The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties");
Desiring to strengthen the friendly relations existing between the two countries and to promote and develop their cooperation in the fields of culture, education, youth and sports;
Have agreed as follows:
The Parties shall promote and encourage the development of cultural cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in force in their respective countries.
The Parties shall, for the purpose of closer understanding between the nationals of both countries and for the development of cooperation, encourage above all:
(a) mutual visits by actors, writers, painters, musicians, dancers and other representatives of culture and the arts;
(b) exchange of art exhibitions, folklore, performances and festivals;
(c) exchange and dissemination of radio and television programs, films, books, periodicals and other publications;
(d) exchange of visits by athletes or sport groups and the holding of friendly games, as well as cooperation between their organizations; and
(e) any other cooperative activities as the Parties may agree upon.
Each Party shall provide the necessary support to encourage cooperation from the private sector in the joint production of cultural products, such as films and video games, and the promotion of such products in third countries' markets.
Each Party shall facilitate the establishment of cultural institutions of the other country in its territory in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in force in its country. The term "cultural institutions" includes cultural centers, schools, libraries and other organizations whose aim corresponds to the spirit and objectives of this Agreement.
1. The Parties shall promote the mutual understanding of culture by encouraging cooperation between the broadcasting organizations of the two countries.
2. The Parties shall cooperate in promoting mutual visits by journalists, broadcasting technicians and producers, and the mutual exchange or joint production of television programs including dramas and other shows.
Each Party shall, within its territory and in accordance with its domestic laws and regulations and international agreements to which it is a party, protect the intellectual property rights of the original works of the other country.
The Parties shall consult each other, when necessary, with a view to providing more detailed information or preparing specific programs or arrangements for cultural cooperation to implement the relevant provisions of this Agreement.
1. The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between universities, and research and educational institutions of their respective countries.
2. Each Party shall encourage the universities and other institutions of higher education in its territory to create courses and lectures on the literature, history or other affairs related to the culture of the other country.
The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between the general and professional educational institutions of their respective countries as well as exchange and study visits of teachers and students.
1. Each Party shall examine the possibility of granting scholarships on a reciprocal basis to enable the nationals of the other country to pursue studies or research in the territory of its respective country.
2. The Parties shall cooperate in the field of education in order to improve their knowledge of the educational system of the other country, and shall examine the methods and conditions for the mutual recognition of academic degrees, diplomas and other certificates issued or awarded by the competent educational institutions of their respective countries.
1. The Parties shall promote mutual knowledge and understanding in the fields of youth and sports by encouraging the exchange of youths and participation in sports activities, events and festivals organized in the territory of the country of the other Party.
2. The Parties agree to exchange information on their national legislation and the implementation of youth policy, including information about competent institutions in the youth policy field, youth workers' status and training, and the role of non- governmental organization (NGO) participation in youth policy making and implementation.
3. The Parties shall enhance cooperation in the fields of sport
and physical activity in order to develop a healthy lifestyle
among all age groups, to promote the social functions and
educational values of sport and to fight against threats to
sports such as doping and violence. The cooperation, in
particular, shall include the exchange of information and good
practices, with the aim of deepening the knowledge of sports
realities in both countries.
4. The Parties agree that the exchanges of sport specialists and athletes shall be decided based upon existing financial conditions, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in force in their respective countries. Each individual event shall be negotiated on a case-by-case basis by the Parties through diplomatic channels.
Any disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled through mutual consultations and negotiations between the Parties.
This Agreement may be amended with the mutual written consent of the Parties through additional protocols which shall form an integral part of this Agreement and enter into force in accordance with the procedure set in paragraph 1 of Article 14.
1. This Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely. The Parties shall notify each other, in writing through diplomatic channels, of the completion of their respective domestic procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement. The Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last written notification.
2. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by notifying the other Party, in writing through diplomatic channels, of its intention to terminate this Agreement. Such termination shall take effect ninety (90) days after the date of such notification. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the termination of this Agreement shall not affect the projects or programs already undertaken under this Agreement and not yet completed at the time of such termination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done in duplicate at Riga, on the 19 day of October, 2011, in the Latvian, Korean and English language, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
Sarmite Elerte | Eom Seock-jeong |
Minister of Culture | Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary |