoties uz savu atbildību un izskatīt iesniegumu, kas iesniegts, izmantojot telesakarus, negaidot tā apstiprinājumu pa pastu.
6.4. Ja sūtītājs savu iesniegumu ir iesniedzis, izmantojot telesakarus, un lūdzis, lai viņu par procesa gaitu informē, izmantojot līdzīgus saziņas līdzekļus, atbildi pasta iestādei nosūtītājai nosūta, izmantojot šādus saziņas līdzekļus. Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja pēc iespējas ātrāk par to informē iesnieguma iesniedzēju. Tas pats attiecināms arī tad, ja iesniegums, kas iesniegts, izmantojot telesakarus, nav pietiekami precīzi formulēts, lai attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu varētu nekļūdīgi identificēt.
19-105. pants
Pasta sūtījumu atsaukšana. Adreses un/vai adresāta vārda
mainīšana vai precizēšana. Sūtījumi, kas nodoti valstī, kas nav
valsts, kurā saņemts iesniegums
1. Ikviena pasta iestāde, saņemot iesniegumu par sūtījuma atsaukšanu vai adreses un/vai adresāta vārda mainīšanu vai precizēšanu, kas iesniegts atbilstīgi 19-105. panta 2. punktam, pārbauda minētā sūtījuma sūtītāja personas datus. Tā jo īpaši nodrošina, ka CN 17 veidlapā tam paredzētajā vietā ir skaidri norādīta sūtītāja adrese. Pēc tam tā nosūta CN 17 veidlapu pasta iestādei, kas nosūtījusi attiecīgo sūtījumu, vai pasta iestādei saņēmējai.
2. Ja iesniegums attiecas uz ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu, sūtītājam ir jāuzrāda kvīts oriģināls, savukārt CN 17 veidlapā ir norāde "Vu l'original du récépissé" ("Uzrādīts kvīts oriģināls"). Pirms šo kvīti atdod atpakaļ sūtītājam, uz tās izdara šādu atzīmi: "Demande de retrait (de modification ou de correction d'adresse) déposée le... au bureau de..." ("Iesniegums par sūtījuma atsaukšanu (vai adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu), kas (..) iesniegts (..) pasta iestādē"). Līdzās šai atzīmei pasta iestāde, kurā iesniegts attiecīgais iesniegums, uzspiež savu kalendārzīmogu. Pēc tam CN 17 veidlapu ar pasta iestādes nosūtītājas starpniecību nosūta pasta iestādei saņēmējai.
3. Iesniegumus, kas iesniegti, izmantojot telesakarus, atbilstīgi 1. punktā paredzētajiem nosacījumiem nosūta tieši pasta iestādei saņēmējai, kas saņem attiecīgo sūtījumu. Taču tad, ja iesniegums attiecas uz ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu, CN 17 veidlapu, uz kuras norādītas atzīmes "Vu l'original du récépissé de dépôt" ("Uzrādīts sūtījuma kvīts oriģināls") un "Demande transmise par voie des télécommunications déposée le ... au bureau de ..." ("Iesniegums iesniegts, izmantojot telesakarus, (..) (..) pasta iestādē"), nosūta arī attiecīgā sūtījuma nodošanas pasta iestādei. Pēc veidlapā norādītās informācijas pārbaudes attiecīgā pasta iestāde sūtītāja CN 17 veidlapas augšpusē izteiktā treknrakstā uzraksta atzīmi "Confirmation de la demande transmise par voie des télécommunications du ..." ("Apstiprinājums iesniegumam, kas iesniegts, izmantojot telesakarus, un datēts ar (..)") un veidlapu nosūta pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Pasta iestāde saņēmēja glabā ierakstīto vai apdrošināto sūtījumu līdz minētā apstiprinājuma saņemšanai.
4. Lai pasta iestāde, kurā attiecīgais iesniegums iesniegts, varētu informēt sūtītāju par procesa gaitu, pasta iestāde saņēmēja to informē par darbībām, kas veiktas saistībā ar attiecīgo iesniegumu. Taču tad, ja iesniegums attiecas uz ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu, minēto informāciju nosūta ar attiecīgās pasta iestādes sūtītājas starpniecību. Ja pasta sūtījums tiek atsaukts, kopā ar minēto informāciju nosūta arī atsaukto sūtījumu.
5. 19-104. pantu pēc analoģijas piemēro gan pasta iestādei, kurā iesniegts iesniegums, gan attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram.
VII iedaļa
A. Tranzītmaksa
27-101. pants
Tranzītmaksa. Vispārīgie noteikumi
1. Uzskaite
1.1. Sauszemes depešu tranzīta maksas un tranzīta pasta taras apstrādes maksas uzskaiti par katru sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru tranzīta valsts izraudzītais operators veic atbilstīgi 35-011. pantā izklāstītajai kārtībai. Tās pamatā ir to tranzītā saņemto depešu svars, kuras nosūtītas attiecīgā perioda laikā. Aprēķinos piemēro likmes, kas izklāstītas 27-103. pantā.
1.2. Tranzītmaksu un tranzīta pasta taras apstrādes maksu sedz depešu nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators. Maksājumus, izņemot gadījumu, kas paredzēts 1.4. punktā, saņem tranzītā šķērsoto valstu izraudzītie operatori vai tie izraudzītie operatori, kuru dienesti piedalās depešu pārvadāšanā pa sauszemi vai jūru.
1.3. Maksājumus par tranzīta depešu pārvadāšanu pa jūru depešu nodošanas valsts izraudzītie operatori var veikt tieši kuģniecībām vai to pārstāvjiem. Pirms tam iekraušanas ostas valsts izraudzītais operators dod savu piekrišanu.
1.4. Ja iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori nav īpaši vienojušies, 27-103. pantā noteikto tranzītmaksu skalu piemēro visiem aviodepešu pārvadājumiem pa sauszemi vai jūru. Tomēr sauszemes tranzītmaksu nemaksā par:
1.4.1. pasta taras nosūtīšanu starp diviem tranzīta punktiem, kas apkalpo vienu pilsētu;
1.4.2. minētās pasta taras transportēšanu no tranzīta punkta, kas apkalpo pilsētu, uz noliktavu, kura atrodas tajā pašā pilsētā, un tās pašas pasta taras nogādāšanu atpakaļ, lai veiktu pārsūtīšanu.
27-102. pants
Tranzītmaksas piemērošana
1. Ja nav īpašas vienošanās, tiešus jūras pārvadājumus, ko starp divām valstīm veic ar vienas no šo valstu kuģiem, uzskata par trešās puses pakalpojumu.
2. Jūras tranzīts sākas tad, kad depešas nodod izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja izvēlētajai kuģniecībai, un beidzas, kad attiecīgās depešas nodod galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram vai kad galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir nodots pavadraksts vai kāds cits attiecīgs dokuments - atkarībā no tā, kas tiek nodots ātrāk. Jūras tranzītmaksā, kuru maksā izraudzītais operators sūtītājs, ieskaita visas izmaksas, kas kuģniecības kompānijai radušās piestāšanas ostā. Ja galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir jāmaksā papildu maksa par pakalpojumiem, kas sniegti pirms minētā paziņojuma, piemēram, ostas nodevas, kanāla maksa, termināļa vai piestātnes maksas par saistītajiem pakalpojumiem un citas līdzīgas maksas par konteineros ievietotu depešu ar vairumsūtījumiem vai konteineros neievietotu depešu ar vairumsūtījumiem apstrādi, tad galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības no izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja pieprasīt kompensāciju par minētajām papildu izmaksām. Tomēr galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators sedz glabāšanas izmaksas, kas radušās pēc tam, kad kuģniecības kompānija ir paziņojusi, ka depešas ir fiziski pieejamas saņemšanai.
2.1. Neatkarīgi no 2. punkta depešu galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora iekasē summu, kas atbilst ostas glabāšanas maksai, ja pasta iestāde sūtītāja 17-134. panta 4.1. punktā paredzētajā laikā nav atsūtījusi CN 37 pavadraksta kopiju.
2.2. Jūras tranzīta papildu maksas atlīdzināšanu pieprasa, nosūtot CN 62bis atsevišķo rēķinu, kā minēts 35-011. pantā.
3. Ja citas valsts transporta dienests šķērso tādas valsts teritoriju, kuras dienesti saskaņā ar 17-112. pantu nepiedalās pārvadāšanā, tad šādi pārvadātām depešām nepiemēro sauszemes tranzītmaksu.
4. Visām valstīm, kuras sūta un pieņem jūras tranzīta pasta sūtījumus, pasta administrāciju vadītāju un vecāko amatpersonu vārdu, uzvārdu un adrešu sarakstā ir jānorāda ar jūras tranzīta pasta sūtījumiem saistītā kontaktadrese, tostarp fiziskā adrese, tālruņa, faksa numurs un e-pasta adrese. Ja izraudzītajam operatoram ir atsevišķas pasta iestādes, kuras atbild par ievešanu un izvešanu, ir jānorāda divas adreses. Lai varētu veikt iepriekšēju paziņošanu, katram izraudzītajam operatoram, ja iespējams, ir jāizveido vispārēja e-pasta adrese (piem.,
27-103. pants
1. Tranzītmaksu, ko maksā depešu nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators, aprēķina, ņemot vērā turpmāk minētos elementus.
1.1. Tarifs par tranzīta depešu apstrādi ir 0,571 SDR par kilogramu 2022. gadam, 0,585 SDR par kilogramu 2023. gadam, 0,599 SDR par kilogramu 2024. gadam un 0,613 SDR par kilogramu 2025. gadam.
1.2. Tarifs, ko nosaka, ņemot vērā attālumu:
1.2.1. aviotransportam - aviopārvadājumu pamattarifs, ko noteikusi Pasta darbības padome, izmantojot 34-101. pantā minēto formulu;
1.2.2. sauszemes transportam: par kilogramu un par kilometru līdz 1000 kilometru attālumam: 0,426 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,437 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,447 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,458 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam; par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru līdz 3000 kilometru attālumam: 0,182 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,187 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,191 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,196 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam; par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru līdz 5000 kilometru attālumam: 0,159 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,163 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,167 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,171 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam; par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru: 0,106 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,108 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,111 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,113 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam; tarifu, kura pamatā ir attālums, aprēķina, nosakot, ka attāluma solis ir 100 kilometri, pamatojoties uz katra soļa vidējo vērtību;
1.2.3. jūras transportam: par kilogramu un par jūras jūdzi (1,852 km) līdz 1000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,204 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,209 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,214 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,219 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam; par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 2000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,113 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,115 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,118 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,121 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam; par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 4000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,073 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,075 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,076 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,078 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam; par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 10 000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,008 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,008 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,009 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,009 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam; par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi: 0,003 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022.-2025. gadā; tarifu, kura pamatā ir attālums, aprēķina, nosakot, ka attāluma solis ir 100 jūras jūdzes, pamatojoties uz katra soļa vidējo vērtību.
27-104. pants
Attālums kilometros
Attālumi, kurus izmanto tranzītmaksas noteikšanai par attālumu, kas šķērsots pa sauszemi saskaņā ar 27-103. panta 1.2. punktu, ir norādīti sarakstā "Tranzītā pārvadājamo depešu sauszemes maršrutu attālumi kilometros", ko publicējis Starptautiskais birojs.
27-105. pants
Ārkārtas pakalpojumi. Vairākveidu pārvadājumi
1. 27-103. pantā noteikto tranzītmaksu nepiemēro pārvadājumiem, ko veic ārkārtas dienesti, kurus pēc viena vai vairāku izraudzīto operatoru lūguma izveidojis vai nodrošina kāds cits izraudzītais operators. Par šāda veida pārvadājumu nosacījumiem iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori savstarpēji vienojas.
2. Ja izraudzītais operators cita izraudzītā operatora sauszemes depešas pārsūta, izmantojot kombinētu sauszemes un jūras transportu, iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori vienojas par šādas pārsūtīšanas nosacījumiem, noslēdzot īpašu vienošanos.
27-106. pants
Maksas aprēķināšana un uzskaite par atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem
un nepareizi nosūtītiem sūtījumiem
1. Vispārīgie noteikumi
1.1. Katram izraudzītajam operatoram, kas sūtījumus pārsūta atklātā tranzītā pa sauszemi, ir tiesības no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora iekasēt tranzītmaksu, lai segtu izmaksas, kas radušās par tranzītā esošu sūtījumu apstrādi un pārvadāšanu, kā arī gala norēķinu palielinājumu, kuru tas maksās galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Tranzītmaksu aprēķina, ņemot vērā neto svaru.
1.2. Tranzītmaksas noteikšana sūtījumiem, ko atklātā tranzītā pārsūta valstu grupas
1.2.1. Tranzītmaksu nosaka galamērķa valstu grupas. Grupu skaits nedrīkst būt lielāks par 10. Katras grupas tranzītmaksu nosaka atbilstīgi vidējai svērtajai tranzītmaksai, kas jāmaksā dažādos grupas galamērķos. Svērumu pamato ar nesenāko to vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu gada apjomu, ko starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators nosūtījis galamērķa valstīm attiecīgajā grupā.
1.3. Maksas aprēķināšana
1.3.1. Maksa par atklātā tranzītā pārsūtītu sūtījumu apstrādi Maksa par atklātā tranzītā pārsūtītu sūtījumu apstrādi ir 1,055 SDR par kilogramu 2022. gadam, 1,081 SDR par kilogramu 2023. gadam, 1,107 SDR par kilogramu 2024. gadam un 1,134 SDR par kilogramu 2025. gadam.
1.3.2. Maksa par atklātā tranzītā pārsūtītu sūtījumu pārvadāšanu Maksu par atklātā tranzītā pārsūtītu sūtījumu pārvadāšanu pa sauszemi aprēķina, pamatojoties uz tarifu par attālumu, kas norādīts 27-103. panta 1.2.2. punktā. Maksu par atklātā tranzītā pārsūtītu sūtījumu pārvadāšanu ar aviopastu aprēķina, pamatojoties uz tarifu, kas norādīts 34-101. panta 3. punktā.
1.3.3. Gala norēķinu palielinājums Gala norēķinu palielinājumu aprēķina, pamatojoties uz svērto vidējo starpību starp tranzītvalsts izraudzītā operatora saņemtajiem gala norēķiniem un gala norēķiniem, kas samaksāti galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, atbilstoši 1.2.1. punktam.
1.4. Tranzītmaksas palielinājums sūtījumiem, ko pārsūta atklātā tranzītā
1.4.1. Tranzītmaksas summu, kas aprēķināta saskaņā ar 1.3. punktu, attiecībā uz atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem, kurus pārsūta pa sauszemi, palielina par 10 % un attiecībā uz atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem, kurus pārsūta ar aviopastu, palielina par 5 %. Šo palielinājumu norāda CN 51 veidlapā.
1.5. Nepareizi nosūtītiem sūtījumiem piemērojamā maksa
1.5.1. Katram izraudzītajam operatoram, kas pārsūta nepareizi nosūtītus sūtījumus, ir tiesības no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora iekasēt tranzītmaksu, lai segtu izmaksas, kas radušās par sūtījumu apstrādi un pārvadāšanu, kā arī gala norēķinu palielinājumu, kurus tas maksās galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators ir tiesīgs no izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja pieprasīt segt attiecīgo maksu, kas aprēķināta atbilstīgi 1.2.-1.4. punktam, pieskaitot arī 2,202 SDR/kg.
1.6. Atklātā tranzīta sūtījumu uzskaiti parasti veic, pamatojoties uz saņemtajiem statistikas datiem, bet tad, ja tranzītvalsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, uzskaiti veic, pamatojoties uz faktisko svaru.
1.7. Uzskaiti, pamatojoties uz faktisko svaru, veic to sūtījumu gadījumā, kas nepareizi nosūtīti vai nodoti uz kuģa, vai tad, ja tos nesūta regulāri vai sūta pārāk atšķirīgu sūtījumu daudzumu. Tomēr minēto uzskaiti veic tikai tad, ja starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa samaksu par sniegto tranzīta pakalpojumu. Šajā nolūkā starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators izmanto CN 65 veidlapu, kam pievieno CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumus. Starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators var vienoties ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru, ka nepareizi nosūtīto sūtījumu uzskaiti veic, pamatojoties uz statistiku.
2. Statistikas datu apkopošana
2.1. Statistikas datus apkopo katru gadu; gadā ar nepāra gadskaitli uzskaiti veic maijā, gadā ar pāra gadskaitli - oktobrī.
2.2. Statistikas datu apkopošanas laikposmā atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem pievieno CN 65 pavadrakstu. Attiecīgi uz CN 26 vai CN 25 pasta saiņu birkām un uz CN 65 pavadrakstiem uzdrukā burtu "S". Ja depešā, kurā parasti ievieto atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus (ierakstītus vai neierakstītus), šādu sūtījumu nav, tad depešas vēstuļu kartei pievieno attiecīgi vienu vai divus CN 65 pavadrakstus, uz kuriem ir norāde "Néant" ("Nulle").
2.3. Statistikas datu apkopošanas laikposmā visus atklātā tranzīta sūtījumus kopā ar CN 65 pavadrakstu ievieto noslēgtā maisā, kas var būt izgatavots no caurspīdīgas plastmasas un ir ievietots maisā, kurā ir vēstuļu karte.
2.4. Ikviens izraudzītais operators, kurš sūtījumus nosūta atklātā tranzītā, informē starpposma valsts izraudzīto operatoru par visiem grozījumiem, kas pārskata periodā izdarīti noteikumos par šāda veida pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu.
3. CN 65 pavadraksta sagatavošana un pārbaude
3.1. CN 65 pavadrakstā katrai galamērķa valstu grupai sūtījumu svaru norāda atsevišķi. Pavadrakstu numurēšanai izmanto divas secīgu kārtas numuru virknes - vienu neierakstītiem sūtījumiem, otru ierakstītiem sūtījumiem. CN 65 pavadrakstu skaitu norāda CN 31 vai CN 32 vēstuļu kartes attiecīgajā sadaļā. Tranzītvalstu izraudzītie operatori var pieprasīt, lai tiek izmantoti īpaši CN 65 pavadraksti, kuros noteiktā secībā ir uzskaitītas svarīgākās valstu grupas. Visus CN 65 pavadrakstus ievieto maisā, kurā ir CN 31 vēstuļu karte.
3.2. Katrai valstu grupai atklātā tranzīta sūtījumu svaru noapaļo uz augšu līdz tuvākajam dekagramam, ja dekagrama daļa ir vienāda ar 5 gramiem vai lielāka; citkārt to noapaļo uz leju līdz tuvākajam dekagramam.
3.3. Ja starpposma valsts pasta apmaiņas vietā konstatē, ka atklātā tranzīta sūtījumu faktiskais svars no norādītā svara atšķiras par vairāk nekā 20 gramiem, tas veic labojumus CN 65 pavadrakstā un nekavējoties par šo kļūdu informē pasta apmaiņas vietu nosūtītāju, izmantojot CN 43 pārbaudes paziņojumu. Ja konstatētā neatbilstība ir iepriekš minētājā ierobežojuma diapazonā, tad pasta iestādes sūtītājas norādīto lielumu nemaina.
3.4. Ja nav pievienots CN 65 pavadraksts vai depešā ir nepareizi nosūtīti sūtījumi, tad attiecīgā gadījumā CN 65 pavadrakstu sagatavo ierastajā kārtībā un par šo pārkāpumu informē pasta iestādi sūtītāju, izmantojot CN 43 paziņojumu.
3.5. Ja nepareizi nosūtītu sūtījumu kopējais svars depešā, kas nosūtīta no vienas pasta apmaiņas vietas, nav lielāks par 50 gramiem, 3.4. punktā minētais CN 65 pavadraksts nav jāsagatavo.
4. Atklātā tranzīta sūtījumi, par kuriem sagatavo rēķinus, pamatojoties uz faktisko svaru
4.1. Ja tranzītvalsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai tranzītmaksu par atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem uzskaita, pamatojoties uz faktisko svaru, depešām, kurās ir šādi sūtījumi, pievieno CN 65 pavadrakstu, kuru piestiprina pie vēstuļu kartes. Tādu pašu procedūru izmanto atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem, kurus neiekļauj statistikas datu apkopošanā un par kuriem rēķinus sagatavo, pamatojoties uz faktisko svaru.
4.2. Atklātā tranzītā nododot izraudzītajam operatoram starpposma piestāšanas ostā sūtījumus, kuri nodoti uz kuģa atklātā jūrā un kuri ir apmaksāti, izmantojot kuģa karogvalsts pastmarkas vai tās valsts pastmarkas, kurā kuģis ir reģistrēts, pievieno CN 65 pavadrakstu. Ja uz kuģa nav pasta iestādes, sūtījumiem pievieno sarakstu par sūtījumu svaru, kuru starpposma izraudzītais operators ņem vērā kā pamatu, pieprasot maksu par sauszemes vai jūras tranzītu/SAL pārvadājumiem. CN 65 pavadrakstā vai sarakstā ar sūtījumu svaru norāda katrai galamērķa valstij paredzēto sūtījumu svaru, datumu, kuģa nosaukumu un karogvalsti, numurējot attiecībā uz katru kuģi atsevišķi un katru gadu numerāciju sākot no jauna. Šo informāciju pārbauda tā pasta iestāde, kurai sūtījumi tiek nodoti pēc nodošanas uz kuģa.
5. CN 67 svara saraksta sagatavošana
5.1. Par atklātā tranzītā saņemtiem sūtījumiem un nepareizi nosūtītiem sūtījumiem izraudzītais operators kreditors katru gadu statistikas datu apkopošanas laikposma beigās sagatavo CN 67 svara sarakstu, kura pamatā ir CN 65 pavadrakstos sniegtā informācija. Kopējo svaru, kas norādīts CN 67 svara sarakstā, reizina ar 12 un ieraksta CN 51 rēķinā. Gadījumos, kad rēķini ir jāsagatavo, pamatojoties uz sūtījumu faktisko svaru, CN 67 sarakstus sagatavo par katru mēnesi vai par katru ceturksni, izmantojot attiecīgajos CN 65 pavadrakstos sniegto informāciju.
27-107. pants
Tranzītmaksa par novirzītām vai pa nepareizu maršrutu nosūtītām
Tranzītvalsts izraudzītie operatori dara visu iespējamo, lai depešas virzītu pa izraudzītā operatora sūtītāja norādīto maršrutu. Ja tomēr depešas tiek novirzītas vai nosūtītas pa nepareizu maršrutu, tranzītmaksu, nepiemērojot 35-013. panta 9. punktu, maksā izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri piedalās minēto depešu tranzīta pārvadājumos. Savukārt sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var pieprasīt kompensāciju no tā izraudzītā operatora, kura dienesti kļūdaini nosūtīja depešu.
27-108. pants
Aviodepešas un sauszemes depešas ar aviotransportu (SAL),
kuras tranzītā pārvadā pa sauszemi
1. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nav īpaši vienojušies, aviodepešām un SAL depešām, kuras trešās valstīs daļā no maršruta bieži pārvadā pa sauszemi, piemēro tranzītmaksu.
2. Iepriekš minētajā gadījumā tranzītmaksu aprēķina atbilstīgi faktiskajam bruto svaram, kas aviodepešām norādīts attiecīgi CN 38 pavadrakstā vai CN 41 pavadrakstā un SAL depešām - uz CN 36 birkām.
27-109. pants
Tranzītmaksa par atpakaļsūtītu tukšu maisu pārvadāšanu pa gaisu
vai sauszemi
1. Tranzītmaksu par tukšu maisu pārvadāšanu maksā tas izraudzītais operators, kuram tara pieder. To aprēķina saskaņā ar 27-103. pantu. Tukšo maisu depešām piemēro maksājumu, kas ir 30 % no tranzītmaksas par depešām ar vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem.
2. Izraudzītajam operatoram, kas tukšos maisus sūta atpakaļ, nav tiesību pieprasīt kompensāciju par izmaksām, kuras radušās tā valstī, ja vidējais svērtais tukšo maisu transportēšanas attālums līdz valsts robežai nav lielāks par 300 km. Ja vidējais svērtais attālums ir lielāks par 300 km, tas var pieprasīt transportēšanas maksu, bet ne apstrādes maksu par attālumu, kas pārsniedz 300 km.
3. Transporta maksa, kuru maksā par transportēšanu tajā valstī, kura maisus sūta atpakaļ, fiksē, nosakot konkrētu cenu par kilogramu. Šajā cenā ieskaita transportēšanas maksu par nosūtīšanu valsts iekšienē, starp dažādām pasta apmaiņas vietām un valsts robežām. To aprēķina, pamatojoties uz likmēm, kas faktiski samaksātas par depešu pārvadāšanu galamērķa valstī, bet šī cena nedrīkst būt lielāka par transportēšanas maksu, kas noteikta 27-103. pantā. Vidējo svērto attālumu aprēķina Starptautiskais birojs, ņemot vērā visu to tukšo depešu bruto svaru, kas nosūtītas no attiecīgās valsts.
4. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri pieprasa kompensāciju par transportēšanas izmaksām, līdz 1. jūlijam Starptautiskajam birojam nosūta datus, kas nepieciešami, lai aprēķinātu vidējo svērto attālumu un atlīdzības summu. Starptautiskais birojs līdz 1. oktobrim visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem paziņo vidējo svērto attālumu un atlīdzību, un tie stājas spēkā no nākamā gada 1. janvāra.
27-110. pants
Tranzītmaksas labojumi
1. Labojumi tranzītmaksā, kas minēta 27-106. panta 1. punktā:
1.1. stājas spēkā tieši 1. janvārī,
1.2. ne vēlāk kā 31. oktobrī tiek paziņoti Starptautiskajam birojam, kas šo informāciju visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem sniedz vismaz vienu mēnesi pirms 1.1. punktā noteiktā datuma.
2. Starptautiskais birojs attiecībā uz katru izraudzīto operatoru pārbauda un apstiprina atbilstību 27-106. pantam.
B. Gala norēķini
31-101. pants
Gala norēķini. Vispārīgie noteikumi
1. Uzskaite
1.1. Par vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, izņemot M maisus, izraudzītais operators kreditors gala norēķinu uzskaiti veic reizi gadā atbilstīgi depešu faktiskajam svaram, saņemto ierakstīto sūtījumu un apdrošināto sūtījumu faktiskajam skaitam, kā arī, ja nepieciešams, atbilstīgi attiecīgajā gadā saņemto sūtījumu skaitam. Piemēro likmes, kas noteiktas Konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā.
1.2. Par M maisiem izraudzītais operators kreditors gala norēķinu uzskaiti veic reizi gadā, pamatojoties uz svaru, par kuru saskaņā ar Konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā noteiktajiem nosacījumiem iekasē gala norēķinus.
1.3. Lai noteiktu gada laikā nosūtīto sūtījumu svaru un skaitu, depešu nodošanas valsts izraudzītie operatori katrai depešai norāda:
1.3.1. pasta sūtījumu svaru (izņemot M maisus);
1.3.2. M maisu svaru, ja tas ir lielāks par 5 kilogramiem;
1.3.3. M maisu skaitu, ja to svars ir mazāks par 5 kilogramiem;
1.3.4. depešā ievietoto ierakstīto sūtījumu skaitu;
1.3.5. depešā ievietoto apdrošināto sūtījumu skaitu.
1.4. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nav īpaši vienojušies, tad attiecībās starp mērķsistēmas valstīm sūtījumu skaitu nosaka atbilstīgi 31-116. un 31-118. pantam.
1.5. Ja ir jānosaka vairumsūtījumu skaits un svars, tad šīs kategorijas pasta sūtījumiem izmanto 17-127. pantā norādītos veidus.
1.6. Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka gala norēķinu savstarpējās attiecībās uzskaitīs, izmantojot citu statistisko metodi. Tie var arī vienoties par citu laikposmu, kas atšķiras no tā, kas noteikts 31-119. pantā.
2. Ja ir jāizšķir izraudzīto operatoru strīds par gada rezultātiem, attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori lūdz savām dalībvalstīm rīkoties saskaņā ar procedūru, kas paredzēta Vispārējā reglamenta 153. pantā. Šķīrējtiesneši ir pilnvaroti noteikt taisnīgu un pamatotu maksājamo tranzītmaksu vai gala norēķinus.
3. Atbrīvojums no gala norēķiniem
3.1. No gala norēķiniem ir atbrīvoti 16-001. panta 1. punktā minētie vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi, kas ir saistīti ar pasta dienestu, un nepiegādātie pasta sūtījumi, kurus sūta atpakaļ uz nodošanas vietu slēgtās depešās.
3.1.1. Šo atbrīvojumu nepiemēro nepiegādātiem pasta sūtījumiem, kuri kļūdas dēļ nokļuvuši pasta tīklā un par kuriem izraudzītais operators nav iekasējis pasta maksu.
3.2. IBRS sūtījumiem un paziņojumiem par izsniegšanu gala norēķinus nepiemēro.
3.3. Tarai, kurā ir tikai CN 31 vēstuļu karte, un tukšās taras depešām gala norēķinus nepiemēro.
31-102. pants
Dalībvalstu brīvprātīga dalība mērķsistēmā
1. Saistībā ar Konvencijas 28. panta 16. punktu jebkura dalībvalsts var paziņot par brīvprātīgu pievienošanos mērķsistēmai. Tās valsts izraudzītais operators, kura vēlas pievienoties mērķsistēmai, Starptautiskajam birojam nosūta oficiālu paziņojumu ne vēlāk kā līdz tā gada 1. jūnijam, kas ir pirms gada, kurā tā vēlas pievienoties mērķsistēmai. Starptautiskais birojs 30 dienu laikā pēc paziņojuma saņemšanas par to informē mērķsistēmas valstis.
2. Paziņojumā pievienošanās dalībvalsts izraudzītais operators apņemas no nākamā gada 1. janvāra veikt visas statistikas apkopošanas, uzskaitvedības un citas darbības, kas ir saistītas ar dalību mērķsistēmā.
3. Tās dalībvalsts izraudzītais operators, kura vēlas pievienoties mērķsistēmai, paziņo, kurus no turpmāk minētajiem noteikumiem šī valsts izvēlas piemērot:
3.1. noteikumus, kurus piemēro valstīm un teritorijām mērķsistēmā līdz 2010. gadam;
3.2. noteikumus, kurus piemēro valstīm un teritorijām mērķsistēmā, sākot no 2010. gada;
3.3. noteikumus, kurus piemēro valstīm un teritorijām mērķsistēmā, sākot no 2012. gada;
3.4. noteikumus, kurus piemēro valstīm un teritorijām mērķsistēmā, sākot no 2014. gada.
4. Pirms paziņojuma nosūtīšanas vai kopā ar to tās dalībvalsts izraudzītais operators, kura vēlas pievienoties mērķsistēmai un piemērot mērķsistēmas noteikumus, kas minēti 3.1., 3.2. vai 3.3. punktā, informē Starptautisko biroju par maksām, kuras paredzētas 31-107. un 31-108. pantā. Līdz tā gada 1. jūlijam, kurā notiek pievienošanās, Starptautiskais birojs mērķsistēmas valstīm un tās valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kura pievienojas, dara zināmu tarifu par sūtījumu un par kilogramu, kuru, sākot no nākamā gada 1. janvāra, maksās dalībvalstij, kas pievienojas.
5. Valsts, kura pievienojas mērķsistēmai, sākot no 1. janvāra tajā gadā, kad sāk dalību mērķsistēmā, piemēro visus ar to saistītos noteikumus atbilstīgi savai izvēlei, par kuru tā paziņojusi saskaņā ar 3. punktu.
31-103. pants
Tiešā piekļuve iekšzemes piegādei
1. Visi Pasaules Pasta savienības valstu izraudzītie operatori Starptautiskajam birojam nosūta informāciju par nosacījumiem saistībā ar tiešu piekļuvi iekšzemes piegādei, tostarp informāciju par kontaktpersonām (pakalpojumu pārdošanas vadītājiem), pakalpojumiem, produktiem un maksām, darbības un finanšu prasībām, kā arī tīmekļa vietnēm, kurās ir sniegta papildu informācija. Izraudzītie operatori nodrošina, ka par visām izmaiņām saistībā ar maksām un citiem nosacījumiem, kas ietekmē tiešu piekļuvi, Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo pirms to stāšanās spēkā.
2. Pamatojoties uz sniegto informāciju, Starptautiskais birojs UPU tīmekļa vietnē izvieto tiešas piekļuves datubāzi. Starptautiskais birojs regulāri atjaunina datus tiešas piekļuves datubāzē. Starptautiskais birojs iesaistītajiem dalībniekiem nodrošina arī piekļuvi lietošanas rokasgrāmatai.
3. To valstu un teritoriju izraudzītie operatori, kas mērķsistēmai pievienojās no 2010., 2012. vai 2016. gada, Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo, vai tie citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem nodrošinās tiešu piekļuvi, kā paredzēts Konvencijas 28. panta 4.3. punktā. Izraudzītais operators, kas izvēlas izmantot divu gadu izmēģinājumu periodu, minētā perioda beigās Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo, vai nu to, ka pārtrauc nodrošināt tiešu piekļuvi, vai to, ka turpmāk tieša piekļuve nediskriminējošā veidā tiks nodrošināta visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Starptautiskais birojs vienmēr ir jāinformē arī tad, ja jaunas mērķsistēmas valsts izraudzītais operators lūdz tiešu piekļuvi mērķsistēmas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Saskaņā ar 28. panta 4.3. punktu tas nozīmē, ka tieša piekļuve ir jānodrošina visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Starptautiskais birojs attiecīgi atjauninās datus tiešās piekļuves datubāzē.
4. To valstu un teritoriju izraudzītie operatori, kuri ir pārejas sistēmā, Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo, vai tie citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem nodrošinās tiešu piekļuvi, kā paredzēts Konvencijas 28. panta 4.4. punktā. Izraudzītais operators, kas izvēlas izmantot divu gadu izmēģinājumu periodu, minētā perioda beigās Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo, vai nu to, ka pārtrauc nodrošināt tiešu piekļuvi, vai to, ka turpmāk tieša piekļuve nediskriminējošā veidā tiks nodrošināta visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Starptautiskais birojs attiecīgi atjaunina datus tiešās piekļuves datubāzē.
5. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri vēlas izmantot cita izraudzītā operatora piedāvāto tiešās piekļuves iespēju, pirms pakalpojuma saņemšanas sazinās ar attiecīgo izraudzīto operatoru, lai iegūtu jaunāko apstiprināto informāciju un divpusēji vienotos par citiem neatrisinātiem jautājumiem.
31-104. pants
Papildu atlīdzība par ierakstītiem, apdrošinātiem un izsekojamiem
1. Vispārīgi principi
1.1. Attiecībā uz ierakstītiem un apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem: atlīdzību, kas saistībā ar ierakstītiem vai apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem paredzēta UPU konvencijas 28. panta 8. punktā, var palielināt tie izraudzītie operatori, kuri ir izlēmuši atlīdzību par šādiem sūtījumiem saistīt ar papildu pakalpojumu komponenšu piedāvāšanu citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri arī ir izlēmuši atlīdzību par šiem sūtījumiem saistīt ar papildu pakalpojumu komponenšu piedāvāšanu. Lai varētu saņemt papildu atlīdzību, attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram ir jāizpilda konkrēti nosacījumi attiecībā uz katru sūtījumu kategoriju, kas noteikta 2. un 3. punktā.
1.2. Attiecībā uz izsekojamiem sūtījumiem: papildmaksājumu, kas noteikts Konvencijas 28. panta 9. punktā, maksā par katru sūtījumu, par kuru ir pārsūtīts EDH (sūtījums saņemts savākšanas vietā izsniegšanai saņēmējam), EMH (piegādes mēģinājums nav izdevies) un/vai EMI (galīgā piegāde) notikums. Pārejas sistēmā esošās valstis 2022., 2023. un 2024. gadā saņems papildmaksājumu, kas noteikts Konvencijas 28. panta 9. punktā, par katru sūtījumu, par kuru ir pārsūtīts EMD (sūtījums saņemts ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietā) notikums. Lai saņemtu papildu atlīdzību, izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jāizpilda konkrēti nosacījumi attiecībā uz šo sūtījumu kategoriju, kas noteikti 2. un 3. punktā. Lai varētu saņemt papildu atlīdzību, attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram ir jāizpilda konkrēti nosacījumi attiecībā uz šo sūtījumu kategoriju, kas noteikta 2. un 3. punktā.
2. Papildu pakalpojumu komponentes
2.1. Lai izraudzītie operatori, kuri piedāvā sūtījumu izsekošanu un/vai kuri ir izvēlējušies atlīdzību par ierakstītiem un/vai apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem saistīt ar papildu pakalpojumu komponenšu piedāvājumu, varētu pretendēt uz papildu atlīdzības summu, viņi pārsūta ar šiem sūtījumiem saistīto elektronisko informāciju, kā noteikts 17-131. pantā.
3. Pārsūtīšanas termiņi un kvalitātes standarti
3.1. Lai attiecībās starp sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru un galamērķa valsts izraudzīto operatoru, kuri atbilst 2. punktā noteiktajiem nosacījumiem, ienākošiem ierakstītiem vai apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem varētu piemērot papildu atlīdzību, galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators (šajās konkrētajās attiecībās) saistībā ar skenētā sūtījuma virzības notikumu nosūtīšanu ievēro turpmāk minētos mērķrādītājus:
3.1.1. attiecībā uz piecdesmit sešiem procentiem sūtījumu, par kuriem tiek saņemti EMC notikuma dati (sūtījums nosūtīts no pasta apmaiņas vietas), 24 stundās no notikuma laika un datuma ir jānosūta EMD notikuma dati (sūtījums saņemts ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietā); uzskatāms, ka 3.1.1. punktā minētais mērķis ir sasniegts, ja to sūtījumu skaits, par kuriem saņemti EMD notikuma dati attiecīgajā 3.1.1. punktā minētajā nosūtīšanas laikā, pārsniedz to sūtījumu skaitu, par kuriem saņemti EMC notikuma dati; attiecībā uz piecdesmit sešiem procentiem sūtījumu, par kuriem saņemts EMD, ir jābūt EDH (sūtījums saņemts savākšanas vietā izsniegšanai saņēmējam) vai EMH (piegādes mēģinājums/piegāde nav izdevusies) un/vai EMI (galīgā piegāde) notikuma datiem, katrs no kuriem nosūtīts 24 stundās no notikuma laika un datuma.
3.2. Lai attiecībās starp sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru un galamērķa valsts izraudzīto operatoru, kuri atbilst 2. punktā noteiktajiem nosacījumiem, ienākošiem izsekojamas piegādes sūtījumiem varētu piemērot papildu atlīdzību, galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators (šajās konkrētajās attiecībās) ievēro izpildes rezultātu virs 75 %. Attiecībā uz katru plūsmu izpildes rezultātu nosaka, pamatojoties uz zemāko no šādām vērtībām:
3.2.1. to EMD notikumu īpatsvars, kas pārsūtīti 24 stundu laikā no notikuma laika un datuma, attiecībā pret tādu EMC (sūtījums nosūtīts no pasta apmaiņas vietas) notikumu skaitu, ko pārsūtījis sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators;
3.2.2. EDH (sūtījums saņemts savākšanas vietā izsniegšanai saņēmējam), EMH (piegādes mēģinājums/piegāde nav izdevusies) un/vai EMI (galīgā piegāde) notikumu īpatsvars attiecībā pret EMD notikumiem, visiem esot nosūtītiem 24 stundu laikā no notikuma laika un datuma.
3.3. Lai noteiktu 3.2. punktā minēto izpildes rezultātu, 3.2.1. punktā minēto īpatsvaru nepiemēro gadījumos, kad to sūtījumu skaits, kas saņem EMD notikumu attiecīgajā 3.2.1. punktā minētajā pārsūtīšanas laikā, pārsniedz to sūtījumu skaitu, kas saņem EMC notikumu.
4. Papildu atlīdzības summa
4.1. Katru mēnesi par to ienākošo ierakstīto vai apdrošināto sūtījumu kopējo skaitu katrā kategorijā, kuru apmaiņa ir notikusi starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas ir izpildījuši 2.1. punktā paredzētos nosacījumus un īstenojuši 3. punktā paredzētos kvalitātes mērķus, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators maksā galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram papildu atlīdzību 0,5 SDR apmērā par sūtījumu.
4.2. Katru mēnesi par to ienākošo izsekojamo sūtījumu kopējo skaitu, kuru apmaiņa ir notikusi starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas ir izpildījuši 2.1. punktā paredzētos nosacījumus un īstenojuši 3. punktā paredzētos kvalitātes mērķus, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators maksā galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram papildu atlīdzību par katru sūtījumu. Minētās papildu atlīdzības apmērs par atbilstošu sūtījumu ir 0,03 SDR par katru procentu punktu virs 75 un līdz pat 100 %, kā noteikts iepriekš 3.2. punktā, ar maksimālo tarifu - 0,75 SDR par sūtījumu.
4.3. Atbilstoši sūtījumi ir visi ienākošie izsekojamie piegādes sūtījumi, kam ir gan EMD notikums, gan EDH, EMH vai EMI notikums un kas nosūtīti 3.2. punktā noteiktajā termiņā, neatkarīgi no tā, vai šiem sūtījumiem ir saistīts EMC notikums. Kopējo papildu atlīdzības summu par izsekojamajiem piegādes sūtījumiem nosaka, reizinot atbilstošo sūtījumu skaitu ar atlīdzību, kas noteikta iepriekš 4.2. punktā.
5. Sūtījumu izsekošanas vai papildu pakalpojumu komponenšu piedāvājuma paziņošana
5.1. Sūtījumu papildu pakalpojumu komponenšu piedāvājumu attiecībā uz reģistrētiem un apdrošinātiem sūtījumiem, par kuru paredzēta papildu atlīdzība, paziņo Starptautiskajam birojam. Fakultatīvu izsekojamo piegādes pakalpojumu piedāvājumu paziņo arī Starptautiskajam birojam, lai attiecīgais izraudzītais operators varētu būt tiesīgs saņemt saistītos papildmaksājumus, kas noteikti 1.2. punktā, un papildu atlīdzību, kas noteikta 4.2. punktā, ja vien tā atbilst šo punktu nosacījumiem un prasībām. Attiecīgo informāciju sniedz Vēstuļu korespondences apkopojumā. Papildu atlīdzības paziņojums un maksāšana stājas spēkā pirmajā ceturksnī pēc izziņošanas dienas, taču ne ātrāk kā divus mēnešus pēc izziņošanas dienas.
31-105. pants
Rādītāju novērtēšana. Pārskati un pārbaude
1. Novērtēšana
1.1. 31-104. pantā minēto kvalitātes mērķrādītāju sasniegšanu, kā arī uzskaitāmo izsekojamo sūtījumu sarakstu attiecībā uz papildmaksājumu mēra, izmantojot atbilstīgu atzītu sistēmu, kurā lieto pārsūtīto skenēto informāciju.
1.2. Sagatavo mēneša rādītāju pārskatus un nosūta tos izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas piedalās papildu atlīdzības programmā un/vai piedāvā izsekojamos sūtījumus, kā izklāstīts 31-104. panta 2.1. punktā.
2. Pārskati
2.1. Ikmēneša pārskatos izklāsta rādītājus un atbilstošu atlīdzību par pārsūtīto skenēto informāciju saistībā ar ienākošajiem sūtījumiem, kurus saņēmis katrs izraudzītais operators attiecībās ar citiem iesaistītajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas piedalās papildu atlīdzības programmā, vai tie izraudzītie operatori, kas piedāvā izsekojamus sūtījumus, kā izklāstīts 31-104. panta 2.1. punktā.
2.2. Starptautiskais birojs papildina šos ikmēneša rādītāju pārskatus ar ceturkšņa pārskatiem, kuros ir apkopoti ikmēneša rādītāju pārskatu rezultāti par katra ceturkšņa trīs mēnešiem. Šajos ceturkšņa pārskatos ir apkopota izmaksājamā papildu atlīdzība ar sarakstu par attiecībām pēc sūtījuma kategorijas, kurās par ienākošajiem sūtījumiem tiek saņemta papildu atlīdzība. Šos pārskatus nosūta attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas piedalās papildu atlīdzības programmā, vai tiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas piedāvā izsekojamus sūtījumus, kā noteikts 31-104. panta 2.1. punktā, saskaņā ar šādu grafiku:
2.2.1. ikmēneša rādītāju pārskati - viena mēneša laikā pēc pārskata perioda beigām;
2.2.2. ceturkšņa kopējie pārskati - kopā ar ikmēneša pārskatu nākamajā mēnesī pēc katra ceturkšņa beigām.
2.3. Ikmēneša pārskatus uzskata par galīgiem, ja Starptautiskais birojs nav saņēmis iebildumus viena mēneša laikā pēc jaunākā ikmēneša pārskata izdošanas.
3. Pieprasījumu apstrāde
3.1. Izraudzītie operatori var apšaubīt rezultātus, iesniedzot Starptautiskajam birojam pierādījumus un informējot arī attiecīgo iesaistīto izraudzīto operatoru. Pasta darbības padome, pamatojoties uz Starptautiskā biroja veiktu izmeklēšanu, attiecībā uz pieprasījumu pieņem juridiski saistošu lēmumu, iekļaujot pamatojošu informāciju, ko iesniedzis izraudzītais operators, kurš iesniedza pieprasījumu.
4. Izmaksas
4.1. Minēto papildu pakalpojumu komponenšu administrēšanas izmaksas sedz iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori.
31-106. pants
Maksājumu sagatavošana un nosūtīšana par papildu atlīdzības
rēķiniem un papildmaksājumiem, pamatojoties uz centrālajiem
1. Izraudzītais operators kreditors ir atbildīgs par ceturkšņa vai gada rēķinu sagatavošanu un pārsūtīšanu izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram. Rēķinus sagatavo, pamatojoties uz ceturkšņa apkopotajiem pārskatiem no ikmēneša ziņojumiem, ko sniedzis Starptautiskais birojs, kā izklāstīts 31-105. panta 2.2. punktā.
2. Atsevišķos rēķinus sagatavo un nosūta, kā izklāstīts turpmāk tekstā.
2.1. Izraudzītais operators kreditors CN 60 veidlapā uzskaita atbilstīgo sūtījumu kopējo skaitu mēnesī un attiecīgo papildu atlīdzību vai papildmaksājumu, ko paziņojis Starptautiskais birojs.
2.2. Noteikumus par 35-001. pantā paredzēto uzskaites veidlapu pārsūtīšanu un apstiprināšanu piemēro attiecībā uz CN 60 rēķiniem.
2.3. CN 60 rēķinus nosūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram ne vēlāk kā vienu mēnesi pēc to ceturkšņa vai gada papildu atlīdzības pārskatu saņemšanas no Starptautiskā biroja, uz kuriem tie attiecas.
2.4. Tā kā rēķinā sniegtā informācija ir iegūta no atbilstīgas atzītas sistēmas un Starptautiskais birojs ir sniedzis pārskatus, tad parasti sarakstā norādīto summu uzskata par pilnībā apstiprinātu esošajā redakcijā - bez izmaiņām vai grozījumiem. Sarakstiem, kas nav apstiprināti, pievieno dokumentus, kas pierāda, ka izraudzītais operators debitors ir apšaubījis rezultātus, ko Starptautiskais birojs publicējis par attiecīgo mēnesi.
3. Izraudzītais operators debitors veic maksājumu par rēķinā norādīto summu sešu nedēļu laikā, kā paredzēts 35-004. panta 10. punktā.
31-107. pants
Gala norēķinu tarifu aprēķināšana valstīm, kuras piemēro
Konvencijas 30. panta 5.-13. punktu un 31. panta
5.-9. punktu
1. Tarifi, kas minēti Konvencijas 30. panta 5. punktā, stājas spēkā 1. jūnijā pirms tā kalendārā gada, uz kuru attiecas gala norēķinu tarifi. Par tiem ziņo Starptautiskajam birojam tajā pašā datumā un saskaņā ar 31-108. panta noteikumiem.
2. Pamatojoties uz šiem tarifiem, kuru summa ir izteikta vietējā valūtā, Starptautiskais birojs katru gadu, konvertējot attiecīgās summas un izsakot tās SDR, nosaka tarifu par sūtījumu un tarifu par kilogramu saskaņā ar 3. un 4. punktu. Lai tarifus aprēķinātu SDR, Starptautiskais birojs izmanto mēneša vidējo valūtas maiņas kursu piecu mēnešu laikposmā, kas beidzas tā gada 31. martā, kurš ir pirms gala norēķinu pārskata gada. Aprēķinātos tarifus, izsūtot apkārtrakstu, paziņo ne vēlāk kā 1. jūlijā.
3. Tarifu par sūtījumu un par kilogramu aprēķina, veicot lineāro interpolāciju starp atsauces maksām par 20 gramus smagu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu un 175 gramus smagu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu, kā noteikts Konvencijas 30. panta 5. punktā, ja svars ir attiecīgi 10 grami un 175 grami. Tarifu par sūtījumu un par kilogramu pārrēķina kā tarifu par sūtījumu un tarifu par kilogramu ar attiecību 12,8% par 91,9 gramiem. Pamatojoties uz šiem tarifiem, aprēķina gala norēķinu ieņēmumus par 37,6 gramus smagu sūtījumu un 375 gramus smagu sūtījumu.
4. Gala norēķinu tarifus par sūtījumu un par kilogramu attiecībā uz maziem (P) un lieliem (G) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem nosaka, ievērojot turpmāk minētās darbības:
4.1. aprēķina minimālos gala norēķinu ieņēmumus par 37,6 gramus smagu sūtījumu, izmantojot minimālos tarifus, kas norādīti UPU konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā;
4.2. aprēķina maksimālos gala norēķinu ieņēmumus par 37,6 gramus smagu sūtījumu, izmantojot maksimālos tarifus, kas norādīti UPU konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā attiecībā uz to valstu grupu, kurā ir attiecīgā valsts;
4.3. gala norēķinu ieņēmumus, kas iegūti saskaņā ar 3. punktu, salīdzina ar vērtībām, kas iegūtas saskaņā ar 4.1. un 4.2. punktu, un:
4.3.1. ja šī vērtība ir mazāka par vērtību, kas noteikta saskaņā ar 4.1. punktu, piemērojamais tarifs par sūtījumu un par kilogramu atbilst attiecīgajiem minimālajiem tarifiem, kas noteikti UPU konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā;
4.3.2. ja šī vērtība ir atbilstīgi 4.1. un 4.2. punktam noteikto vērtību diapazonā, minimālo tarifu par sūtījumu un par kilogramu reizina ar šādu koeficientu - atbilstīgi 3. punktam aprēķināto ieņēmumu dala ar atbilstīgi 4.1. punktam aprēķināto ieņēmumu. Iegūtos tarifus noapaļo līdz trīs decimāldaļām;
4.3.3. ja šī vērtība ir lielāka par atbilstīgi 4.2. punktam noteikto vērtību, izmanto maksimālo tarifu par sūtījumu un par kilogramu, kas noteikts UPU konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā attiecībā uz to valstu grupu, kurā ir attiecīgā valsts.
5. Gala norēķinu tarifus par sūtījumu un par kilogramu attiecībā uz lielgabarīta (E) un sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem nosaka, īstenojot turpmāk norādītās darbības:
5.1. aprēķina minimālos gala norēķinu ieņēmumus par 375 gramus smagu sūtījumu, izmantojot minimālos tarifus, kas norādīti UPU konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā;
5.2. aprēķina maksimālos gala norēķinu ieņēmumus par 375 gramus smagu sūtījumu, izmantojot maksimālos tarifus, kas norādīti UPU konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā attiecībā uz to valstu grupu, kurā ir attiecīgā valsts;
5.3. gala norēķinu ieņēmumus, kas iegūti saskaņā ar 3. punktu, salīdzina ar vērtībām, kas iegūtas saskaņā ar 5.1. un 5.2. punktu, un:
5.3.1. ja šī vērtība ir mazāka par vērtību, kas noteikta saskaņā ar 5.1. punktu, piemērojamais tarifs par sūtījumu un par kilogramu atbilst attiecīgajiem minimālajiem tarifiem, kas noteikti UPU konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā;
5.3.2. ja šī vērtība ir atbilstīgi 5.1. un 5.2. punktam noteikto vērtību diapazonā, minimālo tarifu par sūtījumu un par kilogramu reizina ar šādu koeficientu - atbilstīgi 3. punktam aprēķināto ieņēmumu dala ar atbilstīgi 5.1. punktam aprēķināto ieņēmumu. Iegūtos tarifus noapaļo līdz trīs decimāldaļām;
5.3.3. ja šī vērtība ir lielāka par atbilstīgi 5.2. punktam noteikto vērtību, izmanto maksimālo tarifu par sūtījumu un par kilogramu, kas noteikts UPU konvencijas 30. un 31. pantā attiecībā uz to valstu grupu, kurā ir attiecīgā valsts.
6. Gala norēķinu tarifus, ko aprēķina saskaņā ar 4. un 5. punktu, proporcionāli pielīdzina tā, lai tie nepārsniegtu maksimālos ieņēmumu pieaugumus, kas noteikti Konvencijas 30. panta 7. punktā un 31. panta 3. punktā attiecībā uz gala norēķinu ieņēmumiem attiecībā uz 37,6 gramu smagiem maziem (P) un lieliem (G) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem un 375 gramu smagiem lielgabarīta (E) un sīkpaku (E) formāta vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējo gadu.
7. Ja Starptautiskajam birojam līdz 1. jūnijam nav sniegta informācija par tarifu, tad aprēķinus veic, izmantojot to tarifu, kas attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora gadījumā izmantots iepriekšējā gadā. Ja attiecībā uz konkrēto izraudzīto operatoru aprēķinus veic pirmo reizi, tad piemēro tarifus, kas ir paredzēti Konvencijas 30. panta 10. un 11. punktā.
8. Neatkarīgi no 2. un 6. punktā minētajiem noteikumiem Starptautiskais birojs ir jāinformē par visiem attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora tarifa samazinājumiem attiecībā uz iekšzemes pakalpojumiem, kas minēti Konvencijas 30. panta 5. punktā.
9. Jaunie tarifi, kas aprēķināti saskaņā ar šo pantu, stājas spēkā 1. janvārī un paliek spēkā visu kalendāro gadu. Gadījumos, kad citas valstis apstrīd noteiktos tarifus vai Starptautiskais birojs ziņo par šādiem tarifiem saskaņā ar 31-108. panta 6. un 7. punktu, aprēķinātos tarifus uzskata par pagaidu tarifiem, līdz Pasta darbības padome pieņem lēmumu, kā noteikts 31-108. panta 8. punktā.
31-108. pants
Nosacījumi, kas attiecas uz informēšanu par atsauces maksu, ko
izmanto gala norēķinu tarifu aprēķināšanai
1. Konvencijas 30. panta 5. punktā minētajām iekšzemes pakalpojumu maksām (atsauces maksām), kas nepieciešamas gala norēķinu tarifu aprēķināšanai, jābūt atbilstīgām iekšzemes sūtījumiem, kas ir līdzvērtīgi Konvencijas 17. pantā noteiktajiem pamatpakalpojumiem.
2. 17-105. pantā ir noteikti norādījumi attiecībā uz to sūtījumu formātu, izmēriem un svaru, kam atbilst atsauces maksa.
3. Attiecībā uz apstrādes ātrumu atsauces maksa ir atbilstīga sūtījumiem, kas ir līdzvērtīgi tiem sūtījumiem, kuri ir noteikti 17-101. panta 2.1. punktā kā prioritāri sūtījumi.
4. Mērķsistēmas valstu izraudzītie operatori līdz 1. jūnijam Starptautiskajam birojam dara zināmas maksas, kas ir spēkā tā gada 1. jūnijā, kas ir pirms kalendārā gada, uz kuru attiecas gala norēķini.
5. Gadījumos, kad sūtījumi, uz kuriem attiecas sniegtā informācija par maksām, neatbilst UPU konvencijas 30. panta 5. punktā un šā panta 1.-3. punktā norādītajām prasībām, Pasta darbības padome, pamatojoties uz Starptautiskā biroja ziņojumu, pieņem lēmumu par atbilstošu atsauces maksu, kas jāizmanto gala norēķinu aprēķināšanai. Piemēro turpmāk minētos noteikumus:
5.1. gadījumos, kad iekšzemes pakalpojumos nepiemēro sūtījumu klasifikāciju pēc formāta, attiecīgajiem sūtījumiem piemēro maksu pēc svara un izmēriem, kā noteikts 17-105. pantā;
5.2. gadījumos, kad 17-105. pantā noteiktās specifikācijas attiecībā uz sūtījumiem nepiemēro konkrētās valsts iekšzemes pakalpojumiem, piemēro tādu sūtījumu maksu, kuru specifikācijas vistuvāk atbilst atsauces sūtījumam, kā noteicošo faktoru ņemot vērā sūtījuma formātu un pēc tam tā svaru;
5.3. gadījumos, kad 1.-3. punktā minētajiem nosacījumiem atbilst vairāk nekā viens sūtījums, piemēro zemāko maksu.
6. Jebkura dalībvalsts vai izraudzītais operators, kas piemēro Konvencijas 30. pantu, var iebilst pret to, ka cita dalībvalsts vai tās izraudzītais operators izmanto noteiktu maksu, lai aprēķinātu gala norēķinu tarifus UPU sistēmā. Pieprasījums jāiesniedz Starptautiskajam birojam vismaz sešas nedēļas pirms Pasta darbības padomes nākamās sanāksmes sākuma dienas, bet vismaz divas nedēļas pirms minētā sākuma datuma kopā ar tehniskā novērtējuma rezultātiem jādara pieejams Pasta darbības padomes locekļiem un dalībvalstij vai izraudzītajam operatoram, uz kuru attiecas konkrētie iebildumi.
7. Starptautiskais birojs Pasta darbības padomei ziņo par visiem gadījumiem, kad ir apstrīdēta iesniegtā atsauces maksa vai kad tā, iespējams, neatbilst Konvencijas 30. pantam vai šim pantam.
8. Pasta darbības padome savā nākamajā sanāksmē pēc paziņojuma saņemšanas pieņem lēmumu, pamatojoties uz Starptautiskā biroja tehnisko novērtējumu, saistībā ar 6. un 7. punktā minētajiem gadījumiem par to, vai iesniegtās atsauces maksas atbilst Konvencijas 30. pantam vai šim pantam.
9. Saskaņā ar Konvencijas 29. panta 7. punktu sākotnējos pašdeklarētos tarifus, kuri stājas spēkā no 2020. gada 1. jūlija, jāiesniedz Starptautiskajam birojam ne vēlāk kā līdz 2020. gada 1. martam, un saņemtos sākotnējos tarifus Starptautiskais birojs pēc tam publicē līdz 2020. gada 1. aprīlim. Attiecībā uz sākotnējiem tarifiem, kas noteikti uz 2020. gada 1. jūliju, Starptautiskais birojs izmanto mēneša vidējo valūtas maiņas kursu laikposmam no 2019. gada 1. augusta līdz 2019. gada 31. decembrim.
31-109. pants
Ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistīto gala norēķinu atlīdzība
1. Gala norēķinu atlīdzību nosaka, pamatojoties uz galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora sniegto pakalpojumu kvalitātes rādītājiem.
2. Līdzdalība UPU saskaņotā, UPU GMS tehniskajām specifikācijām atbilstīgā sistēmā, ar kuru novērtē kvalitāti pakalpojumiem, kas saistīti ar galamērķa valstī ienākošo sūtījumu plūsmu, lai nodrošinātu saikni starp gala norēķinu un pakalpojumu kvalitāti, ir brīvprātīga. Ja sūtījuma nodošanas valsts vai teritorijas izraudzītais operators nevērtē ienākošo sūtījumu plūsmas kvalitāti, tas galamērķa valsts vai teritorijas izraudzītajam operatoram, kurš novērtē ienākošo sūtījumu plūsmas kvalitāti, maksā koriģētus gala norēķinus, kas nedrīkst būt mazāki par 100 % no gala norēķinu pamattarifiem (gala norēķinu tarifi, neskaitot piemaksas un pakalpojumu kvalitātes korekciju). Ja galamērķa valsts vai teritorijas izraudzītais operators neievieš UPU saskaņotu sistēmu, ar kuru atbilstīgi UPU GMS tehniskajām specifikācijām novērtē ar ienākošo plūsmu saistīto pakalpojumu kvalitāti, tas saņem 100 % no gala norēķinu pamattarifiem.
3. Neatkarīgi no 1. un 2. punkta noteikumiem izraudzītie operatori, kuriem ienākošo sūtījumu svars gadā ir mazāks par 100 tonnām un kuri nepiedalās UPU sistēmā, ar kuru novērtē ar ienākošo sūtījumu plūsmu saistīto pakalpojumu kvalitāti, saņem no citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem un maksā citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem gala norēķinu pamattarifus 100 % apmērā. Šo noteikumu nepiemēro izraudzītajiem operatoriem mērķsistēmā līdz 2010. gadam.
4. Lai piemērotu 3. punktu, iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori līdz katra gada 1. jūnijam Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo kopējo ienākošo pasta sūtījumu daudzumu par iepriekšējo kalendāro gadu. Ņemot vērā minētos paziņojumus, Starptautiskais birojs līdz 1. jūlijam publicē to izraudzīto operatoru sarakstu, kuri nākamajam gadam piemēro 3. punkta noteikumus. Ja šāda paziņojuma nav, piemēro 2. punkta noteikumus.
5. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri piedalās UPU saskaņotā, UPU GMS tehniskajām specifikācijām atbilstīgā sistēmā, ko piemēro pakalpojumu kvalitātes novērtēšanai, lai nodrošinātu saikni starp gala norēķiniem un pakalpojumu kvalitāti, saņem 5 % piemaksu pie gala norēķiniem par visu ienākošo vēstuļu korespondences plūsmu.
6. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem piemēro sodu, ja noteiktie kvalitātes mērķi nav īstenoti. Šis sods ir 1/3 % no gala norēķinu atlīdzības par katru kvalitātes mērķa neizpildes procentu. Sods nedrīkst būt lielāks par 10 %. Ņemot vērā 5 % piemaksu par līdzdalību, maksimālā soda piemērošanas dēļ atlīdzība nedrīkst būt mazāka par 95 % no gala norēķinu pamattarifiem.
7. Neatkarīgi no 6. punktā minētajiem noteikumiem, ja gala norēķinu tarifi ir noteikti saskaņā ar Konvencijas 30. un 31. pantu (t. i., tie nav pašdeklarēti saskaņā ar Konvencijas 29. pantu), piemērojot sodus gadījumos, kad nav īstenoti kvalitātes mērķi, atlīdzība nevar būt mazāka par minimālajiem tarifiem, kas noteikti Konvencijas 30. panta 10. un 11. punktā un 31. panta 5., 8. un 9. punktā.
8. Starptautiskais birojs aprēķina ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistītos pagaidu gala norēķinu tarifus un ne vēlāk kā līdz katra gada 1. jūlijam paziņo tos, izsūtot apkārtrakstu. Pagaidu tarifi stājas spēkā nākamā gada 1. janvārī un paliek spēkā visu kalendāro gadu. Pagaidu gala norēķinu tarifus aprēķina saskaņā ar 31-107. pantu, bet papildus pieskaita arī piemaksu un veic korekciju, pamatojoties uz iepriekšējā kalendārā gada pakalpojumu kvalitātes rādītājiem.
9. Starptautiskais birojs ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistītos gala norēķinu galīgos tarifus aprēķina pēc tam, kad ir publicēti galīgie pakalpojumu kvalitātes rādītāji par attiecīgo kalendāro gadu. Starptautiskais birojs, izsūtot apkārtrakstu, ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistītos gala norēķinu galīgos tarifus paziņo ne vēlāk kā līdz tā gada 1. maijam, kas seko pēc attiecīgā kalendārā gada, un tādējādi aizstāj pagaidu gala norēķinu tarifus, kas par attiecīgo kalendāro gadu tika paziņoti iepriekš.
10. Pasta pakalpojumu padome nosaka gada pakalpojumu kvalitātes standartus un mērķus saskaņā ar 31-110. panta noteikumiem.
31-110. pants
Pakalpojumu kvalitātes standartu un mērķu noteikšanas principi ar
pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistīto gala norēķinu atlīdzības
1. Lai varētu veikt ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistīto gala norēķinu atlīdzības apmaksu, nosaka gada pakalpojumu kvalitātes standartus un mērķus, pamatojoties uz kvalitātes standartiem, kurus līdzvērtīgiem sūtījumiem un ar līdzvērtīgiem nosacījumiem piemēro iekšzemes pakalpojumiem.
2. Pasta darbības padome pieņem arī lēmumus attiecībā uz izraudzīto operatoru iesniegumiem par kvalitātes standartu un mērķu maiņu, kas jāveic saistībā ar valsts standartu un mērķu maiņu. Pasta darbības padomes apstiprinātie pārskatītie kvalitātes standarti un mērķi stājas spēkā vēlākais no dienas, kad iekšzemes pakalpojumu sistēmā sāk īstenot šādas izmaiņas un kad Starptautiskais birojs no iesaistītā izraudzītā operatora ir saņēmis iesniegumu par izmaiņu veikšanu.
3. Šie standarti un mērķi nedrīkst būt mazāk labvēlīgi par standartiem, kas attiecībā uz ienākošajiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem noteikti saskaņā ar UPU konvencijas 14. pantu.
4. Saskaņā ar 2. punkta noteikumiem standartus nosaka, ievērojot turpmāk izklāstītos principus.
4.1. Piemērojamais standarts atbilst to iekšzemes pakalpojumu standartam, kura maksa tiek izmantota gala norēķinu aprēķināšanai. Gadījumos, kad gala norēķinu tarifu pamatā nav iekšzemes maksas, standarts atbilst prioritāru vēstuļu korespondences standartam. Lai iekšzemes standartus varētu pārbaudīt, tos publicē izraudzītā operatora tīmekļa vietnē, iekļauj vispārējos nosacījumos vai izraudzītā operatora regulators tos apstiprina rakstiski.
4.2. Ja nav iekšzemes standartu, piemērojamo standartu nosaka, ņemot vērā attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora spēju nodrošināt minimālo izpildes līmeni, kuru noteikusi Pasta darbības padome.
4.3. Parasti standartos nosaka laiku, līdz kuram sūtījums jāsaņem apmaiņas vietā (CTT), proti, ne agrāk par plkst. 15.00.
5. Saskaņā ar 3. punkta noteikumiem mērķus nosaka, ievērojot turpmāk izklāstītos principus.
5.1. Par mērķi nosaka augstāko iekšzemes mērķi, ko noteicis regulators, un nesenāko attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora izpildes rādītāju gadā pēc UPU apstiprinātās novērtēšanas sistēmas, noapaļojot uz leju līdz tuvākajai veselajai procentuālajai daļai un ņemot vērā 75 % minimālo mērķa vērtību un 88 % maksimālo mērķa vērtību.
5.2. Ja 5.1. punktā minētie gada izpildes rezultāti nav pieejami, piemērojamais mērķis ir iekšzemes mērķis, kuru noteicis regulators, ņemot vērā minēto minimālo un maksimālo mērķa vērtību.
5.3. Ja regulators nav noteicis iekšzemes mērķi un nav pieejami 5.1. punktā minētie gada izpildes rezultāti, par sākotnējo mērķi nosaka minimālo mērķa vērtību.
5.4. Parasti attiecīgā gada mērķa vērtību nenosaka zemāku par iepriekšējā gada mērķa vērtību.
5.5. Pēc izraudzītā operatora pieprasījuma mērķa vērtība var pārsniegt 5.1. punktā noteikto maksimālo mērķa vērtību.
31-111. pants
Ar pakalpojumu kvalitāti saistīto gala norēķinu atlīdzība.
Pārskati un pārbaude
1. Pārskati
1.1. Attiecībā uz pakalpojuma kvalitātes rādītāju rezultātiem, kas minēti 31-109. un 31-110. pantā, pārskatus katru mēnesi sagatavo un paziņo izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas piedalās ar UPU saskaņotā pakalpojuma kvalitātes novērtēšanas sistēmā, kura atbilst UPU GMS tehniskajām specifikācijām, ne vēlāk kā 30 dienas pēc tā mēneša beigām, par kuru sagatavots attiecīgais pārskats.
1.2. Pakalpojuma kvalitātes rezultātus par visu kalendāro gadu sagatavo un paziņo izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas piedalās ar UPU saskaņotā pakalpojuma kvalitātes novērtēšanas sistēmā, kura atbilst UPU GMS tehniskajām specifikācijām, ne vēlāk kā tā gada 15. februārī, kas seko attiecīgajam kalendārajam gadam.
1.3. Visus jautājumus, kas iesniegti Starptautiskajam birojam par pakalpojumu kvalitātes rezultātu novērtēšanu un aprēķināšanu, iesniedz ne vēlāk kā 30 dienas pēc ikmēneša vai ikgadējo rezultātu paziņošanas datuma. Ja šajā laikposmā nav izvirzīta prasība veikt pārskatīšanu, uzskata, ka rezultāti ir pieņemti.
1.4. Galīgos gada pakalpojumu kvalitātes rezultātus paziņo Starptautiskā biroja apkārtrakstā ne vēlāk kā tā gada 1. aprīlī, kas seko attiecīgajam kalendārajam gadam.
2. Jautājumi par kvalitātes novērtējumu
2.1. Izraudzītie operatori, kas piedalās ar UPU saskaņotā pakalpojumu kvalitātes novērtēšanas sistēmā, var lūgt novērtēšanas sistēmas nodrošinātāju pārskatīt neatbilstības attiecībā uz konkrētiem kontrolsūtījumiem. Ja jautājumu nav iespējams atrisināt starp izraudzīto operatoru un tā novērtēšanas sistēmas nodrošinātāju, izraudzītais operators var iesniegt pieprasījumu Starptautiskajam birojam saskaņā ar pārskatīšanas pieprasīšanas procedūrām, kas noteiktas 2.2. punktā.
2.2. Pasta darbības padome izstrādā attiecīgās pārskatīšanas pieprasīšanas procedūras un, ja nepieciešams, lemj par šādu pārskatīšanu saskaņā ar šīm procedūrām.
31-112. pants
Gala norēķinu tarifu pārskatīšanas mehānisms
1. Izraudzītais operators, kura nosūtīto vai saņemto pasta sūtījumu plūsma ir lielāka par plūsmas robežvērtību, kas noteikta 31-117. pantā (izņemot M maisus), var lūgt, lai attiecīgais izraudzītais operators izmanto turpmāk izklāstīto tarifa pārskatīšanas mehānismu, tādējādi nosakot jaunu, attiecīgajai plūsmai atbilstīgu gala norēķinu tarifu. Šo prasību var izteikt, ņemot vērā turpmāk minētos nosacījumus:
1.1. ja mērķsistēmas izraudzītais operators konstatē, ka no cita pārejas sistēmas izraudzītā operatora saņemto vai nosūtīto sūtījumu vidējais skaits kilogramā (IPK) ir lielāks par 12;
1.2. ja pārejas sistēmas izraudzītais operators konstatē, ka citam izraudzītajam operatoram nosūtīto sūtījumu vidējais skaits kilogramā ir mazāks par 7;
1.2.1. ja pārejas sistēmas izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai sūtījumu plūsmai uz mērķsistēmas izraudzīto operatoru saskaņā ar 1.2. punktu piemēro tarifa pārskatīšanas mehānismu, tad pēdējais minētais var pieprasīt, lai šādu mehānismu piemēro arī plūsmai pretējā virzienā, ja ir izpildīti nosacījumi par pārskatīšanu tarifa samazināšanas nolūkā;
1.3. ja pārejas sistēmas izraudzītais operators konstatē, ka no cita izraudzītā operatora saņemto sūtījumu vidējais skaits kilogramā ir lielāks par 12;
1.4. ja izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai sūtījumu plūsmai piemēro pārskatīšanas mehānismu, tad attiecīgais izraudzītais operators, neņemot vērā sūtījumu plūsmas apjomu, var izvirzīt tādu pašu prasību, ja ir izpildīti citi nosacījumi saistībā ar tarifa pārskatīšanu tā palielināšanas vai samazināšanas nolūkā.
2. Pārskatīšanas mehānismu īsteno, apkopojot īpašu statistiku, lai aprēķinātu sūtījumu vidējo skaitu vienā kilogramā atbilstīgi procedūrām, kas izklāstītas 31-119. un 35-006. pantā.
3. Izraudzītais operators, kurš vēlas piemērot pārskatīšanas mehānismu, vismaz piecus mēnešus iepriekš par to informē attiecīgo izraudzīto operatoru.
4. Prasību pamato ar attiecīgiem statistikas datiem, norādot, ka sūtījumu vidējais skaits vienā kilogramā attiecīgajā plūsmā atšķiras no vidējā rādītāja pasaulē. Minētos statistikas datus iegūst, veicot attiecīgās sūtījumu plūsmas statistisko novērošanu kalendārā gada otrajā ceturksnī. Sūtījumu plūsmas statistisko novērošanu var veikt vai nu nepārtraukti, vai 12 dienās, kas pēc iespējas vienmērīgi sadalītas novērošanas periodā.
5. Ievērojot 3. punktā paredzēto laika ierobežojumu, statistikas datu uzskaiti sāk kalendārā gada sākumā.
6. Attiecīgās sūtījumu plūsmas jauno gala norēķinu tarifu aprēķina šādi: tarifs par kilogramu = (sūtījumu vidējais skaits vienā kg, reizināts ar tarifu par sūtījumu, kas noteikts 31. panta 5. un 8. punktā) + tarifs par kilogramu, kas noteikts 31. panta 5. un 8. punktā. Sūtījumu skaitu vienā kilogramā iegūst, veicot 4. punktā minēto statistisko novērošanu.
7. Ja sūtījumu vidējais skaits vienā kilogramā ir 7-12 sūtījumi, tad attiecīgajai sūtījumu plūsmai nākamajā kalendārajā gadā piemēro Konvencijas 31. panta 9. punktā paredzēto tarifu. Kalendārajā gadā, kurā sūtījumu vidējais skaits kilogramā ir 7-12 sūtījumi, gala norēķinu tarifa aprēķināšanai izmanto sūtījumu vidējo skaitu vienā kilogramā, kas iegūts, veicot statistisko novērošanu. Turklāt, ja sūtījumu vidējais skaits kilogramā, kas iegūts, veicot 4. punktā minēto statistisko novērošanu, visā kalendārajā gadā ir 7-12 sūtījumi, statistisko novērošanu attiecībā uz sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā pārtrauc līdz laikam, kad ir izpildīti statistiskās novērošanas nosacījumi un statistiskā novērošana tiek atsākta.
31-113. pants
Pieprasījums piemērot īpašu maksājumu vairumsūtījumiem
1. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators drīkst pieprasīt vairumsūtījumiem piemērot īpašu maksājumu, ja tas konstatē, ka:
1.1. vienā un tajā pašā depešā ir 1500 vai vairāk sūtījumu vai vienā dienā, kad noformē vairākas depešas, viens sūtītājs ir nodevis 1500 vai vairāk sūtījumu;
1.2. divu nedēļu laikā viens sūtītājs ir nodevis 5000 vai vairāk sūtījumu;
1.3. gadījumā, ja sūtījumi saņemti no valstīm (izraudzītajiem operatoriem), kurās gala norēķinus aprēķina un iekasē, pamatojoties vienīgi uz tarifu par kilogramu, četru nedēļu laikā ir saņemtas šādas depešas, kuru kopējais svars ir vismaz 90 % no lielgabarīta (E) vai sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem.
2. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, kurš vēlas vairumsūtījumiem piemērot īpašo maksājumu, par to divu nedēļu laikā pēc pirmās depešas ar vairumsūtījumiem saņemšanas informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru. Minēto paziņojumu pa faksu vai ar elektroniskiem sakaru līdzekļiem sūta uz īpašo adresi, kas noteikta 35-001. panta 2. punktā, un tajā norāda depešas numuru, nosūtīšanas datumu, pasta apmaiņas vietu nosūtītāju, pasta apmaiņas vietu saņēmēju, kā arī pievieno attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu parauga fotokopiju.
2.1. Izņemot gadījumus, kas paredzēti 3. un 4. punktā, īpašais maksājums nestājas spēkā trīs mēnešus pēc galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora nosūtītā paziņojuma saņemšanas. Minēto īpašo maksājumu piemēro tikai depešām ar vairumsūtījumiem, kas nosūtītas tikai pēc tam, kad ir pagājis minētais trīs mēnešu laikposms pēc paziņojuma saņemšanas.
2.2. Depešu ar vairumsūtījumiem saņemšanu saskaņā ar 2.1. punktu galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators konstatē atbilstīgi 17-137. panta 6. punkta noteikumiem.
3. Neatkarīgi no 2.1. apakšpunkta noteikumiem galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators vairumsūtījumiem drīkst piemērot īpašo maksājumu, kas stājas spēkā nekavējoties, ja tas konstatē, ka:
3.1. vienā un tajā pašā depešā ir 3000 vai vairāk sūtījumu vai vienā dienā, kad noformē vairākas depešas, viens sūtītājs ir nodevis 3000 vai vairāk sūtījumu;
3.2. divu nedēļu laikā viens sūtītājs ir nodevis 10 000 vai vairāk sūtījumu.
3.3. gadījumā, ja sūtījumi saņemti no valstīm, kurās gala norēķinus aprēķina un iekasē, pamatojoties vienīgi uz tarifu par kilogramu, četru nedēļu laikā ir saņemtas šādas depešas, kuru kopējais svars ir vismaz 90 % no lielgabarīta (E) vai sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, un šādu saņemto sūtījumu kopējais svars ir palielinājies vismaz par 50 % salīdzinājumā ar to pašu četru nedēļu periodu iepriekšējā gadā.
4. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, kurš vēlas tūlītēji piemērot īpašo vairumsūtījuma maksājumu:
4.1. pamatojoties uz 3.1. vai 3.2. apakšpunkta nosacījumiem, trīs darba dienu laikā pēc depešas ar vairumsūtījumiem saņemšanas informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru. Minēto paziņojumu sagatavo kā pārbaudes paziņojumu un, norādot depešas numuru, nosūtīšanas datumu, pasta apmaiņas vietu nosūtītāju, pasta apmaiņas vietu saņēmēju, pa faksu vai ar elektroniskiem sakaru līdzekļiem sūta uz īpašo adresi, kas paredzēta 35-001. panta 2. punktā, kā arī pievieno attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu paraugu fotokopiju.
4.2. pamatojoties uz 3.3. apakšpunkta nosacījumiem, informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru, ka četras nedēļas pārbaudīs sūtījumu sastāvu, lai noteiktu lielgabarīta (E) vai sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu kopējo īpatsvaru. Pēc šā perioda beigām, ja 3.3. apakšpunktā minētie nosacījumi ir izpildīti, var piemērot vairumsūtījumu tarifus, ar nosacījumu, ka šādu saņemto sūtījumu kopējais svars ir palielinājies vismaz par 50 % salīdzinājumā ar to pašu četru nedēļu periodu iepriekšējā gadā.
5. Pēc tam, kad galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir pieprasījis, lai vairumsūtījumiem piemēro īpašo maksājumu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators trīs mēnešu laikā var pieprasīt, lai īpašo maksājumu piemēro visiem vairumsūtījumiem, kurus tas sūta galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, izņemot tad, ja galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators savu pieprasījumu ir atsaucis.
6. Lai vairumsūtījumiem atceltu īpašo maksājumu, kas ierosināts saskaņā ar 5. punktu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators par to paziņo trīs mēnešus pirms atcelšanas vai arī abi operatori par to savstarpēji vienojas.
7. Neatkarīgi no noteikumiem, kas paredzēti 1. līdz 6. punktā, noteikumus par vairumsūtījumiem nepiemēro mērķsistēmā starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir vienā gala norēķinu atlīdzības grupā, ja rēķinus izraksta, ņemot vērā statistikas datus par pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu.
31-114. pants
Slēgtu depešu apmaiņa ar militārām vienībām
1. Tās valsts, kurai pieder militārās vienības, karakuģi vai militārās aviācijas gaisa kuģi, izraudzīto operatoru pienākums ir maksāt tieši attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem tranzītmaksu un gala norēķinus par depešām, kuras ir nosūtījušas minētās militārās vienības, kuģi vai gaisa kuģi.
2. Ja depešas pārvirza, tad izraudzītais operators, kas veic pārvirzīšanu, par to ziņo tās valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kuram pieder attiecīgā militārā vienība, kuģis vai gaisa kuģis.
31-115. pants
Statistiskās novērošanas vispārējie principi un sūtījumu skaita
kilogramā noteikšana
1. Turpmāk minētos principus piemēro visu veidu pasta sūtījumu plūsmas statistiskajai novērošanai, kas jāveic, lai samaksātu gala norēķinus, kuru pamatā ir maksa par sūtījumu vai par kilogramu (piem., statistiskā novērošana saistībā ar tarifu pārskatīšanas mehānismu, pasta apmaiņu starp mērķsistēmas izraudzītajiem operatoriem).
1.1. Gan statistiskajā novērošanā, gan aprēķinot sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā norāda sūtījumu sastāvu. Tā kā sūtījumu sastāvs ir atšķirīgs atkarībā no pārvadāšanas veida, konteinera veida, gada laika (mēneša) un nedēļas dienas, tad sūtījumu paraugā atspoguļo šīs atšķirības un pēc iespējas precīzāk raksturo visu pasta sūtījumu plūsmu. Tāpat minētās atšķirības atspoguļo, izvēloties novērtēšanas metodi.
1.2. Statistiskās novērošanas programmu izstrādā, lai sasniegtu statistiskās precizitātes mērķi - ar 95 % ± 5 % ticamību, un aprēķināto IPK saistībā ar sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā un to sūtījumu skaitu, kuru apmaiņa notikusi starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
1.2.1. Minēto statistiskās precizitātes mērķi ir jācenšas sasniegt visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri veic statistisko novērošanu. Prasības par minimālo precizitāti nav paredzētas.
1.3. Statistiskās novērošanas programmas izstrāde, paraugu atlase, datu vākšanas metode un noteikšanas process atbilst vispārpieņemtiem matemātiskās statistikas, atlases varbūtības teorijas un statistisko apsekojumu izstrādes principiem.
1.4. Ņemot vērā minēto principu noteiktos ierobežojumus, ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram ir pietiekami liela rīcības brīvība, lai statistiskās novērošanas programmu pielāgotu savas sūtījumu plūsmas īpatnībām un pieejamajiem resursiem. Tomēr ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram pirms novērošanas perioda ir jāinformē attiecīgais izraudzītais operators par lēmumiem saistībā ar izstrādi, tostarp par novērtēšanas metodi.
31-116. pants
Statistikas datu vākšana par pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu starp
mērķsistēmas valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem
1. Lai iegūtu informāciju par pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu starp mērķsistēmas valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem pirms 2010. gada, vāc statistikas datus. Tomēr, lai izvairītos no statistiskās novērošanas izmaksām par neliela apjoma apmaiņu starp mērķsistēmas valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem pirms 2010. gada, sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā starp mērķsistēmas valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem izmanto tikai pasta sūtījumu plūsmām, kuras ir mazākas par noteiktu robežvērtību, ja abi izraudzītie operatori par to vienojas. Pasta darbības padome nosaka piemērojamo robežvērtību un vidējo sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā.
2. Attiecībā uz plūsmām virs 50 tonnām gadā starp valstīm, kuras pievienojās mērķsistēmai 2010., 2012. un 2016. gadā, kā arī starp šīm valstīm un valstīm, kas atradās mērķsistēmā pirms 2010. gada, veic statistikas datu vākšanu. Zem šīs robežvērtības statistikas datu vākšanu veic tikai tad, ja tai piekrīt abi izraudzītie operatori. Šie izraudzītie operatori var piekrist arī piemērot vidējo sūtījumu skaitu uz kilogramu starp mērķsistēmā ietilpstošo valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem attiecībā uz pasta sūtījumu plūsmām, kas nesasniedz noteiktu robežvērtību. Pasta darbības padome nosaka piemērojamo robežvērtību un vidējo sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā. Plūsmas lielumu nosaka, pamatojoties uz pēdējiem četriem apstiprinātiem secīgiem ceturkšņiem.
3. Pasta darbības padome nosaka arī robežvērtības un vidējo sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā, ko piemēro tad, ja depešas šķiro pēc diviem formātiem (S un E), un tad, ja depešas šķiro pēc trīs formātiem (P, G un E).
4. Statistikas datus vāc atbilstīgi principiem, kas noteikti 31-115. pantā. Ja izraudzītie operatori apmainās ar vēstuļu paliktņiem un plakanajiem paliktņiem, tad aprēķinos par sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā (IPK) saistībā ar noteiktu pārvadāšanas veidu attiecīgā ceturksnī atspoguļo pasta sūtījumu sastāvu pēc konteinera veida un formāta. Izņemot gadījumus, kas aplūkoti 4.1. punktā turpmāk, statistikas datus vāc, izmantojot nepārtrauktu statistisko novērošanu, novērošanas periodā datorizēti un sistemātiski vai nejauši ņemot taras paraugu pārbaudei. Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori vienojas par to, kādas statistikas uzskaites veidlapas izmantos.
4.1. Par gadiem līdz 2019. gadam, to ieskaitot, statistikas datus var vākt 48 dienas gadā, statistisko novērošanu veicot četras dienas mēnesī. Ja nav lietderīgi vākt statistikas datus par visiem attiecīgajā novērošanas dienā saņemtajiem pasta sūtījumiem, izraudzītie operatori attiecīgajā dienā var veikt atsevišķu sūtījumu grupu statistisko novērošanu. Izraudzītajam operatoram saņēmējam iepriekš nav jāinformē izraudzītais operators sūtītājs, kurās dienās paredzēts veikt novērošanu un kāda veida taras paraugi tiks ņemti.
5. Gada laikā nosūtīto sūtījumu skaita aprēķināšana
5.1. Gada laikā nosūtīto sūtījumu skaits ir sūtījumu vidējais svērtais skaits, kuru attiecībā uz katru pārvadāšanas veidu un par katru ceturksni aprēķina atsevišķi. To aprēķina, kā minēts turpmāk.
5.1.1. Statistiskās novērošanas laikā iegūto sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā saistībā ar noteiktu pārvadāšanas veidu konkrētā ceturksnī reizina ar pasta sūtījumu kopējo svaru, ko tajā ceturksnī sūta, izmantojot attiecīgo pārvadāšanas veidu. Šādu aprēķinu veic, lai noteiktu to sūtījumu kopskaitu, kurus attiecīgajā ceturksnī sūta, izmantojot attiecīgo pārvadāšanas veidu.
5.1.2. Aprēķināto sūtījumu kopskaitu, ko ceturksnī sūta, izmantojot attiecīgo pārvadāšanas veidu, saskaita, lai aprēķinātu gada laikā nosūtīto sūtījumu skaitu.
6. Ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram vismaz trīs mēnešus pirms uzskaites perioda ir jāinformē attiecīgais izraudzītais operators par lēmumiem saistībā ar statistiskās novērošanas programmas izstrādi, tostarp par novērtēšanas metodi.
7. Ja piecu mēnešu laikā pēc ceturtā ceturkšņa beigām nav veikta statistiskā novērošana par sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā vai ja šajā laikposmā nav paziņoti statistiskās novērošanas rezultāti, otram izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības trūkstošo datu vietā iesniegt savus statistiskās novērošanas rezultātus. Statistisko novērošanu un aprēķinus veic atbilstīgi principiem, kas noteikti 31-115. pantā, vienīgi ± 5 % precizitātes vietā piemēro ± 7,5 % precizitāti. Ja dati nav pieejami, izmanto pēdējo mazāko saskaņoto sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā vai sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā, kas saskaņots attiecībā uz mērķsistēmas dalībvalsts pasta sūtījumu plūsmām.
8. Statistisko novērošanu neattiecina uz ierakstītiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kam ir piešķirts sūtījuma apakšklases kods UR, un uz izsekojamiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kam ir piešķirts sūtījuma apakšklases kods UX. Šādā gadījumā statistikas vērtības pamato ar faktiskajiem datiem par ierakstītiem un izsekojamiem sūtījumiem, kas reģistrēti CN 31, CN 33, CN 55 un CN 56 veidlapā.
9. Ja statistiskā novērošana veikta saskaņā ar 2. punktā noteiktajām robežvērtībām, norēķiniem izmanto statistiskajā novērošanā gūtos rezultātus.
31-117. pants
Statistikas datu vākšana attiecībā uz pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu
pārejas sistēmā
1. Statistiskajā novērošanā atspoguļo pasta sūtījumu sastāvu, un to veic atbilstīgi principiem, kas noteikti 31-115. pantā.
2. Kā noteikts Konvencijas 31. panta 10. punktā, pasta sūtījumu plūsmām virs 100 tonnām statistikas datu vākšanu var veikt, lai pārskatītu gala norēķinu tarifus, kas nav tarifi, kuri ir piemērojami attiecībā uz lielgabarīta (E) vai sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kas ir pašdeklarēti saskaņā ar 29. pantu, pamatojoties uz sūtījumu faktisko skaitu kilogramā, kā noteikts saskaņā ar 31-112. un 31-119. pantu. Pārskatīšanas mehānismus nepiemēro tādu sūtījumu plūsmu gadījumā, kas ir mazākas par 100 tonnām; šādā gadījumā attiecīgos komponentus par sūtījumu un par kilogramu konvertē kopējā tarifā par kilogramu, pamatojoties uz viena pasta sūtījumu kilograma pasaules vidējo sastāvu, kā minēts 30. panta 14. punktā.
3. Konvencijas 29. panta 1. punkta 5. apakšpunktā, 31. panta 12. un 13. punktā minēto pasta sūtījumu plūsmu statistiskajā novērošanā piemēro tos pašus noteikumus attiecībā uz pasta sūtījumu plūsmu statistisko novērošanu mērķsistēmā, kas ir noteikti 31-116. panta 2.-9. punktā un 31-118. pantā.
31-118. pants
Alternatīva pieeja statistikas datu vākšanai par pasta sūtījumu
apmaiņu starp to valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas piemēro
mērķsistēmu procedūras
1. Ja apmaiņā starp mērķsistēmā esošu valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem vai 31-117. panta 3. punktā noteiktajās apmaiņās notiek apmaiņa ar vēstuļu paliktņiem un/vai plakanām tvertnēm, izraudzītie operatori var īstenot pasākumus, lai veiktu aprēķinus par sūtījumiem atkarībā no taras veida. Statistikas datus vāc atbilstīgi principiem, kas noteikti 31-115. pantā.
1.1. Kā alternatīvu izraudzītajiem operatoriem ieteicams izmantot nepārtrauktu statistisko novērošanu, novērošanas periodā datorizēti un sistemātiski vai nejauši ņemot taras paraugu pārbaudei. Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori vienojas par to, kādas statistikas uzskaites veidlapas izmantos.
1.2. Ja nepārtrauktu novērošanu neveic, novērošanas dienas izdala pēc iespējas vienmērīgāk pa nedēļas darbadienām (vērā ņem tikai attiecīgās pasta apmaiņas vietas darbadienas) un ietver visas pasta sūtījumu plūsmas laikā izmantotos pārvadāšanas veidus. Statistikas datus vāc vismaz 48 dienas gadā, statistisko novērošanu veicot četras dienas mēnesī. Ja nav lietderīgi vākt statistikas datus par visiem attiecīgajā novērošanas dienā saņemtajiem pasta sūtījumiem, izraudzītie operatori attiecīgajā dienā var veikt atsevišķu sūtījumu grupu statistisko novērošanu.
2. Gada laikā nosūtīto sūtījumu skaita aprēķināšana
2.1. Gada laikā nosūtīto sūtījumu skaits ir sūtījumu vidējais svērtais skaits, kuru attiecībā uz katru pārvadāšanas veidu un katru taras veidu aprēķina atsevišķi. To aprēķina, kā minēts turpmāk.
2.1.1. Statistiskās novērošanas laikā iegūto sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā saistībā ar noteiktu taras veidu un pārvadāšanas veidu reizina ar pasta sūtījumu kopējo svaru attiecīgajam taras veidam un pārvadāšanas veidam. Šādu aprēķinu veic, lai noteiktu to sūtījumu kopskaitu, kurus sūta, izmantojot attiecīgo taras veidu un pārvadāšanas veidu.
2.1.2. Aprēķināto sūtījumu kopskaitu, ko pārsūta, izmantojot attiecīgo taras veidu un pārvadāšanas veidu, saskaita, lai aprēķinātu gada laikā nosūtīto sūtījumu skaitu.
3. Izraudzītais operators uz pienācīgi pārveidotām veidlapām norāda pasta sūtījumu svaru, kas nosūtīts, izmantojot konkrētu taras veidu (piem., vēstuļu paliktņus, plakanas tvertnes, maisus utt.), un, ja iespējams, veic ar taru saistītās informācijas apmaiņu, izmantojot elektronisko datu apmaiņu (EDI).
4. Ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram vismaz divus mēnešus pirms uzskaites perioda ir jāinformē attiecīgais izraudzītais operators par lēmumiem saistībā ar statistiskās novērošanas programmas izstrādi, tostarp novērtēšanas metodi. Tomēr izraudzītajam operatoram saņēmējam iepriekš nav jāinformē izraudzītais operators sūtītājs, kurās dienās paredzēts veikt novērošanu un kāda veida taras paraugi tiks ņemti.
5. Ja piecu mēnešu laikā pēc ceturtā ceturkšņa beigām nav veikta statistiskā novērošana par sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā vai ja šajā laikposmā nav paziņoti statistiskās novērošanas rezultāti, otram izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības trūkstošo datu vietā iesniegt savus statistiskās novērošanas rezultātus. Statistisko novērošanu un aprēķinus veic atbilstīgi principiem, kas noteikti 31-115. pantā, vienīgi ± 5 % precizitātes vietā piemēro ± 7,5 % precizitāti. Ja dati nav pieejami, izmanto pēdējo mazāko saskaņoto sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā vai sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā, kas saskaņots attiecībā uz mērķsistēmas dalībvalsts pasta sūtījumu plūsmām.
31-119. pants
Īpaša statistikas datu vākšana pārskatīšanas mehānisma
1. Lai piemērotu pārskatīšanas mehānismu, ja nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, piemēram, savstarpēja vienošanās izmantot jaunākajā UPU sūtījumu plūsmas pētījumā norādīto UPU vidējo sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā pasta sūtījumu plūsmās no pārejas sistēmas valstīm uz mērķa sistēmas valstīm, statistikas datus vāc, izmantojot attiecīgās plūsmas statistisko novērošanu.
1.1. Statistiskajā novērošanā atspoguļo pasta sūtījuma saturu, un to veic atbilstīgi principiem, kas noteikti 31-115. pantā. Statistikas datus vāc vismaz 48 dienas divpadsmit mēnešu periodā, uz kuru tie attiecas. Ja nav lietderīgi vākt statistikas datus par visiem attiecīgajā novērošanas dienā saņemtajiem pasta sūtījumiem, izraudzītie operatori attiecīgajā dienā var veikt atsevišķu sūtījumu grupu statistisko novērošanu.
1.1.1. Kā alternatīvu statistiskajai novērošanai konkrētās dienās izraudzītie operatori var izmantot nepārtrauktu statistisko novērošanu, t. i., novērošanas periodā sistemātiski ņemot taras paraugu pārbaudei. Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori vienojas par to, kādas statistikas uzskaites veidlapas izmantos.
1.2. Novērošanas dienas izdala pēc iespējas vienmērīgāk pa nedēļas darbadienām (vērā ņem tikai attiecīgās pasta apmaiņas vietas darbadienas) un ietver visas pasta sūtījumu plūsmas laikā izmantotos pārvadāšanas veidus. Dienas gadā izvēlas, kā minēts turpmāk:
1.2.1. vismaz 48 novērošanas dienas divpadsmit mēnešu periodā; novērošanu katrā nedēļas darbadienā veic vismaz divas reizes ceturksnī.
2. Gadā nosūtīto sūtījumu vidējā skaita kilogramā aprēķināšana
2.1. Gadā nosūtīto sūtījumu vidējais skaits kilogramā ir sūtījumu vidējā skaita kilogramā vidējais svērtais lielums, ko attiecībā uz katru pārvadāšanas veidu un par katru ceturksni aprēķina atsevišķi. To aprēķina, kā minēts turpmāk.
2.1.1. Statistiskās novērošanas laikā iegūto sūtījumu vidējo skaitu kilogramā saistībā ar noteiktu pārvadāšanas veidu konkrētā ceturksnī reizina ar pasta sūtījumu kopējo svaru, ko tajā ceturksnī sūta, izmantojot attiecīgo pārvadāšanas veidu. Šādu aprēķinu veic, lai noteiktu to sūtījumu kopskaitu, kurus attiecīgajā ceturksnī sūta, izmantojot attiecīgo pārvadāšanas veidu.
2.1.2. Iegūto lielumu summu par sūtījumu kopskaitu, ko ceturksnī nosūta ar katru pārvadāšanas veidu, dala ar gadā nosūtīto pasta sūtījumu kopējo svaru.
3. Izraudzītais operators, kurš pieprasījis piemērot pārskatīšanas mehānismu, izvēlas statistikas sistēmu, kas ir jāpiemēro, un informē par to attiecīgo izraudzīto operatoru, lai tas var īstenot vajadzīgos kontroles pasākumus. Kā alternatīvu izraudzītais operators, kurš pieprasījis piemērot pārskatīšanas mehānismu, var vienoties ar attiecīgo izraudzīto operatoru izmantot jaunākajā UPU sūtījumu plūsmas pētījumā norādīto UPU vidējo sūtījumu skaitu kilogramā pasta sūtījumu plūsmās no pārejas sistēmas valstīm uz mērķsistēmas valstīm.
4. Izraudzītais operators, kurš pieprasījis piemērot pārskatīšanas mehānismu, var nesūtīt iepriekšēju paziņojumu par izvēlētajām novērošanas dienām.
31-120. pants
Lielgabarīta (E) un sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu
1. Saistībā ar Konvencijas 29. panta 1.2.3. punktu viduspunktu aprēķina šādi:
1.1. ja zonu kopskaits ir pārskaitlis, viduspunkts ir divu vidējo zonu vidusdaļa. Ja zonu kopskaits ir nepārskaitlis, viduspunkts ir zonu kopskaita mediāna.
1.2. Ja iekšzemes tarifi kādā zonā ir vienādi vismaz ar vienas citas zonas tarifiem attiecībā uz visiem svara pieaugumiem, visas šādas zonas, kurās ir vienādi tarifi, viduspunkta tarifa noteikšanas vajadzībām uzskata par vienu zonu.
1.3. Blakus neesošas zonas neņem vērā, ja tās attiecas vienīgi uz nosūtīšanas un galamērķa zonu pāriem starp blakusesošām un blakus neesošām zonām. Zonas, kuras izmanto nosūtīšanas un galamērķa pāriem blakusesošā teritorijas daļā, viduspunkta tarifa noteikšanas vajadzībām netiek izslēgtas.
2. Konvencijas 29. panta 1.2.3. punkta vajadzībām faktisko svērto vidējo attālumu izraudzītā operatora ienākošajiem lielgabarīta (E) un sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem aprēķina, izmantojot paraugu aprēķinus un/vai elektroniskās skenēšanas skaitīšanas datus. Par pamatu ņem datus par pēdējo kalendāro gadu un datus no pasta apmaiņas vietas(-ām) saņēmējas(-ām) uz galamērķa piegādes vietām.
3. Citas īpašas situācijas attiecībā uz zonālajiem tarifiem izskata katrā gadījumā atsevišķi.
4. Ja izmanto zonālos tarifus, izraudzītais operators līdz tā gada 1. jūnijam, kas ir pirms kalendārā gada, uz kuru attiecas gala norēķinu tarifi, nosūta Starptautiskajam birojam oficiālu paziņojumu, kurā norāda izmantoto metodi (mediānas pieeju vai svērtā attāluma aprēķinu). Ja izraudzītais operators zonālajiem tarifiem izvēlas piemērot vidējā attāluma metodi, pirms oficiālā paziņojuma iesniegšanas vai reizē ar to ir jāiesniedz pamatojuma dati. Izvēloties atbilstošos tarifus, noteikumus piemēro šādā secībā: vispirms 29. panta 1.2.2. punktu, kas attiecas uz vairāku paku tarifiem, tad 29. panta 1.2.3. punktu, kas attiecas uz zonālajiem tarifiem un, visbeidzot, 29. panta 1.2.4. punktu, kas attiecas uz tarifiem, kuri saistīti ar papildu pakalpojumu komponentēm.
31-121. pants
Izmaksu un tarifu attiecības aprēķināšana tiem izraudzītajiem
pasta operatoriem, kuri piemēro UPU konvencijas 29. panta
8. punktu
1. Saistībā ar Konvencijas 29. panta 8. punktu kompetentās iestādes slēdzienu par to, vai ir segtas izraudzīto operatoru izmaksas par lielgabarīta (E) vai sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu apstrādi un piegādi, tādējādi ļaujot izraudzītajam operatoram pašdeklarēt izmaksu un tarifu attiecību, kas pārsniedz 70 %, pieņem, pamatojoties uz turpmāk aprakstīto pieeju.
2. Šajā pieejā 1. punktā minētā izmaksu un tarifu attiecība tiek uzskatīta par attiecību starp izmaksām un ieņēmumiem pie E formāta sūtījuma vidējā svara, kas raksturīgs galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora ienākošajai plūsmai. Ienākošos lielgabarīta (E) vai sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus iekļauj, lai noteiktu vidējo svaru.
2.1. Aprēķinātos vidējos ieņēmumus nosaka attiecībā uz gadu, kas seko gadam, kad tiek sniegts paziņojums saskaņā ar 29. panta 8. punktu. Vidējos ieņēmumus aprēķina, pamatojoties uz vidējo svaru, kas noteikts 2. punktā, un tarifiem par sūtījumu un par kilogramu E formāta sūtījumiem, kas tiek aprēķināti, pamatojoties uz 11 punktu lineāro regresiju atbilstoši 100 % no prioritāru atsevišķu sūtījumu tarifiem līdzvērtīgos iekšzemes pakalpojumos attiecībā uz 20 gramu, 35 gramu, 75 gramu, 175 gramu, 250 gramu, 375 gramu, 500 gramu, 750 gramu, 1000 gramu, 1500 gramu un 2000 gramu lielgabarīta (E) vai sīkpaku (E) vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, nepieskaitot nodokļus, kas ir spēkā no tā gada 1. jūnija, kam seko gads, kurā būtu jāpiemēro pašdeklarētie tarifi. Piemēro darbības noteikumus, kas izklāstīti 29. panta 1.2.2., 1.2.3. un 1.2.4. punktā. Provizorisko vidējo ieņēmumu aprēķināšanai izmanto sūtījuma attiecību pret kilogramu no E formāta gala norēķinu tarifiem, kas ir pašdeklarēti saskaņā ar 29. panta 7.-9. punktu un paziņoti tā gada 1. jūnijā, kuram seko gads, kad tie būtu jāpiemēro. Ieņēmumus aprēķina bez pakalpojuma kvalitātes korekcijas.
2.2. Provizoriskās vidējās izmaksas nosaka attiecībā uz vidējo svaru, kas noteikts 2. punktā, ņemot vērā sūtījumu vidējo sastāvu pēc izmēriem. Provizoriskās vidējās izmaksas nosaka, izmantojot jaunāko pieejamo informāciju par izmaksām, kas koriģēta atbilstīgi inflācijai, pamatojoties uz valsts oficiālo vispārējo patēriņa cenu indeksu, lai atspoguļotu vidējās izmaksas gadā, kas seko gadam, kad ir veikta paziņošana saskaņā ar 29. panta 8. punktu. Ar inflāciju saistītu pieaugumu piemēro attiecībā uz katru gadu, kas seko gadam, par kuru ir saņemta jaunākā pieejamā informācija par izmaksām. Neiekļauj papildu izmaksas, kas saistītas ar papildpakalpojumiem. Izmaksas nosaka, pamatojoties uz ticami noteiktām cēloņsakarībām, un aprēķina saskanīgi ar izmaksu aprēķināšanas sistēmu un metodiku, ko kompetentā iestāde izmanto attiecībā uz citiem kompetentās iestādes novērtētiem produktiem.
2.3. Izmaksu un tarifu attiecību aprēķina, dalot provizoriskās vidējās izmaksas, kas noteiktas 2.2. punktā, ar provizoriskajiem vidējiem ieņēmumiem, kas noteikti 2.1. punktā. Izmaksu un tarifu attiecību izsaka procentuāli, noapaļojot līdz vienai zīmei aiz komata.
3. Izmaksu un tarifu attiecību var paaugstināt, cik nepieciešams, lai segtu prognozētās izmaksas, taču tā nekādā gadījumā nedrīkst būt augstāka par vienu procenta punktu virs augstākā procentuālā lieluma, kas jebkad noteikts attiecīgajam operatoram, ievērojot vispārējo maksimālo robežu, kas noteikta Konvencijas 29. pantā.
4. Ja izmaksu un tarifu attiecība, kas noteikta 2.3. punktā, ir zemāka par spēkā esošo attiecību, tad izmaksu un tarifu attiecību, ko izmanto pašdeklarētiem tarifiem, samazina līdz 2.3. punktā noteiktajai attiecībai vai 70 % atkarībā no tā, kurš no šiem lielumiem ir augstāks.
5. Ja neviena attiecība nav iesniegta vai ja līdz attiecīgo paziņošanas termiņu beigām, kas minēti Konvencijas 29. panta 8. punktā, nav sniegta pamatojoša informācija, izmaksu un tarifu attiecība ir 70 %.
31-122. pants
Atlīdzība par atpakaļnosūtītiem nepiegādājamiem vēstuļu
korespondences sūtījumiem
1. Izraudzītais operators, kas nosūta atpakaļ nepiegādājamus sūtījumus, kuri minēti 19-103. pantā, ir pilnvarots pieprasīt no izraudzītā operatora sūtījuma nodošanas valstī atlīdzību, kas noteikta turpmāk 2. un 3. punktā.
2. Tarifs par nepiegādājamu sūtījumu nosūtīšanu atpakaļ ir 0,907 SDR par kilogramu 2022. gadā, 0,930 SDR par kilogramu 2023. gadā, 0,952 SDR par kilogramu 2024. gadā un 0,975 SDR par kilogramu 2025. gadā.
3. Atlīdzību papildina ar tarifu, kas noteikts, pamatojoties uz attālumu, atbilstīgi tam, kā noteikts turpmāk:
3.1. aviotransportam - aviopārvadājumu pamattarifs, ko noteikusi Pasta darbības padome, izmantojot 34-101. pantā minēto formulu, un kurš reizināts ar 86 %;
3.2. sauszemes transportam:
3.2.1. par kilogramu un par kilometru līdz 1000 kilometru attālumam: 0,366 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,375 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,385 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,394 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.2.2. par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru līdz 3000 kilometru attālumam: 0,157 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,161 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,165 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,169 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.3.2. par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru līdz 5000 kilometru attālumam: 0,137 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,140 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,143 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,147 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.2.4. par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru: 0,091 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,093 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,095 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,098 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.2.5. tarifu, kura pamatā ir attālums, aprēķina, nosakot, ka attāluma solis ir 100 kilometri, pamatojoties uz katra soļa vidējo vērtību.
3.3. jūras transportam:
3.3.1. par kilogramu un par jūras jūdzi (1,852 km) līdz 1000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,175 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,180 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,184 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,188 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.3.2. par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 2000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,097 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,099 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,102 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,104 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.3.3. par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 4000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,063 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,064 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,066 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,067 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.3.4. par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 10 000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,007 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,007 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,007 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,008 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.3.5. par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi: 0,003 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam; 0,003 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam; 0,003 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,003 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
3.3.6. tarifu, kura pamatā ir attālums, aprēķina, nosakot, ka attāluma solis ir 100 jūras jūdzes, pamatojoties uz katra soļa vidējo vērtību.
4. Izraudzītais operators, kas nosūta atpakaļ nepiegādājamus sūtījumus un vēlas saņemt 2. un 3. punktā minēto atlīdzību, informē citus izraudzītos operatorus, ievadot attiecīgo informāciju Vēstuļu korespondences apkopojumā tiešsaistē ne vēlāk kā 31. oktobrī attiecībā uz tarifiem, kas stājas spēkā nākamā gada 1. janvārī.
5. Izraudzītam operatoram atlīdzina nepiegādājamu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu nosūtīšanu atpakaļ tikai tad, ja šie sūtījumi tiek nosūtīti atpakaļ atsevišķās depešās UV pasta sūtījumu apakšklasē. Formāta atdalīšana nav nepieciešama attiecībā uz šīm depešām. Depešās UV pasta sūtījumu apakšklasē ietver tikai nepiegādājamus vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus, kas tiek nosūtīti atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Tajos neiekļauj sūtījumus, kas tiek nosūtīti atpakaļ atklātā tranzītā.
6. Ieinteresētiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas nosūta atpakaļ nepiegādājamu sūtījumu depešas, visus saistītos sarakstus un rēķinus centralizēti izsniedz Starptautiskais birojs, un tie tiek darīti pieejami kreditoriem un debitoriem. Turpmākajos apakšpunktos ir sniegts šīs procedūras izklāsts.
6.1. Šiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jāpārliecinās pie sava EDI tīkla nodrošinātāja par to, ka PREDES paziņojumi par UV apakšklases pasta sūtījumu depešām, ko tie nosūta, katru mēnesi tiek pārsūtīti Starptautiskajam birojam.
6.2. Ja tiek sagatavots pārbaudes paziņojums attiecībā uz šo izraudzīto operatoru nosūtītu UV apakšklases pasta sūtījumu depešu, izraudzītajam operatoram, kas gatavo pārbaudes paziņojumu, tas ir jāpārsūta Starptautiskajam birojam, kad tas ir sagatavots un kad tas ir atrisināts, ja tas ietekmē saistīto centralizēto uzskaiti.
6.3. Starptautiskais birojs veic izmaksu aprēķinus, pamatojoties uz iepriekš noteiktu publicētu algoritmu.
6.4. Starptautiskais birojs ģenerē ceturkšņa CN 72 uzskaites sarakstus un gada CN 73 rēķinus attiecībā uz UV depešām, ko nosūtījuši izraudzītie operatori. Ceturkšņa saraksti tiek ģenerēti nākamā ceturkšņa pēdējās divās nedēļās. CN 73 ir ģenerēts ne vēlāk kā divas nedēļas pēc CN 72 par gada pēdējo ceturksni apstiprināšanas perioda beigām.
6.5. Starptautiskais birojs publicē sarakstus un rēķinus drošā platformā, lai nodrošinātu, ka tiem var piekļūt tikai saraksta vai rēķina kreditors un debitors.
6.6. Ja divu mēnešu laikā pēc CN 72 saraksta datuma izraudzītais operators apstrīd CN 72 kopējo summu un puses vienojas par vērtību, kas atšķiras no tās, kura norādīta publicētajā veidlapā, kreditors informē Starptautisko biroju par saskaņoto vērtību, lai to varētu atspoguļot gada CN 73 rēķinā.
7. Neatkarīgi no 6. punkta noteikumiem izraudzītie operatori paši var izdot sarakstus un rēķinus, lai uzskaitītu atpakaļnosūtītos nepiegādājamos vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumus. Turpmākajos apakšpunktos ir sniegts šīs procedūras izklāsts.
7.1. Šie izraudzītie operatori norāda Vēstuļu korespondences apkopojumā tiešsaistē, ka viņi ir izvēlējušies paši ģenerēt visus rēķinus attiecībā uz atpakaļnosūtītiem nepiegādājamiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem. Šādu izvēli var mainīt katru gadu, un to paziņo tajā pašā termiņā, kas noteikts 4. punktā.
7.2. Ja tiek sagatavots pārbaudes paziņojums attiecībā uz šo izraudzīto operatoru nosūtītu UV apakšklases pasta sūtījumu depešu, izraudzītajam operatoram, kas gatavo pārbaudes paziņojumu, tas nav jāpārsūta Starptautiskajam birojam.
7.3. Šie izraudzītie operatori vienu reizi ceturksnī (ieteicamais biežums), pusgadā vai gadā nosūta saviem saņemošajiem partneriem CN 72 uzskaites sarakstus divu līdz trīs mēnešu laikā pēc perioda beigām un gada CN 73 rēķinus ne vēlāk kā divas nedēļas pēc pēdējā attiecīgā gada CN 72 apstiprināšanas perioda beigām.
8. CN 72 saraksta un CN 73 rēķina apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši.
9. Ja atlikums CN 73 rēķinā nav lielāks par 163,35 SDR, to pārnes uz nākamo CN 73 rēķinu, ja vien attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nepiedalās Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmā.
10. Norēķinus, kas ir saistīti ar nepiegādājamu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu atpakaļnosūtīšanu, var veikt saskaņā ar 35-002. panta noteikumiem.
32-101. pants
Faktūrrēķinu izrakstīšana par maksājamajām summām un to maksāšana
Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fondā
1. Faktūrrēķinu izrakstīšana par maksājamajām summām un to maksāšana valstīm, kas ir klasificētas IV grupā atbilstīgi Konvencijas 32. panta 1.-4. punktam
2. Starptautiskais birojs, proti, organizācija, kas atbild par rēķinu izrakstīšanu, pamatojoties uz CN 61 atsevišķajiem rēķiniem, kas ir apstiprināti vai ir uzskatāmi par pilnīgi apstiprinātiem un kas tam ir nosūtīti, sagatavo CN 64bis sarakstus I, II un III grupā klasificēto valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Šajos sarakstos norāda šādu informāciju:
2.1. to IV grupā klasificēto valstu izraudzīto operatoru nosaukumus, uz kuriem attiecas norādītie dati;
2.2. SDR summu, kurai piemēro palielinājumu, kas minēts Konvencijas 32. pantā;
2.3. kopējo summu, kuru maksā attiecīgais izraudzītais operators.
3. CN 64bis sarakstu sūta pa elektronisko pastu vai attiecīgajā Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fonda rēķinu sagatavošanas platformā3, lai to apstiprinātu katrs attiecīgais izraudzītais operators. Ja mēneša laikā pēc saraksta nosūtīšanas Starptautiskais birojs nav saņēmis komentārus, tad sarakstā norādīto summu uzskata par pilnīgi apstiprinātu.
4. Starptautiskais birojs, pamatojoties uz informāciju, kas sniegta CN 61 sarakstos, aprēķina papildu summu, ko katra mērķsistēmas valsts ir parādā pārejas sistēmas valstīm, kuras nesasniedz minimālo summu 20 000 SDR apmērā, kā paredzēts Konvencijas 32. panta 8. punktā, proporcionāli to sūtījumu apjomam, kas nosūtīti izraudzītajam operatoram saņēmējam.
5. Rēķinam par 4. punktā norādīto papildu summu pievieno CN 64ter sarakstu, kurā ir šāda informācija:
5.1. to IV grupā klasificēto valstu izraudzīto operatoru nosaukumi, uz kuriem attiecas norādītie dati;
5.2. atsauces gads;
5.3. papildu summa (SDR), kas ir nepieciešama, lai sasniegtu minimālo summu 20 000 SDR apmērā, kā paredzēts Konvencijas 32. panta 8. punktā;
5.4. daļa no šīs papildu summas (izsakot procentos), kuru attiecīgais izraudzītais operators ir parādā proporcionāli apmainīto sūtījumu daudzumam;
5.5. summa, kuru maksā attiecīgais izraudzītais operators.
6. Turpmāk izklāstīta faktūrrēķinu izrakstīšana par maksājamajām summām un to maksāšana Kopējam fondam (CF) atbilstoši Konvencijas 32. panta 5. un 6. punktam.
6.1. Rēķinu izrakstīšanu veic, pamatojoties uz gala norēķiniem, kas I-III grupā ietilpstošajām valstīm ir jāveic III grupas valstīm.
6.2. Valstis, kas ir klasificētas III grupā, sniedz Starptautiskajam birojam CN 61 veidlapu kopiju, kurā norādītas Konvencijas 32. panta 5. un 6. punktā minētās pasta sūtījumu plūsmas.
6.3. Starptautiskais birojs, pamatojoties uz CN 61 īpašajiem rēķiniem, kas tam ir pārsūtīti un kas ir apstiprināti vai uzskatīti par pilnīgi apstiprinātiem, sagatavo CF sarakstus I, II un III grupā klasificēto valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Šajos sarakstos norāda šādu informāciju:
6.3.1. to III grupā klasificēto valstu izraudzīto operatoru nosaukumus, uz kuriem attiecas norādītie dati;
6.3.2. SDR summu, kurai piemēro palielinājumus, kas paredzēti Konvencijas 32. panta 5. un 6. punktā;
6.3.3. kopējo summu, kas ir jāmaksā attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram.
6.4. CF sarakstu nosūta apstiprināšanai katram attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram. Ja mēneša laikā pēc saraksta nosūtīšanas Starptautiskais birojs nav saņēmis komentārus, tad sarakstā norādīto summu uzskata par pilnīgi apstiprinātu.
7. CN 64bis, CN 64ter un CF sarakstos norādītās summas var apmaksāt, izmantojot Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmu.
D. Aviopārvadājumu tarifi
34-101. pants
Slēgto depešu pamattarifa un aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšanas
1. Šajā pantā un turpmākajos nodaļas pantos ir noteikta aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšana atklātā tranzītā sūtītām slēgtām depešām, prioritāriem sūtījumiem, aviopasta sūtījumiem un SAL sūtījumiem, ja tos pārsūta tikai kā aviopasta/prioritāros sūtījumus, kā arī attiecīgās uzskaites metodes.
2. Aviopārvadājumiem piemērojamo maksimālo pamattarifu aprēķina atbilstīgi formulai, kurā izmantotās mainīgās vērtības ir norādītas Starptautiskajā aviosabiedrību finanšu statistikā, ko sagatavojusi Starptautiskā Civilās aviācijas organizācija. Minēto tarifu noapaļo līdz tuvākajai tūkstošdaļai no SDR par bruto svara kilogramu un par kilometru; to piemēro proporcionāli kilograma daļām.
T = (A - B - C + D + E + F), kur:
T = pamattarifs par tonnkilometru (ar šo tarifu aviopasta sūtījumiem ir garantēta prioritāte);
A = vidējās svērtās darbības izmaksas par tonnkilometru;
B = pasažieru pakalpojumu izmaksas par tonnkilometru;
C = procentuālā daļa no izmaksām par biļešu iegādi, pārdošanu un reklāmu (pamatojoties uz pasažieru skaitu attiecībā uz satiksmes intensitāti);
D = izmaksas par tonnkilometru saistībā ar vienībām, kas nedarbojas;
E = 10 % no (A - B - C + D), peļņa;
F = ienākuma nodoklis par tonnkilometru.
3. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus aprēķina atbilstīgi faktiskajam pamattarifam (tas var būt mazāks, bet ne lielāks par pamattarifu, kurš aprēķināts, izmantojot 2. punktā noteikto formulu) un attālumam kilometros, kas norādīts Aviopasta pārvadāšanas attālumu sarakstā, un depešu bruto svaram. Svaru kopējiem maisiem neņem vērā.
4. Maksimālais tarifs, ko piemēro depešu ar tukšiem maisiem aviopārvadājumiem, atbilst 30 % no pamattarifa, kas noteikts saskaņā ar 2. punkta noteikumiem.
5. Saskaņā ar Konvencijas 34. panta 6. punktu attiecībā uz sūtījumu plūsmām uz pārejas sistēmas valstīm, no šādām valstīm un starp šādām valstīm, ja gala norēķinu tarifi ir aprēķināti, pamatojoties uz Konvencijas 31. panta 9. punktu vai 31. panta 13. punktu, jānodrošina, ka maksimālais tarifs, kas piemērojams attiecībā uz aviopārvadājumiem, atbilst 31 % daļai (kā norādīts 30. panta 14. punktā attiecībā uz P un G formāta sūtījumu svara īpatsvaru pasaulē) no pamattarifa, kas noteikts saskaņā ar šā panta 2. punkta noteikumiem, ja vien netiek ņemti paraugi no pasta sūtījuma, un šādā gadījumā ir jānodrošina, ka šī daļa atbilst P un G formāta sūtījumu svaram, ko veido vidējais sastāvs vienam kilogramam pasta sūtījumu plūsmā, kas ir statistiski novērota. Maksimālo tarifu attiecībā uz aviopārvadājumiem nesamazina gadījumos, kad gala norēķinu atlīdzību maksā, pamatojoties uz Konvencijas 31. panta 11. punktu.
6. Ja tarifi par aviopārvadājumiem ir jāmaksā galamērķa valstī, tos nosaka kā atsevišķu cenu. Minētajā cenā iekļauj visus aviopārvadājumu tarifus attiecīgajā valstī neatkarīgi no tā, kurā lidostā depešas ir saņemtas, izņemot sauszemes pārvadājumu izmaksas. To aprēķina, pamatojoties uz faktiski samaksātajiem tarifiem par sūtījumu pārvadāšanu galamērķa valstī, bet nepārsniedzot maksimālo tarifu, kas aprēķināts atbilstīgi 2. punktā norādītajai formulai un atbilstīgi starptautiskā sūtījuma vidējam svērtajam pārvadāšanas attālumam iekšzemes tīklā. Saskaņā ar Konvencijas 34. panta 7. punktu vidējo svērto attālumu aprēķina Starptautiskais birojs, izsakot to kā visu galamērķa valstī saņemto aviodepešu bruto svaru, ieskaitot sūtījumus, kuri attiecīgajā valstī nav pārsūtīti ar aviopastu.
6.1. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri, pamatojoties uz izmaksām vai iekšzemes tarifiem, gala norēķinu vietā piemēro atlīdzību, līdz katra gada 30. septembrim Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo attiecīgos datus, kas nepieciešami, lai aprēķinātu jauno vidējo svērto attālumu.
6.2. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri vēlas saņemt samaksu par iekšzemes aviopārvadājumiem, līdz katra gada 30. septembrim Starptautiskajam birojam paziņo attiecīgos datus, kas nepieciešami, lai aprēķinātu vidējo svērto attālumu un saistītos iekšējos aviopārvadājumu tarifus. Vidējais svērtais attālums un saistītie iekšējie aviopārvadājumu tarifi stājas spēkā no nākamā gada 1. janvāra. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri līdz katra gada 30. septembrim Starptautiskajam birojam nav paziņojuši minētos datus, nav tiesīgi nākamajā gadā pieprasīt maksu par iekšējiem aviopārvadājumiem. Tāpēc visi minētie dati, ko iesnieguši izraudzītie operatori, ir spēkā tikai konkrētajā gadā, uz kuru tie attiecas, un tos nevar pārnest uz turpmākajiem gadiem.
6.3. Starptautiskais birojs iekšējo aviopārvadājumu tarifus visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem paziņo vismaz vienu mēnesi pirms 1. janvāra.
7. Tarifus, kas jāmaksā par tranzīta aviodepešu aviopārvadājumiem starp vienas valsts divām lidostām arī var noteikt kā atsevišķu cenu. Minēto cenu aprēķina, pamatojoties uz faktiski samaksāto tarifu par depešu pārvadāšanu tranzīta valstī, bet nepārsniedzot maksimālo tarifu, kas aprēķināts atbilstīgi 2. punktā norādītajai formulai un atbilstīgi starptautiskā sūtījuma vidējam svērtajam pārvadāšanas attālumam tranzīta valsts iekšzemes gaisa satiksmes tīklā. Vidējos svērtos attālumus aprēķina kā visu to aviodepešu bruto svaru, ko tranzītā pārvadā caur attiecīgo starpniekvalsti.
8. 6. un 7. punktā minēto tarifu summa nedrīkst būt lielāka par kopējo summu, kas faktiski būs jāmaksā par pārvadāšanu.
9. Starptautisko un iekšzemes aviopārvadājumu cenas, kuras aprēķina, sareizinot spēkā esošo pamattarifu ar attālumu, un kuras izmanto, lai aprēķinātu 3., 6. un 7. punktā minētos tarifus, noapaļo uz augšu līdz tuvākajai desmitdaļai no SDR, ja iegūtais skaitlis, ar kuru parāda simtdaļu un tūkstošdaļu vērtību, ir 50 vai lielāks; citos gadījumos minēto skaitli noapaļo uz leju līdz tuvākajai desmitdaļai no SDR.
34-102. pants
Aviopārvadājumu tarifu uzskaite
1. Aviopārvadājumu tarifu uzskaiti veic saskaņā ar 27-106. un 34-101. pantu.
2. Neatkarīgi no 1. punktā minētā noteikuma izraudzītie operatori, savstarpēji vienojoties, var lemt, ka rēķinus par aviodepešām maksā, pamatojoties uz saņemtajiem statistikas datiem. Šādā gadījumā izraudzītie operatori savstarpēji vienojas par metodi, ko izmanto statistikas datu apkopošanai un rēķinu sagatavošanai.
34-103. pants
CN 66 un CN 67 svara saraksta sagatavošana
1. Ikviens izraudzītais operators kreditors reizi mēnesī vai ceturksnī sagatavo CN 66 sarakstu, pamatojoties uz CN 38 pavadrakstā norādīto informāciju par aviodepešām. Depešas, kuras pārvadā pa vienu un to pašu gaisa maršrutu, CN 66 sarakstā ieraksta, norādot nodošanas vietas pasta iestādi, galamērķa valsti un pasta iestādi saņēmēju, kā arī katrai pasta iestādei saņēmējai paredzētās depešas hronoloģiskā secībā. Ja galamērķa valstī saskaņā ar Konvencijas 34. panta 5. punktu iekšējo aviopārvadājumu tarifu norēķiniem izmanto CN 55 saraksta kopijas, tad izmanto tos CN 55 svara sarakstus, kas sagatavoti, pamatojoties uz CN 31 un CN 32 vēstuļu kartēm.
2. Attiecībā uz atklātā tranzīta prioritāriem sūtījumiem, aviopasta sūtījumiem un SAL sūtījumiem, kurus pārsūta ar aviopastu, izraudzītais operators kreditors sagatavo ikgadējo CN 67 sarakstu. To veic katra pārskata perioda beigās, kā noteikts 27-106. panta 2.1. punktā, un pamatojoties uz informāciju, kas norādīta CN 65 pavadrakstos, kuri sagatavoti attiecīgajā periodā. CN 67 sarakstā kopējo svaru reizina ar 12. Ja, pamatojoties uz atklātā tranzītā esošo prioritāro sūtījumu, aviopasta sūtījumu un SAL sūtījumu faktisko svaru, ir jāsagatavo rēķini, tad CN 67 sarakstus sagatavo tik bieži, cik 1. punktā norādīts attiecībā uz CN 66 sarakstiem, kā arī pamatojoties uz atbilstīgajiem CN 65 pavadrakstiem.
3. Ja pārskata periodā izmaiņas saistībā ar pasākumiem, kas veikti, lai apmainītos ar atklātā tranzīta prioritāriem sūtījumiem, aviopasta sūtījumiem un SAL sūtījumiem, kuri pārsūtīti ar tranzīta aviopastu, ir lielākas par 20 % un ja summa, ko izraudzītais operators sūtītājs maksā starpposma valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, ir lielāka par 163,35 SDR, tad minētie izraudzītie operatori, saņemot vienas vai otras puses lūgumu, vienojas, ka 2. punktā minēto reizinātāju attiecīgajam gadam aizstāj ar citu spēkā esošu reizinātāju.
4. Ja izraudzītais operators debitors lūdz, tad attiecībā uz katru pasta apmaiņas vietu, kas pārsūta atklātā tranzīta aviodepešas vai prioritāros sūtījumus, aviodepešas un SAL sūtījumus, sagatavo atsevišķus CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 sarakstus.
34-104. pants
CN 51 atsevišķā rēķina un CN 52 kopējā rēķina
1. Izraudzītais operators kreditors uz CN 51 veidlapas sagatavo atsevišķus rēķinus, norādot tam maksājamās summas atbilstīgi CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 svara sarakstiem. Slēgtām depešām, atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem un nepareizi nosūtītiem sūtījumiem, kurus pārsūta ar aviopastu vai pa sauszemi, sagatavo atsevišķus rēķinus. CN 51 atsevišķajos rēķinos, kas sagatavoti par slēgtām aviodepešām, svaru un maksājamās summas atbilstīgi CN 66 svara sarakstiem norāda atsevišķi par LC/AO, CP un EMS.
2. Summas, kuras norāda CN 51 atsevišķos rēķinos, aprēķina:
2.1. par slēgtām aviodepešām, pamatojoties uz bruto svaru, kas norādīts CN 55 un CN 66 sarakstos;
2.2. par atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem, kurus pārsūta ar aviopastu, atbilstīgi CN 67 sarakstos norādītajam neto svaram, ko palielina par 5 %;
2.3. par atklātā tranzīta sūtījumiem, kurus pārsūta pa sauszemi, atbilstīgi CN 67 sarakstos norādītajam neto svaram, ko palielina par 10 %.
3. Ja aviopārvadājumu tarifi ir jāmaksā galamērķa valstī, tad šīs valsts izraudzītais operators ar tiem saistītos CN 51 rēķinus kopā ar CN 55 un CN 56 sarakstiem nosūta apstiprināšanai.
4. Izraudzītais operators kreditors, vienojoties ar attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, CN 51 rēķinus, kas nav slēgtā tranzīta rēķini, sagatavo reizi mēnesī, ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā.
5. Izraudzītais operators kreditors pēc savas izvēles slēgtā tranzīta CN 51 rēķinus sagatavo reizi ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā.
6. CN 51 atsevišķos rēķinus var apvienot vienā kopējā CN 52 rēķinā, ko sagatavo izraudzītais operators kreditors, kurš norēķiniem piemēro ieskaita sistēmu. Tomēr šo rēķinu, attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem vienojoties, var sagatavot reizi pusgadā.
34-105. pants
CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 sarakstu, CN 51
atsevišķo rēķinu un CN 52 kopējo rēķinu iesniegšana un
1. Noteikumus par 35-001. pantā paredzēto uzskaites veidlapu pārsūtīšanu un apstiprināšanu piemēro attiecībā uz CN 55, CN 66, CN 67, CN 51 un CN 52 veidlapām.
2. Ne vēlāk kā piecus mēnešus pēc tā perioda beigām, uz kuru saraksti attiecas, izraudzītais operators kreditors nosūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram CN 66 sarakstus, CN 55 sarakstu kopijas un CN 67 sarakstus, kad, pamatojoties uz faktisko svaru, tiek veikts maksājums par atklātā tranzīta prioritārajiem sūtījumiem, aviopasta sūtījumiem un SAL sūtījumiem, kurus pārsūta ar aviopastu, un attiecīgos CN 51 atsevišķos rēķinus.
3. Pēc CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 sarakstu pārbaudes un attiecīgā CN 51 atsevišķā rēķina apstiprināšanas CN 51 rēķinu kopijas nosūta atpakaļ izraudzītajam operatoram kreditoram. Ja veikti labojumi, pievieno CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 sarakstus. Ja izraudzītais operators kreditors nepiekrīt minētajos sarakstos veiktajiem labojumiem, izraudzītais operators debitors faktiskos datus apstiprina, nosūtot to CN 38 vai CN 65 veidlapu fotokopijas, kuras pasta iestāde sūtītāja sagatavojusi apstrīdēto depešu nodošanas brīdī, vai piešķirot piekļuvi attiecīgajiem elektroniskajiem datiem, ja šīs veidlapas nosūta elektroniski. Labojumus var apstrīdēt divu mēnešu laikā pēc laboto sarakstu un rēķinu saņemšanas. Izraudzītais operators kreditors, kas divu mēnešu laikā pēc rēķinu nosūtīšanas nav saņēmis paziņojumu par labojumiem, var uzskatīt, ka attiecīgie rēķini ir pilnībā apstiprināti.
4. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri iepriekšējā gadā bijuši aviopārvadājumu tarifu neto kreditori, var noteikt, vai viņi vēlas maksājumu saņemt reizi mēnesī, ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā. Veiktā izvēle paliek spēkā vienu kalendāro gadu, sākot no 1. janvāra.
5. Izraudzītie operatori var izmantot tiešo rēķinu izrakstīšanas sistēmu vai divpusējo klīringa sistēmu.
6. Panta 2. un 3. punktā izklāstītie noteikumi attiecas arī uz prioritāriem sūtījumiem un aviopasta sūtījumiem, par kuriem maksājumus veic, pamatojoties uz statistiku.
7. Saskaņā ar tiešo rēķinu izrakstīšanas sistēmu CN 51 rēķini kalpo par pavadrakstiem tiešiem norēķiniem un ir jānosūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram ne vēlāk kā piecus mēnešus pēc tā perioda beigām, uz kuru tie attiecas. CN 51 rēķina apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši. Jebkuru starpību, kas ir lielāka par 9,80 SDR un kuru konstatē izraudzītais operators debitors, norāda CN 51 veidlapā, kuru kopā ar CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 sarakstiem nosūta atpakaļ izraudzītajam operatoram kreditoram. Konstatēto starpību iekļauj nākamajā izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram iesniedzamajā CN 51 rēķinā vai apstrīd divu mēnešu laikā pēc tā rēķina saņemšanas, kurā šī starpība ir konstatēta. Ja tas netiek darīts, izraudzītais operators, kas konstatēja starpību, uzskata to par pilnīgi apstiprinātu un iekļauj to savā nākamajā CN 51 rēķinā, kurā izdara attiecīgus labojumus.
8. Saskaņā ar divpusējo kompensēšanas sistēmu izraudzītais operators kreditors sagatavo gan CN 51 rēķinu, gan CN 52 rēķinu un abus vienlaikus reizi mēnesī, ceturksnī, pusgadā vai gadā nosūta izraudzītajam operatoram debitoram ne vēlāk kā piecus mēnešus pēc tā perioda beigām, uz kuru tie attiecas. CN 51 un CN 52 rēķinu apstiprināšanas periods ir divi mēneši. Ja CN 51 vai CN 52 rēķini ir laboti, maksājumu veic, pamatojoties uz laboto summu.
9. Izraudzītā operatora debitora veiktos CN 52 kopējā rēķina labojumus pamato, pievienojot CN 19 un CN 51 atsevišķos rēķinus un CP 75 apvienotos rēķinus.
10. Ja statistikas datus apkopo oktobrī, gada maksājumus par prioritāriem sūtījumiem un aviopasta sūtījumiem atklātā tranzītā var veikt iepriekš, pamatojoties uz statistikas datiem, kas apkopoti iepriekšējā gada maijā. Pagaidu maksājumu koriģē nākamajā gadā, kad rēķini, kuru pamatā ir oktobrī apkopotie statistikas dati, ir apstiprināti vai ir uzskatāmi par pilnībā apstiprinātiem.
11. Ja izraudzītais operators nevar apkopot ikgadējos statistikas datus, tas vienojas ar attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, ka gada maksājumus veiks, pamatojoties uz iepriekšējā gadā apkopotajiem statistikas datiem, un, ja nepieciešams, izmantos īpašo reizinātāju, kas noteikts 34-103. panta 3. punktā.
12. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nepiedalās Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmā, atlikumu, kas CN 51 vai CN 52 rēķinā nav lielāks par 163,35 SDR, pārnes uz nākamo CN 51 vai CN 52 rēķinu.
13. Norēķināšanos var veikt atbilstīgi 35-002. un 35-005. panta noteikumiem.
34-106. pants
Aviopārvadājumu tarifu apmaksa
1. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus izraudzītais operators maksā tai aviosabiedrībai, kura pārvadājusi aviodepešas visā maršrutā vai tā daļā. Šajā saistībā izraudzītais operators, ja vien ar attiecīgo aviosabiedrību nav panākta cita savstarpēja vienošanās, maksā jebkādas neapstrīdamas aviopārvadājumu tarifu summas ne vēlāk kā divu mēnešu laikā pēc aviosabiedrības attiecīgā rēķina saņemšanas.
2. Neatkarīgi no iepriekš minētā aviosabiedrība, kas pārvadā aviodepešas, var lūgt, lai aviopārvadājumu tarifus maksā jebkuram izraudzītajam operatoram, ar kuru aviosabiedrība ir šajā saistībā noslēgusi vienošanos.
3. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus par atklātā tranzīta prioritāriem sūtījumiem, aviodepešām un SAL sūtījumiem, ja tos pārvadā ar aviopastu, maksā izraudzītajam operatoram, kas pārsūta minētos sūtījumus.
4. Ja vien nav veikti citi pasākumi, aviopārvadājumu tarifus par aviodepešām, kuras ir tieši pārkrautas, vienai aviosabiedrībai tās nododot otrai, izraudzītais operators sūtītājs maksā:
4.1. vai nu pirmajai aviosabiedrībai, kas pēc tam atbild par norēķināšanos ar nākamo aviosabiedrību;
4.2. vai katrai pārkraušanā iesaistītajai aviosabiedrībai.
34-107. pants
Aviopārvadājumu tarifi attiecībā uz novirzītiem vai kļūdaini
nosūtītām depešām vai taru
1. Izraudzītais operators, kurš nodevis depešu, kas pārvadāšanas laikā ir novirzījusies no maršruta, maksā pārvadāšanas maksu par faktisko depešas pārvadāšanas attālumu.
2. Tas sedz pārvadāšanas maksu par attālumu līdz izkraušanas lidostai, kas sākotnēji bija norādīta CN 38 pavadrakstā, ja:
2.1. faktiskais pārsūtīšanas maršruts nav zināms;
2.2. maksa par faktisko pārvadāšanas attālumu vēl nav pieprasīta vai
2.3. par novirzīšanu atbild aviosabiedrība, kura veica pārvadāšanu.
3. Papildu maksu par novirzītās depešas faktisko pārvadāšanas attālumu maksā, kā norādīts turpmāk:
3.1. tas izraudzītais operators, kura dienesti novirzīšanas gadījumā ir pieļāvuši kļūdu;
3.2. tas izraudzītais operators, kurš aviosabiedrībai samaksāto pārvadāšanas maksu ir iekasējis, kad tā sūtījumu izkrāva vietā, kas nav norādīta CN 38 pavadrakstā.
4. Šā panta 1.-3. punkta noteikumus analoģiski piemēro arī tad, ja lidostā, kas nav norādīta CN 38 pavadrakstā, tiek izkrauta tikai depešas daļa.
5. Izraudzītais operators, kurš nodevis depešu vai taru, kas nepareizi nosūtīti kļūdainas birkas dēļ, maksā pārvadāšanas maksu par visu nolidoto attālumu saskaņā ar Konvencijas 34. panta 3.1. punktu.
34-108. pants
Aviopārvadājumu tarifi par nozaudētiem vai iznīcinātiem pasta
Ja pasta sūtījums tiek nozaudēts vai iznīcināts negadījumā, kurā ir iesaistīts gaisa kuģis, vai cita iemesla dēļ, par kuru atbildība ir jāuzņemas aviopārvadātājam, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators ir atbrīvots no aviopārvadājumu maksas maksāšanas par nozaudētiem vai iznīcinātiem pasta sūtījumiem jebkurā lidojuma posmā izmantotajā maršrutā.
III sējums
Pasta paku reglaments
III iedaļa
Maksa, papildmaksa un atbrīvojums no maksas par pasta pakalpojumiem
15-201. pants
Aviopārvadājumu papildmaksas aprēķināšana
1. Dalībvalstis vai to izraudzītie operatori nosaka papildmaksu par aviopārvadājumiem, kas jāiekasē par aviopakām.
2. Papildmaksu saista ar aviopārvadājumu tarifiem, un tā ir vienāda vismaz attiecībā uz visu saņēmējvalsts teritoriju neatkarīgi no izmantotā maršruta.
3. Dalībvalstīm vai to izraudzītajiem operatoriem papildmaksas aprēķināšanai par aviopārvadājumiem ir tiesības izmantot svara intervālu, kas ir mazāks nekā viens kilograms.
15-202. pants
Īpašā maksa
1. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir tiesības turpmāk minētajos gadījumos iekasēt tādu pašu maksu kā par iekšzemes pakalpojumu.
1.1. Maksa par sūtījumiem, kas nodoti ārpus pasta pakalpojumu sniegšanas vietas parastā darba laika, ko iekasē no sūtītāja.
1.2. Maksa par sūtījuma savākšanu sūtītāja adresē, ko iekasē no sūtītāja.
1.3. Maksa par sūtījumu uz pieprasījumu; ja sūtījums, kas nosūtīts, izmantojot pakalpojumu "uz pieprasījuma", tiek nodots atpakaļ sūtītājam vai pārsūtīts, tad orientējošā maksimālā summa saskaņā ar Konvencijas 18. panta 5. punktu ir 0,49 SDR.
1.4. Maksa par tādas pakas uzglabāšanu, kuras adresāts nav ieradies saņemt sūtījumu noteiktajā laikposmā. Minēto maksu iekasē izraudzītais operators, kurš veic piegādi, tā izraudzītā operatora uzdevumā, kura dienestā attiecīgā paka ir uzglabāta ilgāk par noteikto laikposmu. Ja paka, par kuru ir iekasēta uzglabāšanas maksa, tiek nodota atpakaļ sūtītājam vai pārsūtīta, orientējošā maksimālā summa saskaņā ar Konvencijas 18. panta 5. punktu ir 6,53 SDR.
1.5. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir gatavi piedāvāt nepārvaramas varas riska segumu, ir tiesības iekasēt maksu par apdrošināšanu pret nepārvaramas varas risku. Attiecībā uz neapdrošinātām pakām orientējošā maksimālā maksa saskaņā ar Konvencijas 18. panta 5. punktu ir 0,20 SDR par paku. Apdrošinātu paku gadījumā orientējošā maksimālā summa ir paredzēta 18-001. panta 3. punktā.
1.6. Ja paku parasti nogādā adresāta adresē, maksu par piegādi no adresāta neiekasē. Ja piegādi adresāta adresē parasti nenodrošina, paziņojums par sūtījuma pienākšanu ir jāpiegādā bez maksas. Šādā gadījumā, ja piegādi adresāta adresē piedāvā kā izvēles iespēju, atbildot uz paziņojumu par sūtījuma pienākšanu, tad no adresāta var iekasēt maksu par piegādi. Tai ir jābūt tādai pašai kā maksai par iekšzemes pakalpojumu.
IV iedaļa
Pamatpakalpojumi un papildpakalpojumi
17-201. pants
Transporta uzņēmumu pakalpojumu sniegšana
Izraudzītais operators, kurš pakalpojuma sniegšanai ir izvēlējies transporta uzņēmumus, vienojas ar tiem par kārtību, ko piemēros, lai nodrošinātu, ka transporta uzņēmumi ievēro visus Konvencijas un Pasta paku reglamenta noteikumus, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot paku apmaiņas kārtībai. Izraudzītais operators atbild par visu šo uzņēmumu attiecībām ar citu līgumslēdzēju valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem un Starptautisko biroju.
17-202. pants
Svēršanas sistēma. Mārciņa
1. Paku svaru izsaka kilogramos.
2. To valstu izraudzītie operatori, kurās iekšējo noteikumu dēļ nevar pieņemt svara metrisko sistēmu, svaru var izteikt mārciņās, nevis kilogramos.
17-203. pants
Īpaši nosacījumi attiecībā uz svara ierobežojumiem
1. Apmaiņa ar pakām, kuru svars ir lielāks par 20 kilogramiem, nav obligāta, nosakot, ka maksimālais atsevišķas pakas svars var būt 50 kilogrami.
2. Tomēr to valstu izraudzītie operatori, kuri nosaka, ka svaram ir jābūt mazākam par 50 kilogramiem, var izvēlēties, vai pieņemt tranzītā maisus vai citu slēgtu taru, kas sver no 20 līdz 50 kilogramiem.
3. Ar pasta dienestu saistīto paku svars, kā paredzēts 16-001. panta 2. punktā, var būt līdz 20 kilogramiem. Attiecībās starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir noteikuši lielāku ierobežojumu, ar pasta dienestu saistīto paku svars var būt lielāks par 20 kilogramiem, bet tas nedrīkst pārsniegt 50 kilogramus.
17-204. pants
Izmēra ierobežojumi
1. Neviens no pakas izmēriem nedrīkst būt lielāks par diviem metriem vai garuma un tā lielākā apkārtmēra summa, ko mēra citā virzienā, kas neietver garumu, nedrīkst būt lielāka par trim metriem.
2. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri attiecībā uz visām pakām vai tikai aviopakām nevar pieņemt 1. punktā minētā izmēra pakas, to vietā var pieņemt vienu no turpmāk minētajiem izmēriem.
2.1. Neviens no izmēriem nedrīkst būt lielāks par 1,5 metriem vai garuma un tā lielākā apkārtmēra summa, ko mēra citā virzienā, kas neietver garumu, nedrīkst būt lielāka par trim metriem.
2.2. Neviens no izmēriem nedrīkst būt lielāks par 1,05 metriem vai garuma un tā lielākā apkārtmēra summa, ko mēra citā virzienā, kas neietver garumu, nedrīkst būt lielāka par diviem metriem.
3. Paku izmērs nedrīkst būt mazāks par minimālo izmēru, kas noteikts vēstulēm.
17-205. pants
Piegādes procedūra
1. Parasti pakas adresātam piegādā pēc iespējas ātrāk un atbilstīgi galamērķa valstī spēkā esošajiem noteikumiem. Ja pakas nepiegādā adresāta adresē, tad adresātu, ja vien tas nav neiespējams, nekavējoties informē par to saņemšanu.
2. Ja ir atļauts saskaņā ar galamērķa valsts spēkā esošiem noteikumiem, piegādi uz saņēmēja adresi pēc adresāta pieprasījuma var aizstāt ar alternatīvām sūtījumu piegādes iespējām adresātam (piemēram, savākšanas punkts, piegāde uz citu adresi).
3. Ja piegādā vai nodod vienkāršu paku, galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators iegūst no saņēmēja parakstu par saņemšanu vai reģistrē identitātes kartē glabājamos datus, vai iegūst kādu citu apliecinājumu par saņemšanu, kas saskaņā ar galamērķa valsts tiesību aktiem ir juridiski saistošs sūtījuma saņemšanas apstiprināšanai. Šā punkta prasības nepiemēro pasta paku sūtījumiem, kurus apstrādā saskaņā ar 17-206. panta noteikumiem; šā panta 4. punktu piemēro ECOMPRO pakām.
4. Piegādājot vai izsniedzot pasta pakas sūtījumu atbilstīgi 17-206. panta noteikumiem, galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators iesniedz elektronisku piegādes pierādījumu, skenējot un nosūtot attiecīgo sūtījuma virzības informāciju un ar to saistītos datu elementus.
17-206. pants
1. Vispārīgi principi
1.1. Izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties un ieviest pasta paku piegādes papildu kategoriju - elektroniskās tirdzniecības procesā nosūtītās pasta pakas pārvadāt pa gaisu kā prioritārus sūtījumus saskaņā ar šajā pantā izklāstītajām piegādes prasībām.
2. ECOMPRO pakām piemērojamās prasības
2.1. Izraudzītie operatori pieņem un apstrādā ECOMPRO pakas, kuru svars nav lielāks par 30 kg, izņemot gadījumus, kad šo operatoru valsts tiesību aktos noteiktais maksimālais svars ir 20 kg.
2.2. Katru pasta paku identificē, izmantojot unikālu, attiecīgajam pakalpojumam un UPU tehniskajam standartam S10 atbilstīgu sūtījuma identifikatoru.
2.3. Izraudzītie operatori sniedz informāciju par sūtījuma virzību atbilstīgi 17-216. panta noteikumiem un ņem vērā indikatīvos rādītājus, kas izklāstīti 17-217. un 17-218. pantā.
2.4. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori, kas vienojušies piegādāt šajā pantā minētās kategorijas sūtījumus, tiecas sasniegt indikatīvo piegādes laika rādītāju - piecas dienas, sākot no attiecīgā EMSEVT notikuma skenēšanas un nosūtīšanas brīža, ko Pasta darbības padome apstiprinājusi piegādes izpildes mērīšanai.
2.5. Klientu pieprasījumus apstrādā, ievērojot procedūru, kas izklāstīta 21-003. pantā.
17-207. pants
Paku pieņemšanas nosacījumi. Noformēšana un iepakošana.
1. Vispārējie iepakošanas nosacījumi
1.1. Katru paku iepako un noslēdz atbilstīgi pakas svaram, formai un saturam, kā arī pārvadāšanas veidam un ilgumam. Iepakojot un noslēdzot paku, to aizsargā pret saspiešanu vai bojājumiem, ko var radīt atkārtota apstrāde, un to veic tā, lai saturam nebūtu iespējams piekļūt, neatstājot skaidri redzamas pazīmes uz iepakojuma.
1.2. Katru paku iepako īpaši droši, ja tā:
1.2.1. jāpārvadā lielā attālumā;
1.2.2. jāpārkrauj vai jāapstrādā daudzas reizes;
1.2.3. jāaizsargā pret būtiskām klimata, temperatūras vai, ja veic aviopārvadāšanu, atmosfēras spiediena izmaiņām.
1.3. To iepako un noslēdz tā, lai neapdraudētu pasta darbinieku veselību un neradītu apdraudējumu, ja tajā ir priekšmeti, kas var savainot pasta darbiniekus, kuri to apstrādā, vai notraipīt vai sabojāt citas pakas vai pasta iekārtas.
1.4. Uz iepakojuma vai iesaiņojuma paredz pietiekami lielu vietu dienesta norādījumiem un pastmarku un uzlīmju izvietošanai.
1.5. Minētos sūtījumus pieņem bez iepakojuma, un adresāta adresi var norādīt uz paša priekšmeta:
1.5.1. priekšmetus, kurus var samontēt vai savienot un noturēt kopā, izmantojot izturīgu virvi un svina vai cita materiāla plombu, lai izveidotu vienu paku, kas nevar sadalīties sastāvdaļās;
1.5.2. viengabala pakas, piemēram, koka, metāla u. c. materiālu gabalus, kurus parasti neiepako.
2. Sūtītāja un adresāta adrese
2.1. Lai pakas pastā pieņemtu, uz katras no tām izvieto pilnīgu adresāta un sūtītāja adresi un vārdu un uzvārdu, kas uz pašas pakas vai uzlīmes, kura cieši uzlīmēta uz tās, norādīta, izmantojot latīņu alfabēta burtus un arābu ciparus. Ja galamērķa valstī izmanto citus burtus un ciparus, tad adresi ieteicams norādīt, izmantojot arī attiecīgos burtus un ciparus. Adresi nav atļauts rakstīt ar zīmuli, tomēr ir pieņemamas pakas, uz kurām adrese ir uzrakstīta ar neizdzēšamu zīmuli uz virsmas, kas pirms tam ir samitrināta.
2.2. Kā adresātu drīkst norādīt tikai vienu fizisku vai juridisku personu. Tomēr var pieņemt arī tādas adreses kā, piemēram, "A kungam (..) nodošanai Z kungam (..)" vai "A bankai (..) nodošanai Z kungam (..)", ja ir saprotams, ka persona A izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jāuzskata par adresātu. Turklāt A un Z personas adresei jābūt vienā valstī.
2.3. Sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde iesaka sūtītājam ievietot pakā sūtītāja un adresāta adreses kopiju.
3. Kvīts par sūtījuma nodošanu
3.1. Sūtījuma nodošanas laikā pakas sūtītājam bez maksas izsniedz kvīti par sūtījuma nodošanu.
17-208. pants
Speciālais iepakojums
1. Stikla izstrādājumus vai citus trauslus priekšmetus iepako izturīgā kastē, ko piepilda ar atbilstīgu aizsargājošo materiālu. Pārvadāšanas laikā novērš berzi vai triecienus starp pašiem priekšmetiem un starp priekšmetiem un kastes sienām.
2. Šķidrumus un vielas, kas viegli sašķidrinās, ievieto pilnībā necaurlaidīgā konteinerā. Katru konteineri ievieto speciālā izturīgā kastē, kurā ir atbilstīgs aizsargājošs materiāls, kas konteinera saplīšanas gadījumā absorbē šķidrumu. Kastes vāku nostiprina tā, lai tas nevar viegli atvērties.
3. Taukainas vielas, kas viegli nesašķidrinās, piemēram, ziedes, sausās ziepes, sveķus utt. un zīdtārpiņu kūniņas, kuru pārvadāšana rada dažas problēmas, ievieto atsevišķā iepakojumā (kastē, auduma vai plastmasas maisā utt.), ko pēc tam ievieto kastē, kura ir pietiekami izturīga, lai novērstu satura iztecēšanu.
4. Sausas krāsojošas pulverveida vielas, piemēram, zilo anilīnu u. c. vielas, pieņem tikai pilnībā necaurlaidīgā metāla kastē, kas savukārt ievietota izturīgā kastē, un starp abiem konteineriem ir ievietots atbilstošs absorbējošs un aizsargājošs materiāls.
5. Sausas nekrāsojošas pulverveida vielas ievieto izturīgā konteinerī (kastē, maisā). Minētos konteinerus ievieto noslēgtā, izturīgā kastē.
6. Dzīvas bites, dēles un parazītus ievieto kastē, kas konstruēta tā, lai novērstu jebkādu apdraudējumu.
7. Iepakojums nav nepieciešams viengabala priekšmetiem, piemēram, koka, metāla u. c. materiālu gabaliem, kurus parasti tirdzniecībā neiepako. Šādā gadījumā adresāta adrese jānorāda uz paša priekšmeta.
8. Papildus ir jāievēro turpmāk minētie nosacījumi.
8.1. Dārgmetālus iepako izturīgā metāla vai koka kastē. Ja pakas svars ir līdz 10 kilogramiem, koka kastes minimālais biezums ir 1 cm; ja pakas svars ir lielāks par 10 kilogramiem, minimālais biezums ir 1,5 cm. Iepakošanai var izmantot arī divus bezšuves maisus, kas veido divkāršu iesaiņojumu. Izmantojot saplākšņa kasti, tās biezums var būt 5 mm, ja kastes stūri ir nostiprināti ar metāla leņķiem.
8.2. Uz to paku iepakojuma, kurās ir dzīvi dzīvnieki, kā arī uz adreses pavadziņojuma piestiprina uzlīmi, uz kuras trekniem burtiem rakstīti vārdi "Animaux vivants" ("Dzīvi dzīvnieki").
8.3. Kremētu mirušu cilvēku pelnus nosūta apbedīšanas urnās. Urnas ievieto izturīgā ārējā iepakojumā, kurā ievietots piemērots aizsargājošs materiāls, kas ir izturīgs pret ārēju iedarbību, lai novērstu urnas saplīšanu. Kremācijas apliecība, ja tāda ir, jāpiestiprina ārējam iepakojumam vai jāievieto tā, lai tā būtu viegli pieejama. Pirms šādu sūtījumu nosūtīšanas sūtītājs saņem visas atļaujas, kas nepieciešamas saskaņā ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts un galamērķa valsts tiesību aktu noteikumiem.
17-209. pants
Pārsūtīšanas veida norādīšana
1. Uz katras aviopakas nodošanas brīdī piestiprina īpašu zilu uzlīmi ar uzrakstu "Par avion" ("Ar aviopastu"), sniedzot, ja nepieciešams, arī tulkojumu sūtījuma nodošanas valsts valodā. Pārsūtīšanas veidu skaidri norāda arī attiecīgās pakas nosūtīšanas paziņojumā, vai nu izmantojot īpašu zilas krāsas aviopasta uzlīmi, vai veicot attiecīgu atzīmi attiecīgajā rūtiņā.
2. Ja nosūtīšanas paziņojums ir ievietots pašlīmējošā dokumentu mapē, kas cieši pielīmēta pie pakas, un uz tās ir paredzēta attiecīgi apzīmēta zila rūtiņa, kurā veikt atzīmi, 1. punktā minēto uzlīmi var nelīmēt ne uz nosūtīšanas paziņojuma dokumentu mapes, ne uz pakas.
17-210. pants
Procedūras, kas jāpilda sūtītājam
1. Katrai pakai pievieno CP 72 paškopējošo veidlapu vai CN 23 muitas deklarāciju (divos eksemplāros, ja to pieprasa galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators). Pakas saturu precīzi norāda muitas deklarācijā, un vispārīgas norādes nav pieņemamas. CP 72 paškopējošo veidlapu vai CN 23 muitas deklarāciju (divos eksemplāros, ja prasīts) piestiprina pakas ārpusē tā, lai to nebūtu iespējams nozaudēt.
2. Parasti pakai (vai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumam, kura satura vērtība pārsniedz 300 SDR) pievieno ne vairāk par divām CN 23 muitas deklarācijām. Ja izraudzītie operatori iepriekš ir vienojušies, pakai (vai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumam) var pievienot vienu CN 23 muitas deklarāciju, kas jāpiestiprina tieši uz sūtījuma ārpuses.
3. Saskaņā ar 08-002. pantu muitas datus, kas norādīti saskaņā ar instrukcijām par CN 23 muitas deklarācijām, tostarp sūtītāja un adresāta vārdu, uzvārdu un adresi, galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta elektroniski atbilstīgi UPU EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1). Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators visus šos datus vai to daļu izvešanas nolūkā var nodot sūtītājvalsts muitas pārvaldei, savukārt galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators visus minētos datus vai to daļu ievešanas nolūkā var nodot galamērķa valsts muitas pārvaldei.
4. Datus no CN 23 muitas deklarācijas papīra formātā, kas minēta 3. punktā, izmanto tikai tādos procesos, kas attiecas uz pasta sūtījumu apmaiņu un muitas formalitātēm saistībā ar pasta sūtījumu izvešanu un ievešanu, un tos nedrīkst izmantot citā nolūkā.
5. Uz datiem no CN 23 muitas deklarācijas papīra formātā, kas minēta 3. punktā, attiecas arī visi 20-001. panta noteikumi. Ja konstatēta neatbilstība starp datiem CN 23 muitas deklarācijā un datiem tās elektroniskajā versijā, kas sniegta saskaņā ar 3. punktu, par muitas deklarāciju uzskata CN 23 muitas deklarāciju.
6. Sūtītājs CN 23 deklarācijai vai CP 72 paškopējošajai veidlapai var pievienot arī citu dokumentu (faktūru, izvešanas atļauju, ievešanas atļauju, izcelsmes apliecību, veterināro sertifikātu u. c.), kas nepieciešams muitošanai sūtījuma nodošanas valstī un galamērķa valstī.
7. Sūtītāja un adresāta adresei, vārdam un uzvārdam, kā arī visai pārējai informācijai, ko sniedz sūtītājs, uz pakas un nosūtīšanas paziņojumā jābūt identiskai. Ja konstatēta neatbilstība, uzskata, ka derīga ir informācija, kas norādīta uz pakas.
17-211. pants
Procedūras, kas jāpilda preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma
1. Pie ikvienas pakas, kuru klients/adresāts sūta, izmantojot preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu, muitas deklarāciju CN 23 piestiprina tā, lai to nebūtu iespējams nozaudēt.
2. CN 23 veidlapu aizpilda sākotnējais tirgotājs saskaņā ar procedūrām, kas izklāstītas 17-210. pantā. Turklāt CN 23 veidlapā ieraksta sākotnējo sūtījuma identifikatoru un skaidri norāda "Merchandise Return Service" (MRS) ("Preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojums").
3. Klients/adresāts, kas veic pasta pakas atpakaļsūtīšanu, aizpilda CN 23 veidlapu, kurā jau ir iekļauta muitas deklarācijas informācija, ko sniedzis sākotnējais tirgotājs, tostarp informācija par pasta pakas kopējo svaru, kā arī norāda datumu un veidlapu paraksta. Parakstot muitas deklarācijas veidlapu, klients/adresāts apliecina, ka veidlapā sniegtais pakas satura apraksts atbilst precēm, kuras atļauts sūtīt atpakaļ sākotnējam tirgotājam.
4. Klientam/adresātam jāsaņem nosūtīšanas apliecinājums.
17-212. pants
Sūtītāja norādījumi, nododot sūtījumu
1. Nododot paku, sūtītājs norāda, kā jārīkojas, ja sūtījums netiek izsniegts. Tādēļ sūtītājs veic atzīmi attiecīgajā CN 23 muitas deklarācijas vai CP 72 paškopējošās veidlapas rūtiņā.
2. Sūtītājs var sniegt tikai vienu no turpmāk minētajiem norādījumiem:
2.1. nosūtīt paku atpakaļ sūtītājam, ievērojot galamērķa valsts noteikumos paredzēto uzglabāšanas laiku, izmantojot vislētāko maršrutu vai pa gaisu;
2.2. sūtītājs atsakās no pakas.
3. Sūtītājs CN 23 muitas deklarācijā vai CP 72 paškopējošajās veidlapās var uzrakstīt vai uzdrukāt tikai vienu no iespējamiem norādījumiem. Norādījumus, kas sniegti CN 23 muitas deklarācijā vai CP 72 paškopējošajās veidlapās, attēlo uz pakas, vai nu pielīmējot uz tās CP 72 "Adreses laukuma" kopiju, vai veidlapā sniegtos norādījumus attēlojot citādi. Norādījumus sniedz franču valodā vai angļu valodā, vai galamērķa valstī saprotamā valodā.
4. Ja sūtītājs vēlas pieprasīt, lai paka tiek pārsūtīta, ja tā netiek piegādāta, uz tās ir jābūt norādei "Réexpédition demandée"/"Redirection requested" (Pieprasīta pārsūtīšana) franču valodā vai angļu valodā, vai galamērķa valstī saprotamā valodā. Ja sūtītājs aizliedz pārsūtīt sūtījumu, tad uz pakas (vai vēstuļu korespondences sūtījuma, kura satura vērtība pārsniedz 300 SDR) ir jābūt uzrakstam "Ne pas réexpédier"/"Do not redirect" (Nepārsūtīt) franču vai angļu valodā, vai galamērķa valstī saprotamā valodā. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora centieni ievērot šos norādījumus un novērst pārsūtīšanu ir uzskatāmi par "labas gribas" centieniem, un tiem nepiemēro sankcijas vai saistības.
5. Ja sūtītājs nav sniedzis norādījums vai ja tie ir pretrunīgi, paku nosūta atpakaļ bez paziņojuma.
6. Izraudzītie operatori var svītrot no CN 23 veidlapas sūtītāja norādījumus, kas piemērojami tikai pakām, ja šo veidlapu izmanto pasta sūtījumiem, kas nav pakas.
17-213. pants
Procedūras, kas jāpilda sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta
1. Sūtījuma nodošanas vietas pasta iestāde vai sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta atbild par CP 73 uzlīmes piestiprināšanu pie pakas līdzās adresei un uz nosūtīšanas paziņojuma. Uz minētās uzlīmes jābūt skaidri redzamam pakas kārtas numuram. Ja sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators ir atļāvis, tad to CP 73 uzlīmes daļu, kuru piestiprina pie nosūtīšanas paziņojuma, var aizstāt ar iepriekš izdrukātu norādi, kuras izkārtojums ir tāds pats kā attiecīgās uzlīmes daļas izkārtojums.
2. Uz pakas un nosūtīšanas paziņojumā norāda pakas svaru kilogramos ar precizitāti līdz vienam ciparam aiz komata. Katru gramu simtu noapaļo līdz tuvākajam simtam.
3. Kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu liek uz nosūtīšanas paziņojuma, ja vien sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nav norādījis galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram sūtījuma nodošanas/savākšanas notikuma skenējumu (EMA) vai informāciju, kas iegūta, to skenējot.
4. Pastmarkas vai kādu citu atļautu apzīmējumu, kas apliecina priekšapmaksu saskaņā ar sūtījuma nodošanas valsts vai tās izraudzītā operatora noteikumiem, piestiprina pie pakas vai uz nosūtīšanas paziņojuma.
5. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka nepildīs 1.-4. punktā minētās procedūras.
17-214. pants
Vispārējie paku apmaiņas principi
1. Izraudzītie operatori atbilstīgi vajadzībām un dienesta prasībām var apmainīties ar slēgtām depešām un atklātā tranzītā nosūtītām pasta pakām, piešķirot tiem vienu vai vairākus numurus.
2. Ja ārkārtas apstākļu dēļ izraudzītajam operatoram uz laiku ir pilnībā vai daļēji jāpārtrauc pakalpojumu sniegšana, tas nekavējoties informē attiecīgos izraudzītos operatorus.
3. Ja konsignācijas sūtījumu pārvadāšana tranzītā caur kādu valsti notiek, neiesaistoties attiecīgās valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, tad neatkarīgi no pārvadājumu veida par šādā tranzītā ("tiešā pārkraušana") sūtītiem sūtījumiem dalībvalstij vai tranzītvalsts izraudzītajam operatoram nav jāatbild.
4. Izraudzītie operatori var sūtīt sauszemes konsignācijas sūtījumus ar aviotransportu, samazinot to prioritāti. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators, izdarot attiecīgu ierakstu Pasta paku informācijas apkopojumā, izklāsta sīku informāciju par pasta apmaiņas vietu vai galamērķa punktu, kurā tiks pieņemti šādi konsignācijas sūtījumi.
5. Katrs izraudzītais operators aizpilda CP 81 un CP 82 tabulu, norādot nosacījumus, saskaņā ar kuriem tas pieņem pakas tranzītā no valstīm, kurām tas ir starpnieks. Tabulās norāda piemērojamos tarifus.
6. Oficiālajā Informācijas apkopojumā saistībā ar pasta paku pakalpojumu sniegšanu izklāsta detalizētu informāciju par paku apmaiņu.
7. Pamatojoties uz minēto informāciju un starpposma valsts izraudzīto operatoru sagatavotajām CP 81 un CP 82 tabulām, ikviens operators lemj par maršrutiem, kurus izmantot paku pārsūtīšanai. Izmantojot šos datus, tie nosaka maksu, ko iekasē no sūtītājiem.
8. Izraudzītie operatori vismaz vienu mēnesi pirms piemērošanas tieši cits citam elektroniski nosūta CP 81 un CP 82 tabulas. Izraudzītie operatori tabulu kopijas nosūta arī Starptautiskajam birojam. Tāpat paziņo arī par tabulu grozījumiem. Ja tas nav iespējams, paziņojumu nosūta kā vienkāršu pasta sūtījumu. Paziņošanas laika ierobežojums nav spēkā gadījumos, kas minēti 27-205. panta 1. punktā.
9. Ikviens izraudzītais operators pakas, kuras tranzītā caur tā teritoriju nosūtījis cits izraudzītais operators, pārsūta pa tiem maršrutiem un izmanto tādus līdzekļus, kurus tas izmanto savu paku sūtīšanai.
10. Ja paredzēto maršrutu uz laiku pārtrauc izmantot, pakas tranzītā pārsūta pa vislabāko pieejamo maršrutu.
11. Ja jaunā nosūtīšanas maršruta dēļ palielinās izmaksas (sauszemes vai jūras papildu tarifi), tranzītvalsts izraudzītais operators rīkojas saskaņā ar 27-205. panta 1. punktu.
12. Tranzītu veic saskaņā ar šajā reglamentā paredzētajiem nosacījumiem arī tad, ja paku nodošanas valsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators nesniedz pasta paku pakalpojumus.
13. Attiecībās starp to valstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuras atdala vienas vai vairāku starpniekvalstu teritorijas, pakas sūta pa maršrutiem, par kuriem ir vienojušies attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori.
14. Ikviens izraudzītais operators, kas sniedz aviopaku sūtīšanas pakalpojumus, aviopakas, kuras tam nosūtījis cits izraudzītais operators, pārsūta pa tiem aviomaršrutiem, kurus tas izmanto savu šāda veida sūtījumu nosūtīšanai. Ja aviopaku pārsūtīšana pa citu maršrutu ir izdevīgāka salīdzinājumā ar esošajiem aviomaršrutiem, aviopakas pārsūta pa šo maršrutu.
15. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri nesniedz aviopaku sūtīšanas pakalpojumus, šādas pakas pārsūta pa aviomaršrutiem, kurus šie operatori izmanto saviem aviopasta korespondences sūtījumiem. Ja šāda aviomaršruta nav, minētie izraudzītie operatori aviopakas pārsūta pa sauszemes maršrutu, kuru parasti izmanto citu paku sūtīšanai.
16. Visi izraudzītie operatori uz taras birkas izvieto svītrkoda identifikatoru atbilstīgi UPU tehniskajam standartam S9.
17. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri vienā gadā sūta vairāk par 25 tonnām pasta paku, veic turpmāk izklāstītās darbības, un visi pārējie izraudzītie operatori tiek aicināti:
17.1. iepriekš elektroniski paziņot par visiem izejošiem sūtījumiem, izmantojot UPU standartam atbilstīgus ziņojumus, kuros norāda S9 identifikatorus attiecībā uz taras vienībām, kas ievietotas katrā sūtījumā;
17.2. elektroniski apstiprināt ienākošo taras vienību saņemšanu, par kurām ir iepriekš elektroniski paziņots, izmantojot UPU standartam atbilstīgus atbildes ziņojumus un/vai notikumu paziņojumus.
18. Ja izmanto sūtījumu identifikatoru (svītrkoda atveidojumu vai atveidojumu elektroniskā paziņojumā), tam jāatbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S8.
17-215. pants
Svītrkodu piemērošana un specifikācijas
1. Visi izraudzītie operatori uz visām izejošām starptautiskajām pasta pakām (t. i., uz aviopakām, SAL, sauszemes pakām) izvieto tikai vienu svītrkodu. Ievēro turpmāk uzskaitītās specifikācijas.
1.1. Katru paku apzīmē ar tikai vienu unikālu sūtījuma identifikatoru, kas atbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S10. To izvieto tajā pusē, kur norāda adresāta adresi, cieši blakus adresei. Sūtījuma identifikatoru šifrē gan lasāmā, gan svītrkoda formātā atbilstīgi standartā noteiktajām prasībām.
1.2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts, tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori var izvietot papildu svītrkodus, kuros nav izmantots S10 formāts, ja šie papildu svītrkodi neaizsedz nevienu sūtītāja adreses vai atpakaļsūtīšanas adreses daļu vai nevienu tā S10 identifikatora daļu, ko uz sūtījuma izvietojis sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators.
1.3. Tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators var izvietot sūtījuma identifikatoru, kurš atbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S10 un kurš ietver datus, kas ir identiski datiem, kas iekļauti identifikatorā, ko izvietojis sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators. Šādā gadījumā, ja attiecīgo sūtījumu pārsūta citam izraudzītajam operatoram vai nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, iepriekš izvietotais S10 identifikators nav jāpārsvītro vai jānoņem.
1.4. Ja tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators izvieto S10 formāta svītrkodu, kas ietverto datu ziņā atšķiras no sākotnēji izvietotā S10 standarta identifikatora, šo iepriekš izvietoto S10 formāta svītrkodu pārsvītro vai noņem, ja attiecīgo sūtījumu pārsūta citam izraudzītajam operatoram vai nosūta atpakaļ sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
1.5. Izraudzītie operatori var divpusēji vienoties par tādu unikālu sūtījuma identifikatoru un svītrkodu izmantošanu, kurus jau lieto starptautiskajām pakām.
1.6. Izraudzītie operatori var divpusēji vienoties izmantot licences numurus, kas atbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S26 (Licences numuri pakām).
17-216. pants
Elektroniska informācijas apmaiņa pasta procesu
1. Izraudzītie operatori sniedz sūtījuma virzības un izsekošanas informāciju, izmantojot UPU EDI ziņojumu standartu M40 (EMSEVT V3.0), par visām no valsts teritorijas izejošajām un tajā ienākošajām pakām un nodrošina, ka datu apmaiņa notiek ar visiem iesaistītajiem partnervalstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Uz nosūtītajiem EMSEVT ziņojumiem attiecas šādi rādītāji:
1.1. ja pasta pakai ir piemērojami EMSEVT sūtījuma virzības izsekošanas notikumi, obligāti ir jānodrošina šāda izsekošana: EMA, EMB, EMC, EMD, EDB, EME, EDC, EMF, EDH vai EMH, EMI, EMJ un EMK. Citi EMSEVT V3 notikumi ir fakultatīvi;
1.2. ja tiek nodrošināti turpmāk minētie sūtījuma virzības izsekošanas notikumi, noteikti datu elementi, kas M40 standartā ir fakultatīvi, ir obligāti, kā norādīts pēdējā slejā.
Notikums | Apraksts | Papildu obligātie datu elementi |
EMA | Nodošana/savākšana | Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta iestādes ID |
EMB | Sūtījums saņemts izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietā | Izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EMC | Sūtījums nosūtīts no izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietas | Izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EMD | Sūtījums saņemts ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietā | Sūtījuma saņēmēja pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EDB | Sūtījums uzrādīts ievedmuitas kontroles iestādē | Sūtījuma saņēmēja pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EME | Turēšana muitā |
Sūtījuma saņēmēja pasta apmaiņas vieta
Iemesls uzglabāšanai ievedmuitas kontroles iestādē |
EDC | Sūtījumi nosūtīti atpakaļ no ievedmuitas kontroles iestādes | Muitas atpakaļnosūtīšanas vietas ID |
EMF | Sūtījums nosūtīts no ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietas | Ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EDH | Sūtījums saņemts savākšanas vietā izsniegšanai | Savākšanas vietas ID |
EMG | Saņemts piegādes pasta iestādē | Piegādes pasta iestādes ID |
EMH | Piegādes mēģinājums/piegāde nav izdevusies | Piegādes pasta
iestādes ID Piegāde nav izdevusies, veiktā darbība Piegāde nav izdevusies, iemesls |
EMI | Galīgā piegāde | Piegādes pasta iestādes ID |
EMJ | Sūtījums saņemts tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vietā | Tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vieta |
EMK | Sūtījums nosūtīts no tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vietas | Tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vieta |
2. Visi izraudzītie operatori iegūst pirmsnosūtīšanas un saņemšanas informāciju un apmainās ar to, kā noteikts UPU EDI ziņojumu standarta M41 (PREDES 2.1. versijā) un M13 (RESDES 1.1. versijā), papildus datu elementiem, kas ir obligāti attiecīgajā standartā, nosūtot arī turpmāk norādītos datu elementus.
2.1. Prasības PREDES 2.1. versijas datu elementiem
Apraksts | Papildu obligātie datu elementi |
Pakas uzskaites informācija | Paku karte
6. sleja, kopā Paku karte 7. sleja, kopā Paku karte 8. sleja, kopā Paku karte 9. sleja, kopā |
Taras informācija | Tarā ievietotie sūtījumi |
2.2. Prasības RESDES 1.1. versijas datu elementiem
Apraksts | Papildu obligātie datu elementi |
Informācija par transportu | Pārvadātājs |
Taras informācija | Tarā ievietotie sūtījumi (skaits) |
2.3. Elektroniskās tirdzniecības sūtījumiem katras atsevišķas pakas svars PREDES ir jānorāda obligāti.
3. Iepriekšēju elektronisko datu ieguve un apmaiņa - M33 ITMATT V1 un M41 PREDES 2.1. versijas paziņojumi:
3.1. saskaņā ar 08-002. panta noteikumiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jāievāc iepriekšēji elektroniskie dati un jāapmainās ar tiem. Šie dati ir tādi paši kā attiecīgajā UPU muitas deklarācijā ietvertā informācija, un tiem ir jāatbilst UPU EDI ziņojumu standartam M33 (ITMATT V1);
3.2. visi izraudzītie operatori, kas nodrošina ECOMPRO pakas, iegūst M33 ITMATT V1 ziņojumus un apmainās ar tiem;
3.3. saskaņā ar 08-002. pantu izraudzītie operatori vienādā mērā nodrošina, ka S10 sūtījumu identifikatori visiem sūtījumiem, kuros ir ievietotas preces, ir iekļauti PREDES elektroniskajā paziņojumā (UPU EDI ziņojumu standarts M41), ko nosūta galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram.
17-217. pants
Sekošana sūtījumu virzībai - nosūtīšanas laika indikatīvie
1. Izraudzītie operatori, veicot informācijas apmaiņu ar izraudzītajiem partneroperatoriem, cenšas ievērot norādītos indikatīvos rādītājus attiecībā uz datu sūtīšanu par sūtījumu virzības notikumiem, sākot no faktiskā notikuma brīža.
1.1 | EMC | Sūtījums nosūtīts no izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietas | 24 stundās |
1.2 | EMA | Nodošana/savākšana | 24 stundās |
1.3. | EMB | Sūtījums saņemts izejošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietā | 24 stundās |
1.4. | EMJ | Sūtījums saņemts tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vietā | 24 stundās |
1.5 | EMK | Sūtījums nosūtīts no tranzītvalsts pasta apmaiņas vietas | 24 stundās |
1.6. | EMD | Sūtījums saņemts ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietā | 24 stundās |
1.7. | EDB | Sūtījums uzrādīts ievedmuitas kontroles iestādē | 24 stundās |
1.8. | EME | Sūtījums uzglabāts ievedmuitas kontroles iestādē | 24 stundās |
1.9. | EDC | Sūtījums nosūtīts atpakaļ no ievedmuitas kontroles iestādes | 24 stundās |
1.10. | EMF | Sūtījums nosūtīts no ienākošo sūtījumu pasta apmaiņas vietas | 24 stundās |
1.11. | EDH | Sūtījums saņemts savākšanas vietā izsniegšanai saņēmējam | 24 stundās |
1.12. | EMH | (Fiziskas) piegādes mēģinājums/piegāde nav izdevusies | 24 stundās |
1.13. | EMI | Galīgā piegāde | 24 stundās |
2. Izraudzītie operatori, veicot informācijas apmaiņu ar partneriem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, attiecībā uz nosūtīšanas informācijas sūtīšanu cenšas ievērot norādītos indikatīvos rādītājus.
2.1. | PREDES | Iepriekšēja informācija par nosūtīšanu | 24 stundās |
2.2. | PREDES | Iepriekšēja informācija par sūtījuma saņemšanu | 24 stundās |
17-218. pants
Sekošana sūtījumu virzībai - datu nosūtīšanas indikatīvie
1. Izraudzītie operatori, veicot informācijas apmaiņu ar izraudzītajiem partneroperatoriem, attiecībā uz datu nosūtīšanu par sūtījumu virzības notikumiem cenšas ievērot turpmāk minētos indikatīvos rādītājus:
1.1. attiecībā uz deviņdesmit procentiem paku, par kurām tiek saņemti EMC notikuma dati, 24 stundās no notikuma laika un datuma ir jānosūta EMD notikuma dati;
1.2. attiecībā uz 90 % paku, par kurām tiek saņemti EMD notikuma dati, 24 stundās no notikuma laika un datuma ir jānosūta EDH vai EMH un/vai EMI notikuma dati.
17-219. pants
Pasākumi, kas jāveic īslaicīga pakalpojumu sniegšanas pārtraukuma
un atsākšanas gadījumā
1. Ja pakalpojumu sniegšanu īslaicīgi pārtrauc, attiecīgais izraudzītais operators vai izraudzītie operatori par to ir jāinformē, izmantojot telesakaru līdzekļus, norādot, ja iespējams, varbūtējo pārtraukuma ilgumu. Tāda pati procedūra ir jāievēro, atsākot pakalpojumu sniegšanu.
2. Ja uzskata, ka ir nepieciešams vispārējs paziņojums, par pakalpojumu sniegšanas pārtraukumu vai atsākšanu ir jāinformē Starptautiskais birojs. Ja nepieciešams, Starptautiskais birojs izraudzītos operatorus par to informē, izmantojot telesakaru līdzekļus.
3. Ja pakalpojumu sniegšanas pārtraukuma dēļ no attiecīgā sūtījuma pārvadāšanas ir gūts daļējs labums vai tas nav gūts vispār, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var atlīdzināt sūtītājam maksu par pasta pakalpojumiem, īpašo maksu un papildmaksu par aviopārvadājumiem.
17-220. pants
Dažādas sūtīšanas metodes
1. Apmaiņu ar paku depešām parasti veic, izmantojot taru. Kaimiņvalstu izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka atsevišķu kategoriju pakas var nodot bez taras.
2. Attiecībās starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem valstīs bez kopējām robežām apmaiņu parasti veic, izmantojot slēgtas depešas.
3. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par apmaiņu atklātā tranzītā. Pasta pakas atklātā tranzīta sūtījumos nosūta starpposma valsts izraudzītajam operatoram tikai tad, ja slēgto depešu sagatavošana sūtīšanai uz galamērķa valsti nav pamatota. Tomēr sūtījumi ir obligāti jāievieto slēgtās depešās, ja starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators apgalvo, ka atklātā tranzīta pakas kavē tā darbu.
3.1. Atklātais tranzīts ir iespējams tikai ar turpmāk minētajiem nosacījumiem:
3.1.1. starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators sagatavo sūtījumus galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram;
3.1.2. sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators un starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators iepriekš rakstiski vai pa e-pastu vienojas par šo pakalpojumu un par tā darbības sākšanas dienu.
4. Apmaiņu ar sauszemes depešām, kuras pārvadā ar aviotransportu (SAL), veic atbilstīgi nosacījumiem, par kuriem savstarpēji vienojušies attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori.
17-221. pants
Sūtīšana slēgtās depešās
1. Parastos apstākļos, kad sūtīšanu veic slēgtās depešās, taru (maisus, grozus, kastes utt.) apzīmogo, noslēdz un piestiprina tai birku turpmāk noteiktajā veidā.
2. Maisu noformēšana
2.1. Depešas, tostarp tās, kurās ir tikai tukši maisi, ievieto maisos, kuru skaits ir pēc iespējas mazāks. Maisiem jābūt labā stāvoklī, lai tie aizsargātu saturu. Pie katra maisa piestiprina birku.
2.2. Maisus noslēdz un aizplombē, vēlams - ar svina plombu. Plombas var būt izgatavotas arī no viegla metāla vai plastmasas. Plombēšanu veic tā, lai plombu nevarētu atvērt vai sabojāt, neatstājot redzamas pazīmes. Plombu nospiedumā ļoti labi salasāmiem latīņu alfabēta burtiem atveido sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta iestādes nosaukumu vai norādi, kas ir pietiekama minētās pasta iestādes identificēšanai. Tomēr, ja sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators vēlas, plombu nospiedumos ir jāatveido tikai sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora nosaukums. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var izmantot arī numurētas plombas.
2.3. Maisus noformē un aizdara tā, lai sūtījums nekaitētu pasta darbinieku veselībai.
2.4. Aviodepešu noformēšanai izmanto vai nu zilas krāsas maisus, vai maisus, uz kuriem ir plata zilas krāsas svītra. Lai noformētu sauszemes depešas vai sauszemes depešas, kuras sūta ar aviotransportu, izmanto sauszemes depešu maisus, kuru krāsa atšķiras no aviodepešu maisiem (piem., smilškrāsas, brūni, balti utt.). Tomēr galamērķa valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir jāpārbauda visu maisu birkas, lai pārliecinātos, ka tie tiek pareizi apstrādāti.
2.5. Uz maisiem salasāmiem latīņu alfabēta burtiem norāda sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta iestādi vai valsti un vārdu "Postes" ("Pasts") vai citu līdzīgu frāzi, lai maisus varētu pazīt kā pasta depešas.
3. Depešu marķēšana
3.1. Maisu birkas izgatavo no pietiekami izturīga audekla, plastmasas, stingra kartona, pergamentpapīra vai papīra, kas pielīmēts pie koka. Maisiem pie birkas piestiprina cilpiņu. Izmanto CP 83, CP 84 un CP 85 birkas gaiši dzeltenbrūnā krāsā. Maisu birkām izkārtojuma un teksta ziņā jāatbilst UPU tehniskajam standartam S47 un/vai jāatbilst turpmāk pievienotajiem un minētajiem paraugiem:
3.1.1. CP 83 - sauszemes tarai;
3.1.2. CP 84 - aviopasta tarai;
3.1.3. CP 85 - sauszemes tarai, ko pārsūta ar aviotransportu (SAL).
3.2. Uz noslēgtās taras birkām vai adresēm, kurās ir aviopakas, ir norāde vai uzlīme "Par avion" ("Ar aviopastu").
3.3. Turklāt citai tarai, kas nav maisi, var izmantot īpašu noslēgšanas veidu, ja tas nodrošina satura pietiekamu aizsardzību.
4. Pasta paku sūtījumiem piemēro turpmāk minētos marķēšanas noteikumus:
4.1. taru, kurā kopā ar neapdrošinātām pakām vai bez tām ir ievietotas apdrošinātas pakas, zonā, kas paredzēta īpašā satura kodiem, norāda burtu "V";
4.2. Uz birkas norāda īpašu satura deskriptoru no UPU 176. kodu saraksta, ja uz to attiecas kāda no turpmāk norādītajām vērtībām (viena no tām ir attēlota vairāk, ņemot vērā turpmāk uzskaitīto secību):
4.2.1. "PRIOR", ja tarā ir prioritāri pasta sūtījumi, ko pārsūta pa sauszemi;
4.2.2. "Remboursement"("Pēcmaksa"), ja tarā ir tikai pakas ar pēcmaksu;
4.3. uz birkas, ko piestiprina tarai, kurā ir paku karte, šim nolūkam paredzētajā zonā treknrakstā norāda burtu "F";
4.4. taras birkā norāda taras vienības bruto svaru, ko noapaļo uz augšu līdz tuvākajam hektogramam, ja hektograma iedaļa ir vienāda ar 50 gramiem vai lielāka par to, bet citā gadījumā noapaļo uz leju līdz tuvākajam hektogramam;
4.5. uz birkas norāda taras identifikatora svītrkodu atbilstīgi UPU tehniskajam standartam S9;
4.6. visi sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītie operatori, kuri taras noslēgšanai izmanto numurētas plombas, plombas numuru var norādīt uz taras birkas.
5. Starpposma pasta iestāde uz tranzītā esošo maisu birkām vai uz slēgto depešu pakām kārtas numuru nenorāda.
6. Apdrošinātās pakas sūta atsevišķā tarā. Ja apdrošinātās pakas nosūta vienā maisā ar neapdrošinātām pakām, tad apdrošinātās pakas ievieto iekšējā tarā, ko aizplombē ar vaska vai svina plombām. Ārējam maisam, kurā ir apdrošinātas pakas, jābūt labā stāvoklī. Ja iespējams, maisa atveres malā ierīko stiprinājumu, lai maisu nevarētu nelikumīgi atvērt, neatstājot redzamas pazīmes.
7. Pakas ar pēcmaksu sūta atsevišķā tarā, ja šo paku skaits ir pietiekams.
8. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori ir īpaši vienojušies, uz taras birkas, kurā ir vēstuļu karte, var norādīt arī maisu skaitu depešā un, ja nepieciešams, atklātā tranzītā nosūtīto paku skaitu.
9. Nenoslēgtas var sūtīt lielgabarīta pakas un pakas, kuras savu īpašību dēļ ir jāsūta nenoslēgtas - lai noteiktu, kura veida depešas tās ir, šādām pakām sagatavo CP 83 vai CP 84 birku. Uz nenoslēgtu apdrošinātu paku birkām norāda burtu "V". Tomēr pakas, kuras sūta pa jūru, izņemot lielgabarīta pakas, ievieto tarā.
10. Maisi un cita tara, kurā ir pakas, parasti nedrīkst būt smagāki par 32 kilogramiem.
11. Pārvadāšanai maisus ar pakām un nenoslēgtās pakas var ievietot konteineros. Konteineru izmantošanas nosacījumus paredz, attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem īpaši vienojoties.
17-222. pants
Paku kartes
1. Izraudzītie operatori var divpusēji vai daudzpusēji vienoties par to, ka savstarpējiem paku sūtījumiem nav jāpievieno papīra paku karte, jo PREDES 2.1. versijas paziņojumos līdzīga informācija tiek sniegta elektroniski.
2. Ja šādas vienošanās nav, pasta apmaiņas vieta nosūtītāja ieraksta CP 87 paku kartē visas sauszemes, SAL un aviopasta pakas. CP 87 paku kartē vienmēr norāda depešas bruto svaru, kuru noapaļo līdz tuvākajiem simt gramiem.
3. Paku karti ievieto tarā, kas ir sūtījuma daļa. Ja nepieciešams, to ievieto vienā no maisiem, kurā ir apdrošinātās pakas.
4. Paku kartes, kas ir saistītas ar depešām, kurās ir apdrošinātās pakas, ievieto rozā aploksnē. Ja apdrošinātās pakas ir ievietotas ar vaska zīmogu aizzīmogotā iekšējā tarā, rozā aploksni, kurā ir paku karte, piestiprina taras ārpusē.
5. Paku kartē ieraksta visu veidlapā norādīto informāciju.
6. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus par karagūstekņiem un internētām civilpersonām paredzētām dienesta pakām, kuras sūta pa gaisu, kreditē attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori.
7. Ja paku kartes aizpilda, neizmantojot automatizētu sistēmu, un ja nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, sauszemes paku, SAL paku un aviopaku (vai prioritāro un neprioritāro sūtījumu) kartes numurē atsevišķi un atbilstīgi katras sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vietas un galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vietas gada sērijas numerācijai. Tādējādi katrai depešai ir atsevišķs depešas numurs. Katra kalendārā gada pirmās nosūtītās pasta pakas kartē papildus depešas kārtas numuram norāda arī iepriekšējā gada pēdējās depešas kārtas numuru. Ja depešu sērija tiek pārtraukta, nosūtīšanas valsts pasta iestāde paku kartē blakus pēdējās depešas numuram izdara norādi "Dernière dépêche" ("Pēdējā depeša"). Jūras un aviopārvadājumu pakalpojumu gadījumā paku kartē, ja iespējams, norāda tā kuģa nosaukumu, ar kuru depešu pārvadā, vai, ja nepieciešams, izmantoto gaisa satiksmes līniju.
8. Ja paku kartes aizpilda, izmantojot automatizētu sistēmu un atbilstīgi UPU standartiem, tad nosūtīšanas un pasta apmaiņas vietas secīgi numurē CP 87 paku kartes attiecīgajā depešu sērijā, katra kalendāra gada sākumā sākot numerāciju no jauna. Tādējādi katrai depešai ir atsevišķs depešas numurs un katrs nākamais depešas numurs palielinās par 1 augošā secībā un saskan ar norādīto depešas datumu - arī augošā secībā. Katra kalendārā gada pirmās nosūtītās pasta pakas kartē papildus depešas kārtas numuram norāda arī iepriekšējā gada pēdējās depešas kārtas numuru. Ja attiecīgā depešu sērija tiek pārtraukta, tad pasta iestāde nosūtītāja galamērķa pasta apmaiņas vietai nosūta pārbaudes paziņojumu. Jūras un aviopārvadājumu pakalpojumu gadījumā paku kartē, ja iespējams, norāda tā kuģa nosaukumu, ar kuru depešu pārvadā, vai, ja nepieciešams, izmantoto gaisa satiksmes līniju.
9. Ja aviopakas no vienas valsts uz citu sūta pa sauszemes maršrutu kopā ar citām pakām, to norāda, veicot attiecīgu piezīmi CP 87 paku kartē.
10. Katru apdrošināto paku ieraksta paku kartē, ailē "Piezīmes" ierakstot burtu "V".
11. Katru paku, kas pārsūtīta vai nosūtīta atpakaļ sūtītājam, ieraksta paku kartē, ailē "Piezīmes" izdarot atzīmi "Réexpédié" ("Pārsūtīts") vai "Retour" ("Atpakaļ").
12. Paku kartē ieraksta taras vienību skaitu depešā un, ja izraudzītie operatori nav vienojušies citādi, atpakaļ nosūtāmo taras vienību skaitu. Ja nav noslēgta īpaša vienošanās, izraudzītie operatori numurē vienas depešas taras vienības. Katras taras vienības kārtas numuru ieraksta CP 83 un CP 84 birkā.
13. Ja starp valstīm bez kopējām robežām notiek apmaiņa ar slēgtām depešām, nosūtīšanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta katram starptautiskajam izraudzītajam operatoram sagatavo CP 88 īpašo paku karti. Pasta apmaiņas vieta kartēs ieraksta kopējo paku skaitu un depešu bruto svaru. CP 88 paku karti numurē atbilstīgi katras pasta apmaiņas vietas nosūtītājas un starpniekvalsts izraudzītā operatora gada sērijai. Turklāt tajā norāda attiecīgās depešas kārtas numuru. Iepriekšējā gada pēdējo numuru norāda nākamā gada pirmajā paku kartē. Jūras pakalpojumu gadījumā, ja vien iespējams, CP 88 paku kartē ieraksta tā kuģa nosaukumu, kurš pārvadā depešu.
14. Ja aviopakas pārsūta ar sauszemes depešām, nosūtīšanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta attiecīgajiem tranzītvalsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem sagatavo CP 88 īpašo paku karti.
15. CP 88 īpašo paku karti sūta nenoslēgtu vai kādā citā veidā, par ko ir vienojušies attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori, un, ja nepieciešams, tai pievieno dokumentus, ko pieprasa starpniekvalstis.
17-223. pants
CP 87 paku karšu sagatavošana
1. Izņemot to kategoriju pakas, kas minētas šā panta 2.-8. punktā turpmāk, visas pakas, kuras nosūtītas galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, ieraksta kopsavilkumā CP 87 paku kartē. Paku skaitu un kopējo svaru, tostarp maisu svaru, norāda paku kartes sadaļā "Kopējā informācija", noapaļojot līdz tuvākajiem simt gramiem.
2. Pakas, kuras pārsūta, sūta atpakaļ sūtītājam vai pārsūta atklātā tranzītā, vienmēr ieraksta atsevišķi, 6.-9. slejā norādot maksājamās tarifu summas. Paku kartes 4. slejā norādīto svaru noapaļo līdz tuvākajiem simt gramiem. Minēto paku skaitu un svaru nenorāda paku kartes sadaļā "Kopējā informācija", kur ierakstīts paku skaits un bruto svars. Paku kartes sadaļā "Kopējā informācija", kur ierakstīts paku skaits un bruto svars, vienmēr norāda visas pakas, kas nav pakas, kuras pārsūta, sūta atpakaļ sūtītājam vai pārsūta atklātā tranzītā.
3. Arī apdrošinātās pakas ieraksta atsevišķi, nenorādot attiecīgo tarifu. Minēto paku skaitu un svaru norāda paku kartes sadaļā "Kopējā informācija", kur ierakstīts paku skaits un kopējais svars.
4. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies par sīkāku informāciju, kuru norāda paku kartē, visas vienkāršās pakas, kas nosūtītas galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, paku kartē ieraksta atsevišķi, nenorādot attiecīgo ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu. Saskaņā ar 2. punktu minēto paku skaitu un svaru, tostarp maisu svaru, norāda paku kartes sadaļā "Kopējā informācija", kur ierakstīts paku skaits un kopējais svars.
5. Elektroniskās tirdzniecības sūtījumiem sīkāku informāciju ieraksta, kā minēts 4. punktā, un katras pakas svaru norāda atsevišķi.
6. Ja depešā ir pakas ar pēcmaksu, to norāda paku kartes sadaļā "Kopējā informācija".
7. Dienesta pakas, kā arī pakas karagūstekņiem un internētām civilpersonām, kurām saskaņā ar Konvencijas 16. panta 1. un 2. punktu nepiemēro tarifus, nepieskaita pakām, kuru skaits un kopējais svars norādīts paku kartē. Ja šādas pakas sūta pa gaisu, piemēro 17-222. panta 6. punktu.
8. Atkarībā no savstarpēji saskaņotās norēķinu kārtības pasta pakas, kuras nosūta, izmantojot preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu, iespējams, būs jāieraksta atsevišķi, norādot maksājamos tarifus vai attiecīgo maksu. Minēto atpakaļsūtāmo preču skaitu un svaru nenorāda paku kartes sadaļā "Kopējā informācija", kur ierakstīts paku skaits un bruto svars.
17-224. pants
Paku pavaddokumentu nosūtīšana
1. Pavaddokumentus, kas minēti 17-210. panta 1. un 2. punktā, piestiprina pie attiecīgās pakas.
2. CP 72 paškopējošo veidlapu pielīmē pie pakas.
3. Ja CP 72 paškopējošo veidlapu nevar pielīmēt pie pakas vai ja pakai ir jāpievieno citi dokumenti, kas nav iekļauti minēto veidlapu komplektā, pavaddokumentus ievieto CP 91 vai CP 92 pašlīmējošā caurspīdīgā aploksnē. To pielīmē pie pakas.
4. Ja nepieciešams, tādā pašā veidā nosūta arī pēcmaksas naudas pārvedumu veidlapas, marķēšanas kvītis un paziņojumus par izsniegšanu.
5. Sūtījuma nodošanas un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka pavaddokumentus pievieno paku kartei.
6. Panta 5. punktā paredzētajā gadījumā attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka paku karti un pakas pavaddokumentus galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai sūta pa gaisa maršrutu.
7. Ja CP 72 paškopējošo veidlapu vai pašlīmējošo caurspīdīgo aploksni pie pakas nevar pielīmēt iepakojuma lieluma vai īpašību dēļ, tad pavaddokumentus cieši piestiprina pie pakas.
8. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri nevar izmantot pašlīmējošās caurspīdīgās aploksnes, pavaddokumentus var sūtīt, cieši piestiprinot pie pakas.
9. Sūtījuma nodošanas un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori var vienoties, ka pavaddokumentus pakām, ar kurām apmainās tiešos sūtījumos, nosūta atbilstīgi sistēmai, kas ir piemērota attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
17-225. pants
Depešu virzīšana
1. Slēgtas depešas pārsūta pa vistiešāko iespējamo maršrutu.
2. Ja depešā ir vairākas taras vienības, tām pēc iespējas jāpaliek kopā un tās pārsūta ar vienu un to pašu transportu.
3. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators attiecībā uz slēgtajām depešām, kuras tas regulāri nosūta, un izraudzītais operators, kas nodrošina slēgto tranzītu, var apspriest maršrutu, pa kuru jāsūta šīs depešas. Informāciju par maršrutu, kuru izmanto izraudzītais operators, kas nodrošina slēgto tranzītu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nenorāda ne pavadrakstā (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47), ne tā elektroniskajā ekvivalentā, ne arī CP 83, CP 84 vai CP 85 birkā. Informācijā par sūtījuma virzīšanas maršrutu, kuru norāda pavadrakstā (CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47) vai tā elektroniskajā ekvivalentā, vai CP 83, CP 84 vai CP 85 birkā, norāda tikai maršrutu, kuru izmanto depešu pārvadāšanai no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora līdz izraudzītajam operatoram, kas nodrošina slēgto tranzītu.
4. Parasti depešas slēgtā tranzītā pārsūta ar to pašu transportu, kuru tranzītvalsts izraudzītais operators izmanto savu depešu pārvadāšanai. Ja regulāri rodas situācija, ka starp slēgtā tranzītā sūtīto depešu pienākšanu un transporta atiešanu ir nepietiekams laiks, vai ja depešu daudzums regulāri pārsniedz gaisa kuģa ietilpību, par to informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru.
5. Ja maina maršrutu, pa kuru notiek slēgtu depešu apmaiņa starp diviem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, ar viena vai vairāku to izraudzīto operatoru starpniecību, kuri nodrošina slēgto tranzītu, tad sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators par izmaiņām maršrutā informē attiecīgos izraudzītos operatorus, kuri nodrošina slēgto tranzītu.
17-226. pants
CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadraksta sagatavošana un
1. Pavadrakstus aizpilda atbilstīgi izkārtojumam, pamatojoties uz informāciju, kas norādīta maisu birkās vai blakus adresei. Maisu un sūtījumu kopējo skaitu un svaru katrā depešā norāda kopā atbilstīgi kategorijai. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītie operatori, ja vēlas, informāciju par katru maisu var norādīt atsevišķi. Tomēr starpposma valstij vai tranzītvalstij ir jāuzskaita katra tranzīta taras vienība atsevišķi, saglabājot sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora norādīto sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru, pasta iestādi saņēmēju, kā arī depešas un taras numuru. Sešu simbolu IMPC kodu, ar kuru identificē valsti, kurā maiss ir nodots, un tā galamērķa valsti, norāda attiecīgi 2. un 3. ailē.
2. Ja starpposma valsts pasta iestāde vai pasta iestāde saņēmēja konstatē ieraksta kļūdas CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadrakstā, tā nekavējoties veic labojumus. Par kļūdu, izmantojot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu, tā ziņo pēdējai pasta apmaiņas vietai sūtītājai, kā arī pasta apmaiņas vietai, kura sagatavojusi depešu. Lai ziņotu par pārkāpumiem, izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par elektroniskā pasta vai kādu citu piemērotu telesakaru līdzekļu regulāru izmantošanu.
3. Kad pārsūtītās depešas ir ievietotas konteinerā, kuru ir aizplombējis pasta dienests, CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadrakstos attiecīgi paredzētajā vietā ieraksta katra konteinera kārtas numuru un plombas numuru.
17-227. pants
CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47 pavadrakstu
1. Lai atrisinātu gadījumus, kad nav pavadraksta, izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par elektroniskā pasta vai kādu citu piemērotu telesakaru līdzekļu regulāru izmantošanu.
2. Galamērķa pasta iestāde atzīst par derīgu elektroniski nosūtītu pavadrakstu, ko pienācīgi parakstījis izraudzītais operators sūtītājs un izdrukājis pārvadātājs galamērķa valstī vai starpposma vietā.
3. Ja trūkst pavadraksta vai tā elektroniskā ekvivalenta, saņēmējiestāde sagatavo aizstājošo pavadrakstu par saņemto kravu, kuru paraksta pārvadātājs. Aizstājošo pavadrakstu var nosūtīt pasta iestādei nosūtītājai, pievienojot to CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumam, vai saglabāt iespējamu strīdu gadījumiem par attiecīgo depešu.
4. Ja galamērķa pasta iestāde sākotnējā pavadraksta vietā no pārvadātāja ir saņēmusi CN 46 aizstājošo pavadrakstu, ko sagatavojis pārvadātājs, šis pavadraksts ir jāapstiprina. Par šo faktu var paziņot pasta iestādei nosūtītājai, izmantojot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu, kam pievienots šis CN 46 aizstājošais pavadraksts.
5. Ja ir sagatavots CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojums un ja nav iespējams noteikt iekraušanas lidostu, šo pārbaudes paziņojumu nosūta tieši depešas sūtītājiestādei, lai tā pārsūtītu paziņojumu pasta iestādei, ar kuras starpniecību notiek depešas tranzīts.
17-228. pants
Pasākumi, kas jāveic, ja notiek negadījums
1. Ja pārvadāšanas laikā notiek negadījums un kuģis, vilciens, gaisa kuģis vai kāds cits transportlīdzeklis nevar turpināt ceļu un piegādāt depešas plānotajā piestāšanas ostā vai stacijā, apkalpe depešas nodod negadījuma vietai tuvākajā pasta iestādē vai tajā pasta iestādē, kura depešu vislabāk spēs pārsūtīt tālāk. Ja apkalpe to nevar izdarīt, tad pasta iestāde, saņemot informāciju par negadījumu, nekavējoties rīkojas, lai pārņemtu depešu un pārsūtītu to uz galamērķi pa ātrāko maršrutu pēc tam, kad ir pārbaudīts tās stāvoklis un novērsti sūtījumu bojājumi.
2. Tās valsts izraudzītais operators, kurā ir noticis negadījums, izmantojot telesakarus, informē iepriekšējās piestāšanas ostas vai stacijas par depešu turpmāko virzību. Minētie izraudzītie operatori savukārt, izmantojot tos pašus līdzekļus, informē visus pārējos attiecīgos izraudzītos operatorus.
3. Ja pavadraksts nav nosūtīts elektroniski, izraudzītie operatori, kuru depešas bija negadījumā iesaistītajā transportlīdzeklī, nosūta CN 37, CN 38, CN 41 vai CN 47 pavadrakstu kopijas tās valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kurā negadījums noticis.
4. Pēc tam izvēlētā pasta iestāde, izmantojot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu, informē galamērķa valsts pasta iestādes par depešām, kas iesaistītas negadījumā, un norāda tajā negadījuma apstākļus un depešu pārbaudes rezultātus. Katra pārbaudes paziņojuma vienu kopiju nosūta attiecīgo depešu nodošanas valsts pasta iestādei un otru - tās valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, no kuras ir attiecīgais transporta uzņēmums. Minētos dokumentus nosūta pa visātrāko (gaisa vai sauszemes) maršrutu.
17-229. pants
Nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu sagatavošana
Lai noteiktu paku nosūtīšanai vispiemērotāko maršrutu, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta var galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai nosūtīt nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu, kas atbilst CN 44 veidlapai. Minēto paziņojumu pievieno paku kartei, uz kuras norāda, ka šis paziņojums ir pievienots. Ja saņemtajā depešā nav CN 44 veidlapas, pasta iestāde saņēmēja sagatavo kopiju. Pasta iestādes saņēmējas pienācīgi aizpildītu nosūtīšanas pārbaudes paziņojumu pa ātrāko maršrutu nosūta atpakaļ uz norādīto adresi vai tad, ja šādas norādes nav, pasta iestādei, kas minēto paziņojumu ir sagatavojusi.
17-230. pants
Depešu nodošana
1. Izraudzītie operatori visas depešas nodod labā stāvoklī. Tomēr bojājuma vai zādzības dēļ no depešas nevar atteikties.
2. Izraudzītais operators saņēmējs nodrošina, ka pārvadātāji pakas var nodot atbildīgajam dienestam.
3. Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja sagatavo pavadraksta informāciju un iesniedz to pasta iestādei saņēmējai, kā arī citām pusēm, kas iesaistītas depešu transportēšanā, ja tādas ir. Minēto informāciju vēlams sniegt elektroniski, izmantojot PRECON un CARDIT paziņojumus; ja tas nav iespējams, pavadraksta informācijas apmaiņu veic, izmantojot UPU veidlapas.
4. Elektronisko paziņojumu apmaiņai ar pavadraksta informāciju piemēro turpmāk minētos noteikumus.
4.1. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nosūta CARDIT paziņojumu.
4.2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai attiecīgais transporta dienests elektroniski reģistrē depešas saņemšanu un nosūta attiecīgos datus, izmantojot RESDIT notikuma paziņojumu "Saņemts", tādējādi apstiprinot katrā konsignācijas sūtījumā iekļautās taras vienības saņemšanu.
4.3. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai attiecīgais transporta dienests elektroniski reģistrē depešas nodošanu un nosūta attiecīgos datus, izmantojot RESDIT notikuma paziņojumu "Piegādāts".
4.4. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators nosūta PRECON paziņojumu tam izraudzītajam operatoram, kam attiecīgā sūtījumu grupa ir adresēta. To var darīt pat tad, ja līdz šim galamērķim ar transporta dienestu nav notikusi CARDIT/RESDIT paziņojumu apmaiņa.
4.5. Izraudzītais operators, kas saņem depešu, nosūta RESCON paziņojumu sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, lai apstiprinātu depešas saņemšanu.
4.6. Aviotransporta gadījumā sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators pieprasa, lai aviosabiedrība savā sistēmā glabā CARDIT datus un RESDIT saņemšanas un piegādes datus un nodod šos datus tai iestādei, kura atbild par zemes pakalpojumiem sūtījuma nodošanas, tranzīta un galamērķa lidostā.
4.7. Pieprasījuma gadījumā izraudzītie operatori sniedz pieejamo informāciju, tostarp informāciju, kas saņemta no aviosabiedrības.
5. Izmantojot UPU veidlapas, atkarībā no sūtījumu un pārvadājumu veida izmanto turpmāk minētās pavadrakstu veidlapas:
5.1. CN 37 sauszemes depešām (C un D kategorijas sūtījumi), kas nav tukšu maisu sūtījumi;
5.2. CN 38 sauszemes aviodepešām (A kategorijas sūtījumi), kas nav tukšu maisu sūtījumi;
5.3. CN 41 sauszemes depešām, kuras pārvadā ar aviotransportu (SAL) (B kategorijas sūtījumi), kas nav tukšu maisu sūtījumi;
5.4. CN 47 visiem tukšu maisu sūtījumiem visās depešu kategorijās.
6. Pavadrakstu veidlapu aizpildīšanai piemēro turpmāk minētos noteikumus.
6.1. Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja saglabā pavadraksta kopiju; ja ir iesaistīts transporta dienests, šis dienests vai saistītais starpnieks paraksta šo kopiju kā depešu saņemšanas apliecinājumu.
6.2. Kopiju nosūta galamērķa valsts pasta iestādei.
6.3. Ja ir iesaistīts transporta dienests, šim dienestam nodod papildu kopiju un to nogādā galamērķa valstī; transporta dienests saglabā šo kopiju pēc tam, kad to ir parakstījusi saņēmējiestāde.
6.4. Aviotransporta gadījumā abas pavadraksta kopijas, ko nogādā pasta iestādei saņēmējai, ievieto CN 45 aploksnē. Minētās kopijas pārvadā gaisa kuģa lidojuma portfelī vai citā īpašā somā, kurā glabā lidojuma dokumentus. Pēc ierašanās depešu izkraušanas lidostā pirmo kopiju, kas, apliecinot depešu saņemšanu, ir pienācīgi parakstīta, patur aviosabiedrība, kas pārvadāja depešas. Otru kopiju pievieno depešām uz pasta iestādi, kura ir norādīta pavadrakstā.
6.5. Izraudzītie operatori, kas depešām, kuras tiek saņemtas no pārvadātājiem, ir izstrādājuši elektroniskās reģistrācijas sistēmu, pavadrakstu noformēšanas procedūras vietā, kas aprakstīta 6.4. punktā, var izmantot minētās sistēmas sūtījumu reģistrācijas datus. Pavadrakstu veidlapu parakstīto kopiju vietā izraudzītais operators saņēmējs pārvadātājam var izsniegt elektroniski saņemto reģistrācijas datu izdruku par attiecīgo depešu.
6.6. Ja depešu nodošana starp divām iestādēm notiek, izmantojot jūras pārvadājumus, uz galamērķa valsti nosūta papildu kopiju - vēlams, elektroniski vai citādi, izmantojot aviodepešas, lai iepriekš informētu galamērķa valsti.
6.7. Ja pavadrakstus sagatavo elektroniski un tiešsaistē nosūta transporta dienestam vai sadarbības aģentam, tieši nepiedaloties attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora darbiniekiem un neveicot minēto pavadrakstu drukāšanu, transporta darbībās iesaistītie izraudzītie operatori vai uzņēmumi var vienoties, ka paraksts uz pavadraksta nav obligāts.
6.8. Svaru, kāds ir maisiem vai citai tarai, ja tajā ir apdrošinātas aviopakas, CN 38 pavadrakstā norāda atsevišķi. Pie attiecīgā ieraksta ailē "Piezīmes" ieraksta burtu "V".
17-231. pants
Depešu pārbaude
1. Ikviena pasta apmaiņas vieta, kas saņem depešu, nekavējoties pārbauda taru un tās aizdari. Tāpat tā pārbauda pavadrakstā norādīto nodošanas un galamērķa vietu maisiem, kuri iekļauti depešā, un pēc tam veic paku un tām pievienoto dažādo dokumentu pārbaudi. Ja vien iespējams, minētās pārbaudes veic citu ieinteresēto pušu klātbūtnē.
2. Pasta iestāde saņēmēja rūpīgi pārbauda, vai depešas ir saņemtas tādā pašā secībā, kādā tās nosūtītas, jo īpaši tās depešas, kurās ir apdrošinātas pakas.
3. Ja tara ir atvērta, aizdari veidojošās daļas (auklu, svina plombu, birku) uzglabā kopā; lai to izdarītu, auklu pārgriež tikai vienā vietā. Var iesniegt arī attiecīgās birkas, maisa, plombas, iesaiņojuma, iepakojuma vai sūtījuma datētus digitālos fotoattēlus.
4. Par atklātajiem pārkāpumiem nekavējoties ziņo, izmantojot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu. Kad galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta ir nosūtījusi CP 78 paziņojumu ar pirmo pieejamo depešu, uzskata, ka visi maisi un pakas ir saņemti labā stāvoklī, ja vien netiek pierādīts pretējais.
5. Ja pasta apmaiņas vieta konstatē, ka atbildību var prasīt no uzņēmuma, kas veic pārvadājumus, tad, ja iespējams, ir jāsaņem attiecīgā uzņēmuma pārstāvja paraksts, kā arī tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora pārstāvja paraksts, kas tādējādi apstiprina, ka pārkāpumi nav konstatēti. Parakstīties var vai nu uz CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojuma, kura kopiju nodod attiecīgajam uzņēmumam, vai attiecīgā gadījumā uz CN 37, CN 41 vai CN 38 pavadraksta, kas pievienots depešai. Ja ir spēkā atrunas attiecībā uz pārvadātāja pakalpojumiem, tām ir jābūt minētām CN 37, CN 38 vai CN 41 pavadraksta kopijās. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri apmainās ar informāciju elektroniski, analoģiski var piemērot procedūru, kas izklāstīta 17-230. panta 4. punktā.
6. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties 4. un 5. punktā izklāstītās procedūras aizstāt ar informāciju par ienākošo sūtījumu saņemšanu, ko nosūta elektroniski (RESDES paziņojums, EMSEVT notikumi EMD), un piegādi (EMSEVT notikumi EMH/EMI). Izraudzītie operatori var arī vienoties, ka ziņojumus par neatbilstībām papīra formātā (CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumi) aizstās ar saskaņotu izlīdzināšanas procedūru, izmantojot elektroniski iegūtu informāciju.
7. Pārbaudes laikā atklātie pārkāpumi, nevar būt iemesls pakas nosūtīšanai atpakaļ sūtītājam, izņemot gadījumus, kas paredzēti 19-201. panta 3. un 4. punktā.
17-232. pants
Pārkāpumu atklāšana un pārbaudes paziņojumu apstrāde
1. Ja starpposma valsts iestāde saņem depešu, kas ir sliktā stāvoklī, tā pārbauda, vai saturs nav bojāts, un bojājumu gadījumā ievieto to jaunā iepakojumā kopā ar veco iepakojumu. Minētā iestāde no sākotnējās birkas pārraksta informāciju jaunajā birkā un jaunajā birkā izdara kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu, kura priekšā izvieto norādi "Remballé à ..." ("Atkārtoti iepakots"). Par šo faktu paziņo, izmantojot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu, kam attiecīgi sagatavo četras vai piecas kopijas. Vienu kopiju patur iestāde, kas to ir sagatavojusi, bet pārējās nosūta:
1.1. pasta apmaiņas vietai, no kuras depeša saņemta (divas kopijas);
1.2. nosūtīšanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai (ja tā nav iepriekš minētā vieta);
1.3. pasta iestādei saņēmējai (kopiju ievieto atkārtoti iepakotajā depešā).
2. Ja trūkst kādas depešas vai viens vai vairāki maisi, kas veido depešu, vai ir konstatēts kāds cits pārkāpums, par to ziņo, kā norādīts 1. punktā. Tomēr starpposma pasta apmaiņas vietai nav jāpārbauda paku kartei pievienotie dokumenti.
3. Ja galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta konstatē, ka paku kartē ir kļūdas vai informācija nav pilnīga, tā nekavējoties veic nepieciešamos labojumus. Nepareizos ierakstus svītro tā, lai sākotnējie ieraksti būtu salasāmi. Šos labojumus veic divu darbinieku klātbūtnē; ja nav konstatēta acīmredzama kļūda, labojumus veic, dodot priekšroku sākotnējiem ierakstiem. Pasta apmaiņas vieta veic arī parastās pārbaudes, ja taras vai tās aizdares dēļ ir pamats uzskatīt, ka ir bojāts saturs vai izdarīti citi pārkāpumi. Par konstatētajiem pārkāpumiem nekavējoties ziņo sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai, izmantojot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu, kuram attiecīgi sagatavo trīs vai četras kopijas. Vienu kopiju patur pasta apmaiņas vieta, kas to ir sagatavojusi, bet pārējās nosūta:
3.1. pasta apmaiņas vietām nosūtītājām (divas kopijas);
3.2. starpposma valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai, no kuras tika saņemta depeša (ja depeša netika saņemta tiešā sūtījumā).
4. Ja trūkst kādas depešas vai viena vai vairāku maisu, kas veido depešu, vai paku kartes, par to ziņo, kā norādīts 3. punktā. Ja trūkst paku kartes, galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta sagatavo aizstājošo paku karti.
5. Par to, ka trūkst sauszemes paku depešas vai aviopaku depešas, ziņo ne vēlāk kā tad, kad tiek saņemta nākamā depeša pēc nozaudētās depešas. Tāpat par to, ka trūkst viena vai vairāku maisu vai paku, kas nenoslēgtas sūtītas sauszemes paku depešā vai aviopaku depešā, ziņo ne vēlāk kā tad, kad pēc minētās depešas tiek saņemta nākamā depeša.
6. Galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai ir tiesības neveikt labojumus un nesagatavot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu, ja kļūdas vai nepilnīgā informācija saistībā ar iekasējamiem tarifiem katrā paku kartē nav lielāka par 10 SDR.
7. Pārbaudes paziņojumu vēlams sūtīt pa faksu vai ar citiem elektroniskiem sakaru līdzekļiem, vai, sūtot pa pastu, izmanto ātrāko maršrutu un to ievieto īpašā aploksnē, uz kuras treknrakstā norāda "Bulletin de verification" ("Pārbaudes paziņojums"). Teksts uz aploksnes var būt iepriekš drukāts, vai arī aploksnes var nošķirt, ar zīmoga nospiedumu izdarot skaidru norādi. Par pārkāpumiem saistībā ar apdrošinātām pakām, ja par tiem atbild dalībvalsts vai izraudzītais operators, vienmēr, ja iespējams, nekavējoties ziņo, izmantojot elektroniskos sakaru līdzekļus.
8. Iestādes, kurām ir aizsūtīti CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumi, nosūta tos atpakaļ pēc iespējas ātrāk pēc tam, kad tie ir pārbaudīti un tajos ir veiktas attiecīgās piezīmes, ja tādas ir; minētās iestādes patur vienu kopiju. Atpakaļ nosūtītos pārbaudes paziņojumus pievieno attiecīgajām paku kartēm. Paku kartē veiktos labojumus, kas nav pamatoti ar dokumentāriem pierādījumiem, neuzskata par spēkā esošiem. Turklāt informāciju par CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojuma apstiprināšanu vai noraidīšanu vai papildu informācijas prasību norāda, atzīmējot attiecīgo rūtiņu CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojuma beigās. Taču tad, ja minētie pārbaudes paziņojumi viena mēneša laikā pēc to nosūtīšanas netiek nosūtīti atpakaļ pasta apmaiņas vietai, kura tos sagatavojusi, šos paziņojumus uzskata par pienācīgi apstiprinātiem, ja vien netiek pierādīts pretējais.
9. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties 3., 7. un 8. punktā izklāstītās procedūras aizstāt ar informāciju par ienākošo sūtījumu saņemšanu, ko nosūta elektroniski (RESDES paziņojums, EMSEVT notikumi EMD), un piegādi (EMSEVT notikumi EMH/EMI). Izraudzītie operatori var arī vienoties, ka ziņojumus par neatbilstībām papīra formātā (CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumi) aizstās ar saskaņotu izlīdzināšanas procedūru, izmantojot elektroniski iegūtu informāciju.
17-233. pants
Paku svara vai izmēru neatbilstības
1. Ja vien nav konstatētas acīmredzamas kļūdas, par noteicošo uzskata nosūtīšanas vietas pasta iestādes noteikto svaru vai izmēru.
2. Ja svara atšķirība attiecībā uz vienkāršajām pakām ir mazāka nekā 500 grami, tas nevar būt iemesls pārbaudes paziņojuma sagatavošanai vai pakas nosūtīšanai atpakaļ.
3. Starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators var neņemt vērā apdrošinātas pakas svara neatbilstību, ja tā no norādītā svara neatšķiras vairāk kā par desmit gramiem, izņemot tad, ja tas jādara pakas ārējā stāvokļa dēļ.
17-234. pants
Bojātas vai nepietiekami iepakotas pakas saņemšana pasta apmaiņas
1. Ja pasta apmaiņas vieta saņem bojātu vai nepietiekami iepakotu paku, to nosūta tālāk pēc tam, kad tā, ja nepieciešams, ir atkārtoti iepakota. Sākotnējo iepakojumu, adresi un uzlīmes pēc iespējas saglabā. Pakas svaru pirms atkārtotās iepakošanas un pēc tās norāda uz faktiskā pakas iepakojuma. Aiz minētās norādes izdara atzīmi "Remballé à ..." ("Atkārtoti iepakots"), uzliek kalendārzīmoga nospiedumu, un to paraksta darbinieks, kas veicis atkārtoto iepakošanu.
2. Ja pakas stāvoklis ir tāds, ka ir bijusi iespēja izzagt vai bojāt tās saturu, par to ziņo sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai, izdarot pietiekami skaidru atzīmi CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumā. Minēto paku arī automātiski atver un pārbauda tās saturu. Šīs pārbaudes rezultātu izklāsta CN 24 aktā. To sagatavo divos eksemplāros; vienu kopiju patur pasta apmaiņas vieta, kura to sagatavoja, bet otru pievieno pakai.
3. Panta 2. punktā aprakstīto procedūru piemēro arī tad, ja pakas svars atšķiras tik ievērojami, lai rastos aizdomas, ka ir izzagts viss pakas saturs vai tā daļa.
17-235. pants
Ziņošana par pārkāpumiem, par kuriem atbild izraudzītie
1. Ikviena pasta apmaiņas vieta, kas, saņemot depešu, konstatē, ka trūkst viena vai vairākas pakas, tās ir izzagtas vai bojātas, rīkojas, kā norādīts turpmāk.
1.1. Tā iespējami precīzāk CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumā vai CN 24 aktā izklāsta informāciju par saņemtās depešas ārējā iepakojuma stāvokli, ko tā konstatējusi. Var iesniegt arī attiecīgās birkas, maisa, plombas, iesaiņojuma, iepakojuma vai sūtījuma datētus digitālos fotoattēlus vai videoierakstus. Taru, auklu, svina vai cita materiāla plombu un birku neskartu uzglabā sešas nedēļas no dienas, kad tika veikta pārbaude, izņemot tad, ja tas nav iespējams pamatotu iemeslu dēļ. Minētos priekšmetus nosūta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, ja tas to lūdz.
1.2. Pēdējai starpposma pasta apmaiņas vietai, ja tāda ir, nosūta pārbaudes paziņojuma kopiju tajā pašā laikā, kad to nosūta sūtījuma nodošanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vietai.
2. Ja galamērķa valsts pasta apmaiņas vieta uzskata, ka tas ir nepieciešams, tad tā uz sava izraudzītā operatora rēķina par saviem konstatējumiem var informēt nosūtīšanas valsts pasta apmaiņas vietu, izmantojot telesakarus.
3. Ja šis jautājums attiecas uz divām pasta apmaiņas vietām, starp kurām ir tieša saskare, šo vietu attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori var vienoties par procedūru, kuru izmanto tādu pārkāpumu gadījumos, par kuriem tie var būt atbildīgi.
17-236. pants
Vairumā pārsūtīto depešu ar pakām pārbaude
1. 17-231.-17-235. pantu piemēro tikai izzagtām un bojātām pakām, kā arī pakām, kuras paku kartēs ierakstītas atsevišķi. Pārējās pakas vienkārši pārbauda vairumā.
2. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators var vienoties ar galamērķa valsts izraudzīto operatoru, ka sīkāku pārbaudi veic un CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu un CN 24 aktus sagatavo tikai attiecībā uz atsevišķu kategoriju pakām. Par to var vienoties arī ar starpposma valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
3. Ja paku skaits depešā atšķiras no paku skaita, kas norādīts paku kartē, tad pārbaudes paziņojumā labo tikai kopējo paku skaitu.
4. Ja paku kartē norādītais depešas bruto svars neatbilst faktiskajam bruto svaram, tad pārbaudes paziņojumā labo tikai depešas bruto svaru.
17-237. pants
To paku pārsūtīšana, kas novirzījušās no maršruta
1. Paku, kas novirzījusies no maršruta, pārsūta uz pareizo galamērķi, izmantojot ātrāko maršrutu (gaisa vai sauszemes).
2. Pakām, kuras pārsūta saskaņā ar šo pantu, piemēro tarifus par pārsūtīšanu uz pareizo galamērķi, kā arī maksas un nodevas, kas minētas 19-202. panta 4.3. punktā.
3. Izraudzītais operators, kurš veic pārsūtīšanu, par to, izmantojot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu, ziņo izraudzītajam operatoram, no kura attiecīgā paka saņemta.
4. Šis operators ar paku, kas novirzījusies no maršruta, rīkojas tā, it kā tā būtu saņemta atklātā tranzītā. Ja pakai piemērotie tarifi nav pietiekami, lai segtu pārsūtīšanas izmaksas, tad operators attiecīgos pārvadājuma tarifus kreditē faktiskajam galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram un, ja nepieciešams, starpposma valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem. Pēc tam operators kreditē pats sevi par summu, kas atbilst radītajām izmaksām, nosūtot pieprasījumu izraudzītajam operatoram, kurš uzņemas atbildību par to, ka tā pasta apmaiņas vieta paku nosūtījusi nepareizi. Šis izraudzītais operators tarifus iekasē no sūtītāja, ja kļūda ir radusies viņa dēļ. Prasību un tās iemeslu norāda pārbaudes paziņojumā.
5. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties 3. un 4. punktā izklāstītās procedūras aizstāt ar informāciju par ienākošo sūtījumu saņemšanu, ko nosūta elektroniski (RESDES paziņojums, EMSEVT notikumi EMD), un tranzītu (EMSEVT notikumi EMJ/EMK). Izraudzītie operatori var arī vienoties, ka ziņojumus par neatbilstībām papīra formātā (CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumi) aizstās ar saskaņotu izlīdzināšanas procedūru, izmantojot elektroniski iegūtu informāciju.
6. Panta 4. punktā minēto tarifu un izmaksu vietā izraudzītais operators saņēmējs no izraudzītā operatora, kurš atbild par pakas nepareizu virzīšanu, var iekasēt tikai izmaksas par pakas pārsūtīšanu uz pareizo galamērķa valsti.
17-238. pants
Tukšās taras atpakaļsūtīšana
1. Šajā pantā termins "maisi" attiecīgi tiek lietots nozīmē "maisi vai citas taras vienības, kuras izmanto izraudzītie operatori vai kuras tiem pieder pasta pārvadāšanas nolūkā".
2. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori nav īpaši vienojušies, tukšos maisus nosūta valstij, kurai tie pieder, ar nākamo depešu, ja iespējams, izmantojot izejošiem sūtījumiem paredzēto parasto maršrutu. Katrā depešā atpakaļ nosūtīto maisu skaitu norāda CP 87 paku kartē.
3. Tukšo maisu īpašnieki lemj par to, vai maisus sūtīt atpakaļ, un, ja tos sūta atpakaļ, par to, kāds transportlīdzeklis jāizmanto. Tomēr galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības sūtīt atpakaļ maisus, kurus šajā valstī nevar viegli un lēti sadedzināt. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators sedz izmaksas par šādu maisu atpakaļsūtīšanu.
4. Ja tranzītvalsts un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies, tukšo taru, ko sūta atpakaļ pa sauszemi, var ievietot tarā, kurā ir pasta pakas. Visos pārējos gadījumos tukšo taru ievieto atsevišķās depešās. Īpašās depešas, kurās ir tikai atpakaļsūtāmā tukšā tara, apraksta CN 47 pavadrakstos. Ja attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori ir vienojušies, taru, kurā ir tukšā tara, var aizplombēt. Uz birkām izvieto norādi "Sacs vides" ("Tukši maisi").
5. Atpakaļsūtīšanu veic starp šim nolūkam izraudzītajām pasta apmaiņas vietām. Attiecīgie izraudzītie operatori savstarpēji var vienoties par atpakaļsūtīšanas procedūru. Ja pakalpojumi tiek sniegti lielos attālumos, tad parasti tie norīko tikai vienu iestādi, kas atbild par tukšajiem maisiem, ko nosūta atpakaļ izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
6. Tukšos maisus sarullē piemērotos saiņos. Ja nepieciešams, maisos ievieto lielu daudzumu birku, brezenta birkas, pergamentpapīru vai citus izturīga materiāla priekšmetus.
7. Ja izraudzītā operatora veiktajā pārbaudē konstatē, ka tam piederošie maisi nav nosūtīti atpakaļ laikposmā, kas nepieciešams to pārsūtīšanai (turp un atpakaļ), tam ir tiesības pieprasīt kompensāciju atbilstīgi maisu vērtībai saskaņā ar 8. punktu. Attiecīgais izraudzītais operators var atteikties izmaksāt kompensāciju tikai tad, ja var pierādīt, ka šie maisi ir nosūtīti atpakaļ.
8. Ikviens izraudzītais operators regulāri un vienādi nosaka vērtību SDR vienībās katra veida maisiem, ko izmanto pasta apmaiņas vietas, un paziņo to attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem ar Starptautiskā biroja starpniecību. Ja ir jāizmaksā kompensācija, tad ņem vērā arī maisu nomainīšanas izmaksas.
9. Ja iepriekš par to ir panākta vienošanās, tad izraudzītais operators, lai noformētu savas aviodepešas, var izmantot maisus, kas pieder galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram. Trešām pusēm piederošos maisus nevar izmantot.
10. Ar tukšo maisu depešām rīkojas tāpat kā ar depešām ar vēstuļu korespondenci, par kurām nav jāmaksā gala norēķini, bet tām piemēro maksājumu, kas ir 30 % no tranzītmaksas par depešām ar vēstuļu korespondenci.
11. Izraudzītais operators nosūtītājs var norādīt, vai vēlas, lai atpakaļ tiek nosūtīta arī tara, kas ir izmantota konkrētiem sūtījumiem. Šo norādi veic paku kartē, kuru izmanto attiecīgajā sūtījumā.
18-201. pants
Preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojums sākotnējam tirgotājam
1. Vispārīgie noteikumi
1.1. Izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties, ka piedāvās preču atpakaļsūtīšanas papildpakalpojumu, kas ietver atpakaļsūtīšanu ar priekšapmaksu un prioritāru pārvadāšanu.
1.2. Preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma nolūks ir nodrošināt, ka sākotnējais tirgotājs var veikt samaksu par atpakaļ nosūtītajām pasta pakām, kuras pēc veiksmīgas piegādes nosūtījuši klienti/adresāti, kas dzīvo ārvalstīs.
1.3. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri piedāvā šo pakalpojumu, ievēro prasības, kas noteiktas POC apstiprinātajā lietošanas pamācībā.
1.4. Izraudzītie operatori var vienoties arī par kādu citu pakalpojumu, ko sniedz savstarpēji.
2. Procedūras
2.1. Adresāti, kuriem ir tiesības izmantot preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu un kuri veic pasta paku atpakaļsūtīšanu, izmantojot preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu, izmanto sākotnējā tirgotāja sniegto muitas deklarācijas informāciju, ievērojot procedūras, kas izklāstītas 17-211. pantā.
3. Maksa par preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu (izejošo sūtījumu iekšzemes apstrādes tarifi un aviopārvadājumu tarifi)
3.1. Izraudzītais operators, kas sūta pasta pakas, izmantojot preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu, ir tiesīgs iekasēt maksu, kas atbilst izmaksām, kuras par pakalpojuma sniegšanu pieprasījis atpakaļ sūtīto preču nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators.
3.2. Nosaka turpmāk minētos tarifus:
3.2.1. tarifs par izejošo sūtījumu iekšzemes apstrādi ir 85 % no ienākošo sūtījumu iekšzemes apstrādes pamattarifa aviopakām (piemērojot tarifu par kilogramu un par sūtījumu), kuru noteicis izraudzītais operators, kas veic pasta paku atpakaļsūtīšanu, piemērojot minimālo likmi 2,85 SDR par sūtījumu un 0,28 SDR par kilogramu;
3.2.2. aviopārvadājumu tarifus aprēķina saskaņā ar 34-202. pantu.
4. Par preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu iekasētās maksas uzskaite
4.1. Ja vien nav citas savstarpējas vienošanās, par preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu iekasētās maksas uzskaitei izmanto patlaban spēkā esošās norēķinu procedūras, kuras papildina ar elektronisku informācijas apmaiņu.
5. Ziņošana par preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu
5.1. Trešā puse, par kuru vienojušās abas puses, sagatavo ikmēneša ziņojumu, kura pamatā ir EMC un EMD notikumi, par kuriem informāciju nosūta sākotnējā tirgotāja izraudzītajam operatoram. Šajā ziņojumā norāda atpakaļ nosūtīto paku skaitu, kā arī EMC un EMD notikumus, par kuriem nosūtīta informācija, un šo sūtījumu kopējo svaru, ko norādījis sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators. Visu papildu informāciju par svaru norāda, nosūtot PREDES paziņojumu, un tajā salīdzinājuma un izlīgšanas nolūkā ietver RESDES paziņojumu.
18-202. pants
Lielgabarīta pakas
1. Par lielgabarīta paku sauc jebkuru paku:
1.1. kuras izmēri ir lielāki par ierobežojumiem, kas paredzēti šajā reglamentā vai par kuriem savstarpēji ir vienojušies izraudzītie operatori;
1.2. kura formas vai struktūras dēļ pati par sevi nav piemērota pārvadāšanai kopā ar citām pakām vai kuras dēļ ir jāievēro īpaša piesardzība.
2. Par lielgabarīta pakām iekasē papildmaksu, kuras orientējošā maksimālā summa ir noteikta 5.1. punktā. Tomēr papildmaksu par aviopārvadājumu šīm pakām nepalielina.
3. Apmaiņu ar lielgabarīta pakām veic tikai tie izraudzītie operatori, kuri pieņem šādus sūtījumus.
4. Lielgabarīta paku marķēšana
4.1. Uz katras lielgabarīta pakas un nosūtīšanas paziņojuma virspusē piestiprina uzlīmi, uz kuras treknrakstā uzrakstīts vārds "Encombrant" ("Lielgabarīta").
4.2. Tie izraudzītie operatori, kas pieņem sūtījumus, kuru izmēru ierobežojumi ir noteikti 17-204. panta 1. punktā, lielgabarīta paku tarifu var piemērot visām pakām, kuru izmēri pārsniedz 17-204. panta 2. punktā noteiktos ierobežojumus, bet kuras sver mazāk par 10 kilogramiem. Šādā gadījumā norādi "Encombrant" nosūtīšanas paziņojumā papildina ar vārdiem "en vertu de l'article" (saskaņā ar 18-202. panta 4.2. punktu).
5. Maksa
5.1. Orientējošā maksimālā papildmaksas summa, kas minēta 2. punktā, ir 50 % no pamatmaksas.
V iedaļa
Aizliegumi un muitas jautājumi
19-201. pants
Kļūdaini pieņemtu paku apstrāde
1. Pakas, kurās ir priekšmeti, kas minēti Konvencijas 19. panta 2., 3.1., 3.2., 4.3. un 5. punktā un kas ir nepareizi pieņemti pastā, apstrādā saskaņā ar tiesību aktiem, kuri ir spēkā tā sūtījuma nodošanas, tranzīta vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora valstī, kas konstatējis minētos priekšmetus.
2. Ja ir konstatēts, ka ir ievietots atsevišķs korespondences sūtījums, kas ir aizliegts saskaņā ar Konvencijas 19. panta 5. punktu, ar to rīkojas kā ar neapmaksātu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu. Šā iemesla dēļ paku sūtītājam atpakaļ nesūta.
3. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators ir pilnvarots atbilstīgi savos noteikumos paredzētajiem nosacījumiem nogādāt adresātam neapdrošinātu paku, kas ir nodota valstī, kurā pieņem apdrošinātas pakas, kurās ir Konvencijas 19. panta 6.1.2. un 6.1.3. punktā minētie priekšmeti. Ja piegāde nav atļauta, paku nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam.
4. Panta 3. punkta noteikumus piemēro attiecībā uz pakām, kuru svars vai izmēri ievērojami pārsniedz noteiktos ierobežojumus. Tomēr attiecīgos gadījumos minētās pakas var piegādāt adresātam, ja viņš pirms tam samaksā attiecīgos tarifus.
5. Ja pastā kļūdaini pieņemtu paku vai tās satura daļu nenosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam vai nepiegādā adresātam, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru nekavējoties informē par to, kā attiecīgā paka ir apstrādāta. Šajā paziņojumā precīzi norāda aizliegumu, saskaņā ar kuru paka un priekšmeti ir konfiscēti. Kļūdaini pieņemtai pakai, kura nosūtīta atpakaļ izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam, pievieno līdzīgu paziņojumu. Galamērķa vai tranzīta valsts izraudzītais operators adresātam var piegādāt vai pārsūtīt sūtījuma daļu, uz kuru neattiecas aizliegums.
6. Ja nepareizi pieņemta paka tiek konfiscēta, tranzītvalsts vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators informē sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzīto operatoru, nosūtot CN 13 aktu vai, ja noslēgts divpusējs nolīgums, izmantojot attiecīgo UPU EDI standarta ziņojumu par sūtījumu (sūtījumu virzības izsekošanas notikumu EME un attiecīgo uzglabāšanas kodu).
7. Izraudzītie operatori ievieš procedūras, ko piemērot situācijās, kad nav iespējams turpināt pasta sūtījumu sūtīšanu, piemēram, tad, ja starpposma vietā ir konstatēti nepareizi pieņemti sūtījumi.
7.1. Ja tiek uzglabāts pasta sūtījums, ko sūta slēgtā depešā tranzītā, (tranzītvalsts) izraudzītais operators sagatavo incidenta ziņojumu, kur (sūtījuma nodošanas valsts) izraudzītajam operatoram izklāsta pēc iespējas sīkāku informāciju. Ziņojumu izdod vienas darba dienas laikā (24 stundās) pēc incidenta konstatēšanas.
7.2. Tiešas pārkraušanas gadījumos ar uzglabāto pasta sūtījumu jārīkojas saskaņā ar (sūtījuma nodošanas valsts) izraudzītā operatora un pārvadātāja vienošanos. Tomēr gadījumos, kad pārvadātājs septiņu dienu laikā no ziņojuma saņemšanas attiecīgo jautājumu nespēj atrisināt, sazinoties ar (sūtījuma nodošanas valsts) izraudzīto operatoru, pārvadātājs var lūgt, lai starpposma vietas izraudzītais operators palīdz incidentu atrisināt.
7.2.1. Izraudzītie operatori nolīgumos ar pārvadātājiem ievieš prasību sniegt skaidrojumu par situācijām, kad nav iespējams turpināt pasta sūtījumu sūtīšanu, piemēram, tad, ja starpposma vietā ir konstatēti nepareizi pieņemti sūtījumi. Ar šādu līgumisku prasību nosaka, ka pārvadātājam pēc incidenta konstatēšanas vienas darba dienas laikā (24 stundās) jāziņo par incidentiem un jāprasa norādījumi par incidenta atrisināšanu.
7.3. Pēc paziņojuma par uzglabāto sūtījumu (sūtījuma nodošanas valsts) izraudzītais operators sniedz konkrētus norādījumus par incidenta iespējamo atrisinājumu. Sākotnējo atbildi sniedz vienas darba dienas laikā (24 stundās) pēc ziņojuma saņemšanas. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora sākotnējai atbildei nav jāatrisina paziņotais notikums, tā drīzāk ir apstiprinājums, ka par šo notikumu ir ziņots un ka notiek sīkāka izmeklēšana. Līdz notikuma atrisinājumam sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators ik pēc 72 stundām sniedz atjauninātus ziņojumus. Norādīto termiņu pamatā ir parastas darba dienas, un tajos ņem vērā brīvdienas, laika zonu atšķirības un nedēļas nogales.
19-202. pants
Pakas pārsūtīšanas nosacījumi
1. Galamērķa valstī paku var pārsūtīt pēc sūtītāja lūguma, pēc adresāta lūguma vai automātiski, ja tas ir atļauts valsts noteikumos.
2. Paku var pārsūtīt ārpus galamērķa valsts tikai pēc sūtītāja vai adresāta lūguma. Šādā gadījumā pakai ir jāatbilst prasībām par tālāknosūtīšanu.
3. Paku pēc sūtītāja vai adresāta lūguma var pārsūtīt arī pa gaisu. Ir garantēta aviopārvadājumu papildmaksas samaksa par tālāknosūtīšanu.
4. Par katras pakas pirmreizējo pārsūtīšanu un turpmākajām pārsūtīšanas reizēm var iekasēt:
4.1. maksu, kuras iekasēšana ir atļauta iesaistīto izraudzīto operatoru valsts noteikumos par pārsūtīšanu, ja tā notiek galamērķa valstī;
4.2. tarifus un aviopārvadājumu papildmaksu par tālāknosūtīšanu, ja paku pārsūta ārpus galamērķa valsts;
4.3. maksas un nodevas, kuras nepiekrīt atcelt iepriekšējās galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators.
5. Tarifus, maksas un nodevas, kas minēti 4. punktā, iekasē no adresāta.
6. Ja tarifus, maksas un nodevas, kas minēti 4. punktā, samaksā pārsūtīšanas laikā, ar paku rīkojas tā, it kā tā būtu nodota pārsūtīšanas valstī un tā būtu adresēta jaunajai galamērķa valstij.
19-203. pants
Glabāšanas laiks
1. Kad adresātam ir paziņots par pakas pienākšanu, to adresāta vajadzībām glabā divas nedēļas vai ne ilgāk par vienu mēnesi no dienas, kurā nosūtīts paziņojums. Izņēmuma gadījumā šo laiku var pagarināt līdz diviem mēnešiem, ja tas ir atļauts galamērķa valsts noteikumos.
2. Ja nav bijis iespējams adresātam paziņot par pakas pienākšanu, tad piemēro glabāšanas laiku, kas paredzēts galamērķa valsts noteikumos. Tāpat rīkojas ar pakām, ko izsniedz pēc pieprasījuma. Glabāšanas laiks sākas vienu dienu pēc tās dienas, kad paku sāk glabāt adresāta vajadzībām. Tas nedrīkst būt ilgāks par diviem mēnešiem. Paku nosūta atpakaļ īsākā laikā, ja sūtītājs to ir lūdzis valodā, kas ir saprotama galamērķa valstī.
3. Glabāšanas laiku, kas paredzēts 1. un 2. punktā, ievēro arī pārsūtīšanas gadījumā attiecībā uz pakām, kuras piegādā jaunā pasta iestāde saņēmēja.
4. Ja pēc tam, kad ir pabeigta pakas pārbaude muitā, ir pagājuši vairāk nekā trīs mēneši, tad galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators saistībā ar attiecīgo paku lūdz norādījumus sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram sūtītājam.
5. Ja izraudzītais operators saņēmējs neievēro 1.-4. punktā minētos noteikumus, tas sedz tarifus un maksas par nosūtīšanu atpakaļ uz nodošanas vietu.
19-204. pants
Dienesta glabāšanā pieņemtās pakas
1. Saistībā ar katru dienesta glabāšanā pieņemto paku vai paku, kas aizturēta zādzības vai bojājumu, vai cita tāda paša iemesla dēļ, izraudzītais operators saņēmējs sagatavo CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu. Tomēr šī procedūra nav obligāta nepārvaramas varas gadījumā vai tad, kad dienesta glabāšanā pieņemto paku skaits ir tik liels, ka paziņojuma nosūtīšana nav fiziski iespējama.
2. Par katru paku, ko sūtīšanas laikā dienesta uzglabāšanā pieņēmis pasta dienests (neparedzēts sūtījumu plūsmas pārtraukums) vai muita, attiecīgās starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators sagatavo CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu. Arī šādos gadījumos piemēro 1. punktā izdarīto atrunu.
3. CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumā norāda visu informāciju, kas norādīta CP 74 un CP 73 uzlīmē, kā arī pakas nodošanas datumu. CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu sūtītāja dzīvesvietas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram nosūta pa visātrāko maršrutu.
4. CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumam pievieno nosūtīšanas paziņojuma kopiju. Panta 1. un 2. punktā minētajos gadījumos CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumā treknrakstā izceļ uzrakstu "Colis retenu d'office" ("Dienesta glabāšanā pieņemta paka"). Ja paka ir aizturēta zādzības vai bojājumu dēļ, sagatavo CN 24 aktu. CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumam pievieno tā akta kopiju, kurā izklāstīta informācija par bojājumu apmēru.
5. Vairākām pakām, ko viens un tas pats sūtītājs vienā reizē nosūtījis vienam un tam pašam adresātam, drīkst izmantot vienu CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu, pat ja minētajām pakām ir pievienoti vairāki nosūtīšanas paziņojumi. Šādā gadījumā visus paziņojumu pievieno CP 78.
6. Parasti apmaiņa ar CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumiem notiek starp pasta iestādi saņēmēju un pasta apmaiņas vietu. Tomēr izraudzītais operators var lūgt, lai CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojums saistībā ar tā pakalpojumiem tiek nosūtīts centrālajai administrācijai vai īpaši izraudzītai pasta iestādei. Minētās pasta iestādes nosaukumu izraudzītajiem operatoriem paziņo ar Starptautiskā biroja starpniecību. Sūtītāja dzīvesvietas valsts izraudzītais operators atbild par sūtītāja informēšanu. Visas iesaistītās pasta iestādes veic CP 78 pārbaudes ziņojumu apmaiņu pēc iespējas ātrāk.
19-205. pants
Neizsniegto paku atpakaļnosūtīšana sūtītājam
1. Ja paku nevar izsniegt vai ja tā ir oficiāli aizturēta, ar to rīkojas atbilstīgi sūtītāja norādījumiem, ņemot vērā 17-212. pantā noteiktos ierobežojumus.
2. Paku, kuru nav iespējams izsniegt, nekavējoties nosūta atpakaļ šādos gadījumos:
2.1. ja sūtītājs ir lūdzis, lai to nekavējoties sūta atpakaļ;
2.2. ja sūtītājs ir izteicis neatļautu lūgumu;
2.3. ja sūtītāja norādījumi sūtījuma nodošanas laikā nav snieguši vēlamo rezultātu.
3. Paku, kuru nav iespējams izsniegt, nekavējoties nosūta atpakaļ, kad ir pagājis:
3.1. 19-203. pantā noteiktais glabāšanas laiks;
3.2. laikposms, kas atbilst glabāšanas laikam, kuru piemēro iekšzemes pakalpojumiem, ja minētajā laikā nav samaksāts par paku ar pēcmaksu.
4. Ikvienu paku sūta atpakaļ, izmantojot to maršrutu, kuru parasti izmanto zemākās prioritātes sūtījumu nosūtīšanai. To nesūta pa gaisu, ja sūtītājs nav garantējis aviopārvadājumu papildmaksas samaksu. Tomēr tad, ja izraudzītais operators, kas nosūta atpakaļ pasta sūtījumu, vairs neveic sauszemes pārvadājumus, tas neizsniegtos sūtījumus nosūta, izmantojot vispiemērotāko pieejamo pasta pārvadājumu veidu.
5. Pasta iestāde, ka nosūta atpakaļ paku, uz pakas un nosūtīšanas paziņojumā norāda neizsniegšanas iemeslu. Šim nolūkam tā izmanto zīmoga nospiedumu vai CN 15 uzlīmi. Ja adreses nosūtīšanas paziņojuma nav, atpakaļnosūtīšanas pamatojumu raksta paku kartē. Norādi raksta franču valodā. Ikviens izraudzītais operators var pievienot tulkojumu sev saprotamā valodā un jebkādu citu atbilstīgu informāciju.
6. Pasta iestāde saņēmēja svītro adreses norādes, kas attiecas uz pasta iestādi saņēmēju, un sūtījuma virspusē un nosūtīšanas paziņojumā uzraksta "Retour" ("Atpakaļsūtīšana"). Uz sūtījuma uzspiež arī pasta iestādes saņēmējas kalendārzīmogu.
7. Pakas nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam sākotnējā iepakojumā. Tām pievieno sūtītāja sagatavoto nosūtīšanas paziņojumu. Ja paka ir no jauna jāiepako vai ir jāaizvieto sākotnējais adreses nosūtīšanas paziņojums, tad pakas nosūtīšanas pasta iestādes nosaukumu, sākotnējo kārtas numuru un, ja iespējams, nodošanas datumu norāda uz jaunā iepakojuma un adreses nosūtīšanas paziņojumā.
8. Ja aviopaku sūta atpakaļ sūtītājam pa sauszemi, tad uzlīmi "Par avion" ("Ar aviopastu") un visu informāciju, kas saistīta ar pārvadājumu pa gaisu, automātiski pārsvītro.
9. Pakai, kuru sūta atpakaļ sūtītājam, piemēro tarifu par tālāknosūtīšanu. Tai piemēro arī neatceltās maksas un nodevas, kuras atpakaļnosūtīšanas laikā pienākas galamērķa izraudzītajam operatoram. Šis izraudzītais operators ar minēto paku rīkojas saskaņā ar savas valsts tiesību aktiem. Taču tad, ja sūtītājs ir atteicies no pakas, kuru nevar izsniegt adresātam, ne sūtītājam, ne izraudzītajiem operatoriem nav jāsedz maksas par pasta pakalpojumiem, muitas nodokļi un citas nodevas, kas ir piemērotas attiecīgajai pakai.
10. Par paku samaksāto tarifu, maksu un nodevu sadalījumu un atgūšanu veic saskaņā ar 27-209. pantu. Tos detalizēti norāda CP 77 maksu sarakstā. Minēto sarakstu piestiprina pie vienas no nosūtīšanas paziņojuma malām.
11. Tarifus, maksas un nodevas, kas minēti 9. punktā, iekasē no sūtītāja. Taču izraudzītais operators var precīzi neaprēķināt minēto maksu un nodevu summu un to vietā atpakaļ nosūtītajām pakām piemērot standarta maksu par pasta pakalpojumiem.
12. Attiecīgais izraudzītais operators ar pakām, kuras ir nosūtītas atpakaļ sūtītājam un kuras nevar viņam izsniegt, rīkojas saskaņā ar savas valsts tiesību aktiem.
19-206. pants
Kļūdaini pieņemto paku atpakaļnosūtīšana sūtītājam
1. Kļūdaini pieņemtām un sūtītājam atpakaļnosūtītām pakām piemēro tarifus, maksas un nodevas, kas paredzētas 19-205. panta 9. punktā.
2. Ja paka ir nepareizi pieņemta sūtītāja kļūdas dēļ vai ja uz to attiecas viens no aizliegumiem, kas noteikti Konvencijas 19. pantā, tad tarifus un maksas sedz sūtītājs.
3. Ja paka ir kļūdaini pieņemta pasta dienesta kļūdas dēļ, tad tarifus, maksas un nodevas sedz par kļūdu atbildīgais izraudzītais operators. Šādā gadījumā sūtītājam ir tiesības saņemt atlīdzību par samaksāto maksu.
4. Ja tarifi, kas sadalīti izraudzītajam operatoram, kurš sūta atpakaļ paku, nav pietiekami, lai segtu 1. punktā minētos tarifus, maksas un nodevas, tad nesamaksāto summu atgūst no sūtītāja dzīvesvietas valsts izraudzītā operatora.
5. Ja radies pārpalikums, tad izraudzītais operators, kurš sūta atpakaļ paku, atmaksā attiecīgo summu sūtītāja dzīvesvietas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kas atlīdzina sūtītājam.
19-207. pants
Atpakaļnosūtīšana sūtītājam pakalpojumu pārtraukšanas dēļ
Pakalpojumu pārtraukšanas dēļ paku nosūta atpakaļ sūtītājam bez maksas. Nesadalītos tarifus, kas iekasēti par izejošo sūtījumu, kreditē sūtītāja dzīvesvietas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram, kurš atlīdzina sūtītājam.
19-208. pants
Izraudzītajam operatoram doto norādījumu neievērošana
1. Ja izraudzītais operators saņēmējs vai starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators nodošanas laikā vai vēlāk nav ievērojis norādījumus, tas sedz pārvadāšanas maksas (izejošie sūtījumi un atpakaļnosūtīšana) un visas pārējās neatceltās maksas un nodevas. Maksu par izejošo sūtījumu sedz sūtītājs, ja sūtījuma nodošanas laikā vai vēlāk viņš ir paziņojis, ka neizsniegšanas gadījumā viņš no pakas atsakās.
2. Sūtītāja dzīvesvietas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram ir atļauts automātiski nosūtīt rēķinu par 1. punktā minētajām maksām tam izraudzītajam operatoram, kurš nav ievērojis dotos norādījumus un trīs mēnešu laikā pēc attiecīgās informācijas saņemšanas šo jautājumu nav atrisinājis. Šis laikposms sākas no dienas, kurā minētais izraudzītais operators tika informēts par radušos situāciju.
3. Šā panta 2. punkta noteikumus piemēro, ja sūtītāja dzīvesvietas valsts izraudzītais operators nav informēts par to, ka norādījumi netika ievēroti nepārvaramas varas dēļ vai ka paka tika aizturēta vai konfiscēta saskaņā ar saņēmējvalsts noteikumiem.
19-209. pants
Pakas, kurās ir sūtījumi, kas var ātri sabojāties vai sapūt
1. Pakā ievietotos priekšmetus, kuri var ātri sabojāties vai sapūt, nošķir no citām pakām, lai izvairītos no citu paku sabojāšanas. Ja nošķiršana nav iespējama, priekšmetus, kas ir sabojājušies vai sapuvuši, iznīcina. Šo noteikumu piemēro saskaņā ar attiecīgās dalībvalsts tiesību aktiem.
2. Ja pakas saturs saskaņā ar 1. punktu ir iznīcināts, sagatavo oficiālu iznīcināšanas aktu. Akta kopiju, kurai pievieno nosūtīšanas paziņojumu, nosūta pasta iestādei sūtītājai.
19-210. pants
Iesniegumu par pasta paku atsaukšanu un iesniegumu par adreses
un/vai adresāta vārda mainīšanu vai precizēšanu apstrāde
1. Pakas sūtītājs var lūgt, lai paku nosūta atpakaļ vai maina tās adresi un/vai adresāta vārdu. Viņam ir jāgarantē, ka viņš samaksās par pakas tālāknosūtīšanu.
2. Tomēr izraudzītie operatori var neapstiprināt 1. punktā minēto iesniegumu, ja šādi iesniegumi netiek pieņemti attiecībā uz iekšzemes pasta pakalpojumiem.
3. Iesnieguma sagatavošana
3.1. Lai iesniegtu iesniegumu par sūtījumu atsaukšanu vai adreses un/vai adresāta vārda mainīšanu vai precizēšanu, sūtītājs aizpilda CN 17 veidlapu. Vairākiem pasta sūtījumiem, kurus viens un tas pats sūtītājs vienā reizē un vienā pasta iestādē nosūtījis vienam un tam pašam adresātam, drīkst izmantot vienu veidlapu.
3.2. Iesniedzot attiecīgo iesniegumu pasta iestādes darbiniekiem, sūtītājs uzrāda personu apliecinošu dokumentu un kvīti par pasta sūtījuma nodošanu, ja tāda ir. Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators uzņemas atbildību par personu apliecinošā dokumenta datu pārbaudi.
3.3. Iesniegumu par adreses vienkāršu labošanu (nemainot adresāta vārdu un uzvārdu vai statusu) sūtītājs var adresēt tieši pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Tādā gadījumā 4. punktā paredzēto maksu neiekasē.
3.4. Iesniedzot attiecīgu paziņojumu Starptautiskajam birojam, ikviens izraudzītais operators drīkst noteikt, ka CN 17 iesniegumi, kas attiecas uz viņu, iesniedzami ar viņa centrālās administrācijas vai īpaši izraudzītas pasta iestādes starpniecību. Minētajā paziņojumā norāda šīs pasta iestādes nosaukumu.
3.5. Izraudzītie operatori, kuri izmanto 3.4. punktā paredzēto iespēju, paši sedz visus izdevumus, kas var rasties, attiecīgās valsts robežās pa pastu vai ar telesakaru starpniecību nosūtot paziņojumus, ar kuriem savstarpēji jāapmainās attiecīgajam izraudzītajam operatoram un pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Telesakarus vai citus līdzīgus saziņas līdzekļus obligāti izmanto tad, ja šādus saziņas līdzekļus ir izmantojis sūtītājs un ja ar pasta iestādi saņēmēju nav iespējams laikus sazināties pa pastu.
3.6. Ja sūtījums joprojām atrodas sūtījuma nodošanas valstī, attiecīgo iesniegumu izskata atbilstīgi šīs valsts tiesību aktiem.
4. Maksa
4.1. Par katru iesniegumu sūtītājs maksā īpašu maksu, kuras aptuvenā maksimālā summa ir 1,31 SDR.
4.2. Iesniegumu pārsūta pa pastu vai izmantojot telesakarus, bet sūtīšanas izdevumus sedz sūtītājs. Iesnieguma pārsūtīšanas nosacījumi un noteikumi, kas saistīti ar telesakaru izmantošanu, ir izklāstīti turpmāk 6. punktā.
4.3. Ja iesniegums par sūtījuma atsaukšanu vai adreses un/vai adresāta vārda mainīšanu vai precizēšanu attiecas uz vairākiem sūtījumiem, ko viens un tas pats sūtītājs vienā reizē un vienā pasta iestādē nosūtījis vienam un tam pašam adresātam, 4.1. un 4.2. punktā paredzētos tarifus piemēro tikai vienu reizi.
5. Iesnieguma nosūtīšana pa pastu
5.1. Ja iesniegums jānosūta pa pastu, CN 17 veidlapu, kurai, ja iespējams, ir pievienota sūtījuma aploksnes vai adreses fotokopija, nosūta kā ierakstītu sūtījumu tieši pasta iestādei saņēmējai, izmantojot ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi).
5.2. Ja iesniegumu iesniedz ar centrālo administrāciju starpniecību, ārkārtas situācijā pasta iestāde nosūtītāja drīkst nosūtīt iesnieguma kopiju tieši pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Iesniegumus, kas nosūtīti tieši, ņem vērā. Attiecīgos sūtījumus neizsniedz, kamēr nav saņemts attiecīgais iesniegums no centrālās administrācijas.
5.3. Saņemot CN 17 veidlapu, pasta iestāde saņēmēja sameklē attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu un attiecīgi rīkojas.
5.4. Par to, ko iestāde saņēmēja ir darījusi saistībā ar katru no saņemtajiem iesniegumiem par sūtījuma atsaukšanu vai adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu, nekavējoties ziņo pasta iestādei nosūtītājai, izmantojot ātrāko maršrutu (pa gaisu vai sauszemi) un CN 17 veidlapas kopiju, kurā pienācīgi aizpildīta sadaļa "Pasta iestādes saņēmējas atbilde". Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja savukārt informē iesnieguma sagatavotāju. Šo noteikumu piemēro arī turpmāk minētajos gadījumos:
5.4.1. ja meklējumi bijuši veltīgi;
5.4.2. ja attiecīgie sūtījumi jau ir izsniegti adresātam;
5.4.3. ja attiecīgais sūtījums ir konfiscēts, iznīcināts vai aizturēts.
5.5. Saņemot iesniegumu par sūtījuma atsaukšanu, neprioritāru vai sauszemes sūtījumu nosūta atpakaļ uz sūtījuma nodošanas valsti kā prioritāru sūtījumu vai ar aviopastu, ja sūtītājs apņemas atlīdzināt attiecīgo pasta tarifu starpību. Ja, saņemot iesniegumu par adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu, sūtījumu nosūta kā prioritāru sūtījumu vai ar aviopastu, pasta tarifu starpību, kas atbilst jaunajam pasta pārvadājumu veidam, no adresāta iekasē un patur tas izraudzītais operators, kas piegādā attiecīgo sūtījumu.
6. Iesniegumu nosūtīšana, izmantojot telesakarus
6.1. Ja iesniegums jānosūta, izmantojot telesakarus, CN 17 veidlapu nodod attiecīgajam dienestam, kas tajā norādītos datus nosūta pasta iestādei saņēmējai. Par šo pakalpojumu maksā sūtītājs.
6.2. Saņemot ziņojumu pa telesakariem, pasta iestāde saņēmēja sameklē attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu un attiecīgi rīkojas.
6.3. Ja, izmantojot telesakarus, iesniegtais iesniegums par adreses mainīšanu vai precizēšanu attiecas uz apdrošinātu sūtījumu, šo iesniegumu apstiprina pa pastu, kā noteikts 5.1. punktā, apstiprinājumu nosūtot ar pirmo nosūtāmo pastu. Tad CN 17 veidlapas augšpusē treknrakstā norāda "Confirmation de la demande transmise par voie des télécommunications du..." ("Apstiprinājums iesniegumam, kas iesniegts, izmantojot telesakarus, un datēts ar (..)"); līdz šāda apstiprinājuma saņemšanai pasta iestāde saņēmēja tikai glabā attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu. Galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators tomēr drīkst rīkoties pēc savas ierosmes un izskatīt iesniegumu, kas iesniegts, izmantojot telesakarus, negaidot tā apstiprinājumu pa pastu.
6.4. Ja sūtītājs savu iesniegumu ir iesniedzis, izmantojot telesakarus, un lūdzis, lai viņu par procesa gaitu informē, izmantojot līdzīgus saziņas līdzekļus, atbildi pasta iestādei nosūtītājai nosūta, izmantojot šādus saziņas līdzekļus. Pasta iestāde nosūtītāja par to pēc iespējas ātrāk informē iesnieguma iesniedzēju. Tas pats attiecināms arī tad, ja iesniegums, kas iesniegts, izmantojot telesakarus, nav pietiekami precīzi formulēts, lai attiecīgo pasta sūtījumu varētu nekļūdīgi identificēt.
VII iedaļa
A. Tranzītmaksa
27-201. pants
Tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifs
1. Turpmāk ir noteikti tarifi, kurus izmanto, lai aprēķinātu tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu saskaņā ar Konvencijas 33. panta 2. punktu:
1.1. par kilogramu un par kilometru līdz 1000 kilometru attālumam: 0,426 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam, 0,437 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam, 0,447 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,458 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
1.2. par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru līdz 3000 kilometru attālumam: 0,182 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam, 0,187 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam, 0,191 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,196 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
1.3. par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru līdz 5000 kilometru attālumam: 0,159 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam, 0,163 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam, 0,167 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,171 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
1.4. par kilogramu un par papildu kilometru: 0,106 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadā;
0,108 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadā; 0,111 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadā un
0,113 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadā;
1.5. tarifu, kura pamatā ir attālums, aprēķina, nosakot, ka attāluma solis ir 100 kilometri, pamatojoties uz katra soļa vidējo vērtību.
2. Par atklātā tranzīta pakām starpposma valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem par apstrādes izmaksām starpposma valsts pasta apmaiņas vietā ir tiesības pieprasīt atsevišķu tarifu, kas ir 0,51 SDR par sūtījumu.
2.1. Ja izraudzītie operatori pastāvīgi reģistrē un nosūta informāciju par EMJ un EMK notikumiem atbilstīgi 17-216. panta 1. punktam un mērķiem, kas noteikti 17-217. pantā attiecībā uz atklātā tranzītā sūtītām pasta pakām, tad tiem ir tiesības piemērot papildu tarifa daļu 0,40 SDR par sūtījumu.
27-202. pants
Tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu piemērošana
1. Tranzīta sauszemes tarifu nemaksā par:
1.1. pasta taras nodošana starp diviem tranzīta punktiem, kas apkalpo vienu pilsētu;
1.2. minētās pasta taras transportu no tranzīta punkta, kas apkalpo pilsētu, uz noliktavu, kura atrodas tajā pašā pilsētā, un tās pašas pasta taras nogādāšana atpakaļ lidostā, lai veiktu pārsūtīšanu.
2. Ikvienam izraudzītajam operatoram, kas piedalās pārvadāšanā, ir tiesības attiecībā uz katru paku iekasēt tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifus par attiecīgo attāluma soli. Ja nav sauszemes maršruta, tad piemēro tikai 27-201. panta 2. punktā minēto tarifa daļu.
3. Attiecīgā gadījumā par pārsūtīšanu, ko pēc glabāšanas noliktavā veic starpposma valsts izraudzītie operatori, ja depešas, kas ir saņemtas un nosūtītas tajā pašā ostā vai lidostā (tranzītā neizmanto sauszemes maršrutu), pārsūta atklātā tranzītā, piemēro 27-201. panta 2. punktā minēto tranzīta tarifa daļu par paku, nevis tranzīta sauszemes tarifus.
4. Ja citas valsts transporta dienests šķērso tādas valsts teritoriju, kuras dienesti saskaņā ar 17-214. panta 3. punktu nepiedalās pārvadāšanā, tad šādi pārvadātām pakām nepiemēro tranzīta sauszemes tarifu.
27-203. pants
Jūras tarifs
1. Tarifi, kurus izmanto, lai aprēķinātu jūras tarifu saskaņā ar Konvencijas 33. panta 3. punktu, ir šādi:
1.1. par kilogramu un par jūras jūdzi (1,852 km) līdz 1000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,204 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam, 0,209 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam, 0,214 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,219 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
1.2. par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 2000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,113 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam, 0,115 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam, 0,118 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,121 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
1.3. par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 4000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,073 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam, 0,075 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam, 0,076 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,078 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
1.4 par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi līdz 10 000 jūras jūdzēm: 0,008 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022. gadam, 0,008 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2023. gadam, 0,009 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2024. gadam un 0,009 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2025. gadam;
1.5. par kilogramu un par papildu jūras jūdzi: 0,003 tūkstošdaļas no SDR 2022.-2025. gadā;
1.6. tarifu, kura pamatā ir attālums, aprēķina, nosakot, ka attāluma solis ir 100 jūras jūdzes, pamatojoties uz katra soļa vidējo vērtību.
27-204. pants
Jūras tarifa piemērošana
1. Ja nepieciešams, attāluma soli, kuru izmanto, lai noteiktu starp divām dalībvalstīm piemērojamo jūras tarifa summu, aprēķina, pamatojoties uz vidējo svērto attālumu. Šo attāluma soli izsaka kā to depešu daudzumu tonnās, kuras pārvadā starp attiecīgajām abu dalībvalstu ostām.
2. Ja pārvadājums pa jūru notiek starp vienas dalībvalsts divām ostām, tad attiecīgās dalībvalsts izraudzītajam operatoram nav tiesību iekasēt jūras tarifu, ja tas saņem samaksu par to pašu paku pārvadājumu pa sauszemi.
3. Starpposma valsts izraudzītie operatori vai dienesti jūras tarifu piemēro aviopakām tikai tad, ja minētās pakas pārvadā starpposma valsts jūras pārvadājumu pakalpojumu sniedzējs. Šim nolūkam par starpposma valsts pārvadājumu pakalpojumu uzskata katru jūras pārvadājumu pakalpojumu, ko sniedz sūtījuma nodošanas vai galamērķa valsts izraudzītais operators.
4. Palielinot jūras tarifus, tos piemēro arī pakām, kas nodotas dalībvalstī, kurā ir reģistrēts attiecīgais jūras pārvadājumu pakalpojumu sniedzējs. Tomēr minētās saistības nav spēkā attiecībās starp dalībvalsti un teritorijām, par kuru starptautiskajām attiecībām ir atbildīga minētā valsts, vai attiecībās starp minētajām teritorijām.
5. 33-202. pantu piemēro, ja jūras tarifs tiek mainīts.
27-205. pants
Jaunu tarifu piemērošana neparedzamu maršruta izmaiņu
Nepārvaramas varas vai citu neparedzamu iemeslu dēļ izraudzītais operators savu paku pārvadāšanai var būt spiests izmantot jaunu maršrutu, kas rada jūras vai sauszemes pārvadājumu papildu izmaksas. Šādā gadījumā tas, izmantojot telesakarus, nekavējoties par to informē visus izraudzītos operatorus, kuru paku sūtījumi vai atklātā tranzīta pakas tiek sūtīti tranzītā caur viņu valsti. Sākot ar piekto dienu pēc minētās informācijas nosūtīšanas, attiecīgajam starpposma valsts operatoram ir tiesības no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora iekasēt sauszemes un jūras tarifus, kas atbilst jaunajam maršrutam.
27-206. pants
Depešu svars, ko ņem vērā, izmaksājot atlīdzību izraudzītajiem
Izmaksājot atlīdzību galamērķa valsts vai tranzītvalsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem, depešu bruto svarā ieskaita taras svaru (paliktņi, maisi utt.), bet neiekļauj to konteineru svaru, kurus izmanto uz kuģiem vai gaisa kuģos. Tomēr sūtījuma nodošanas un galamērķa valsts izraudzītie operatori var savstarpēji vienoties izmantot neto svaru neatkarīgi no metodes, kuru izmanto, lai sagatavotu CP 87 vai CP 88 paku kartes.
27-207. pants
Tarifu sadalījums
Tarifu sadalījumu iesaistītajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem veic attiecībā uz katru paku.
27-208. pants
Tarifi un nodevas, ko citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem
kreditējis tās valsts izraudzītais operators, kurā depešas
nodotas sūtīšanai
1. Ja notiek apmaiņa ar slēgtām depešām, tad depešas nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram un katram starpposma valsts izraudzītajam operatoram kreditē savus sauszemes un jūras tarifus, tostarp īpašos tarifus, kurus ir atļauts piemērot saskaņā ar Konvenciju vai tās Noslēguma protokolu.
2. Ja apmaiņa notiek atklātā tranzītā, tad depešas nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators kreditē:
2.1. galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram 1. punktā uzskaitītos tarifus, kā arī tarifus, kuri pienākas starpposma valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem un galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram;
2.2. galamērķa valsts izraudzītajam operatoram aviopārvadājumu tarifu summu, kura tam pienākas par aviopaku pārsūtīšanu;
2.3. starpposma valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri ir pirms depešas galamērķa valsts izraudzītā operatora, 1. punktā minētos tarifus.
3. Maksu par slēgta tranzīta depešu apstrādi sedz depešu nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators. Piemēro šādus tarifus - 0,571 SDR par kilogramu 2022. gadā, 0,585 SDR par kilogramu 2023. gadā, 0,599 SDR par kilogramu 2024. gadā un 0,613 SDR par kilogramu 2025. gadā.
4. Ja vienā un tajā pašā lidostā pārsūtīšanas laikā pārkrauj aviopakas, kuras cita pēc citas pārvadā vairākas atsevišķas aviosabiedrības, tad pārkraušanu veic bez atlīdzības.
27-209. pants
Tarifu, maksu un nodevu sadalījums un atlīdzināšana
atpakaļsūtīšanas vai pārsūtīšanas gadījumā
1. Ja tarifi, maksas un nodevas nav samaksāti tad, kad sūtījumu nosūta atpakaļ vai pārsūta, izraudzītais operators, kas veic atpakaļsūtīšanu vai pārsūtīšanu, rīkojas, kā norādīts turpmāk.
2. Ja notiek apmaiņa ar tiešajiem sūtījumiem, izraudzītais operators, kas veic atpakaļsūtīšanu vai pārsūtīšanu, no izraudzītā operatora, kuram sūtījums ir adresēts, iekasē:
2.1. tarifus, kas pienākas sūtījuma nodošanas un starpposma valsts izraudzītajam operatoram;
2.2. maksas un nodevas, kuras tam pienākas.
3. Izraudzītais operators, kas paku nosūta atpakaļ vai pārsūta slēgtā depešā, kreditē starpposma valsts izraudzīto operatoru tarifus, kuri tiem pienākas.
4. Ja sūtīšanu veic atklātā tranzītā, tad izraudzītais operators, kurš sūta atpakaļ vai pārsūta paku, debetē starpposma izraudzītajam operatoram 2. punktā minētās summas. Tas kreditē pats sevi, debetējot izraudzīto operatoru, kuram tas nodod paku, ar summu, kura tam pienākas, kā arī ar summu, kura pienākas izraudzītajam operatoram, kurš veica atpakaļsūtīšanu vai pārsūtīšanu. Ja nepieciešams, šo procedūru atkārto ikviens starpposma valsts izraudzītais operators.
5. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus par pakām, kas nosūtītas atpakaļ sūtītājam vai pārsūtītas ar aviopastu, ja nepieciešams, atlīdzina tās valsts izraudzītais operators, kurā tika iesniegts atpakaļsūtīšanas vai pārsūtīšanas pieprasījums.
6. Tarifu, maksu un nodevu sadalījumu un atlīdzināšanu par kļūdaini nosūtītu paku pārsūtīšanu veic saskaņā ar 17-237. panta 4. punktu.
7. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus par depešām ar aviopakām, kuras pārvadāšanas laikā nosūtītas pa citu maršrutu, sedz saskaņā ar 34-201. pantu un 34-204. pantu.
C. Pasta paku tarifi
33-201. pants
Ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifs
1. Princips
1.1. Ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu, kas minēts Konvencijas 33. panta 1. punktā, aprēķina, saskaitot pamattarifus un papildmaksas (papildtarifus) atkarībā no izraudzītā operatora piedāvātajām pakalpojuma komponentēm, ja šos tarifus un maksas saskaņā ar šiem noteikumiem un POC rezolūciju ir apstiprinājis Starptautiskais birojs.
1.2. Attiecībā uz ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu aprēķināšanu:
1.2.1. termins "izraudzītais operators" nozīmē katru izraudzīto operatoru, kas darbojas neatkarīgā pasta paku pakalpojumā dalībvalstī, kam ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifus aprēķina vienoti;
1.2.2. attiecībā uz īpašu scenāriju, kas minēts Konstitūcijas 4. panta 1.3. punktā, teritoriju, kurā pasta paku pakalpojumu sniedz citas dalībvalsts izraudzītais operators, uzskata par daļu no valsts vai teritorijas, kuras izraudzītais operators sniedz minētos pakalpojumus;
1.2.3. termins "paziņot" un "paziņojums" nozīmē to, ka Starptautiskais birojs ir saņēmis pieprasījumu vai attiecīgo informāciju uz reglamentā paredzētajām veidlapām;
1.2.4. pienācīgi piemērojot 1.2.1. punktu, termins "valsts specifiskais tarifs" vai "valsts specifiskais maksimālais pamattarifs" nozīmē tarifus, kas ir specifiski izraudzītajam operatoram un kas var veidot atšķirības piemērojamajos tarifos starp izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri neatkarīgi darbojas tajā pašā dalībvalstī.
2. Pamattarifs
2.1. Pamattarifs ir tarifs par paku un par kilogramu, ko attiecībā uz ikvienu valsti nosaka atsevišķi. Šiem tarifiem ir jābūt pašdeklarētiem.
2.2. Sākot ar ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifiem, kas ir spēkā no 2022. gada, izraudzītie operatori var informēt Starptautisko biroju līdz tā gada 31. augustam, kam seko gads, kurā būtu piemērojams pašdeklarētais pamattarifs par paku un pašdeklarētais pamattarifs par kilogramu, izteikts ar SDR.
2.3. Izraudzītie operatori, kas paši nedeklarē savus pamattarifus saskaņā ar šo pantu, turpina piemērot spēkā esošos pamattarifus.
2.4. Izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kas ir izvēlējušies paši deklarēt savus pamattarifus iepriekšējā kalendārajā gadā un kas nepaziņo atšķirīgus pamattarifus attiecībā uz turpmāko gadu līdz datumam, kas minēts 2.2. punktā, turpina piemērot pašdeklarētos pamattarifus.
2.5. Pašdeklarētie pamattarifi par paku un par kilogramu nedrīkst būt augstāki par 2.5.1. punktā noteikto valsts specifisko maksimālo pamattarifu.
2.5.1. Valsts specifiskos maksimālos pamattarifus nosaka, pamatojoties uz pamattarifiem par paku un par kilogramu, kas bija spēkā 2021. gadā un kas ir koriģēti atbilstoši ar inflāciju saistītajiem pieaugumiem, kas ir norādīti saskaņā ar 33-202. panta 1. punktu.
2.5.2. Pašdeklarētais pamattarifs par paku un par kilogramu nedrīkst pārsniegt maksimālo pamattarifu attiecīgi par paku un par kilogramu.
3. Papildmaksu (papildtarifu) sistēma
3.1. Izraudzītais operators var piedalīties papildmaksu sistēmā, ja tas piekrīt:
3.1.1. uzņemties atbildību par nozaudētām, izzagtām un bojātām pakām saskaņā ar Konvencijas 22. pantu;
3.1.2. izvietot uz sūtījumiem S10 standarta svītrkoda identifikatoru, kā noteikts 17-215. panta 1. punktā;
3.1.3. Starptautiskajam birojam sniegt tā S10 svītrkoda identifikatora paraugu, kuru attiecīgais izraudzītais operators izvieto uz pakām, un informāciju par minētā identifikatora izmaiņām;
3.1.4. norādīt informāciju par pakalpojumu komponentēm Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā vai, ja tas nav iespējams, šo informāciju Starptautiskajam birojam paziņot rakstveidā (ar ierakstītu sūtījumu, pa faksu vai e-pastu);
3.1.5. ka Starptautiskais birojs veic šo komponenšu pārbaudi, pamatojoties uz informāciju, kas Starptautiskajam birojam sniegta 31. augustā un 31. decembrī saskaņā ar 3.1.4. punktu.
3.2. Ikviens izraudzītais operators, kas atbilst nosacījumiem par līdzdalību papildmaksu (papildtarifu) sistēmā, var palielināt savu pamattarifu par līdz pat 40 %, pamatojoties uz sniegtajām pakalpojumu komponentēm, kas noteiktas turpmāk.
3.3. Papildmaksu sistēmu piemēro pamattarifam vai minimālajam ienākošo sūtījumu iekšzemes apstrādes tarifam.
4. Pakalpojumu komponenšu un attiecīgo papildmaksu noteikšana
4.1. Pakalpojuma 1. komponente - sekošana sūtījuma virzībai
4.1.1. Pamattarifam pievieno turpmāk minētās papildmaksas, ja izraudzītais operators sniedz informāciju par sūtījuma virzību saistībā ar pakām un nepārtraukti visiem partnervalstu izraudzītajiem operatoriem pārsūta obligāto sūtījuma virzības informāciju atbilstīgi 17-216. panta 1.1. punktam, mērķiem, kas noteikti 17-217. pantā, un turpmāk minētajām minimālajām prasībām attiecībā uz pakalpojumu sniegšanu, lai varētu piemērot papildmaksas, kuras noteikusi Pasta darbības padome: 2 % EMC notikumiem; 2 % EMD notikumiem un 1 %-11 % EDH/EMH/EMI notikumiem.
4.1.2. Pamattarifu palielina par 5 %, ja izraudzītais operators sniedz informāciju par sūtījuma virzību saistībā ar pakām un nepārtraukti pārsūta obligātos datu elementus par EDB/EME un EDC notikumiem atbilstīgi 17-216. panta 1.1. punktam un mērķiem, kas noteikti 17-217. pantā.
4.1.3. Pamattarifu palielina par 5 %, ja izraudzītais operators sniedz informāciju par sūtījuma virzību saistībā ar pakām un nepārtraukti pārsūta nepieciešamos datu elementus par depešām atbilstīgi 17-216. panta 3. punktam un mērķiem, kas noteikti 17-217. panta 3. punktā.
4.2. Pakalpojuma 2. komponente - piegāde mājās
4.2.1. Pamattarifu palielina par 5 %, ja izraudzītais operators nodrošina piegādi mājās, kas ietver (izņemot brīvprātīgo abonenta kastīšu klientus) sākotnēju mēģinājumu sūtījumu fiziski piegādāt adresāta adresē, paziņojuma atstāšanu adresāta adresē, ja adresāts vai kāda cita persona attiecīgajā adresē nav sastopama; ja izmanto alternatīvas sūtījumu piegādes iespējas pēc adresāta pieprasījuma (piemēram, savākšanas punkts, piegāde uz citu adresi), ja tas ir atļauts saskaņā ar galamērķa valsts spēkā esošiem noteikumiem, kā norādīts 17-205. panta 2. punktā; un ar nodokli vai nodevu apliekamu sūtījumu gadījumā iespēju adresātam veikt nodokļa vai nodevas samaksu un izvēlēties sūtījuma fizisku piegādi.
4.2.2. Ja valsts noteikti vai juridiski saistoši ierobežojumi nozīmē to, ka izraudzītajam operatoram ir jāņem vērā atsevišķi ierobežojumi saistībā ar pakalpojuma 2. komponentes sniegšanu, tam joprojām ir tiesības pieprasīt attiecīgo 5 % papildmaksu.
4.3. Pakalpojuma 3. komponente - piegādes standarti
4.3.1. Pamattarifu palielina par 5 %, ja izraudzītais operators Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā ir norādījis vai, ja tas nav iespējams, Starptautiskajam birojam rakstveidā (ar ierakstītu sūtījumu, pa faksu vai e-pastu) ir sniedzis turpmāk minēto informāciju: piegādes standartus aviopasta un sauszemes pakām, kā noteikts Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojuma matricā un pozīcijās; vidējo muitošanas laiku aviopasta un sauszemes pakām; attiecīgo informāciju par piegādes standartiem, tostarp norādot šīs informācijas pārbaudes avotu, piemēram, informāciju par piegādes laiku, kas publicēta izraudzītā operatora tīmekļa vietnē, iekļauta vispārējos nosacījumos vai ko rakstiski apstiprinājis regulators, valdība vai izraudzītais operators.
4.4. Pakalpojuma 4. komponente - IBIS izmantošana
4.4.1. Ja izraudzītais operators izmanto IBIS, lai atbilstīgi 21-003. panta 3. punktam apstrādātu visus pieprasījumus attiecībās ar izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri izmanto šo kopējo sistēmu, un sasniedz 21-003. panta 7.5. punktā noteikto mērķi, pamattarifu palielina par: 3 % par laikus sniegtām atbildēm; 1 % par saņemto pieprasījumu atvēršanu (vidējais maksimālais ilgums ir 16 stundas); 1 % par saņemto atbilžu atvēršanu (vidējais maksimālais ilgums ir 16 stundas).
5. Sniegto pakalpojumu komponenšu pārbaude un apstiprināšana
5.1. Starptautiskais birojs pārbauda un, ja nepieciešams, apstiprina katra izraudzītā operatora sniegtās pakalpojuma komponentes atbilstīgi POC apstiprinātajai procedūrai.
5.2. Pakalpojuma 1. komponente - sekošana sūtījuma virzībai
5.1.2. Starptautiskais birojs pārbauda un, ja nepieciešams, apstiprina pakalpojuma 1. komponenti, pamatojoties uz UPU pārskatiem par sekošanu sūtījuma virzībai vai, ja šādi pārskati nav pieejami, pamatojoties uz starptautiski atzītiem pārskatiem, kurus iesniedzis attiecīgais izraudzītais operators.
5.3. Pakalpojuma 2. komponente - piegāde mājās
5.3.1. Starptautiskais birojs pārbauda un, ja nepieciešams, apstiprina pakalpojuma 2. komponenti, pamatojoties uz informāciju, kuru attiecīgais izraudzītais operators ir ievadījis Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā vai, ja tas nebija iespējams, ir paziņojis Starptautiskajam birojam rakstveidā (ar ierakstītu sūtījumu, pa faksu vai e-pastu), un pamatojoties uz attiecīgā izraudzītā operatora sniegto apliecinājumu vai kādu citu pieejamu oficiālu informāciju. Informāciju par valsts noteiktiem vai juridiski saistošiem ierobežojumiem norāda attiecīgajā ierakstā Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā. Starptautiskais birojs var pārbaudīt, cik precīzi ir izraudzīto operatoru izdarītie ieraksti Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā, ja tos apšauba partnervalsts izraudzītais operators. Šādā gadījumā var izvērtēt arī tiesības saņemt 5 % papildmaksu.
5.4. Pakalpojuma 3. komponente - piegādes standarti
5.4.1. Starptautiskais birojs pārbauda un, ja nepieciešams, apstiprina pakalpojuma 3. komponenti, pamatojoties uz informāciju, kuru attiecīgais izraudzītais operators ir ievadījis Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā vai, ja tas nebija iespējams, ir paziņojis Starptautiskajam birojam rakstveidā (ar ierakstītu sūtījumu, pa faksu vai e-pastu).
5.5. Pakalpojuma 4. komponente - IBIS izmantošana
5.5.1. Starptautiskais birojs pārbauda un, ja nepieciešams, apstiprina pakalpojuma 4. komponenti, pamatojoties uz pārskatiem, kurus pārsūtījis IBIS nodrošinātājs.
33-202. pants
Ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu mainīšana
1. Saskaņā ar 33-201. panta 2.5.1. punktu izraudzītie operatori, kas vēlas pieprasīt ar inflāciju saistītu valsts specifisko maksimālo pamattarifu palielinājumu, rakstiski paziņo par to Starptautiskajam birojam (ar ierakstītu pasta sūtījumu, pa faksu vai e-pastu). Šāds paziņojums Starptautiskajam birojam ir jāsaņem ne vēlāk kā attiecīgā gada 31. augustā attiecībā uz tarifiem, kas stājas spēkā nākamā gada 1. janvārī. Paziņojumā norāda oficiālo avotu, organizācijas nosaukumu, kura atbild par valsts oficiālā patēriņa cenas indeksa publicēšanu, un tam pievieno dokumentārus pierādījumus, ievērojot šādus turpmāk minētos noteikumus.
1.1. Tarifu palielinājums, kas ir saistīts ar inflāciju, nedrīkst pārsniegt 5 %; turklāt minētais ar inflāciju saistītais palielinājums var attiekties tikai uz inflāciju, kas novērota 12 mēnešu laikposmā, kurš sākas ne agrāk kā 1. janvārī gadā, kas ir pirms gada, par kuru korekcija ir pieprasīta, un beidzas ne vēlāk kā tā gada 31. jūlijā, kurā šāds pieprasījums ir izdarīts. Turklāt ar inflāciju saistītais palielinājums neattiecas uz laikposmiem, par kuriem attiecīgais izraudzītais operators jau ir iesniedzis pieprasījumu iepriekšējā pieprasījumā.
1.2. Lai izpildītu iepriekš izklāstītos nosacījumus, ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes pamattarifu palielinājums, kas saistīts ar inflāciju, var stāties spēkā tikai 1. janvārī tajā gadā, kas seko gadam, kurā Starptautiskais birojs saņēmis attiecīgo paziņojumu.
2. Ikviens izraudzītais operators, kas vēlas saņemt papildmaksu par sniedzamo pakalpojumu komponentēm, iesniedz Starptautiskajam birojam pieprasījumu:
2.1. ne vēlāk kā līdz 31. augustam to pakalpojumu komponenšu verifikācijai, kuru tarifi stājas spēkā no nākamā gada 1. janvāra;
2.2. ne vēlāk kā līdz 31. decembrim to pakalpojumu komponenšu verifikācijai, kuru tarifi stājas spēkā no nākamā gada 1. jūlija;
2.3. izraudzītais operators, ievērojot šos termiņus, atjauno informāciju par jebkurām izmaiņām attiecībā uz pakalpojumu komponentēm, ko jau iepriekš bija sniedzis Pasta paku tiešsaistes apkopojumā.
3. Pirms mainīt papildmaksas, Starptautiskais birojs atbilstīgi POC apstiprinātajai procedūrai par pakalpojumu komponenšu pārbaudi divas reizes gadā pārbauda, vai pakalpojuma elementi ir ieviesti un vai tie ir pieejami nepārtraukti. Papildmaksas var palielināt vai samazināt atkarībā no pārbaužu rezultātiem.
4. Papildmaksu izmaiņas saistībā ar ienākošo sūtījumu iekšzemes tarifu, kura pamatā ir sniegtās pakalpojumu komponentes, stājas spēkā 1. janvārī vai 1. jūlijā.
4.1. Starptautiskais birojs visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem paziņo piemērojamos ienākošo sūtījumu iekšzemes apstrādes tarifus ne vēlāk kā 30. septembrī, ja attiecīgie tarifi stājas spēkā nākamā gada 1. janvārī, vai 31. martā, ja attiecīgie tarifi stājas spēkā 1. jūlijā.
5. Izraudzītie operatori var iesniegt pieprasījumu pārskatīt 33-201. pantā izklāstīto ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu aprēķināšanas kārtību vai saturu (tostarp pamattarifus un papildmaksas). Šādus pieprasījumus Starptautiskajam birojam iesniedz ne vēlāk kā 31. oktobrī, ja attiecīgie tarifi stājas spēkā nākamā gada 1. janvārī, un ne vēlāk 30. aprīlī, ja attiecīgie tarifi stājas spēkā 1. jūlijā. Pasta darbības padome izstrādā attiecīgās ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifa pārskatīšanas procedūras un, ja nepieciešams, lemj par šādu pārskatīšanu saskaņā ar šīm procedūrām.
33-203. pants
1. Tarifi, kas ir piemērojami attiecībā uz 17-206. pantā minētajām ECOMPRO pakām, ir pašdeklarēti. ECOMPRO pakām piemērojamos tarifus paziņo Starptautiskajam birojam ne vēlāk kā 31. augustā attiecībā uz tarifiem, kas stājas spēkā nākamā gada 1. janvārī.
2. Starptautiskais birojs paziņo piemērojamos ECOMPRO tarifus visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem ne vēlāk kā 30. septembrī attiecībā uz tarifiem, kas stājas spēkā nākamā gada 1. janvārī.
D. Aviopārvadājumu tarifi
34-201. pants
Aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšana
1. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus saistībā ar depešām ar aviopakām, no vienas puses, aprēķina atbilstīgi faktiskajam pamattarifam un attālumam kilometros, kas norādīts "Aviopasta pārvadāšanas attālumu sarakstā", bet, no otras puses, atbilstīgi depešu bruto svaram. Faktiskais pamattarifs var būt mazāks, bet ne lielāks par tarifu, kas minēts Konvencijas 34. panta 1. punktā.
2. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus, ko par aviopaku atklātu tranzītu saņem starpposma izraudzītais operators, parasti nosaka tā, kā norādīts 1. punktā, izņemot tarifus par pusi no kilograma par katru galamērķa valsti. Taču tad, ja minēto paku galamērķa valsts teritorijā darbojas viena vai vairākas aviosabiedrības, kurām ir vairākas pieturvietas, tarifus aprēķina, pamatojoties uz vidējo svērto tarifu. To nosaka atkarībā no to paku svara, kuras izkrauj katrā pieturvietā. Tarifus, kas jāsedz, aprēķina attiecībā uz katru paku atsevišķi, katras pakas svaru noapaļojot uz augšu līdz tuvākajai pusei no kilograma.
34-202. pants
Aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšana preču atpakaļsūtīšanas
1. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumam aprēķina, izmantojot tarifu par kilogramu, kas noteikts izraudzītā operatora, kurš nosūta preci atpakaļ, CP 81 vai CP 82 tabulā, vai saskaņā ar aviopārvadājumu tarifiem, kas norādīti 34-201. pantā, ja CP 81 vai CP 82 tabulas nav izstrādātas.
2. Pasta pakas, ko sūta, izmantojot preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu, nepārsūta atklātā tranzītā.
34-203. pants
Nozaudētu vai iznīcinātu aviopaku aviopārvadājumu tarifi
Sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītais operators ir atbrīvots no maksājuma par tādu aviopaku aviopārvadāšanu, kas nozaudētas vai iznīcinātas tāpēc, ka ar gaisa kuģi ir noticis negadījums, vai tāda iemesla dēļ, par kuru atbildība ir jāuzņemas aviopārvadātājam. Minētais atbrīvojums ir spēkā visa attiecīgās aviosabiedrības lidojuma laikā.
34-204. pants
Novirzītu vai kļūdaini nosūtītu depešu vai maisu aviopārvadājumu
1. Izraudzītais operators, kurš nodevis depešu, kas pārvadāšanas laikā ir novirzījusies no maršruta, maksā pārvadāšanas maksu par faktisko depešas pārvadāšanas attālumu.
2. Tas sedz pārvadāšanas maksu par attālumu līdz izkraušanas lidostai, kas sākotnēji bija norādīta CN 38 pavadrakstā vai tā elektroniskajā ekvivalentā, ja:
2.1. faktiskais pārsūtīšanas maršruts nav zināms;
2.2. maksa par faktisko pārvadāšanas attālumu vēl nav pieprasīta vai
2.3. par novirzīšanu atbild aviosabiedrība, kura veica pārvadāšanu.
3. Papildu maksu par novirzītās depešas faktisko pārvadāšanas attālumu maksā, kā norādīts turpmāk:
3.1. tas izraudzītais operators, kura kļūdas dēļ notikusi novirzīšana;
3.2. tas izraudzītais operators, kurš aviosabiedrībai samaksāto pārvadāšanas maksu ir iekasējis, kad tā sūtījumu izkrāva vietā, kas nav norādīta CN 38 pavadrakstā vai tā elektroniskajā ekvivalentā.
4. Šā panta 1.-3. punktā izklāstītos noteikumus analoģiski piemēro arī tad, ja lidostā, kas nav norādīta CN 38 pavadrakstā vai tā elektroniskajā ekvivalentā, tiek izkrauta tikai depešas daļa.
5. Izraudzītais operators, kas nodevis depešu vai maisu, kas nepareizi nosūtīti kļūdainas birkas dēļ, maksā pārvadāšanas maksu par visu nolidoto attālumu saskaņā ar Konvencijas 34. panta 3.1. punktu.
34-205. pants
Aviopārvadājumu tarifu iekasēšana par tukšu maisu
1. Aviopārvadājumu tarifus par tukšu maisu pārvadāšanu apmaksā izraudzītais operators, kuram maisi pieder.
2. Maksimālais tarifs, ko piemēro depešu ar tukšiem maisiem aviopārvadājumiem atbilst 30 % no pamattarifa, kas noteikts saskaņā ar Konvencijas 34. panta 1. punktu.
Bernē, 2021. gada 24. novembrī
Pasta darbības padomes vārdā:
Francija Pārstāvis Žans Pols Forsvijs [Jean-Paul Forceville] |
A. Huseins [Bishar A. Hussein]), ģenerālsekretārs |
Konvencijas reglamenta Noslēguma protokols
Konvencijas reglamenta apstiprināšanas brīdī Pasta darbības padome ir vienojusies par turpmāko.
I sējums
Kopīgie noteikumi
R I pants
No pasta tarifiem atbrīvoto sūtījumu apzīmogošana
Neatkarīgi no 16-002. panta 1.3. punktā noteiktā Francija patur tiesības piemērot noteikumus attiecībā uz sūtījumiem neredzīgām personām saskaņā ar šīs valsts normatīvajiem aktiem.
R II pants
1. Neatkarīgi no 13-002. pantā noteiktā Amerikas Savienoto Valstu, Austrijas, Brazīlijas, Luksemburgas, Polijas, Ungārijas Republikas un Vācijas izraudzītie operatori var mainīt CN 07 veidlapas izmērus un formātu.
2. Neatkarīgi no 13-002. panta 2. punktā noteiktā Francija CN 07 veidlapā var veikt turpmāk minētās izmaiņas:
2.1. pievienot svītrkodu ar svītrām un/vai cipariem, kas atbilst tehniskajām specifikācijām, kuras pieņemtas UPU apstiprinātajos standartos;
2.2. paredzēt tukšu laukumu apakšējā daļā;
2.3. adresāta ailē pievienot oranžas krāsas automātiski nolasāmas norādes līnijas rakstīšanai un palielināt ailes "Sūtījuma adresāts" un "Nosūtīt atpakaļ";
2.4. norādīt angļu valodā informāciju, kas ir obligāti jāaizpilda galamērķa valstī.
3. Neatkarīgi no 13-002. panta 2. punktā noteiktā Austrija un Itālija CN 07 veidlapā var veikt turpmāk minētās izmaiņas:
3.1. adresāta aili norādīt baltā krāsā un pievienot iekšējās automātiski nolasāmas norādes līnijas rakstīšanai;
3.2. tukšu laukumu apakšējā daļā norādīt baltā krāsā;
3.3. ailē "Sūtījuma apraksts" izslēgt norādes uz tiem sūtījumu veidiem, kuriem netiek nodrošināts paziņojuma par izsniegšanu pakalpojums;
3.4. informāciju attiecībā uz veidlapas parakstu pārvietot no apakšējās daļas kreisās puses uz apakšējās daļas labo pusi.
4. Neatkarīgi no 13-002. panta 2. punktā noteiktā Austrija CN 07 veidlapā var mainīt iekšējo automātiski nolasāmo norāžu atrašanās vietu un izkārtojumu.
5. Neatkarīgi no 13-002. panta 2. punktā noteiktā Itālija var veikt šādas izmaiņas CN 07 veidlapā - pievienot 2D svītrkodu iekšējām vajadzībām.
6. Neatkarīgi no 13-002. pantā noteiktā un lai pienācīgi sniegtu iepriekšējus elektroniskos datus galamērķa valsts izraudzītajiem operatoriem, Japāna var mainīt norādījumu tekstu par CN 22, CN 23 un CP 72 veidlapu aizpildīšanai izmantojamo valodu šādi: "Lai paātrinātu muitošanu, šo deklarāciju aizpilda angļu, franču vai galamērķa valstī atzītā valodā, izmantojot ļoti labi salasāmus latīņu alfabēta burtus un arābu ciparus. Ja pieejams, norāda importētāja/adresāta tālruņa numuru un e-pasta adresi, kā arī sūtītāja tālruņa numuru. Ja galamērķa valstī izmanto citas rakstzīmju kopas un ciparus, šo deklarāciju var aizpildīt arī, izmantojot šīs attiecīgās rakstzīmju kopas un ciparus, ar nosacījumu, ka sūtītājs iepriekš sniedz attiecīgos elektroniskos datus."
R III pants
Apdrošināto sūtījumu maksimālie ierobežojumi
1. Neatkarīgi no 18-001. pantā noteiktā Zviedrija patur tiesības ierobežot ierakstītu un apdrošinātu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu satura vērtību Zviedrijā, nosakot turpmāk minētos maksimālos ierobežojumus:
Satura maksimālā komerciālā vērtība | Maksimālā apdrošinājuma summa | Maksimālā atlīdzība | |
Ierakstīti vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi | 500 SDR | - |
30 SDR
(M maiss: 150 SDR) |
Apdrošināti vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumi | 1000 SDR | 1000 SDR | 1000 SDR |
Neapdrošinātas pakas | 1000 SDR | - |
40 SDR par paku
+ 4,50 SDR par kg |
Apdrošinātas pakas | 1000 SDR | 1000 SDR | 1000 SDR |
2. Šo ierobežojumu nedrīkst apiet, veicot daļēju apdrošināšanu par summu, kas pārsniedz 1000 SDR. Jauni ierobežojumi saistībā ar ierakstītu un apdrošinātu sūtījumu saturu nav noteikti. Sūtījumi, kuru vērtība ir lielāka par minēto ierobežojumu, tiks nosūtīti atpakaļ uz nodošanas valsti.
3. Neatkarīgi no 18-001. pantā noteiktā Dānija patur tiesības ierobežot satura vērtību tiem ienākošiem ierakstītiem vai apdrošinātiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem, kuros ir nauda vai uzrādītāja vērtspapīri, nosakot turpmāk minētos maksimālos ierobežojumus:
Satura maksimālā komerciālā vērtība | Maksimālā apdrošinājuma summa | Maksimālā atlīdzība | |
Ierakstīti sūtījumi | 100 SDR | - | 30 SDR |
Apdrošināti sūtījumi | 4000 SDR | 4000 SDR | 4000 SDR |
3.1. Šo ierobežojumu nedrīkst apiet, veicot daļēju apdrošināšanu par summu, kas pārsniedz 4000 SDR.
R IV pants
Apdrošināti sūtījumi
1. Neatkarīgi no 18-001. pantā noteiktā Francija patur tiesības ierobežot apdrošinātu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu satura vērtību Francijā, nosakot turpmāk minētos maksimālos ierobežojumus.
Satura maksimālā komerciālā vērtība | Maksimālā apdrošinājuma summa | Maksimālā atlīdzība | |
Apdrošināti sūtījumi | 630 SDR | 630 SDR | 630 SDR |
2. Šo ierobežojumu nedrīkst apiet, veicot daļēju apdrošināšanu par summu, kas pārsniedz 630 SDR. Sūtījumi, kuru vērtība ir lielāka par minēto ierobežojumu, tiks nosūtīti atpakaļ uz nodošanas valsti. Deklarētā vērtība nedrīkst būt mazāka par sūtījuma komerciālo vērtību.
R V pants
Piegādes procedūra
1. Neatkarīgi no 18-001. panta punktā noteiktā Austrālijas, Jaunzēlandes un Kanādas izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir atļauts nelūgt saņēmējam parakstu par saņemšanu vai citu apliecinājumu par saņemšanu, ja tiek piegādāta vai nodota apdrošināta paka, uz kuras nav svītrkoda, kas atbilst piemērojamiem UPU standartiem.
2. Neatkarīgi no 18-001. panta 6. punktā noteiktā Austrālijas, Jaunzēlandes un Kanādas izraudzītajiem operatoriem ir atļauts nelūgt saņēmējam parakstu par saņemšanu vai citu apliecinājumu par saņemšanu, ja tiek piegādāta vai nodota vienkāršā paka, uz kuras nav svītrkoda, kas atbilst piemērojamiem UPU standartiem.
R VI pants
Izņēmuma kārtā pieņemami bīstamie izstrādājumi
Neatkarīgi no 19-001. pantā noteiktā Francija patur tiesības nepieņemt pasta sūtījumus, kuros ir minētajā pantā norādītie izstrādājumi.
R VII pants
Radioaktīvi materiāli, infekciozas vielas, litija elementi un
baterijas, ko atļauts pieņemt
Neatkarīgi no 19-003. pantā noteiktā Francija patur tiesības nepieņemt pasta sūtījumus, kuros ir minētajā pantā norādītie izstrādājumi.
R VIII pants
Sūtījumi, kuriem jāveic muitas pārbaude
Neatkarīgi no 20-001. pantā noteiktā Lielbritānijas un Ziemeļīrijas Apvienotā Karaliste neuzņemas atbildību par sūtītāja paraksta iegūšanu uz CN 22 un CN 23 veidlapām, lai iegūtu apliecinājumu, ka sūtījumā nav bīstamu priekšmetu, kas ir aizliegti pasta reglamentā.
R IX pants
Pieprasījumu apstrāde
1. Neatkarīgi no 20-001. pantā noteiktā Amerikas Savienotās Valstis patur tiesības no sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītā operatora nepieņemt CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapu par ierakstītiem sūtījumiem, kas nosūtīti kā atklātā tranzīta sūtījumi, un atsakās uzņemties atbildību par šāda veida aizliegtiem sūtījumiem.
2. Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm, pildot starpniekvalsts izraudzītā operatora pienākumus, ir atļauts nekompensēt atlīdzību citiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuri atklātā tranzītā kļūdaini sūta apdrošinātas pakas vai vienkāršās pakas, tādējādi nepildot prasību par to, ka pieņemami ir tikai slēgtā tranzīta sūtījumi.
R X pants
Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības piemērošana
Neatkarīgi no 22-001. pantā noteiktā gadījumos, kad paka, iespējams, ir nosūtīta atpakaļ sūtītājam, nenorādot pamatojumu, Amerikas Savienoto Valstu un Kanādas izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības apstrādāt CN 08 pieprasījuma veidlapu tikai tad, ja veidlapai ir pievienots sākotnējais iepakojums un/vai nosūtīšanas konteiners pārbaudes veikšanai.
R XI pants
Izzagtu vai sabojātu ierakstītu vai apdrošinātu sūtījumu
1. Neatkarīgi no 23-001. panta 1. un 2. punktā noteiktā Amerikas Savienotās Valstis patur tiesības nepiemērot šos noteikumus attiecībā uz ierakstītiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem.
2. Neatkarīgi no 23-001. panta jaunajiem noteikumiem Argentīna patur tiesības nepiemērot šos noteikumus, kamēr tā nav veikusi pētījumu, lai noteiktu veidus, kā atgūt un pārvaldīt izmaksas, kas ir saistītas ar pakalpojumu sniegšanas procedūrām.
3. Neatkarīgi no 23-001. panta 1. un 2. punktā noteiktā Brazīlija patur tiesības nepiemērot noteikumus, kuri attiecas uz CN 24 aktu.
4. Neatkarīgi no 23-001. pantā noteiktā Kanāda patur tiesības elektroniski vai citādi ziņot adresātam, sūtījuma nodošanas valsts izraudzītajam operatoram un/vai sūtītājam par izzagta vai sabojāta ierakstītā sūtījuma piegādi.
5. Neatkarīgi no 23-001. panta 1. un 2. punktā noteiktā Amerikas Savienoto Valstu izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības piemērot spēkā esošās procedūras.
R XII pants
Izraudzīto operatoru atbildības noteikšanas procedūras
1. Neatkarīgi no 25-005. panta 2. un 3. punktā noteiktā Amerikas Savienotās Valstis patur tiesības nepiemērot šos noteikumus attiecībā uz ierakstītiem vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem.
2. Neatkarīgi no 25-005. panta 2. punktā noteiktā Argentīna patur tiesības neizdot CN 24 veidlapu.
3. Neatkarīgi no 25-005. panta 2. un 3. punktā noteiktā Kanādai ir atļauts nepiemērot šos noteikumus attiecībā uz ierakstītiem sūtījumiem.
II sējums
Vēstuļu korespondences reglaments
R XIII pants
Īpašā maksa
Neatkarīgi no 15-101. panta 2.6. punktā noteiktā Francija patur tiesības nepiemērot uzglabāšanas maksu par sūtījumiem neredzīgām personām atbilstīgi valsts tiesību aktiem.
R XIV pants
Pasta tarifu piemērošanas nosacījumi
Neatkarīgi no 15-103. panta 2. punktā noteiktā Īrija patur tiesības noteikt, ka pirmais svara solis vēstuļu korespondences tarifu skalā ir 25 grami.
R XV pants
Iespieddarbi. Maksimālais svars
Neatkarīgi no 17-103. panta 2.2. punktā noteiktā Īrijai un Kanādai ir atļauts ierobežot ienākošo un izejošo iespieddarbu maksimālo svaru līdz 2 kilogramiem.
R XVI pants
Katrai sūtījumu kategorijai piemērojamie īpašie noteikumi
1. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 2.2. punktā noteiktā Afganistāna un Japāna patur tiesības aerogrammām pievienot vai pie tām piestiprināt attēlus vai papīra strēmeles atbilstīgi nosacījumiem, kas paredzēti šo valstu iekšzemes pakalpojumiem.
2. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 4.5. punktā noteiktā, ja nav noslēgts divpusējs nolīgums, Amerikas Savienotās Valstis un Kanāda nepieņem iespieddarbu sūtījumus, ja tiem ir pievienotas pastkartes, aploksnes vai iesaiņojumi, uz kuriem norādīta sūtītāja vai viņa pārstāvja adrese sākotnējā sūtījuma galamērķa valstī.
3. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 5.1. punktā noteiktā Austrālija pieņem piegādei tikai tos sūtījumus neredzīgām personām, kas atzīti par sūtījumiem neredzīgām personām šīs valsts iekšzemes pakalpojumos.
4. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 5. punktā noteiktā Francija piemēro noteikumus attiecībā uz sūtījumiem neredzīgām personām saskaņā ar šīs valsts normatīvo aktu prasībām.
5. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 4.5. punktā noteiktā, ja nav noslēgts divpusējs nolīgums, Irāka nepieņem iespieddarbu sūtījumus, kuriem ir pievienotas pastkartes, aploksnes vai iesaiņojumi, uz kuriem norādīta sūtītāja adrese, kas nav sūtījuma nodošanas valstī.
6. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 5.2. punktā noteiktā Azerbaidžāna, Indija, Indonēzija, Libāna, Nepāla, Tadžikistāna, Turkmenistāna, Ukraina, Uzbekistāna un Zimbabve kā sūtījumus neredzīgām personām pieņem skaņu ierakstus tikai tad, ja tos sūta oficiāli atzīta neredzīgo iestāde vai ja tie ir adresēti minētajai iestādei.
7. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 7. punktā noteiktā Kanādai ir atļauts nepieņemt vai neapstrādāt M maisus, kuros ir no citām valstīm saņemti audiovizuālie informācijas nesēji vai informatīvie materiāli.
8. Neviena atruna attiecībā uz vairumsūtījumiem neietekmē 17-107. panta piemērošanu.
9. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 8.1. punktā noteiktā Grieķija patur tiesības sūtījumus uzskatīt par vairumsūtījumiem tad, ja vienā un tajā pašā depešā vai vienā dienā, kad noformē vairākas depešas, viens un tas pats sūtītājs ir nodevis 150 vai vairāk sūtījumu, kā arī ja divu nedēļu laikā viens un tas pats sūtītājs ir nodevis 1000 vai vairāk sūtījumu.
10. Neatkarīgi no 17-107. panta 7. punktā noteiktā Korejas Tautas Demokrātiskā Republika patur tiesības nepieņemt M maisus, kuros ir preču paraugi vai citi ar muitas nodokli neapliekami komerciāli sūtījumi, vai informatīvi materiāli, kas nav paredzēti tālākpārdošanai.
R XVII pants
Standartizēti sūtījumi
1. Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm, Japānai, Kanādai, Kenijai, Tanzānijas Savienotajai Republikai un Ugandai nav pienākuma atteikties no tādu aplokšņu izmantošanas, kuru formāts ir lielāks par izmēriem, kas ieteikti 17-111. pantā, ja minētās aploksnes plaši izmanto šajās valstīs.
2. Afganistānai un Indijai nav pienākuma atteikties no tādu aplokšņu izmantošanas, kuru formāts ir lielāks vai mazāks par izmēriem, kas ieteikti 17-111. pantā, ja minētās aploksnes plaši izmanto šajās valstīs.
3. 17-111. panta 1. un 4. punktu nepiemēro Japānai.
R XVIII pants
1. 17-119. panta 2.10. punktu nepiemēro Šveicei un Apvienotajai Karalistei, kuru tiesību aktos ir noteikts mazāks svara ierobežojums. Minēto valstu tiesību aktos veselības aizsardzības un drošības jomā pasta maisu svars ir ierobežots līdz 20 kilogramiem.
2. Neatkarīgi no 17-119. panta 2.10. punktā noteiktā Korejas Tautas Demokrātiskā Republika patur tiesības ierobežot pasta maisa svaru līdz 20 kilogramiem.
3. Neatkarīgi no tā, kas noteikts 17-119. panta 2.10. punktā, Islande patur tiesības ierobežot pasta maisu ar vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem svaru līdz 20 kilogramiem.
4. Neatkarīgi no 17-119. panta 2.10. punktā noteiktā Somija patur tiesības ierobežot pasta maisu ar vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumiem svaru līdz 20 kilogramiem.
R XIX pants
Depešu marķēšana
Francija piemēro 17-129. panta 8. punkta noteikumus tikai attiecībā uz sūtījumiem neredzīgām personām, neskarot šīs valsts normatīvajos aktos noteikto.
R XX pants
Depešu virzīšana
1. Azerbaidžāna, Bolīvija, Igaunija, Latvija, Tadžikistāna, Turkmenistāna un Uzbekistāna atzīst tikai tādas pārsūtīšanas izmaksas, ko veic saskaņā ar noteikumiem par svītru, kuru norāda CN 35 aviodepešu taras birkās un CN 38 pavadrakstos.
2. Ņemot vērā 1. punkta noteikumus, Amerikas Savienotās Valstis, Apvienotā Karaliste, Francija, Grieķija, Itālija, Senegāla un Taizeme slēgtās aviodepešas pārsūta tikai saskaņā ar nosacījumiem, kas paredzēti 17-132. panta 4. punktā.
R XXI pants
Ierakstīti M maisi
Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm un Kanādai ir tiesības nepieņemt ierakstītus M maisus un nenodrošināt šādu ierakstītu maisu apstrādi, ja tie ir saņemti no citām valstīm.
R XXII pants
IBRS izmaksu aprēķināšana
Azerbaidžāna, Baltkrievija, Ēģipte, Kaboverde, Katara, Kazahstāna, Krievijas Federācija, Kirgizstāna, Malta, Maroka, Nepāla, Omāna un Uzbekistāna patur tiesības pieprasīt kompensāciju par IBRS pakalpojumu izmaksām arī tad, ja gada laikā atpakaļ nosūtīto sūtījumu skaits ir mazāks par vai vienāds ar skaitu, kas noteikts 18-104. panta 4.4. punktā.
R XXIII pants
Tādu parādu koriģēšana, kuri radušies, veicot norēķinus ar
Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmas starpniecību, un kuri ir
bijuši spēkā pirms 2001. gada 1. janvāra
1. Parādus, kuri ir spēkā pirms 2001. gada 1. janvāra un kuri izraudzītajam operatoram, kas ir nokavējis noteikto termiņu klīringa sistēmas norēķinu sarakstiem par 2000. gada pēdējo ceturksni, ir jāmaksā, veicot norēķinus ar Starptautiskā biroja klīringa sistēmas starpniecību, var koriģēt, kompensējot ar kredītu summām, kuras ir jāmaksā debitoram no cita izraudzītā operatora. Pirms minētā pasākuma veikšanas Starptautiskais birojs konsultējas ar attiecīgo kreditoru un nosūta atgādinājumu debitoram, kas nav izpildījis saistības. Ja maksājums netiek veikts viena mēneša laikā pēc minētā atgādinājuma nosūtīšanas, Starptautiskais birojs pēc tam, kad ir informētas visas iesaistītās puses, ir tiesīgs vienpusēji koriģēt attiecīgo uzskaiti.
2. Veicot minētās uzskaites korekcijas, Starptautiskais birojs kompensēs tikai tos rēķinus, kurus ir pieņēmis gan debitors, kas nav izpildījis saistības, gan izraudzītais operators, kas ir parādā debitoram, kurš nav izpildījis saistības.
3. Debitors, kas nav izpildījis saistības, nevar iesniegt pieprasījumu izraudzītajam operatoram, kurš tam ir parādā, par kredītiem, kurus Starptautiskais birojs ir kompensējis kreditoram atbilstīgi 1. punktā aprakstītajai procedūrai.
R XXIV pants
Nepareizi pieņemtu sūtījumu apstrāde
1. Afganistānai, Angolai, Džibutijai un Pakistānai nav pienākuma ievērot 19-101. panta 5. punktā noteikto, proti, ka "šajā paziņojumā precīzi norāda aizliegumu, saskaņā ar kuru sūtījums un priekšmeti tika konfiscēti".
2. Afganistāna, Angola, Argentīna, Austrālija, Azerbaidžāna, Džibutija, Igaunija, Kanāda, Kazahstāna, Kirgizstāna, Korejas Tautas Demokrātiskā Republika, Nepāla, Sudāna, Tadžikistāna, Turkmenistāna, Ukraina, Uzbekistāna un Vjetnama patur tiesības, informējot par pasta sūtījuma konfiscēšanas pamatojumu, sniegt tikai to informāciju, kuru ir sniegušas muitas iestādes un ievērojot valsts tiesību aktu prasības.
3. Amerikas Savienotās Valstis patur tiesības uzskatīt par nepareizi pieņemtu jebkuru sūtījumu, kas satur vielas, kuras tiek kontrolētas atbilstīgi ASV Federālo noteikumu 21. nodaļas 1308. punktam, un apstrādāt to saskaņā ar iekšējiem normatīvajiem aktiem un muitas praksi.
4. Francija piemēro 19-101. panta 7. punkta noteikumus tikai attiecībā uz sūtījumiem neredzīgām personām, neskarot šīs valsts normatīvajos aktos noteikto.
R XXV pants
19-102. panta 2. punkta noteikumi neattiecas uz Dānijas, Somijas un Zviedrijas izraudzītajiem operatoriem, kuru pasta iekārtas šķirošanas procesa laikā automātiski pārsūtīta pasta sūtījumus adresātam, kas ir mainījis adresi.
R XXVI pants
Īpašā tranzītmaksa
1. Grieķija patur tiesības par 30 % palielināt sauszemes tranzītmaksu un par 50 % palielināt jūras tranzītmaksu, kas norādīta 27-103. panta 1. punktā.
2. Austrālija, Singapūra un Somija patur tiesības par 30 % palielināt sauszemes un jūras tranzītmaksu, kas norādīta 27-103. panta 1. punktā.
3. Krievijas Federācijai ir atļauts iekasēt 0,65 SDR papildus tranzītmaksai, kas norādīta 27-103. panta 1. punktā, par katru vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu kilogramu, kas tranzītā pārvadāts pa Transsibīrijas maršrutu.
4. Ēģiptei un Sudānai ir atļauts iekasēt 0,16 SDR papildus tranzītmaksai, kas norādīta 27-103. panta 1. punktā, par katru vēstuļu korespondences maisu, kas tranzītā pārvadāts pa Nasera ezeru starp Šalalu Ēģiptē un Vadīhalfu Sudānā.
5. Panamas Republikai ir atļauts iekasēt 0,98 SDR papildus tranzītmaksai, kas minēta 27-103. panta 1. punktā, par katru vēstuļu korespondences maisu, kas tranzītā pārvadāts pa Panamas zemes šaurumu starp Balboas ostu Klusajā okeānā un Kristobalas ostu Atlantijas okeānā.
6. Somijai ir atļauts iekasēt papildu maksu par katru tādu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu kilogramu, kuru adresāti ir Ālandu salās.
6.1. Aviopasta sūtījumiem un prioritāriem pasta sūtījumiem papildu maksa atbilst sauszemes tranzītmaksai un attiecīgajai aviopārvadājumu maksai.
6.2. Sauszemes pasta sūtījumiem un neprioritāriem pasta sūtījumiem papildu maksa atbilst sauszemes tranzītmaksai un attiecīgajai jūras pārvadājumu maksai.
7. Izņēmuma kārtā Panamas Republikai ir atļauts iekasēt 0,65 SDR par maisu par visām depešām, kas uzglabātas vai pārkrautas Balboas vai Kristobalas ostā, ja tā nesaņem maksājumus par attiecīgo depešu sauszemes vai jūras tranzītu.
8. Neatkarīgi no 27-103. panta 1. punktā noteiktā Afganistānas izraudzītajam operatoram, ņemot vērā īpašās grūtības saistībā ar pārvadāšanu un saziņu, uz laiku valsts teritorijā ir atļauts tranzītā pārvadāt slēgtas depešas un atklātā tranzīta korespondenci atbilstīgi nosacījumiem, par kuriem tā īpaši vienojas ar attiecīgajiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
9. Neatkarīgi no 27-103. panta 1. punktā noteiktā Sīrijas un Irākas transporta pakalpojumus uzskata par ārkārtas pakalpojumiem, par kuriem var iekasēt īpašu tranzītmaksu.
10. Dānijai ir atļauts iekasēt papildu maksu par katru tādu vēstuļu korespondences sūtījumu kilogramu, kuru adresāti ir Farēru salās vai Grenlandē.
10.1. Aviodepešām, prioritārām depešām un SAL depešām papildu maksa atbilst maksai par tranzīta aviodepešu apstrādi un attiecīgajai aviopārvadājumu maksai.
10.2. Sauszemes depešām un neprioritārām depešām papildu maksa atbilst sauszemes tranzītmaksai un attiecīgajai jūras pārvadājumu tranzītmaksai.
10.3. Par aviodepešām, prioritārām depešām, sauszemes depešām, neprioritārām depešām un SAL depešām, kuras sūta atklātā tranzītā uz Farēru salām vai Grenlandi, Dānijai ir atļauts iekasēt tranzītmaksu (pārvadāšanas un apstrādes izmaksas un gala norēķinu palielinājumus), ko aprēķina, kā noteikts 27-106. panta 1. punktā.
11. Ukraina patur tiesības par 50 % palielināt jūras tranzītmaksu, kas noteikta 27-103. panta 1. punktā.
12. Vācijai ir tiesības par 50 % palielināt jūras tranzītmaksu, kas norādīta 27-103. panta 1. punktā.
R XXVII pants
CN 55, CN 66 un CN 67 sarakstu, CN 51
atsevišķo rēķinu un CN 52 kopējo rēķinu iesniegšana un
1. Neatkarīgi no 34-105. panta 7. punktā noteiktā rēķinus, kas iesniegti Amerikas Savienoto Valstu un Laosas Tautas Demokrātiskās Republikas izraudzītajam operatoram, neuzskata par apstiprinātiem, kā arī tie nav jāapmaksā sešu nedēļu laikā no to saņemšanas, ja vien minētie rēķini netiek saņemti septiņu dienu laikā pēc tam, kad izraudzītais operators kreditors tos ir nosūtījis.
2. Neatkarīgi no 34-105. panta 7. un 8. punktā noteiktā rēķinus, kas iesniegti Austrālijas, Irākas, Ķīnas Tautas Republikas un Saūda Arābijas izraudzītajam operatoram, neuzskata par apstiprinātiem divus mēnešus pēc attiecīgo rēķinu saņemšanas, kā arī tie nav jāapmaksā sešu nedēļu laikā no to saņemšanas gadījumos, kad tiek izmantota tiešā rēķinu izrakstīšanas sistēma, ja vien minētie rēķini netiek saņemti septiņu dienu laikā pēc tam, kad izraudzītais operators kreditors tos ir nosūtījis.
R XXVIII pants
Vairumsūtījumu uzskaite
Neatkarīgi no 35-009. panta noteiktā rēķinus, kas iesniegti Amerikas Savienoto Valstu, Austrālijas un Kanādas izraudzītajam operatoram, neuzskata par apstiprinātiem, kā arī tie nav jāapmaksā sešu nedēļu laikā no to saņemšanas, ja vien minētie rēķini netiek saņemti septiņu dienu laikā pēc tam, kad izraudzītais operators kreditors tos ir sagatavojis.
III sējums
Pasta paku reglaments
R XXIX pants
Pasta paku pakalpojumu sniegšana
Austrālija, Beļģija, Latvija un Norvēģija patur tiesības sniegt pasta paku pakalpojumus tā, kā tas noteikts Konvencijā, vai izejošo paku gadījumā un pēc divpusēja līguma noslēgšanas - jebkurā citā veidā, kas ir izdevīgāks klientiem.
R XXX pants
Īpaši nosacījumi attiecībā uz svara ierobežojumiem pasta
Neatkarīgi no 17-203. pantā noteiktā Kanādai ir atļauts ierobežot ienākošo un izejošo paku maksimālo svaru līdz 30 kilogramiem.
R XXXI pants
Procedūras, kas jāpilda preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma
Neatkarīgi no 17-211. pantā noteiktā Austrālijas izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības veikt pasākumus, kuri nepieciešami preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma nodrošināšanai attiecībā uz pasta pakām un kuri noteikti reglamentā vai arī citādi, tostarp divpusējos nolīgumos.
R XXXII pants
Preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojums sākotnējam tirgotājam
Neatkarīgi no 18-201. pantā noteiktā Austrālijas izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības piemērot noteikumus, tostarp izejošo sūtījumu iekšzemes apstrādes tarifus un aviopārvadājumu tarifus, kuri nepieciešami preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma nodrošināšanai attiecībā uz pasta pakām un kuri noteikti reglamentā vai citādi, tostarp divpusējos nolīgumos.
R XXXIII pants
Kļūdaini pieņemtu paku apstrāde
1. Austrālija, Azerbaidžāna, Gruzija, Jaunzēlande, Kanāda, Kazahstāna, Kirgizstāna, Korejas Tautas Demokrātiskā Republika, Tadžikistāna, Ukraina, Uzbekistāna un Vjetnama patur tiesības, informējot par pasta pakas vai tās satura daļas konfiscēšanu, sniegt tikai to informāciju, kuru ir sniegušas muitas iestādes un ievērojot valsts tiesību aktu prasības.
2. Amerikas Savienotās Valstis patur tiesības uzskatīt par nepareizi pieņemtu jebkuru pasta paku, kas satur vielas, kuras tiek kontrolētas atbilstīgi ASV Federālo noteikumu 21. nodaļas 1308. punktam, un apstrādāt to saskaņā ar iekšējiem normatīvajiem aktiem un muitas praksi.
R XXXIV pants
Dienesta glabāšanā pieņemtās pakas
Neatkarīgi no 19-204. pantā noteiktā Kanādas izraudzītā operatora pienākums nav sagatavot CP 78 pārbaudes paziņojumu par dienesta glabāšanā pieņemtām pakām.
R XXXV pants
Sūtīšana slēgtās depešās
Neatkarīgi no 17-221. panta 10. punktā noteiktā Bahamām, Barbadosai un Kanādai ir atļauts ierobežot ienākošo un izejošo maisu un citas taras, kurā ir ievietotas pakas, maksimālo svaru līdz 30 kilogramiem.
R XXXVI pants
Depešu virzīšana
Ņemot vērā 17-225. panta 1. punkta prasības, Amerikas Savienoto Valstu, Francijas, Grieķijas, Itālijas, Senegālas un Taizemes izraudzītie operatori slēgtas depešas pārsūta tikai saskaņā ar nosacījumiem, kas noteikti 17-225. panta 4. punktā.
R XXXVII pants
Paku svara vai izmēru neatbilstības
Neatkarīgi no 17-233. panta 2. punktā noteiktā Austrālijai ir tiesības atbildēt tikai uz pārbaudes ziņojumiem saistībā ar vienkāršām pakām, kurām svara atšķirība ir lielāka par vienu kilogramu.
Vidējo tarifu noteikšana
Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm ir atļauts noteikt vidējo sauszemes un jūras tarifu par kilogramu, ko nosaka, pamatojoties uz svara sadalījumu pakām, kas saņemtas no visiem izraudzītajiem operatoriem.
R XXXIX pants
Īpašie tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifi
1. Šajā tabulā uzskaitītajām valstīm šobrīd ir atļauts iekasēt norādītos īpašos sauszemes tranzīta tarifus papildus tranzīta tarifiem, kas minēti 27-201. panta 1. punktā.
Nr. | Pilnvarotā valsts | Īpašā tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifa summa | |||
Tarifs par paku | Tarifs par depešas bruto svara kg | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||
SDR | SDR | ||||
1 | Afganistāna | 0,48 | 0,45 | ||
2 | Bahreinas Karaliste | 0,85 | 0,55 | ||
3 | Čīle | 0,21 | |||
4 | Honkonga (Ķīna) | 0,12 | |||
5 | Ēģipte | 0,40 | |||
6 | Francija | 1,00 | 0,20 | ||
7 | Grieķija | 1,16 | 0,29 | ||
8 | Indija | 0,40 | 0,51 | ||
9 | Malaizija | 0,39 | 0,05 | ||
10 | Krievijas Federācija | 0,77 | Divas reizes vairāk nekā summa par kg, kas attiecīgajam attālumam norādīta 27-201. panta 1. punkta tabulas 3. ailē. | ||
11 | Singapūra | 0,39 | 0,05 | ||
12 | Sudāna | 1,61 | 0,65 | ||
13 | Sīrijas Arābu Republika | 0,65 | |||
14 | Taizeme | 0,27 | |||
15 | Amerikas Savienotās Valstis | Atbilstīgi attāluma solim: | |||
līdz 600 km | 0,10 | ||||
vairāk par 600 km un līdz 1000 km | 0,18 | ||||
vairāk par 1000 km un līdz 2000 km | 0,25 | ||||
Vairāk par 2000 km par katriem papildu 1000 km | 0,10 | ||||
2. Dānija un Somija patur tiesības par 50 % palielināt sauszemes tranzīta tarifus kas norādīti 27-201. pantā.
R XL pants
Papildu tarifi
1. Katrai pakai, kas pa sauszemes maršrutu vai pa gaisa maršrutu ir nosūtīta uz Francijas aizjūras departamentiem, Francijas aizjūras teritorijām un Senpjēras un Mikelonas un Majotas kopienām, piemēro sauszemes tarifu par ienākošiem sūtījumiem, kas nav lielāks par atbilstīgo tarifu Francijā. Ja šādu paku tranzītā pārvadā Francijas kontinentālajā daļā, tad saistībā ar minēto paku papildus iekasē šādus papildu tarifus un maksas:
1.1. par sauszemes pakām:
1.1.1. Francijas sauszemes tranzīta tarifu;
1.1.2. Francijas jūras tarifu, kas atbilst attāluma solim starp Francijas kontinentālo daļu un katru no attiecīgajiem departamentiem, teritorijām un kopienām;
1.2. par aviopakām:
1.2.1. Francijas sauszemes tranzīta tarifu par atklātā tranzīta pakām;
1.2.2. aviopārvadājumu tarifu, kas atbilst aviopasta pārvadāšanas attālumam starp Francijas kontinentālo daļu un katru no attiecīgajiem departamentiem, teritorijām un kopienām.
2. Ēģiptei un Sudānai ir atļauts par katru paku tranzītā pa Nasera ezeru starp Šalalu Ēģiptē un Vadīhalfu Sudānā iekasēt papildu tarifu, kas ir lielāks par 1 SDR un lielāks par tranzīta sauszemes tarifu, kas noteikts 27-201. pantā.
3. Par katru paku, kuru sūta tranzītā starp Dāniju un Farēru salām vai starp Dāniju un Grenlandi, iekasē šādus papildu tarifus:
3.1. par sauszemes pakām:
3.1.1. tarifa daļu par sūtījumu, kas 27-201. panta 2. punktā noteikta atklātā tranzīta pakām;
3.1.2. Dānijas sauszemes tranzīta tarifu;
3.1.3. Dānijas jūras tarifu, kas atbilst attāluma solim starp Dāniju un Farēru salām vai starp Dāniju un Grenlandi;
3.2. par aviopakām un SAL pakām:
3.2.1. tarifa daļu par sūtījumu, kas 27-201. panta 2. punktā noteikta atklātā tranzīta pakām;
3.2.2. maksu par tranzītā esošo aviodepešu apstrādi;
3.2.3. aviopārvadājumu tarifu, kas atbilst aviopasta pārvadāšanas attālumam starp Dāniju un Farēru salām vai starp Dāniju un Grenlandi.
4. Par paku pārvadājumiem uz Grenlandi Dānijai ir tiesības iekasēt papildu maksu 8,95 SDR apmērā par katru sūtījumu attiecībā uz aviopakām.
5. Čīlei par paku pārvadāšanu uz Lieldienu salu ir atļauts iekasēt papildu tarifu, kas nav lielāks par 2,61 SDR par kilogramu.
6. Par katru paku, kuru pa sauszemes maršrutu vai gaisa maršrutu tranzītā pārvadā starp Portugāles kontinentālo daļu un autonomajiem Azoru salu un Madeiras apgabaliem, iekasē šādus papildu tarifus:
6.1. par sauszemes pakām:
6.1.1. Portugāles tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu;
6.1.2. Portugāles jūras tarifu, kas atbilst attāluma solim starp Portugāles Eiropas daļu un katru no attiecīgajiem autonomajiem apgabaliem;
6.2. par aviopakām:
6.2.1. Portugāles tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu;
6.2.2. aviopārvadājumu tarifu, kas atbilst aviopasta pārvadāšanas attālumam starp Portugāles kontinentālo daļu un katru no attiecīgajiem autonomajiem apgabaliem.
7. Katrai pakai, kas adresēta uz Ālandu salām, papildus Somijā noteiktajam ienākošo sūtījumu sauszemes tarifam piemēro šādus papildu tarifus:
7.1. par sauszemes pakām:
7.1.1. tarifa daļu par paku, kas 27-201. pantā noteikta atklātā tranzīta pakām;
7.1.2. Somijas tranzīta sūtījumu sauszemes tarifu;
7.1.3. Somijas jūras tarifu, kas atbilst attāluma solim līdz Ālandu salām no pasta apmaiņas vietas Somijā;
7.2. par aviopakām:
7.2.1. tarifa daļu par paku, kas noteikta 27-201. pantā;
7.2.2. aviopārvadājumu tarifu, kas atbilst attāluma solim līdz Ālandu salām no pasta apmaiņas vietas Somijā.
8. Papildus palielinājumam, kas atļauts Konvencijas 33. panta 3.2. punktā, Taizemei ir atļauts iekasēt papildu jūras tarifu 0,28 SDR apmērā par kilogramu un attāluma soli.
R XLI pants
Jūras tarifi
Turpmāk minētās valstis patur tiesības palielināt 27-203. pantā norādītos jūras tarifus par ne vairāk kā 50 %: Amerikas Savienotās Valstis, Antigva un Barbuda, Apvienotās Karalistes aizjūras pakļautās teritorijas, Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti, Argentīna, Austrālija, Bahamas, Bahreinas Karaliste, Bangladeša, Barbadosa, Beliza, Beļģija, Brazīlija, Bruneja Darusalama, Čīle, Dānija, Dominika, Džibutija, Francija, Gabona, Gambija, Gajāna, Grenāda, Grieķija, Indija, Itālija, Jamaika, Japāna, Jemena, Kanāda, Katara, Kenija, Kipra, Kiribati, Kolumbija, Komoru salas, Kongo Republika, Lielbritānijas un Ziemeļīrijas Apvienotā Karaliste, Madagaskara, Malaizija, Malta, Maurīcija, Nigērija, Nīderlande, Norvēģija, Omāna, Pakistāna, Papua-Jaungvineja, Portugāle, Sentkristofera un Nevisa, Sentlūsija, Sentvinsenta un Grenadīnas, Seišeļu salas, Singapūra, Sjerraleone, Somija, Spānija, Zviedrija, Taizeme, Tanzānijas Savienotā Republika, Trinidāda un Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraina, Vanuatu, Vācija, Zambija un Zālamana salas.
R XLII pants
Aviopārvadājumu tarifu aprēķināšana preču atpakaļsūtīšanas
1. Neatkarīgi no 34-202. panta noteikumiem Kanādas izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības piemērot aviopārvadājumu tarifus izejošajām pakām, kas nosūtītas, izmantojot preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojumu, vai nu saskaņā ar reglamentu, vai arī ievērojot citu kārtību.
2. Neatkarīgi no 34-202. panta noteikumiem Austrālijas izraudzītajam operatoram ir tiesības piemērot noteikumus, tostarp aviopārvadājumu tarifus, kuri nepieciešami preču atpakaļsūtīšanas pakalpojuma nodrošināšanai attiecībā uz pasta pakām un kuri noteikti reglamentā vai citādi, tostarp divpusējos nolīgumos.
R XLIII pants
Rēķinu sagatavošana
1. Neatkarīgi no 35-014. pantā noteiktā rēķinus, kas iesniegti Amerikas Savienoto Valstu, Kanādas un Ķīnas Tautas Republikas izraudzītajiem operatoriem, neuzskata par apstiprinātiem, kā arī tie nav jāapmaksā divu mēnešu laikā no to saņemšanas, ja vien minētie rēķini netiek saņemti septiņu dienu laikā pēc tam, kad izraudzītais operators kreditors tos ir nosūtījis.
2. Neatkarīgi no 35-014. pantā noteiktā rēķinus, kas iesniegti Saūda Arābijas izraudzītajam operatoram, uzskata par apstiprinātiem, ja izraudzītais operators kreditors trīs mēnešu laikā nav saņēmis paziņojumu par izmaiņām. Tāpat Saūda Arābijas izraudzītajam operatoram nav jāveic maksājumi izraudzītajam operatoram kreditoram saskaņā ar 7. punktu, kurā paredzēts divu mēnešu termiņš, bet maksājumus tas var veikt trīs mēnešu laikā.
Bernē, 2021. gada 24. novembrī
Pasta darbības padomes vārdā:
Francija Pārstāvis Žans Pols Forsvijs |
A. Huseins, ģenerālsekretārs |
1 Šajā definīcijā jebkura atsauce uz uzvārdu, vārdu un tēvvārdu attiecas tikai uz fiziskām personām.
2 CN 70 dokuments ir izstrādāts, pamatojoties uz ICAO apstiprināto IATA veidlapu.
3 Saistībā ar šo pantu attiecīgā Pakalpojumu kvalitātes fonda rēķinu sagatavošanas platforma, kas minēta šajā punktā, ir UPU nodrošināta platforma, kas zināma kā "QSF Finance".