Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija
Nota Nr. 43 / 1537-1419
Japānas vēstniecībai
Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija izsaka savu cieņu Japānas vēstniecībai Latvijas Republikā un tai ir tas gods paziņot sekojošo, ka Latvijas Republikas valdība nolūkā veicināt savstarpējos ceļojumus un lai attīstītu sadarbību kultūras un tirdzniecības jomā starp Latvijas Republiku un Japānu, uz abpusējības pamata ar 2000. gada 1.aprīli atceļ vīzu režīmu un samaksu par ieceļošanas vīzām Japānas pilsoņiem, ieceļojot Latvijas Republikā:
1. Japānas pilsoņi ar derīgu Japānas pasi var bez vīzas ieceļot Latvijas Republikas teritorijā un uzturēties tajā līdz deviņdesmit (90) sekojošām dienām.
2. Atteikšanās no vīzām saskaņā ar 1.punktu nedod Japānas pilsoņiem tiesības ieceļot Latvijas Republikas teritorijā ar nolūku strādāt algotu darbu vai veikt profesionālu darbību vai citu nodarbošanos (ieskaitot darbību izklaides un sporta jomā ar mērķi gūt peļņu).
3. Latvijas Republikas diplomātiskās un konsulārās pārstāvniecības Latvijas Republikas ieceļošanas vīzas izsniedz bez maksas gadījumos, kad tās nepieciešamas.
4. Atteikšanās no vīzām saskaņā ar 1.punktu neatbrīvo Japānas pilsoņus no pienākuma ievērot Latvijas Republikas normatīvos aktus, kas nosaka kārtību, kādā ārvalstnieki ieceļo, uzturas un izceļo no Latvijas Republikas, kā arī citu kontroli pār ārvalstniekiem.
5. Balstoties uz valsts drošības, sabiedriskās kārtības un veselības aizsardzības apsvērumiem, Latvijas Republikas valdība var uz laiku pilnīgi vai daļēji atcelt visu punktu darbību.
Par minēto pasākumu ieviešanu nekavējoties tiek informēta Japānas valdība.
6. Latvijas Republikas valdība patur sev tiesības atteikt tiesības ieceļot vai uzturēties Latvijas Republikas teritorijā Japānas pilsoņiem, kas tiek atzīti par nevēlamiem.
7. Latvijas Republikas valdība par augstākminēto punktu darbības pārtraukšanu vienu mēnesi iepriekš rakstiski informē Japānas valdību.
Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija izmanto šo iespēju vēlreiz apliecināt savu cieņu Japānas vēstniecībai.
Rīga, 2000.gada 16.februāris
Neoficiāls tulkojums
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia
Note No. 43 / 1537-1419
The Embassy of Japan
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia presents its compliments to the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Latvia and has the honour to inform the latter that Government of the Republic of Latvia, with a view to facilitating travel as well as cultural and commercial relations between the Republic of Latvia and Japan, is prepared to take, on a reciprocal basis, the following measures from April 1, 2000 concerning the waiving of visas and visa fees for nationals of Japan wishing to enter the Republic of Latvia:
1. Nationals of Japan in possession of a valid passport of Japan who wish to enter the Republic of Latvia with the intention of staying there for a period not exceeding ninety consecutive days may enter the Republic of Latvia without obtaining a visa.
2. The waiver of the visa requirements under paragraph 1 above will not apply to nationals of Japan who desire to enter the Republic of Latvia with the intention of seeking employment or of exercising a profession or other occupation (including the public entertainment and sport for remunerative purposes).
3. For visas, when required and granted, the competent diplomatic and consular authorities of the Republic of Latvia will not charge any fees.
4. The waiver of the visa requirements under paragraph 1 above does not exempt nationals of Japan entering the Republic of Latvia from the laws and regulations concerning the entry, stay, residence, exit and other control over aliens of the Republic of Latvia.
5. The Government of the Republic of Latvia reserves the right to temporarily suspend the application of all or any part of the foregoing measures for reasons of public policy including those relating to public security, order and health. Any such suspension will be notified immediately to the Government of Japan.
6. The Government of the Republic of Latvia reserves the right to refuse entry into or stay in the Republic of Latvia to the nationals of Japan whom it considers undesirable.
7. The Government of the Republic of Latvia, when it terminates the foregoing measures, will give one month's written notice to the Government of Japan.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Latvia the assurances of its highest consideration.
Riga, February 16, 2000
The Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Latvia
Note FOR / 05 / KA / Riga
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Latvia presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia and has the honour to inform the latter that Government of Japan, with a view to facilitating travel as well as cultural and commercial relations between Japan and the Republic of Latvia, is prepared to take, on a reciprocal basis, the following measures from April 1, 2000 concerning the waiving of visas and visa fees for nationals of the Republic of Latvia wishing to enter Japan:
1. Nationals of the Republic of Latvia in possession of a valid passport of the Republic of Latvia who wish to enter Japan with the intention of staying there for a period not exceeding ninety consecutive days may enter Japan without obtaining a visa.
2. The waiver of the visa requirements under paragraph 1 above will not apply to nationals of the Republic of Latvia who desire to enter Japan with the intention of seeking employment or of exercising a profession or other occupation (including the public entertainment and sport for remunerative purposes).
3. For visas, when required and granted, the competent Japanese diplomatic and consular authorities will not charge any fees.
4. The waiver of the visa requirements under paragraph 1 above does not exempt nationals of the Republic of Latvia entering Japan from the Japanese laws and regulations concerning the entry, stay, residence, exit and other control over aliens.
5. The Government of Japan reserves the right to temporarily suspend the application of all or any part of the foregoing measures for reasons of public policy including those relating to public security, order and health. Any such suspension will be notified immediately to the Government of the Republic of Latvia.
6. The Government of Japan reserves the right to refuse entry into or stay in Japan to the nationals of the Republic of Latvia whom it considers undesirable.
7. The Government of Japan, when it terminates the foregoing measures, will give one month's written notice to the Government of the Republic of Latvia.
The Embassy of Japan in the Republic Latvia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia the assurances of its highest consideration.
Riga, February 16, 2000