The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties",
aiming to further the development and strengthening of relations between the Contracting Parties in the field of culture;
motivated by a mutual desire to promote cultural and historical identity and shared values in the areas of culture and cultural heritage;
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. The purpose of this Agreement is to develop and support cultural cooperation between the two countries in the effort to build and encourage good relations and to facilitate the regional dialog and the European dialogue on integration.
2. The Contracting Parties, in line with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, and in accordance with their respective laws and regulations, shall encourage and facilitate exchanges and co-operation between the two countries in the field of culture and provide appropriate opportunities for contacts and joint activities between the organizations, institutions and persons that are active in this field.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties shall promote direct cooperation between their relevant cultural institutions, associations and individuals in the fields of literature, libraries, archives, museums, visual arts, theatre, cinematography, music, opera and ballet, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and in other cultural areas.
Article 3
The Contracting Parties shall, for the purpose of closer understanding between the nationals of both countries and for the development of cooperation, encourage above all:
(a) mutual visits by actors, writers, painters, musicians, dancers and other representatives of culture and the arts;
(b) exchange of art exhibitions and performances;
(c) exchange and dissemination of films, books, periodicals and other publications and
(d) any other cooperative activities as the Contracting Parties may agree upon.
Article 4
The Contracting Parties shall exchange information about conferences, contests, festivals and other international activities in the fields of culture and the arts taking place in their respective countries and encourage the participation of the representatives of the other Contracting Party in these events.
Article 5
The Contracting Parties shall encourage co-operation and research activities between the national libraries, archives and museums of both countries, and the exchange of publications and experts in spheres of mutual interest.
Article 6
1. The Contracting Parties shall encourage, in the fields of cinematography, audio-visual and multimedia, direct co-operation between the corresponding institutions of the two countries.
2. This co-operation shall include film weeks to be held mutually in both countries, the exchange of experts and researchers, training of and collaboration between multimedia producers.
3. The Contracting Parties shall cooperate in activities related to film festivals, organized in accordance with specific festival rules and procedures.
Article 7
1. The Contracting Parties shall promote co-operation and share the best practices in the fields of study, protection, preservation and restoration of cultural heritage in both countries, based on the respective national laws and regulations, international conventions and recommendations on cultural heritage.
2. The Contracting Parties shall foster the exchange of heritage experts, restorers, conservators, archaeologists, and architects.
3. The Contracting Parties shall ensure that measures are adopted to prohibit and prevent illicit import, export and transfer of ownership in works of art, documents and other objects of historical or archaeological value according to their national laws and regulations and in the application of international law.
Article 8
The Contracting Parties shall collaborate on the preservation of oral and intangible cultural heritage and invite traditional art groups to participate in international festivals organized in each country as well as encourage the exchange of experts to participate in seminars and workshops on amateur art.
Article 9
1. The Contracting Parties shall promote activities leading to improve literary production through realization of translation and co-edition projects, the exchange of writers, participation in book fairs, and related activities organized in the territory of the country of the other Contracting Party.
2. The Contracting Parties shall also endeavour to strengthen the links among their respective publishing houses in order to enrich literary production.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall, in accordance with their national laws and regulations and international law, encourage cooperation between the appropriate authorities to ensure mutual protection of copyright and related rights.
Article 11
The Contracting Parties shall promote the development of direct contacts and co-operation between professional associations and non-governmental organisations of both countries in all fields covered by this Agreement.
Article 12
In order to facilitate the implementation of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall elaborate and adopt periodic triennial programmes of exchange defining the organisational and financial terms of co-operation as far as the available funding allows.
Article 13
Any disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled through mutual consultations and negotiations between the Contracting Parties.
Article 14
This Agreement may be amended with the mutual written consent of the Contracting Parties through additional protocols which shall form an integral part of this Agreement and enter into force in accordance with the procedure set in paragraph 1 of Article 15.
Article 15
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the receipt of the last written notification through diplomatic channels, informing that all necessary internal procedures for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
2. This Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely. Either Contracting Party may terminate this Agreement by notifying the other Contracting Party, in writing through diplomatic channels, of its intention to terminate this Agreement. Such termination shall take effect ninety (90) days after the date of such notification. Unless otherwise agreed by the Contracting Parties, the termination of this Agreement shall not affect the projects or programs already undertaken under this Agreement and not yet completed at the time of such termination.
Signed in duplicate at Riga on 30th November 2012 in the Latvian, Albanian, Serbian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
FOR THE GOVERNMENT Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Latvia |
FOR THE GOVERNMENT Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Kosovo |