Table of Contents
Section I Definitions
Section II Purpose and Scope
Section III Task and Status
Section IV Information Security
Section V Participation and Contribution
Section VI Plenary
Section VII Manning
Section VIII Discipline and National Duties
Section IX Financial Procedures
Section X Budgetary, Accounting, and Auditing Provisions
Section XI Welfare and Amenities
Section XII Equipment
Section XIII Claims
Section XIV Settlement of Disputes
Section XV Commencement, Modifications, Withdrawal, and Termination
A. Financial Principles and Procedures, Accounting and Auditing Provisions
B. HQ MND-N Initial Manning Table
C. Participants' Cost Sharing Formula
D. Charges for Accommodation, Messing, Education, Medical and other Facilities
E. Note of Accession Template
F. Terms of Reference of HQ MND-N Senior Resource Committee
G. Technical Arrangement Template for Contributing Partners
The Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, the Department of National Defence of Canada and the Canadian Armed Forces, the Minister of Defence of the French Republic, the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Ministry of Defence of the Italian Republic, the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania, the Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Poland, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Spain and the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - hereinafter referred to as "Participants";
The Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE)
CONSIDERING the constant desire of the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty to unite their efforts for collective defence and for preservation of peace and security;
HAVING REGARD to the provisions of the North Atlantic Treaty, dated 4 April 1949;
HAVING REGARD to the provisions of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of their Forces (NATO SOFA), dated 19 June 1951;
HAVING REGARD to the Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up Pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty (Paris Protocol), dated 28 August 1952;
HAVING REGARD to the provisions of the Agreement between the Republic of Latvia and the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation to Supplement the Paris Protocol (Supplementary Agreement), dated 15 January 2016;
HAVING REGARD to the provisions of the agreements and arrangements between the Kingdom of Denmark and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation on the status of the International Military Headquarters (IMHQ) on the territory of the Kingdom of Denmark;
HAVING REGARD to the provisions of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces (PfP SOFA), dated 19 June 1995, the Additional Protocol to the Agreement Among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces (Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA), dated 19 June 1995, and the Further Additional Protocol to the Agreement Among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces (Further Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA), dated 19 December 1997;
NOTING that not all Participants belong to Parties to the Paris Protocol, the Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA or the Further Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA;
ACKNOWLEDGING that Headquarters Multinational Division North (HQ MND-N) is being established with reference to the Letter of Intent (LOI), signed 11 July 2018 by a number of the Participants, where the signatories to the LOI aim to further commit to the security of the Alliance by enhancing the collective defence capability focused on command and controlling the Baltic region;
ACKNOWLEDGING that HQ MND-N is being established as a Headquarters on Denmark's and Latvia's, respectively, sovereign territory in peacetime with the task to assemble in Latvia during crisis and operations as appropriate;
HAVING REGARD to the North Atlantic Council (NAC) decision PO(2020)0330, Activation of Headquarters Multinational Division North as a NATO Military Body with IMHQ status, dated 19 October 2020;
HAVING REGARD to relevant NATO doctrines and directives;
NOTING that non-NATO nations, international organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGO) may participate in NATO activities and/or NATO-led operations in accordance with NATO policy.
DESIRING to establish and implement appropriate multinational manning and funding arrangements as are necessary for the operation of HQ MND-N;
The Participants and SHAPE have reached the following understandings:
Section I
1. Unless another meaning is specified within this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and its follow-on documents, the NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (AAP-6) and NATO Glossary of Abbreviations used in NATO Documents and Publications (AAP-15) are to apply.
In addition, for the purpose of this MOU, the following definitions are to apply:
a. COM MND-N means Commander MND-N.
b. Headquarters Multinational Division North or HQ MND-N means the International Military Headquarters which comprises of two elements: Staff element East situated in Latvia and Staff element West situated in Denmark, as reflected in Annex B to this MOU, and collectively referred to as HQ MND-N.
c. Host Nation (HN) means the Kingdom of Denmark and/or the Republic of Latvia on whose sovereign territories the HQ MND-N is established.
d. Framework Nations means the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Latvia represented by their Ministries of Defence.
e. Plenary means the executive policy committee composed of the representatives of the Participants and SHAPE.
f. Contributing Partner means any Non-NATO nation or international organisation which contributes to HQ MND-N in accordance with the framework established in this MoU and current NATO policy and NAC decisions.
g. Senior National Representative means the senior officer, or other designated officer of a Participant serving in HQ MND-N.
h. Senior Resource Committee means the committee responsible for considering resource issues arising from that part of the HQ MND-N budget which is to be shared between the Participants and for the resolution of issues arising out of the administration of that part of the HQ MND-N budget.
i. National Support Element means any national units/elements attached to HQ MND-N performing exclusively national administrative tasks in order to support national members of the HQ MND-N.
j. Note of Accession means a document by which NATO allies accede HQ MND-N as Participants under the provisions of this MOU.
k. Contributing Partners' Technical Arrangement means a document by which the provisions of the status of each Contributing Partner that decides to contribute to the HQ MND-N is to be defined, including the personnel assigned to it and arrangements for the operation, manning, administration, and support of this HQ.
Section II
Purpose and Scope
1. The purpose of this MOU is to establish the principles and set forth provisions for the status of HQ MND-N and that of the personnel assigned to it, and to establish arrangements for stationing, funding, manpower, administration, and logistical support, as well as cost sharing among the Participants.
2. This MOU is not meant to constitute an international treaty or to create any rights or obligations under public international law. This MOU is not intended to conflict with applicable national or international law or with any existing applicable international agreements between the states of the Participants. In the event of such conflict, national or international law and existing international agreements between the states of the Participants are to prevail. The Participants are to notify each other in writing in the event of any such conflict.
Task and Status
1. HQ MND-N coordinates and assists multinational training and exercises in identified nations, and operates for national defence as well as for collective defence purposes in accordance with the North Atlantic Treaty.
2. HQ MND-N is under the operational command of Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and may be employed in peacetime, crisis and operations by NATO on the authority of the appropriate NATO Military Authorities (NMA) by means of an exercise or operational tasking issued in accordance with NATO standard procedures. HQ MND-N is not be deployed or otherwise be made unavailable to NATO without prior notification to SACEUR.
3. The command and control (C2) relationships enabling the HQ MND-N to carry out its tasks in peacetime, crisis, and operations are detailed in the Command and Control Technical Agreement (C2 TA) of the HQ MND-N.
4. The tasks of HQ MND-N are to:
a. Maintain and disseminate situational awareness;
b. Plan and command military operations in its area of operation;
c. Command assigned troops;
d. Conduct training;
e. Execute other tasks set out by appropriate Military Authorities.
5. The HQ MND-N is to be made available and sufficiently resourced by the Participants to support all training and exercise participation detailed in the formal NATO Military Exercise Programme currently known as the Military Training and Exercise Programme (MTEP). Additionally, the HQ MND-N is to be available and sufficiently resourced to conduct any training deemed necessary by COM MND-N in order to ensure availability for NATO tasking in accordance with the appropriate readiness levels and lead times, as defined in the MC-586 series.
6. A Participant under this MOU, other than a Framework Nation (FN), wishing to affiliate units with the HQ MND-N may do so with the consent of all Participants and SHAPE through a Note of Accession to the C2 TA.
7. During crisis and operations the two elements of the HQ MND-N are to assemble in Latvia and are primarily to operate from a fixed location.
8. In accordance with NATO procedures, HQ MND-N is a NAC-approved NATO Military Body which enjoys NATO IMHQ status pursuant to the Paris Protocol and the Supplementary Agreements, as applicable. The status of the HQ MND-N and its attached support units/elements, as well as its personnel and their dependents is defined in the Paris Protocol, NATO SOFA, PfP SOFA, and Supplementary Agreements or any other agreements between the concerned HN and SHAPE and Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformationon on the status of the IMHQ on the territory of that HN, as applicable.
9. English is to be the working language of HQ MND-N.
Section IV
Information Security
1. Classified information stored, handled, generated, transmitted or exchanged as a result of the execution of this MOU is to be treated in accordance with C-M (2002) 49 "Security within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation", dated 17 June 2002, in the respective authorised edition, including all supplements and amendments thereto, and existing international agreements and arrangements.
2. Unclassified information stored, handled, generated, transmitted or exchanged as a result of the execution of this MOU is to be treated in accordance with C-M (2002) 60 "The Management of non-classified NATO information," dated 24 July 2002, in the respective authorised edition, including all supplements and amendments thereto, and existing security agreements and arrangements.
3. Information exchanged or shared by the Participants or SHAPE with non-NATO entities as a result of the execution of this MOU is to be treated in accordance with the Bi-SC Handbook for Information and Intelligence Sharing (I&IS) with Non-NATO Entities (NNEs) v5.0, dated September 2014, including all supplements and amendments thereto.
Section V
Participation and Contribution
1. Any NATO ally, providing they have no reservations or caveats, may accede directly to this MOU under the provisions approved by the Plenary and Senior Resources Committee (SRC), by use of a Note of Accession (NOA) (template at Annex E). Accede directly means completion of a NOA, signed by the joining NATO ally, FNs and SHAPE and depend on the following criteria being met:
a. The Plenary has approved the post(s) to be filled;
b. The SRC has approved the start date of their financial contribution and initial contribution to offset previous investments, if any; and
c. The joining NATO ally has no caveats or reservations.
2. If the acceding NATO ally has any reservations or caveats to this MOU, these are to be declared in full on the NOA which is to be signed by the acceding NATO ally, all Participants and SHAPE. Caveats or reservations include any substantive deviations from the NOA template at Annex E to this MOU.
3. Prior to the signing of the NOA, the joining NATO ally's initial financial contribution and capital investment contribution, if any, is to be settled and determined between the joining NATO ally and the Participants and recorded in the NOA.
4. Any Non-NATO nation or international organisation may be granted the opportunity to contribute to HQ MND-N as a Contributing Partner (CP). This opportunity and subsequent contribution is to be in accordance with existing NATO policies and NAC decisions. The details of the contribution of a CP are to be approved by the Plenary and SRC and formalized through a Technical Arrangement (TA) among the Participants, SHAPE and the CP. A template TA is provided at Annex G to this MOU.
5. Any CP's personnel assigned to HQ MND-N, are to serve in HQ MND-N in accordance with procedures guided by ACO Directive 045-001 "Allied Command Operations Military Personnel Management and Administration for Peacetime Establishment posts" or as established by the SRC and Plenary.
6. The status of the personnel of CPs and their dependents, within the concerned host nation (HN), that are not covered by the NATO SOFA or PfP SOFA and/or supplementary agreements, may be subject to further arrangements with this HN.
Section VI
1. The Plenary is to meet once a year to review the operation and application of this MOU, including approval of changes to the Manning Table and job descriptions, approval of units' affiliation and concurrence regarding modifications of this MOU. Chairmanship of the Plenary is to rotate among the FNs and is to follow the chairmanship of the Division Committee as stated in Annex C to the FN MOU.
2. The Plenary meetings are ordinarily convened upon notification of the Chairman of the Plenary. One or more of the Participants or SHAPE may request that the Chairman of the Plenary convene an extraordinary meeting.
3. The Plenary is to be composed of the following:
Voting Members:
- An authorized representative from each of the Participants,
Non-Voting Members:
- The Chairman (belonging to a FN, but not identical to the voting representative of that FN)
- A representative from SHAPE,
- A secretary (provided by HQ MND-N)
- Agreed guests and observers,
- Subject matter experts attending in support of any representative.
4. The Plenary decisions are to be made by consensus of the Voting Members. Consensus means every voting member must vote yes, or abstain from a decision, in order for the decision to be approved (with a minimum of one yes vote). In case there be one or more negative votes, the decision is not approved.
5. The COM MND-N is to be responsible for making appropriate preparations for and hosting the meetings of the Plenary. Personnel from the HQ MND-N are to attend the meetings, as required by the Plenary.
1. The HQ MND-N Initial Manning Table, as of the date this MOU is signed, including the posts assigned to individual Participants (flagging), is set forth in Annex B of this MOU. All updates/modifications to the Manning Table are to be approved by the Plenary and recorded into a consolidated version in the Plenary Decision Sheet. In case of an impact on the cost share, the revised version of the Manning Table including the dates the revision and the change to the cost chare takes effect, is to be forwarded by the Chairman of the Plenaryto SHAPE, as the custodian of this MOU, in order to be promulgated in certified copies to the Participants. The tour of duty for each post is not to be less than three years and is to be in accordance with ACO Directive 045-001.
2. In accordance with national rules and regulations, informal temporary arrangements in writing between the COM MND-N and the Senior National Representative (SNR), or when applicable the national authorities, of any concerned Participant may permit changes, other than those affecting manpower levels and allocation to specific nations, to be made to the approved post allocation set out in section VI, paragraph 1, up to and including OF-2 appointments.
3. Similar arrangements may, in accordance with national rules and regulations, be applied on temporary basis up to and including OF-5 appointments. Such temporary arrangements are subject to the approval of all SNRs, or when applicable the national authorities, and is to be brought before the next Plenary session for approval in accordance with the principles laid down in section VI of this MOU.
4. Unless otherwise approved by the Participants, any supplement to or reduction in the approved post allocation set out in the Manning Table or any change in the approved post allocation in relation to appointments for OF-1 and above, may only be effected by giving 12 (twelve) months' notice in writing to the Chairman of the Plenary who is to notify all other Participants and SHAPE of the relevant changes. All changes to Participants' post allocation are to be approved in the Plenary.
5. Job descriptions for the staff of the HQ MND-N and any changes thereto are to be prepared by HQ MND-N and approved by the Plenary. Changes in job descriptions of level OF-2 and below only require the approval of the Participants directly affected. HQ MND-N is to employ personnel in accordance with the relevant job descriptions. The Participants are to provide personnel in accordance with the relevant job descriptions.
6. A Participant may fill their flagged post with exchange personnel (personnel coming from a non-MOU Participant with which the concerned Participant has a corresponding bilateral arrangement) after co-ordination with the Mininstry of Defence of the relevant HN, compliance with existing NATO policies and NAC decisions, and receipt of Plenary approval in accordance with the principles laid down in section VI of this MOU.
Discipline and National Duties
1. With regard to discipline and national duties, the management of HQ MND-N personnel is to follow the procedures in ACO Directive 045-001.
2. In matters of discipline and national duties, the SNRs, or other designated officers, hold, with regard to the personnel of their own nationality, all powers or competencies conferred on them by their national laws and regulations. They are to ensure that within the limits imposed by the respective national laws and regulations, their personnel comply with the regulations issued by the COM MND-N.
3. The Participants are not to withdraw their permanently assigned personnel from the HQ MND-N until appropriate trained replacement/augmentation personnel are provided in order to ensure operational readiness and effectiveness of the HQ MND-N.
4. Participants' personnel are to take leave in accordance with their respective national laws, regulations and policy. The HQ MND-N annual programme is to make provisions for periods of minimum manning and is to periodically include additional stand-down days (up to a maximum of 12 per annum), subject to operational commitments.
Section IX
Financial Procedures
1. As a Headquarters within NATO Force Structure, HQ MND-N is in principle, unless otherwise decided by NAC, not eligible for NATO Common Funding. Thus, the funding responsibility is to be met by the FNs and Participants.
2. The further provisions for funding responsibilities are stipulated in Annex A, section A.I, to this MOU.
Section X
Budgetary, Accounting, and Auditing Provisions
1. Provisions setting financial, budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and procedures are to be further defined by the Senior Resource Committee in accordance with the regulations stipulated in Annex A, section A.II, to this MOU.
Section XI
Welfare and Amenities
1. Personnel of Participants and their dependants, including National Support Elements (NSE) and their dependents, are to have access to the HNs' officially provided welfare facilities, subject to availability and to the HNs' own national requirements and standards. These services are to be subject to reimbursement at current rates published by the HQ MND-N on the same basis as Host Nations' personnel.
2. In addition, personnel of Participants and their dependants, including NSE and their dependants are to have access to recreational amenities of the HNs, subject to availability. Any charges for these facilities are to be the same as those for the HNs' own personnel and are to be the responsibility of the individual involved. Damage caused to HNs facilities or infrastructure is to be billed and payment for repair is the responsibility of the individual involved.
3. Charges for accomodation, messing, education, medical, dental care and other facilities in support to personnel of the Participants and their dependants, including NSE and their dependants are detailed in Annex D to this MOU.
1. The equipment of the HQ MND-N is to comprise of all material and equipment submitted by FNs free of charge, excluding assets purchased by NATO or the FNs for a regional crisis equipment pool and those temporarily located at the HQ MND-N. Upon closure of the HQ MND-N or termination of this MOU, any equipment originally contributed without charge by a Participant is to be reverted to the Participant which provided the equipment. Any equipment provided by the FNs is to remain the property of the FNs. Any NATO provided equipment is to remain the property of NATO and be re-distributed in accordance with standard NATO procedures and the Paris Protocol.
2. Any equipment procured after this MOU becomes effective, through the HQ MND-N's Shared Multinational Funded Budget (SMFB), is to become property of the HQ MND-N. Upon closure of the HQ MND-N or termination of this MOU, residual value or remaining moveable property and equipment is to be distributed among the Participants in a manner to be decided by the SRC.
3. NATO common funded property and equipment is not to be utilised for non-NATO purposes without the specific prior permission of the appropriate Strategic Command.
1. Claims, with the exception of contractual claims, are to be settled in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris Protocol and Article VIII of the NATO SOFA.
2. Contractual claims are to be resolved in accordance with applicable law.
3. Claims and payments attributable to the official activities of the HQ MND-N or its personnel are to be shared by the Participants in accordance with the cost-sharing formula in Annex C to this MOU.
Settlement of Disputes
1. Any dispute between any of the Participants and/or SHAPE regarding the interpretation or application of this MOU, is to be settled by consultations among the Participants and/or SHAPE.
Section XV
Commencement, Amendments, Withdrawal, and Termination
1. This MOU becomes effective on the date of the last signature. This MOU is to remain in effect until it is terminated in accordance with section XV, paragraph 4 of this MOU.
2. This MOU may be amended only with the unanimous written consent of the Participants and SHAPE. Amendments are to be attached to this MOU and registered as changes to the original document.
3. Any Participant may withdraw from this MOU by giving twelve (12) months prior notice in writing to SHAPE, who is to notify all the other Participants. Reducing the number of flagged posts to zero constitutes a withdrawal from this MOU. In the event of a withdrawal, the respective Participant continues to provide financial contribution to HQ MND-N until the end of the FY in which the notice period ends.
4. This MOU may be terminated by unanimous consent of the Participants and SHAPE in writing at any time. Upon the termination of this MOU, the financial consequences resulting therefrom, including the determination of the residual value of the infrastructure, facilities and equipment subject to shared funding, is to be settled by consultations between the Participants.
5. References in this MOU to NATO policy documents are to encapsulate any revisions thereof, or, as the case may be, are to refer to such policy documents that may replace them.
This MOU is signed in duplicate, in English and French languages, each version being equally valid. SHAPE is to be the custodian of the MOU, any amending instruments and any Notes of Accession thereto and is to provide a certified true copy to each Participant.
For the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Denmark
Signature _______________________________ Date 31.08.2021.
Rank OF-6 Name Per Orluff Knudsen
Appointment DNK NMR
For the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia
Signature _______________________________ Date 09.08.2021.
Rank OF-7 Name Meelis Kiili
Appointment EST NMR
For the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia
This MOU and any subsequent amendment will enter into effect for the Republic of Latvia on the day of the written notification to SHAPE concerning the completion of its internal legal procedures required to bring this MOU into effect.
Signature _______________________________ Date 28.06.2021.
Rank OF -5 Name Gunars Kaulins
Appointment LVA NMR
For the Department of National Defence of Canada,
Signature _______________________________ Date 23.07.2021.
Rank OF-6 Name Carpentier
Appointment CAN NMR
For the Minister for the Armed Forces of the French Republic
Signature _______________________________ Date 30.08.2021.
Rank OF-6 Name Gougeon
Appointment FRA NMR
For the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany
The Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany emphasises that this MOU constitutes a political declaration of intent. It is not meant to constitute an international treaty or to create any rights or obligations under international law.
Signature _______________________________ Date 01.09.2021.
Rank Brigadier General Name Shnittker
Appointment DEU NMR
For the Ministry of Defence of the Italian Republic
Signature _______________________________ Date 02.09.2021.
Rank OF-6 Name Enriko Pacioni
Appointment ITA NMR
For the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania
Signature _______________________________ Date 31.08.2021.
Rank Brigadier General Name Almantas Leika
Appointment LIT NMR
For the Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Poland
Signature _______________________________ Date 31.08.2021.
Rank OF-6 Name Zenon Brzuzsko
Appointment POL NMR
For the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia
Signature _______________________________ Date 31.08.2021.
Rank OF-5 Name Peter Starc
Appointment SVN NMR
For the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Spain
Signature _______________________________ Date 02.09.2021.
Rank OF-6 Name Alejandro Chueca Ibañez
Appointment ESP NMR
For the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Signature ________________________ Date 06.09.2021.
Rank OF-6 Name Jonathan Biggart
Appointment GBR NMR
For the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Signature __________________________ Date 07.09.2021.
Rank OF-9 Name Joachim Rühle
Appointment COS SHAPE
A.I Financial principles and funding responsibilities
1. As a Headquarters within NATO Force Structure, the overarching funding-principle for HQ MND-N is that "costs lie where they fall". HQ MND-N is in principle, unless otherwise decided by NAC, not eligible for NATO Common Funding. Thus, the funding responsibility is to be met by the Framework Nations (FN) and Participants.
2. The FN, including in their role as Host Nations (HN), are to provide and bear the costs of the following infrastructure, services and functions to HQ MND-N:
a. Operation and maintenance of the Headquarters permanent locations in Latvia (Ādaži) and Denmark (initially Karup, then Slagelse);
b. Communications and information systems in support of the HQ MND-N in its permanent locations, and the Armored Mobile Forward Command post, excluding Participants' national requirements;
c. Communication, including satelite communications, software licenses and maintenance of communication and data processing facilities, excluding Participants' national requirements;
d. Civilian hired Local Wage Rate support staff;
e. The equipment within support units/elements attached to the HQ MND-N;
f. The office management, postage, reproduction, fittings, office equipment, stationery, and other utilities for the HQ MND-N, together with office services, operational support services and bank services;
g. Office furnishing;
h. Representation and hospitality expenses;
i. Provision, maintenance of and fuel for staff cars and other administrative vehicular transport in support of the HQ MND-N daily operations;
j. Geospatial support to the HQ MND-N, as follows:
i. Terrain analysis and graphics, provision of defined planning stocks and controlled access of a geospatial map library on deployment;
ii. Co-ordination of the supply of geospatial materials, either from existing NATO-designated materials (by nations meeting their existing responsibilities within current NATO Geospatial Policy) or by arranging production and supply (with financial reimbursement through existing bilateral arrangements or on invoice repayment basis);
k. Military exercises and training venues outside the HQ MND-N permanent locations for a period not exceeding four (4) days and only involving personnel and equipment of the HQ MND-N;
l. Physical security and force protection of the permanent facilities;
m. Utilities, including cleaning, renovation, heating, water, electricity, public phone lines and public internet connection.
3. The Participants are to commonly provide and bear the costs of the following services and functions in accordance with the cost sharing formula set out in Annex C to this MOU:
a. Military exercises and training venues not funded by the Framework Nations in accordance with this Annex, by National Funding or from NATO and for which expenditures are approved by the SRC within the SMFB under the procedures set out in Section A.II of the Annex A to this MOU;
b. All costs not funded by the Framework Nations, by National Funding or from NATO sources, and which are accepted by the Participants under the procedures set out in Section A II, paragraph 3 of the Annex A to this MOU.
4. Each Participant is to provide and bear the costs of the following services and functions nationally for:
a. Its personnel assigned by it to the HQ MND-N and expenditures related to those personnel, and any of its NSE or other national representation in addition to that set out in the Manning Table in Annex B to this MOU, together with such allowances, including per diem expenses (accommodation and messing) payable under its national regulations;
b. Any of its equipment or personnel brought into the HQ MND-N in excess of that provided under the auspices of the FNs budget;
c. Communications and Information Systems arising from its national requirements;
d. Any facility or equipment required to meet its national needs (including buildings, sports and amenity facilities) and of any operating costs of such special facilities or equipment, where these costs can be separately identified by the HN concerned and/or the FNs and approved by the respective Participant;
e. Travel of its personnel on initial appointment to and end of tour re-assignment from the HQ MND-N and other leave or duty travel taken for national purposes;
A.II Financial procedures and Budgetary, Accounting and Auditing Provisions
1. Funds provided by the FNs are to be made available for HQ MND-N in a Framework Nations Budget (FNB) and controlled in accordance with financial and accounting procedures layed out in a separate arrangement between the FNs. HQ MND-N is to provide an annual summary of the execution of the FNB to the Participants for their information.
2. Funds available from NATO sources are to be requested and accounted for in accordance with standard NATO procedures as defined in NATO directives.
3. Funds provided commonly by the Participants and CPs are to be made available for HQ MND-N in a SMFB. SMFB is to be governed by the Senior Resource Committee (SRC).
The administrative and financial management is to be carried out in accordance with current applicable NATO Financial Regulations and any other related documents, to the extent feasible, as determined by the SRC and laid down in the HQ MND-N Financial Administrative Procedures (FAP). Deviations from NATO Financial Regulations are restricted to the minimum necessary to correctly reflect the financial and accounting procedures for the FNs Budget
4. The following provisions are to be applied to the funding commonly provided by the Participants:
a. The fiscal year begins on the 1st January and ends on the 31st December.
b. The currency of the SMFB is to be EUR.
c. Estimates of the shared multinational funding requirements for the following financial year(s) are to be prepared by the HQ MND-N and forwarded to the Participants no later than 30 September of each year for the following calendar year as follows:
i. The estimated funding requirements for the following year are to be translated into a SMFB proposal;
ii. The ceiling for the budget year and estimated funding requirements for the following four financial years are to be translated into a Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP);
d. The SRC is to review and approve the SMFB and is to note the MTFP.
e. Before being submitted formally to the SRC, the military requirements upon which these estimates are based are to be reviewed at a meeting comprised of the SNR of each Participant serving in the HQ MND-N or his/her representative.
f. Funds made available for the SMFB are to be requested and accounted for in accordance with a set of Financial Administrative Procedures as approved by the SRC.
g. Contributions are to be made by the Participants in accordance with the provisions in Annex C to this MOU. Contributions are further to be provided by the Participants in a number of instalments determined by the SRC.
h. Auditing functions for the shared multinational funding are to be as directed by the SRC. The audit results, together with the Commander's report of corrective action, are to be provided to the members of the SRC after completion of the audit. Documents supporting funded transactions through the SFMB are to be available for the Participants for auditing purposes.
i. Irrespective of the audits conducted, national audit authorities are entitled to request information from HQ MND-N and may request access to all records or copies thereof, which are required to audit national contributions.
j. Subject to approval of the budget by the SRC, HQ MND-N is to forward a Call for Funds specifying the amount of each Participants' share of the approved SMFB. Participants are to make their contribution available within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Call for Funds.
k. The Participants are to be responsible for bank transfer charges. If, in the view of the HQ MND-N, expenditure is likely to vary significantly from that originally estimated, a revised budget estimate may be submitted to the SRC for approval. Contingent by approval of the revised budget estimate, the HQ MND-N is to adjust the call for funds on the basis of the Participants' appropriate share of the revised budget.
l. The MND-N Commander is responsible for compliance with all applicable financial principles and procedures and is to ensure:
i. the designation of the bank or banks in which the funds are to be held;
ii. the establishment and overall management of all accounts; and
iii. that the transfers and withdraws from accounts are authorised by two signatories.
m. Transfer authority and financial limits are to be determined by the SRC.
n. The HQ MND-N is to maintain a full and complete record of all expenditure and revenue incurred.
o. A financial report under the cash basis of accounting (including a comparison of budgets and actual amounts) based on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), detailing the above mentioned expenditure and revenue, is to be submitted to the SRC.
p. At the end of the year, if a Participant has paid more than the appropriate share of actual net-expenditure, the excess is to be retained and offset against the following year's contribution of that Participant.
5. Funds made available from NATO sources and from Participants and CPs in accordance with the above provisions can be subject to audit by FNs or the International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN). Funds provided from Strategic Commands allocations are to be subject to audit by the relevant Strategic Commands. A copy of the findings is to be provided to each Participant.
Full Job Title |
Rank |
Service |
Nationality |
Staff element |
Post number |
Remarks |
Command Group |
Commander |
OF-7 |
A |
E |
MNDN GXXX 0010 |
Deputy Commander |
OF-6 |
A |
E |
MNDN GXXX 0020 |
Chief of Staff |
OF-6 |
A |
E |
MNDN GXXX 0030 |
Deputy Chief of Staff |
OF-5 |
A |
W |
MNDN GXXX 0040 |
Command Sergeant Major |
OR-9 |
A |
E |
MNDN GXXX 0050 |
Central Staff |
Head (Central Staff) |
OF-4 |
A |
W |
MNDN ZXXX 0010 |
Military assistant |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZXXX 0020 |
Aide-de-Camp |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZXXX 0030 |
Secretary for Commander |
(LWR)1 |
C |
NU2 |
E |
MNDN ZXXX 0040 |
Interpreter Cell |
Head (Interpreter) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZINT 0010 |
Interpreter |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZINT 0020 |
Coordination Cell |
Head (Deputy Central Staff) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZCRD 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination/Gender Advisor) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZCRD 0020 |
Staff Officer (Coordination 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN ZCRD 0030 |
Staff Officer (Coordination 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZCRD 0040 |
Staff Officer (Coordination 3) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN ZCRD 0050 |
Information Knowledge Management |
Head (Information Knowledge Management) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZIKM 0010 |
Staff Officer (Deputy Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN ZIKM 0020 |
Staff Officer (IKM Current 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZIKM 0030 |
Staff Officer (IKM Current 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZIKM 0040 |
Staff Officer (IKM Development 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZIKM 0050 |
Staff Officer (IKM Development 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZIKM 0060 |
Chief (Central Registry) |
OR-7 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZIKM 0070 |
Advisors Cell |
Head (Advisors) |
OF-4 |
I |
E |
MNDN ZADV 0010 |
Staff Officer (Legal 1) |
OF-3 |
I |
E |
MNDN ZADV 0020 |
Staff Officer (Legal 2) |
OF-3 |
I |
E |
MNDN ZADV 0030 |
Staff Officer (Legal ROE Planner) |
OF-3 |
I |
E |
MNDN ZADV 0040 |
Political Advisor |
C |
C |
FN |
E |
MNDN ZADV 0050 |
Public Affairs Office |
Head (Public Affairs Office / (STRATCOM) |
OF-4 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination / Spokesperson / STRATCOM) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0020 |
Staff Assistant (Public Affairs Duty 1) |
OR-8 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0030 |
Staff Assistant (Public Affairs Duty 2) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0040 |
Staff Officer (Media 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0050 |
Staff Officer (Media 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0060 |
Journalist |
(LWR) |
C |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0070 |
Staff Officer (Internal Communications 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0080 |
Staff Officer (Internal Communications 2) |
OF-1 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0090 |
Staff Officer (Visitors and Observers Bureau 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0100 |
Head (Visits and Protocol) |
(LWR) |
C |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0110 |
Assistant (Visits and Protocol) |
(LWR) |
C |
NU |
E |
MNDN ZPAO 0120 |
Exercise and Training Branch |
Branch Head (Training) |
OF-4 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTRG 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTRG 0020 |
Staff Assistant (Training) |
OR-8 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTRG 0030 |
Head (Exercise Planning) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTPL 0010 |
Staff Officer (Exercise Planning) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
W |
MNDN PTPL 0020 |
Staff Assistant (Exercise Planning) |
OR-8 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTPL 0030 |
Head (Exercise Planning Team 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN PTRG 0040 |
Staff Officer (Training 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN PTRG 0050 |
Staff Officer (Training 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN PTRG 0060 |
Staff Officer (Training 3) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN PTRG 0070 |
Staff Officer (eFP Training Coordination) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN PTRG 0080 |
Staff Assistant (Exercise Planning Team 1) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN PTRG 0090 |
Head (Exercise Planning Team 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTRG 0100 |
Staff Officer (Training 4) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTRG 0110 |
Staff Officer (Training 5) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTRG 0120 |
Staff Officer (Training 6) |
OF-2 |
A |
NU |
W |
MNDN PTRG 0130 |
Staff Assistant (Exercise Planning Team 2) |
OR-7 |
A |
W |
MNDN PTRG 0140 |
Plan Centre |
Head (Plan Centre) |
OF-5 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCX 0010 |
Staff Officer (Deputy Plan Centre) |
OF-4 |
A |
W |
MNDN PLCX 0020 |
Staff Assistant (Plan Centre) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCX 0030 |
Operational Planning Team 1 |
Head (Operational Planning Team 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN PLCA 0010 |
Staff Officer (Plans - OPT 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN PLCA 0020 |
Staff Officer (Operations - OPT 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCA 0030 |
Staff Officer (Coordination - OPT 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN PLCA 0040 |
Staff Assistant (OPT 1) |
OR-8 |
A |
W |
MNDN PLCA 0050 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence - OPT 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN PLCA 0060 |
Staff Officer (Artillery - OPT 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN PLCA 0070 |
Staff Officer (Air - OPT 1) |
OF-3 |
AF |
W |
MNDN PLCA 0080 |
Staff Officer (Aviation - OPT 1) |
OF-3 |
I |
E |
MNDN PLCA 0090 |
Staff Officer (Air Defence - OPT 1) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN PLCA 0100 |
Staff Officer (Engineer - OPT 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN PLCA 0110 |
Operational Planning Team 2 |
Head (Operational Planning Team 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0010 |
Staff Officer (Plans - OPT 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0020 |
Staff Officer (Operations - OPT 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0030 |
Staff Officer (Coordination - OPT 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0040 |
Staff Assistant (OPT 2) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0050 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence - OPT 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0060 |
Staff Officer (Artillery - OPT 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0070 |
Staff Officer (Air - OPT 2) |
OF-3 |
AF |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0080 |
Staff Officer (Aviation - OPT 2) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0090 |
Staff Officer (Air Defence - OPT 2) |
OF-3 |
I |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0100 |
Staff Officer (Engineer - OPT 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLCB 0110 |
Operational Planning Support Team |
Staff Officer (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLST 0010 |
Staff Officer (Information Activities) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN PLST 0020 |
Staff Officer (Logistics) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN PLST 0030 |
Staff Officer (Communications and Information Systems) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN PLST 0040 |
Operational Assessment |
Head (Operational Assessment) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN PLOA 0010 |
Staff Officer (Operational Assessment) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN PLOA 0020 |
Fires and Influence Coordination Centre (FICC) |
Head (Fires and Influence Coordination Centre) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOFI 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOFI 0020 |
Staff Officer (Targeting) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOFI 0030 |
Staff Assistant (Joint Targeting System) |
OR-8 |
I |
E |
MNDN OOFI 0040 |
Information Activities Coordination Centre |
Head (Information Activities Coordination Centre) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN OOIA 0020 |
Cell Head (CIMIC) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN OOIA 0030 |
Staff Officer (CIMIC Analysis 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN OOIA 0040 |
Staff Officer (CIMIC Analysis 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0050 |
Staff Officer (CIMIC Liaison 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0060 |
Staff Officer (CIMIC Liaison 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0070 |
Cell Head (PSYOPS) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0080 |
Staff Officer (PSYOPS Planner/Coordinator 1) |
OF-2 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0090 |
Staff Officer (PSYOPS Planner/Coordinator 2) |
OF-2 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0100 |
Staff Officer (PSYOPS Target Audience Analysis 1) |
OF-2 |
I |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0110 |
Staff Officer (PSYOPS Target Audience Analysis 2) |
OF-2 |
I |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0120 |
Cell Head (Media Operations) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0130 |
Staff Officer (Media Operations Analysis 1) |
OF-2 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0140 |
Staff Officer (Media Operations Analysis 2) |
OF-2 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0150 |
Staff Officer (Media Analysis 1) |
OF-2 |
I |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0160 |
Staff Officer (Media Analysis 2) |
OF-2 |
I |
E |
MNDN OOIA 0170 |
Joint Fires Support Centre |
Head (Joint Fires Support Centre) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN OOJF 0020 |
Staff Assistant (Joint Fire Support) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0030 |
Staff Officer (Artillery) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0040 |
Staff Officer (Division Air Defence) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0050 |
Staff Assistant (Joint Targeting Systems) |
OR-8 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0060 |
Staff Officer (Division Air Liaison Officer) |
OF-4 |
AF |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0070 |
Staff Officer (Division Aviation Liaison) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0080 |
Staff Officer (Air Space Management) |
OR-8 |
AF |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0090 |
Staff Officer (Air) |
OF-3 |
AF |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0100 |
Staff Officer (Aviation) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0110 |
Staff Officer (Unmanned Air Systems/Counter Rockets Artillery and Morters) |
OR-8 |
I |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0120 |
Staff Officer (Naval Fire Support) |
OF-3 |
NA |
E |
MNDN OOJF 0130 |
Electronic Magnetic Coordination Cell |
Head (Electronic Magnetic Coordination) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOEM 0010 |
Staff Officer (Electronic Warfare 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOEM 0020 |
Staff Officer (Electronic Warfare 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
NU |
W |
MNDN OOEM 0030 |
Operations Centre |
Head (Operations Centre) |
OF-5 |
A |
E |
MNDN OPSC 0010 |
Staff Officer (Deputy Operations Centre) |
OF-4 |
A |
W |
MNDN OPSC 0020 |
Staff Assistant (Operations Centre) |
OR-9 |
A |
E |
MNDN OPSC 0030 |
Operation and Plans |
Head (Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN OOPL 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN OOPL 0020 |
Staff Officer (Operation and Plans 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN OOPL 0030 |
Staff Officer (Operation and Plans 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0040 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence OPS Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0050 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0060 |
Staff Officer Information Activities Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0070 |
Staff Officer (Artillery Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0080 |
Staff Officer (Air Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
F |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0090 |
Staff Officer (Aviation Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0100 |
Staff Officer (Air Defence Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0110 |
Staff Officer (Engineer Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0120 |
Staff Officer (Logistic Operation and Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0130 |
Staff Assistant (Operation and Plans) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN OOPL 0140 |
Forward Command Post |
Head (Forward Command Post) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0010 |
Staff Officer (FCP Operations 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0020 |
Staff Officer (FCP Operations 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0030 |
Staff Assistant (FCP Operations) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0040 |
Staff Officer (FCP Intelligence 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0050 |
Staff Officer (FCP Intelligence 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0060 |
Staff Assistant (FCP Intelligence) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0070 |
Staff Assistant (FCP Intelligence Specialist) |
OR-4 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0080 |
Staff Officer (FCP Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0090 |
Staff Officer (FCP Engineer) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0100 |
Staff Officer (FCP Artillery) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0110 |
Staff Officer (FCP Aviation) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0120 |
Staff Officer (FCP Joint Terminal Attack Controller) |
OF-3 |
I |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0130 |
Staff Officer (FCP Information Activities) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0140 |
Staff Officer (FCP Logistic Operations) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OFCP 0150 |
Tactical Operation Center - Shift 1 |
Staff Officer (Shift Leader 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0010 |
Staff Officer (Operations - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0020 |
Battle Captain 1 - Shift 1 |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0030 |
Battle Captain 2 - Shift 1 |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0040 |
Watchkeeper - Shift 1 |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0050 |
Staff Officer (Battle Space Management - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0060 |
Staff Officer (Air Battle Manager - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
AF |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0070 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0080 |
Staff Assistant (Intelligence - Shift 1) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0090 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0100 |
Staff Officer (Artillery - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0110 |
Staff Officer (Targeting -Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0120 |
Staff Officer (Engineer - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0130 |
Staff Officer (Logistic - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0140 |
Staff Officer (Air Defence - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0150 |
Staff Officer (Aviation - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0160 |
Staff Officer (Air - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
F |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0170 |
Staff Officer (Joint Terminal Attack Controler - Shift 1) |
OF-2 |
I |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0180 |
Staff Officer (Communications and Information Systems - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0190 |
Staff Officer (Information Activities - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0200 |
Staff Officer (Military Police - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0210 |
Staff Officer (Information Knowledge Manager - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0220 |
Tactical Operation Center - Shift 2 |
Staff Officer (Shift 2 Leader) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0230 |
Staff Officer (Operations - Shift 2 ) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0240 |
Battle Captain 1 - Shift 2 |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0250 |
Battle Captain 2 - Shift 2 |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0260 |
Watchkeeper - Shift 2 |
OR-8 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0270 |
Staff Officer (Battle Space Management - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0280 |
Staff Officer (Air Battle Manager - Shift 2) |
OF-2 |
F |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0290 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence - Shift 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0300 |
Staff Assistant (Intelligence - Shift 2) |
OR-7 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0310 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0320 |
Staff Officer (Artillery - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0330 |
Staff Officer (Targeting - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0340 |
Staff Officer (Engineer - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0350 |
Staff Officer (Logistic - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0360 |
Staff Officer (Air Defence - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
I |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0370 |
Staff Officer (Aviation - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
I |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0380 |
Staff Officer (Air - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
F |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0390 |
Staff Officer (Communications and Information Systems - Shift 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0400 |
Staff Officer (Information Activities - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0410 |
Staff Officer (Military Police -Shift 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0420 |
Staff Officer (Information Knowledge Manager - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OTOC 0430 |
Liaison Officers |
Head (Liaison) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0020 |
Liaison Officer - Host Nation 1 Headquarter 1 |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0030 |
Estonia |
Liaison Officer - Host Nation 1 Headquarter 2 |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0040 |
Estonia |
Liaison Officer - Host Nation 2 Headquarter 1 |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0050 |
Latvia |
Liaison Officer - Host Nation 2 Headquarter 2 |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0060 |
Latvia |
Liaison Officer - MNC NE 1 |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0070 |
MNC NE (Poland) |
Liaison Officer - MNC NE 2 |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0080 |
MNC NE (Poland) |
Liaison Officer - MNC NE 3 |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0090 |
MNC NE (Poland) |
Liaison Officer - MNC NE 4 (Information Activities) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0100 |
MNC NE (Poland) |
Liaison Officer - MND NE 1 |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0110 |
MND NE (Poland) |
Liaison Officer - MND NE 2 |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0120 |
MND NE (Poland) |
Liaison Officer |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OLOS 0130 |
All Source Intelligence Centre |
Head (All Source Intelligence Center) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OINT 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OINT 0020 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence) |
OF-2 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OINT 0030 |
Staff Assistant (Intelligence) |
OR-9 |
A |
E |
MNDN OINT 0040 |
Staff Assistant (Intelligence Specialist) |
OR-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OINT 0050 |
All Source Analysis Cell |
Head (All Source Analysis) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN OIAC 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN OIAC 0020 |
Staff Officer (ASAC 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OIAC 0030 |
Staff Officer (ASAC 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OIAC 0040 |
Staff Officer (ASAC 3) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN OIAC 0050 |
Staff Officer (ASAC 4) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN OIAC 0060 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence Targeting 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN OIAC 0070 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence Targeting 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OIAC 0080 |
Staff Assistant (Production 1) |
OR-8 |
A |
W |
MNDN OIAC 0090 |
Staff Assistant (Production 2) |
OR-8 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OIAC 0100 |
Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management |
Head (Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN OICR 0010 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OICR 0020 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence Collection) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN OICR 0030 |
Staff Officer (Request For Information) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN OICR 0040 |
Staff Assistant (Intelligence Air 1) |
OR-8 |
AF |
E |
MNDN OICR 0050 |
Staff Assistant (Intelligence Air 2) |
OR-8 |
AF |
E |
MNDN OICR 0060 |
G2X |
Head (G2X) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OIIX 0010 |
Staff Officer (G2X) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN OIIX 0020 |
Staff Assistant (G2X) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN OIIX 0030 |
Staff Officer (Counter Intelligence) |
OF-2 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OIIX 0040 |
Staff Assistant (Counter Intelligence) |
OR-9 |
A |
W |
MNDN OIIX 0050 |
Signals and Electronic Warfare Operation Centre |
Head (Signals and Electronic Warfare Operation Center) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OIEW 0010 |
Staff Officer (Electronic Warfare 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN OIEW 0020 |
Staff Officer (Electronic Warfare 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN OIEW 0030 |
Engineer Centre |
Head (Engineer Centre) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN RENG 0020 |
Staff Officer (Engineer Resources) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0030 |
Staff Assistant (Engineer) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0040 |
Infrastructure Engineering |
Staff Officer (Infrastructure Engineering 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN RENG 0050 |
Staff Officer (Infrastructure Engineering 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN RENG 0060 |
Staff Officer (Infrastructure Engineering 3) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0070 |
Engineer Operations/Intelligence |
Staff Officer (Operations 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0080 |
Staff Officer (Operations 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN RENG 0090 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0100 |
Staff Officer (Intelligence 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0110 |
Explosive Threat Management |
Staff Officer (Explosive Threat Management 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0120 |
Staff Officer (Explosive Threat Management 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0130 |
Geospatial Engineering |
Staff Officer (Geospatial Engineering/Meteorological) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0140 |
Staff Assistant (Geospatial Data) |
OR-8 |
A |
W |
MNDN RENG 0150 |
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear |
Staff Officer (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN RENG 0160 |
Staff Officer (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RENG 0170 |
Combat Service Support Centre |
Head (Combat Service Support Centre) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN RXXX 0010 |
Staff Assistant (Combat Service Support Centre) |
OR-9 |
A |
E |
MNDN RXXX 0020 |
Personnel Cell |
Head (Personnel) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN RHXX 0010 |
Staff Officer (Personnel) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RHXX 0020 |
Staff Assistant (Personnel 1) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN RHXX 0030 |
Staff Assistant (Personnel 2) |
OR-8 |
A |
W |
MNDN RHXX 0040 |
Chaplain |
Chaplain |
I |
FN |
E |
MNDN RHXX 0050 |
Logistic Operations Cell |
Cell Head (Logistic Operations) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0010 |
Shift Leader (Logistics) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN RLXX 0020 |
Staff Officer (Logistics) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0030 |
Staff Officer (Logistic Situation Information Return and Supplies) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0040 |
Supply, Maintenance and Transport Cell |
Head (Supply, Maintenance and Transport) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0050 |
Staff Officer (Logistics Supply) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0060 |
Staff Officer (Logistics Maintenance) |
OF-3 |
A |
NU |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0070 |
Staff Officer (Logistics Transport) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0080 |
Deployment and Movement Cell |
Head (Deployment and Movement) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0090 |
Staff Officer (Deployment and Movement - Shift 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0100 |
Staff Officer Deployment and Movement - Shift 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RLXX 0110 |
Staff Assistant (Logistics / Deployment and Movement) |
OR-9 |
A |
W |
MNDN RLXX 0120 |
Finance Cell |
Head (Finance) |
OF-4 |
I |
E |
MNDN RFIN 0010 |
Staff Officer (Budget and Finance) |
C |
C |
FN |
E |
MNDN RFIN 0020 |
Fiscal Assistant (Budget and Finance) |
(LWR) |
C |
UN |
E |
MNDN RFIN 0030 |
Staff Assistant (Budget and Finance) |
OR-9 |
I |
E |
MNDN RFIN 0040 |
Cell Head (Contracts) |
(LWR) |
C |
UN |
E |
MNDN RFIN 0050 |
Staff Assistant (Contracts) |
(LWR) |
C |
UN |
E |
MNDN RFIN 0060 |
Provost Marshal |
Provost Marshal |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN RPOL 0010 |
Staff Officer (Provost - Shift 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RPOL 0020 |
Staff Officer (Provost - Shift 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RPOL 0030 |
Medical Cell |
Head (Medical) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN RMED 0010 |
Shift Leader (Medical - Shift 1) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN RMED 0020 |
Shift Leader (Medical - Shift 2) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RMED 0030 |
Staff Officer (Medical 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RMED 0040 |
Staff Officer (Medical 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RMED 0050 |
Command and Control Support Centre |
Head (Command and Control Support Centre) |
OF-4 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCXX 0010 |
Staff Officer (Coordination) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCXX 0020 |
Communications Support Cell |
Head (Communications Support) |
OF-3 |
A |
W |
MNDN RCCS 0010 |
Staff Officer (Communications Plans) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCCS 0020 |
Staff Officer (Spectrum Management) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCCS 0030 |
Staff Assistant (Frequency Management) |
OR-7 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCCS 0040 |
Information System Management Cell |
Head (Information System Management) |
OF-3 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCIM 0010 |
Staff Officer (Information System Management) |
OF-2 |
A |
W |
MNDN RCIM 0020 |
Staff Officer (Information Assurance/Cyber 1) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCIM 0030 |
Staff Officer (Information Assurance/Cyber 2) |
OF-2 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCIM 0040 |
Staff Assistant (Information System Management) |
OR-8 |
A |
E |
MNDN RCIM 0050 |
1. The Participants are to fund the actually incurred net expenditures as listed in Section A.I.3. of the Annex A to this MOU, according to their share of posts in the Peacetime Establishment (PE).
Cost Share = Total number of posts flagged by a Participant
Total number of flagged posts
2. Provided the FN meet their responsibilities set out in Section A.I.2 of the Annex A to this MOU, the FN are to contribute 5% of the shared funding. The remainder of the costs are to be shared between the other Participants according to their cost share.
3. The following principles apply:
a. Not filling a flagged post does not reduce a Participant's cost share.
b. Manpower adjustments may affect Participants' Cost share. A Participant reducing its number of flagged posts is liable for the cost share of affected posts until the end of the fiscal year in which the respective revision becomes effective.
c. Temporary augmentees are not to affect Participants' Cost share.
1. The following principles are to apply in setting the rates of reimbursement for accommodation, messing, services and use of facilities:
a. Housing: These costs include the rental of accommodation and the provision of local services and facilities. The concerned HN, at the request of personnel from the Participants, are to assist in the procurement or rental of suitable accommodation from the private sector. The individuals or Participants concerned are to meet the full cost of the procurement or rental and any associated administrative expenses. Messing: Rates for access to the messing and Officers', Non-Commitioned Officers' and Enlisted Men Clubs are to be based on the actual cost.
b. Canteen service: Canteen service is to be provided in accordance with applicable HNs' regulations regarding use of the canteens.
c. Recreation and welfare services: Access to and use of recreation and welfare facilities and activities by the HQ MND-N and its attached support units/elements, as well as its personnel and their dependents is to be provided on the same basis under which personnel of the concerned HN is granted such access.
2. The HNs are to provide assistance to the Participants in relation to dependents' children of school age, but the potential cost is to be paid by the individuals or the Participants and according to the actual cost.
3. The rates of medical and dental care are to reflect the actual costs, are to be under the same provisions as for the nationals of the concerned HN, and are to be paid by the individuals or the Participants.
4. Where charges are made for the use of officially provided welfare facilities, such charges are to reflect the actual cost to the HN of providing the service.
Note of Accession
of [name of the Acceding Nation]
to participate in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Concerning the Operation, Manning, Funding, Administration and Support of Headquarters Multinational Division North, dated [day month year]
[The Ministry of Defence of], represented by
DESIRING that its Armed Forces be present in Headquarters Multinational Division North (HQ MND-N)
DESIRING to join the current Participants of HQ MND-N as a Participant, providing the personnel for the following post[s]:
- [description of the post(s)] as of [expected date of posting]
ELECTS to participate as of [date of entry into effect of the joining] in the MOU among [names of the Participants] and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), concerning the Operation, Manning, Funding, Administration and Support of the HQ MND-N, which became effective on [date of the MOU becoming effective].
COMMITS to contribute its share to the annual budget starting with fiscal year [year]
COMMITS to abide by all arrangements to the HQ MND-N MOU concluded before the date of entry into effect of this Note of Accession, listed as follows:
- [list of applicable arrangements, if any]
[If joining without any reservations or caveats, include the following three provisions.]
The Manning Table of HQ MND-N is to be modified to reflect the above-stated post allocation for the [name of the Acceding Nation].
This Note of Accession is signed in duplicate, in the English and French languages, each version being equaly valid. It constitutes a modification to the HQ MND-N MOU.
The original document is to be deposited with SHAPE which is to provide certified copies to all Participants to the HQ MND-N MOU, the Acceding Nation and HQ MND-N.
[for the Acceding Nation],
[If joining without any reservations or caveats, Framework Nations and SHAPE signature blocks are to be placed here. These signature blocks are to conclude the NOA.]
[If joining with reservations or caveats, use the following in addition to the above.]
The [names of the Participants], as the Participants to the HQ MND-N MOU and SHAPE
WELCOMING the expressed commitment by [name of the Acceding Nation].
CONFIRM the desire of [name of the Acceding Nation] to join them as a Participant to the HQ MND-N MOU under the terms outlined in this Note of Accession, and
PLAN to modify the Manning Table of HQ MND-N to reflect the above-stated post allocation for the [name of the Acceding Nation].
This Note of Accession is signed in duplicate, in the English and French languages, each version being equaly valid. It constitutes a modification to the HQ MND-N MOU.
The original document is to be deposited with SHAPE which is to provide certified copies to all Participants to the HQ MND-N MOU, the Acceding Nation and HQ MND-N.
For the [Participants, in alphabetical order, and SHAPE]
1. The HQ MND-N Senior Resources Committee (SRC) is the committee responsible for considering resource issues from that part of the HQ MND-N budget that is to be shared among the Participants and for the resolution of issues arising out of the administration of that part of the HQ MND-N budget.
2. A subordinate technical committee is any committee established by the SRC.
3. Each Participant is to nominate a representative to the SRC and to any subordinate technical committee the SRC may establish. SHAPE may be represented in the SRC as a non-voting member.
4. Each Participant's representative may be advised by non-voting national experts, invited by the respective representative, and who may participate in any discussions at SRC or subordinate technical committee meetings.
5. The FNs are to assign the Chairman, alternating annually among themselves. The HQ MND-N is to provide the Secretary of the SRC.
6. The SRC is to determine its organization and internal rules whilst abiding by the following general principles:
a. The SRC is to meet regularly at such intervals as will enable it to carry out its responsibilities and as soon as possible in response to a specific request by any Participant, SHAPE or by the HQ MND-N.
b. The SRC's decisions are to be made by consensus.
c. Any dispute that cannot be resolved by the SRC is to be submitted to the Participants.
7. The SRC is responsible for:
a. Approving and review of Financial Administrative Procedures for shared multinational funding.
b. Approving and review, if necessary, of the Shared Multinational Funded Budget and the Medium Term Finance Plan.
c. Consideration and resolution of issues arising out of the administration of the SMFB.
d. Approving any financial activities above any Established Financial Limits (EFLs) which the SRC may set.
e. Retrospective examination of the execution of the SMFB.
f. Approving the Annual Financial Statement, including the Budget Execution Statement.
[Insert names of the Contributing Partner and Participants]
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
FOR [Insert name of Contributing Partner]
The [name of the Contributing Partner] - hereinafter also referred to as the "Contributing Partner" or "CP" - and the [names of the Participants] and SHAPE, hereinafter referred to as the "Participants of this TA";
HAVING REGARD to the provisions of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces (NATO SOFA), dated 19 June 1951, the Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty (Paris Protocol), dated 28 August 1952, the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (PfP SOFA), dated 19 June 1995, the Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA), dated 19 June 1995, and including the Further Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (Further Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA), dated 19 December 1997;
NOTING that not all Participants belong to Parties to the Paris Protocol, the Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA or the Further Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA;
NOTING that non-NATO nations, international organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGO) may participate in NATO activities and/or NATO-led operations in accordance with NATO policy;
NOTING the Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Operation, Manning, Funding, Administration, and Support of the HQ MND-N, dated [insert date] (HQ MND-N MOU);
[If needed: CONSIDERING the "Bi-SC Handbook for Information and Intelligence Sharing (I&IS) with Non-NATO Entities (NNEs) v5.0", dated September 2014;]
[Insert any specific security arrangements that the CP may have with NATO]
DESIRING to establish and implement the arrangements to set out the provisions for mutually beneficial cooperation within HQ MND-N
have reached the following understanding.
Section I
1.1 Host Nations (HNs) means the Kingdom of Denmark and/or the Republic of Latvia on whose sovereign territories the HQ MND-N is setablished.
1.2 Framework Nations (FNs) means the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Estonia, and the Republic of Latvia, represented by their Ministries of Defence.
1.3 HQ MND-N Plenary (Plenary) means the executive policy committee composed of the representatives of the HQ MND-N MOU Participants and SHAPE.
1.4 Senior Resources Committee (SRC) means the committee responsible for considering resource issues arising from that part of the HQ MND-N budget which is shared between the HQ MND-N MOU Participants and for the resolution of issues arising out of the administration of that part of the HQ MND-N budget.
Section II
Purpose and Scope
2.1 The purpose of this Technical Arrangement (TA) is to set forth provisions for [name of the Contributing Partner] to become a CP in HQ MND-N. Further, it is to detail the assignment of personnel to it, and to establish arrangements for funding, manpower, administration, and logistical support.
2.2 The CP, acknowledging the content of the HQ MND-N MOU, is prepared to become a CP to HQ MND-N in accordance with the provisions of this TA and offers, for that purpose, the contribution detailed in Annex A to this TA.
2.3 The HQ MND-N MOU Participants and SHAPE, recognising the value of the offered contribution, express their willingness to accept the contribution of [name of the Contributing Partner] in accordance with the HQ MND-N MOU.
2.4 The Participants of this TA underline their understanding that the scope of this TA is limited to the cooperation with respect to HQ MND-N.
3.1 The CP and the HNs may enter into bilateral arrangements concerning any issues arising out of, or affecting, the cooperation based on this TA. They are to inform the other Participants of this TA of such arrangements, as appropriate.
3.2 The CP contributes to the mission of HQ MND-N by providing the manpower, funds, and services as detailed in Annex A to this TA. All arising national costs are to be borne by the CP.
3.3 Since the CP bears all arising costs its audit authorities may request information from HQ MND-N and may request access to all records or copies thereof, which are required to audit its financial contribution within applicable security restrictions.
Section IV
Security and Confidentiality
4.1 [If applicable: The CP and personnel of the CP posted to HQ MND-N may be granted access to NATO UNCLASSIFIED and up to NATO SECRET information in line with the Bi-SC Handbook for Information and Intelligence Sharing (I&IS) with Non-NATO Entities (NNEs) v5.0", dated September 2014.]
4.2 The CP is to ensure its personnel observe compliance with the applicable security and confidentiality regulations and policies in place at HQ MND-N.
4.3 Classified information stored, handled, generated, transmitted or exchanged as a result of the execution of this TA is governed by C-M (2002)49 "Security within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation", dated 17 June 2002, in the respective authorised edition, including all supplements and amendments thereto; and existing security agreements and arrangements. Any other information is governed in accordance with C-M (2002)60 "Handling of Non-Classified NATO Information", dated 24 July 2002.
Section V
Applicability, Duration, and Termination
5.1 The provisions of this TA are to apply from the date of the last signature thereto onwards. In any case, this TA is to be terminated if the HQ MND-N MOU is terminated.
5.2 This TA remains in effect unless the contribution period, if stated, has expired or a Participant of this TA states a desire to withdraw from this TA with 12 months prior notice in writing to SHAPE which is to inform the other Participants of this TA and HQ MND-N.
5.3 In the event of CP withdrawal from this TA, the CP is to continue to provide financial contributions to HQ MND-N until the end of the fiscal year in which the notice period ends, and is to remain responsible for its financial liabilities resulting from its period of participation.
Section VI
Final Provisions
6.1 The Participants of this TA do not intend to create any rights or obligations under international law by virtue of this TA. This TA is not intended to conflict with any national laws of the Participants of this TA or international law that may apply. In the event of such conflict, the national or international law is to prevail. The Participants of this TA are to notify each other in writing in the event of any such conflict.
6.2 Any dispute concerning the interpretation or implementation of this TA is to be resolved through the consultation among the concerned Participants of this TA.
6.3 This TA may be revised at any time with the mutual written consent of the Participants of this TA.
6.4 If one or more of the HQ MND-N Participants cease to participate in the HQ MND-N MOU, the remaining Participants of this TA intend to continue their cooperation. However, the remaining Participants of this TA may consider the need to alter this TA.
6.5 References in this TA to NATO policy documents are to encapsulate any amendment thereof, or, as the case may be, are to refer to such policy documents as may replace them.
This Technical Arrangement is signed in duplicate in the English and French languages, each version being equaly valid.
The original document is to be deposited with SHAPE which is to provide certified copies to the CP and all other Participants of this TA and HQ MND-N.
For the [CP, HQ MND-N MOU Participants in alphabetical order and SHAPE]
1. The CP contributes to HQ MND-N by providing the [manpower, funding, services, etc.] detailed below, in accordance with the responsibilities set forth in this TA.
[Insert details of contribution]
2. [If needed: Starting in [insert FY date] the CP is to provide funds directly to the annual budget of HQ MND-N whereby, as a starting principle, the cost share may be calculated as if the CP is a Participant to the HQ MND-N MOU [IF NEEDED: , not including travel costs].]