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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Slovak Republic on Co-operation in Combating Terrorism, Illicit Drug Trafficking and Other Organized Crime


The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the Contracting Parties"),

Desirous to intensify and strengthen present co-operation in compliance with general rules of international law and common view of combating terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and other organized crime,

Taking into consideration the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 30 March 1961, the Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 20 December 1988, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 21 February 1971 and the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism of 27 January 1977,

Keeping in mind that organized crime is a serious threat to society's values,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

(1) The Contracting Parties confirm their determination to co-operate actively and act to intensify a common effort in combating all forms of organized crime.

(2) The Contracting Parties take the obligation to co-operate mutually and render each other any assistance in prevention, detection, documentation and investigation of serious crime included in organized crime, especially:

a/ terrorism,

b/ illicit production, distribution and trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, toxical-chemical substances and precursors.

(3) The Contracting Parties shall co-operate and give each other assistance also in other forms of serious organized crime which requires co-operation of the police authorities of the Contracting Parties.

(4) The Contracting Parties shall mutually co-operate in providing protection and assistance to a witness whose life and health are threatened by the persons committing organized crime in coherence with the witness opinion and testimonial evidences.

Article 2

In a combat against terrorism, the Contracting Parties shall co-operate in:

a/ a systematic, detailed and timely delivery of information and data on those terrorist groups, their activities and used methods that may affect the protected interests of the State of the other Contracting Party, upon the request of the other Contracting Party or upon its own initiative,

b/ an ongoing and mutual updating of information on possible emergencies caused by terrorism and on the organization of its combat, through agreed-on exchange of experts and scheduling the mutual training courses, focused on specific investigative and operational techniques,

c/ a periodic exchange of technical experience and knowledge on the safety of air, ship and railway transport in order to improve the security standards at the airports, ports and railway stations.

Article 3

In a combat against illicit production, distribution and trafficking in the narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, toxical-chemical substances and precursors, the Contracting Parties shall co-operate in the field of:

a/ an exchange of information and data on individuals and groups involved in such crime, on methods of criminal acts, hiding places, means of traffic used, courses of transport, places of origin and destination of the deliveries, connections and other data which are necessary for detection of such crime,

b/ an exchange of information and experience obtained through implementation of national legislation that concern this crime which may be utilized in legislation drafting by the other Contracting Party,

c/ an exchange of results of criminalistic and criminologic research related to the trafficking in drugs and, upon request of the other Contracting Party shall provide samples of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, toxical-chemical substances and precursors of natural and synthetic origin,

d/ an exchange of experience obtained through a control of legal distribution of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, toxical-chemical substances and precursors with regard to their abuse for criminal acts,

e/ an exchange of information and experience of organizing a combat of such crimes also through agreed-on exchange of experts and scheduling the mutual training courses, focused on specific investigative and operational techniques.

Article 4

(1) In a combat against other organized crime, the Contracting Parties shall render co-operation especially in the field of:

a/ criminal offences against life and health, trafficking in people, sexual abuse of women and children, as well as illegal immigration,

b/ criminal offences of illicit trafficking in arms, explosives, strategic materials, ecological crimes including illicit trafficking in toxical chemicals and radioactive materials,

c/ criminal offences of thefts and smuggling of motor traffic means and things of cultural and historical value,

d/ other criminal offences, if the Contracting Parties agree with it.

(2) The Contracting Parties shall cooperate in the fields referred to in section 1 of this Article by:

a/ a systematic, detailed and timely delivery of information and data on different forms of organized crime and its combat, upon the request of the other Contracting Party or upon its own initiative,

b/ an ongoing and mutual updating of information on possible emergencies caused by organized crime, as well as on a technique and organization of the combat, agreed-on exchange of experts and schedule of mutual training courses, focused on specific investigative procedures and used operational techniques,

c/ a mutual exchange of legal instruments, expert, scientific and educational publications on combating organized crime as well as samples of technical equipment of personal protection used in police interventions,

d/ a search and study of the causes, structure, origin and dynamics of organized crime and its forms.

Article 5

(1) A direct and operative co-operation in concrete fields shall, according to this Agreement, be performed by the relevant bodies of the ministries of interior of both Contracting Parties and the Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic which are authorized to conclude protocols and programmes of co-operation.

(2) The Contracting Parties shall inform each other through diplomatic channels, after this Agreement comes into force, of the relevant bodies referred to in section 1 of this Article with their contact addresses, telephone and fax numbers.

Article 6

(1) The expenses due to implementation of cooperation under this Agreement shall be borne by the Contracting Parties on the basis of mutual advantage principle, unless the Contracting Parties agree otherwise.

(2) The expenses related to organization of practical courses under this Agreement shall be borne by the sending Contracting Party and expenses related to accommodation, catering and necessary medical treatment shall be borne by the receiving Contracting Party.

Article 7

(1) The Contracting Party may refuse any request for co-operation or assistance, if that would threaten sovereignty or security of its State, other relevant concerns or if that would contravene its national legislation.

(2) When refusing a request for co-operation or assistance, the other Contracting Party shall announce it with an explanation, without any delay, to the requesting Contracting Party.

Article 8

(1) The Contracting Party that requests delivery of an information shall respect the necessary conditions of manipulation with confidential information. This shall be done with regard to internal legal rules of the states of the Contracting Parties that safeguard data protection of persons of the State of the delivering Contracting Party.

(2) When carrying out a request the legislation of that country shall be applied to which the request is addressed.

(3) Received data and information may be used solely for the purposes relating to the data delivery according to this Agreement. The delivery and receipt of the data are recorded.

(4) The material and information obtained in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement may be delivered to a third party solely on a written approval of the Contracting Party which delivered it.

(5) In urgent cases, request and information may be sent verbally. Any request or information delivered verbally shall be immediately confirmed in written form.

(6) When exchanging information under this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall use their best efforts to ensure that information is true, complete and timely.

Article 9

(1) Any disputes between the Contracting Parties, which could emerge in the course of implementation of this Agreement, shall be solved through negotiations between the Contracting Parties.

(2) For a coordination, assessment of the co-operation under this Agreement a mutual Commission of representatives of the Contracting Parties may be established. The members of Commission referred to in section 1 shall be named by Ministers of the Interior of both Contracting Parties for each Commission separately.

Article 10

The present Agreement does not affect any obligations binding the Contracting Parties in other international documents.

Article 11

(1) This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.

(2) Either Contracting Party may terminate this Agreement unilaterally in writing via diplomatic channels. This Agreement shall cease to have force ninety (90) days after the day of the delivery of the notice of the termination by the other Contracting Party.

(3) Any amendment or alteration of this Agreement agreed-on by the Contracting Parties, shall come into force on the date of delivery of the latter diplomatic notification.

Article 12

The present Agreement shall be subject to approval in accordance with national legislation of both Contracting Parties. This Agreement shall come into force on the date of delivery of the latter notification on its approval.

Done at Riga on this day of 24th May 1999 in two original copies in Latvian, Slovak and English languages, all of which are authentic. In case of any disagreement in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.


On behalf of the Government On behalf of the Government
of the Republic of Latvia of the Slovak Republic
Roberts Jurdžs Pavla Hamzika
Minister of Interior Deputy Prime Minister
on European Integration Affairs