The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), hereinafter referred to as ''the Participants",
Considering that the Republic of Latvia is a member of WIPO and a party to several multilateral treaties administered by WIPO,
Having regard to the intention of the Republic of Latvia to further develop the legal and technical infrastructure in the field of intellectual property in order to ensure a better integration of the country in the global economic society,
Having regard to the readiness of WIPO to render assistance to the Republic of Latvia in achieving its goals within the WIPO Program and Budget,
Have decided, in conformity with Article 4 of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, to sign the following Memorandum:
1. Purpose
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred as to "Memorandum", is to coordinate the joint activities of the Government of the Republic of Latvia and WIPO aimed at:
- modernizing national legislation of the Republic of Latvia in the field of intellectual property with due account of experience gained by other countries and of international harmonization trends;
- strengthening the technical basis and developing the human resources of the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (industrial property administration) and Ministry of Culture (copyright administration);
- upgrading the intellectual property law on enforcement in the Republic of Latvia in order to prevent, identify and repress infringements in the field of intellectual property;
- strengthening the role of intellectual property in the relevant fields of scientific, technological and economic activities carried out in the territory of the Republic of Latvia by various business entities.
2. Participating Agencies
The Government of the Republic of Latvia will determine in each case the respective Latvian agencies, bodies or persons of the Republic of Latvia to be involved in the activities carried out under this Memorandum.
The Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia will act as coordinator on behalf of the Republic of Latvia.
The Director General of WIPO will determine in each case the respective entities or staff members of the International Bureau of WIPO to be involved in the activities carried out under this Memorandum.
3. Amendments
This Memorandum may be amended at any time by mutual written consent of both Participants.
4. Duration and Termination
This Memorandum shall come into effect on the date of its signing and shall remain in force for unlimited period of time unless either of the Participants give to the other a written notice, two months in advance of its intention to terminate. If one of the Participants decides to terminate this Memorandum, the obligations previously entered into force through projects or activities being implemented under this Memorandum shall not be affected thereby, unless otherwise agreed.
The tentative list of fields of activities is given in the Annex to this Memorandum. Any particular cooperation project will be taken up upon mutual consent of the Participants concerned and executed with due account of budgetary and personnel limitations faced by the Participants.
Signed in Riga, on 7 April, 2005 in two original copies in the Latvian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of the Republic of Latvia |
For the World Intellectual Property Organization |
Tentative List of Fields of Activities
1. Modernization of legislation in the field of intellectual property.
1.1 Comments by WIPO experts on draft laws and regulations, consultations in or at WIPO headquarters.
2. Upgrading of the intellectual property enforcement system in the Republic of Latvia.
2.1 Consultations concerning the Memorandum on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
2.2 Provision to the relevant bodies of the Republic of Latvia of materials available at WIPO related to legislation or law enforcement practices.
2.3 Organization of seminars, workshops or symposia for the following target groups:
- customs
- police
- judiciary
- public prosecutors office
- antimonopoly bodies.
3. Training and teaching in the field of intellectual property.
3.1 Organization of professional training for specialists from both public and private sectors.
3.2 Organization of training for officials involved in policy-making.
3.3 Training of government officials under programs administered by WIPO.
3.4 Organization of seminars, workshops or symposia intended to increase general awareness among various professional circles.
3.5 Development of teaching methods, curricula, programs, post-graduate or specialized courses and distance learning.
3.6 Training of teachers of intellectual property law.
4. Development of the use of the WIPO Global Information Network.
4.1 Assistance in providing hardware and software support to the Website of the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia.
4.2 Training of specialists engaged in development and operation of the Patent Office Digital Library (PODL) and in providing access to PODL through the WIPO Global Information Network.
5. Development of the system of collective management of copyright and related rights in the Republic of Latvia.