(Zagreb, 10 May 2007)
1. The positive developments in South Eastern Europe (SEE) in the past decade and the need to safeguard the significant achievements of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe necessitate the development of a more regionally owned and led co-operation framework with continued support of the international community.
2. Based on decisions taken by the Stability Pact Regional Table in Belgrade (May 2006) and Bucharest (November 2006), the Summit of the South East European Co-operation Process (SEECP) and the Regional Table in Zagreb (May 2007) thus jointly decide to transform the Stability Pact for SEE into a Regional Co-operation Council (RCC). The final meeting of the Regional Table of the Stability Pact shall take place back-to-back with the first meeting of the RCC no later than February 2008.
3. The tasks of the RCC are defined as follows: to sustain focused regional cooperation in SEE through a regionally-owned and led framework; to provide political guidance to and receive substantive input from relevant task forces and initiatives active in specific thematic areas of regional co-operation; to promote European and Euro-Atlantic integration; and to provide guidance to the Secretariat of the RCC and its Secretary General.
4. The RCC should provide the SEECP with operational capacities through its Secretariat and task forces as well as act as a forum for the continued involvement of those members of the international donor community engaged in SEE.
5. Priority areas for co-operation in the framework of the RCC are as follows:
a. Economic and Social Development.
b. Infrastructure
c. Justice and Home Affairs
d. Security Co-operation
e. Building Human Capital
f. as well as Parliamentary Co-operation as an overarching theme
6. In the context of these priority areas, gender mainstreaming, social cohesion and the involvement of civil society actors will be important factors.
7. The RCC on recommendation of the Secretary General as well as in accordance with political guidelines of the SEECP Summit may decide to adapt these priority areas depending on developments in the region.
8. The membership of the RCC consists of the participating states of the SEECP, the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) on behalf of Kosovo in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, the European Union, represented by the Troika, consisting of the EU Presidency, the European Commission and the Council Secretariat, as well as those donor countries, international organisations and international financial institutions actively and substantially engaged in support of regional cooperation in SEE.1 Requests for membership of the RCC require the consent of the existing members.
9. The Annual Meeting of the RCC is held back to back with the SEECP Summit. The Annual Meeting of the RCC is co-chaired by the Secretary General and the Foreign Minister of the SEECP Chairmanship in Office (CiO), hosted by the SEECP CiO and prepared by the Secretary General in co-ordination with the SEECP CiO. The Annual Meeting of the RCC meets at the level of Senior Civil Servants or above. It shall ensure the strategic co-ordination and development of the regional co-operation processes, review and endorse the Secretary General's Annual Report on regional co-operation in SEE as well as the Strategic Work Programme for the following year. The RCC Annual Meeting is open to other countries, international organisations and partners as guests upon request to and/or the initiative of the Secretary General following the consent of the members of the RCC Board.
10. In between Annual Meetings of the RCC operational guidance and supervision of the RCC is provided by the RCC Board. The Board accepts the Annual Report of the Secretary General and adopts the Strategic Work Programme for the following year, supports the Secretary General in its implementation and reviews progress in the course of the year. The Board consists of those RCC members contributing to the budget of the RCC Secretariat as well as the European Union, represented by the Troika, consisting of the EU Presidency, the European Commission and the Council Secretariat.2 The RCC Board meets quarterly and is chaired by the Secretary General. RCC Board meetings are convened and prepared by the Secretary General in co-ordination with the SEECP CiO. The RCC Board meets at the level of RCC National Co-ordinators, which are Senior Civil Servants in each RCC member responsible for coordination of RCC relevant issues within their respective national administration.
11. The host of any particular meeting will bear all costs in connection with holding meetings unless otherwise decided or organised at the seat of the RCC Secretariat itself, while other participants will cover their expenses relating to travel and stay of their respective delegations.
12. Decisions of the RCC will be taken by consensus, which is understood as absence of objection.
13. The Secretary General shall be a strong political figure from the region, with the ability to interact with donor states and international organisations and to work with governments in the region at the highest appropriate level, and shall have a record of successful engagement in regional co-operation. The mandate of the Secretary General shall be to:
a. Promote and facilitate the achievement of the RCC's objectives, in particular to foster regional co-operation, to follow and co-ordinate regional co-operation activities and initiatives in SEE and to support European and Euro-Atlantic integration;
b. Chair the RCC Board's quarterly meetings and co-chair the RCC's Annual meeting with the SEECP CiO Minister of Foreign Affairs;
c. Head the RCC Secretariat, having executive authority with regard to staff operations, including personnel recruitment and management;
d. Maintain close, co-operative contacts with all members and partners of the RCC, and in particular with the participating states of the SEECP, as well as with relevant regional initiatives and organisations;
e. Provide support to the SEECP and its CiO through the RCC Secretariat, including by preparing meetings and conferences;
f. Take part in meetings of the SEECP at all levels;
g. Submit an Annual Report on regional co-operation in SEE and an Annual Strategic Work Plan to the RCC for review and endorsement;
h. Present the strategic aspects of this Annual Report to the SEECP Summit thus contributing to the elaboration of the political guidelines of the SEECP;
i. Co-operate closely with all institutions of the EU and its Member States in order to support the EU integration process of SEE and to contribute to the full complementarity of regional co-operation activities with the EU integration process;
j. Work closely with other international institutions and organisations, including international financial institutions, and the private sector in promoting regional co-operation in SEE, and support the involvement of civil society actors in regional co-operation processes;
k. Ensure that the RCC focuses on priority areas for regional co-operation;
l. Facilitate efforts to secure funding for regional co-operation activities under the auspices of the RCC.
14. The process of nominating a Secretary General is as follows:
a. SEECP Participating States can propose one suitable candidate each to the SEECP CiO, according to the terms of reference outlined in the mandate of the Secretary General no later than 6 weeks before the SEECP Summit and through the SEECP CiO immediately consult with the RCC Board members and the SEECP Participating States on these candidates.
b. Consultations are concluded 3 weeks before the SEECP Summit.
c. The SEECP Committee of Political Directors makes a nomination proposal, taking into account those consultations no later than 2 weeks before the SEECP Summit.
d. The nomination proposal is forwarded to the RCC Board for consideration and endorsement at the Annual Meeting the day before the SEECP Summit.
e. Following the endorsement of the RCC Annual Meeting, the Secretary General is appointed by SEECP Foreign Ministers a day before the SEECP Summit.
f. The SEECP Summit approves the appointment.
15. The Secretary General is appointed for 3 years with the possibility to extend his/her term by 2 years.
16. The mandate of the Secretary General can be discontinued by decision of the RCC Board based on the terms of his/her contract. The procedure for the dismissal of the Secretary General can be launched on request of at least two members of the RCC Board and requires a decision by consensus minus one of the RCC Board. It becomes effective subject to a written procedure among SEECP Participating States.
17. In case of incapacity or dismissal of the Secretary General, the RCC Board can take decisions necessary to ensure the functioning of the RCC Secretariat, including the appointment of an acting Secretary General until a formal decision on the succession is taken in accordance with article 14.
18. The Secretary General is responsible to the RCC Board for the appropriate use of funds made available to the budget of the RCC Secretariat. The administration and financial management procedures governing the budget of the RCC Secretariat, including an independent audit, are outlined in a separate document, based on agreement of the RCC Board.
19. The Secretariat of the RCC is directed by the Secretary General and supports the RCC as well as the SEECP in fulfilling their tasks by working towards the preparation and implementation of decisions of the RCC Annual Meeting and Board as well as decisions of SEECP Summits and/or Ministerial meetings. The Secretariat provides technical, organisational and analytical support to the Secretary General, the RCC Annual Meeting and Board as well as operational support - if required - in preparing SEECP Ministerial meetings and Summits. It provides a co-ordination framework for regional co-operation activities within SEE and acts as an information and focal point for such activities.
20. The Secretariat's staff, with the exception of the Secretary General, should be recruited on a competitive basis in accordance with the competencies required, while taking into account gender and geographical balance as appropriate. In addition, the Secretary General may accept staff secondments for specific assignments.
21. The Secretary General shall designate, in consultation with the members of the RCC Board, a deputy from among the senior staff of the Secretariat to act on his behalf as necessary.
22. The Secretariat is located in ... and the host country agrees to provide it with the necessary legal basis.
23. The RCC Secretariat shall establish a Liaison Office in Brussels with European and Euro-Atlantic institutions, providing support to the SEECP consistent with article 4.
24. The working language of RCC meetings as well as of the Secretariat is English.
25. In order to pursue its goals in the specific priority areas, the RCC will monitor and where necessary facilitate the work of relevant regional co-operation taskforces and initiatives in SEE. In particular, the RCC will assist the taskforces/initiatives in gaining access to regional and international political, technical and financial support required to fulfil their objectives. Appropriate relationships will be established between the RCC and current and future individual taskforces/initiatives to ensure that their respective efforts are mutually reinforcing and avoid unnecessary overlap.
1 Based on these criteria, Stability Pact partners actively and substantially engaged in support of regional co-operation in SEE are requested to indicate their interest to become a member of the RCC to the Special Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact by 15 November 2007. The Special Co-ordinator, after consultation with the Secretary General, will then make a proposal outlining the membership of the future RCC for endorsement at the final meeting of the Regional Table in February 2008.
2 For membership of the RCC Board, a minimum contribution of 50.000 Euro to the budget of the RCC Secretariat is required. Contributions for SEECP participating states and UNMIK/Kosovo are regulated in a separate document.