Strasbourg, 27.IV.2022
Certificate of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe |
Proces-verbal de la Secretaire Generale du Conseil de l'Europe |
Whereas paragraph d of Article 41 of the Statute of the Council of Europe provides that amendments to Articles 23-35, 38 and 39 which have been approved by the Committee of Ministers and the Consultative Assembly shall come into force on the date of the certificate of the Secretary General, transmitted to the governments of members, certifying that they have been so approved, |
Considerant que le paragraphe d de Particle 41 du Statut du Conseil de l'Europe enonce que les amendements aux articles 23 a 35,38 et 39, qui auront ete approuves par le Comite des Ministres et l'Assemblee Consultative, entreront en vigueur a la date du proces-verbal ad hoc etabli par le Secretaire General, communique aux gouvemements des membres et attestant l'approbation donnee auxdits amendements, |
The Secretary General hereby certifies as follows: 1. The Committee of Ministers, by the adoption on 6 April 2022 of Resolution CM/Res(2022)5 at the 1431st meeting of the Ministers' Deputies, held on 6 April 2022, approved the amendment to Article 26 of the Statute, the text of which is set out below; 2. The Parliamentary Assembly had approved the same amendment on 15 March 2022 (Opinion 300 (2022)); |
La Secretaire Generale
certifie, par les presentes, ce qui suit: 1. Le Comite des Ministres, en adoptant le 6 avril 2022 la Resolution CM/Res(2022)5, a approuve, au cours de la 1431 e reunion des Delegues des Ministres tenue le 6 avril 2022, l'amendement a I'article 26 du Statut et a libelle le texte dans la forme reproduite ci- dessous ; 2. L'Assemblee Parlementaire a approuve le meme amendement le 15 mars 2022 (Avis 300 (2022)); |
3. Both organs of the Council of Europe having thus
approved it, the amendment come into force this
twenty-seventh day of April 2022, being the date of this
certificate, transmitted on the same date to the
governments of members.
The amended text of Article 26 is worded as follows: "Members shall be entitled to the number of Representatives given below: |
3. Cet amendement, ainsi approuve par les deux organes du Conseil de l'Europe, entre en vigueur le 27 avril 2022, date du present proces-verbal, communique le meme jour aux gouvemements des membres. Le texte amende dudit article 26 est libelle comme suit: "Les membres ont droit au nombre de sieges suivant |
Done at Strasbourg, this 27th day of April 2022. |
Fait a Strasbourg, le 27 avril 2022. |
Marija PEJCINOVIC BURIC Secretary General
Certified a true copy of the sole original document in English and in French, deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. | Copie certifiee conforme a l'exemplaire original unique en langues frangaise et anglaise, depose dans les archives du Conseil de l'Europe. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Director of Legal Advice
and Public International Law (Legal Adviser): |
Le Directeur du Conseil Juridique
et du Droit International Public (Jurisconsulte) |