Memorandum Of Understanding Between The Ministry Of Defence Of The Republic Of Estonia, The Ministry Of Defence Of The Republic Of Latvia And The Ministry Of National Defence Of The Republic Of Lithuania Concerning The Operation, Administration And Funding Of The Baltic Defence College
Section 1
1.1 In accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Estonia, the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania concerning the Baltic Defence College, signed in Brussels on June the 12th, 1998, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania, in the following referred to as the Participants, have reached the following understanding concerning the operation, administration and funding of the Baltic Defence College.
1.2 The mission of the Senior Staff Course is to educate and further the personal and professional development of mid career officers of the armed forces of the Baltic States.
1.3 The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish policies, procedures and arrangements between the Participants for their mutual support to the establishment, operation and funding of the Baltic Defence College.
1.4 The provisions of this MOU do not intend to conflict with the national laws of the Participants, or with international law. If conflicts arise the interested States and authorities will be notified and international law, the current international agreements or national laws of the Participants will prevail.
1.5 The provisions of this MOU are completed by Annexes A to C, which are part of the MOU.
Section 2
2.1 "Baltic Defence College" (BALTDEFCOL) means the institution established by the Agreement, and, operated, administered and funded in accordance with this MOU, and in the support period, in accordance with the MOU concerning the co-operation in the establishment, operation, administration and initial funding and secondment of staff to a Baltic Defence College in the Republic of Estonia, signed in Brussels on the 12th of June 1998, and in the following referred to as MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL.
2.2 "Supporting States" means those states who in accordance with the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL will provide support to the establishment and to the initial funding and secondment of staff to BALTDEFCOL, as laid down in the said MOU.
2.3 "The Baltic Defence College Board" (the Board) means the forum which is established in accordance with Section 5, paragraph 1, of the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL.
2.4 "The Baltic Defence College Education Board" (the Education Board) means the forum, which is established in accordance with Section 3, paragraph 2, of this MOU.
2.5 "Hosting Participant" means the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia.
2.6 "Host Nation" means the Participant, on whose territory BALTDEFCOL activities are conducted.
2.7 "Host Nation Support" means the support rendered by a Host Nation to BALTDEFCOL in accordance with this MOU and the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL.
2.8 "Project Plan" means the milestones, proposed by BALTDEFCOL and approved by the Board, for the establishment, development and operation of BALTDEFCOL within the lifetime of the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL. It may be updated annually.
2.9 "Activity Plan" means the annual outline of events and activities, proposed by BALTDEFCOL and approved by the Education Board, which will be conducted by BALTDEFCOL in accordance with the milestones identified in the Project Plan. It will be updated annually and will form the basis for budgeting.
2.10 "Programme of Support" means the outline of assistance that will be provided by the Participants and the Supporting States enabling the Project and Activity Plans to be achieved, within the lifetime of the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL. Assistance will be co-ordinated by the Chairman of the Board, and the Programme of Support will be issued by the Board on an annual basis.
Section 3
3.1 The Participants and the Supporting States have established the Baltic Defence College Board, which will be responsible for the overall direction of the Baltic Defence College. The tasks of the Board are set out in the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL, and in the Terms of Reference for the Board, enclosed to the said MOU.
3.2 To facilitate close co-operation in the ongoing development of BALTDEFCOL courses, student administration and activities, the Participants establish the Baltic Defence College Education Board. The Terms of Reference of the Education Board are set out in Annex A.
3.3 BALTDEFCOL is headed by a Commandant. The responsibilities of the Commandant are laid down in Section 12 of this MOU and in the Terms of Reference set out in Annex C. The post of the Commandant of the Baltic Defence College will, in principle and unless otherwise agreed, rotate among the Participants. The procedures for appointment and rotation period are laid down in Annex B.
3.4 Educational and administrative standards at BALTDEFCOL will be inspected annually.
Section 4
4.1 BALTDEFCOL will each year conduct a Senior Staff Course, and as far as practicable, a parallel Advanced Civil Service Course. Both courses will last 10 1/2 months, from mid-August to end of June. In accordance with the Agreement, the first BALTDEFCOL course will be conducted from mid-August 1999.
4.2 The aim of the Senior Staff Course is to qualify the students to serve in policy-making and long term planning staff officer positions in the national main staffs and ministries of defence as appropriate as well as in Baltic projects and in international staffs that work according to NATO procedures and formats. The course will prepare the students for later command of formations at infantry brigade and military region level.
4.3 The aim of the Advanced Civil Service Course is to improve the skills of the students as policy advisors and provide an understanding of the role of civil servants in the field of defence and security policy.
4.4 Course vacancies, agreed by the Participants, are in principle distributed between the Participants on the basis of 1/3 to each. In case a Participant finds it impossible to allocate the agreed number of students with the agreed background and qualifications, the vacant place will be offered to the other Participants as agreed by the Education Board. Any wish from a Participant to send more than the agreed number of students must be approved by the Education Board
4.5 Courses at BALTDEFCOL will be open to students from other States, subject to prior approval of the Participants. The Hosting Participant will conclude all necessary administrative arrangements, reflecting, inter alia, the status of the personnel, fees and costs to be paid, as well as accommodation and facilities to be provided. In case an administrative arrangement affects the relationship between any other Participant and any other State, the arrangement will be referred to that Participant for approval.
Section 5
5.1 The English language is the working language of BALTDEFCOL, and will be used in teaching at BALTDEFCOL, except in agreed parts of the national teaching of administration.
Section 6
6.1 The selection of the students is a national responsibility of the Participants. The principles for student selection and security clearance are laid down in Annex C and Section 13, which will guide the selection of students.
6.2 The criteria and procedures for return of students to their own forces or structures during a course will be laid down by the Education Board. Procedures will always include a close consultation with the Participant concerned and the respective National Representative.
Section 7
7.1 The Hosting Participant will make the facilities listed in the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL available to BALTDEFCOL, until their availability is revoked.
7.2 The Participants will render Host Nation Support in accordance with Section 10 and Annex D to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL to BALTDEFCOL courses and groups of students from BALTDEFCOL, when training outside BALTDEFCOL location is conducted in accordance with the Activity Plan. The Host Nation Support will be rendered within the standards of the facility visited, towards both students and staff.
7.3 Further support deemed necessary by the Commandant, and agreed in the Board, will be provided by either of the Participants and calculated in accordance with Section 11.
Section 8
8.1 The Activity Plan, developed and submitted by BALTDEFCOL for the approval of the Education Board, will include a list of the activities to be held either on the territories of the Participants or outside the territory of the Participants, including an estimate of the costs of the activities. The Activity Plan will be submitted to the Board for information.
8.2 The training of the students will normally take place at the location of BALTDEFCOL. Training outside BALTDEFCOL location will be conducted in accordance with the Activity Plan.
8.3 BALTDEFCOL will obtain appropriate approval in advance from either of the Participants before conducting or directing activities in connection to the co-operation within BALTDEFCOL on the territory of the Participants concerned.
Section 9
9.1 The posts to be manned at BALTDEFCOL are reflected in Annex D, Appendix 2, to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL. The manning of posts will, for as long as the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL is in effect, be as set out in the Project Plan and in the Programme of Support. The gradual replacement of Supporting States personnel will be determined alongside with the development of the Project Plan.
9.2 The Participants are responsible for timely and adequate preparation, posting and rotation of personnel.
Section 10
10.1 The Hosting Participant will, if requested, assist in finding appropriate accommodation for personnel, seconded by the Participants to BALTDEFCOL staff in accordance with the Project Plan.
10.2 The accommodation and facilities to be provided to the Supporting States permanent staff and visiting lecturers, are laid down in the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL.
10.3 Students, assigned by the Participants and who are employed by one of the Participants, will, subject to request, each have a one room flat (minimum 25 m2) with toilet and bathroom made available by the Hosting Participant on a reimbursement basis.
10.4 Personnel, assigned to the staff by the Participants in accordance with the Manning Table, visiting lecturer's and students will be ensured access to messing facilities. The costs of messing will be borne in accordance with Annex D to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL.
10.5 When outside BALTDEFCOL location according to the Activity Plan, but on the territory of a Participant, the Host Nation will, on request from BALTDEFCOL, make Host Nation Support available in accordance with Annex D to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL. Costs sharing and reimbursement will be as determined in Section 11 and Annex D to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL. BALTDEFCOL will, not later than 30 days prior to the start of activities agreed in the Activity Plan, notify the involved Host Nation about the specific and detailed need for support, including the requirements for border crossing.
Section 11
11.1 BALTDEFCOL financial and accounting provisions are determined in the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL.
11.2 For as long as the MOU concerning support of BALTDEFCOL is in force, the funding of BALTDEFCOL will be based on the Project Plan and the Programme of Support.
11.3 The costs incurred for personnel provided by Participants, and students from Participants to BALTDEFCOL will be borne by the respective Participant. This includes costs of salaries, accommodation and of travels to and from BALTDEFCOL, including allowances.
11.4 The following operating costs will as principle and unless otherwise determined be shared among the Participants by 1/3:
• Costs related to BALTDEFCOL employment of administrative staff, as set out in Annex D to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL
• Inventory and office supplies
• Electricity, heating and water, waste disposal, telephone and cleaning in offices and rooms in BALTDEFCOL facilities in Riia 12, Tartu, Estonia
• Flags, maps, signs and badges
If equivalent operating costs, connected to the administration and operation of BALTDEFCOL and not linked to the course activities, are identified, such costs will, unless otherwise agreed by the Participants, be shared as set out above.
11.5 If costs arise as a result of claims, contractual as well as non-contractual (unless such claims are covered by applicable Status of Forces arrangements), the Participants will immediately enter into consultation.
11.6 The following operating costs will as principle and unless otherwise determined by the Participants, be paid as course fees in proportion to the value of the arranged and allocated course vacancies:
• External lecturers (as authorised by the budget)
• Staff participation in seminars (as authorised by the budget)
• Study tours and exercises (as determined in the Activity Plan and authorised by the budget)
• Training aids, subscription to magazines and supplementation of the library (as authorised by the budget)
• Petrol, oil and lubricants (POL) (as determined in the Activity Plan and authorised by the budget)
11.7 If equivalent operating costs, linked to the course activities and not connected to the administration and operation of BALTDEFCOL, are identified, the Participants will enter into consultations.
11.8 If a Participants fails to fill its allocated course vacancies or if a student leaves the course early, and if such course vacancies are not filled, the failing Participant will be charged for course fee, accommodation and other operating costs on the basis of the allocated course vacancies. If a Participant takes up more course vacancies than originally allocated to it, this Participant will be charged on the basis of the value of the course vacancies actually used.
11.9 The Hosting Participant is responsible for the administration and utilisation of the buildings and permanent fixtures made available to BALTDEFCOL, as set out in Annex D to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL. External maintenance of fixed buildings will be provided by the Hosting Participant free of charge.
11.10 BALTDEFCOL Board will decide upon the need to modify, supplement or replace the equipment owned by BALTDEFCOL or made available by the Participants, for the successful operation of BALTDEFCOL. The costs will be shared on a case-by-case basis.
Costs connected to decisions made in accordance with Annex D to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL, concerning modifications, extensions or supplementation of the buildings and facilities made available to BALTDEFCOL will be shared on a case-by-case basis.
11.11 Participation of any other State:
a) Other States (including Supporting States) will be charged for course vacancies made available to them in the form of course fees.
b) If any other State fails to fill in an allocated course vacancy, it will be handled in accordance with Section 11, paragraph 8.
11.12 The provisions concerning BALTDEFCOL budget cycle, approval, conclusion and audit of the budget and payments are determined in the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL, Annex C.
11.13 Upon the termination of this MOU or other disposition of any assets acquired from BALTDEFCOL budget, and except in so far the Participants decide otherwise:
a) any assets acquired from BALTDEFCOL budget and no longer required by BALTDEFCOL, will be disposed of only under arrangements approved by the Participants and the proceeds will be distributed among or credited to the Participants in the proportions in which they have contributed to BALTDEFCOL budget. The Hosting Participant will have a prior right to acquire any immovable property so disposed of in its territory provided that it offers terms no less favourable than those offered by any third party;
b) any land, buildings or fixed installations provided for the use of BALTDEFCOL by the Hosting Participant without charge to BALTDEFCOL (other than a nominal charge) and no longer required by BALTDEFCOL will be handed back to the Hosting Participant, and any increase or loss in the value of the property, so provided by the Hosting Participant, resulting from its use by BALTDEFCOL, will be determined by the Participants, taking into consideration applicable law of the Hosting Participant, and distributed among the Participants in the proportions in which they have contributed to BALTDEFCOL budget;
c) donated equipment will be handled in accordance with the documents of transfer, by which it has been donated to BALTDEFCOL. In case no specific requirements are governing the transfer, the equipment will be disposed of only under arrangements approved by the Participants.
Section 12
12.1 The Commandant of BALTDEFCOL will be appointed in accordance with Section 3, paragraph 3. The Commandant is responsible to his national chain of command for national matters. The Commandants national responsibilities will be laid down in a national instruction. The Commandants responsibilities related to the international elements of BALTDEFCOL are specified in the Terms of Reference as laid down in Annex B to this MOU.
12.2 All personnel assigned to BALTDEFCOL by the Participants will work under the supervision of the Commandant. The Commandant will give directions to all military personnel, appointed as staff or students or otherwise to BALTDEFCOL, as far as the operation of BALTDEFCOL, military orderliness within BALTDEFCOL and its training activities are concerned (see Annex B).
12.3 Recruited civilian support personnel working in BALTDEFCOL will come under the general supervision of the Commandant.
12.4 Those Participants, who are not represented through the Commandant, will appoint a National Representative, through whom administrative and disciplinary authority over the respective personnel will be exercised. Before initiating any disciplinary action against any student, the Commandant will be consulted. Any disciplinary action involving staff members will only take place after discussion in the Education Board.
12.5 The Course Director and other Directing Staff members will have the authority to issue instructions on professional matters to the students.
12.6 Job descriptions will be developed by the Commandant and forwarded to the Board for approval. The Commandant will be authorised to employ recruited staff in accordance with decisions of the Board.
Section 13
13.1 All classified information exchanged or generated in connection with this MOU will be used, transmitted, stored, handled and safeguarded in accordance with the applicable national security laws and regulations of the receiving Participant. All classified information generated at BALTDEFCOL will be considered as a classified information generated by the Hosting Participant. Classified information will be protected at BALTDEFCOL pursuant to the national laws of the Hosting Participant and the following provisions.
13.2 The security provisions set out in the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL will apply between the Participants.
Section 14
14.1 The Commandant will agree with the Participants on an information policy.
Section 15
15.1 This MOU will come into effect on the date of its last signature. If this MOU is signed previous to the entry into force of the Agreement, the MOU will have effect from the date of which the Agreement enters into force.
15.2 This MOU will remain in effect for an unlimited period of time. In case the Agreement is terminated, this MOU will cease to be in force.
15.3 This MOU may be amended by the Participants at any time by mutual consent; such amendments will be in writing.
15.4 Any Participant may withdraw from the MOU by giving 6 months' notice in writing to the other Participants. If one of the Participants withdraw from the MOU, the Participants will initiate immediate negotiations in order to achieve consensus on burden sharing of current expenses related to the withdrawal from the MOU.
15.5 This MOU may be terminated by unanimous decision of the Participants. If the Participants decide to terminate the MOU, the Participants will initiate immediate negotiations in order to achieve consensus on burden sharing of current expenses related to the termination.
15.6 All disputes between the Participants, related to the interpretation or application of this MOU will be settled by negotiation.
Signed in 1 (one) original, in the Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and English language, in Kaunas on December 11, 1998, all being equally authentic. In case of different interpretation the English version will prevail. The original MOU will be held by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia, which on its side will transmit a certified copy to the Participants.
Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis Andrus Öövel Česlovas Stankevičius
Minister of Defence Minister of Defence Minister of National Defence
of the Republic of Latvia of the Republic of Estonia of the Republic of Lithuania
Annex A
Terms Of Reference
Of The Baltic Defence College Education Board
1.1 The following applies to representation at the Education Board:
1.2 Representatives are nominated by the Participants to this MOU. Each of the Participants is representing one vote in the Education Board.
1.3 Each Representative may be advised by national experts, who may take part in any discussions at the Education Board or in subordinate meetings.
1.4 The Commandant of BALTDEFCOL will participate in the Education Board meetings without any vote.
1.5 Supporting States will be invited to become observers to the Education Board meetings.
2.1 The Chairmanship will be rotated annually on 1st July between the Participants.
The order of rotation will be in alphabetical order. The posts as Chairman of the Education Board and Chairman of Baltic Defence College Board will be held by different nationalities.
2.2 The Education Board will determine its own organisation and internal rules whilst abiding by the following general principles:
a. The Education Board will meet regularly at such intervals as necessary to carry out its responsibilities and as soon as possible in response to a specific request by any Representative, by the Chairman, or by the Commandant.
b. All decisions for the Education Board will be agreed by consensus among the Participants.
2.3 The Education Board can, as necessary, establish subordinate working groups for the detailed work in specific areas.
2.4 The Chairmanship will be responsible for:
a. Preparation and conduct of the Education Board meetings.
b. Referring matters to the Education Board for decision in between the Education Board meetings, as necessary.
c. Liaison with the Commandant on Education, disciplinary and administrative matters between the Education Board meetings.
d. Recording the Education Board meetings.
e. Collecting the reports from the Participants authorities routine inspections and evaluation visits to BALTDEFCOL and its courses. Thereafter editing these into an Annual Report.
3.1 The working language of the Education Board is English.
4.1 The Education Board will, as its primary role, facilitate close co-operation in the ongoing development of BALTDEFCOL courses, student administration and activities. The Education Board will:
a) Develop education standards and goals,
b) be the forum for the co-ordination of administrative matters related to BALTDEFCOL,
c) approve the Activity Plan, submitted by the Commandant of BALTDEFCOL on 1st March. This plan will, inter alia, include an outline plan for the activities to be held outside Tartu. Approval of the Activity Plan will be issued not later than 1st June. The agreed Activity Plan will be forwarded to the Baltic Defence College Board for information, and will be enclosed in the Project Plan,
d) identify and distribute course vacancies between the Participants, in accordance with the provisions set out in this MOU, and to non-Participants, when so decided. The Education Board will be notified of any failure as to send the agreed number of students. Decisions as to admitting a Participant to send more than the agreed number students will be approved by the Education Board,
e) be responsible for the up-dating of student selection criteria,
f) be responsible for establishing and up-dating of the criteria and procedures governing the return of students to their own forces and structures during a course. Such procedures will be developed in accordance with the provisions of this MOU and the Agreement,
g) develop the procedures and guidelines for the annual evaluation of the educational and administrative standards at BALTDEFCOL
h) send the Annual Report covering the courses ending in June that year - not later than 1st November - to BALTDEFCOL and for information, to the Baltic Defence College Board.
5.1 Hosting of the Education Board meetings will, in principle, be rotated between the Participants.
6.1 Costs related to meetings of the Education Board will be shared in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania on co-operation in the fields of defence and military relations, signed in Vilnius on the 27th of February 1995.
The host will cover the costs related to the participation of observers, except travel, hotel and living costs.
Annex B
Terms Of Reference
For The Commandant Of The Baltic Defence College
1. Responsibilities
1.1 The Commandant is responsible to the Baltic Defence College Board (the Board) and to the Baltic Defence College Education Board (the Education Board) for:
a) The quality and cost-effective conduct and constant development of the education in the scheduled courses in accordance with the overall guidelines established by the Board and the Education Board,
b) the development and submission of a proposal for the Project Plan to the Board for approval (to be submitted not later than 1st of January),
c) the development and issue of an annual White Paper on BALTDEFCOL achievements in the past year and future aims (to be issued not later than 1st February),
d) the development and submission of a proposed Activity Plan to the Education Board (to be submitted for the Education Board approval not later than 1st of March),
e) the development and submission of detailed provisions to the Board for the financial and accounting procedures to be implemented at BALTDEFCOL,
f) the development and submission of budget proposals for the Board, (to be submitted for approval not later than the 1st of March, prior to the start of the next Budget Year),
g) assisting in the revision and auditing of the budget, in order to submit a final account for auditing (to be submitted not later than the 1st of February after the end of the Budget Year),
h) assisting in the co-operation between BALTDEFCOL and national institutions for military education as well as other common school projects. This includes setting educational standards in key fields on request of such an institution,
i) the implementation of decisions made by the Board and the Education Board,
j) contributing to the evaluation and development of educational standards as set out by the Education Board,
k) the use of the allocated staff and other resources in the agreed way,
l) the development of the use of the directing staff. If necessary, this will be followed by a review of Job Descriptions that will be submitted to the Board for approval,
m) referring any problems in the international support and other co-operation, which may arise between the meetings in the Board, to the chairman of the Board,
n) referring any problems in the educational and administrative field, which may arise between meetings in the Education Board, to the involved Participant or to the chairman of the Education Board,
o) referring any problems in the disciplinary field to the Participant concerned, and, in case of matters of principle, to the Education Board,
p) the maintenance of the BALTDEFCOL Information and Recruitment Folder in co-operation with the Participants,
q) contributing to the development of the student selection criteria through the Education Board,
r) any other activity of BALTDEFCOL.
1.2 The Commandant is furthermore responsible for representing BALTDEFCOL, and for the external and internal co-ordination at BALTDEFCOL as follows:
a) The Commandant will represent BALTDEFCOL at the meetings in the Board and in the Education Board,
b) the Commandant will establish and chair monthly, formal co-operation meetings with representatives of the students, directing staff and administration and support structures,
c) the Commandant will, in co-ordination with the Board and with the Education Board, within their respective areas of responsibility, facilitate the liaison between BALTDEFCOL and the Baltic Participants and their relevant national authorities, and the Supporting Participants,
d) the Commandant is responsible for the co-ordination of directives of the Board and the Education Board with Estonian legislation and regulations, as applicable to BALTDEFCOL,
e) the Commandant is responsible for announcement and co-ordination of BALTDEFCOL activities to be conducted in territories outside the vicinity of Tartu in accordance with the Activity Plan.
2. Teaching Responsibility
2.1 The Commandant will contribute as a teacher in the area of his/her professional background.
3. Command relations
3.1 The Commandant's national responsibilities will be laid down in a separate national instruction.
3.2 If the Commandant is provided by one of the Participants, the Commandant has administrative control over the military permanent staff of his/her own nationality and students of his/her own nationality. He/she has direct disciplinary authority over the servicemen of his/her own nationality who answer directly to him. The recruited civilian support personnel working at BALTDEFCOL will come under his/her general supervision.
3.3 All other personnel assigned to BALTDEFCOL by the Participants, attending courses at BALTDEFCOL, acting as permanent or temporary staff, or participating in exercises or other activities organised by BALTDEFCOL, will come under the supervision of the Commandant.
3.4 The Commandant will give directions to all military personnel, appointed as staff or students or otherwise to BALTDEFCOL, as far as the operation of BALTDEFCOL, military orderliness within BALTDEFCOL and its training activities are concerned.
3.5 The Commandant will, on behalf of BALTDEFCOL, employ personnel according to Annex D to the MOU concerning support to BALTDEFCOL.
4. Appointment and rotation
4.1 Appointment of the Commandant of BALTDEFCOL, being a national responsibility, will prior to the appointment be approved by the Participants.
4.2 Rotation of the Commandant will be agreed between the Participants. The post of Commandant will in principle rotate between the Participants every third year. The rotation will be staggered with one year from the rotation of the Deputy Commandant, and will be initiated between two courses.
Annex C
Student Selection Criteria
Candidates for the Senior Staff Course - in its initial form - must be commissioned officers and should meet the following criteria in order to get the maximum of the education program. The typical candidate
• is between 28-33 years old;
• has completed secondary education and has probably started studies at the university level;
• has received military education on the level of basic officer training, and has supplemented this education with shorter or longer courses - and additional service - at home or abroad;
• has shown willingness, eagerness and aptitude for learning during service and in service-related contacts;
• has shown an aptitude for foreign languages when exposed to such an opportunity;
• is known and respected in his unit or staff as an officer with the ability to get things done, to organise independently of instructions, to use new ways of doing things, and as an officer who takes responsibility for his own actions and the actions of those subordinate to him.
In 3-4 years the above profile will have changed in the following way. The officer will be required to have formal military academy background, and must speak/write English at nothing less than the "fair" level.
In 5-8 years the profile will change again in the respect that the officer will arrive with second level/junior staff officer education from a national or foreign school. The average age will have increased by a few years.
C ivil servant candidates for the Advanced Civil Servant Course should typically:
• be 25-30 years old;
• have the same education background as the typical officer listed above;
• have shown a clear ability to learn - and work in - the English language;
• have worked in the ministry for 2-3 years and have gained a reputation for getting things done.
In 3-4 years the above profile will change. Advanced Civil Servant Course candidates will be required to have an academic degree, the average age will be a couple of years higher, and longer work experience will be required.
Criteria - listed in priority Remarks
1) Volunteer The student will be exposed to such tough demands in
regard to changing/developing attitudes - and in regard
to hard work - that he/she will have to be an honest volunteer.
2) Professional • Senior Staff Course: Substantial (more than 11/2 years),
experience good service as company commander at battalion - or
higher - staff position (or the equivalent background
from other organisations or armed services). This differs
from the Baltic States "Common Position" level of
commander/chief of staff of a regular or volunteer
battalion. However, this higher level will limit the group
of possible candidates to such a small number, there will
not be a proper pool to select from. The Company
Commander experience level is in line with recruiting
criteria of Western forces.
• Advanced Civil Servant Course: Substantial (more than
1 1/2 years) good work as desk officer in a Defence (or
other relevant) Ministry.
3) Learning and A clearly demonstrated will and ability to learn and
development potential develop.
4) Personality • A good capability to co-operate with other people.
Characteristics • Honesty.
• A demonstrated capability for hard work.
5) Ability to learn the • The ability to understand written and spoken English
English language up must be at "Minimum Professional Level" prior to the
to (close to) start of the courses.
"Minimum • The ability to speak English should be close to
Professional Level" "Minimum Professional Level" prior to the start of the courses.
prior to the start of • The ability to write English should be better than the
the courses. "fair" level prior to the start of the course.
6) Age In principle, students should not be more than 40 years
of age prior to the start of the course.
7) Initial English level Equally qualified students should be graded for suitability
according to their English language skills.
8) Formal Professional • As agreed in the "Common Position" the education in
Training the Senior Staff Course will - during the first years -
compensate for lack of formal military (academy) training
by the planned content and pedagogic format.
• Civilian academic background may be considered
relevant in the selection.
• Existing formal military academy background could be
used as a guide for the post course posting (e.g. academy
background for somebody earmarked to be chief of staff
of a military region or teacher in an officer training
establishment). However, the Senior Staff Course is also
aimed at developing good leading administrators,
intelligence staff, and logisticians, etc., and these may
have less need for a full formal academy background.