Agreement Between The Ministry Of Defence Of The Slovak Republic And The Ministry Of Defence Of The Republic Of Latvia On Military Co-Operation
The Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter "the Parties")
proceeding from the current military-political situation, and from striving of countries and international institutions to contribute to reinforcing security and peace throughout the world by diplomacy,
with a wish to develop bilateral cooperation which would strengthen friendly relationship fully observing human rights, sovereignty, equality of rights, and other guarantees of both countries,
supporting the process of reaching the agreement and the process of establishment of understanding and tolerance between two countries, the process of maintaining their internal legislation system, International Law and customs,
acknowledging need of mutually advantageous co-operation,
have reached following Agreement:
Article 1
Fields of co-operation
Co-operation between the Parties, based on principles of equality of rights, partnership, and mutual benefit, will be developed in following fields:
1. Consultation in the field of defence, security, and military policy issues, strengthening of security and confidence throughout the world.
2. Exchange of opinions and informations concerning building up the Armed Forces, and international peace operations.
3. Organizational structure of the Armed Forces and its command structure.
4. Qualification and professional requirements for appointment to military positions.
5. Exchange of expertise related to military science, technical development, operation, maintaining and repairing of military equipment.
6. Communication and information systems in the Armed Forces, interoperability issues.
7. Environmental protection within military installations.
8. Peacetime activity of the Armed Forces, deployment of the Armed Forces in case of emergency.
9. Education in military training facilities.
10. Exchange of expertise in the field of military health care.
11. Publishing and film producing activities.
12. In other fields in terms of mutual agreement.
Article 2
Forms of co-operation
1. The Parties shall specify basic fields of cooperation in implementation protocols, in accordance with this Agreement.
2. On the basis of this Agreement, one-year plans of bilateral cooperation will be worked out.
3. The details of bilateral cooperation have been arranged as follows:
3.1. Drafts of plans of bilateral co-operation for the next year are to be exchanged between the Parties prior to September 15th of the current year.
3.2. Approval of drafts and elaboration of final version of a one-year plan will be done by joint working group of both Parties, alternatively in both countries. The deadline of preparation of the plan is October 15th of the current year.
3.3. Every one-year plan of bilateral co-operation will define forms of participation, timing, places and authorities in charge of any particular event.
3.4. Drafts of plans and correspondence pertaining to preparation and implementation of intentions will be exchanged through defence attach?s of the Parties.
4. In fields mentioned in Article 1, the Parties will cooperate mainly in following forms:
4.1. meetings of Ministers of Defence, Chiefs of the General Staffs, Commanders-in-chief and their deputies, or other representatives of both Parties,
4.2. visits by staff officers and specialists,
4.3. meetings of representatives of military institutions, cooperation between military units,
4.4. reciprocal visits including acquaintance with equipment, arms and ways of military training,
4.5. visits by Air Force officers,
4.6. exchange of instructors between military education facilities,
4.7. discussions, consultations, meetings, participation in courses, symposia and conferences,
4.8. exchange of newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals,
4.9. visits by sport teams and culture collectives.
5. The working group will evaluate the results of the last year co-operation, while working out one-year plan of bilateral cooperation, which will take place alternatively in the territory of one of the Parties.
The results of evaluation will be submitted by the Ministers of Defence of both countries.
Article 3
Financial support of co-operation
1. Financial support of the events organized within the framework of military co-operation, are to be provided by both Parties on the basis of reciprocity.
2. The Hosting Party will pay for:
2.1. accommodation, meals, transportation at the territory of its country,
2.2. facilities for conferences, symposia, and other working meetings,
2.3. interpretation into the language accepted by the Visiting and Receiving Party.
3. The Hosting Party will secure:
3.1. if necessary medical aid and health care of members of delegation in military or civilian facility, all expenses for medical care being paid by the Visiting Party,
3.2. in case of death of a member of a delegation related documentation and transportation to the respected country, the cost will be paid by Visiting Party.
4. The Visiting Party will provide at its expenses:
4.1. stay of a delegation in a hosting country, excluding exceptions in terms of this Agreement,
4.2. transportation to beforehand defined place, at which a delegation enter Receiving country and back unless this Agreement stipulates otherwise,
4.3. pocket money for period of stay,
4.4. medical insurance abroad,
4.5. documents required by Receiving country's authorities for entering its country,
5. Other expenditure which may arise out of this Agreement in particular fields of co-operation, will be paid in terms of mutual agreement between the Parties, except cases subject to a special agreement.
Article 4
Concluding provisions
1. This Agreement will enter into force upon signature.
2. This Agreement is concluded for 5 years, its validity being automatically renewed for the next 5 years, unless either of the Parties will terminate the Agreement at least 6 months before expiration of its validity.
3. This Agreement can be changed or amended only with written consent of both Parties.
Done in Riga, Latvia on 28 November, 2000 in two originals in Slovak, Latvian, and English language, all three versions being equally authentic. In case of different interpretation, the English version will prevail.
For the Ministry For the Ministry
of Defence of Defence
of the Slovak Republic of the Republic of Latvia